The Swarthmorean, 1932-11 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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f:T:U"'thmore College Library S71a.rthmore~ Fa. Vol. IV, No. 44 Swarthmore, Pa., November 4, 1932 $2 • .50 Per Year PLAYERS'CLUB Party Leaders of Conflicting Borough Make Claims of Strength DEMOCRATIC RALLY VOTE ON LIBRARY TAX RATE AGAIN AT WHITTIER HOUSE TO OPEN SEASON Will Present Revival of "The Thirteenth Chair" as No­vember Production < • From now until next Tuesday night the (Jail of the College faculty which out when the 1)OIIs close at 7 o'clock, Swarth- of 54 votes cast, gave Thomas, the So­more along with the rest of the country cialist candidate for President, Z/, Hoo­will think of little else than the election. \'er 17, Roosevelt 8, and Upshaw, pro- The members of the Democratic party in Swarthmore began to show some ac­tion this week with several meetings call­ed for this week-end. Question . on Ballot Proposes Reduction of Tax From FORMER STARS REAPPEAR The schedule of meetings for the week- hibition candidate, 2. end includes a Republican parade and A poll of the student body brought rally tonight at the High school audi- forth the results shown in the accom­torium, a Democratic rally at the same panying table. The principal Democratic rally of • the campaign in Swarthmore will be held Friday evening at the Friends' Meeting House on the College eampus at 8 :15. The principal address will be given by Franklin Fisher Kane. ~ to ~ Mill PRESENT TAX COMMENDED The Players' Club of Swarthmore will open its twenty-second season with a revival of "The Thirteenth Chair," Bayard Veiller's three-act mystery play, on Monday, November 7, 8 :30 p. m., at their Clubhouse and continue for five nights under the direction of Ro­land G. E. Ullman and J. William Sim- 1I10ns. As in the original production of this play in December, 1921, the leading roles will be played by Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman and John Dolman, Jr. It may be recalled by some that both these Players acquitted themselves in a splendid fashion in that first produc­tion eleven years ago, and it is ex­pected they will surpass their previous time at Whittier House, and a three- Republican workers, however, fee I llarty debate ,of ~ollege pn;>fess!lrs and confident that Hoover will poll equally stud~nts at Clotlller .Memonal Saturday as large a vote this year in Swarthmore evell1n~., I as he did in 1928. They believe that most LOUl~ C~le Emmons,. mal~ager. of the. of the Socialists were formerly Demo­Roosevelt- Garner campaign 1ll tins coun- crats and that many people who voted t!, stated yesterday that he expected Socialist in a straw vote will vote for Swarthmore to ~ in . line W~tll the rest Hoover on Tuesday. of the c?l1ln~UJlltles 111 puttmg ~ver.a An article appearing in last week's DemocratIc victory for the first time III SllJ(JrtlllllOrca,~ brought forth consider­m~. n~ years. able criticism this week from Republi­H Chee~-ull, only three more months of cans: This was the statement that six A large mass meeting for the Demo­cratic candidates will also be held at Playland, 69th and Chestnut street~, Up­per Darby, at 8 p. m. It will be preceded by a parade. Among the speakers will be Mayor James M. Curley of Boston, Mrs. Graham Dougherty, former presi­dent of the \Vomen's Organization for the Repeal of the 18th Amendment, with Mrs. Nicholas Roosevelt, delegate-at­large at the National Convention, presid­ing. The local question of greatest interest on the ballot at the election next Tues­day will be whether or not the present half-mill library tax shall be retained or reduced to one-quarter mill. In a statement in last week's Swart/I-­/ IIorcau the Library Board asked the people to vote "No" to this question. The question is worded negatively on the ballot and if the voter pulls the lever over "No" it means that he is voting for the continuation of the present half-mill tax. If he pulls the lever over "yes," he is voting for the reduction in the tax from one-half to one-quarter mill. ~ver:. Swarthmore professors and one former A hv~ donkey IS better than a dead professor werc among the nation's 180 c1~~lhant, leading economists who signed a petition Herbe~~ Hoover-the forgotten man to President Hoov<!r asking him to use on ~ov. 9 . his power "to eliminate the inequalities • • • REPUBLICANS TO PARADE TONIGHT work next week. Mrs. Ullman and Mr. Dolman arc supported by a carefully-choscn cast, six of whom will be seen on the Play­ers' stage for the first time. Other members of the cast arc-Eleanor De­lancy \Vilson, S. Felton Bickley, Mar­tha R. Blessing, Stafford \V. Parker, J. \ViIliam Simmons, Helen Inglis Cramp, Gladys W. Hayes, Margaret Vlachos, H. Paul Cleaver, Walter G. Emlllott, Raymond P. Gott, May L. Keech, Elmer E. Melick, Albert N. ~ hese arc three of Mr. Emmons' cam- of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act." palgn . slogans. . . Republican workers declared that of Dr. Jesse H .. Holmes, ~oclahst leader the six Swartlllnore professors, only one of the borough, IS eXllressmg pleasure at (Continued on PlJ{le Three) Mass Meeting at High School Auditorium to Follow Out­door Parade The Library board asks that the ques­t! on be defeated since the proposed quar­ter- mill tax wouid provide sufficient rev­enue only for operating the library and no money would be available for new books. The only way that funds would be raised for lIew books would be to RESULTS OF COLLEGE STR-A W. VOTE TO POKE FUN AT RIVALS solicit from door to door. Women ....•. Alen ........ . Totals .... Hoover votes 10 135 66% 114 53% 246 60'/0 Thomas votes (/0 53 260/0 57 27% 110 270/0 Rool'evelt votes % 14 7% 23 11% 37 8% Foster Total votes 0/0- 2 10/0 20 9% 22 5% votes 204 217 421 Garrett, Jr., Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., Jo- LARGE CROWDS AT COLLEGE TO PLAY seph Reynolds. HALLOWE'EN PARADE HOPKINS TOMORROW Lydia P. Turner, Dorothy S. Rich­ardson, Agncs M. Ulrich, and Ethel Swarthmore's Hallowe'en Par a de Alumni Field will see its second D?lman are in. ch.arge of stage decor- Monday evening, sponsored by Martel i!ome game of the currcnt sea~on this ahons and fUrluslungs. Bros. and The Swartll1llOrcan for the Saturday when the Johns Hopkllls Blue The .PlaYers' schedule is more am- children of the borough was fully as suc-! J.ay=, pay .the G.arnet their annual visit. bitious than ever before. In order to 'I cessfu! this y('ar as last vear. More Sw~rLI:~lIorc; w~1I als? have an oppor­IOULl\\> oui: the i"equests III tile question· . than two hundrt-d children· in a ~rcut I , .. 11.,:-,: :u:· I.;) "r:.t \,~t.:,.y, though th~ naire filled in by the membership, which I variety of costumes took pan and· <ltll1lar~1Il of hope Will be somewhat I.S now 1 ,0 00, tI I e B oard f G . smaller than usual. 0 overnors least five hundred other chddren and '1'1 'I d' 1 d . dd d I CI b N· i k' d I' . k Ch IC l\ e ICOS lave rna e an Impres-a. e . anot ler u 1 Ig It, J" lila .l1lg a u ts Imed the sldcwal 's along ester sive record, being undefeated until last C1ght Ill.stead of seven ~Iub Nlght.s or road and ~a~k avenue.. . week, when they went out of. their productIOns, each runnmg five mghts The prmclpal factor 111 makmg the class to meet Rutgers losing to the the first week of each month. The parade more enjoyable this year than last Scarlet, 33-0. The we~k before, they schedule includes, "Philly Goes Forth", year was the cooperation of the local po- had won their fourth straight game directed by Dr. A. F. Jackson, for De- lice in clearing all autolllobiles off the at the cxpense of Haverford by the cember' "Take My Advice'" "The· Spi- streets and permitting none to drive score of 26-0, in a listlessly played der", ' "Interference", :'Midsummer thro~uch the business district between 7 ga!ne. Ke,lly and O'Rourk~,. the first N' It'D " and":'S o'clock while the parade was in bcmg a wIry quarterback ana the latter Ig I S ream. •• • pro~ress. Captain John Rogeri, Ser- a fast en~, have accounted, for mo~t COUNTY LEAGUE geant T31ll Bateman and Officer Charlie of the scorlll~ punch to date. rhe team s Manata were responsible for the good total re~ord IS fo~r games won a.nd on~ MEETS TODAY work in this part of the celebration. I.ost, 72 pOllltS scored agamst 39 The Delaware County League cf \VOIll('1l Voters is meeting today at the !\'Iedia \Volllan's Club, Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney of Swarthmore pre­siding. At 1 :30 p. 111. County Superintendent Carl Leech will speak on "The Larger Administrative Unit of Schools." Dr. Miller, of the Lansdowne Public Schools and Mr. Freas B. Snyder of Chester will dis~uss thc question, "School Teachers' Salaries-Do Tax­payers Demand Reduction in Present Schedule ?" Among those attending from Swarth­more are Mrs. Philip Marot, Mrs. John Ogden, Mrs. Robert Enders, Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, Mrs. H: B. Mal­lette, Mrs. Howard Bingle, Mrs. Carl De~IolI, ~Irs. D. C. Prince, Mrs. H. B. Sanford, ~Irs. \V. A. Garrett, ~Irs. Francis Harper, Mrs. \Varren Marshall, and the guest, Mr. H. C. Sabold, Super­vising Principal of the Springfield School. The procession started shortly after 7 lorS thetlri opponents'tl other Iland I'S , b war Imore, on Ie , o .c1o~k and .moved from ~he place of e- not altogether in a happy position as gmlllng behmd the AmencCUl store south far as performance and records· go. 011 Chester road to the b!lnk, the.n re- Starting with that farcical first game versed and returned to the II1terscctlOll of against Penn, the Garnet eleven lost Chester road and Park a\'enue and turn- steadily to all comers, the nearest ap­ed down Park avenue past the judges in proach to victory being last Saturday'S the middle of the block. game, against Susquehanna, when a The judges were Frank R. Morey, touchdowl\ and field goal failed to supervising principal of schools, Mrs. O. equal two tou~hdo.wns. Funk~, ~tar T. Gilcreest, and E. C. Walton. The backfield Ill~n,. IS. ~tdl O!l the, sldclmes prizes consisted of gallon jugs of cidar, b~cause of II1.J UrleS, wlule Sipler ,:,ar­bo ·es of ginger cookies and baskets of slty end, has Just returned to the hne-x , up. The outlook, regardless of the best nu1ts'1. . .. . d' I f 1 rs in the f 0 u r divisiolls ~PJrlt III years a.1I contlll~a prac Ice, Ie wn ne . . . J' IS not encourag1l1g, and It Will be a werc: Fancy dress .dlVlSlon, 1ll1my pleasing upset, to say the least, if the Cleaves, Audrey DaVIS,. an~. ~Ieanor Baltimoreans arc led gently into the :Markham. In the Comic dlVISIOll _ ~he Little Quakers' camp. win1lers were Rose McCahan, Ann 1.111- • • gle, Albert David, and Charlotte de Mol.1. Benefit Car(1 Party The winners in the Original costume dI­vision were Diana Brewster, dressed as a tin can, Helen Reed, dressed as a bun­ny Stephen Smith, dressed as a scare­cr~ w and a tandem bicycle group of the Gay Nineties consisting of ?oris. Macin­tyre, Irma Zimmer, and AlIce Nichols. AIrs. Frank Aydelotte has offered her home tor the Card Party being planned by the \Vomen's International League of Delaware County. Wednes­day, November 16 has been selected, and two o'clock is the hour. The judge: did not feel that the cos- FASmON SHOW TO BE tumes in the Miscellaneous division meas-ured up to the standar~s of the. other SPONSORED BY GUILD divisions and only one prize was gIven to ••• Mrs. Aydelotte will be assisted by thc following committee, from whom tickets may be obtained: Mrs. Lucy Biddle Lewis and Mrs. C. Carroll Lip­pincott, of Lansdowne; Mrs. Allen S. Olmsted, 2nd, of Rose Valley; Mrs. John S. C. Harvey, of Radnor; Mrs. William Clarke, Wallingford; Mrs. Ed win Johnson, Philadelphia; Mrs. \VIl­liam I. Hull, Mrs. Brand B1anshard and ~lrs. \Valter Rodman Shoemaker, of Swarthmore. Through the courtesy of the Swarth­more Gown Shop, Park ave., a Fashion Show will be presented at the Stratll Haven Inn on Friday night, November 4th at eight o'clock. This s how is sponsored by the Young \Voman's Guild of the Swarthmore Preshyterian Church. Proceeds arc to be used for welfare and nllsslOnary purposes. Models displaying the latest Paris Creations are, Mildred Bond, Catherine Bronson, Laura \ViJ­Iiams, Florence Mock and Dorothea Philips. Sport dresses, afternoon frocks and' evening gowns will be in evidence. Elizabeth Horman has charge of the models ; ~Iary Lue· Lesley is the an­nouncer and Mrs. \Valter H. Luff will preside. Tickets may be secured from Cornelia Van Alen. The Publicity Committee consists of Margaret Allen, Rosamond \Vellburn, Mildred Bond. Miss Catherine Hershey will act as pianist. Elliott Richardson. Robert E. Sharples acted as marshall of the parade and Morris and Jerry Martel and Titus Ewig were in charge oS the different divisions. • I • RED CROSS SEWING READY The garments for the Red Cross, which have been cut out and arc ready for sewing, will be available for dis­tribution by the first of next week. Any one who wishes to help in the sewing at home will be supplied with materials by calling the chairman, Mrs. Francis V. \Varren, Swarthmore 134. ••• Births A daughter Patricia, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Giles of Rutgers avenue on October 24th at the Chester Hospital. The entire proceeds of the Card Party will be used for the work of the League. ••• On Monday, November 14th, a meet­ing of the Music Section will be held at the home of the Chairman, Mrs. R. C. Spencer, 330 Swarthmore avenue at 2 :30. It being the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Brahms, his music will be featured on the program which will be lead by Mrs. Leonard Ashton, and Miss :Mildrid Spencer will play some of his piano music. All members of the Wo­man's Club are invited. President Herbert Hoover Swarthmore's final and greatest Re­publican rally of the present campaign witl be held this evcning at the High School auditorium. The program which witl begin at 8 :30 will be preceded by a torchlight procession leaving Borough Hall at 7 :30. Each of the three precincts in the borough will compete to enter the largest and most enthusiastic delegation of marchers. The procession will be led by the Springfield Legion Post Fife and Drum Corps. Many of the marchers are expected to wear costumes and there will be noise­making devices and musical instru­ments. Banners bearing President Hoover's name and slogans of the cam­paign will be in evidence, and red torch lights will add to the color of the oc-cas ion. ••• The following persons when inter­viewed this week spoke in favor of vot­ing "no" and retaining the present half­miIltax: Dr. William T. Ellis, 502 Walnut Lane: "Swarthmore is a community where books are as necessary as bread. I shall vote "NO" on the question of the Library Tax reduction." Dr. J. R. Kline, 529 Riverview Ave­nue: "I am opposed to the reduction of the Library Tax. Our library is well managed and deserves the support of all citizens .who would offer to our pc""lc 1ho:; means lif cIljOYiilg· the best in books." Mrs. Phelps Soule, 416 North Chester Road: "The people of Swarthmore have definitely shown their need of a library. I am astonished at the proposed move to cut in half the library tax! It seems to me 'penny wise and pound foolish' ". Mrs. J. A. Detlefsen, 215 Lafayette Avenue: "By no means cut the library tax." Dr. E. Morris Fergusson, Swarth­more Avenue: "'liVe have not yet seen what a properly financed free library can do for the higher life of Swarth­more. The library sho·uld be open every week day and needs a stronger equip­. m ent of reference wo' rks. Even as it is , Its excellent service adds to those values that make Swarthmore residence prop­erty worth paying for." Dr. J. Russell Smith, 550 Elm Ave­nue: "It is a time to economize, but must we economize on brain food? I say 'No'." Dr. \VilJiam I.. Hull and Hannah Clothier Hull, 504 Walnut Lane: "It will be a serious mistake to cripple the public library by the reduction of the tax. We shall vote against it." Mrs. Alfred Gary White, 301 College Avenue: "Reducing the library is a poor place to economize. One-half mill is small enough." Mr. and 1Ilrs. Thomas Beddoe, 301 Yale Avenue: "'liVe have made much use of the public library, and do not want to see its service curtailed. We shall vote against the reduction of the tax." "In view of the fact that the half mill tax for the Library nets less than $2400 annually, we feel that the Library cannot serve the borough efficiently, with a curtailed income." Signed Irene F. Geyer Lillian C. Williams Edith C. Bunting Alma Daniels JUNIOR CLUB TO Helen R. Cooley MEET ELEt:TION NIGHT Mrs. Chas. A. Bunting, Edith P. Paxson The November meeting of the Junior Section of the Swarthmore \\Toman's Club will be held at the Club House, next Tuesday evening, November 8th. The President, Miss Mildred Simpers, will give her impressions of the State Enid S. White. ••• THREE PARTY RALLY ON COLLEGE CAMPUS Convention, which was held in Phda- At 8 o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) delphia in October. Mrs. Robert E. night, a political rally will be held in Sharples will discuss "Current Events". Clothier Memorial. This will be in the At the. c10~~ of the. business m~~ting, nature of a triangular debate. Patrick two skIts, An EskImo Tragedy and M a lin will represent the Sociali t "Political ~spe~ts", witI be given, un- party, Dr. R. C. Brooks, the Democratic der the dlrectlo.n of Mrs. ~opeland J!llrty, and Richard Slocum, the Repub­Palmer, Jr. ElectIOn returns wtll be re- hcan party. Mr. Slocum is ir;structor in ported throughout the evening by Mrs. law at the college. The general public is Sharples. invited to attend.

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,.6. I ' - , ........ ___ • '..,I ---- =.:.:....:=:c:~=---:-~-=-.::-:-::::.-....-_-.~- --- -- --- Vol. IV, No.44 Swarthmore, Pa., November 4, 1932 $2.50 Per Year ==-====--=-_'--~=== ==========-=.:-=----_-_-_~ __-- c-.:::------.------ ----- - - PLAYERS' CLUB Party Leaders of Conflicting Borough Make : 1)";1')( U:UATI<: HAI,LY 1I0(lSE [VOTE ON LIBRARY I AT WIIITTIEH TO OPEN SEASON Claims of TAX RATE AGAIN I Strength:. T~ll' ,III Swarllllllore hl'!-~all to ~ho\\' SOIllC ac- I tiltll thi~ wl'l'k wilh ~e\"l'ral IIIl'l'tillgS call-lIIelll],('[,; oi thl' I klllqcralic party un "I 'I,I,".',( 'S(~II In,('~,\',I,'~,,« f T ""The \. . . I II' I C· II' . '1:(1 jllr Ihis ,,"Ct'k-t'wl. • '11(,' I' 8 II I' I 'rolll 11011" Ul1l1l Ill:~t .TlIl·s(la): \lIght I Ie pu .. \ tiC "ege lactllty WIIl..:!1 (Jut: •. .. . I Y "JI)II Oil 11 ot roposcs J III .. h~«'lIlh ('hml" as Net- I whl'lI lite p"lIs du,e at I 0 duck, ~warth- "i ~.J yuk;; ca~t, gale Th()lIla~, the Su-' .. I h~ .,~lrlll.(Ipa~ .1.)l'lllll(fa~IC .~aIlY :,f. t~ll' H('chll'tioll of Tux Fronl "emhl'l' I'rochH'lioll 11Il,.,r,' alllllg with Ihc re,;t (Ji the coulltry ri'IIi t "Imlid' Ii· I' ·'1 I r II (,llIIp,U,.,n III S\\,lrthllllln 1\ III he hdd Ii, 1 I/o 1\1'11 \.~I' ·'I,_l'I' .'lelt"I~. re~l\( ~~I'I-" 00-. Frida.\· 1:\"l'llill~ at Ihe Fril'luls' ).ll:ding ! /:! 0 /-1 I I \\111 think ui little l'bc Ihan the electiull. l • ~OI)~eYe n, alll vI''' law pru-, II - " I . ~ ,'( )I~, li\II'_~I,~ !oj", I'a " I~!,o j,' I~, F_l \i'I'K\("' :,. ITil l.: ,cIh l'Clule oj 1II..:c1illgS iur till: wcek- hiiJil i II1 1 IcIl' lId.i (i'" tt~,, -). " . Thl.I.:U ,eIl riOnicl ipIahll ' a(cl0d rkeg:,.s.: w,'ailIll lI'hIleS gaiYt el~l: bh\." ' 1~1~, E"S I~, N' " I 'I'_ .." L 'X '':-(. .).'.1t 1l''1 LL 'NDI--:'D ;,1'11I IIIC lilieS a I{qllll.licall parade ali(I .\ \I" u\ .the sludcllt hu(h' brought I' kl' J" I I' - II . . . - I 'I'all' III '1,ll'r .... allc. ------- Th.. )'1 aH'rs . C'I u II "I. l~' war II 1II1Ofl' . ra .'\ IOllight at Ihc. Iligh school audi- lortll Iltc re~lIlt~ shu\\"11 III the accolI\- .\ large Illas, Illl"l"lill!! for the I kmo- Thl' local queslioll (If L.rrratest intcrest . . . . ,tornllll, a Demucrat\(; ralh' at the sallie pallying lahle. .. '.' WIll "11("11 Its tl\,(,lIly-'n'''lul ~e;!~(lll \l"Ith ! t· " \\·1'·,. II .,', I' I" rralic call1Ii(lall'~ will al,() he hdd at ,011 the hallot at tit..: election ncxt Tucs- , I . "'1'1 TI' I CI . ... IIl1e ,It IIttlq OU~l:, ,lilt ,I t Iree- 1\l'\lIlblicall workers, howe\·..:r, fee I I I I I l a,. r~\:II\·;\I_ '~I)I\"'. tile. , .11~·I<'l'II.t I, .Iallr .. : parly dd.ate oi Culkge pruiessors awl C'Hllidelll that JIuun:r I ',aY I );~II:I' . (':Ih ,'1II(1 Cltll'~tn~~tll slt~ed':, ~ITI:_I i day \I·ill I.e whditu (lr lIot the pres":lIt "I:> ,II ( ,I ,I ~. In l -.Il I_ 1 I1~ st<:r:> P ,I:>, \,.tll(ll,'lll .. ,I I CI I, tll'I t·r .'\I l:' IIIUI.I'..l I S., I t 1Il'(1 ', 1\. ;h hru, 'l I·Ut. tIl.l · \ ...w. i.1III l'"~ u .I. etl( Jualrly' Pl r ,II I~ ..1 1 :-; p. III, t \\ I Ie pn:..:c:( l.: , '1I."1 I1'- 1111· 11 lihrar.\· tax "hall he relaill"(1 ur Oil ~1'~lIda~" :\llITIlIIH'r " H :.l!) p. 1.11 .• e\"l'ning. " . ~ '."~'. IC,,, .~. - ~:II ~" '.'~\'I~ ulIu.e, hy a parade. :\lIIon/-! ~hl' spl'a~"r,s WIlli , ' . ,.,. ~ '11 tltnr Cluhhnllsl' and "(11111 II II l' \Ilr I ..' . . .... ht: did III 1')_,. 1 hc) hehe\e that IllU"t I h .. :\Ial"l,r lallll" ),1. (urI,'\' 01 l,o,;lon,1 ruillcul to 1J1I~-'ltI.trtlr 111111. '.. . . . i • .,lIh l ole J'.nlllhJlI~. malla .. ..:r ut the' "I the So,nli t· w..:r' i r I 'r!' J) '1110- I ~' : • I I . , . !tn' I1lghts lII\(it-r Ihl' dll"l'l"llolI ,,\ 1\1'- '.1\11"" .'I.t.-(' .. ' .. .;u . to> I'. . ' ", e U II~) . C l' , . . ..... I ~Ir:,. (.rahalll I)ollgh..:rty. lorlll..:r I'I'cSI-1 II a :'tatl'llIl:1lt III last Wl'l'k s 5.,'/lrlll- .ne ,olrlla l,lllIp.I.,,1I III tIl;, CUUII- ITat- alld that IlIal1\· people whu yuted I· I . II '\\' .'. () . ' .. t' f: . lall,1 ( •. I· .. LlIlIlall ;1I1l1 J. \\ Illlalll :-;!I11-, I". statui \..:~tenla\' that he ex l..:ctetl -.; .' .. , '. ..:.,.. . " (1I1 01 It. onllll ~ rg,lIl1Z,1 lOll .or! /11(11'''''" Ih..: I.llJrary )Joanl asked thc ~ . . :. . 1 ,(lU,rIl. t III .L "tl,l\\ \ule \\111 \ute lor dill' I{cpl'al (It the 1~lh .\lIIl"1ldlllellt. With i " • " . IlIUIIS.. . • •• .: ;")\\arlhIllUre I" 1H: III 11I1e 1\"Ilh the re~t IIII()\l'r 1111 Tu..: .,dal". i'l' '-"1 I" I' . , .. 1 1.1' ,. ,. pL'oph, tu \'o\..: .:\u tu IllIs <iu..:stiull. : \ s III till' "rlglll',,1 1'1~·,.(111" 11"11 01 till"". ,III. I II e CIII III Lllll I.I tI..: , .III. l'U.ItIl I" uI'er a \ ··.·.1,· ". .... I'· . k···1 .\ r~. _,1<.: I" ,.b '. ~"(h. e,\ l t. (.. .: 19.II..:-.. lt- The lJlt~,tiulI is \lurded lIegatiycl,' un the pia \" ill I "'n'lII I " ... , 1'.121 Ill,' \catlin'" J)'1ll ._. '", "'1 " . . I, I"" . ,. .' II .11 .1<': e .11'\l~.lrlllg III ,I,t \\ ~e "I large at the :\;ltlullal (OIl\"(:lItlOlI, llrl'sal- J _ . ' hi l O~"I Ie lie Ol) lUI tIC lI~t tlllle 1II ,'l''-I,rtlllllor'-,1II IJI'uu"ht lurth ..:ullsl(ler-· " I,allut alld ii Ihe H,\..:r pulls the le\'er ro. ks,. wl~1 h.l' 1'.laYl'!1 hy :\1 rs. .1{ol;IIIl.I, III'.I.IIY }Tars. I able critici'lll Ihi, ~"l'..:k irulII !{":llllIJli- '1 111 ,.,. • •• C I L II I J I I) I I I II I I I f o\·..:r ":\0" it IlIl'ans that he is \"otill" for •. ,. 1\1,111 ,Ill( ° 111 (I 11\,111, I. In'r-lill Oil \. t Iree m, .re IlIUllt IS u . .. 'I'! '. tl tIt tl t . I REPUBLICANS TO .. i ~.. - , l~llb: lb \\"tb Ie..;, a Cl1l~11 la S1X, tl t' . . I I <.> I t iliaI' ht' HT,tlh'd I,,· ,"lIIe thaI ],01 h ' UuuH:r." i ":\\.'II.tlllll,r 1 r I' . r' I (' I Ie COil IIl11allUII ut I IC l'rcs":llt lall-mill _ • .. .'. ! .. "l, (l") U l.·:-~lI j at1( utle Uflllcr . thl"se I'I.,IYl:rs :lcC)I~Htl'd Ih~'III~dn's 111' ".\ Ii\·.~ d'mkc}" is bdtl'r thall a (h.:atll prllies,ur were amullg Ihc natiun's H;U I ~ax. It he \lulls Ihe In·..:r uyer "yes," hc a. Sl'k~H~I.(I. las.h".~'11 I~I ,Ilta~ llrs~ i'1:".du~- ! ell:!lha,I~I" ..., " ! il-ading :cull"lIIi~ts whu signed.a p~titiun PARADE TONIGHT 1."_ yutill~ ~o~ the reductiull il! the tax II~'~I . III \l,I~ )~ .. r, :I~", '1III,I ... t :>.l x- i I ~el.II~~~ \luOI el-the iurgotlcn 1lJ,1I\ ll~ I 'r":sldel1:. II()~\ e~ asking 1~lIn to. t!se I II '.'1.11 ,"l1e.-h,.tl~ .IU ~ne-I~Uanl.'r .111111. \I,o.:Ild thl} \1111 "l\Ip"S~ Ihul i'llIIOU:.:on.~()\. ~. . . . Illls PUWCI' tl) eilllllllate the 1IIt:(Jllahtles . lhe Llh~'Il) hO~lnl ,I,ks the qucs-work 1I,'xt wl'ek. ! ~ hl',e ar..: thr..:e ul :\I\". I'.llllllons ..:alll- IIi tlte 11;l\d",·-SlIloot Tarilf "ct." ,., Illun hl.' dl'll'alcd SIIlCe the prupu;,e<l qUilr- :"Irs. l'lIl11an an!! ),1 r. I )pl \li;) 11 an': palgll ';]lIgalI:-;. l{l'IHlbliclII . \\'urk..:rs d~dar..:d that of Mass ~Ie'e'hllg ut IIlgh St'lluul: IL'r-1l1ill tax would pru\'ide sul1icient re\'- SUPIH)rkd ),Y a carl'iully-cho,ell (";.,t, i .1 )1'. Je,sl: 11. .11011111:';, ~ucialist leader tlte ~ix ~\\artlllllllre llruk,:;ur~, ullly ulle I Aueliluriulll to Follow ()ut- ellUe lIuly iur opl'rating Ihe library and six ,oj whom. will hl" s~ ... u "1.1 Ihe l'lay- ,"I Ihe ];ol"Ol1:,;h, IS ..:xpre"mg l'kasure at I (COli/lUlled UII Page 1'/lrcc) (Ioor Paradc Ilu ~IlUII';): ~\"ouhl b~ ;l\'ailable ior new tT' stagl' lor Ihl' itr,t tllm'. (Jlltel'! iJuuk~.. 1h~ unly \\",Iy thai funds would Illt'mlllTS IIi Ih,' cast an'--I':Jl':llwr J)e- 1 RESULTS OF COLLEGE STR')\ W VOTE TO POKE FUN AT RIVALS be ralsl'd lur lIe\\' books would be to lalll'_I' \\'iboll, S. Fl'1lo11 J:iekk.\· . .:'I1;lr-\ Iloo\'er Tlll)lIIaS Huosl:yclt FlbhT Total sul.i1'1.· it ir.ullIII du.ur tu duur, tha H. I :ks~illg. SlafiortI \\'. Parker. , . " " , . . 1<.: l~ uWlIlg persolls wllell inter- J. \\'illi;'1ll Simlllolls. I kkn IlIglis I I"ull's ,'. yuks ,< I'otes_,:" \'oll's ,t· vutes ~·l":W.~<1 !,llIs WCl.'k ~\l~kc ill favor of \'ot- Cram\" t;I;Ilh"S \\'. Ilal',.,;. ~Iargaret, \\'UIIH'II ...... 13~ (,(,',v ~3 1./)'", 1.J I,,, 1. l'k 2U~ IIII~ II') and retaulIlIg the l'r":sCllt hali- VI' h 11 '1" 1 CI I: r \\. It C'I ~I.:n 114 ;3'; ~7 27' ( 23 II ',t, 2U '.I',v 217 1111111 lax: I .• Ie os, I: .1lI I J\a ~',' ;~llT I" • . ........ 2-j{J· ~.U:,; lW r: 37 ~"(' .!.! 5',~ ~n Dr. \\'illialll T. Ellis, 502 Waillut ·.I1IIlIlIIt, ,a \"111011( . "ott •• \ :1\' ,. TlItals .... -11< I I " 'I' . I . I 1'1 - l' 'I I' I \11 - "., .all'·: ~\\'art IIIlOre IS. a CUll1ll1tt1l1tv '-lTC I, ',lIIlT ' .. ,\~. Ie _. c I,'rl .'.' J ( '. .. l.i.l.t tt. _I r., 1e1ll·l·) ··.\. I'l·l' r". oI, J r .•.I " _ i I .. I \1>,v1a':.,.'. ,l-"'i 'O"n'I )"'~:- ,". \'1' . I 'A-' '()I ,1.'L,'(,'E ' '1'0· I'L1 \.'1V. I\ I\ "h·.ehre· lhIo· oks "ar:c\ "as IIl'ce~sary as 'b n·ad . -,qlh \{,'\·11I1Ids. I 11.\1 LO''\,;E''I''N 1',\I'ADt ,' HOPKIN": TOlUORltOW I ,. '1 1 '1 \otl' 'J: (J un t~le .(.luesllull of . '. _ , ,. '. .,.... .• n ... ., a:.." tIL' .1 Jrary ax reductlOlI. l.)dl,1 1. lUllllr, DOI(ltlt) :-.. 1~llh- ,~..." . .. I 1) J I' 1'1' -)l'I' . I \ 'I L'I' I I I·' I' _"'o/'J'I- r .. ~ ..... IIIl', :>-" {1\'l'n'lcw A\"e-an ,,011, • glll·S .1. riC I. all( ',ttIL' Swarthmure's 11"lIuwc'clI l' a r a de .\lull1l1i Fil"ill will see its ~ecolld ' . "I I I . I, lIue alll 0PIl()Sel 10 Ill' rl'dUctlOn \)"llIlall an' ill charge (Ii ,t;'ge dn'lIr- :\Iunday elelling', ~pullsored I,,· ~hrt 'I hllll1 .. gilllle "i Iltt' CUrrl'lIt Sl',bUII this . I I' atiulls and furlli,hillgs. 1:1"1''-;. a III I The .)'1,'<11'1/111101"'(/1; j~r' t1~e Salunl;:y \I \tell the Johlls Hupkins Blue I"t I Il~ ,Ihrary Tax. Our lihrary is well 'l'lle l'I"I)"'r~' .,,·lll·(III]l· I'.,; 111')1',' ,'1111- 1·11 . I II _I a.· .. ' !'O(_\' Ihe Carlld thl'ir anllual visit. I' Il1al1a~~'d and (k.'l'rYes Ihe suppurt of J ~ e \I ( rl'1l 111 I Ie ilorough was i u y as SlIC- 11 liT 1'1'11"'11.<. 111',111 l'.I'er I,l' \'('1'". 111 ,'I'tl"~ I' II. ,',',sl.l tl Ihl.' ; yt'ar ;:s la-;t vcar, ),10\(; S\\af""!lOrl: wi!i al.'ll ha\'e all lllJl,ur- 1a (,I tlZl'IlS Will WlIU d l)l er to our • ~l' IIS-,:,t , • ...: .... JI_,', tilougil dlt: lH· .. ·lJi\,.. i.~a... lill'dll;-, ui l ;,juyillg tnc best ,,'III'A "111 IIi,· rl'llh·,', III li,e tj\ll:,t".\1· ti:all 1'.\·" 1lIlIldrl'(I ("'llldrl'. 111 ;. ;:r,',,[ ... 11 -.' ," . ] . "11 I' I I '1 . . . . 1I1:.:·.::U (lj h"l'e \\ ill he sumewhat 111 woks." I'.l alre .1 1,( III ,y t Ie lllellllllTS lip, \\·111<:11 \'arll;I\' 01 C'btUIll,'; IUlIl; pan .t11l1 ... 1 II tl I ()(tU I I' I . t' 'I" I I '11 1,lIIa lr lall u"ua, .:'II rs. l'hdps Soule. -l1(1 Xllrth Chl'stl'r ba dd1Ie1d1\ \' • I• t Ie Cil,loi>a r( \.O l ,Ol',flkl"l lr,,: l'a"t 11.1·e 1II.l1drl'd ot ler cill (ITn, a:nd '1·1I~· -',I ' I' . I" , . I.' . " II IlU, 1.11l 111,11 e ,Ill IIllpnS- I{oad: "Thl' pl'lll'll' "i Swarthmure haYe . . ;lIIot IeI'. " Igllt .. ' lila 'lIIg i adulh 1111,'11 Ihe '1IIn\"alks along Chester i ,in' rer"nl, being IIl1d"il'ated until bst 'ddillildy showll Iheir IIL'l'd oi a lihrary. l'lght ItIstead 01 S<"Il'lI C1ul, :\Ighb or, r,,;\(1 ant! Park al·~nue. 'II ('l'I; whell thl'\' \\"lnt out of th..:ir l I · I' "1'1' . l' . k' I • -' ; alll astollish,'d ;It Ihl' !lrOl'Osed 1I10\'e prOf UclI"lh. cal'l nllllullg flH' nights' Ie prlll(lpa I actor 1\\ lila 'mg tie da,s to Illl'l"l I..: ulgl'fs, losing tu Ihl', the lirst w('C').;: "j l';lch III\lnlh. Tit,· pitrade lIIure l'njllyable Ihis year than last :-;carlel •• '3-0. The I\"l'ek heion', Ihey , to Cllt in hali the lihrary lax! It seems ~chl'duk incltuil's. "I'hilh- (;o,·s Forlh", :,ear \\'a, tlte couperati(ll1 oi the local iHl- Itad \\"un lh,·il· iourth straight gallic; 10 llIe 'penny wise and poulld foolish' ". din-ctl'd In' Dr. .-\. F. 1;~d"\l1\. i .. r Ik- ~ lice ill ekarin~ all autollloiJiles ofi thc at till' eXpellSl: oi lIa\"erillrd hy the: ' ).Ir,;. J. :\. Ikllci,;ell, 215 Lafa\"ette cemher; ":1'akl' ~I \ .. ';"·ice." "The Spi- i ,treds an<1 I'l"rlllitting nunc tu driyc selin' .. ~ 2f.-O, ill a listlc~sly played, ' c\n'lIt1e: .. t:y nll IIll,anS cut the liI;rary <leI''', "lllll'ril'l"e~lce", ":\lidsUllltlll"f! thrulI~h the ],t1sill<:~s district hdll"c('n 7 ga:lle. 1"'.lIy alltl ~·I{ourkc,. Ihe hrst, tax." :\igh!'~ Dream." . awl ~ (J'd"'",k \\,~Iile the parade .lI"as, ill i ~Jl'I~~g a ~\·Iry 'l~."~I:h-,rI::lck al,ld 1}Ie latter i Dr. E. ~I()rris Fergusson, Swarth- • • • prugn ,s. l aptam J uhn I{ogen, ~er- i .1. t:l "t 'll!l,lk Ie ,ILcuunlc<I., tur 1lI"~ t : ; Illllre A n' 11 Ue' : "\ \" ,. ha I'e 1I0t yet see II "('lJ'i\'('\' ~(':lIIt TUIll l:alt-lIIall and Oliiccr Charlie (II till' Sl'urlllg 1'.t1I1CIt to dalc. Ihe tl'alll S' 'what a properly tillallCl'd iree librarv '--' J I.EA(;tiE '\1" .. ·'11 '. I Ii t"tal rlcord i~ lour games \\"un aud onl: I \' I I' I I" ., - 1\I L'El" 1'01) \\' .\ all,lIa \\"<·Ie 1t'~I'(Ilbl I e lUI I Ie gum i,. • I _}' I' '" I. ,can (u or tIl' IIg Il'I' Ill' 01 ~warth-r .. • ~ 1'" I' I t- tl I I t' 1"·~I, \\,11 I 1- 1'"llIb ~Core( agalllst .)~ '1'1 1'1 _ , "". ... ; III I Ih par U Ie IT e Ira 11I1l. . I' ' 11101'". Ie I Irary ,,1hlul<1 I,e opell cl'ery ____ ' .1 he .pruC,'S'~I()l I started ,.h,.rtl" al.t l'r "- I iI'1"' I tIl'lII' "1'1'1.llellb.I I III r II'LII(I I·.S' , \\T~' k I . (a)" al1(1 lIl'l'tb a strollger equip- '1'1 I) I C' I - ·0 ... '... . ~-~. - I,. " -."1\\'ar HI1l1rl', 011 lC II co .' t - • H' l' aware .IIUllty .eague .. I ",llll~k .l1ltl HIOIUI 11t'1l\ ~lte pl,l<.:e 01 ~-: 11,,1 ali"gdlt,T ill a happy I'Llsllio!l as. 'llIel1t ,,\ rel"rellce works. E\'en as it is, \\""lIlt'lI \'o\(-r~ is 11I'"l"tillg" toclay a; glllllll1~ hellllld Ihe :\ItI.:neall slure suUtll: iar as Jll-riurlllallce allll recurds guo ib .:xcdknl sen'iCL' adds to tlluse \'allles thl' ~Il'dia \\"lInan'~ l'llIb, :\1 rs. J. 1111 l·ltl·,tl'r r",1l1 t" Ihe ]':lIIk, Ihl'.11 n':! S!;Tling \\ith that ian:ical lirst g;,nlc' ,Iltat lIIake Swartltlll(lrl' residl'lll'e prOll-l'a, slIll,n' Cltt'Y!!l'Y ,.i ~\\·arlltlll"rl' pr('- ,,·,·r,,·d ;llld rdurIll'd I .. lite IIIter,,·o.:\l11l1 01 i agaill.,1 1'l·1I11. the l.~arllcl e!n'l'n lost, ~'rly \\·orlh payiug" ior." siding. l ile,lcr .... a(1 allli l'ar1-.: a\ellue ;.111(1 tun:- I slc-adil)" tn all cnllle~s, the lIe,art·~t ;l\~-I Dr. J. I{us,dl Smith, 550 EIIlI A\'e- :\t 1:30 p. !lI. enUIII)" ;-;u\ll"rillll'IHiL-nt cd <I,,\\1l I'ark ale11l1l: pa"l Ihe )IHlges II1lproach III \'leI"ry helllg last Saturday s· ,IlUl": "It is a lillie til ecollomize. hut Cad .I.~·'·l"h .\\ ill ~l':·a\; ~'II, "Tit" I.:arger lii~. t1liddk oi Ihe IIloc.1-::, '.' .. ' gall:\', ,~gain~t :-:'u.s~!Ueh~II.lla, .. ~d~en '~i Presiden.t Herbert Hoover i lIIust, ~\"~ "l"l'uuu11Iizl' Oil brain iood: 1 .\dIIlUIl.,lratll'l' LllIt ,.1 ~d\()ols. Ihl' jud~,·s \\Tre 11,111" I~, ).IOIl} , IlIudld",I., ,IIHI Itdd 1 .. llul l< ,,,ay.\o. I Jr. ~I ilkr. IIi lit .. I.alblh'\\'ne l'u),li ... ,ul'll"li,illg prilll·ipal ... i ,schll.ols, .:'Ilr,; ().!, :lll;d 1\\·11 h'U~'hd.owns. hl.Il~~". ~I;~r: ~1I·arthnh)r("·,; lillal ali(I grealesl Re-: Dr. \\'illiam I. lIuli aud Hanuah (' I I I 'I I' I" I . "1' '''I··,· t 'm I I' L \\ alton 1 he h.ll"k Itdd mall I' ,ull 011 the ~Hleltlll 5, I' II' . L'I I' II II -0 I \\. ;"0(" 11'\1' ;!lll .' r. '\"l'a, .. :-'11)"' I")" "I . \.t, ICI ~' , (." '. :. I' '" .. ..•.... '1 '1 . ..:. I, 'ar- Pill. Ican ra y 01 lite prl'sent call1p;lIgl1 I 01 Hcr u. J.. aillut Lane: "It , .. . .'. ... t ·1 0"111 U"· 11 (IdaI' 'U .1lI~t. (1\ IllJUllc" \I 111.0 ..,I\> cr \'. .. . ·'11 .. . litcsl,")" \\"111 <11'l'U'S Ihl' '1l1l',lu.n, PIIZ" (1.'11,;.- II (II n· .. . 1111.) "".' ',. : sil\' l'llll h,IS )·u,1 retllrlled lu the lilll" : \\111 he hd<l Ilus e\Tllmg at the HIgh \\1 .Ill' ;.1 MTtullS mIStake 10 Cripple the .. ,.".:J " I I. . " I 'I' (";.l" IH 'r" ' :o. a Iar'tl "S~- I) II 'I' ;!X. '-""",·. '. .I ,"., m"'"'l 'r lH"ldL.'• ,lilli b,l,k~b ul Ill'•. The • Olll]o .. k. reganlkss oi Ihe hesl ' :".- c 1I ""I atll I'I I(lrI.l OIl. . :I I III II II·l .11 1Ir'. lry I' )" I II e l"l'( Iuel'l( lll ot. Ihe J>ay,'r~ I h-Illallt\ \{ .. dudinn in Present· llllt,. ,piril ill "ear~ and conlinual pradi..:e" Thl" progralll which will hl'glll at I tax. \\ l' shall \'ule against it:' Scltl"Clilk: ". "1"1 Il' 1\· ilm l·r'· in the i (I U r divisiun;. i~ not ul-clluraging, and it will he a. 8 :3() \I·ill !Jl' prel"l'<il"ll by a lorc I1I i!; II I : .\\1 rs,;\ 1t' n'd Cary \\"hite, .1UI College .\I1I11I'g tlu.s" atll'llllillg il','111 Swarlh- \,·ere: I;ancy dress dil·isiun, Jimmy pkasin.c.: 1I1'"e!, III ,ay the k;:st, ii the I prIlCl"SSiIHI kal'illg I\nnntglt Hall at I c\Yelllle: "1{e(lucing thl' lihrar\' is a , 'I I I Cl,'an·s. .-\u.Jrt'y J);l\'is, a III I Ekal.ur I :aitilll"I'(';{llS arc k(l gl'lltly illlu Ihe ,- ·.,m.·11 (Ii tltl' litrl'l' Ilrl'cindS ill Ihl' :.' poor Il\ace to e«)JJOIIII·Z.... O-IIC-II,'llt" IIlllre arl' ~I r,. Philip .1i;,rl1t .. \ rs .. " III :\larkha1ll. III the COlllic dil·isioll the I' I I' ,~ ()gdt'lI. .\1 r~. I,,,b(")"t 1'~Il,kr,;, ~I rs. J. I . .It! l' Uua " ... ,; L·amp. ,btll'I1ugh will compete to ellter thl': mill is slIIa\l ellough." \\illII<T, IIcr,' 1'(1,,<, :\kCaltall. :\1111 .111- -----.r-... . ~I l'a,slIllIr,· CIt .. Ylh·y. ~Ir,;. I L I:. :\Ial- gk, :\Ih,'rt l);\\id, and Charlotte dc ~1(J1.1. He'lIl'lit (~a .. cl p~lI·ty ; I;:rgl'sl and lIIost enthusiastic ,il-legallOn', . r. and :\Irs. Thol11as Ileddoe, 301 kll,·. ~I r,. 11"I\:lrd J:illgh, :\Irs. l'an IIH' \\illlll'l"'; in Ih,' Uriginal C(lstUIlIC <11- ·I.i nlarchl'f" ; Yak An'lIue: .. \\'t' hal'c madc much I h·:"1 .. 11. ~I r:,. I I. C. Prill ... ·. :\1 r~. 11. I:. yi,illll \\·ere I )iana I I I 'I ]'1','1111.· .·\~·(ll·I, .• tl.. has "fil'fe(1 The llroCl'~sioll \I·ill he led by the: lise lli the puhlic lihrary, and do 1I0t :rl"I\'~ll"r, (resse( a~ .\ :-~. - • D Sanil.n\. ~Ir,. \\ ... \. l:arrl"ll. ~!r';'1 tin call Ikkll Recd. <1re,;,;ed as it i>UII- lier hl'l11l' iur Ihe Card Party heing ~Jlringlield I.cgion Post Fiic and rUIII: want to Sec i~s sl:l"\'iCl' curt.ailed. \\'e Fralll·i, Ilarpl ..... \1 r~. \Yarn'lI :\1 arsllall. ;1\ ";1l"1.l\l'1I Smith, (It"l's,~,1 a~ a scare- plallllnl hy th" \\'OIll,1I'S Inl,·nlalilmal. Corps, . _, shal,l. \'ole agalllst the n'<llIcIl01l of the all( I I II ,· gll<·,t. ,'\I r. iI,t.': O. a IH I I(I, :O. ll\,l'r- .n.,,'\ \·, and it l;lI1!ll'lll. I.'! t:yc Ie g.l.O llJl ot. tl Ie", I .,'agll,· "I. 1 ><-Ia\\·al"<· lU'II.lIl). \\. l'( I n.e i ,-~I ,;U·\\· (It the march.:rs are .eXI.H'el.t'd t o iI t"ax. . . I'isillg l'rilll"ip;:1 oi th,' :-;pl'inglidd (~,I\' :\inl'lil" rllll,:isting oi I)ori,; :\Iadll-I day. :\.·uI·c.:nbl'r If. has IWl"Il selecl"tl., \\Tar. n)SIIlIl1~'S and there w~1I he .n()I~l'-1 . In ne.\\" 01 th~ fad that the half S,','II",)I. . . I /1'111111 'I' '111(1 \11',·,· ~'il'hol"' . I' 1 I 'I I"· III II Ilr ,l11aktllg IkYKl'S and IIII1Slcal lllsh u-:. 111111 lax lor the Llhrary lids less than '- ;tyrl'. nlla. ~" .. '-"'--.;."\ _. I,l.( \\U 4ll" tlC" 1;:-, \' II • " ). ,'_ ,_ .' J .. ,,' > I ... ,. ." ~.. ••• The jlldge di(1 Hilt led Ihat tht: CUS- I :\lrs. '-\I'ddolte \\·ill hl" a';:ii,tnl by l llll'lIb., I .. UlII'I" Ill,lIlng _lll'l(lllIl: ::-_.JOI) ,L11l1l1ally, In: In·1 that the Llhrary " ,. ., , " ; t11l1ll:S ill tl;t' :\li~<.:..:lIall,,:ulb di\·isiull meas- th,' i(\lhl\~·illg C,Hlllllilll'l', il·,)m whom 11'~()\"lT ~ lIalll~' aliI! ,;I,)g-ans 0\ th,~ catll- i G~lIn"t :;ene. the. b'»)"(lUgh efficiently, h\~IIl()N ~HO\\ I () HI<. . I I tl t'11lI!-tnl' oj the ulhn t' 1 t· I II '11 I' ~I r· I ttc\·' l'algll WIll h,' III l'ndellcl', alld red torch \' wHh a curt;ukd IlIC011H''' Signcd '1' )i\' '(),:JI'I) 8\' (-'lllll) l1rl', Itp u lL ~, ,:"I • H.'.o\\' ~ l11ay h: (1) al l'( ••. :-. of - .'. ~ ( l!:-i l' I . n', • ' , di\.i,;"II': a!ld "Illy olle prize was gw..:n to Itiddh- I.t'wi.; <llId :\II"~. C. (;:rroll Lip- IIghls WIll ;\(1<1 to the Cll or ()\ I Ie ot:- Jrellc F. Geyer Elliutt I'irltard';I'n. .... tt. oi I.aII SlI'l\I-ne : ),1 r~. c\lll'l\ S.: casion. . Lillian C, \\'illiallls Throllgh tltt· "OllrtL',\' "i tll,' S\\"arth-' 1\"h,.rt E. Sltarples aded as marshall ()hlhtnl. 2nd, oj ROSl' \·alky; :\Irs.: (COIIIIIIllCd 011 P'age 7'/Jru) Edilh C. Hunting 1111.1'<' ,, ~,'nl'll ShOll. l'ari. . aH' .. a Fashion HI. lII e para( Ie am1 ). 'IO'ril"' ,'1 11<1 Jerry 101111 :-;. C. 11ar\"<'\', oi Ha( I n(lr; .'\ frs.' i ••• ' '\Im,'I D a II'll ' IS :-;ho\\" will he pr":'e1l!t'(1 at thl' ~tratll :-'Iarll'l a\H1 Titus Ewig werc in chargc \\"illialll Clarke'. \\'~ll1illgi"rtl: )'lrs. Ed ! JI1NIOR CLUB TO Helell R. Coolcy Ilal(,1I 11111 ,,11 Fri<l;l\' lIit!hl, ;\"H'lIIhcl' uj lite Ililkrl'lIt dili~i'lII:'. II ill J"hnsPIl. l'ltil;llklphia; ~I r~. \\'11-: 1\IEET ELECTION NIGHT I ),1 rs. Chas .• -\. lhllltillg, -ltlt at eight o'd()c1~. This s h 0 \\" is (j • ~ h:11I1 I. i lui\. ~I r,. I:ralld J:lalhhanl alld . Edilh 1'. l'axsnn ")\'>11'''1"1'1\ I" till' Y"III1,-! \\""man's Cuild RED CROSS SEWING READY .\11">, \Yalt,I' "",Iman Sh,'elllakt'l', (liTh .. :\!In'l\llwr lIIl'l'Iing" ,)i th<· Jllnior Enid ~. \Vhile. (11 tIll' ~\\";t·rtIi1il·lrt.' I)rc: .... :,.\ It·r~;dl .C hurch.I ' I' I ' .. ,.":\'.;,r1!,Ln"r,·. ~(" .. Ii"n "j 1IIl' S\\"arlIl lll"rl' \\. 1)llIan•, ;, ••• l'r"'·("l·dsarl·t"h,'II",,ji,,r\\dl:.rL·:LII' Till' .!.!;Irtlll·nt> I"j" t.ll" d·' ~I""'\ ,... 1'1 ····\1 .. ·1· I I C'II II ' I . I . I I,ll' '11111'<' I'r"I"'l"1 s .. I t.w ,-"It .11 ~ I..'luh will he he £I at til' . U I 'Ht'l', I, ", , - r lIIis"iollan' PIII"\II""S. :\1,,11l'1:; (1'1' aylllg \\iticit h;.n·t' h"l:1I clIl \ltll :lIld ;'r~' ~,a~ Y \\.iil hl' 1I';l'l1 illr the \\'lIrk ,.i th,' n"xt TUl'sday l'\"l'lIillg, :\oYl'mher Sth. 'I· lllREE 1 Altl \' HALL\: III"~ !:tk. .; t· 1','lri~ Crcati"ll:' a1r.l'.'1o1 11',~'1I il\d\r'1l''1d- 1. 0'1' ,elllllg, III II .•I, , ' •·11.·.·,l.h ble- "t,II'. l ..d\ 1h1-\.11., ;;glll'. ,Thl' Presi(il.'lIt, ),1 iss ),1 ildn'd Simpcrs, 'I 0 N COLLEGf: CAMPUS I',o lld , Calherinl' I :rOIlS"II, 11"1'1 mt 1. ,,11 Il ~. II It t:1t"l" 11 '..x l \\ l, , . - I T ••• I will gi\'e Ill'r impressinlls of thc State li:tlll:i. FI,,,'l'lIl:e :"Iock a III I I )orothl':t 1'I1t' 1\ h .. \\ I,h." 1<> hdl' 111 tit,· s,'\\ .1I1l(,. On. ':"l"nday, .}\Il:·cn~her I.-llh, a lIlect- 1 COII \"l'lItioll, which was held in PllIla-! At 8 o'clock Philip,;. Sporl (In'ss,·.;. aill"rn""11 iroL'ks ;t\ 1111111" \\ ill bl' ,uppli,'d \\ illt IIlall'nal, 111M 01 the :\lusiC :Ol'l'thlll Inll Il..: hchl at I I I'. . () I 1. 'I' I' I ,t ]: ! • tomorrow (Saturday) 1 . '11 I' 1'(1 II" ,'. ,. 'I]' C (\' jllJ.l III COlt' r. .\ rs. ~O Il r ... llIubl a \1011'11' 'al rail '11 b I Id ' aIH e\'l'l1l11g- MOII"IlS \1'1 )l' III l'Y e <.:t'., h.\. Clllill" th .. dlainllall. ~I rs. l'rallCI' Ihe home O[ the Ch;urman, .\ rs. ~. ., I '11 I' "C 1.' .. 1 b • , l., Y \\"1 e IC III 1;.II'/.,'II,,, ,tll II"rlll:11I Ita,; cit a r.t.!, l' of the \'. \\''aI"T,'II , S\\arthl11or,· 13.J. :O. )1l'I\Cel-, .J>.)"O ~,warllIlllorte a\'>ellue a ·- .,' (}). ~\h <ll'1p .l'S. 1W I. • (IS.C IlISS' I I.l'r re,l.l,t L'.\"'cnIts '.: I Uothin :)'Icl.llor'ial , This \ \· ill IJ C I' II tlt e 111'" I ..: I, ;; ..'I·,Ll·~· \I,IIC 1'., ..- .,. . . ~. I'., the' a1l- _~.. I t I'l''l \l" tiIC two I1 I111( Ir eI It II anll.l\.cr,.ar.~ : t tIl. .l ,.he .ot ,I t.~ "ltbllH SS I1II(":e \IIg.I : naturc. 01 'a tria''la r (Ie.l)a.te. Patrl'ck l1"IIII,'l'r ;L1Id ),1 rs. \\'altl'r 11. !.ult will Births "I. t II l' .1"1'I. 1. t II 01. \,'r ,1. I1 I11~., II'"· 1111"-1.< .-: \\" I\1 eh'. 1"111"'1 ) I' S.k _l bI , \.:\ 11, ,1"',s klll.l'1O1 I! r' ag,l''(. ,y all( ; :\.[ a II n will [('prcsent the Soci•a lI'S t Ilr"•, .I·(I•.. . '!'I','kl'h Ill;n,' Ill' ~l'cllrl'L1 frull\ 'I I. l'atllrn I 011 tl Ie prllgr. ,l.I l1 II' 1 I '1 CI I \\'1'11 hc I, 0 Itlt a : .~pn.ts ,. \\ I 'IIC, glC\ ell. I Iln1-; P,uh-', Dr "R. C' llrooks, the DClllocratl'c C. ,nldia \'all .\ll'l1. --.-.-- . 'I I, I I - 'I . 1 '0 lar \ -\ 'hloll and .'.[iss' (kr thc (hn'o.:llOll 01 .\ rs, OllC all( party, an<\ Hlcltar<\ Slocum thc RcplIb- _ \ I hi r P'ltrlC'"1 \\"'1 \J"11l to .\ r I loll n .\ rs .. l: I, ( . ~. I) I I 1'1 t" ,'n I II' ' The Ptlhlirill· C"llll11illlT cOll,i"ts 0\, . ,atlg" , .. '.'''. ": '1'11 ·'1 S ' -, ·'11 lh\" -oll1e oi his :t Iller. - r. '. l'r Ion returlls WI Ie re-llcan party. ).[r. SloculIl is instructor in ~I . I ~I \\··IIt..:r l' (~Ik, 01 Rut,rcr;!·\ I (rt\ ,penu:r \I I "- - . I I I . I '[ I ' al·!.!:!!""t .-\\lell. 1{(I:'alllollll \rdllollrn, alii . rs.' . . ." I" ,. - , , 0 ·\11 Illellll)cr' ot' the \Yo-l porled I Iroug lOut tIC cvcnlllg )y "\ rs, aw at the college, The O'cncral publl'c I'S ,t I) 'r ) 'til "It thc (hestcr 'Hallll IIIlblC. . ~. . . b :\1 illirl'!1 1:(11111. ),1 iss Catherine I1ershey: a\"l'Ill~l' 011 COL _'t • :nan's Club arc im·ited. ~harples. 1II\'ltcd to attend. will act a5 pianist. ! Hospital.

---------- Page 3 ----------

2 THB SWARTHMORBAN NOVEMBER 4, 1 ~Z Elm avenue talked for the Socialist party. I I ',oil _" ~\,~ Mrs. Charles Christie of Apponaug. R. ,,,,,;, II "IIIII''''III'W''' '1IIII"'I'II",'IIIP"II'I'IIIIII II. ",,·,,1.,111 .",1 ",111 11'1111. "I'~II ,.. .. :: :", ." '"IIIIII"IIIUilllIlIlIlIlIl .I, 1 1" I.. is the guest of her son-in-Jaw and BOJUlie and Betty Morse. daughters of daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Giles buffet supper this evening. at the Play~ Qf Scouting and espedally her efforts er's Club House before the rehearsal. which led to the obtaining of a Scout Mrs. Roy Delaplaine and sons Bob House for their aetivities. the Presbyterian Church on next Sunday. Nov. 6th at five o·clock. Special music will be sung by the Junior Choir, Pian­ist, Catherine Hershey; Diredor, Jean Doetor, K of Rutgers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Birney . Morse, enter- Buddy Windell. son of Mr. and Mrs. tained at a Hallowe'en party Monday Frank D. Windell of Westdale and Cor­afternoon. Their guests were Dorothy nell avenues, enterlained at a Hallowe'en and Dick have returned from a week Parents and friends of the Scouts. to­end visit with Mrs, Falconer in New I ~er with members 01 the Rutledge York. and Prospect Park Troops were present. Miss Eleanor B. Wilson entertained Mrs, Laurence J. Stabler who started 1---------------­the cast of "The Thirteenth Chair" Scooting in Swarthmore and was the Free DeUtJery SI«lrlh. 761-762 Dana, Ann Argyle, Jennie Burns, Nancy Monday evening at her home, 13th and first Captain just ten years ago, was Peele, Catherine Downing, Jan ice party last Saturday evening. Wherry. Lois Landon. Nancy Smith. Mrs. J. Donald Gibson of Hillbourn Ann Harvey, Billie Morse, Newell West, avenue entertained at IWlcheon and Dickie Hoot, Danny Kirk, Bobby Shep- bridge on Monday in honor of her house d J guest Mrs. Earle Cowan. Her guests herd. Billy Mitchell. and Edwar en- were Mrs. Marvel Wilson. Mrs. earl kins. Potter streets Chester. present. Mrs. Edwa;d Dennison. who has National Girl Scout Sunday will be been convalescing at Avondale, has re- obse~ve? on November 6th. The ~couts turned to Swarthmore and is living at are IDvlted to. attend Vesper Services at the Strath Haven Inn. the Pr"'!byterlan Ch,,?"ch at 4:30 p. m. Martel·Bros. GOOD THINGS TO EAT The Ladies' Aid Society of the Swarth- Chaffee. Mrs. Joseph Perry. Mrs. John more Methodist Church held its regular Ogden, and Mrs. Charles Christie of Ap-th1 I h nd I · t" ponaug, R. I~ ... 111 t A I· Ell· h They will meet outside the church at lnlSS argare me 13 IS was (5- 4·15· foil·' H II ' . In Unilorm. tess at a a owe en patty at her. home WltltKLy TROOP AcrlVl't]~ 1I -;:=============:;- on ':I'aln~t. Lane last Saturday mght. Troop 16 will go on a hike Saturday. man y unc eon a )Usmcss mee mg Mrs. Charles A. Dravo entertained her at the church parlors on Wednesday af­ternoon. The hostesses were Mrs. Laura club for luncheon and bridge on Monday Baird. Mrs. George Kurtz, Mrs. Lcon- at her home on Westdale avenue. ard Peck, Mrs. Lotta Drayton, and Mrs. Miss Ruth Lewis of Swarthmore ave-nue entertained at a Hallowe'en party L. P. Stevens. last Saturday evening. Miss Kilty Brill of Park avenue enter- Mrs. R. D. Conrad of New Castle. N. tained her friends at a Hallowe'en party Saturday evening. H., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alice Hayes, daughter of lir. \Villiam Vlachos of Vassar avenue for and Mrs. George W. Casey of Harvard several weeks while recuperating from an illness. ~;~?c~ii:~~er;~:!J:; oor~r,i!i~~e:k.r ap- tai~~ fn~~r~:11~ ~v:~~:;e~:::n S:::; Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop will be hostess to evening. the contract bridge club for luncheon and Miss Mae Lynd, of 112 Princeton ave­cards at her home on Harvard avenue to- nue, \Vith Mr. and Mrs. William Gatey day. of Chester went to New-York for a few MISS Elizabeth Hunter of 400 Park Nov. 5th. De~ails have been announced Avenue: spent, last week-end at her to the troop. Questions should' be refer-parents home m Bellefonte, Pa. red to Patrol Leaders. Miss Eleanor McKinnont who is a Troop 194 will go on a hike Saturday, student at Beaver College, Jenkintown, Nov. 5th. Troop is to meet at the Scout spent last wee~-end. with her cousin, HouM: promptly at 9 :30. In case of rain Margaret Ameba Elbs. or bad weather Ihe hike will be cancelled Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crosby. of Moore, and no meeting will be held until Friday. Pa .• announce the birth of, a SOR. Da- Nov.- 11th. vid, on October 13th. Troop 6 will meet on Saturday mom- William Cresson Jr.. of Amherst ing. Nov. 5th at 10 o'clock at the Scout avenue, is spending several weeks in House and will cook lunch in Patrols. New York. I I I I I Girl Scouts PAGEANT AT SCOUT The Girl Scout" of Swarthmore will HOUSE lAST SATURDAY attend worship at the Vesper Service of Mrs. Elmer E. Melick of the Strath days last week. Haven Inn left on '''edncsday for Lieutenant Louis F. Pierce, 109 Prince- The Girl Scouts held a pageant and Iii •••••••••••••• ; Bloomsburg, Pa., where she witl spend ton avenue left Saturday for two weeks Court of Awards at the Scout House on several days. duty in the Surgeon General's office in Saturday afternoon, October 29th. Dor-E ,.rZ'RL'AlG Mrs. Thomas Keenan of South Washington, D. C. othea Dodd, Margaret Shoemaker and rr~ ,Y 1 Orange. N. J.. is the guest of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hastings of Har- Louise Keatley gave the spoken parts. Mrs. James de Clark. Mr. and Mrs. vard avenue will move to Westdale ave- Rose Mitchell sang a solo part, and the L Clark have. moved to Swarthmore re- nue in the ncar future. remainder of the Scouts formed a chor­ccotly from Chillicothe, Ohio, and arc 1\h. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates, of us. Irma Zimmer accompanied the en~ REPAIRS occupying the Burton .Morley home on Harvard avenue, entertained at bridge tire pageant at the piano. Swart11more Crest. last Saturday evening. Their guests At the Court of Awards the foUowing Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie of werc lfr. and Mrs. Walter Shoemaker, girls received Merit Badges. Strath Haven avenue spent last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sidney Johnson, Troop 16-JWlc Avery, Barbara Bas-in Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, Mrs. sett, Irene Blasdel. Mrs. John R. Ogden of Hillbourne Earl Cowan, lfr. and Mrs. Thomas Troop 194-Betty Doul;\las, .Margaret avenue spoke for Hoover at the luncheon Lueders, and Mr. Samuel Dodd. Shoemaker, Eleanor S mit hJ Sylvia and meeting at the Media Woman's Club Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cornog of Swann, Naomi Wright. on Wednesday. Dr. Jesse H. Holmes of Chestnut Hill have moved recently to Troop 6-Ruth Child. Ann Lingle. E RADIO WASHERS CLEANERS Tel. 1896 FIXTURES their new home at 324 Dickinson ave- Nancy Price, Genevieve Reavis. nue. The Red. Cross gave e~fica~es of AS NEAR AS YOtIR TELEPHONE • Mr. and 1I1rs. John Ogden. of HiII- Home Numng to the followmg gu-ls of GOWN SHOPPE --..., ..... , Delicious Hot or Cold Special This Week PORK·21C LOIN lb. ROAST TrlmnwI Weir'" Best quality-excess fat removed. AYRSHIRE BUTTER 11>.270 A sweet, ricb and c.reamy butter; 10 superior to other brand •• BROOKFIELD EGGS doz.38c You can depend on OUl" e.IIS COMONT COFFEE 11>.230 Every Sip Delicioul GOLDMEDAL FLOUR 12Ib •• 39c bo'Urn avenue were in the receiving Troop 16. S lh Elect 'c Sho C line at a large reception given by Dr. D D?rOMtheaI Dod d. Bet!y McGarrah. war more n p and Mrs. Norman C. Cameron to t h e b oriS R abc· ntyreA, lJl aneV R· thc hardsoD, Re- 411 ~..~.~.. .'". .A.. . S.-._..L.-...-....P. . SUGAR 10 \1,. b.~ 44c . f h ecca 0 mson, en Je DOVer. . - faculty and extenSIOn workers 0 t e In behalf of the three' troops Mrs. ~~;~;~;~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~;~~ PARK AVE. SWARTHMORE • Wann Dresses Foreool . Weather $3-95 $5.95 Frocks For Formal Wear $9.75 $14.75 • \-Vest Chester State College. Richardson bestowed upon Mrs. Zimmer Billy Smiley, of Swarthmore avenue a Thanks Badge as an expression of entertained his classmates of the Ulver- their appreciation of her efforts in behalf stan School at a dinner and Hallowe'en I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ party on Monday evening. His guests were Ann Bonine, David Nelson, Mau­rice Terman, Dickie Delaplaine, and Bruce Durnall. Mr. Dean Parker of Princeton ave­nue spent Wednesday in New York. Mrs. Parker and daughter Betsy are Swarthmore Market 411 Dartmouth Avenue Phone Sw. 47 or 48 spending several weeks with her fa- ______________ _ ther in Flushing. N. Y .• where Betsy WEEK END SPECIALS is recuperating from a severe illnessl _______________ _ and is receiving medical treatment. Rump and Ronnd Steaks, 30c Mrs. Wilmer Whitescarver and chil- ="7-=~~. -::--:::-----_....:.-::-::- dren who have been visiting in North Prime Rib Roast 30c Carolina for several weeks have re-turned to their home. Top Musele Roast The Legion Auxiliary meeting was Fresh Killed held on Wednesday afternoon at the 32c home of Mrs. Robert C. Powell of Roasting Chickens 28c Swarthmore place. 1----=-----------1 Mr. Fred Dewhurst of Washington. Large Hams D. C .• formerly of Swarthmore. is at- Whole or Half 15c Come'n tending the Preparatory Economic Conference at Geneva, Switzerland. and Take Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas i5 All Lines of • - a Pee'" entertained their supper bridge club = 1.!:::=====~:l.'~===:::!.1112st Saturday evening. i5 INS U RAN C E - Sergeant Brewster of Swarthmore ~ INCLUDING LIFE = EJ..IZABETH KAUFMAN avenue entertabed at a Hallowe'en § PETER E. TOLD HAIRDRESSING Located In Thompson's Store. Morton, Pa. Permanent Waving Every Day Except Saturday 1 Speelals $1.00 'Phone Swarthmore 19M.-W O~n evenings by appointment M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ave. CLIFTON ImIGHTS Madison 110 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTGRING Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furniture Ialerior DecoratiDg Ia All Its Branches Swarth.l441 party last Saturday evening.:; :: Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Brownell of =§_ ,OLD BANKh BLDG. _ \Vhite Plains, N. J., will spend this C. 1 Swart IDore 1833 _ week end with Mr. Brownell's parents, =----------------"" Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brownell of ICE Haverford place. The members of the Swarthmore DEPENDABLE CHEAPER High School Soccer team wilt be the guests of the Westtown team at sup­per tomorrow evening following their game a1 Westtown. Mrs. Hugh McLean of North Tona­wanda. N. Y .• was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William West over last week end. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullma'n and Mrs. J. William Simmons \Vill entertain the cast of "The Thirteenth Chair" at a You win find our aervice convenient to y ...... need.. Yo Old Swarthmore Ice Service. ZlO Dutmoatb A ... Phone 894 D. F. GERNER Building and Repairs KIMMELL & SON Uav ... tord Place Phone Sw. 63%-.1 DREER'S roses for fall planting at lowest pri• ces • In years Many peNOD8 prefer to plaDt their roee the aululDD. We are ready for the .. with a RJ'Ml II880ttmeut of the moet desirahle variell .... opeclally prepared for foil plandng. All 01 _ ..... old, field-growu, dormant plante ••• and af very interestmg prices. Yoa ean drive in and park at OUl' 8tore .. In .... 881°U like And hare,. at hf'adqoarter&, yoo Qn get espert advice 011 lIDy horliea.ltal'8l onhJect ••• a senice Ihat has helpe4 to .... ke Dreer'80 ...... ndi"ll. HENRY A. DREER 1306 !!pring GardeD SIreel, Philadelphia, P .. John Spencer, INCORPORATED ~ EIGHTH STREET NEAR SPROUL. CHESTER. PA. ~ Printing I~ ):( 'R.!/ling • ~ookhinding ):( ):( Wbll1: is worth pfiodng is wonb maldag read - UR SPENCER. PRIN'rING ):( --But Eleetrie R.ates STAYED Down "Were the utilities unregulated, as is true of privafe en­terprises," says the Alabama Public Service Commission, "if they were free during prosperous times to fix rates without. regulatory control. then they could with justice. perhaps, be subjected 10 the price fluctuations suffered by private business during economic depressions. "If, however, they hove not been permitted to earn more than a fair return during prosperous times, this fact must be given due consideration wher. '!'.'.~ deal with their rates and their rate of return during periods of general depression." Since 1913 the Philadelphia Electric Company System's total average electric rate has been reduced 41.4 per cent. Between 1913 and the end of 1929 commodity price. soared-skyrocketed I But electric rate. went the way of periodic reductions. Today the cost·af-living i. still 44 per cent above 1913 levals ••• That contrast, we believe, adequately tells it. own eloquent story. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A Plen .. r In Voluntaril, Edablidl;ng &.ow Role. for All fledrk S.rvice • ----------_. .------ 1932 What should be the correct wear for street, afternoon and evening for present season, so vitally important the feminine sex will be displayed in form of an entertaining revue at the lVa'<frlly TheatreJ on Monday and Tues­evenings, November 21 and 22 p. m This revue will be made possible ~(I':f,~~;t~~he splendid cooperation of ;J'I Darby merchants. Fashion Revue will truly event which no one can afford to miss is being offered in conjunction with he feature presentation "Wild Girl" Bennett. Charles FarreU Ralph Bellamy. • • • The Last Mile when originally pro­in New York was a sensational hit. Its vividness of prison was so forceful that eventually a n~;~i::t investigation of prisons was ~t by a famcd group of human i-headed by Warden Lawes 01 Sing. Peculiar1y the New York Continuous performance (startlng with the featnre) every Saturday from 1 :30 to 11 :00 p. m. Admission -children. 15e; adults. 2G-ttll G o'clock. Unusual Short Subject "GET THAT LION" A graphic. beautIfully photo­graphed portrayal of a mountain lion hunt In the magnIficent rough mountain country of Arizona.. Ex.cel­lent entertainment value for all ages. D. A. R.. MotIon Picture Guide. MONDAY AND TUESDAY ANN HARDING in 'WESTWARD PASSAGE' WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EDMUND LOWE "CHANDU" THE MAG~I~C~IA~N~rnr~ WARNER BROS. M~!!R~R PROSPECT PARK. PA • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THEY'RE NUTS TO YOU! ,SURE THEY'RE CRAZY! Anti You'll Be Crazy About Them, Too! 4 ·MARX BROS. in "Horse Feathers" The greatest of all radio mystery thrillers Is a new screen sensatton! "CHANDU" THE MAGIClA.N with EDMUND LOWE NEXT WEEK--WEDNESDA.Y "BIG CITY BLUES" with JOAN BLONDELL ERIC LINDEN IRD ••• ALlVE ••.• -WHITE THB SWARTHMOREAN Avery of the High school. Miss Esther Cherry and Miss Hennine Myer were in charge of the costumes. Three scenes were given by a large cast ~f high school students. The Penn s home as a young man, gayety and frivolity of which he rebell~ ed; second, his term in prison when r~fused to leave his friends in spite of hJS fa~her's intervention; and last his treaty In America with the Indians. The program was given twice during the afternoon. first for the school and late rIor the Story Hour. The next Story Hour program will come during the last week in November. A Harvest Fe:.'livat written and acted pupils of the Ulverston school will given in the Woman·s Clubhouse. , • I NEWS NOTES 3 Mrs. Isaac Boughten. Jr .• of Chestnut Hill will have a showing of inexpensive sport clothes on Monday, November fourtccnth from 9 A. M. to 9 p, M. ot the home of Mrs. Sargent Walter 403 North Chester Road Swarthmore There wilt be a "Press and Publicity I==============================~ Dinner" on Thursday, November 10 at 'I th~ Public Ledger Building. Philadel- ~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~!!'!~~~~~!!'!~~!!'!!!'!!!'!~~~!!'!!!'!iI pilla. All Woman's Club members are I invited. Reservations must be made by November 8. to Mrs. Elmer E. Melick at the Strath Haven Inn. Elizabeth Ford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ford of Swarthmore Croucho geta playful with blonde Crest, has just been elected president of Th I Todd, the Freshman class at the Marjorie e ma the ct)Ucge widow-and Webster School in Washington D C forgets himself. A hilarious moment in Mrs. Emily Pollard of Th~m~son the Four Marx Brothera' comedy, road, Springfield, has gone to Virginia uH.orse Feathers," at the MBDor The- where she will visit relatives for two atre. weeks. company and the road company had in its featured roles two men who at­trc:. cted so much attcntion that they eventually were offered contracts to in talking IJictures. They now featured stars and Clark Gable and I Silencer Tracy will always be a Broad­way memory as Kiiler Mears, so ably portrayed IJy a new screcn possibility, Preston Foster, who al)pears in the '··'.001 Mile" at the Lansdowne Theatre Wednesday, November 9th. \-Vill this role again create another great screen star? • I' Twenty-five dollars has been raised among the Women of Swarthmore for Julius Niemeyer, who has been the driver of the Wannamaker Delivery Truck serving Swarthmore for the past 25 years. Mr. Niemeyer lost all his sav­ings in a nearby bank failure. Mrs. E. E. Pyle was largely responsible for the generous proj eet. Mrs. Charles Dravo, of Westdale ave­nue. will entertain the Monday Luncheon Contract Club on N ovembcr 7. , I • Party Leaders Differ (CQftli,,",,1 Irrnn Pag, On,; has any national standing as an econ- VOTE TilE DE~IO(;BATIC TICKET FOR Pre.iden, Franklin D. Roosevelt J';~e-Pre.iden' John N. Gamer ll. S. Senalor Lawrent'!e H. Rupp S'ate Trea.urer L. B. Shannon Auditor General Wilson G. Sarig Congre"man Alauhew R~ndall Supreme Court Edward C. Higbee Superior Cour' Robert A. lIendenon George F. Douglas George II. 11e Wherter S'ale Senalor John II. Pitman Rcprcscnlali.,c in Genera' Anemb',. Luther II. Chatham James A. Kane Thomas F. McNamee, Jr. omist. one does not teach at Swarthmore 1!o ____________________________ ;!1 at all this year, one teaches only one r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY HOUR SEES WM. PENN PAGEANT lecture course, and three are not even The first program of the Story H'lur II t' o'nn"ctc'<i with the economics department was held Oct. 22 in the High school of the college and have no standing as auditorium in the form of a pageant de- economists. picting the life of William Penn. Mrs. Two residents of the borough are candi­Helen Hall a member of the Story H'lUr I ~'.'" for county office. Jesse H. Holmes, commi. ttee wrote the pageant and is running for Congress on the Socialist tween scenes told of Penn's life to ticket and John H. Pitman is Demo- Children in the audience. The cr~~~-cwn;::~~e ;,r ~~~:~ !r;~at;.r~s for-of the pageant was me'dy a Democrat but is now registered Mary Armstrong. and Miss as a Republican, asks for the support of A Warner Bros. Theatre LA ~he~tr~Be~tI! N E Lansdowne Avenue & Baltimore Pike TmS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 4 MARX BROS. In "HORSE FEATHERS" Big Kiddy Show Sat., 1 p. m. MONDAY AND TUESDAY Edmund Lowe, Victor 11cLaglen In "GUILTY AS HELL" WEDNESDAY It Shocked the Nalion "THE LAST MILE" Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy played the original stage roles. Presion Fosler now plays Killer Mears. THURSDAY Joel McCrea and Fay Wray In "THE MOST DANGEROUS GA.ME" Hear Ed • .,. J. Maguire, Concert Organist these two Swarthmoreans in a letter to The SwartlJJlIorean. printed elsewhere. 'Vhen interviewed upon his choice for the presidency, Dr. Ellis said that that subject was his private business. He added several remarks. however, which he declared should give people tittle cause to doubt his support of Roosevelt. Polls will open at 7 a. m. and close at 7 p. m. and the voting places wilt be the same as in previous years. Voting mach­ines will be used throughout the entire county. Women are urged to vote early and not wait for their husbands to come home so that they may go to the polls together. Many people have failed to vote at previous elections because they postponed it too long. Anyone outside the city of Chester who is not registered. may vote by taking an affidavit that they have lived in the State one year, in the precinct 6ixty days and have paid a state or county tax within two years. These affidavits may be secured from the judges of election at the different polls. ••• Republican Rally (C Q.tinu,tl IrQ.,. Pal/I 0,,1) At the High School the program will open with a word of introduction diately turn the meeting over to Robert THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY DIAMOND COAL DIAMOND co*kI: DIAMOND FUEL OIL Diam·ond Fuel Oil measures up in every way to the re­quirements which are set for the highest quality oils avail­. able. It is refined from the very best 01 crude oils to meet the specifications set clown by tire American Oil Burner Association and the United States Department 01 Commerce. Our policy of constant check and analysis after the oil reaches our storage facilities is our assur· ance to you that Diamond Fuel Oil will continue to maintain its same high quality and uniformity at all times. Diamond delivery service is unique in its thoroughness, clependability, and completeness. Also remember that there is a Diamond Fuel Oil exactly suited to every type of burner. ORDER YOUR DIAMOND FUEL TODAY from DIAMOND ICE &- FUEL COMPANY 2nd &- TILGHMAN STS. 4th &- PENN STS. PHONE CHESTER 2-4612 ~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~ by R. Chester Spencer, who will imme- A WARNER THEATRE E. Sharples, newly elected president ~~============================~ WAVERLy of the Men's League of \-Vornen Vot-ers, a non-partisan organization work­ing for the reelection of President Hoover and the support of the entire Republican ticket. Non-partisan men and women who expect to vote for THEATRE DREXEL HILL. PA. WEDNESDAY-l DAY ONLY "THE MOST DANGEROUS GA.ME" Joel McCrea-Fay Wray THURSDAY-l DAY ONLY "MADAME RACKETEER" Alison Skipworth Richard Bennett President Hoover next Tuesday are m"cu to be presen t. chairman will caU on the fotlow­speakers to give three minute talks I ~~~~~:f not more than two minutes in II of their party: Hucy Long, 'Villiam Randolph Hearst, AI Smith, "Pat" Hurley, Louis Coal Hemmons, Gessie H. Holmes. and others. Local police officers and the entire Swarthmore squad of plain clothes men will be stationed throughout the room to remove anyone heckling other than Democrats and Socialist speakers. All persons who are backward in applaud­ing Republican speakers will also be expelled from the room. After the program of the Men's League of Women Voters, the meeting will be turned over to Burgess William R~ Landis~ who lvHl introduce the mtil_ill. speakers of the evening. II TII0l16HT 'or Ofliee Workers You enjoy the CfJnvenience of a TELEPHONE bz your office . •• Oflzy not enjoy the lame CfJllveni.ence atlwme9 LESS THAN A DIME A DAY You can have a telephone in your home for less than 10 cents a day! For the Monthly Rates call or inquire at the BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any Bell employee THE BELC'TEL·Etv0NE. COMPANY QF PENNSYLVANIA

---------- Page 4 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 .~ __________________~ ~TH~E~~S~~ARTHMOREAN~ ___~ ______________. -__ NOVEMBER 4. 1932 i EIIII tI\ CIIIIC lalh·d for the Socialist! hufid snppl'r this ('\'l'ning" at the Play- of ~cotltil1g :lI1d c" her efforts the J'rcsh) terian (hurd. 011 next Sunday. IIMrty. Il'r's Cluh I [oust' hdol'"c the rdll'arsaJ. \\hich ted to thc obtaining of a &oul :\"0\", (Jth at fi,'c o't'lock. Special llIusic I ~I r~. Ch,lrll's Chnstie of Appunaug, I-t ~I rs. l{o\' Delaplaine and SOilS Bob lJoU"iC for their acti"itics. 'II I I I . C'I' I ' . 1 ( I . I·' l' r' I fl' ! WI )C sung- )\' tIe JlIllIOf 101r. Pi,m- " IS tiC gUt'st 0 I('r son-Ill-law all<lI:'lId J)lck ha\'(' rl'lurlll'd fro III a \\('-'('k t an~nts and ncms 0 tIC Scouts, to- it Clthl'rillc'Jll'rshl'Y; I)ircdor, Jt'an I,,( 'lll1l. e ,til( I I''l ' \\ \ '.1 II)" ",. ,1•' 1'! 'I,te,". "f.' da,tlgh tl'r, ~Ir. •m d 1Ilrs. \\'<tlter C. Gi1c~ l'lId \,i ... it wilh ~Ir"'. Faicolll'r ill Xl'W gel her with llIemhl'rs of the H.utlcdgc I',' \ ' I" I ., lie or ~Ir. ant! '\Ir:., Bi;l1t,\, K, ,\1 un,\.'. ('utcr- ~of !\utgl'rs ;~\"('l1tle, York. .11)(1 ProSllcet Park J/001'5 \,ere present. ~ __. _ _______ \ 1 .\. 11'11 :"" \',r\, '1",,11'" I I.ttdlly \\llIddl, :0;011 of '\Ir. and ~[rs. :\Iiss Elc;IIHlr B. \\'ilsol1 l'f1tl'rlailll'd )'Irs, Laurcnce J, Stahler who slarll'd • 11IIl' .1 ,\ d 0\\ C C ,. .\ " • I . I '. • • • " D l' aftl'rIH}tIll, Thl'il glll".I ... \\lr~ I)orothy l'rl'llIlk p, Wllldl'l o! \Vl'st<lalcl' land C~r-:thl' ca ... t of "The Thirtel'nth Chair" fiScoutJCI!~ 11~ S.wartlillh1re .md \\as the I 4rf',' f'II'('ry I) .111.1 ..\ 1111 • \ rg-) I~ ' •.I l 'I"'"l I,' "r" ". ~",'.1 "'"". Ill' .IH'fltltS". enterlalllul .a t a .tllo\\cCIl .:\IO•ll(h .\ ' (·\'t·ning •'I t h"r hOlUl' "13tl., ·" ,,1 Irst apta1l1 Just tell years ago, was SWllrll •. 761·762 P ,I, r,tl n Ie 1)0\\ III II).! r '1 n icc Il.Irl) la~t ,atmda) C\'l'lll11g. I I'otter sln·ds. l'hl'sh'r, Ilrcscllt. M I B \\ll\t~ry. ·;.c:~-; II andnll. :\,.I;ll')· 'Smith. I .\Ir'" J. Donald Gihson of I1i1lbourn llr ... Ectward Dl'1JIIIMHI. \\ho has N.ltional G~rl Scout Sund,at W!1l be arte ros .\1111 lLIr\t,\, nllhc :\Ior-l. :\'l\\tll \\'('"\~II\IC l'lItc rta ll1cc! at 11111(;lw()1l and IIttll rtlll\altscill~:a1 AnllHlak-, has rc_Iul)<;,f.':\('~1 on NO\'cmher 6th, 1. he ~Wt1ts J)kkiL' 11;lot, 1>.11111) 1,111-. Buhl,,' ~1lt'I'_ihntlJ.!l' nn ~IOI.\(I'IY "" hOllor of her house tUrin" hi S"arthIllPn' and is hV11Ig at are 11!\ltcd to,alll'I!" Vcsl'l'r ~l'nlcc", at I • I I I'll \1 t 1111 Ilhl I'-,h\'llcl Icll_'gU(· ... t .\Ir:;. I'.aric (OW,I1I. Iler gUl'sbl 11 . ~1T"lth 11'1' II In the lrcshytenall Clmrch at .J:JO p. m. kl~n, 'I: • I l ~ " ., ~ ~ \H'Il' :\Irs :\lan·d \\'ilson, ).frs. Carl I~I' "1 .let \ nl,. I'll' I Thl'\' \\iII meet uutsidc the church at ·1Il~. It" r 'I I I I' 'I ,\ I"S .\ .lrg.ITl· I lilt' Ia " ... \\a~ I(S· I I;' f II 'f 'I' I I' '\'1 S 'i'l\ i tl' S "'Ir\h I 1.IIU·, ~\ r!'. o~eJlI ern',.' rs. Johll \ II II' I I "1"::J 111 II 11111 orlll. ll' .. II It~ . H .411. l . 0 IC, II. • () I I :\1' CI I ci" r \ h ... s".1 a OWl'nl IMrh' at Il'r IOIll( \V" . T i\ 1II'lit' :\lltIHKII_Ithurch lLl'ld It... rl,gul.lrj gelll .. I;~I i r". mr('s Jrlstie (I 111- 1111 \\alnut Lalll' last S.lll1nl:!\ night T Ilt·KJ.~;1 ROU!' CrJ,~ITIfS:'S I 1111'111111\ hlllrlllllli allt1 IItI_IIIl~-' 111~,(·tlllg IicI~",llIg:'l'I' I' \ I . i ~11SS I·.hzolhl'lh 111I11h'r of "-Ion l";rli ['~ roo51 'I 1')\1 '1>(°1 011 a l ll'e atu("(ay, ., " I"r I I '11"r ",, \\',,1,\, ,1'1, ,f-', .\ r-.. !al es .. )r.l\o l'lltert.l1l1ul her • .. ... 1\·. t I, etal S l;l\'C )l'l'1l anllounced 01 III C I l I I. ~ -, • , . \\t'lIl1t' SPliit h ... t \\ll'li-l'IH) tt h'l . , 'II" \ 'I I' "I,r dllh for 11IlChl'OIl and hrHlgt' on ).Iouda\' .• • (to the troop. (JUl'sIUJJJS .should In,' rcfcr- 1,1 11'14111 Ie 'III-I. t"'''l''' \\"l ~. .1 I" ., .1 .It Illr hollw on \\'('stdalc ,1\l'11I1• e,l'lI l·nfo.,- h{l11lc 111 I•'l ·lIcfolltl· ,P.', rl'cI to l'atro I I .e;:uI crs. 1,,111<1. :\11''' (,Ullt!.l 'IIII/.. ~lit... ,('011- , • \11-' Flt"lII I :\1 'I ' I', ,. . " . I I' k'i I ", I)r, t" 11 'Ir" I .\It· ... Ruth 1.('\\1'0 nt Swarthmore a\'c-i . s .' I r . : '\.11111011, \, 1.0 h.1 JroOI) 19.J WIll go on a luke Saturday, ,It I t( .. \ r_ ,~I.1 . \ I ••. 11'.1 . . • ""I""t .,' I"""','r C II, J I k t "5 I '1" I S • ,Ilw,: t·lItl'rt.lllu:d al a ] fallowl.! ('II l)arl\·I" • I. (I 19.~('. e 1 1t1 OWI1, ~'10\', t I. roup IS to meet at tIe cout I.. " 1'. St, eHI!"I ' II .,' , 11.,_t :-;,ltu("(la\' l'\enin". I -Plllt , ,\"t Wt'l' k -UI(I WIth I It'r cousin, promptly at 9:30. In case or rain .\ 1_" 'Itb 'f1 PI dr. ;l\lIlt1e l'lItl'r- '. r... • \1 , .. \ \ '1" I'll' I I' . I I , II 1',·,\I·t 111,11"\\,"\I,,r',' )'lr~.l.{.I).lonradof:N'ewCastk,N .. lrgolTl 1111l],t • IS. urlJati\\cathcrtlc lIkcwlII )ccancelcd " \lIH I IIlr 'Il c ~... . C l '' II.. I'" \1"'lllI l" her Ilan.nts :' and :\Ir... .'\I r. ,1Il( I ,'\I rs. I> ;'\1 I erosl))" f(I ,'\I oor(', and 110 Il1Cct.lllg .Will he held unit'1 l',n.d m' ""till! 1\ 1'\{:I1I11'~ I·... I • ~ _. I' .' '\1 '\1' I~I" I' ,,'\ . 'I \\ JIII.11I1 \'I.!thu ... of \ra ... sar a\el1l1C ior '.1, .llllltiUllu tlu' hlrth of it .sOli, l),I- ~O\". 11th. h . I(l' .l\l~. {.lI1,.,Jllr "' .\ r·1 I () I III '1' .,l Itl 1\1' ( .... ·1\· t' . " II' .. II "l·\ \\c(ks wlllic rccl1pcr.lting frol11 \1(,011 clo)l'r .(1. Troop 6 wli mccton Saturday morn- r~, .llll .... t.: .• I~l' 11 ,lr\.lrt , \\ II' . . ~ 'I I' d\llllll'. 1IIlclll\\lllt ,111 OPl'I.ltltll1 lor .Ill-I all 11I1ll'S'i. . I J.lI~1 lre~S'11l Jr., or .\lIIhl'r::;1 mg, No\,. :Jth at 10 oco* tIC Scout I \ I I "I ' k 'I }llll[ .\Ir, allcl .\Ir~, LOH·tt i'rcscolll entcr- .l\·ClIlll', I ... SPl'IUill1g ~~'\'critl \\el'ks in lIon ... e ;md will cook lunch 111 I'atrols. ICI 1_ t'll \I~-.f.1\ II 11-. \\Cl . S 'I' 'I I I t.lllll(1 lIIiofll)ally .It stl)l»l"r last SlInda) :\l\\ YClrl,. • I. ~11"',.1. \ .. jl- Hill \\1 II 111_tC"5 til l\l'llIIl" I • Girl ScoutMo llil L(Jlllrolcl hrldgt: dill! ior ltlllcht'1l11 anti I 'I - 'I I I f II? I" \ I ' I I .> '" ., ae ,\'''1, U - mlCc 0" '" e- P \('EAlN'J' AT SC GOOD THINGS TO EAT . BIRDS EYE . , . ,r, Delicious Hot or Cold Special This Week C,lId".It Ill'r hnllll' un .11\.ml.IHIllIC t(l~'lIl1l'. \dlh :\Ir.- and :\Jrs. \\,illiam Gall'\' t,!. OUT The Girl Scouts of Swarthmore will day. . . I oi <.."hl·~tl·r \\l'nl to New York lor a ft'\~· IIOUSE LAST SATUnDAY ;llknd worship at the Vesper Service of I .\Ir .... 1-.11l1er J :\lllitk III th(' ~Irath' I' I' \ k I PORK 21C LOIN lb. '.1\ -. .{-. \\tt . II.IH'II Inn Illt II' ll \\ld1 lll ... d'1,I1\ · forIi '1 .H 111cnant 1.00'1l1S " I' Icn C, 1( )() Prl.l lce- "1" Ie G"l1r Scouts held a pageant .md ii• ••••••••••••••••; gl"olll ... h\llg-, 1'.1. \\ llIl ~!l \\1 ")11.'111 I tOil ;l\1'1lI1C Idt Salurda) for 1\\0 wCl'lis Court of Awards at the Scout Housc all '-'tHr.II d.I)". dUh III thl S1II!.!C01\ GClltT.II's ofiit:c 111 ~aturday alternoon, October 29th. Dor-E :\11'_ Thol1las l'lllllll 01 S(lllthj\\'.;_llIllgtCIII, I). C. {lthea Dodd, )'l.ugarct Shocmaker and. ()I.IIIg:t·. X. )., h :Ill ~:ll~t ni :\11' .• \\lelj \11. al1!1 .\Ir_ I.. n. IIa~til1g.s of llar- Loulsc Keatley g-a\'c the spoken parts. _\Ir~ J.lIII(,,, (Ie <-Ialk .~II .. 111(1 :\In'l\ani .I\llllll' \\11I1110\e to \\'l'std.lle a\c- I\o"c :\litcllcl1 .sang a solo part, and the <-1.lrt lu\c 1I1(J\ld t~1 ~"11111'11(IIC re-IIltH: III tile IIlar futllrt.'. In'IIl.limler 01 the Scouts formed a chor­n'lltl., 110111 Cililitrotlu. ()hlP, ,\1111 .Ill i :\Ir ,11111 :\II~. I~nhllt I.. <,,\Iatc". pf 11,. Irma Zimllier act'ompanicd the en· I~U ""~ 1Il~ tit<'. l:lIrtl)n _\1 1111.'" IlCIllIC on i 11.11 \ ,II d aHIl1\l. l'llt~ rl Ilill d at hridgt· I tirt' Ilagl'ilnt at thc piano. S\\olfthmorl' CI("t. 11;I',t S.ll11ni.IY t\l'lIl11g. Thl'lr glll'sts! .\t the Court of Awards the followlI\gl WIRING L REPAIRS E RADIO ROAST Trimmed Weigh. BestquaJity-cxccss fat removed. 1------------------- i AYRSHIRE BUTTER , A sweet, rich and creamy I superior to other brands. Ib.27c butter; so ).Ir alltl "r" (;tor.!.:e eilh'~Jlh' 01 ,,~n .\1 r. alii I ,\1 r ... \\'.dh-r Sh01.'lllakt r.1 glrb, rcceiHd )'lcnt Badgcs. WASHERS ~tr.lll, II.nUl .1\l·11I·C !'pent 1.1-t \\It:'I,Allti \11' .Ilul :\Ir" .\lhlrt Sidlll\' J()hl1~llll.1 Troop J6---Jul1e A\,cry, Barhara Bas-ill I{lollilng" l'a, I \11. ,IIUI :\1 r... I. I )ullaltl t~i'II!'(lll, 2\1 r:-"I ~l'lt, Irene Blasdel. i ______________________ _ CLEANERS 1 BROOKFIELD EGGS doz. 38c :\Ir-;. ,1()hn I~. (h~(kll IIi I Iillho11fIll' 1';'rI (11\\ ,Ill. :\Ir .111<1 .\Irs. 'l'lHllllasl T100Jl 19.J-llctty Douglas,.:\largarct ,(\tlllle :;PO].l' fllr IIIIII\ll ;It Ihe lunchcIJlIII.IH·d~·r.:; .. 111" ~Ir. S,lIl1uc:1 I)()(hl. ISllOemakcr, Eleanor Stilith, Sylvia alld metilllg- at thl .\ll'til.1 \V0ll1a11'5 Clul~: \11" alld '\lIs, John L. Cornog- of l S\~~l1ll1. Naomi \VrigI!t... R (Ill \\C(IIH.:"d,l} I>,. Jl·...".\: II. llotllle~ 01 t'h{~tlllli Iitil ha\l' Illtl\l'd rl'c~'lltl\' hll 1roo)l 6-Ruth Cluld, Ann LlIlglc, FIX TU ES -;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~I tilt 11 Il~'\\ J,Olllt' .11324 DickilbOIl :'\\'c-I X.I11C) Price, Gel1c\'ic\'c Uea\'is. r ! IIIH' I Thc ~{cd Cross gave ccr.tificat.cs of AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE I .\.Ir. ;llld :\Ir ... 1111111 ()g<il-Il, of 11111- ,1101l1e l'\urslI1g to the folIow1I1g girls ofl Tel. 1896 You can depend on our eggs COMONT COFFEE tb.23c Every Sip Delicious '. .. I ruul' 16 I GOLDMEDAL FLOUR 12 Ibs,39c 1>"",,, a\ellm' '\l'r, 111 the recc,v"'!:1 j) I' D Id Swarthmore Electr'lc Shop C hll .... ,It a I.I1~l' nuptil1l1 gin'll In' Dr. I) ?ro!IIl.'aI 0(, Bct~y ~IcGarrah, 1----------------- . •• - OTIS .\ ac 111\ re, J anc UlchardsOIl, Uc- hAS h P I 1,11111 :\Ir .... 'orl1lan C la1l1l'f(11l to the, I' I' . \11 \T' I 411 Dartmout Ye. wart more, a. I SUGAR GOWN SHOPPE PARK .. \VE. 10 II" hag 44c S\vARTH~lORE • Wann Dresses For Cool Weather $3,95 $5.95 · )ccea ,0 )lIISOI1,! en IC too\'er. laclIlt\· alld t'Xtt'l1-1t 111 \\tlrk, r.s tlf thl' I 'I If . II I 'I , 1\' . C'I \ St I L' II 11 IC m ot IC t Ircc troops ~\ rs. ~ ... t ll~l·r. ,Il tI 19l'. 1"1 I I 1 '[_. I I \.1(' Jar< SOli )CstoWC( upon l\ rs. Zmllller nill) Slllil\·~. 01 S\\,lrthmore a\l'llne ,l Th.l1Ik.s BadJ.{c as an expression of : (·llt1.llaiIH Ii hi~ d,l"slIl,lh's of Ihl' Uln r- their appreciation of her efforts ill behalf ... tc,n St:holll al a (iilll1t I' alHI Ilalh",c·1.!l 1\)'11'1\ till :\ltl1ul.l)." l\'l'lllllg Ili~ gUl'"l .. \\ l'1 l \1111 BtllIIllt, 1)01\ 1(1 Xel-tlll, :\1 all- IlI"l' '1\ I 111.111. iJlckle 11~111{t' IhlTll.lll and , .\Ir. 1ll-.lIl ".lrklT ~If l'rint'l'toll a\l­! IIUl "',Ilill \\'tdlll"ocla\' ill X~\\' York , . Swarthmore Market 411 Dartmouth Avenue Phon'! Sw. 47 or 48 WEEK END SPECIA[S Frocks For Fonnal Wear $9.75 $14.75 1:\1 .. " P.lIkt'r .llId d.lIIghllr Ihby arc l"'IHllding "'l\lr.ll \\ll,I ..... \\ith her fa­I till I 111 Fltl"lllllf..:'. ~. Y., "iH'Tl' n~·tsy I'" n l nJil r.ltlllg from .1 Sl'\'en' Illnc~5 .\IId h n'l t i\ illl-:" ll11'dical Irl'atIlH'IIt. \11 .... \ \'IIIIIl'r \\'llItl "'{'an {r and chil­tiltH \\lttl halt· hl'l11 \'i"iting ill :\orlh l',1l1,lma fllr st'\cral 'H'cks h,l\'c re- Rumll alltl Rouud Stcaks, 30c I Pl'imc Uib Roast 30,,' ------------------------,-1 IIIi'll{ cI (0 thl ir hOI111' TOll I\lusclc Roast 32c I Thl' I.tgilill .\11XilJdl) IlHltlllg \\;·s hlld till \\'t Chll.·scia) a ill rllOtlll <It the hOllll of :\1 r... I{ohert C. Powell of FI'esh Killcd Roasting Chi,'kens 28c, • Come '1/ alld Take {l Peep ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING I SHoll Ihmore place. I \Ir Fnd lh·\\hur ... t of \\'a ... hingloll, I I). r., lorlll~'r1) ot ~\\arthlll(lfl', i~ at­I. ntl1l1g" thl' Pn'pal·atnry Ecollomic Coull'n'IH t .11 CllI~ \ a, S\\ Itn r1aIHt. :\11" and ~Ir ... .Io1l11l" 1":Lccll1 I) lllt~ I t.lillUI thl'lr ~I1PJlll hrulge dill> J, ... t ~II!IIcla) lll·lIl11g. ~llglallt l~n'\\"ltr clf S\\;lrtln11Clll' ,1\lll\l~ lllhrLlllllcl at .1 11.Illo\\c'cll Largc Hams Wholc 01' Half 15c All Lines of • '" , INSURANCE ~! INCLUDING LIFE § I pal"t~ b"t ~alllniay l'H'lIIng I.m.lted in • \1l'. ,llId \1 r~. R.lIIeitllph nTtl\\ lid! oi Thomllsoll'~ Stlllt·, "lorton, I'a, I ,,'llIt( Plaill~, :\. J, \\ III ~11l'IHI thls .... PETER E. TOLD I~=. OLD BANK BLDG. Call Swarthmore 1833 Pcrm lltl'llt U'.\\'mg I \\ ~ I 1. "lid \\ Ith :\1 r. HI 0" lIell".:; parlllb, =------~~----~----~-= I:\cc) n.l,\ EXlCllt S.ltncd.l) , ~ SIH'll.lls !Slt)t) 1:\11 oIllcl :\II~ ,1ohl\ R Blll\\lll'lI of 'Phone S\\.lrthlllore 1!l9-1-\\' I Ild\1 IIIInllll.lle. ICE DEPENDABLE i Ollcn C\l'1lI11J;S h~' apllointmcnt TI'l IlhlllilllS oi tht: S'\,lrlhllltlrt' CHEAPER ;=====:.::-::.:.-_· __: ':: _ ::':':'::-==='1 ! 111~h ~dl(1(11 Snl ~ lr k.·lll \\ 111 hl' t1l1.' M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 W cst Baltimore Ave. CLIFTON HIi:IGHTS Madison 110 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches i igUI.."h tli tlll \\'L'-ltO\\1I ham at sup­I! lit l' tlHIHlTrll\\ ('\ .. :ll1l1g 111I1o\\Il1g- their 1 j g,lHH .IL \\"l"UtI\\1I I :\iI .... Ilu!-:"h :\Id,lan of Xorth 'rona- I:I \\.illlia. :\ Y, \\a~ thc gt1C~t oi her i lMI (llh, '\lr, .1111) :\11 .. \\IIII,lIll \Vest 0\ (r !<h t \\ l (k l'IHI I :,\1 r" 1\(lI.lI1d (~. E. l'lIl1l,iII ,lIld ).[ r .... I) \\il1l:1l11 Silllll1,lIh \\ill llltlrtaill till" I la ... t or "Thl' Thirtct'nth Chair" at a • · You will find our aervic::e convenient to your needs. Yc Old Swarthmore Ice Service. 210 n.Ttmouth Ave. Phone 894 D. F. GERNER Buildi"g tllUI Repllirs KIMMELL & SON lIa,crforil PJacc Phone SlV. 632~J roses for fall planting at lowest prI• ces I• n years ::\tau) per~olls prefer 10 Jllanllhcir rose ~arden8 in the autumn. We nr(> rl"udy for them ",ilh a ~reat assortment of Ihe most desirable 'Ilrit'!if'!', !'I11C't'iully pr('pnrcil for foil planting. All blrunA', two-year­old, hl·hl.~ro\\ II, dnrmanl plants ••• and at \.'ery interc:-.ling prices. "nu I'Qn Ilrh I' in find Imrk at our ~lnrt' OR Ifln~ n~ yon like And her(', al hi mhl'lorh'r.!'", yon ('an J,.!ct t'x[lcrt nclv;f'c on all\' horlit"lIltural ... uhjt·(·l ••• a ~H'rvi('c IImt hn~ hrlped 10 make J)r('("~~~ muslnnding. Swarth. 1441 J.!=====~I IIENH\, A, UlIEEIl 1 :m6 ~prin" (;~Irticil Slr('('I, '·hilndelphin, 1'0. ....... But EIeetrit: Rates STAYED Down "Were the utilities unregulated, as is true of priva'e en· terprises," says the Alabama Public Service Commission, "if they were free during prosperous times to fix rates without regulatory control, then they could With justice, perhaps, be subjected to the price fluctuations suffered by private business during economic depressions. "If, however, they have not been permitted to eorn more than a fair return during prosperous times, this fact must be given due ccnsideration when we deal with their rates and their role of return during periods of general depression." Since 1913 the Phi'adelphia Electric Company System'. total overage electric rate ho~ been reduced 41.4 per cent. Between 1913 and Ihe end of 1929 commodity prices soo red - skyrocketed! But electric rates went the way of periodic reductions. Today the cost·of-living is still 44 per cent above 1913 levals ... Thot contrast. we believe, adequately tells its own eloquent story. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC CO'MPANY A P'oneer in Vo'un'tmly fslabluhmg low Rafes for AU Elcdrlc Service ~OVEMBER 4. 1932 \\ hat ",110111<1 he Ihl tnrrtt! \\l"lr for I'T street, aftl'fllooll awl \.'\cllillg: for " present S("ISOII. "'0 \ It,tll) illl)IOI talll "till fuuinillc :-'l'X \\11I Iol c1i ... phl)l'd ill 'l ;lIrlll of an l·IlII'I·I.lilllllg 1\:\1It.: .It till" \\ I\c.:rl~ 'I hl'atTl', IJ1I .\towla) and Till's­[ t\ \.'\l·lIing .. , Xmllllhlr .!I awl 22 at , ~~ 1'. 1\1. I :JI'" re\'lle \\ ill hl' llIoltle po~"iIJle (llik i'r,,"~h thc splcnlilcl lUOpc.:I.ltioll of lc.lli­!,: L'P1Il'r Darll) lII~rch,lIIb. 1 hi ... Fall Fa ... hioll I<l'\lIt \\ill Huh' he I \L11t \\hKIt 110 Olll" (.111 alf"rtl to ~lIh-' j" iJeillg off\'r\'11 in COll)lIl1CtlOlI \\ itlt 11 I fLolttll e l~n'''L1ltoltil)1l "\\ 1"1 Gtrl" ring JO'l1l Ih:III1 .... 11. l'h.lrlt~ Farrell ~ J~,dph Dellalll), ••• .\llk '.\ hll1 'Irildll.llh pro- 111 :\~ \\ 1 (II!" \\d'" 01 ... { 1I-.IIl\IIl.t1 .',,,,,,;ctic lilt 11" \l\jlhll'_'" ell ll1l .. ,11I \\a~ "'(1 Itll({11I1 th.11 {'\~'IItIl,lIl) .I 1I1\1"llg,lil(l1i III plhnlh \\;(" l'fl 11: a lallIul g'1'llllP cil hlllll.llli­s IIl·.\(k~1 J" \\.lIciell I.a\\l ... (II j'\\·llli.II·I.\ thl :\:l\\ YOlk FIUU,\Y J\i'I~1) O"t· ,lIn" 'Vlw (;ttn ,.."ill Mu/.t' A"'f'r;('fl I .. rmgll ! WiLL ROGERS DO\W CoutlllnOI1!> 1'l'rlurm.llHc (">t,lrtmg \\Itll the h\l!11 rc) t'\{'T\ S.ltllrd.1Y from 1:30 to )l;UtJ JI. Ill .. \tlmIS ... lon _(')uldren. tole; .,dull!;, 20-till G (J't lelll •. ['Illl,..,ual SIHII'I :-'llhjt'll "(;ET 'filAT U(H\'" A graphiC, i)P,IIlt-lfull' pholo­': I'.\Ilht'cl l'tIl na' al uf a mountain lion Inutt In the Ill'l~n fIt' 'Il lOll~h 1110Hlltnill C'uuntlv of ,\llzona Exc('l­If'nt. cntprt,unnlCllt. H\lU,· rm all 1;';('''' D. A R l\.1utloll i'lcttnc l,mlte :'tIOX'U\\' .\)."1) 'l'l'J::-;J)\Y ANN BAIWiNG 111 'JJ7ES1'Jr~1R1J I' ASS. tCE' WEUXESU.\Y ,\xn TIIUmm\Y E\)\11 'I]) I.tI\\ 1: "(;UAi"lJIJ" TilE M \(;JCIA'I NI;X'l' .... un.\y ANn S\'l't;HU.\\' MAl HICE CIIE\ \I.IEII PIUlSI'I:C'l' I' \n.K, I' \ FRlnAY .\:-';U S\'l'UlW\Y TilEY'ltE :,\1 TS TO '\ 01 i! StiltE TIIE\ 'HE cn \z\! A uti }' ou ~ Ii Hf' (;ruz\' A/H",f rl'lu'1I1~ l'ouf 4 MARX BROS. in ~~llorsf' P,'ul II #'''", '" ~Io:'\'n,\ \'-Xt'xt \\ (·c·I\-'l'LT:-.D \ Y 111(' g-re.ltl'sl or .tll r.uiJo m~'itcr-" thl'llIC'rs IS a nt'\\ St'll'l'1l ~t'II".ltlOn! "(;II.IM)I ,,, Till; 11 1/;/1.1," \\ ,t It (o.]BIl:\]) 1.0\\ E XI;X1' "IlU; un \\ I( h JO.\N B1,(I:\ilELI. EmC L1:\III::\ NI:X'l' WITli-'I I1L'ltS}) \ \ BELA DRACUlA lUuDSI RHEA.UD £Y UNITED AUIHS Greucho gets playful with blonde thelma Todd, the college widow-and forgets himself. A hilarious moment in the Four Marx Brothers' comedy, "Horse Feathers," at the Manor The­alre. l"l'llIl~ tl1\ alill lhe rllat! t'lllllpal1\' had III It_ h,lllIIut rolt ... t\\tI t:lln \\ho .tt­tl. tIL cI ... " 1Ii1l~ h ,llll1l1iol1 that tilt ,. {'tlltll,TlI.\ "lll' 1.1Ilnd ll'lItl.11.i. Iv lI 'pl.l1 III t.11I,1I1!.! jlldun S Tin \ 110\\ oil, ilallll'lil -.1 Ir, .11'11 l'l.lrl" (~al;lt, al1d :--;1 Il III {'r 'l'r;1l y \\ ill al\\ a \ -. Ill' a Broad­\\ 1\ 1111111111\ .... 1'llhI' :\llar .... "'11 ;Ihh jJtlrllol\l'c! h) .111\\\ "trelll 1i"""lhllih·. 1)I"t~tl'lI '·(I"IlI. \\hn oIPJll'.lr:-; ill Ihe "1..1"" .\llk" at tlil Lall ... dtl\\lIl· Th1.;ttTl' \\ llllll ... II,I.\. :\'cI\~'I11II~r cJtlt. \\'ill thi" n.ll al-:aill c.:l"lah: .lIlllthl"r grl,tt "lfllll "'(;Ir :- • • STORY HOIIR SEES WlU. PE"iN PAGEANT 'I hl' lll-t IlTIlgr.ll1l IIi till' Sinn Ilour \\a~ ]Illd Ot.:t 22 IJ1 tllc I Ilgh' :;chool ,lluhtorilllll in lhl' iOll11 oi a IMgl',lIlt <le­I'; Ctlll~ the liie oj \\'tl1i,11ll I'ellll. ~[rs, Illkn 11<111 ,lllIllllller of thc Ston'llu\IT (1llIlIIlit1le \\rote till' Ilagl'ant ";1<1 hc­l\\ ull ~Llllt~ totel 01 pe11l1 .... hie to ,,'Initl. til Hl thl' a!lfllellCL. i hl' jlrescllt.l­tl( lll 01 the pagt'ant \\as dirccted hy )Ii"s .\1.11) \11II~trulI~, and :\ll"'S :\llldred .\ Warner Bros. Theatre LA ~h.S.\'~ne?u~ N E I.ansdcn,ne ,\lennl;! & naltimore Pike TillS FIUUAY .\:'\:1) S.\TlllW.\Y ·1 MAHX BROS. in "IlOWiE FEA1,IIERS" Big h' iI!,l~ ~hlm Sat.. I p. m. :uoxu \ \' ,\xn 'l'Uf.SIJ \ Y E,llIluIIII I.un,'" ViC'lnr Md.:lglt'li ill "(;UIL1T ,JS liEU}' W[.I)XI:SIJ \ Y h !"ihcu,kl'c! till' ~.llinli "'fIlE LIST MILE" ( I,lrk (;.Ihl~· allil SIII'III'I'r Tr;.u·~ pl.l\ ".1 111(' origillal :-1.1::1' rolt':-.. PIl'"lnn Fo-.«'I' nun 1,Ia~ ~ Killl'r ~\ll'nr"'. TlJunSIl.\ 1.' j(1I'1 '1"(:rl':I ;uul 1,':11 \Vrn) ill "TilE MOST f)AN(;E/WUS (;AUE" 1J.'flT Htlil'. J. ,lIul!uin'. l:fJlH'f'TI Orll(lIIiNt THE S~ ARTHMOREAN '~\'cry oi Ihc 1li~h .:;c.:hoo1. ).Ii ... s Eslh('r 1Ilerr) ,Iud .\11 ..... lIertlllllC :\I)lf" "l're ill t:hargc of Ihe nhtulIll~. I "l hr~i.: ~Cl'II('~ \\cr~ ginll ;1\ a I,trgc I t':ht ~'I III~h Mhoul -tttcltnt ... 'The Ilr"l. 11 ellll s hOllle. :h a ) tiling" lIIan. i rCJ11I til(' I g.l)l't) .mel IrHohty of \\111lh he rt.:hdl . lui; ~u.:oJltI, Iii" tlrlll 111 Jln"illl \\hul he I n'llI~lIl til. ll·.a\(· hi ... iriulCl" III ~llltc HI [ Ill::. lather" IIlh'T\ultItJll; .IIHI 1.1_t hi-. trl'.li) III \llIeTll,1 \\!th the llllli:Ub I I 'I he, pr(Jgr.11ll \\.1 ... giHII t\\ ICC cil1f1l1g: lite a~tl'fllonll. Itl ~t il)r the -cho,,1 ,lIIeI 1 1.lIt rlor tilt' :-:Otnr), IlulIr. I "J h .... lIl:xt Slor) Iiour l,rugr.lIl1 \\ 111 ee'l1\(:' dnrlllg the I.l-.t \\\.'\.'k 111 X'Ht.:lllhlr.1 \ JI.lnc_t l·e .. tl\.11 \\nltclI :lIId .Ich:d h\ i ImlllJ,., of the CIHr"tlm "I.:huol \\ilt l;l j giHIl 111 till" \\"OIll,lIl'~ Cluhhuuse. • NEWS NOTES 3 1\11':--...... ;.1<1(' BOll1-!htl'n. Jr .. 01 CIIl:<ll1ut Hill "ill ha\c H "11<J\\illl-! Ilf illl·:\pl'n-.i\l' ':;PI)rt dl)thl.'-' on i\lolHhl), :'\O\l'1I)1It'l' foul"tel'llth frOIn l) .\. :\1. 10 l) 1'. 1\1. al thl'IIIIIIIl' (If ~tl'''. S,II.L!l'nt \\.lltl·l· 10.; :'\lIrth Chl'stl'l" RO,HI I Ihl'IC \\111 hc a ··Prl":' .lIIel J'ubhul\.i ..... -~~---------______________________ J 1l1ll111'r" 011 Thur~cl.l~, XCl\ulIhi.:r 10 ~;t 1 the l'llbht.: I.edglr 1;\1Ilellllg-, I'I1Il.lIld- I rp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ plll.l .. \11 \\illllall'~ Cluh 1l1CmiJel:o .Ire, 1II\'uul 1\.e~c.:T\,ltitllb IllU-t he made b\"' XIJ\clIJhl.:r }:. t() ~Jr~, I'JlIllr 1· . .\lchck: .It the Str,alIt lIa\l'1I Inl1 I 1·.lil..da'th h)((l, d,lIIghter oi ~Ir ami! .\Ir_. i{ulillt (~. Ft,rd 01 ~\\.lrthll\UIC'1 Cn."~t, hoi ... jll~t hecn I.!ltdttl Ilrl,lIlent oi thl.! Fll ... hm.lIl cl.",,, at till.! ..\Llrjonc \\ d .... tl'r Srhuul III \\',I-hll1gtull. I). r. I :\1 r" .. blllly Pullanl ut "1 hUllllhUII ~ flMd, Sllflngllcld, ha .. g'Jllt tu \·lrgllll.l1 \\hl'rc ~ltl.!" \\111 \1_lt rcl.lll\l'" ior t\\ul \\ ccks. I "1 \\ lllt,\ -1l\C h,h been r,Lbcd alllllllg- thc \\ ollien IJi S".lrthmurl' fur JullU~ XIc:mC)l'I, \\IIlI h.1::. becn thcll Ilri,cr of thc \\".lIl11,uII.lker IJcll\ll \ , 1 rlli.:k ~lr\illg S\\,lrtlllllllrc jur thc P,I:t t .!5 )l':lr~. ).Ir i\icnw~lr 11) ... 1 .111 1\1 .. -.1\-1 IlIg~ III a Ill'arby \,.lIlk l.lllnre, '\Ir~. E : I' .. 1')ll' \\a~ largd) n:"jIUlblhk fur Ihi.:1 gtllc.:rOlls prujl'Ct. I ~lrs. Ch.lrIi.:~ \)r;l\o, lli \\ e"tdalc a\"C- 1I11e. \\ ill elltci taill thl.!" :\lol1d,l\ l.uncheon i Contract Cluu 011 XOHIl1!Jer 7, CI I • Party Leaders Differ (Co.ltln1f~d from P<Jge One) I \·on~ nll~ ItE~ln4l'1I.\.n.' l'U'h I~T 1"011 IJTf·.~if/f'"1 "ranklill U. Utl1l~I'\I'h , i(·I·~/Jrf'l>irlf·II' Julin ,. (.arlH'r I' • . 'i •. 'if·IIf11or 1,;mrt·lIlt· II. Uu)lt) ."'illllt· 'fn'''''' (t'T J.. H. Shan nun . 'mU'"r (;"III'r,,1 "il"ull (;. Sari:: Cf'"#TI'~S"'('" Matth.,\\ Hall.L,1I "'jUI'rf'''''' ( /Inri 1';,I".lr,1 ('. 11i:,du'~' "i1l1U'rior Cuurl HollC'rl \. 1II'1Iflc'r:o-un C;t Ul"~P I • UUlI::la .. c.t'tlC:':;I' II. :\11'\\ Ill'rlt'r "rrh- .'i",,,,tur John II. l-ilm.1II U, "rl');I'IIllIlil" ill ';c',H'ral i. .. ~,·1JI1,h 1.11l1u·r II. Chalham Jallu'" \. Kane' '1'1141111.1" 1 • "(·':1l11l·,'. Jr. has an.\ 1l.ltJUII.l1 stalldlll~ .b .111 CCtJll- 1 omi:.t, Olle <I0lS lIot teach ~It ~\\ arthlllorc I ,.!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;.;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .It ;tli thi~ \ C,lr, one It,ldll:. olll\" 0111..' Il'dllrc C()lIr~l" alld tllrci.: arc nut c\cnl ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COIIIIl"cte(t \\ itlt thc I.:COIIOl11le ... cil'partmcnt I r of thl' colll·ge <1l1d h,IU 110 ~t.lIldillg a~ I CC()lI{1l1li~b I T\\ u rl ~Hltnts of Ihc borough .Ire C~ll1CI1"1 date:. ior totlllh ofliu', I(' ... .:;l' II. lIolme:-, i~ nl1lmllt-:" jOt' C(lIlg-rl'~: till the ~octah~t i tlLket alld John J l. Pitman h Dcmo­(" 1'ltlC • ulf1ad:llt' Ipr SLlit' ":'t n,ltor 1 I)r. \\ Ilhalll T. 1',111", \\ho \\.IS ior-I IIll'r1) a I kmocr,lt Iml i .. 1111\\ rq.,d-kl"l·d a~ .1 l~CPllhhl'\ll, .I"k:-. for thc :-ulJllurt oi. thl' ... e t\\O S\\"art1111l1lrc,II\'o 111 a Il'ttlr til "j hc' ,),~(lllhJ/lO/ t'flll JlTllltcd ll-I.!\\ hlrc. \\ hc.:11 lIIli.:n 1('\\l'11 upon hi'" dloKe lOr I thl' prc"uitllcy, I)r Elli~ .. aid tlMt I ~uhJt:ct \\a ... 1J1~ pn\oItc Illblllt'....... Ill' :ultle<i ... e\clal rCllI.llk,.,. heJ\\e\1.·r, \\hKh he declared ~h{l111d ~I\C p("ople little call-e tu douht hi" "UI'Pllrt IJI l{O(hl \t1t l'olb will open at 7 .1 til anti cl{l~C al 7 p. III and tht· \CJtlll~ \\111 he the ~dllle .b III prc\ ion~ ~ l·oIr .... \ (Jtlll~ lI1<1lh­illl'" \\111 'Il' ll'ol<i tllnll1~hlllit the lnilrC UllInt}. \\'tJllllll ate lIlg!.:l\ tIl \tllI.! l.trl) .1I1t1 lIut \\alt tor thl·il IHl~h,lIlcl ... tll collll' h01l1l .. 0 tl"'t thi.:~ nlol~ gil ttl tile Iiolb h)~dllc:r. ::\1.1Il) llltlplc h,l\ c 1,lIled to \t)1l' at pre\iuu ... t:kt.:tllIlb thl') JI"'l)IOlIl'd it too IUllg, .\nyolll' OUbHlc the ut) oi Chv,tll' \\ Ito i~ nut I'cgi~tcn:d 11M} \ oil' iJy t.lklllg .11\ ,tlhtl.l\lt thl" halt: il\cd ill thi.: St.ltC Olll', 111 th~ jllCLllld .... ixty d,I~" alld hal l' paid a "t.lte or conllt) t.lx \\lt11111 t\\O )ear~. Tht:-c allidiHlb 1Il.l) he ~l'cl1rcd irUII1 the JlIdgl.::~. uf tkctiull .It thl' differcnt {lolls -~--.............. ~~ Republican Rally (Cotlli1l11ed Iro'" POQe Otu) .\: thl' Ilig-h ~c1Hlnl thl prtlgr,'111 "Ill niHil \\Itll .1 \\orc! til JIltltltiUltlll1l THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY DIAMOND COAL DIAMOND co*kI: DIAMOND FUEL OIL Diamond Fuel Oil measures up in every way to the reo quirements which are set for the highest quality oils avail. able. It is relined from the very best 01 crude oils to meet the speciFications set down by the American Oil Burner Association and the United States Department of Commerce. Our policy of constant check and analysis aFter the oil reaches our storage Facilities is our assur· ance to you that Diamond Fuel Oil will continue to maintain its same high quality and uniformity at all times, Diamond delivery service is unique in its thoroughness, dependability, and completeness. Also remember that there is a Diamond Fuel Oil exactly suited to every type of burner. ORDER YOUR DIAMOND FUEL TODAY /;-Ol!l DIAMOND IC~ &- FU~LCOMPANY 2nd &- TILGHMAN STS, 4th &- PENN STS, ~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ In I~ Cht~It'r Spll1l'{r, \\hll \\I]III:lIIll I PI-IONE CI-IESTm 2-4612 ~ cI;,lll'h tliru I ill' tllll·tlllg O\l'r til I\olHlt E. Sh.ll'lllu" ne\\ Iy dcctr.:ti prc:ouit.:nt Ill' the :\IIII'~ Ll·.lgUl IIi \\Olllll1 \elt- I~==~======================:::::==========~ "I ". ,I lIt1ll-p.II'ti ... 1I1 til ~.lI1IZ.\l1t11l \\lIrk· -~- .\ W,\UXER 'l'iiE,\TRE WA~I~l~~ELy 111I~ ftu' the rl.:lll"C.:tHItl ()j l'll'-Iliel't l \\ \ \ \ '~~'\'\~'I!\~fiI:4"""'~rj"III'~' / / / / III I ~,~::\::'::;:'.~;::::: .':~~~~:~~~::~t \::::,'~~:I,::'::;~;! l \ \ \ \ \\ '\\~~~~~'~V:"" :~,~i~li'l1 ,' / / / / / "rl ... ilk-llt lJO{\\'l1' Il\xt Tm .. c!'l) ,Ire ~ \ \ ~\ \:\\\i\.a."nl /J um:XI-:J. 1111.1., PA. '1'11'::-) nun \Y \SD SA'I'URUAY ,I, MARX nUOTHEUS m "HOnSE FEATIlERS" -XI,X'I' \\,EEli­:\ lO="U.\Y .\:\,J) TUI~sn'\Y E.hulIJld Lo\\(' 'it'lUl' I\1('La~lt'll "(;lInn' AS HELL" III g-l'c1 to h~ prl'~lllt The chairman \\il1 c.lll 011 till' Inllll\\­" IH·.I"l..r~ to gill' tl\lll' lIIillllh- t.llk::. 1.I ... tlllg Ill}t 11101 C th.llI t\\II mlllllt, ... III hl h.lll 01 till Ir p,lrt} . I II\ll \ 1'11Il! \\ 11l1,lm ILIlId"hdl 1It-.I1 ... 1 •. \1 ~lIllth. ·I'.lt 111111,\ 1."1I1~ l'll,tl Ih'l1llll(}n ... , C1.'~~i,' II. 1!,,!JIll .... ,Iud ~I"r~ I No •• ) Frauds Local Ih)li~'c tJltln'r~ alHI tl1l' l nllr\ I S\\.lrthmoTl· "CJll.ul,li I'lalll lltlthl~ Illl'1I 1 llid", ... 1 Arh· .. WEIlXESIM¥-1 DAY ONLY \\111 hl' _t;ltilll1l'd thnlughout tht' H10llli "TIlE ~IOST to rl'1110\ C ,lin ,1Ile hl ckl1l1g" othl r th;1Il 1 IJA1\'CEROlfS GAJIE" I klll(H.:rab ::I;d Sllcialbt ~IH akt'r.. ,\II! .ftwl ~·\1('(~I'(' ... -Fi.lY ,V I'ay ju·r .. Oll ... \\ ho arl' Il.lck\\.trd 111 appLllul­Illig Ih I'uhhcan "IWakl'fS \\ ill abo ill' 1 TurnS)),U' I nAY ONLY ,'xpdlul irnm thl..' nlOIll : '-JlIADA!lIE I \ih'r Ihl' prt}gr:1.1ll (Ii tll(' :\1l'I1'" I RACKETEER" i I.1:lg'tll' oi \\"Ollle'll \'ofl'r_, the t1Hllill~: Ali,,,. . !''k ', ,,worI I, 1'\\111 he tUfIll'cl tl\lr III l;t1rg-\'''~ \\ illiam \' Iti .. hurd Bennett I R. I.andl': .. \\ ho \\ ill, intro<iucl..· I hI.' 111al1l I , _________________ \ ::.peakcrs ot the C\·Cl1Il1g. " T"'P'"~f.I1IT for "Ifi.·., U'"rl",rs 1/0/1 (,II/(}/j fl/(, COIzl'(,lliwce of a T 1£ 1.1£ ,-"" ." E ill IjOIl r of/icc . •. o l111j IlOl f'Il/olj tllc }({/lU! com '('llif'IICC (I{ IlOme 9 tESS THAN A DIME A DAY You C,ln h,l\'e J. tL'k-l"hone 10 yoUl hnm-: tor Ie:-s than I () ct:'nt:::. .1 J.\)T! For the Monthly Rates c.lll 01 tI1y'um.~ ,It the BUS:N!:SS OFFICE or ,.,k ,IllY IIdl employee

---------- Page 5 ----------

. THE SWARTHMORBAN NOVEMBBR THE SW ARTHMOREAN to be staged in the national and state leg- of Swarthmore will attend the was hadly bruised. The driver of the pike, was cut and bruised when the islatures. service jn uniform. car was Mrs. John J. Stetser, he was driving skidded into a tree on PabUohed Eyery Frida,. al Swarthmo .... Pa, ROBERT Eo SIIARPI..ES Editor and PubU."",. Now it happens that two of our neigh- An unusually strong series of mission bors, staunch and militant "drys", are study services has been arranged for of a Chester attorney. She was Chester road midway between the candidates in this field. Their 0 w n Nov. 15th, 16th and 17th. The jured. more Pike and Swarthmore avenue. neighbors should stand by them. c1ass.s will be held on the afternoons At noon, Teddy Bucher, chauffeur high crown in the road and the pro",,,,, Prof. John H. Pitman, of the CoHel!e" these days at close of public schools, Mrs. Charles A. Stern, of the Il.lltim,o",/ol wet leaves caused the car to skid. Phone Swarthmore 900 a militant temperance man, should carefu1ly selected leaders, and will Entered as Second C1 ... ~~;~.:=~ I voted for as State Senator from this dis- elude all departments 01 the S;!;.~~~:: I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 34, 1929, at the Post triet. His candidacy has the added ad- School above the beginners. r: Pa., under 'he Ac' of March 3, 1879. vantage of being opposed to that of John will be under the direction of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1932 McClure, the head of Delaware County's department 01 the Sunday School. infamous, booze-begotten, corrupt and On the evenings of these days, there will Correspondence corrupting "Organization". one mixed class for adults, under Prof. Jesse H. Holmes, of the College, of the Young Woman's Guild is a candidate for Congress against Wol- of· church, to which everyone is in..; fenden, who is proud to be one of Mc- vited. The leader will be Miss Moore To the Editor of Tile Swartllmorean: Clure's rubber stamps, and a New York City, secretary of the depart- Dear Sir: "wet". Swarthmore should give ment of Young people's work of the The following legislation ca,"di,dates I Holmes a notable vote. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. from this county and district favor al- For United States Senator, oP'Posed The general subject will be China. lowing cities and boroughs to adopt the the miserable Davis, Dr. Fithian, of manager plan :with proportional repre- Pennsylvania, an outstanding sentation: "dry" and a man of notable efficiency, FOR StNA'tOR deserves the votes of all Pennsylvania John H. Pitman, Dem. friends 01 the Eighteenth Amendment. Eldridge Brewster, Soc. These three merit our support, regard- Clara A. Hendricks, Proh. less of our choice' for head of the ticket FOR RvRltStNTATIW As for "party regularity", we need to Luther H. Chatham, Dent. member that the "straight ticket" is James A. Kane, Dem. father of all crooked politics. Geo. R. Cooper, Soc. William T. Ellis. Amelia Lindley, Soc. Nelson A. White, Proh. ••• Trinity Church , . Stoek Creek Ridley Creek in Delaware ~"::::~~n:: I stocked with black bass and during September by the Fish Cotr.mis­sion. , . TWO AUTO ACCIDENTS ON NO. CHESTER RD. Mrs. Frank W. Harris, Jr., 104 M()t-I ton ave., Ridley Park, was injured Tt,es··1 I may explain that a borough already has the power to employ a manager, but not the power to elect its council without a primary and without party names. Plans for forming a Men's Fellowship were made at a meeting of the melt of day afternoon when the automobile the Parish on Tuesday evening. W. which she was riding was struck by Minton Harvey was appointed Chairman other car at Swarthmore ave. and C~,es·.1 Yours truly, lAtme to the Fox Thean e Monday Evening, November 71h, and help ehOOl!e a "Guest Arti81" for FAME and Fortune. Egg Stove • Tune in "Fame BDd .Fortune" WCAU-Sunday, 8 P. M. Cash PrI""" pluo Penna, Stale Tax 1% .$11.50 .$11.75 Buckwheat. Nut Pea . .$7.50 .$11.50 $9.75 Reading Super-clean Bard Coal Delivered Anywhere in Philadelphia & Suburbs Recommended and Sold By Mason Heflin COAL CO. J. Delancey Verplanck. Phone Swarthmore 345 Today I • AI •. Editor: omfe eat incgo momn itMteoen dtoa ya rervaenngineg ,f oNr oavneomthbeerr terM rrosa. dH. arris was taken to the Ridley i~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ The chief speaker at the rally Cor The other members of the com- Park Hospital, where it was found she Hoover held at the Strath Haven Inn I mlitt.,e are: A. B. Chapin, E. O. Lange, S. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ week before last told his audience that S. Preston, Sr., S. B. Brewster, Richard fI there was no such thing as an jndepen- Campion, Ernest Wernher, Philip dent Republican nor an Independent Davis, and S. F. Butler, Sr. Democrat. You just had to be the Or- The regular monthly meeting of ganization type of straight Republican or Woman's Auxiliary will be held on M<on··1 Democrat, or "You weren't anythint' day afternoon, November 14th at 2:30 Calendar of matter how corrupt that orgam.z ation o'clock. Community Events • I , Methodist Notes the candidates it puts up might be. pronouncement removes us lar from impression that this country is still land of the free and the home of Thursday evening, November tenth in brave." the Sunday School room of the Meth- Equally specious \\-as the adjuration odist Church, there will be an entertain-a Swarthmore audience of supposed ment by Mrs. Frank N. Smith's circle, telligence and unimpaired brain power moving pictures of a Trip to Europe. that the use of the voting machine prac- • • • tically compelled "a straight vote," a ter- The Ladies' Aid Committee will sell rible 2nd threatening possibility being soup every Thursday morning from that otherwise "YOU might make a mis- 11 :30 to 1 . p. m. except November take" in raising your forefinger and until further notice. pushing down the little lever over the * • • name of the candidates of your choice on The Annual Bazaar will be given a form of baUot that was accepted by IDec,:ml>er 8. A turkey supper. will popular vote of this county as being less served. conducive of mistakes than the old paper ballot of huge proportions. • • • • • • In re the advisability of glvmg Hoo­ver a Republican Congress to support and carry out his measures of economic rehabilitation, there is undoubtedly a The Home Missionary Society will be to the Foreign Missionary So­at the Home of Mrs. Earl Kistler Noven,ber 9 at 2:30 p. m. • I a Presbyterian Notes Movies- "A Trip to Europe" Thursday Evening NOVEMBER 10 at 8 P. M. ADMISSION 2Sc SWARTHMORE M, E, CHURCH Church News FIBST CHURCH OF OHBIBT. SOlENTIBT, OP SWARTHMORE noon, Park Avenue Below Harvard SChool. Le.J.son-Sennon. meeting each week. open dally, except 1 to 4 In the after-basis of sound reason and I have since been assured that it was on that basis alone that some independents advocated voting the straight ticket at this election, though why even for that reason neces­sarily Hfrom top to bottom?" Last Sunday was the twelfth annivers­ary of the coming of Mr. Benjamin L. Kneedler, to the church as organist and choirmaster. Under Mr. Kneedler the All are cordially invited to attend the services and use the Reading Room. Yet the adjuration to vote the straight ticket would be sowld though needless if only the organization leadership was clean and honest as well as able, and supported the right kind of candidates for office. But we don't get that kind in Delaware County and the whole sys­tem is based on a wrong principle and is cor r u p t all the way through. When thievery known as "graft" among pol­iticians in pubEc office becomes so flag­rant that it cannot be hidden and a chief offender has to be the victim and "take the rap" for the rest, it is high time that a republicanism that is really "straight" arises itself to some kind of effective protest and action. Please reme!nber that for many years, William T. Ram. sey was an effective spokesman of unim­paired lung capacity and an invaluable right-hand man for the organization leader. I have seen him many times sitting in the State Legislature as a fifth ex-officio member from Delaware County where he filled the role of the dictator of policies and votes of our elected rep­resentatives for the organization. • • • Yes, Mr. Editor we agree with Mr. Hunter, we do need some Republicanism and leadership in Delaware County that is "straight"-straight enough to get the decent citizenship of this county to join in an effective combination against this corrupt and degraded type of republican­ism and leadership, and declare that it will be no longer tolerated in Delaware County. Yours very truly, Julia A. Yarnall. I.a Editor of The Swarthmor<an: Our community holds a goodly number of "drys"; and a reminder to them may be in order concerning the only possible way in which they can function as such at next Tuesday's election. Since all three major ,Parties are "wet" our ballots for the presidential office have no Uwet" or "dry" significance. must be guided by other considerations in voting for Hoover, Roosevelt or Thomas. But the real "wet" and "dry': battle is music of the church has attained a high ________________ _ degree of efficiency a..nd the church choir become one of the most finished in this vicinity. The Junior Choir sings the service at vespers the coming Sunday. The girl TheWater You·Want ••• When ron WilDt Itt Rushing, gushing, sparkling streams of pure crY8lal-dear water ••• are in­stantly at your lJervice ••. almost like magic ••• every time you tum tbe faucets in your home. Great,giant pumps ceaselessly work­ing day and night .maintain this water prCS8ure in your home and in . your community •.. thus prot~cling you against the mcnace of sudden fires or other emergencies. That is why Pbiladelphia Suburban Water is always at your senice, twenty­four hours R day ••• every day in the year • • • and always at full preuure! Be sure to visit your near­est pnmping slation. See for your-. self why you always gel aU the wa­ter you want ••• when you 'Want iL "CERTIJ:t~IED WATER from Pedigreed Streams" PHILADelPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY SWARTHMORE .METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS. MINISTER SUNDAY.NOVEMBERS~ 9:45--Sm~DAY 8CH<X>L l1:00--HOLY COMMUNION "THE MASTER'S MEMOIUAL" 7:45-WORSIDP AND SEltMON "THEY NEED NOT DEPART" A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU • THE SWARTHMORE PRESBY'l'ERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Ellery Tuttle. D.D., Lltt.D., Pastor, ALWAYS HAS A CORDIAL WELCOME FOR ALL. Strangers and New Comers are especially invited. SUNDAY Bible SChool at 10:00 MORNING WORSHIP. 11:00 PASTOR PREACHES "WILL THE UNITED STATES RELY ON GOD?" VESPERS AT 4:t5 ORGAN WORSHIP JUNIOR CHOIR SINGS THE PASTOR PREACHES YOUNG PEOPLE AT 7:00 COME TO The Midweek ServIce Wednesday, 8:00 The W~an'8 Association Friday, 10:00 TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S. T. Ii. 8:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m.-8unday School. 10:00 a. m.-B!ble Class. 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wlU preach. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS "You cannot by a bridge of sighs attain the future's golden years, But try a bridge Of ralnbow hopes eo"ted I on substantial piers honest work and you wlU find It leads you liurely to the goal." SUNDAY 9 :45 A. >I.-Plrst Day SchOOl In Wt,IWler I House. 9:45 A.M.-Morning Porum In Meeting lIouse. Subject on Nov. 6th: "Why Do We Worlt," to be led by Paul Gemmll. 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng for worship tn tbe meeting house. Dr. J, Hersr..bel Comn. of Pendle Hl1I, w1l1 at­tend meeting on Nov. 6th. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. Y. to 2:30 P. Y._wlng and Qullt­Ing In Wblttler Bouse. Box luncheon. All are cordially invited to Jom 10 these oorrtcos. Ilr f~UMEBJURlfR tl I!JI .. DISPENSING OPTICIANS U" ~91m CH ESTN UT ST.. PHILADELPH IA. Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES, President. NOTICE-AU Chevrolet Owners • a genuine Hot Water Heater made (,y Chevrolet for Cbevrolets and other can $9.95 Wentzel Motors 401 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 596 •• Weloome to Our Table Genial, hospitable, friendly surroundings, Good things to eat, in II beautiful environment Appetizing Dinners, 85 cents to $1.25. Stra-tL.Haven A SAVINGS account never sends out calls for margins on a falling market. Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company NOVEMBER 4, 19'2 VIOLIN RECITAL AT COLLEGE VESPERS • THE SWARTHMOREAN in the South. In speaking of the work of lmmed1atel,. of an,. such opening ot 8ucb pev1nc on the PlaDIJ ot the Department Ellen Glasgow it was said that in "The '~ON 3 All P bit I lee of HIIhways of the Commonwealth ot Deep Past" chapter of "She1tered Lives" o~ratlng upOn the~ldc8:~taec:=g:~o- :'::a.~~ria=il~hoc:~~~n:::h 1· C. Hawthorne, who will give a was the finest piece of writing to be ttfelled by the Borough Secretary, lmme<ll- of Swarthmore. PeW1B7ivanla. violin reC.i tal at Vespers Sunday evening, f .ound. · Am . a y Upon approval of thls ordinance to 10 contemporary Cflcan or Eng- place their underground pipes and wn.. WBBltEAS, The Department of Hlgbways November 6, is the son of Charles Haw- hsh hterature.. duits In gOOd and complete order. wltb all has submitted to the Borougb CouncU of thorne, the well-known painter. At one .. Albert Hill will give an excerpt :~ g:It1r ~~c~ur~d,o~~lla~uru~es8e= ::~~~ '::;ir. g:~:o.:.:ww:;o= time a student of Mr. Alfred Swan's Jo of hterary events. COIDla panles, or abutting owners. 8hall be No. 130. 5e<:tion 1. on Baltimore PIk.Q trom Hawthorne was later graduated fr, om SOtr'l es a bou t reaI c h·1l d ren WI·1 1 be pre- Pa t sceudc. hi nt ismaieds haisg htwhea yD Ienp 8arutcmhe mnta nonf emr anhd.. StatDactieo no f2 9711 9t .77 0fe.3e0t .t oa nSdta ftrtoomn 2S98t att i9o0n a3 0e2ll s .t. the Institute of Musical Art in New sented by Mrs. McCabe, Mrs. Sickel and Wa)"l may destgnate prior to the beglunYng 98 to 316 t 60.1 a d1stance of 1362.1 feet. u York, where his violin studies were di- M rs. J ac k son. ofS wECoTrti ON 4. shown by the plans of said Department of The foregoing Prov1slons Hlghways, approved October 5. 1932. (eheet.s 5 a lICIIIIdon of Counell of the BoroUlh of Swarthmore held thla 20th day of october A. D. 1932. Atlest: L. O. ASHTON, .PresIdent of ConneD: ALBEIrl' N. a~, JR., Borough 8ecretarJ'. Approved October 2'Ith, 1932. W. B. LANDIS, (Borough Seal) BurgeM. Joseph E, Quiab,. reeted by M. Dethier. Mr. Hawthorne sha Erne.el G. S. ........... A.oiotaJat B ,'t'lmapPl1 only to suCh parts of the said 11, 12 &: 13 of 20). ·11 be be b a ore Ptke as are exclUSive)" w,thln BE~ON 1 ft_ IT -ACTED AND 0- MRS A J QUINBY & SON WI remem red y some Swartlt- EBTATE NOTICE the 1_, Ilm'ts of the Borough or' Bwarth- DAINJID by itt"': Boro ~ug'h Council of the ••• th d t f th P • ESTATE OP JAMES B. HEBERLING, de- more h moreans as e con uc or a e rmce- ceased. late of Swarthmore. Delawar_ SEen· ON Th Boroug of Swarthmore, and it 18 hereby Funer-' D,'rector. ton S ymph any 0 rch es t ra w h en t h e or- Co un t y, P ennsyI vania. fecth'e imm5e. diate1l8y ourdpionna nictes sahpaplrlo vbael eat.s. seanmacet. edth aant dt ho*r dUainneesd. gbr'"8 .cateust,h oCrOl.".U...h eoe. f dtlhse- (U. chestra appeared here severaJ years ago. taLtee thtearvse bteesetna mgreannttaerdy toon t hteh eu .n...a dbeorsvieg nEeds- provided by law. tances. drainage structures. and aU other Bell Phone 4 MEDIA, PA. The first and last nwnbcrs of the rc- who requesta all ~rsons having claims or' SECTION 6. All ordlnances or parts of structures sbown on tbe plans prepared ______________ -'-_ . . . demands aga' t Estate ordinances inconslstent herewith be and and submitted. by the Departm.ent of Hlgh- cltal program are sonatas for vlOhn and ns e of the decedent the same a1e hereby repealed; waye as aforesaid, &0 far as same pertain S LIP r. 0 V E R S . MAd to muke known the 8ame, and all pemoJW to the southerly Une of said BBltunore _ plano. r. lfre Swan is the assisting indebted to the decedent to make payment ENACTBD mto an ordinance and PBll8Cd PIke. and to parts thereof exclusively wlth- DR APE R I E S pianist Without delay. to this 20th day of October, A. D. 1932. in the legal Ilmlta of the Borough of H · . ·11 . I d H d I' EMILY H. PRICE, BOROUGH OP SWARTHMORE Swarthmore. be. and the same are adopted. IS program WI IDC U e an e s 410 Yale Avenue. By and are hereby enacted and ordalned 88 ANNA SCHAl LES Sonato. No. ~ in. A Major ~~ S~nato lO-14-6t Swarthmore. Pa. Pres~de~i ~~U:Cll. and for the true and proper Unes, grades, • N o. 4 I n E mmOr by B occ herI fi1-K relsI e r. ESTA"l'E OF MARGARET B. S. PALMER, At~t.t-: coothuersre sst. rudlcsttuarnecse ao. f darnadln afogre Bsatrluticmtuorrees P aikned. Ph_-..- S.U,I. 1225 , I I late or the Borough of SW'''_ore 0.- ALBERT N. OARRE:l'T. JR.. as shown on the aald Plans. Muhl nbe Av Rutledge B. & L eea.sed. . ' Borough Secretary. e rg e Meeting Delayed Letters testamentar- on the _00._ Estate Approved. this 27th day of October. A. D. SECTION 2. Nothing hereIn shall author- • "1932 1ze any widening of said Baltlmore Pike to \ Tuesday, November 8th being a legal holiday, the regular monthly meeting of The Swarthmore Building Association held, in accordance with its by­laws, on the following day, Wednesday, November 9th at the usual time and place. having been granted to the undersigned . I dud rI te bl1 rt it-all persons indebted to said Estate Bre re~ (Bea') W. R. LANDIS, n e p VQ or pu c pro/:. y now s quested to make payment, and those ha.v- Burgess. uaee!n the Township of Spr gfield. Painting and Papering d'negla yc. l~a'-- to p resen t the same, 'th SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of W out ordinauces incous1stent herewith be and SAMUEL o. PALMER, ORDINANCE No. 344 the same are hereby repealed. Executor, KIMMELL & SON • I Forhlightly 612 Ogden Avenue. Or to hiB Attorney, Swarthmore, Pa. CHARLEs PALMER, Esq •• Chester, Pa. 10-7-6t Mrs. Sargent Walter on North Ches­ter road will entertain the Fortnightly on Monday; Nov. 7th at 2 :30 o'clock. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE LIBRARY TAX NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION 'IO BJ Mrs. John Fawcett will review the last HELD NOVEMBER 8. 1032. novel of Ellen Glasgow's entitled "Shel­tered Lives." At a recent meeting in Charleston, S. C. a group of Southern authors decided that the best writing in the country for two years has been done Noti(c IB bereby gil-en that a public elee­tion will be held Tuesday November 8th 19:J2. between tbc hours of' seven 8. m. and stl,,'cn p.m.. E.ulern Standard Time o.l the regular polling plnL'es of the llor~ugh of Swarthmflre, Delaware County. Pennsylvania, fixed Cor the holding of general and special elect!.lna. CLASSI FlED FOR RENT The purpose of tbe Bald ejection fs to ob­tain Ihe assent of the electors of said BoroUgh of SWRrthmore to the reduction of the rale of the .Library Tall:. now being levied by 8aid Borough, from olle·half (}1) mill on the dol­lar, or five cenls (5c) on everyone hundrecl dollal'1l (1100). of tho assesse1 vahm.i1on of -----------------1 tax:'I.blc lirollerty within llaid BorOUgh, to aD annual rata of one·fourth (*) mill on the dollar, or two and one·balf cenls (2~c) on everyone hundred dolllU'B ($100) of said assessed valuation. FOR RENT-On the Hlll. Attractive third Hoor apartment, two large rooms with bath aud kitchenette. Garago If desired. Call Swarthmore 5OwJ. FOR BENT-Third floor apartment. two rooms. bath and kUcheneue, heat and IJght. Private residence. 122. Swarthmore 773-B or 3.:J5-W. ALBERT N. GARRETT. JR .• WILLIAM R. LANDIS. Secreiary. BllrJ'esB. RESOLUTION The State Highway Department having requested the assent of Borough Councll to the Improvement of the remalnlng legal FOR RENT-Boarding. one of two rooms, width of Baltimore Pike. Route No. 130, to (lfl.rKge privilege. In P..ose Valley. Reason- the soutberly legal Une thereof, by the =AD=le. =C=all- M=e=di=a 1-4=17.. ::::.:.:...-------- State Highway Department. the cost there­ot to be born by the State Highway Depart­FOR RENT-Large furnished. bedroom suit- ment; and Borough Counell considering it Fon l\ENT-Pleasant furnished room, well heated and lighled. second fioor for gentle­man. Box K SWllJ'lbmofCan Officc. AM ... :for '2 b\1<UnD.~.L_ft\"n. ~r.nnVQntDnt.111' in the public interest that same be done loeated. Call Swarthmore 1592. .Dr.; .1-.1- ~ULV~ tnat, t,he- Councn 'Of FOR SALE FOR SALE-Evergreens, beautiful shapely trees of m<J,Dy kinds. Cheap. Wlll ex­change tor anything of value. J. D. Durn­all. Swarthmore 1648. LOST LOST--Qn Hallowe'en. Sign In front of my sbop. W11I my friends kindly return it. Jake. the TaUor. 23 So. Chester Rd. the Borough of Swarthmore hereby ex­presses U.s approval of the saId project, and hereby approves the final Plans (DiVl.slon 3 District 6, Section 1. Sheets 11 12 and 13 of 20). upon the following terms' and condi­tions. the work to be completed prior to January I, 1934: I 1. That said Highway &ball not be 1m. proved or widened beyond the present legal southerly Hne thereof, where same boundS and passes along the northerly edge of the Borough. 2. The present legal lines and eXisting physical grades of said Baltimore Ptke 8hall not be changed, so tar &s affects 'the Bor­ough of Swarthmore. 3. That the entire cost of the tmprove­LOST- Tooled leather coin purse. Con- ment sball be bom by the State Highway talned Penn medal and sma.ll amount of Department or other state agency or sub­change. Finder please return to Swarth- division, without expense to the Borough morean Omce. of Swarthmore. 4. That no private property in the Bor. LOST-A brown· square button with rhlne- ough of Swarthmore be taken or damaged stones. Return to Swarthmorean Omce. in connection with said Improvement, for ~- ================ i. wcohmicphe ntshaet IBono rooru gj,ham waoguesld. ebxec eHpta bfloer 0n0e cpeasy­IMMEDIA. TE POSSESSION Modena 4 Bedroom, 2 car garage 860, reduced from '80. 6 room and garage '55. 6 room 850. 5 room Apartment $55. WM. S. BITTLE Notary Public Real E.tate Swa. I11-J " 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'· I have about $10,000 to loou on good local first mortgages. . E. C, WALTON .00111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11h. RENT 2nd :floor apartment. 4 rooms and bath. Hardwood. floots. Hot water beat. Janitor service. $45 per month. Two lorge garages. Heated, light snd water. Station Square. Detached stucco house, 6 rooms and bath. Front and side porcb. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. . Detached house furnished. 6 rooms and bath. 1 car garage. Good loca­tion. $75 per month. First floor apartment-6 rooms and bath. First class In every respect. Large rooms, hardwood floors, etc. Oarace. CRAS. A, SMITH sary shoulders, culvert head walls, etc., at the southerly edge of said improvement, and e:r..cept for Incidental grading of in. tersectlng streets, the cost of which the Borough agrees to assume. Passed this sixth day of October, A. D. 1932. Attest: L. C. ASBTON, President of CounCil. ALBERT N. GARRETT. JR, Borough Secretary. Approved this 27th day ot October. 1932. W. R. LANDIS, Burgess. ORDINANCE No. 345 An Ordlnance Requiring All Publ1c Service Companies and All Abutting Property Owners on Baltimore Pike in the Borough of Swarthmore to Place AU Necessary Underground PIpes and Conduits, as well as All Other PIpes, Poles, and Wtres, and Make Sewer Connections, and prohibiting openlng the surface of saId highway for five years. WHEREAS, the Department of Highways is about to improve Bsltimore PIke .in the said Borough. under plans approved Octo· ber 5, 1932, between Statton 291 t 70.30 and Station 298 t 90 and between Station 302 t 98 and Station 316 t 60.1: and WHEREAS, the lines, grades, plans and specificatiOns submitted by the Depart­ment of Highways have been adopted and ordained by the Borough Council of the said Borough; SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED AND EN­ACTED by the Borough Conncll of the Bor­ough of Swarthmore In meeting assembled, and it Is hereby ordaIned and enacted by authority of the same. that all pubUC serv .. Ice companies operatlng on Baltimore Pike In the said Borough, and aU abutting prop .. erty owner.;., shan lay an necessary pipes and make all necessary connections for sewerage, water. gas, heating, lighting or any other purpose whatsoever, along and in line with the sections of the aforesaid streets, mentioned In the foregoing plans. prior to the commencement of the said im.­provement. 'Phone Swarthmore 70S SECTION 2. The surface of the streets Improved as aforesaid &hall not be torn up or opened, acept In case of unavoidable acc1dent,. for a period of five years frOm Ith e date of final comp. letlon, Without· the special consent ot Borough Connell. Tbe Department of Highways shall be notllled An Ordinance Approving and Establishing SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be e1'­the Lines. Grades, Drainage Structures I fectlve immediately upon ita approval as and All Other Structures within the legal proVided. by law. limits of the Borough of Swarthmore Ap. Enacted Into an ordln.ance and. passed at Haverford Place Phone Sw. 632-J A Thousand Promises the record of Chaos Representatives under will not blot • the House In out of Democratic control When economic relief was needed more than at any time in the Nation's history, the leaders of the Democratic party fought among themselves and proposed starting the money­printing presses. Such a record of "leadership" when the opportunity to lead was at hand should convince every taxpayer of the necessity of reelecting PRESIDENT HOOVER the man who stood between the American people and the unsound, wasteful, extravagant proposals of the Democratic Congress, But for the veto of the Republi­can President or the action of the Republican Senate the taxpayers of Delaware County and every other county would be saddled with debts totaling billions of dollars. The American people can thank sound Republicanism for the de­feat of such Democratic measures as: . The Garner "Pork Barrel" bill. The Patman proposal to Issue printing press money. The Garner proposal to convert the R. F. C. into a gigantic pawn­broker's shop. The tariff bill which would have made a political football of tariff problems and embroiled the United States 10 all the trade wars of the world. It was not alone the enactment of such vicious and ill-advised legis­lation that brought this great law-making body into public scorn. A major .reason was the complete .breakdown of Demo· cratic leadership, first during the consideration of the billion dol­lar tax bill and later when econ­omy measures were before the House. What may be expected 10 the way of economy if the Demo­cratic party gets complete control of the Federal Government, IS indicated by their reduction of expenditures by only $30,000,000 after an economy committee had reported that expenditures could be reduced by $200,000,000. Is this the kind of "leadership" Delaware County wants at Wash­ington? Safeguard your interests by returning to the White House the man who has already saved the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars in national debts VOTE THE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET, NOVEMBER 8 FIREWOOD Delivered in BueJDe1lt $12.00 per ConI Colafemina Vineyard Phooe. Media 646 R I 1111 HARRIS & CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS TELEPHONE SWAR'IHMORE Cleaners and Dyers 504 No. II PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. 'I

---------- Page 6 ----------

6 The Library Tax Que.lion Durmg the past few days a great many people have expressed confusIOn regard 109 the hbrarv tax questlOll which IS to appear on the local ballot agam this year 1 he fact that only twehe months ago the voters approved a half mill tax to sup­port this commumty proJect, IS causmg Ilcople to wonder why the question should be decJded all over agam, and whether or not tlus IS to be an annual custom The question 35 to whether the half­mill library tax shall be retamed or re­duced to one-quarter mill seems entirely out of place to us for two reasons. gerous of all things, and Mrs Hull de­Cided after attending mumerous meehngs that "fixed UllIlds" had as much to do With It as an,thmg Questions were asked and the afternoon was an inform J.hve one. A scxtet from the MUSIC Sechon sang three numbers, accornpaOled by MISS Md. dnd Spencer The followmg ladles sang Mrs John A. Detlefsen, Mrs G S Fanes, Mrs Ralph LIttle, Mrs. Jacob Meschter, Mrs Seymour Rutherford and their chaJrman, Mrs R C Spencer Tea was served 10 the new Lounge fol- 10wJOg the program • • • An unusually mtereshng program wIll be held at the clubhouse for the Wo­man's Club membership next Tuesday Don Rose, columUlst on the Evemng Public Lecture staff wIll speak on uThe EditOrial Page" Everyone IS urged to be present At thiS partIcular mcetmg husbands of the members are lDvlted • • • THE SWARTHMORBAN drhl."wa,y al all times hereafter forever in common with tha o"lIera tenante and oreupi ers of the premitJe8 adJoluJng to tho 8OU1h eD8t Under and BubJect. to renal.1 conditlonB and restrictions Under and subject to the payment 01 a certairl mortgage debt or princJJlal sum of $4 000 together with Interest due and to be c.'Ome due Undlr and 8ubJIX't to the rightB and priv ilcges uf the Springfield Steam Company 8& ill Deed Book No ,P8¥e ImIJrovcnlCntfl consist. of two story Irame houae 18x30 floet une Btory frame addltioll, 6x4 gnrage 0%18 and one half porch front. feel frame Sold as the I)roperty of Alber~ E Fritch anJ. and Fr8lICCII:M Prltchartl his wHe CondlUons-$2GO 00 cn~b or certified check 011 day of sale. balanco III ten dayB Further conditions anllounced, a.t sale HAROLD L ERVIN, Attorney Ficri Facias No 303 ScJ)tember Term 1032 Stale of Penn.sylvania dealpa1ed and. known tlB Lots 90 and 01 on a ftrtain plan of 10tB called Manoa' 01 tho Manoa Development. CompallY recorded tn the omcc for the Be. conlinI' of DeedB, etc, In and for t.he County of Dela .... are a& Media Penna in Plan File No 2 (Ian 4 and more particular), described a. follows to 1Ii it Situate on the not1heasterly side of Bhel bounle road (lorty foot. wide) at the diBtance of threo hundred ell'My three and eil"ht7 one hundredlha feet measured north t.wentyone del"l'ees forty minutee Wetllt alonl' the eald side of Shelbourne road from Its Ln&el'8eCtlon with t.he northwesterly side of Manoa. road (6fty feet wide) Conta.l.n1o« in front. or breadth UOrlhwutwardly alOIlg' the said Bide of Shel bourne road forly feet (eaeh lot being twcnty feet. wide) and extending of that width In length or depth northeasLwardJy bet1liecn par allel lines at. deht anelea 10 sald Shelbourne road one hundred twenly dvo foot Under and subject to covenanls and re strlction8 of record Improvements COIlIUS" of I wo and one hal( Blory Btone and stucco houae 21x33 f<->et Porch IrOllt Stucco garage, OxlB leet Sold 8S the property 01 Glatbe H RUiter Condltions-$.!/jO 00 caBb or certified check all day of sale balance ID tell days Further c.olldihonB announced at sale HAROLD L ERVIN. Attorney Fieri Facias No 802 September Term, 1032 NOVEMBER 4, 1932 email trla~ular part 01 Lot No 2 Tract No 1 as shown on "Ian of land8 of RutledJro Land Campoli) 8e reeorded In tho om~ tor the recording of deeda in and lor the IJaid County of Delaware in 1k'Cll Book W No .. pago 699 aud delK'rllx'tl ac.'Cordinl' to plan by Robert P Ott-oen C E dated Dcrember 30 1930 8IJ follows Beginning at B lmint on the Iiorthc8I!Itcrly side of Swarthmore alellne at the dJltan{'(! of eighty Ih e and nineteen hundredths fC(!1 norlh alxly nine degrees forb' eight. minUles west from the northerly eorner of Bald Bwar thmurc avelluo alld vmu Nuva. aveuue ex lending thence north sistI' nille degrees, forty eight minutes "CII1, l:IC~enly foot to a slone thence north forty SIX degrees lorty minutes (tallt aile hundred els-hty two and five hWld rcdths feet to a. poJnt thell<'e along Lot No 3 aoutb forty-cight dcl;TCe8 cJghtccn miliutes east, elxtyeJi:ht feet to a ,loint, anti thence 80uth forty-ehrht de~s twenty minutes west one hundred filly tim and sevenlYeight hundredths feet. to flnt DICIIUoned DOW' and place of beginning' Ullder aud l;Iubjed to certnln (.'DudUlonB and l"eslrktions as now alJpcar of recoru Improvements COIIBIBt of two and one hal( slory frame house, 24x27 Ieet Eut:losed iront pOlch Olle story frame additiou 6x16 feet fo'rame garab"e 18xts feet Frame shE:d 00x12 feel } rame shed 6%24 feet Sold as Ihe Ilrol)Crty of George 11 Turner and LelIa D Turner hie wI!e Condltlou&-'.J60 00 cash or certified check 011 day of sale batallte III ten days Further ('(JluliUun8 annouuced. at sale FIrst, because a maJorJty of the \ otcrs deCided last year that thiS was the method by whICh they WIShed the hbrary financed We have h~ard 110 Criticism of the library durmg the past year, It has grown steadtly and IS used more now than ever before EVidently the questIOn was placed on the ballot bv some of the people who voted In oPPositIOn to the tax last year and hope that because the (Juestloll IS worded negatl\ ely tillS year and has had htt1(; publicity the tax ma) be reduced ThiS seems to us to be poor sportsmanshIp On \Vednesday afternoon, November 16, at t\\ 0 o'clock, a card party win be g'ven m the new Lounge of the Wo­man's Club, the proceeds to be used for plulanthroplC purposes An admiSSion of 50 cents Will be chargcd, tca Will be serv ed and pnzcs will be given TIckets may be obtamcd from the clubhouse next Tuesday or by matimg a check to Mrs Wm Hanny, 119 Yale avenue The pub­hc IS mVltcd All thut ~rtain lot or I)iecc of ground WIth the Im,JrolemeutB thereon ered.ed situate in the To" IIshlP of SPringfield County of Dela ware and Stale of PenUSylvanla.., bounded and descnbcd Dl't.'Ordlng to a certain plan and sur\ CJ: thereof made by Damon alld F08ter C E UpJ)Cr Darby Pa, February 23rd 1027 and I"Cllsed April 28th 1027. as follo",,8, to wH Iko.dnulng at a Jloiut. on tbe southwesterly 81de of Sedge"ood rond (forty feet wide) at the difltnll('C of one hundred IIIl1ety six feet alld sixlY thl'{'C un" hundredths of a foot meas ured tiouth fortyab: degn'C8 twentJ three mm ut~s twent.) Clght seconds cast from the lJOuth easlcrly tilde of Powell avenue (fiUy-one feet Wide) thellce l'xtending 80ulh forty three de ~la thirty six mmUles thirty two 8Cconds \1;est partly Ihro\lJ'h Ihe party "all of the dl'icillllg erected Oil the herein desuibetl lot and the lot adjoinlllg 10 the northv;u!t one huudred fc.oet tu a I)Olllt. thellcc exlpnJlDg south forty SIX dpgrees twenly thn-e minutes t"ellt) elgbt tlec.'Onds cast t.wen!;) aix leet to a poml thence ('xtendlng nortb for\V three de grees thirty SIX mlDules Ih1l'1y Iwo seconds east parlly II3.6sing througb tho pariI' wall of '"0 ('crt:lin lIarages about to be crected on the herein dcs(ribcd lot and the lot adjommg to the southeast and along thc center hlle ot a certalu setell fcet wide driveway one hun dred feel to a point in tho said southwesterly side of Sedge\\ood road thenco along the same norlh forty Bix dcgt'CCs t?it'lity Ibree wmutes t"enlyelgbt. 8C<-'tlllda "est t\\enty SIX J<-'Ct to tbe pomt aud Illacc of beginnlllg' )king No 21U Sedgewood road All those ~rtain two Jots or plecea of land deSignated as Nos 67 and 6B on the recorucd )llan of Madison Heights situate In the said Madison Heights In tbe BorOUgh of Clifton Heights afo~srud and described as followa Situate at the sontheuBterly corner of Davia aud Wilton avenues In the said Madiaon Hdghts amI contwlling III front. or breadth on tbe said Davia avenue fifty fcet (each lot hemg twenly five feet ID front), nnd ex: tendlllg of that width III length or depth southeaBI."ard!y along tbe cll!!terly 6ide of Wilton ItVenUll or.e hundred ulld three and thirty one olle hundredths feet HOWARD M LUTZ Altornc.) The question 15 unfortunate secondly because the proposed quarter 01111 tay. would not be suffiCient to meet the It brary expenses As explamed last week In a statement by the Library Board, a quarter mdl tax wilt only pay for the up. keep of the project and wIll proVide ab solutc1y nothmg for new books ThiS would mean that funds for new books would have to be soliCited from door to door And what a task tius would be, for e\ eryonc would reply that they were helpmg support the library by paymg theIr taxes • • * Mrs George Zimmer and Mrs Arthur Rcdgra1Je of the Garden SectIOn of the \\'oman s Club spoke to the membership of the Marcus Hook Woman's Club last Thursday evenmg about flowers • • • 1lrs Sarah S Farley wIll have charge of the meeting of the LIterary SectIon at the meetmg next Thursday mornlllg The \\ords of Henry L Mencken wIll be discussed I •• H. S. ELEVEN WINS Subject to certain conditions restrictIOns and Under and subject tu certain bwlding res trJcUolIs and colldllioliS therem fuily set forth alld reCIted lmlll'ovemcflts cOllejst of OIiC and one half story 8tOIJe aud stucco bouse, 27%33 feet Porch front So d as the property of Itobert J Geary and Mildred Geary, his wile JOUN J CAIN Sherll1 BACHMANS QUALITY MARKET YALE & KENYON AYES. Swa. 183 Gold Medal Flour, 12 lb. bag, 3ge Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise 2 reg. 15e jar., IS oz. 25c Tartan Oatmeal 4 pkgs. 25c Condlllons-$200 00 cash or rerUfied check <al-la uddaityio nosf <slallllelo ulbI(a!elda ncaet 1s0a lete u days Further. All Ca mpbell's SOUPS , 2 _A nna , 25c There can be only aile falr question wuh regard to the half·lmll hbrary tax. Eltller It should be retamed or abohshed entirely Sm .. e the latter chOIce IS not avaIlable, It IS Imparahve that the former be made and the half·mdl tax retained FROM GLEN-NOR reservations HAROLD L ERVIN. Attorne) Buller Kernel, Whole Grain It IS true tlmt taxes are 11Igh and that Golden Bantam Corn, 2 eans, 25c the sherdI IS just around the corner, but IS It fair to stdle one of our most worth­whde IUstltutlOllS for the sake of half a mlll when the I"eal cause of our high taxes may be traced to lIlereased county state and federaJ budgets Let's keep the most worthwhIle and least expensive source of mformatlOn, 10 splratJOn and entcrtalDment 111 Swarth­more, and dlrt!ct our attack at the big tax IIlcreases mstcad of at somcthmg which I"eprescllts only a quarter of a tnlll On the (JucStloll of whether the IJbrary tax ra te shall be decreased to 7-l mill, Vote "No" next Tuesday and let's keep that fine commumty project altve and flounshlOg ------~ .... ~.------- News Notes A large gathermg of the famIly of !.-lrs John I ~htthell, the mother of Mrs Samuel Dyer Clyne, of Swarth­more, was held at her home In Wells­f~ ro, Pa, durmg the week-end On Saturday ll1ght a dmner was given III honor of Mrs Ahtchel1's eIght,)' Sixth birthday The dmtler was foJlowcd by an m formal receptIon at which man} fflends of )'1r5 Mttchell and the family con grattdatcd her A 1 a 5 t-penod touchdown enabled Swarthmore High to eke out a 14-7 VIC­tor) OV~r Glen-Nor Friday afternoon at S\\arthmore The decldmg SIX-polllter \\3S a sensational 41-yard pass play, Norm Madison tossmg a 16-yard pass to Harry Wagner, who ran the remainIng twenty-five yards for the touchdown Glen-Nor Swarthmore Edwards • left end •• Wagner Sloatman left tackle Lukms Fertler left guard Blasdel Paul center Dmgte Deur right guard Grownell La Pross rIght tackle . Cramer Scott right end McQuillen ~hner quarterback Madison Warner left halfback WhIttaker Buffington right halfback Maddox W Ilsol1 fullback Taylor fouchdowns-Maddox, Hall, Wagner Pomts after touchdown-Madison, 2 J HaIl SubshtutlOns-Ralmon for Blas­del, Blasdel for Ralmoll, Hall for Buf fington, for \Varner, Lee for Paut Rcfer.ce-Clayton, Penn Umpire-Kirk patrIck, UrslDus Head Imesman-Cor­OllWa) , Dlckmsoll TIme of penods-12 mmutes TIllS afternoon the local ele\ en wtll meet Darby H S on the Rutgers ave­nue field The game will start at 3 15 o'clock Together "llh the free nght use liberty 811(1 IlrniJegll of the aforesaid 8Cven feet \lilde drive\\lIy at all tlDles hereafler forever in common With ihe oWllers tenants and o~ lIiers of the premlscs adjoining to the south tllsl ImprO\cmcnls conSIst of t"o and onc half story stucco house 18x30 feet porch front one storl stucco addition, fix6 leet concrete bloC'k borage Ox18 feet Sold as the property of l irdnia A Brande Cont!lhons--$2iiO 00 cash or certified cheek on day of sale balance In ten days Further londllloliS announced a\ sale HAHOT D L EH \ 11'1 Attorncy Fieri FaClil.8 No 016 &-Iltember Term, 1032 All that (.'('rlaln lot or piece of grouncl with thl! bUildings and Imlll"Olementfl ereded thereon situale III tbe Toy;nshlp of Haverford County of Delaware anll State of Pcnnaylvnnia deaig noted Dnd kno\1;11 aH Lot No B8 on 0 a!rtaill survey and IIlun thereof made for Mr Frank R Shriver by Alva L Rog-ers R L S Ard more Penna Oil Allrli 10 Ul.!O and bounded and descl'lb! . .'d accordmg to n ccrtain re'Vlsed plall thereof made June 14 1027 as follows to "It Nancy Kmg, daughter of .Mr and "Mn LoUIS KlIlg, of College a\Cnue, had as her reccnt sllper guests Betty Douglas, HarrIet \Vlckham, Elizabeth Thorn, Var­reU Drew and Grace Dodd ncglllmll~ at a 110mt 011 the 60UUl\\csterly sitle of Rlsmg Sun road (forty five fcct Wide) at the distance of torty feet measured north "f"stwnNUy nlonll' Ihe slid sulo of Rising Sun road from its Intersection "ith the north \\csler!) sule of Mal\'('Ml )"oad (forty fi\e feet wide) thence extendmg south sixty C1ght de grees three nunulcs \\est partly paBsillg through the center of the party wall bct\1;CCIl these prenuscs ami the prcnllBCs adJoinin!;, to the suutheast one hundred eleven and eight one ----------------------------------1 hUndredths foot to a pomt them"C north LOST AND FOUND :\frs Herbert McCallum, of Palmyra, N J, IS recovermg fl"Om a recent opera­tIon at the Taylor Hospital She Will be remembered as Mtss Dorothy AllIson, of Vassar avenue Frcdenck Dewhurst, a former reSident of Swarthmore, and now cOllllected WIth the Department of Commerce 10 Wash­mgton, DC, IS 111 Geneva at the Pre­l) aratory ECOtlOllllC Conference as a sta tlstiClan lfrs Dewhurst and young son are vIsIting III Dundee, NY, durmg Mr Dewhurst's absence • I • WOMEN HEAR OF GENEVA CONFERENCE 1 he CommIttee on International Rela­hons had charge of the program at the \Voman's Clubhouse on luesda} after­noon Mrs E A Jenkms lUtroduced the speaker, Mrs Wilham I Hull, who pre­faced her talk by say 109 As Armistice Day dra\\ s near we tiunk of the l)rogress toward natIOnal umty" )'lr5 UulI, \\ho IS Chatrl113n for the In tcrnatlOnal \Voman s League for Peace, spent several months attending the meet­II1g of the Geneva Conference and told of the norklllgs of that orgaDlzatlOn She ~ald 10 part, 'flt was where pubhc opulion was often heard but here It was seen". The speaker passed around nu­merous pictures showmg walls banked With petthons from all over the world, she told of the request for "quahtl\;e re­duchon" as applymg to army, navy and au, also of "Agresslve disarmament" hstmg five subjccts, au, naval, army, budget and moral. At one of the conferences "fixed mines" were discussed as the most dan- LOST --Oval gold locket WIth faded daguerrl!otype Somewhere west of Chester road or JIl College woods Call Sw 1706 SHERIFFS SALES Sheriff Sales 01 Real Estate At the Sheriff s Office Court HOlisc Medm Pennsylvania Saturday November 26 1932 9 10 0 cloc:. A )I Eastcrn Standard Time Fieri FaClss No 713 Sllptcmber Term 1032 All Ihnt ('cMaln lot or ntc(;e of ground wJth the bmldmgs and Improlementa Ihereon crect ed situate ill Ihe Township of Slmngfield Dela" are Counly Pennsylvluua bounded and deflcnbcd according to a certam plan and eDr \ ey thereon made by Damon Dnd Foster C E UI)ver Darby PennsYlvama dated February 2 1 1fl...!7 ami re" lsed April 2B, 10.!7 as fol 10\1;s to "It Be.trllllllllg at a nomt on the southwesterb side of Scdgcuood road (forty feet Wide) at Ihe clistall<c of t\\O hundred forty-cig-ht and "IX I.) three 0111 hUJI Irc Iths fect mcaSIIN d south furl) SIX d .,rf1.S l\1;eull three DlIIIIlll'S lucnty llf:ht l'(onds cast from Ihe ,.outheaslerty ahle of Po\\ell alemle (fiItyone feet wide). thence cxtendmg south forty three degrees thirty SlX mmutcs thirty t\\O seconds west p388mg partly Ihroush the party "all of the d"elling erected on lhis lot and the 10" adJolDlllg to the north "est one hundred feet t.o a pomt thence ex tendmg south forty six degrees twenty three mmUlcs t"'enly-eight Beconds east twenty .. ix feet to a pomt Ihence extending north forU' three degrees thirty SIX m nutes tblrty''''o seconds east. along the center line of a cet1ain Beven feet "Ide dnveway one hundred feet to 8. point III the said 80uthwestwanlly .Ide of Sedge" ood road thence along \be same north forty SIX degrees twenty lhroo mmUlee twenly eight seconds west \\\ellty SIX fcct to the pamt and place of beginning (Bemg No 220 Sedgewood road) Together With the free right use, hberty and prlvUege of the aforeS8ld eeven feet WIde t\1;enty four degrees two mhlUtl'8 west eighteen and filly one one hundredths fetlt to a pOlnt thence Bouth SIXU five degrees fifl):-cight min utes \\cst SClcnteen and thirty nine one hund r{'dllis feet to a Ilomt aud (henco lIorth thirty one degrees thirty so\ en mmutes west tcn and lillie one hundredths Ieet to a pmnt thence north I::ilxty lour degrees fiftyel .. ht minutes ensl partlY I)asslng through the ccnter of tha lIarlltloll wall of the garnge erected on these (Ircnuscs and the garage ereckd on the prem ises adjolDlDS' to the nor,h\\, at and p~ .. tJy passlIIg' through the center of I) certam eiGht feet \\jdc drl\eway lenumS' north ~n~n\ardly mto RISIIlg' SUIl road one huntlr~d thn1y and thirty three on!! hundredthg feet to a IJOmt 0 I the aforesaid southwesterl.) Side of RISIII~ Sun road and thence alollg the <:allle "oulheast wardly 011 the arc o( a C1rcle (oUI"'I11~ to the right \\lth a radIUS of Clght 1\lIl1.lred mn .... tl six and thirty file one hundrodlbs feet tbe arc dlst:mce of thirty two and lIftY"IX one hundredths feet to the first mentioned I)OlOt and place of beginning Under and subJe<!t to (Ocrl3ln bllllding re strletiolls Together wIth the free and common use right hlx!rty nnd privi1eg-e of a ccrt81n Clght feet Wide drlyeway III (!OmOlon with the owneI'li tenants and occupiers of the prem ISCS Immcdllliely adjoining to the northwest as and for a passageway and drneway at all times hereafter forever Reser\ illS' thereout unto the said Frank R Shrl\ er hiS heirs and asSignS owners tenants and occupier" of the premises ImmediateI)' ad ad,olDlDg to the northv;est. the free and un mlcrrupled use right liberty and pnvilege of the abO\e mC'ntlOned eight feet "Ide drne \1; lY IS and for a P3ssa~e\\ a" and Ilrl\ 0\\ ay at all 11111(',,; h~reaftC'r forl'\ cr ImprO\ements conSIst of t\1;O and one-half story stonc and stU(.l(!O house. 1Bx30 fcct Poreh front One story stucco addition OxO feet Stucco garage 9x:18 feet Sold as the property of Ehzabeth E Don aldson Condllions-$250 00 cash or certified check all day of sale baiance'li tell days Further cond,tlOn8 anlloun!"Cd. at sale HAROLD L ERVIN Attorney Ficn FaCiaS No 338 September Term, 1932 1\11 Ihose two certain lots 0.. Pleces of iTound WIth the buildings and ImprovementB thereon erected sltuale at Malloa 111 the Town ship of HaverfonJ. County of Delaware and Fieri Facias No JO!8 June TerRI 1032 AU that rertalll iot or picco of ground with the buildings and Iwprovemcnte Ihereon erel'ted tiltuate at ~clLdun in the TownshilJ of Durby 11l'laware CounlY PcnDsyh allIa bounded and lIllSt:I'lbt.'d according to a survey thereof made ill ISB7 by Enon M HarriS, Jr surveyor 8S Iullo\u BeghnulIg at a pom! 111 the south eaSlerly side of Cedar avenue at the dislan<-'t! of l'lgbty feet nOI'&heast from the lIorthc8s1. erly Side of YellA.ion avenue c*ntaining In fronl or breadlh on aaid Cedar avenue, eighty Icet lind extending III lellgth 01' depth IIOUlhea81 uf Ihat widlh hl't ween 1)81'8110'1 hiles at right. angles to aald Cedar avenue two bUlIl!re« Ieet Hershey'. Cocoa ~ lb. can, ge Rump S Roa.t. I Round t Steak. ~ 25c Imllrovements consist of two and one half atory frame and brick house 27x30 fect. llUelOEOO Jront and aide porches, olle-story frame additton lUx2-! feet one slory frame addltloll Hxl0 fetlt twu slory framo garage 2-1x18 fect Sold os the property 01 Roland R Stcm mctz Condl1iOIls-$J50 00 cash or certified check on day 01 sale balance III ten days Ii urther ,-ondluotlS 8IIIIOun<-OO at sale UOWAUD M LUTZ Attorney No B01 September Term 1032 AU thai (!crtmn lot or Illeoo of lOl'Ound wllh the buildings and Improvements thereon creeted situate 011 the northwcetel'l.) cornet of Kedroll avenue anti Fifth avenue III tile Towush'IJ of Ridley Dela.ware Coullty PenllD lhllnt:e northwest along KO(lroli a.venue sixty two feet SIX aud fivc eighth inches to land!! of Jacob E Manll thenc.'O by l>Outhwest olle hundred twenty four feet one alltl five mghth Ulches to a .five foot alley tbeDl~e by same soulhe 1St sIXty tViO fcct lUX lIIchcli to the 1I0rthwes((~rIY Side of l!~lftb avenue aud tbenco by same lIortheMt. one hunUrcd t\\enty SIX fCO)t SIX Itnd seven eighth inches to the OOglllllllll:' Beillg lots .!3 24 and 2.5 Section D Folsom Manor Uuder and subJect to a. first mortgage or prlllCipal sum of thirty·lwo hundred dollars Togclher With the right. and usc of liaid alley III <-"Dmmon with 'he oWliers of other Jands abutting thereon ImprO\ ements conSist of one and one half story stone and frame bung-alow 21x36 feet Enclosed front porch Frame garage 10>x21 lcel Sold as the properly of Frederick Lohbrandt and Louisa Lohbrandt hiS Wife Condlllons-$2uO 00 cash or cerlified ch<>ck 011 day of sale balance III ten days Further (Onditlons announced at. sale HOWARD M LUTZ Attorney No 810 September Term 1932 AU that ('ertam lot or lliece of ground situate III th(l TownsblP of Ridley County of Dela.~arc and State of Pcnllsylvama com posed of grealer part of Lots No 1 and a All Sirloin Steaks Fancy Chuck Roa.t Fresh Ground Beef Shoulders Lamb Legs Spring Lamb Neck Lamb Breast Lamb Vogt's Country Scrapple Swift's Bacon, ~ lb. pkg. Halfsmoke. Tender Lamb's Liver Cold Broiled Ham, sliced, ~ lb. to buy a good battery. The new Exide "44," 6 volts, 13 plates, at $7.95, upholds the tra­ditional Exide reputa­tion for dependability and quaHty. £xi~e BATr£RIE5 Hannum & Waite Chester Rd. & Yale Ave. ~ SWARTH 12150 Vote the Straight Chrysler-Plymouth Ticket CHRYSLER EIGHT X CHRYSLER SIX x NEW PLYMOUTH SIX X WINTER ACCESSORIES x HANNUM & WAITE SERVICE x Hannum & Waite Yale & Chester Rds. Swarth. 1250 35e 16c 17e IOc 21c He 4e ge IOe 15e 12e ge ~hlllOl: e College Lll*azy , N{' I I THI: VoL IV, No. 45 . PLA YEKS' CLUB PRESENTS REVIVAL "The Thirteenth Chair" Thrills Club Members as Opening Produetion of Season MRS. ULLMAN TRIUMPHS In respollse to demands for a reVival of one of the Players' Club's most pop­ular productIOns of a decade ago, me tn. bers of the club presented • The Thir­teenth Chatr," a three-act mystery play durmg the past week at the new club house It was directed by Roland G E Ullman and J Wilham SImmons Certatnly the directors of the produc tlon tIus year must have felt the ad­vantage ~ hlch they had over the dt­rectors of the plcce when It was pre­sented tn 1921 for It IS ImpOSSible to thlltk of all the hokus pokus that the actton calls for bClllg carried out as smoothly on the stage of the Woman's Club as on the large well eqUipped stage of the new clubhouse Swarthmore, Pa., November 11, 1932 $2.50 Per Year WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD BENEFIT BRIDGE A benefit card party will be held in the Lounge of the Woman's Club next Thursd2Y afternoon at 2 o'clock. The proceeds will be used for philanthropIC purposes Pnzes wIll be gwen for each table and tea will be served In addlhon to the above menttoned pnzes a door pnze conslstmg of a pastel by one of Swarthmore"s pamters, Mrs Carl De­:: aloll, "!III be gIVen Everyone 10 Swarth­more IS IIlvlted and It IS hoped malty will come to play cards and see the new lounge Tickets may be obtamed from anv member of the Executive board or by Telephonmg Mrs Wilham Hanny • • ~ MILL LIBRARY TAX SUSTAINED Motion to Cut Tax From ~ ~ Mill Lo.t by 108 Votes to SWARTHMORE ELECfION RETURNS TREMENDOUS VOTE P .... icleDtI Hoover Roosevelt Thomas, Norman U. S. Seaator: DaVIS, James J Rupp, Lawrence VanEssen. Wm J Coneresa: \~lo1fenden, James Randall, Matthew Holmes, Jesse H St.te SeDator: McClure, John J PItman, John H Brewster, Etdndge Library Tax: Weat 544 76 33 434 87 29 434 97 89 388 195 28 Ea.t 377 52 31 325 63 31 314 58 74 283 135 33 Nortb 436 57 81 368 90 69 362 66 149 3J5 166 60 Total 1357 185 145 11?:l 240 129 1110 221 312 1006 496 121 FOR HOOVER HERE Leads Roo.evelt bv 12 to Ticket Split f';r Loeal Candidates I; CONTROVERSIES AT P9u.s ---- President Hoover and the entire Re­pUbhcan ticket receIVed an overwhelmlllg majority at the General ElectIOn on Tuesday The vote was one of the larg­est ever cast here, 1707 persons voting out of a regIstration of approximately 1800 For y,; Mdl 150 153 200 503 The Republican bcket was spht III For 14 Mdl 143 125 l?:l 395 what appeared to be about 250 mstances State Treasurer: 111 the case of John H Pitman, Democrat Waters, Chas A 502 366 416 1284 who opposed John J McClure for State Shannon, L B 70 54 74 i~ Senator and III the CongressIOnal contest Hoverter, Wm C 29 28 75 where James Wolfenden, Republican 10. Auditor GODeral: 1231 cum bent, was opposed by Mathew Rand- Baldwm, Frank E 449 361 421 all, Democrat, and Dr Jesse H Holmes, InCIdentally tillS work behllld the stage BOARD PROMISES PROGRESS Impressed us as hemg the smoothest Sarig, WllsolI G 72 56 64 192 Soclahst Dr Holmes and Mr PItman Chew, NellIe L 29 28 84 141 are local reSidents Judge of Supreme Court: The vote for PreSident was as follows and most profeSSIOnal part of the whole LIOn, W B 499 356 408 141 Hoover, 1357, Roosevelt, 185 and Thomas productIon and the stage manager, elec­tnclan, and others who handled these weIrd detatls deserve 110 end of credit. The excellent \\ ark done by Eltza Katherme Ullman, John Dolman and Eleanor Delaney Wilson put the re malOder of the cast at a disadvantage by companson J Wdham Simmons, of course gave hIS usual pohshed perform­ance but made rather an unpleasant 111- dlvldual out of hiS mterpretahon so that no one cared particularly what happened to 111m A newcomer by the name of Walter G Emmott added a bIt of vanety as a superior young lawyer and has the earmarks of being a real find for the club Mrs UJiman has the happy faculty of appearmg to enjoy playmg whatever role she IS given She radiates seU-con­fidence and can Win the sympathy of any audience from the begllllung Whtle her role 111 "The Thirteenth Chair" was not comparable to the part she played 10 last year's "Ladles of the Jury." she gave It the same enthusJ3stlc, whole hearted mterpretahon Personally we should have enjoyed seemg the part played a httle more broadly In greater contrast to the other cultured ladles present The Rosahc La Grange por­trayed by Arlrs Ullman was too much a lady of refinement to be aSSOCiated WIth the hokum and bunkum that she ad­mitted MISS Wilson appeared to be excel­lently cast and to know what It was all about Her chaT'acter was well con cClved before she began and every rc sponse appeared to be naturally and sympathetically mterpreted More than anyone else III the enhre cast she seem­ed aware of the fact that somethmg senous, gruesome and awesome, had taken place 10 the very midst of a group of cultivated people and she got thiS across to the audience Mr Dolman wa!': everytlung that might be expected of an exceptionally good amateur but somehow either be­cause the part Itself Vi as not well round­ed or hecause he lacked enthUSiasm for the role, he did not give the IIlsplnng, grlppmg performance that we have come to expect of him The rest of the cast was more than satIsfactory but not noteworthy Ray­mond P Gatt handled the last scene 111 the final act unusually well A highly cmohonal btt of actmg such as Ius IS about the most difficult thmg 111 the world to do 111 a small playhouse With­out appeanng ndtculous and Mr Gott succeeded HIgbee, Ed C 68 56 66 190 145 The only question of real local sJgmfi- Slayton, John W 29 29 80 138 Norman Thomas, the Soclahst candl-canre settled at the polls on Tuesday was Jud,e of Superior Court: date led Roosevelt by a vote of 81 to 57 that of the library tax On each ballot Rcpubllcan- In the northern precmct Dr Holmes, appeared the question "should the present Parker 50S 359 415 1379 the SOCialist candidate for Congress, tax of one half mill be reduced to one- James 496 354 404 1354 polled the largest vote of any nomlll(e on fourth mill'" Stadtfeld 497 356 408 1261 the Soclahst ticket but failed to carry hIS Many people we r e eon fused and Dcmocratlc- home precmct north of the railroad thought that a "yes" vote meant more Henderson 69 58 67 194 The complete vote for all nomtnees of money for the hbrary, a "no" vote, less Douglass 73 59 74 206 the three major parties appears III the money for the hbrary The quesbon was McWherter 72 57 65 194 table to the left worded negatIVely as was the votlllg SOClOf,st- Votlllg m the early part of the day was machIne questIon In Philadelphia Many Schnclrov • Zl 28 80 135 the heaViest that has ever been known fm ored people overloIoI ked the questIOn and Adams .L.,I., 29 80 136 By ten o'clock as many people had voted aJ1e to vote at a Zl 31 85 143 10 every preclllct as usually cast their bal- The outcome was a total of 503 UNo" Wright lot by 5 In the afternoon In the western votes In avor 0 no c ange 1.1emg rna e IJreclnct where nearly a hundred people f f h ~ d State L~latu ... : I III the present half mIll tax rate, and 395 R~pubUcD1"- 460 340 396 1196 stood III lme to vote when the polls closed "yes" votes III favor of reducmg l the tax ia~~~t ••• 464 338 396 1200 at the Pnmary electIOn last sprlOg, only from one half to one-quartet ml I u r 459 339 394 1192 two persons appeared to vote between b In a statemde ntR aIf terd tLh e Eraettu rns had Weldemann 6 30 and 7 30 p m when the polls closed, Sl DerllOcratfc-een announce, 0 an on, pre - 81 62 76 219 There were numerous controversies at dent of the Library Board, saId Chatham 83 62 77 222 the different voting places between The defeat of the proposal to cut Kane 77 62 75 214 watchers for the different parties and the Llbrzry Tax IS a cause for con- McNamee, Jr election offiCIals grrtulahon to the town It wdl be most Socralrst- 37 33 84 154 LoUIS Cole Emmons, campaign man-gratlfymg to the scores of people who Cooper 3-1- 80 152 ager for Roosevelt and Garner 10 Dela-are regular uSers of the hbrary books Green !g 34 90 164 ware County and a Democratic watcher, As usual, Swarthmore has done the . ..-:,-'L~I~n~d~se:!y~:.:.:~:.:.:~~:.:.:~:.:.:~~-=--ri~--'4~64:i_--~577l81--11:7ij7 had R Chester Spencer. Repubhcan fight tiling IV.:.::o.::te::...:(.::T.::o.::taI=):...:.:.:....:.::.:.. ____________ ~__:_--66-5---------------------------- watcher, ousted from the northern pre- "The result of the ba110t should set- clUct votmg place when Mr Spencer was tIe for some bme th questIOn of h ANNUAL REPORT OF HOOVER WINS IN unable to show a watcher's certIficate He brary support and maintenance It NEEDLEWORK GUILD H. S. STRAW VOTE declared that he had left It at home when defimtely places the pubhc library he changed hiS clothes m the afternoon amollg the perm,H1ent mshtuiJons of Wh I S th 'dul authorized He had to secure It before the judge of the borough To have won the support The annual reporft otfh eM auSdwea rLth mBolrse- votersI we erew caars tmmgo trhee si r ballyo ts on Tues- elections would permit him to enter the I hop, secretary 0 d f h IJ h h I I 0 votmg place agam of the publiC on two successive aDoua f day, the stu ents a t e-.Ig sc 00 a s Another heated controversy developed refcrena durmg thiS particular period, Branch of the Needlework GuIld 0 held a straw vote the returns of which 1 IS ample proof that the lJ b rary IS meet - A mcnca, states tl 1a t 2672 garm ents were were SImIlar to the vote cast at the local aletg eth eg irnlosr tehnedrnea vporerecdm ctto wvhoetne fboyu ra fc£oa-- IIIg a commumty need The Library contributed during the past year The polls Th ch II ed the Board \vlll accept thiS vote of con fid - 1 I b ch I ort that there are The partIes ,vere voted for as follows da\ It f eyh wIeree da engt h on net oca ran a so rep s Sr. H S Jr H S baSIS 0 not aVlDg IV 111 e preci ebnllclte "Ith a deep sense of the responst now 47 directors H and for sixty days prior to the electton ThiS , , .. hlch It mvokes On ItS behalf Repubhcan, oover th d th f J ,y About ~180 In money was contributed CurtIS 113 144 took place In e mornmg an In e a _ I extend our appreCiation and pledge 'i' CK)3 d Roosevelt ternoon Jerome Smith, a student at the our fullest efforts to the mcre2sed pub- durmg the year of which 1'7 was use DemocratIc, 12 16 Col1ege and a reSident of the borough, hc service of the hbrary We urge all to buy warm flight clothes, and under- and Garner appeared and appealed In behalf of the CItIzens to offer their suggestions to wear for women and children, and SUitS SOCIahst, Thomas and 51 26 four would be voters but a f ter consl d _ thIS cI1d The Itbrary IS yours Its use for boys and a.rls l{aurer erable controversy was forced to WI th IS free to all reSidents of the borough Last year b2·7 66 garments were co I- Prohibition, Upshaw and 2 0 draw Usc It J ' lected As thiS IS a dtfficult year and Regan Mrs Kmg, watcher for the SOCialIst • I • LEGION TO AITEND ARMISllCE SERVICES On November 13th, the Sunday near­est Armistice Day, the Harold Ams­worth Post, AmerIcan Legion, of Swarthmore, Will attend the evemng service at the Church of the Atone ment, Franklm avenUe and Amosland road III Morton The Rev Thomas A Merywcathcr, Rector of the Church, WIll conduct the service lfr Mery· weather IS a veteran of the 28th DI­VISion. havmg served as a FIrst Lieu­tenant With the 11th Infantry 10 Frcmce and was wounded near Flsmes while commanding hiS company there are extra demands upon us, the dl~ Communtst, Foster and 1 0 party at the northenl precmct was f orce d rectors feel more than satrsfied The Ford I 0 to leave the votmg place when Mrs garments were unusually warm and ac- Jobless, Cox and TlSdal Spencer reported t h at s he was not a r e g_ ceptable Total 180 186 tstered voter of Swarthmore and there- The garments were distributed to the fore had no right to a watcher's certlfi-follo\ Vmg IDsldutlons Crozer Home for • I • cate for the northern prectDct Incurables at Chester, Chester Day WOMEN TO HEAR In the Western precmct Mrs E<\WID A Nursery and Board1Og Home, Inc, State OF "FAMILY FINANCE" Yarnall, workmg for the splIt Repubhcan TuberculOSIS Chmc, Chester Rescue Mls- ticket, and Robert E Sharples, working slon Inc the Ivakota Farms at Chfton The program for the Woman's Club In behalf of the stlalght Republican Sta: Va', the Children's Convalescent next Tuesday \\l11l be 111 the hands of ticket, engaged m several arguments, Home at MedIa, the Chtldren's Aid So- the j'Amerlcan Home" seciton of which each accusmg the other of e1ectIoneermg clety and the Mothers' ASSIstance Fund Mrs E 0 Lange IS chairman MISS Within the polhng place of PhIladelphia, the Taylor Hospital at S h Bl n Manager of the Wo- At each prccmct a large number of Rtdle Park the CommunIty Health op Ie lYe, persons voted by affadavlt Cent!r at Swarthmore, (one private man's Agency, Penn Mutual LI!.e In- MISS Helen Deihl, Dental HYgIemst cas .. ) and the follOWing PhIladelphia surance Company, wIll speak on Fam for the local publtc schools, cast her first mst~tutlOns Babies HospItal of Phtla- dy Fmance II A socJal hour wIll follow vote on Tuesday, her twenty-first btrth- Helen Inglis Cramp has a very pleas­Ing and fleXIble VOice wIuch she used to ad\lantage and Gladys W Hayes por­trayed her role stDcerely and With good judgment H Paul Cleaver, May L Keech lfargaret Vlachos Elmer E Melick Albert N Garrett, Jr. and Henr) 'A. PClrsoI, Jr all contnbuted \\orthwlulc I11terpretatlons of thclr roles '~Ith that eagerness and slltcenty which has made the Players' Club the splendid orgamzahon that It IS The Men's Chorus, of Swarthmore, lately orgamzed, wJ11 lead the smgmg at thiS service ThiS chorus IS bemg spon~ored b) the Harold Al11s\\orth Post and IS a feature of the program of Commander Frank N Smtth, to have the LegIon acttvltles of maxImum de\phl3 PhIladelphIa P E. CIty MISSIon, III the Lounge day fallmg on that date. Frlend~' Home for Children, Home MIS- Chas D Mltcltell v.all ~ntertam the In the \Vestern precmct, several work-slOnacy SOCIety, Penna IndustrIal Hom~ members of the Woman s Club and ers prOVided cars to transport people to for Blind Women, Phlla Deaconess their fflends on Thursday evemng With and from the polls These cars cruised Home Volunteers of Amenca, and hiS pictures "'Vestern Rambles Through about the preclIlct and met late afternoon PhI1a Home for Infants the Camera 5 Eye' Mr 1lttchell bClI1g trams They bore Stgns readmg j To I • I an artist naturally sees the unusual the Polls" Girls Can for Needy and the beauttful and those who have _____. ..~ .. ........- ---- commumty service The Chorus will be The guls of the seventh and mnth supported by the organ WIth Mrs R W grade food classes of the Swarthmore Wetten, orgamst of the church at the Htgh School have finished a project on console and by a quartette of trum- cannmg The products were donated to peters 'under the leadershIp of Mr the Community Health Center, of George Smith of :Morton The Rev T Swarthmore, where they Will be gIVen to A Meryweather Will prea~~ upon the needy famdles. There were sIxteen seen pictures he has taken to the past are always enthuSiastic about them The pIctures will start at 8 15 The dIrection of the production as a whole seemed very well done Move­ments about the stage were at all times natural and graceful As we have said the necessary mechalllcal deVIces, whIch play such an Important part III present day mystery plays as well as those of a decade ago, were perfectly handled The stage settmg was gorgeous and hghtmg effects excellent The audience on Wednesday mght Was small on account of the ram and tC..n .... 4 011 1' ... TAn.) , tOPIC "The Pnce Iof. Peace quarts of pears and twenty-one and one- nbo nue half Quarts of apple sauce Mrs John Ogden of HI s'::thav~rd_ Some of the guls were able to secure spoke before ,the OakmonMt-d of thIS the" Girl Scout Badges through thIS pro-more Woman s Club on on ay I jed. week. Literature Section I I • Error Thursday mommg, the 17th, the Lit­erature Section will have Its regular meetmg at ten o'clock at the Woman's The S'luarlhmorean erroneously report- Club Mrs Jesse Herman Holmes will cd the week before last that the five per-cent discount on borough taxes In ef- conduct the program, concermng Stuart feet to Oct. 1, would be moved ahead to P Sherman, the crlttc, who IS dtamet­Dec 1 'this IS not correct The dls- rlcally opposed to the methods of count 15 not procurable after Oct. 1 but Henry L Menkm, whose works and the usual five percent penalty added after methods were studied 111 the last session that date IS watved for this year of thiS sectIon.

---------- Page 7 ----------

2 THE SWARTHMORBAN NOVEMBER 11, 1932 TREE COMMIllEE INCREASED BY TWO along Walnut lane at the Faculty dub and in front of the faculty residencea. as a development of American journal .. ism. uThe editorial page should be the most interesting part of the newspaper," said Mr. Rose. "The news columns must con­tain only fact, without bias or comment. DR. WILLITS NEW WHARTON SCHOOL DEAN Library Books Chapman Reports Good Response to Notices Urging New An interesting planting took place at the college this week, when 87 tree peonies were planted just north of the Engineering building. This brings the total number of varieties of peonies 011 the campus to 200. Dr. Joseph H. Willits, of Ogden ave­nue, has been named dean 01 the Whar-but in t h e- editorial p age s, the ton Schoo] of Finance and Commerce of pol icy 0 f the pap e r is 5 tat e d the University of Pennsylvania to suc­throu~ h ~he edjtoria~ stal!", each. member ceed Dr. Emory R. Thomas who will re- "Sens" by Pearl Buck, "After 5 o'_ clock" by E. Corbett, "Prologue to Love" by M. Ostenso, UMeeting on the Bounty", by C. Nordhoff, "Egyptian Cross Mys­tery" by E. Queen, "Fortress" by Hugh Walpole, "Gods Arrive" by Edith Whar­ton, "Peking Picnic" by Ann Bridge, "Anne Boleyn" by E; Barrington, "Chi­cago" by Lloyd Lewis, "Younger Sister" by Kathleen Norris, liBrORtes Went to Woolworths" by R. Ferguson, "Listen­ing Woman" by M. Sparrow, "Reminis­cences" by De Wolf Hopper, "Easy Street" by E. S. Payne, uMan in the White Slicker" by L. H. Nason, "Mela­mare Mystery" by M. Leblanc. "Old Man's Folly" by Floyd Dell, "Little Journeys" in the World" by C. D. War­ner, "Sentimental Tommy" by]. M. Bar­rie, "Red Swan's Neck" by D. R. Miller, "Princess pro tern" by Arthur Train, "Keeper of the Keys" ·by E. D. Biggers, "None So Blind" by Ethel Deane, "Fire and Sword" by H. Sienkiewicz, 4IBar_ rack-room Ballads" by R. Kipling, "The Aadsbys" by R. KipHng, "Three King­doms" by Storm Jameson, "Prize Stories" Ed. by O. Henry Memorial. Tree Planting COLLEGE PLANTS OAKS Leonard C. Ashton, president of Borough Council, this week announced the appointment of Henry Hoot and Robert E. Sharples as additional mem­bers of the Tree Commission of Swzrth­more. This means that the complete l)crsonnc1 of the commission consists of Elwood B. Chapman, Dr. John A. :Miller, Mrs. Robl"rt Carels and the two lIew members. J. Archer Turner, of Borough Coullcil, is also a member ex­officio. The commission was enlarged due to the unforseen volume of work which placed too great a burden on the three original members. Mr. IIoot, 011(" of the newly appointed members, is assist­During the past few weeks the chrys­anthemums at the College between the Meeting House and Cedar lane have been at their height and have attracted hundreds of visitors from the borough. The display may stilt be seen this week. Last week the College entered 200 varieties of hardy chrysanthemums at the exhibit -held each year by the Penn­sylvania Horticultural Society in Phila­delphia and shared highest honors with Drecr's Seed Company. The college is doing everything pos­sibjc to prohibit hunting in the woods along the Crum. Last year several people walking In the woods narrowly escaped injury. I I I COLLEGE HOCKEY TEAM TO MEET BRYN MAWR znt superintendent at Swarthmore Col- The Hockey season at Swarthmore lege and call speak with authority on will reach its climax Saturday when tree and planting problems. Mr. Sharp- Swarthmore meets her old rival, Bryn less will probaltly aid in presenting the :\bwr on the Jatter"s field at ten o'clock work and plans of the Commission to in thc morning. This game is scheduled the people of the co~munity. to be the most exciting aile of the year, ~I~. Chapman, preSident o~ the com- for Swarthmore hopes to continue 11l1SSlon, reports <I; very noticeable rc-/ her victorious record for this season sl'~nse to the Circulars sent out. to of four wins and one tie, while Bryn rcsl(lcnts .of the borough recom!llendmg Mawr always presents keen competi­the plantmg of trees along their street tion. fron~agc wher.e needed. The borough A survey of past scores reveals the too IS. re.spolldmg to the efforts of the interesting fact that this is the Little c?mnUSSl0n and last week planted a Quakers' turn to win, since though Norway maple to replace a tree that. Ihoy lost to BrY'1 Ma' It' Il ad dI' e d dI' rect Iy . I I b h" J '\\r as year, m 111 ront 0 oroug; 1930 the order was reversed and hall and also planted three new trees i Swarthmore carried away honors. To rn the borough property along Cresson I substantiate her hope for victory, a'Tlel' Swarthmore points to Bryn Mawr's Ie secretary of the commISSIOn re- I h de cat at the ands of the Germall­centiy received a letter from Dr. Frank town Cricket Club, 4-1. It was this Aydelotte, president of the College, team over whom the Quaker maids complimenting the commission on the folder and ,,,'ork in general that was gained a victory by the same score ]ast being done, and promising the support week. The college is truly proud of of the college. the te~m this season for they have \Vithin the past week the College has ~:tel~r~~~~aYing teamwork of the high­planted additional scarlet oaks along the College property from the R. R. station to the Prep school grounds. An­drew Simpson, superintendent, also re­ports that extensive planting will be done by the college this fall along College ~vcnue East of Chester road. As soon as plans are completed for gr2ding and permanently improving the low ground along Yale avenue behind the Strath Haven Inn, the College wjJJ plant trees and shrubbery at this point. Plans of the College for this fall also call fDr the planting of additional trees I , I MRS, YARNALL ATI'ENDS PENHURST MEETING Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall. representing the Board of Petmhurst State School, attended the semi-annual meeting of Sup ... erintendents and Boards of Trustees of State Hospitals, held at Blair County Hospital, Holidaysburg, on Friday, Oct­ober 4. Mrs. Yamall holds the position of chairman of the House Committee at -::=======-~;;==~~==;IPellnhurst, which has a general over­::': sight of the housing conditions and care of the inmates. Pennhurst has a present population of nearly 1 600 patients, housed, together with the official staff, teachers, attendants, and other workers, in 2J buildings on all estate of over 1000 acres beautifully situated on the roUing hills above the Schuylkill River near Spring City. Swarthmore Market 411 Dartmouth Avenue Phone Sw. 47 or 48 WEEK END SPECIALS •• I Large Hams 15c DON ROSE AT WHOLE OR HALF WOMAN'S CLUB P-o-rk- L-oi-n _Ro_as_t ______ -=I:S.:c_ Don Rose, columnist for a Philadel- vhia newspaper, was the speaker at T-e-n-de-r -R-o-u-nd- -S-te-ak- --=:.:3-01c Tmuaens'sd aCyl uabf teorfn oSowna'sr thmmeoetrien.g of. the Wo- Mr. Rose spoke at some length of Loin Lamb Chops 38 journalism, the place it holds in Amer- C I ican public life, and the unique place of the newspaper ucolumn." which he cited Mrs. Isaac Doughten, Jr., of Chestnut Hill will have a showing of inexpensive sport clothes on Monday. November fourteenth from 9 A. M, to 9 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Sargent WaIter 403 North Chester Road Swarthmore RUMMAGE SALE WOMEN OF TRINITY CHURCH NOVEMBER 17, 18, 19 PARISH HOUSE NO. CHESTER RD. of which IS an expert III hiS espeCial field." . . In spite of this the speaker said that only tJr~ ~t t~e end of the aca~eml(~ year. Dr. one out of every twenty readers is inter- WIIhts IS well known In Swarthmore ested in the editorials. and has achieved unusual prominence as "Because the average reading public is an educator. interested in the human side of life, the Dr. Willits became assistant instructor newspaper columnist has his chance at an audience •... 1f Americans were not such in the geography and industry depart­a tolerant and good humored people, they melledt or \Vha,rton Sch?ol in 1912, ~lId wou Id no t t a k eso k1·1 1 dl y t oth ceoium"n. serv fs ucceSSIvde ly asI I11structor. '. asslst- M R k f J H tl d ant pro essor an pro essor~ attall1mg the r. ose ~po .e 0 ay. ouse as le ~an last named rank in 1919 of columlllsts 111 the UllIted States, for he I 1927-28 D W'ln" bb has carried a daily column for 34 years: 'c tea' E r. I ~~ spent a sa ~t­Blending the witty and humorous side of Jay. rIll: ~ropc rna 109 a study of 111- the newspaper pro Ie5Sl"0 11 WIt h many 1. 0- dustfltal l conI dJtlodn s I there, al.l d he hka' s bu. t teresting facts, little known to the readers treeeEn Yr re urncd .rom a slx:wee ~ htTlP of t h e great da'l1l·e s, Mr. Ros'es talk was 0t d 'Ui no pe hr' nha eh I'II conncctdtO n f WIt . a heard with keen interest by the large s u Yt IWth,e d e IS. engage 0 certam d · • d A I I aspec s 0 e epresslon. au lenee m atten ance. t the e ose 0 Alt t h' f t' b h h h · d . I er eae 109 Or a rme at at t e t e meetmg, tea was serve III the ounge Universit d t H f d C 11 by the Hospitality Committee. I y an a aver or 0 ege, M rs. CII' ffo rd B uck, cant act c I1a'l rman, Dr. Jo. 1I1son was made professor of t.r ans- d . . ptJrtatlon and commerce at the UllIvers- • I • Freead an. mtIeIr!e stl.O g Ir eport of the St. ate1' l Y 0 f PennsyI va'ma .11 1 1896, t II US be com- The Book Revl'.o.. w C I u b met last the cfrualtll Ofniv e deeatylsll gi n aastb omuto nttehn, cmoivneutrems.g .m g th e fi ~s t pr~ f essor t h Id h'· Tilursday even,'ng at th ho e 01 Mrs 0 ? a c ~Ir In em. Th" . t' d '! B k' those subjects In an American Umvers- Dwight Cooley, Columbia avenue. Miss IS IS all mova Ion an 1\ rs. UC 5 re- 't Irene Geyer reviewed 4'Pekin Picnic" by ports are being used as models in other I YS·· c tl I I d . Ann Brl·dges. c Iu bS. t' in e len le las serve .a t varlOUs _________________ Joseph E, Quinby The following ncw members were wel- Im~s as expert on tra.nsportah0!l !or the corned to the club: Mrs. E. Morris Untted States Industnal. CommiSSion, 3S Fergusson, Mrs. l.yle A. Whitsit, Mrs. a .m~mber of the Isthmian Canal Co.m- Ernest G. Snodgrass, Al'sislanl Y. DeLancey VerlJlanck, Mrs. W. II!. mISSlOI~, ~s an expert on the valua~lOn MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON P rk Mr R b t C F d M F k- 01 raJl"ay property lor the Um\ed l·aT' FISh' 0 er d ;{ orH, rS'1 Crlan States Census Bureau and as 10 • a erty an "rs. . Pau eav- p t 1 £Ii I IN' I Funeral Directors an ex er on ra Ie or t lC atlOna er.T ea and sandwiches were served in the \Vaterways Commission. B e 11 Pho ne 4 MEDIA, PA .. new lounge following the meeting. "The University also is indeed for-I---------------.:....- • • t'mate in the fact that it is enabled to S LIP C' 0 V E R S T •• Ch h Ilame as Dr. Johnson's successor to the I D A '-' RES rlmty nrc deanship a teacher, administrator and R PEl public servant of Dr. Willits' caliber. ANNA Armistice Day will be commemorated There is every assurance that under Dr. at Trinity Church by a special service on \Vi11its' guidance the Wharton School's Phone, Sw. 1225 SCHAl.LES Sunday mornjng at 11:00 o'clock. The constantly growing record of achieve-choir, under the direction 01 Frederick A. ment will be consistently maintained." Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge aKrnraanpgpe, dw illb ys inDge KKiopvleinng 'sa n"dR ec"eOssniownaarld",, ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Christian Soldiers", by MacDougal. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held in the Parish House on Monday afternoon at 2 :30. Mrs. Francis Packard, head of the Domestic Committee, will speak. After the meeting tea will be served. On l-Ionday morning, at 10 :00 o'clock, all wOmen of the Parish are asked to meet at the Rectory, 214 Elm avenue, to sew for the Red Cross. The women's organizations will hold a Rummage Sale in the Parish House on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Novem­ber 17, 18, and 19. ---.,.. .... ~-- MUSIC SECTION OF THE WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. George 1.'. Ashton will have charge of the I}rogram to be given by the Music Section of the Woman's Club 011 :Monday, November 14th, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. Chester Spen­c{. r 011 Swarthmore avenue. Mrs. Ashton will speak on the life of Brahms, the ccntennary of whose birth will be celebrated ill the new year. She will play sever2:1 solos. Miss Mildrid Spencer will read excerpts from the C AI inor and E minor symphonies. Mrs. G. W. Swan will play the obligato for the Gluck Brahms gavotte with hirs. Ashton. Mrs. Robert Cards wi11 sing three songs. A Hungarian Dance in duct form will be played by Mrs. Ashton and Miss Spencer. This is the first of a series of Musical Programs to be given by its music section on the second Mond<!y of each month. All club members arc invited. I I , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irvine have rent­ed their house 011 Dickinson avenue to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cornog and lelt last Thursday by auto to spend the winter in Eustis, Florida. The Woman's Exchange temporarily located at 131 Rutgers Ave. (one street south of Park Ave.) • Homemade bread, cake, pies, ,.olls, ca1ldy, PI'eserves, a,.t goods, a1ld lleedlework. • Special for SATURDAY APPLE AND CHOCOLATE MERINGUE PIES 29c • Emily J. Mustin Swarthmore 691-,J Phone orders in advance FLOWERS to Enhance Your Thanksgiving Table To make your Thanksgiving table more cheerful and your Thanksgiving more enjoyable, let us send you some flowers. Just phone us and we will de­liver the flowers to you. Prices are today remarkably low. The Marot Flower Shop 315 Dickinson Ave. Swarthmore 554 Tune in "Fame and Fortune" WCAU SUNDAY, 8 P. M. "Famous Reading Anthracite Program Egg Stove Cash Prices p]U8 Penna. State Tax 1% $1l.50 .$1l.75 Buckwheat. Nut Pea .. $7.50 $1l.50 $9.75 Reading Super.cJ.ean Bard Coal Delivered Anywhere in Philadelphia & Subnrhs Ret!ommended and Sold By- Mason Heflin COAL CO. Phon" Swarthmore 345 Today 11 1932 -TDDAY (FB1DAY) AND8ATDBDAY • continuous performance SatUrday from 1:30 to 11 P. 1\1. Added Enj()yment Speeial Jaek Denny and his band in "Music to My Ears" • Travelogue: Dancing Around the World • Cartoon: 4'Ride 'Em ROllco" Added atlraelion Saturday Matinee only "THE VANISHING FRONTIER" Shown only once starling at 1:30 MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Benefit-S",'arlhmore American Legion Auxiliary WEDNESDAY ONLY CONSTANCE BENNETI' in "WHAT PRICE HOLLYWOOD" THURSDAY ONLY Request Return Engagement "THIS IS THE NIGHT" Charles Ruggle8--Roland Young Lily Damita-Thelma Todd MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. PHONE MEDIA 174 "SERVING SWARTHMORE SUCCESSFULLY SINCE 1 SOO" FINISHED LAUNDRY SERVICE FIREWOOD Delivered in Baaement $12.00 per Cord Colafemina Vineyard Phone: Media 646 R 1 E WIRING L REPAIRS E RADIO Tel. 1896 FIXTURES 'nIB SWARTHMORBAN 1 Player's Club 10llce a month and enjoy the efforts o( our friends to entertain us. News Notes Mr. Robert Teller, who has been visit­ing his daughter, Mrs. E. B. Merriam, (CD"',,",.~ /,.. PtIII O_tj 'fhe only one who has a right to the possibly everyone got wet rulttling into' fishy eye is the editor of the Swarth­the theatre for there was a noticeable morean and his attitude is largely de­lack of reSl)onse and enthusiasm. Time termilled by a desire to make the club Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, of has returned to his home in East Orange, Kenyon avenue, entertained at bridge on N. J. members stick together and defend and again members of the cast should the way the Illay was produced as have had a hand for their work in in- against his personal ideas. Monday evening, Nov. 7th, Dean and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath Haven Mrs. C. A. McCue, Pro!' and Mrs. R. W .. avenue entertained at an informal party Heins, of University of Delaware, New- on Tuesday evening at which her guests ark, De I. : 'aI r. a nd .M. rs. Frank R. Morey, played bridge and listened to the election dividual scenes and the audience sat of Swarthmore, and Mr. and lIrs. Paul returns. like so JUallY eml)ty seats. We wonder, have the Players' Cluh productions so nearly reached perfec­tion that we view them with the same fishy eye and challenging attitude that we attend professional productions in the city? If Wednesday night's audience is any criterion) the members of the club Ileed a rude awakening and a little sober re­Hection to the effect that the club is Swarthmore's own neighborhood or. gal1izatiol1 where we can get together EBTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF JAMES B. HEBERLING. de­ceased. late of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pennaylvanla. Letters testamentary on the above Es­tate have been granted. to the undersigned. who requesta all persons havlng claims or demands again&t the BBtate of the decedent to make known the 88me, and all persOnlS indebted to the decedent to make payment wIthout delay, to IO-14-6t EMILY H. PRICE, 410 Yale Avenue. Swarthmore. Pa. OF MARGARIrI' B. 8. PALMER, 1~~~~~tb~e~Bo~ro~~ugh~O~f~1B~wartbmore. .""' .,.,. above E1sDtaete· undersigned, Estate are ro­and those hav­same, without SAMUEL C. PALMER. Executor, Or to hls Attorney. 612 Ogden Avenue. swarthmore, Pa. CHARLES PALMER. Esq .• Chester, Pa. 10-7-6t CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT-Qn the Hill. Attractive third lloor apartment. two large rooms with bath and kltchenette. Garage If desired. Call Swarthmore 5O-J. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Buddy L truck and loader. Erector Set, Football Uniform, Size 12. Phone Swarthmore 710. LOST LOST-Beptember 20, Marcasite pin. Initials E. C. R.. In Swarthmore or on eveninB train to 49th St. Station. Reward. 'Phone Swarthmore 619-W. I I H. &. S. MEETING MONDAY EVENING . Rutan, of Drexel Hill. Mrs. William Vlachos of Vassar ave-nue will entertain at dinner and bridge Mr. and Mrs. Roger Coleman of next Monday evening in honor of her Plainfield, N. J., spent Tuesday with Mr. daughter, Mis. Margaret Vlachos. Mrs. Joseph Bates 01 Haverford Mrs, Clifford Buck entertained her The No\'embcr ~.[eeting of the Home I averllle. contract bridge club last Friday afternoon and School Association will be held 011 Miss Miriam B. Watson or Mt. Ver- at her home on Guernsey road. Tuesday the fifteenth at 8:15 p. m. in N. Y., will arrh'e this afternoon to Mrs. J. E. Underwood of Dickinson High School Auditorium. The program be the guest. for the week-end of her avenue spent last week-end with her will be based on Children's Books for Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman. mother in Lancaster, Pa. Home and School. Mrs. Francis W. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Randall will en- Mrs. Frank D. Windell of Cornell and Penn~lt and Mrs. Oliver Duke of tertain their bridge club tomorrow eve- Westdale aves., entertain~ at tea Thurs-will speak and there will be an ning at their home on Riverview avenue. day of last week. 01 suitable books. The High School Mr. H. W. Schell 01 Vassar avenue Miss F. Elinor Windell 01 Cornell and Chorus will sing. went to Columbus, Ohio, where he will Westdale aves., is entertaining at a • • • attend the Pennsylvania-Ohio State foot-I luncheon bridge on Saturday. C. H. Lungren ball game tomorrow. Horace Tillman, Negro, 64, of North Mr. and Mrs. John R. Helms of Elm' Orange street, near Seventh street, Me- Charles Howard Lungren, for and Swarthmore avenues spent last Sun- dia was killed Tuesday afternoon while years a resident o~ Swartlll~ore, died on day in Mt. Holly. N. J. waiking on Orange street lIear his home, Wednesday and Will be buned tomorrow I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gould of Park when struck by an automobile. froOl his h~met 234. Dickinson ~venue .. In- avenue were the guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Tillman lived in the Colored section of terment wtll be private. He IS survived Frederick J. Gruger of Plainfield, N. J. Swarthmore for many years and was by his widow, three sons, Hemphill, of last week-end. . well known here. He was almost com­Springfield, Allen, of Yale a~enue, Richard Redgrave, who recently under- pletely deaf and is thought not to have Swarthmore, and Howard, uf Clucago, went an operation for appendicitis at heard the car that struck him. and two daughters, Mrs. \Villiam A. Rai- Bellefonte, is recovering and expects to A.Jr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gray, 403 man or Swarthmore and Mrs, Helen return to his home on Vassar avenue in Michigan ave., Swarthmore, gave an Luniack of Philadelphia. about a week. Election Party at their home Tuesday Mr. Lungren's residence in Swarth- Mr. and Mrs. Francis F. Jones and son evening, The election returns were placed more dates back to the pioneer period, he Freeman of Corning, N. Y. visited old on a large chart as soon as they were re­having purchased and occupied the friends in Swartllmore last Sunday. ceived over the radio. Among the guests property at the corner of Yale and Rut- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ward of Strath were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kimmel, Mr. gers avenue more than 35 years ago. Haven avenue entertained at dinner on and Mrs. W. R. Sanborn and Mr. and -- -- Thursday evening before Players Clu!J. Mrs. H. Cassar, of Swarthmore. Also W. C. T. U. Meeting I Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sanborn and Mr. . McCoy and Mi. and Mrs. E. B. Yancey and Mrs. Howard Jester, of Woodlyn, The regular monthly meet1l1g of the. of Wilmington, Del. Pa. They spent a most delightful eve- ~warthmor~ ,:,. C. T. U. will be h~ldl Mrs Wayne Randall of Riverview ave- nillg. After hearing all of the election 111 the Ladles Parlor of the Methodist nue will entertain her bridge club next returns they departed for home at 3:00 oC'chluorcckh. , A\Vlle dwnoesmdeany , arNe ocvo. rd1ia7l, lya ti nv2i:t3ed0 ;T~u;e;Sd;a;y;;;;a;ft;e;r;n;oo;n;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;.;m;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ to be present. The W. C. T. U. held its annual service at the Media jail last Sun­day. Dr. McNaughton gave a fine gos­pel message to an invjsible audience of 147 persons. The choir of "trustes" was greatly missed as the members along with the piano, have beell moved to Broadmeadow Farm. I • The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a benefit Card Party on F.-iday, No­vp. mber 18 at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank N. Smith, Kenyon and Rut-gers avenues. BACHMAN'S QUALITY MARKET YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa.183 FRESH GROUND BEEF, lb •.... RUMP {STEAKS} ROUND ROASTS rcal .t"er heef . SIRLOIN STEAK, lh •... SHOULDERS LAMB, lh •. lIabbersetts Fresh Sausagc, lb. ... . ............ 19. ........ 14c . ....... 24c .34c .13c Swa. 761-762 We Deliver I il'==IM=M=E=D=IA=T=E=P=OS=S=ES=S=IO=N== ~ Martel Bros. Modern 4 Bedroom, 2 ear garage $60. reduced from lI80, 6 room and WANTED-Refined young man to share combinatton bedroom. sitting room and bath. Pleasant h('lme surroundIngs. $4. Swarthmore 290. Habbers~lts Scrapple, lb •.. _ .9c Bacon,' % lb. pkg., no waste, 10~ Chipso, large size .............. 17e Brooms. special value .......... 19c Premier Fish Roe, large can .... 15c Columbia River Red Salmon ..... 9c Royal Anne Cherries. large CDn .. 19c Campbells Baked Beans. c3n ..... 5c Campbell's Soups, all kinds, 3 for 25c Tartan Pure Jellies .. now 3 for 25c Reg. 2 for 25c Wilbur's Cocoa, ¥.a: lb. can ...... 10c Sweet, Juicy Grapefruit . .4 for 19c Peanut Butter, lb. jar .......... lle Medium Size garage ISS. 6 room lISO. 5 room E " Apartment lI5S. "Good Things to at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WM. S, BllTLE No.ary Public Real EOIra." I =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swa. 111-J ~ Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour .. 8e Sunkist Oranges, doz. .......... lac I have about $10,000 to loan on good local first mortgages. E. C. WALTON ." 1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h. RENT 2nd floor apartment. 4 rooms and bath. Hardwood lloors. Hot water heat. Janitor service. $45 per month. Two large garages. Heated, light snd water. Station Square. Detached stucco house, 6 rooms and bath. Front and side porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Detached howe furniShed. 6 rooms and bath. 1 car garage. Oood loca­tion. $75 per month. First Door apartment--6 rooms and bath. FIrst class In every respect. Large rooms. hardwood floors, etc. Oarage. CRAS.A. SMITH 'Phone Swarthmore 705 ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING Located In Thompson's Store, l\lorton. Pa. Permanent Waving Every Day Except Saturday 3 Specials $1.00 'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W Open evenings by appointment All Linea of -, INSURANCE=s:==_'I ' INCLUDING LIFE PETER E. TOLD = OLD BANK BLDG. _~= Can Swarthmore 1833 M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ave. CLIFTON Ho;;lGHTS Madison 110 CHICKEN PLATIER LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 WOMAN'S GUILD OF TRINITY CHURCH MAKE RESERVATIONS TO MRS. C, A. STERN, Ch.innan PRICE SOc This Time PLYMOUTH Sets The Pace We invite Swarthmore residents to a preview of the new Plymouth Six Cylinder Floating Power. 70 H. P. full size car on Saturday, November 12, 1932. 4 Door Sedan f. o. h. $575.00 First Pltblic Showi1lg November 17th HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE PYREX Ovenware for Thanksgiving new iow prices just announced reduced as much as 50% SUPLEE'S STORE SwarthmoTe 105 TAILORS AND FURRIERS TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE Cleaners and Dyers 504 No. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA.

---------- Page 8 ----------

THE SWARTHMORBAN NOVEMBER 1 THE SW ARTHMOREAN PuhU.hed Every Frida" at Swartlunore, Pa. ROBERT E. SHARPLES Edilor ond Pull/i.her a I,olnt funning the Inter.ecllon or the lOutb· wordl,. from Stratford avenue: extending thence southwardly nlong the middle of ('rly 81de 01 Wegt Chester plko (l00 feel wide) UJelioo eastwardly by a Jlne parallel with Rutgel'8 avenue lour hundred. and fifty feet and tho eoml'rlY aide of Ken' road (40 feel StraUon) U\'eJlue one hundred Dud sixty-three to a point at the Intersection of the old wide): theluc extpndinr along tbe eald eovtb· and el/rht onc-hUlldn.'<Ith" feet; thence BOUlh· middle line of Rutgers ayenue aDd the crly tilde of W('sl Chester pIke (100 ft.'Ci wide) wunlly at right. allgll'8 to the Baid Stratford middle line of 8trath Haven avenue (ftf~y lIorth HU th .. lC'ret'8 6n minuteR east. 32.08 feel avenue ''''U hUlJdrctl and ('lght feet: thence leet wide): thence eastwardly along tbe 10 a lIoilll; IhcfI('e extending south 8 d,":::;~ l:w;~e8'WanllY parallel with Stratford avenue middle of 8tratb Haven avenue eight bun- 60 minutt'tI l'as," 78.13 feet l'l'08Iln;- the hul'Idrt>d arK) fifty feet to Cornell avenue dred. Bnd ftfty teet to a point at the lnter-ur a l'l'rtain :! feet {; inches wide alley themo by the samo 1J0rth fivo degrees section ot the said middle Une at Str&th Church News Phone Swarthmore 900 Ilortly along the weillterly side or the bereln· minutes CDSI. tblrty-h~'o and forty. Haven avenue and the mlddle line of an Entered as Second Class maller, Jan.uary 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under th. Act of March 3, 1879. arler dpscri bcc.I drh'cway. to a point on the reet and thence atill by unnamed. and unopened. fifty feet wide lIorUll'rly sido uf the hereinafter deacrlbed 10 alit" de¥1"t'C, eight minules street: thence northwardly along the mld- It.'t)t wide drh'ewDy: then{e t'xtendlng along hundred and seventy-six and three '-u;,;;;;"'ih;d die of said unopened street parallel with th,· aaid northerly IIlde of the aforesaid 10 feet It.'Ct to thL' Jllat'C of b(;'gluuillg'. n ftihfety s afeide tR tuot gae rpso ainvet naute thfoeW "i nhteurnsdecretido na nodf w!tle dril'eway south 81 degn'C8 1 minute the said middle line of Westdale avenue FIUDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1932 NEWS NOTES * * * W('lll :j:!.1a feet tu a point 011 tho (la.lerly Alao lot or pieoo of land situate 8t the and thence westwardly by the middle Hne aide ul Kent .. oad (40 feet wide): thence ex- l!uuthr.lU!h·rly corner or Stratford avenue and of said Westdale avenue eight hundred and It'ullillg along 1htl said easterly side or Kent Cornell avenue. Containing In front meaeuret.l fifty feet to the place ot beginning. mall north 8 degrt.'C1l nO mlnutl's \\'est 78.13 tlienl'C lWuthwardly along the suid Curnell ave-rl" Ct to the firt;t mentiuned point Wid place nue fi1ly·t\\,0 and fourteen one.hundrcdtha fC'Ct No Improvements-Vacant ground. of lx';;iUlIllIg. Subje<.-t to certalu (."OUditiOlls and and t'xlendillg' in tlel)lh eastwanlly au the rl'tilrictiolls. 1I0rth,'rly line thereof ono hundred and sixty. Sold as the property of Daniel A. Dough- 8Cven and two one·hundredths feet and on erty. Mary Donato, of :Milmont avenueJ Mil-mont, died late Saturday night after a prolonged illness. She was a resident of Milmont for forty years and was well known and esteemed in that part of the county. Togpt her with the free and common use. right, liberty and privilege or the hereinafter d.·scribed 101 or pie(.'C of ground. intended to be laid out and opened as a driveway and Jlassageway lit all times hereafter torevC'r, in sthixet y·stohurethee rlayll .1l inteh irttheeerlle ofo lleo-nheu ruhlurneddtrhesd taenedt l~i~!t:~.~~~~\t~:~::::E~~~ or certified ;~t ('(JOIItailllng all the rear thereof lI.f1:y-t.wo I:t ~~le~Ys. (:0.1II110U wllh the owners. tenants and oceo- A.lBo lot or pIece of I,if'rs of the lots of ground bounding' thereon Ilortbweswrly corller of and cntitlt.>d to tbe use thereof and delK'rlbed StraUord avcnue. extending EMIL H. :MOLTHAN and situate 'at the HAROLD D. OIlEENWELL. Attorneys. as follows. to wit: All that certain lot or by the said Stratford avenue one She is survived by her husband, Dominic'C of ground. sUuale In the Township of sixty feel; thence northwardly at and two sonSJ Andrew and Cameron. The funeral was held Wednesday morning from Our Lady of Peace Church, Mil­mont, and the burial was in St. Michaels' cemetery, Chester. Mrs. Donato was well known by the old e r residents of Swarthmore. For many years she traveled through the community selling produce. She was highly thought of .nd greatly admired for her cheerful disposition and friend­liness. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Effing and son and daughter, and MI'. and Mrs. Kurtz­halz figured in an auto collision in New Jersey Sunday while returning from At­lantic City. hII'. Kurtzhalz was most seriously inj ured receiving a broken right arm and bruises. Mrs. Kurtzhalz was badly bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Effing and children received cuts and bruises. All arc recovering satisfactorily. • I • A PREACHING MISSION A preaching mission will be held in the Methodist Episcopal Church next Tuesday, \Vcdnesday and Thursday evenings at eight o'clock. These ser­vices wil1 be inspirational in character. Rev. Roy N. Keiser, of Philadelphia, will be the prcacher on Tuesday evcn­ing, Rev. I.loyd P. Stevens, the pastor on Wedncsday evening, and Re ... John G. \VilsOIl, of Philadelphia on Thurs­day evening, A cordial invitation is extcnded to aIL ' • • School of Missions The cabinet of the Swarthmore Pres­byterian Sunday school will h a v e a School of !Iissions on Nov. 15, 16 and 17. The children are asked to come from school to the church for instruction in a more adequate view of missions suitable for the present day world situa­t; on. One hour each day for three days in succession will be devoted to an at­tractive program for the children in Sunday School. 11 "111':1 . '1IIIIliii:;:::iEI~I" "·fl·IIIII1I!'·I·1I11111'~I'lIilllll: IJilII 11 'I1111 1'~'III'i!I' 1I~1 ~"H ~I I .. I" II '.1 .III. "j,i~,li,l. U" :11,,1,,1111 . ill ....... Levari Facias No. 767 UJlller Darby, Delaware County. PennsylvamD. one hundred and eighty and I .~~~,,~~".·:~i:::"'~:~: I and bel;illlllug at a. poInt on tbe easter17 side feet; thl!nce eastwardly 11 All thai_~;~f~:~~~ 01 Kent road (40 feet wIde) at the dlatanoo a"enuo OIiC hundred and situate March Term, 1932 of of 70.13 feet BOuthwardly trom Ihe soulh- hundrootha fcct 10 the County erly tilde of ·West Chesh'r IJike (100 feet wide), ~r8 U\'enue and thence sylvania, eIIawstn c3c2 .1c:x:1t enfdt'eint g ton oar thlI o8il1lt : deUglerellet'Os 1e xtmenildlIuntge oonneu -hhuuunddrreeddth sa nf(d'l 't setov etnhtey -fJollau<l.''C oC beginning. opfl an ~O~:f;~~~~~r;~t~n~tE north 8 degreeK em minutes west 16_0-1 feet in to n IJoint 011 the I:!outherly side of B certain Also lot or Ideoo 01 land situate on the and 7.-··-:: '" :! fel" f) ilJl"hcK wide alley; theJlI.'C extending southerly side of Yale avenue bet ..... een Cornell Book alonl:" the said 2 feet U Inches wide alley I aveIlU,· and Rutgcrs aVCIHIt!. Containing" in lIorth toll degrees 1 m~lIuto cast 28.21 feet to_ a frollt meallured thence along Yale nvenue three point; tlwllce extendlllg IIIouth 8 degrees uD hundred anti forty.five feet more or le~a alld minules eaat :!O.OG feet to a I.oint; thclI(!C exh-ndillg- In deJ)th olle hun'()red nnd fifty' tecl. Beginning at a point on the northwest­erly side of Princeton avenue at the dis­tance of four hundred twenty-one and one­tenth feet northeastwardly from the north­westerly corner of College and Princeton avenues containing In front or breadth on the northwesterly side of said Princeton avenue seventy-Dve feet and extending of that width In length or depth northwest­erly between paranel lines at right angles to the .saId Princeton avenue one hundred twenty feet. extending south 81 degrees 1 minute west UU.:J5 1(.>('1 to u point all the easterly aide o[ Kent roatl (40 feet wIde~ thence extending along the said e39terly side oC Kellt road north S dCg'tt.'t!H iW ndnuk-ti west 10 Ceet 10 tbo first mOlltiollt."l1 _Ioint and IlIat'C of begiuning. ImJlron~mentK collsist of t wo·slory brick lIuihlillg, 15x75 fect. Store iroll1. Basem*nl. garul,."C. One story brJck building, I:!xl& teet. Store lrollt. Sold as the property of WaItcr R. Carr. ConditiOIlB-Sl.500.00 cash or certilled check 011 day of sale: balance ill ten days. Io'urther <-ouditiolls alllloUllccd at !lale. H. J. l'IIAKIVER. Attorney. LenLri Facias No. 1888 JUlie Term. 1D32 Ali that certain lot or piece oC ground with the buildings and improvements thereon creclf.>d. Situate in the Townshill of Upper D'lrby. CuulIty oC DL'Iawnre and State of Peun· !!!J,·lvania. nnd described Dl'Cording to a survey aud plan thereof made by DamOIl and Foster, t:h'i! cngill(.'Crr'l, Ull the fifth day of Avril. A. D. 1O:!7. and revised April Hth. 1927, as follow!!. to wit: Begjnning at n point. on the westerly side of Hampden road (forty feet wide) furmprly caUed Glendale ruoo at tbe dlllllanl't! of aile hundred and torly-10ur and rour ollo-hundredths feet mcaaured north de\'cll dL'grces. fitty·one minutes and I.wenty­one seconds weat lrom tho northerly IIIide oC Marshall road (fifty teet wide), thence ex· tending along the westerly side of sntl! Hamp­den road north eleven degrees, filly·ono min. utcs. twenty·one seconds west sixteen teet to a "oiut. lhencu extending south dL'g'rt.'Cs. forty,olle minutes. thirty-six BCconlis wcst :md extending through th" midcUe line of a Jmrty wnll one hundred and ten and twenty·nine ollc·hundredths feet to a point in the lcntrc line or a tell feet wide alley (which allcy is fully described in .. certain agreement IJcIWCCIl }o'runk ll. Ubodes and John H. Me­C1atc: hy et ul. dated A)Jril 25th. ID27, and rt.",-onled in Dt'Cd Book No, 7·11. pag'e 613. ele.). thellt.'e extcndIrlg along' said ccntre line of suid alley south three d~grecs ' ..... enty mill­Uit's. JlftY'I>;:\'cn tiCconda well' sixteen feet and sixty·two olle·hundredths teet to a )lolnt. tbence I'XIt!lltiilll( north seventy·seven dL'gtees. forty. une minutes. Ihirly-six sceonlia eU8t nnd pas~. ing through the lIIiddle line oC a ]Jarly wall one hundred alltl fourteen and aill:tY-fivc one­hUlltil- cdlhs feet 10 the first mentlollL'ti point a,.li 1,1:I('t· of beginning. llUuro\·t'menlS <''OII!!ist 01 hOllse. lUx:!? lcet; Ilon.'h Il"uru;;:e. t wo·story brick fronl: basemcnt A'so lot or pleee 01 land. situate at the southensterly corurr of Yale avt'nuc and Rut­gerM avenue. cxtending tbcnC'C eastwardly along said Ya'e avenue two hundred and elg'ht feet to Brjghton avenue; thenoo southeastwardly by sante two hundred and twclve, and forty- 91\'l!n on~·hundrroths feet, more or IC58, to lands of John J. Tyler: then(!O westwardly by IIIame one hundred and thirteen teet. tbree ill(-hes. more or less; thence northwRnUy by lIame fllty·six feet, more or less: then03 west· wardly by Bante one hundN'd and fifty feet marc or less. to the easlerly sidc ot Ruttrel'B /lvenue and then('(' northwardly by same one hundrcd anti fifty teet 10 the place ot begIn­ning. Also 101 or (liem of land b(>ginninl: at a. pllint in the middle of WeBtdaTe nvcnue and on the Under and SUbject to certain restrictions as of record. Improvements consist of two and one­half story stucco house. 27x42 feet. Two­story rear addition, 18x27 feet. Oarage, 21x20 feet, Enclosed porch. Sold as the property of Vlncent Cianci and AUce Nue CIanci mortgagors, C. Ray­croft Patterson. real owner with notice to terre tenants, if any • ethaeantecrel y nosirdthe waorCd lyC obrnye l]C olrln\'eenllU ea, veenxutee ndtIwnog J:g~"-~,~.,~~! 1~~~:;rJ~t;~~'_b~;;;~~ tecner tdlaflyesd. hundred and sixty feet: thenee eastwardly at :-"t;;;;8;;":.;'.;:. rkht angles to Cornell a\'enue one hundred • ami elxtY'lIIevcn tcct: thenee southwardlY t.wo hundred .md sixty feet to the middle ot West­dale D\'enue and thene(! by the same one hundred and slxtY'RCvcn fLoct 10 the nlare 0[ beginning. Alllo lot or piece of land siluale on the west!'r'y side of Rutgers avennt" at tbe dlatanl'e of two hllndtf'd and Jltty feet southwestwnnlly rrem Stratford avenue: extending thence south­wardly b}' Rutgers avenue fifty feet: lhenoo westwardly nt rh:ht angles to Rutgers avenue aile hundred and lorty~three feet: thence I"orthwnrdly narallel wilh Rutgers avenue forly f('('t: thence westward!)' at rig-ht angles seven leet: thence northwardly parallel with Rutgers avenUe ten leet and thence eastwardly at. l'iJ:ht angles to Ruhrers avenue one bUll­( Jrf'll and nfty leet to the place of beginning. Levari Facias No. 247 September Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece of land wIth the messuage thereon erected. situate on the southeasterly side of Brown street, north thirty-six degrees twenty-nine min­utes east. eighty-eight and thirteen hun­dredths feet from the southeasterly comer of Brown and Johnson streets. In the City at Chester. In the County of Delaware and State oC Pennsylt'snla. being No. 1107 Brown street, bounded and described ac­cording to a plan of Sun VUlage. dUly re­corded in the Office for recording of deeds In and for said County ot Delaware, in Case No.2, page 17. Also lut or piece of Innd sltunte at the twenty-nino mln- 8uutlll'RI.terly ('Orner 01 COl'lw'1 avenue and and elght-hun- I~~~~~j~~frjo~nlt~m~.!as~u;;red Stmth Haven aV('lIue. Containing in tront In deptthhe nbcee-measured Ihl'lll'C southwnnlly along' the fl:8ld south fifty- Cornell avenue two hUndred teet and extending ea.!Jt, fifty in depth of that width eastwardly along- the feet the mld-aoutherly side oC Strath lIaven a\'enuc one southwesterly Une hundred and fifty let't. the middle of the said messuage from ,,,'a<ijO!inlng on the .southwest). Improvements consist of two-story frame and stucco house. 16x32 leet; one story frame addition, 4x6 feet. Sold 88 the property of Earl Young and Elizabeth Young. his lYife, mortgagors and real owners, wIth notice to terre tenants, If any. Gondltlons-$250.00 cash or certified chcck on day ot sale; balance in ten dnys. Fur­ther conditions announced at sale. GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. THB RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OP ..... n.... 81rs, ye are brethren; why do one to another? SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M.-Plrst Day School House, 9:3In0 gA .I nM .W toh i2t:t3ie0r P E[~;;~E~~gl~:~:~~~~ All are cordially invited to Join services. TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Eplscopal Chester Road and College AvenUe Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S. T. M.. 8:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9 :45 a. m.--Sunday School. 10:00 a. m.-Blble Class. 11:00 a. m.-ARMISTlCE DAY SERMON. SPECIAL MOSIC THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CIIUlIQ Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, pastor. A CORDIAL INVITATION TO SUNDAY 10:~Blble School. ll:~MORNING WORBWP. PASTOR PREACHES "WHAT CHRIST MAKES OP A 4:45-0RGAN WORSHIP. 5:00-VESPERS-cl081ng at 5:45. PASTOR PREACHES "APPROVED OF OOD" 7:00--YOUNG PEOPLE. SCHOOL OF MISSIONS Tuesday, Wednesday. '!'hursday at 3:30- FOR BOYS AND GIRLS EVENINGS AT 8:00- FOR EVERYONE SubJect--CHINA MISS MOORE, NEW YORK CITY Evening Teacher SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS, MINISTER SERVICEs SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH 11 :OO-WORSIDP AND SERMON "THE UNSPEAKABLE OIPl''' 7:45--WORSHlP AND SERMON "THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH" A Preaching Mission SPRAK GUEST PREACHERS WILL TUESDAY.NOV.I&-REV.ROY WEDNESDAY. NOV. la-THE THURSDAY, NOV. 17-REV. J. ALL SERVICES AT EIGHT FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, OF SWARTHMORE Park AVfo.nue Below Harvard Services: 11:00 A. M.--Sunday School. 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson-Sermon. Wednesdaf evening meeting each 8 p. m. Reading room open dally, Sundays and holIdays, 1 to 4 in the The :Media Theatre has' another change noon. Church edidce. of policy to announce. that of changing to four .new shows each week. MI'. Tay­lor, manager of the Theatre says, "there are so many good shows available at the present time that we feel it necessary to give fO!Jr shows a week so our patrons will not miss any of these pictures." Said us the IlroJtcrly oC Patriek D. 11011 am] Anlla 1I. Shannon. hill wife, Iritgorll and real OWliers. Shan­mort · Also lot or piece of land b£oginning' at " point at the inter6ectitm 01 the eastcrly line or COrJl('1I a\'cnue and the llortlu'asterly line of Lcipen'iIIc ruad: exlelltliu:;, thence by the ('Dsterly line or Corne!l nvt·nue. north five deJ;:'f"(>(·s. tWenty-flV(l minute.s cast six hundred Ilnd thirty·slx and lour ollc-hundrroths teet to an iron bar In suitl line: tlwnce suuth eighty. four degrees, thirty·five miuutes cast three hUlltlrcd feet to an iron bar in the westerly line of Rutgers avpnue; th""ee south five de­grecs, twenty-fi,·c minutes west eight hundred amI elghty·four and thirly-Iour onc-hundredths ff'(>t to the northl'rly Jine oC LciJlen'Hle road; thence by Ihe same north forty-lour degrees. IHty-cight minutes west three hundred and eighty-nine ami thirty-seven one-hundredths leet II) the place of beginning. Containing five lind two llUlldred and\'c one.thous­andths at.rc~ oC lalld. more or leas. JOHN J. CAIN, A.ll are cordIally InvIted to attend Shp.rUr. services end use the Reading Room. Maurice Chevalier is back again in "Love me to-night" showing this ·Friday and Saturday. He is at his best and is ably assisted by Charles Ruggles and Charles Butterworth. Several good short subjects appear with this show. On Sat­urday liThe V:lnishing Frontier" will be shown in full for one show only starting at 1 :30 in addition to the regular feature picture. The Ladies of the Swarthmore Amer­ican Legion Auxiliary are having a bene­fit on Monday and Tuesday, when Sally Eilers and Ben Lyon play in "Hat Check Girl". Mr. Taylor, states, "Tickets hought at the box office will not benefit the American Legion Auxiliary, Buy your tickets from any member of the Auxiliary or from Mrs. Dravo, who is chairman". "This is the Night" is to return on ThurSday only by request. This prize comedy was released in the heat of Aug­ust and as many people were out of town the picture slipped by before many peopl~ realized it was here. SHERIFFS SALES Shf'riff Sales or R('"I Estate At thc Sheriff's Office Court HOllse. ~I{'dia.. Pennsylvania SatuNllY. December 3. 1032 0:30 o'clock A. M. Eastern St:mdaN Time Fieri Faoas SePtember Term. 1932 No. 876 Comlitions--$:.!uO.OO cash or certified check all dull' 01 salc: blliance in Icn days. Further (ouditions UIlIIOUII<.-ed at sale. JOHN E. McDONOUGH. JOSEPH J. DUDLEY. AUorneys, Fieri Facia!! No. 806 September Tenn. 1932 AU that certain traet or piece oC land situate in the Township oi SPringfield. III the saId Coullty oC Delaware and bounded and described as tallows. to wit.: BcS"inning at a )Joint tn the bed of Yale avenuo in line ot the easterly side of Brighton :\vcnue. extended: cxlendinl' thenee along the easterly side 01 Brighton a\·enue. south two degrees. thirty.follr minutes cast thirty· three and seventy-two one.hund. I'('dths rlCrehcs 10 a ))oint a corner of lands o[ John J. Tyler. thence by said lands north cighty.lollr dcgt'eCs, west forty· five and six­tenths perches to ti point a corner 01 lands oC Charles W. Burnley; thence by SaInO et I'll north ten deSTeCR cast thirty-nine and six, lemhs perches to a point In the ~ of Yale a\'enllc and thence south aeventy-four degrees. lorly-fivc minntes easl. thirty-eight and thirty. two one·hundredths perches to the place 01 begi.nning'. ContaIning- nine acres. one rood and thirty.fI\'c and sixty-four one.hundredths perchcs 01 land. more or Jess. AIs,. all that certain trllet or pic('C 01 land 8ituatc partly in the Township of Spring. ne.1tl and partly in the To ..... nship oC RIdley. in MlUd County 01 Delaware. and hounded and des{riiled as rollows; to wit: Beginning al a. lIoint in the road leading trom Leipervillc to Swarthmore. a rorner of land!! 01 Charles W. Burnley: l'X1ending thence by said lands north l1url<'C1I and one-quarter degrees east one hUllllr('(1 Tlerch(>s :nul two·tcnths of 3 perch t .. a poinl 'I (orner or othf'r lands oC the said .John J. Tl-'Icr; thence by the same soutb eighty-tonI' and one-Quarter degrees easl. one hundred and two and lour-tpnths perches to a Iloint Il corner of lands of John S. Camp­be1l: thcnce by the last mentioned lands south fiYe deg-rees west fifty-nine and eightY.four onp·hundredths perches to a. point in Mlchll'M :wenue; thenre by same south fifty·six deg'l'el!S Wellt one hundred and eleven and four-tentbe pereh£'8 to s. stone in 'he road trom. Leiper. ville 10 Swarthmore and thence by lIaIIle north IhirtY-8C"cn and one-half degrees west forty. three and five·tenths J)el'(!hes to tbe place 01 beginning. Containing' alxty-eight aCJ'Cfl and nincty-eig'hl perches of land. All that ct!rtaln lot or pi~('fl of g'rDund ,,:itb the messuage or tE:n~ment thereon erected, Ex('epting th('rclrom and thereout a certain sl1uate in t.he Township 01 Upper DarbJ7'jlot or piece of land beginning' on the easterly County o~ Delaware and Stale ~t Pennsyl:vania, side 01 Cornell avcnue at the distan<:e o[ pnll m-sl'nbed as foUows. 10 Wit; Beginmnl' at fifty-two and tiCteen one.hundredth. feet aClutb. Also lot or picce of land situate on the westerly side of Rutgers 3\'enue at the dis­tance 01 IIfly feet slluthwat-dly from Wcst. dale avenue; containln{r in front measured thence southwardly along thc said Rutgers a\'enue one hundred and IIcty f('et: extending in depth westwardly between 1Iar-a.lleI lines al rig-ht angles one hundred and flfty fcct. Also lot or piece 01 laud situate at the southeasterly corner 01 Coruell avenue and Westdille avenue. Containing ill front meas. urea thence southwardly aiollg the aaid Cor. nell a"cnlle one hundred and fifty fcct and exlendhlg in depth of that width eruotwardly along the said Westdale a\'enUe olle hUndred nnd fiUy feet. Also lot or northeasterly 8trath Haven avenue Also lot or pIece of land situate at the northeasterly corner ot Rutgers avenue and. Strath Haven avenue. ContaIning in front measured thence northwardly along the said Rutgers avenue one hundred feet and extending In depth eastwardly along the said Strath Haven avenue one hundred and fifty feet. Also lot or piece of land sItuate on the southerly stde of Westdale avenue at the distance of three hundred feet eastwardly from Drew avenue; extendIng thence south­wardly by a Une paraUel with Drew avenue two hundred feet; thence westwardly at rIght angles to Drew avenue twenty feet; thence southwardly parallel with Drew ave­nue two hundred and forty-nine and eighty one-hundredths feet; thence westwardly along the southerly side of Strath Haven avenue one hundred and thirty feet; thence southwardly parallel with Drew avenue two hundred and sIxty and seventy-three one­hUndredths feet to the northwesterly side of Michigan avenue; thence n01"the8at­wardly by same three hUndred and elgbty­one and seven-tenths feet to lancts of John S. Campbell and thence northwardly by same foW' hundred and thirty-five and thirty-six one-hundredths feet to the &Outherly sIde of Westdale avenue and thence westwardly by same fifty-two ~d ninety-eight one-hundredths feet to the place of beginning. Also ,all that certain lot or piece of lanel beginnIng at a point at the Intersection of the middle Une of Rutgers avenue (flfty feet wide) and the middle llne of West­dale avenue (ftfty feet wide); extending Want Delicious Food? "The Inn" is famous for its hospitality, old­fashioned courtesy and delicious food. Come out today . , . you are welcome to our table. • StratLHaven Swarthmore. Penna. ARMISTICE DAY "IT IS a sweet and beautiful thing to die for one's country." But it is also a sweet and noble thingtG live for one's friends, family and country. LET us so live that when our time comes and we have passed into the vast beyond to sleep upon the Terraces of the Night, that those we leave here will cherish our mem­ories in their hearts. Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company NOVEMBER 11, 1932 THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 J. W.LEDOUX A YEAR AGO Preo8 Writer' School Troop 1 FATALLY INJURED Siruck by Car While Cro88ing the Baltimore Pike at Media A year ago the Underpass, as many will remember, Was opened to the public in the middle of November: And many million motor-cars have underpass~d since then, And many million SttJ)5 been taken by our Swarthmore mcn And Swarthmore dames and children, too, in climbing up and down The long stairways that separate the hill 31td lower town. (If some philanthropist is looking round to make a gift, A school for Press Writers has been inaugurated in Delaware County and wilt have its first meeting at the Ches­ter Times Building in Chester, on Thursday, NO\'cmber 17th. The Swarthmore Boy Scouts of Troop are now holding meetings in the High School Gym .... ium. Dr. John Murphy, Walter Thorpe and Mr. Goodwin have been taking an active part in directing the Troop activities. \Vhy doesn't he install an escalator or a lift?) WAS HYDRAULIC ENGINEER John \Valter Ledoux, widely known water expert and hydraulic engineer died early Monday morning at the Media hospital from injuries received when he was struck by a car while crossing the Baltimore pike from the Media Inn to his car which was I)arked hl front of the Media Hospital. John Wilson, of the Plush Mill section of Swarthmore, driver of the car, was held in $2000 bail by Magistrate Fred T. Cooper ,to await the Coroner's inquest. 'Twoutd keel) a person busy counting all the cars that pass, With polished sides and shining nickel parts and gleaming glass; So many buicks, chrY51ers, fords; so many elte\'rolays, So mally 9O-horse-power "jobs" and so fcw one-hoss shays; So many rambling, Tumb1ing ...trucks, and busses loadcd down With foolish people going shopping ill some other town, When if they'd only stay at home and buy zt local stores, Our merchants wouldn't let out such assorted sets of roars! Mr. and Mrs. Ledoux were among the oldest residents of the Borough having made their home here for the past 34 years. For many years they have lived at the corl1er of Elm and Ogden a\'enues. Funeral services were held yesterday at I p. m. from Oliver Bair's in Philadel. phia. Mr. Ledoux is survived by his wife, the former Miss Laura A. Ueherroth, of South Bethlehem, and two children, Leon­ard K Ledoux, of Clermont, Fla'J and ~!rs. Stephen Gibbs, of Ali.mi. Fla. Mr. Ledoux, a former president of the Engineers Club of Philadelphia, designed and constructed more than 100 water plants in the United States and other countries. One of his outstanding engi­neering works was the water system of the Pennsylvania Railroad between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Pitts­burg, which supplies every mile of the track between those points. Since 1920 h;: haG confined his activities to Ihose of consulting engineer for municipalities and water companies. In 1919 he received the Longstreth :Medal of Merit from Franklin Institute for his improved water meter. Born at St. Croix Falls, Wis., August 28, 1860, he was graduated with honors in civil engineering from Lehigh Uni­versity in 1887. He served for many years as chief engineer of the American Pipe and Constrm;tion Company, PackM ard Building, 15th and Chestnut streets, and was chief engineer for fifteen years for the Springfield Water Company. A proud rolls-royce will roll along' with chauffeur stiff and proud, And then an ancient, battered bus with driver singing loud; A sleek blue car of foreign make will swim fast into sight And fade away as silcntly as shadows in the night. A towering van of furniture will go careening by. And then a little truck delivering a "Mother·shome-made pic". Sometimes a solemn funeral train moves sadly o'er the street, Sometimes a car with radio resounding wild and sweet. Car after car they sweep along and leave the Underpass,­So many friendly faces there behind the Reeting glass, Serene old men, and womcn kind, and laughing lad and lass. What think they of our horough as they Roat down our long And take a dive beneath the rzilroad bridge of dark concrete, And then come swiftly sailing up and out the other side. And hike along with laugh and song in long and endless tide? street Why don't they stop and take a stroll along the h::zy Crulll? Why don't they pause to note how here we make old culture "hum": And see our hotr.:es '50 picturesque, our graceful spires and towers, Our winding, shady avenues, our gardens gay with flowers; Shopwilldows artful1y arranged and filled with objects bright; Our grand old oaks and sycamores, sytnbols of silent might I Today we watch the cars drift by. and as they swiftly Oow, It all comes back, our celehration of a year ago,- The orations and the music, the happy surging crowd, All thankful for our Underpass, 211 feeling fond and proud. And musing now upon the blessings that have eome our way, \Ve're surely in a grateful mood. this anniversary day; And Ellwood Chapman still we thank, and Edward Temple, too, For handing out the Underpass to lucky me and you. ical Engineers, American Water Works Association and many other organiza­tions. His offices were in the ]~iberty­Lincoln Building. ------~., .. ------- ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM AT H. S. J. R. H. Hedgepcth. l\.lrs. Kistler. Mrs. Frank Smith and Miss Eliz2hdh Steele were hostesses. • I • Dr. J. A. Detlefsen of l.afayette avenue has just returned from Boston, Mass- In 1920 he was iippointed by Mayor achusetts, where he delivered an invita- Moore to survey the Philadelphia water This morning the High School will have tion address to the American Academy of "yiOltCUl. then deemed inadequate. He services in honor of Armistice Day, in Dental Science 011 "Neglected Problems recommended the addition of water the high school auditorium. The aud- in Child Health". works supplied by the Perkiomen and I ience will consist of all the pupils of the Tohickotl Creeks, north of the city, to junior-senior high school, the teachers, the system, then in operation. and such parents as care to attend. It Six years later Mayor Kendrick com- will be held in cooperation with the Har­missioned him to make an investigation old Ainsworth Post of the American Le­of the city's water situation and fix re- ~ gion, of which Frank N. Smith is Com­sponsibility for the breakdown of the mander. Shawmont pumping station, which left The program is as follows: Germantown, Chestnut Hill and Rox- Scripture reading boro sections without water for three 11 o'clock-Moment of Silence days. After a week's survey Mr. Ledoux Taps reported to the Mayor that he found Reading-Mary Morgan evidence of Hseven major neglects" in the Lines Written in a Fire Trench-~. operation of the city's water plants, di- S. S. Lyon vided responsibility and "passing the Fulfilment-G. O. Warren huck" in the bureau. His findings led Song by school- "God of our· Fathers, to the dismissal of Robert Kerr, head of Whose Almighty Hand" the Torresdale pumping station, and I .. antern pictures of Tombs of Unknown George McGowan, who was in charge of Soldiers. Shawmont station Kerr was reinstated I ExplanatIOn by John Marshall later' Glee Club-Shout Aloud in Triumph M~. Ledoux was a member of Frank- Jnttoouctory Remarks-Major Frank. N. lin Institute, American Society of Civil Smith, Command~r, Har?ld Ams- Engineers, American Society of Mechan- worth Post, Amert~an LegIOn . . Radiator Covers SOc and up Suplee's Store Swarthmore 105 Cash Wanted? Let a classified ad in THE SWARTHMOREAN bring in a few dollars by selling something around the house. Put every­thing to work these days and let the people of Swarth­more know what you have with an ad in this paper. The Swarthmorean Phone Sw,900 417 Dartmouth Ave. ADVICE ~IOTHEBS .t..O =~~ ~===1I GicciJenb happen in everlj family ! e:o ium»Wn ai.J witlwul Jelmj Ijouneda TELEPHONE in Ijour Izome ! LESS HAN A DIME A DAY You can have a telephone in your home for less than 10 cents a day! For the Monthly Rates call or inquire at the BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any Dell employee THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA UTOMATIC UPHOLSTERING Address - "The Meanmg of Arm!stlce Day"-Roland L. Eaton Singing by school-"Recessional" Solo part by Fred Haseltine ... t. Gas Heat FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches Swarth. 1441 JOINT MEETING A joint meeting of the Woman's riome Missionary Society and the \Voman's Foreign Missionary Society wrs held at the home of Mrs. W. E. Kistler. An earnest plea was made .to the members that they make a speCial effort to return their mite boxes ead) month as the nced is so great in both fi(.lds. 'A short sketch was given by ~Irs. Kauffman, Mrs. Baird and Mrs. WITH present Furnace You can now install a Janitrol-a simple self-contained unit, in prac­tically any type or size of furnace or boller, and convert your present furnace into a fully automatic gas liouse­heating plant ••• No extensive alterations ••• much below the cost of a gas furnace or boller ••• Worth inves- Installed Price tigatingNOW ••• Easy $1.95 u: monthly payments. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Our Su),ur),an Stores • WCAU Phlladelhhla Elcm-Ic Half·hour, ....... Tilt da" a. 7,15, a1Irl Frida,., at 745 p, M. TtlftC In OJI , f'

---------- Page 9 ----------

6 COOPER FOUNDATION LECTURE NOV. 11 BY PROFESSOR GRIERSON Edinburgh Professor Will Dis­cus. ClIJ'lyle in the Friend.' Meeting House HOLDS NUMEROUS DEGREES Professor H J C Grterson secured through the English Department as the first Cooper Foundation lecturer \ .. 111 lecture on Carlyle and the Hero 111 tit e Fnend s Meetmg House t hIs eve III n gat 8 15 A san Eng 1Ish professor who has done a great deal of specJallzed research work and wrIting at Oxford 1Ir Grierson IS well qualtfied to dISCUSS Carlyle and Ius place III Enghsh Literature Prof Hunt and Dr Goddard of the Enghsh De partment have been IIlstrulIlcntal 111 se cunng thiS lecturer dUring Ius lllmted stav lit Amenca as Professor of Rhe torlc and Engbsh at Columlna College Recent Publication. GRIDDERS FACE URSINUS; SOCCERMEN TO OPPOSE LEHIGH HERE SATURDAY Comparative Scores Againat Swarthmore, But Hope Run. H,gh rwo stiff encounters face the Garnet f 00 t ball and soccer teams tomorrow when the former will meet a strong Ursmus conllDgent and the laUer the Lehigh bootcrs both games to be played at Swarthmore After the remarkable Increase U1 co­ordmatlOn and dnvc shown by the Gar lIet Jast week another upset would not come as a complete Compara 11ve scores agam loom up agamst the Little Quakers A week before the Garnet was defeated 31 13 by Frank 1m and Marshall the latter lost to Ur smus 16 6 Gettysburg has beaten both of Saturday 5 opponents Gettysburg 7 UrslIlus 2 Gettysburg 14 Swarthmore o On November 5 Ursmus trounced Drexel 28 6 whtle the Garnet regis tcred Its scason s Will by downmg Hop klllg 6 0 Booten To Play Lehigh The Lehigh soccer game will make the Garnet s fourth league encounter So far I clugh stands at the bottom of the league havmg lost two and tted onc game without a WlU Professor Grierson s recent book Cross Currents 111 the LIterature of the Seventeenth Century chapters of willch were read as the hi essenger Lec tures 111 the HIstory of CIVIlizatIOn at Cornell Umvcrslty has been generally recogl1lzed as one of thc soundest cnt Ical estimates of the seventeenth cen tury The book shows hon closely the (IUarrels bet\\cen Ca\aher and Puntan Dr and :Mrs Wilham Earle Kistler of resemble the antag0111sm het\\een Pag Park avenue entertamed. at supper last a11lSl11 and Chnshal11t) and suggests SUliday eveOlng that there IS a perpetual feud bctween the spirIt of pohte lettcrs and of re The first meeting of the Poet Circle hglOn In all Ius critical work Professor was held last Thursday at the home of Gnerson bnugs to focus on IllS hter Mrs Charles D Joyce on North Chester ary problem a Wide reading lJl the road :Mrs Joyce showed lantern slides claSSICS and an exceptional kno\dedge of her African trtp 10 northern Rhodes a of philosophy He IS regarded by man) critics as one of the Wisest and best Mr and Mrs Elmer Muhs of Readmg eqUlppcd \\ntcrs no\\ workll1g III ht Pa wIll be the week end guests of Mr erary scholarship III Enghsh Othcr and Mrs \Vllham M Harvey o,er th1s books which have contributed to Pro week end fessor Grierson s reputation as as cholar Mr and Mrs Franklm Madden of East of Enghsh are The Flr$/ Half of IlIe Orange N J were the week end guests Sevellteenth eel/fury An· cdrl,on of ti,e of Mr and Mrs E B Merriam of poems of 101m Donne the Backgroullds THE SWARTHMOREAN kme Mr and Mrs Ralph Rhoads and one .torT frame addlUon 61:4 teet trame M r and Mrs Thomas Clay cusp Ox18 Mrs Asa Don Dlckmson of Garden Sold aa the property of AlbeJ'~ E Pri\ch City L I fonnerly o( Swarthmore ard and F'rwu:ea M PrUchard his wife spent several days of last week as the guest of her COUSin MISS Ames 111 Phlla delr.hla Mrs Dickinson s daughter, MISS Betty Dickinson, IS a member of the Jun lOr class 10 Swarthmore College Mrs Howard KIrk of Lafayetle ave CoadiUona-t260 00 caah or certitled mea on da, of we balanoo ill ten daTs Further condition. announced at pie HAROLD L ERVIN Attorney FIeri Faci .. No 303 nue entertamed at luncheon on Wednes September Term 1939 day In honor of her mother Mrs Andrew All that certain 101. or piece of IToWld with Burns Chalmers of Framingham Mass tbe Improvements theroon erected sUuate in 'Irs Norman Coapman of Rochester the TQwllJbip of Springfleld County of Dela n waro and State 01 Penna,lvania bounded and N Y was the guest of Dr and Mrs de&ribed according to a certBin plan and Frank E Wllhams of Amherst avenue survey 'hereof made by Damon and Foster C E Upper Darb, Pa lI'ebruW'J' 23rd 1927 over last week end u d rtl\lsct.l April 28tb 1927 &8 follows to Mrs E E Rowe has returned to her wit Beginl lng at a point 011 tbe southwe5lerl, W N Y f sldo of Sedi"ewood road (forty feo&. wide) at home to arsaw a ter vIsIting the dfstwll.e of one hundred runely 8ix feet With her sister Mrs John W Adams nnd sixty three olle-hundredths of B fool. meDII­MISS Margaret Mellen IS entertaining ured south lorty 8iX degt't.'e1J twenty three min ult!s twelily-eight seconds ca.el. from the south thIS evenmg at the home of her parents easterly 1:11 to of Powell avenue (tlfty-one feet Mr and Mrs W W Mellell on North WIde) thence extending south fony tbree de Ch d greea thirty six minutelJ thirty two seconds e<:ter roa we8t partly througb the party Voall of the MISS Grace Lee Fisher of \Vashmgton dwelling' erected 011 the here 11 dea(.ribcd lot D C was the week end guest of Mrs al d the lo&. adjoining to the nortbVout one David Rowlms of Prmceton avenue. Ish ouuntdhr edf onfeye& s. ixt ud eBg reepso inttw entthye nthcree e exmhminJu tnegs RESOLUTION t",clt;,:-eighl 6econds 0881. twe Ity six feet Lo a poi! t thence extending' north forty three de grce8 "hirty six mInutes thirt, two ISeCOnda (ast partly pauing through tbe party wall oI In Ro Temlorary Abatement of Tux Pen I tthweo bleerneianl nd egscarriabgeeds loabt oauntd toth eb eJo t.e raedctjeodin inogn altles for Taxes ABSCSsed and Levied lor U e to the sOdtheast and along the center Ii ., of Year 1032 a certuin se\;en feet wide driveway ODe hun WHEREAS the General Assembly of the dred fCflt to a point in tbe sald BUutbwesterly Commoll'Wcalth of Pcnn on August "6 193" side of Sedgewood road tbence along the same all roved Act No no anthorizing political lIorth fony 8lx degrees t"'enty three minutes sib dlvislonlJ (includinG boroughs) to abate lwellty-elght seconds wesl. twenty six feet to tux penalties imposed by existiug laws where tho 101 t aud pluce of begim ing Being No such taxea arc paid before the nrat day of 216 !edgewood road December 1032 and WHREAS tbe Council of the Borough of Subject to certain comJitions n atriclior s al d Swarthmore consldera it expedient to allow reservations such nbatemer t 118 to taX(>8 n88Csscd and le\ ed for the year 1032 in accordUl ce with said Act NOW mEREFORE DE IT RESOL\ ED by the Counell of the Borough of Swarthmore that all tax penaltLes Imlosed by eXIsting 10\l;s 0 borough tallCes aS~8l!ed a d levied for the yenr Im}O where sucb taxelJ are pal I 01 or before Wednesday November 30 1032 sball be wbolly abated On and after December 1 10:12 all unpuI 1 borough taxe3 regnrdless when the same were assessed shall be subject to all penaltie8 acocrued and ne cruing u Iler existing la~s as though thiB ReMlulion had not been pa.f'lscd I asscd this 3rc) day of No'\'ember 1932 L CASHTON President of CounCIl Attest ALBERT N GARRETT JR Borough Secretary Am ro\('() this lOth day of NO\;l!mber 103~ Together wUh the free nG'ht use Ilberty and privilege of the aforesaid !!Cven feet wide driveway a' oil UmelJ hCl"ilaIter forever in common with 4be owners tenwlts aod oecu piel"8 01 the premiscs Dujoming to the south enat Improvell ents (onsist. of two and aile half story stueco house 18x36 feet poreh front one story stu(.co addition 6xU feet (:ollcrete block garage OdS foot SoM as thc I roperty of 'm:lllia A Brande CondlUons--S200 00 CUllh or certified ehcck on day or sale balance in tell dayll Further (.ondltlons announced at sale HAROlD L ERVIN Attorney W R LANDIS Burgess Fieri FaclM No 016 September Term 103 .. of Etfgl,sh L,terat"re An cd,'roll of the Swarthmore avenue Poems of 101m }.{,lIou and LyrIcal Poe Mrs Harold Griffin of Rutgers avenue __ -.: ____ . ________ _ Irv {rolll. Bake 10 Hardy The first vol WIll entertam at luncheon next Thursday STATEMENT OF' THIt OWNERSHIP ume of hIS most recent work an edition ed Manageme:nt Circulation Etc requlred bJ Mrs NeIl Curry emertam at a sup the Aet of Congte:lIs of August 24 1912 of of Scott s letters Will Issue as a Novem per party recently 10 honor of her guest The Swartbmore:an pubhshed weekly at ber publication Sv;arthmore Penna for October 1 103 ... MISS Jean Henry of Pittsfield Mass State of Pennsylvan a LEAF RAKES Suplee's Store Swlll'thmore 105 Mrs George B Harvey of }'foylan COn~;:reofm:>e!a'Na~:ar:5Publ C In and for tht was called to New York on Tuesday by State and (:ounty aforesa d personally ap­the death of her aunt pea red Robert E Sharples who haVing beeD duly sworn accordmg to law deposes and say! All that (>Crtain lot DI piece of groU! d with tbe buildings and improvements erected thereon sll uate in the Township of Haverford Count)" of Delaware and State of Pennaylvanlu deeig nated and known as Lot No 88 on a ccrtaill surVey and plan thereof made for Mr Frank It Shriver by Alva L Rogers R L S Ard more Penna on April 30 1320 and bounded and described according to a certain revised plan thereof made June 14 1027 as follows Mrs Richard Randall of North Ches thnt he is the editor nnd publisber of The to wit ter road entertall1ed her brtdge club for S\\arthmortlun und that the followlnl" is to tI e bellt of his knowledge un I beller 0. true Begin ring' at a point on tho "outhwel!ltt,lrly luncheon and bridge on Tuesday of thiS staten CI t of th{' owner~hip munugcmel t etc slle of Risil I' Sun road (forty five feet. wido) week of tI e nforesald I ubhcation for the late shown at the d stanco of forty feet measured north Mrs Hammersmith of New York City I tho above cal tlOn required by the Ad of westwardly along the said side of Rising Sun August 24 19[2 embodied In section 411 road from its intersection witb the north was the week end guest of Mrs George Postal Law," and Regulat ons printed on the westerly side of Malvern road (forty five feet Shobmger of Swarthmore avenue reverse of thiS form to Wit wide) thence extendmg south sixty eleht de WOE TO US I That tbe names alld addresses of thl grees three minutes west panly passing through Our services are not monopohstlC or nece5S4ry We know you want thai clean fresh Imposmg look In your home - the ImpreSSlOn good pamt and paper Imparts We can give you a Job to SUit any candilion or lasle a good measure of value to SUIt any pocketbook fat or lIat Mr and Mrs Joseph Bates spent last publlsber editor managing editor and busl the center or the party wall betweell these week end 111 Vienna Va where they at ness managers are premi8Cs and the premises adjoining -1.0 tbe tended the football game between the Pubhsher Robert E Sharples Swarthmore southeast olle hundred eleven and eight one Pa hundredths teet to a point thenco north Umverslty of Vlrglnta and Washmgton Editor Robert E Sharples Swarthmore Pa t.\\enty four degrees two minutes \\est eighteen and Lee Managmg Ed tor none and !lfty one one bundredlha feet to a point S Bus ness Manager none thence south sixty five degrees Oflyelght. mill Mrs Eleanor PerCival saIled last at ROBERT E SHARPL~S utes west seventeen and thirty nine one hunt urda) on The Cl amplam for Pans af Sworn to and subSCribed before me tbll I'l"dths feet to a. point and tbenco north thirty ter VISltlllg her sIster l\I rs Arthur How nth day of November 1032 one degrees thirty seven minutcs west tell aod ALBERT N GARRETT JR nine one hundredths feet to I). Jl:'llnt thence land of Guernsey road (8-eal) My commission expires March 7 1035 north sixty four degrees tlftyeight minutl1!1 The chaperones for the JUOlor Assem eDS' partly passing through the center of th~ KIMMEL & SON bl) which WIll be hela at the club h ouse SHERIFFS SALES ppraermtiU socrs awndal l thoef gthaora ggea reargeec tee rIe c0t .e.d thoen ptrheemse Painter. and Paperharlgers 414 Haverford Place, Swarthmore tomorrow evenlllg WIll be Mr and J...lrs iees adjoiving to the nOl'thw st lid partly Artllur H MItchell h[r andA1:rs Ar pass mr through the center of a certall e ght Sherif( Sales of Rl:al Estate fcet wide driveway leadlhg nOllh ea"" l;3n.ty thur E Mead Mr and Mrs Seymour into Rising' Sun road one hundrCtI hlrty and lIWa Rutherford !Io{r and Mrs Robert G Ers At the Sher a s Office thirty three one hundredths feet tu 11 I oint 01 COMMUNITY BUYERS SERVICE, INC. An Association -through wInch responslhle mdlvuluals may make theIr general purchascs at suh. stanhal rhscounts There are no other charges membershIp .lues, fees, or For further mformatlon call personally, phone RIT 4223 or use the convement cou· pon below COUPON COMMUNITY BUYERS SERVICE, INC. 402-403 CO~IMONWEALTH BUILDING 1201 CHESTNUT STREET I'IIILADELPHIA Gentlemen: I am Interested m further mformatlon Name ............................................................................................................... . Street ............................................................................................................ . aty, ................................................................................................................ . Co rt House Media Pennsylvania Saturday November 6 193 030 oclocl A M Easter Standur I Time Fieri Facias No 713 September Term 1032 An that ccrtalll lot or piece of ground with tbe buildings and improvements thereon erect ed situate In the Township of Spnng6eld Delaware Cou ty Pennsy vania bounded and descrlbcd uccord ng to a certain pia and SU!' vey thereon made by Damon and Foster C E UPlll!r Darby PennBYlvam8 dated February 23 10"7 and reVised Apr 1 28 10 7 R8 fol lows to Vilt Ben-lOlling at a POint on the south\1lOesterly side ';,f Sedgewood road (forty feet Wide) at tbe distance of two hundred forty..eight and sixty three 01 e hu dredths feet meaBured south rorty six legTL'Cs twenty three mmutes twenty eight seeOl ds east from tbe southeasterly side of Po'\\ell avenue fitly one feet "Ide) thence extend 11K south fort, three degTCCs tbirtyalx minutes thirty two seconds \\esl passmg parUy through the party wall of the d\\elhng erected on this lot and the lot. adjolDing to the north west one hundred leet to a point tbellce ex tending south lorty six degrees tWenty three minuteR twenly-elght secon Is east twenty six feet to a point thenre extending north forty three degrees t.hlrty six minutes t.hlrty two seconds east along tbe center hne or a certain seven feet ~ide dnvev;ny one hundred feet to a Jloint m the said south west WBrdly aide of Sedge~ood road thence along the .eame north forty six degrees twenty three rulnutes twenty eight seoor ds west. twenlJ; SIX feet to the point an I Jlacc of begt mng (Be S" No 220 Sedgcv;o I road) To .. cther \\ th the free nght use hberty a.nd privilege of the aforesrud IBE!ven feet WJde dn,\,cway at all times hereafter forever In common with the owner.e, tenants and occupi ers of the premises adjoining to tbe Bouth east Under and subject to renaln conditions and restrictions Under and subject to the paym.ent 01 a certain mortgage debt or prinCipal sum of 54000 together With intereel due and to be come due Under and subject to the rights and pnv deses of the Sprlllgfieid Steam Company as in Deed Book No pagt! Improvement.e conmst of two and one hall story frame houae 18x30 leet porch front the aforesai I south\1lOesterly B do of Ris nl: Sun rOlld and thenes along the san e southeast wardll' on the arc of a cirele CUt ... It to the right with a radius of eight l' tn Ired II ne) )" six and thirty five one hundredl1lS feet he are distancc of thirty two and tlUy.f'I.'t Ole hU! dredths feet to the first mentiolleu poiut and place of begJnn ng Under and subJect to certain building re atrietions Together With the free and commoll use right liberty and privilege of a <'ertain c!ght fcet Wide driveway ill common with the ownera tenants Dnd oreUlners of the pram lecs immediately adjoinlOg to the northwest as and for a pas!lageway and dr ve~ ay at all Urnes hereafter lorever Hesening- thereout unto the sa d Frank R Shriver bls he r8 and ass gns owners tenants a... . d OCCUp erl! of the premises Immediately ad adJo n ng to the northwest the free and un interrupted use riB'bt Uberty and pnvilege of the above mentIOned eight feet wide drive Way :IS and for a passageway and drivoway at all times hereafter forever Improvements I:OnSi8t. of two and one half story slone 81 d stucco house 18x39 feet Porch front One story stucco nddltlon OxO feet Stucco garage Dxl~ feet Sold 118 the properly of Elizaooth E Don aldson ConditJon&--S250 00 cash or certitled check on day 01 sale balance III tell days Further colldiUona announced at sale HAROLD L ERVIN Attorney Fler Facias No 338 Septem1:N;or Tcrm 1932 All those t"'o Ct'rtai I lots or TI eces Of groun I with the build Ilga Wid improvementB thereon erected situate at Manoa in the Town ahip of Haverford County or Delaware and State of Pennsylvania designated and known as Lots 00 and 91 on Q. certain plan of Iota ealled Manoa of tbe Manoa Development Company recorded in the OfDoo for tho Be cord DK' of Deeds ete. in and for the Courn.:v of Delaware at Media Penna in Plan File No " page 4 and more particularly de!l(!l"lbed as follows to wit SUuate on the northe8.!lterly aide of Shel bourne road (forty fee& wide) at the d stance of three hundred eighty three and eighty one hundredths feet measured north twentyoOne degrees forty minutes weat along the 88ld side of Shelbourne road from Us intenseehon with the northwester17 side of Manoa road (Ofty feet wide) Containing In front or breadth northwestwardly along the said aide of Sbet NOVEMBER 11, 1932 bourne road torty feet (each lot beinl' twenty feel wide) and utelldinc of that width 1u. lenrth or depth northeastwardly between par allel lines at righ& angle. to ea1d Shelbourne road one huDdred twenty tlve teet Under and subJt.-c& to CQvella!1ts and re stndlons 01 reconl Improvements conslel of two and one half 8tory etbno and stucco houae 21:1:33 teet POn!b frollt Stucco Irarap 0::.:18 feet Solt) U8 the property 01 Gladys H Rutter Condltlone-,25D 00 C81Jh or certitled check 011 dill" ot sale balance 10 ten dan Furlher (,0001110118 announced at 8Ble HAROLD L ERVIN AttorneJ' Fi rl. Fadaa No 802 September Term 1032 All those (ertalll two lot8 or pieces 01 land d slgllated 08 Nos 61 and 08 On the recorded plan of Madison Heights flUuale In the said :ltladleon Heights tn th6 Jk.rough of CUfton Hellfhts aforesaid and delJcrlbcd B6 lollows S tuate at the southcaater17 corner of Davis and Wilton avenues in tbe aald :MBdiaon Heljfbts and containinl' In front. or breadth Oil the 8ald Da.vis avenue fllt)' feel. (each lot being twel t, five feet in front) and ex tendi~ ot that width in length or depth soutbeall1wardIr along the easterl, side of WJlton avenue one hundred and t.hree and ,hirty one one hundredtha feet. Under aud BubJect to certain builclillg' res trictions and conditions therein fUlly B€lt forth and recded Improvements cOllslst of one story IJtolle and stucco houBtl Porch front and olle ball ... 7x33 feet. So d aa the property of Robert J auu lhldrcd Geary his wife Geary COlldUion&-$ .... 60 00 cash or certined eheck Oil day of sale balance in ten daYIJ Furtber (,0 dltiol1s aamounced at sale HAROLD L ERVIN Attorney Fleri Facias No 2048 Juno Term 103<> Ali that certain lot or piece or ground with the bulldh gs ami impro\ements thereon ereeted a tuate ai Yeadon 10 the Township of Darby Dldaware County Pennsylvania bounded and descrilNm accorcling to a 8urve, tbereof made II 1887 by Enon M Harris Jr 8urveyor lilt follows Begi nl g at a POlO' 10 the BOuth easterly side of Cedar avenue at the distance of eIghty Ieet l1orthell.8t from the nortbeast. erly side of Yeadon avenue ContainIng ill front. or breadth on sal I Cedar avellue eig'bty feet and extending 10 length or depth southeast of that width betweell parallel lilies at ril'ht angles to said Cedar avenue two hUlldrt.'d feet Inl rovemcnla consist of two and one half slory frame and brick house 27x30 feet enelos d front and lJide porchell one stOI")" frau e additiOl IOx"4 feet one story frame addlUoll 8xl0 feet two story frame garage .. -:1%18 feet Sold as tho property of Roland R Stein me .. Conditions-$060 00 eash or (!Crtlfied check on day of sule balance in ten days Furthor wndltlons aDnouul'Cd a.a: sale HOWARD M LUTZ Attorney Fieri Facias NO 801 September Term 1032 All that certain lot. or piece 01 ground wUh tbe buildings and imprOVements thereon ere<!led altpllte on the northwesterly corner of Kcdro 1 avenue a d Filth avenue in tbe Townahip of Ridley Delawarn County Penlla thence northwest along Kedron avenue sixty two feet six and five eighth inches to landa of Jacob E Mann thence by same southwest one hundred twenty four feet one and the eighth inches to B five foot ulley thence by S9Dle southeust. sixty two feet alx lUehes to the northwesterly side 01 F'Ulh avenue and thenco by same Ilortheasl. one hundred twenty six feet 15 x and seven eighth inehu to the begIlJ lOG' Delllg lots 23 24 and 26 Section D Folsom Manor Under and subject to a first mortgage or pr ncil 01 sum ot thirty two hundred dollar" Together With the rurht and use ot said alley I con mon with t.he owners of other lunds abutling thereon Impr "ements consist of one and one balf slory atone and frame bungalow 24x30 feet E losed front pOlch Frame garage 16::.:21 reet Sold a.e the pro-pcrty of Freder ck Lohbrandt an I Lou 1580 Lohbrandt hIs wife \;on 1Itlon8-$260 00 cush or certified eh"'ck on day of sule balanoo 111 ten days Further (ondltions announced 3t sale HOWARD M LUTZ Attorney Fieri Facias No 810 September Term 1032 All that certain lot or piece or jp'ound !lIt mte in the Township of Ridley Count:r of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania earn POSl' 1 or lttCater part Of Lota No 1 and a IImail triangular parI. of Lot No 2 Tract No 1 IJ" !';hown on plan or lands of Rutledge [and Com any as rerorded in the office for the recorrl ng- of leeds til and for the Baid County or Dela", are in Deed Book W No 4 nage nOD nnd de8C'ribed ar'COrdlnp; to plan by R b rt P GJ'f'Cn C E dated December 30 1030 as follows Be~nning at a point on the northeasterly s de of S",arthmore avenUE! at the distanre of eighty five and nineteen hundredthB feet north Flixtl nine degrees forty eight miDute9 '\1Iest rrom the northerly corl er of said Swnr thmom avenue and Villa Nova avenue ex tending- thence north siXty nine degrees forty E'lgbt minutes west seventy feet. to a stone tbence north forty SIX degrees forty minutes east one hundred eighty two and Ove hund re«ltbs reet to 80 point thence along Lot No 3 south fortY-f':lght degrees e ghtcen minutes east sixty e ght feet to a. point and thence so th ror yehrht dNrrees twenty minutes ",<'st 0 e h mdred fUtl S x and 8C\;enty Clght hun lredths feet to first n ent ODed po nt antl plaee or begbwlng Under and subJed to certain conditions and restnct 01 IJ 88 1l0~ appear of record Improvements comust of two Bnd one ball story frame houae 2-1x27 feet Enelosed front porch One story frame addition 5x16 lee~ Frame garage 18x8 feet Frame shed OOE1 .. feet F'rame shed Ox:!'" feet Sold 88 the property of George H Turner and LelIa B Turner h s wife Cond tions-$250 00 eaah or certiflcd cbIb!C: on day of sale balance in ten days Furt conditlon!l announced at. sale HOWARD M LUTZ Attorney JOHN J CAIN Sheriff l 1 ~ 1)32 VoL IV, No. 46 Swarthmore, Pa., November 18, 1932 $2.50 Per Year J. FRANK TERRELLS FATALLY INJURED Had Been Chief Engmeer of Fire Company for More Than Twenty Years WAS SKILLED IRON WORKER J Frank Tp .... Cl1~ chIef engmeer of the Swarthmore Fire Company for the past t\\ enty years was fatally IJ1Jured m a fall at 11Is home 343 Dartmouth avenue, Mondour e, enmg Funeral services were held at 2 0 clock yesterday afternoon from the funeral homc of Horace B GrIffith of Norwood Twenty years ago Mr Terrells shod and cared for the horses which pulled the piece of fire apparatus that responded to alarms In Swarthmore Smce the rno tor trucks have been adopted he has lav Ished upon them time energy and a vast fund of mechamcal knowledge which IS IIlcredltable to the average Swarth rnorean HIS role was never spectacular at the local fires but It was Just as lInportant as that of the man at the end of the hose First of all he made It hiS Job to see that the fire trucks were all In perfect condition to respond to an alarm Without a moment S delay Usually he was the dnver of the first truck to leave the sta THANKSGIVING SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES The Umon Thanksglvmg Clylrch serv Ices for Swarthmore will be held next Thursday mornlllg at 10 00 0 clock at the MethodIst Episcopal church on Park ave nue MUSIC Will be furlllshed by the chOIr of the MethodIst Church and the prlOClpal address of the service will be made by the Rev Dr John Ellery Tuttle, pastor of the Prcsbytenan Church The Mcthodlst Presbyterian and Trill Ity churches and the Society of Fnends WIll combllle for the services • • • Thanksglvmg services will be held at the Church of Christ Scientist next Thursday mormng at 11 0 dock • • H S. ELEVEN TO PLAY AT LANSDOWNE THANKSGIVING DAY The annual fcotball game between Swarthmore and Lansdowne WIll be play ed at Lansdowne thiS year The game w It begm at 10 a m and a large crowd of rooters are expected to follow the local team ThiS afternoon the Swarthmore ele\en meets the Ha, erford High School team at the Rutgers avenue field at 3 o clock • I • STORY HOUR PROGRAM NEXT WEDNESDAY Uon When he arrived at the fire It was A ThanksgJvmg play arranged and hIS Job to see that the pumper the 1110st written m most part by the young Important piece of apparatus the ~ompany actors themselves WtU be the feature owns was put mto operation Without de of the No\! ember 2Jrd Children 5 Story lay and contl11ued 10 effiCient operation Hour The program Will begm at 2 111 untd the fire was extingUished the afternoon 111 the club house and There are p[obably few volunteer fire the 3' outh£ul audience Wlll be out In fighters 10 thiS ~tate who know more plenty o( time to make due preparation about pumpers than dId Pop Terrells for the bIg day 10 follow as he was known to hiS many friends In the la the arts of the wealthy Before opemng hIS blacksmIth shop here p t h p bl t fi d In 1905 he was employed on the Pennsyl young peop cf w Of alre un~ ekf ~ n vama raIlroad as a fireman and as an any reason or ee 109 t Ian u are englOe repair man Pumps were hiS spec p1ayed by Sally Mitchell Mtrlam Ter laity so that when a pumper was mstillled man Frank Lawrence Buzz ~lbson as part ot the tire fightmg eqUipment of Jack Herlnt'r j<lson Rt:~ar dnd .c.ugt:nc Swarthmore Mr Terrel1s was the man Underhill Jim Anderson plays the who took upon himself the responSibility alcrt 01d grandpa who awakens these of Its care youngsters to a true ThanksglYmg Everyone who has ever attended a fire splnt Fan Iy Peckerman plays the diS of any sIze ttl Swarthmore can Without tressed mother of a brood of hungry ddliculty vJsuahze Pop Terrells 10 the children Ann Bonme MaUrIce Terman Immediate vlclmty of the pumper And BIlly Smdey Bruce Durnall Da\ Id woe unto anyone who should take It upon Nelson Chff Colesworthy Arthur himself to bnker With any of the adjust l\htchell Ken Nelson and Hugh Berry mcnts The cold hearted col1ector IS played to The uOlmtlated th10k that the hfe 01 a perfection h) Gordon FlIllay volunteer fireman consists of ndmg As a prolog to the l)lay the youngest through to\\! n on the fire engme and hold group has prepared a ptece III which mg onto a hose Such a person should Ann Bonine IS the Lady Harvest Moon have followed Pop Terrells on a and the farmers are Maunce Terman couple of runs He knew With what care BIlly Sn111cy DaVid Nelson and Bruce the pumper had to be operated he knew Durnall Just how much pressure could be used Thcre" III also be muslcal selections without cndangenng the boys at the end I y Ume WIlson and Mrs Roy Delap of the hose he knew the proper adjust latl1e and readlOgs by MIrIam Terman 111ents to get the most out of the mach al d Jack Hellner me when It WtlS needed and when the * I • apparatus had returned to the station he always did more than hiS share of the dirty clean up work Every day the company s four trucks were started up and I1lspected by Afr Terrells Sunday mortlmgs the trucks were run out 111 front of the bUlldmg and shmed and polIshed All of tins work Mr Terrells accepted as hIS responSIbIlity He saved the company and the borough hundreds of dollars over the perIod of twenty l cars by makmg rnmor repaIrs Itt Ius blacksmith shop across the street from the fire statIO 1 Here he would fashion little attachments wlucl. would make the trucks more serViceable and ef ficlent Always the company would ask him for hiS btll but he persistently re fused to accept any reUlm eratlOn Arl S""lIon Next Wednesday members 0 f the Woman s Club are mVlted to Jom the Art SectIOn on a VISIt to the Academy of FlUe Arts to view the Annual Water Col or Exhibition III conjunction With the \nnual Muuature show Those gOlOg by tram Will meet at the Academy at ten t1urty and those gOlllg by car are to meet at thc clubhouse at 9 30 Anyone wallt lIlg more detaIls see Mrs Charles De Moll Art ChaIrman Repeats Program Mrs Sarah S Farley who gave a pro­gram 011 Emerso I Thoreau and trans cendentahsm at a recent meetmg of the Literature Section of the \Voman s Club "as IIlVlted to gl\c the same program be fore the Emerson Club m PhIladelphia OIl Wednesday Mrs Jesse H Holmes also attended the meetmg Welfare Teams To Raise Hard at Work Swarthmore's Quota Ten teams of workers are promotmg the WeI fare campaign In tillS commuDlty under the leadershIp of Mrs Jackson diS tnct chairman Air Chapman Swarth • M .... A.F more chaIrman and Mrs ElhvoOO B Jack.ollt Chapman secretary CbairmllD of UNITED CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY HERE Meetmg at Slrath Haven Inn La.t FrIday Starts County prlve CHAPl\fAN LOCAL LEADER The teams are made up as follows the Umted Team No I-Mrs J Donald Gibson The Umted CampaIgn 10 Swarthmore captam, MISS Ahce Lukens Mrs E 0 CampalgD for got well underway thiS week With work Lange MISS Anmc lhllborn Mrs \Vd Central ers m cHry sectIon of the borough en ham T ElliS :Mrs Frank GillespIe Mrs Delaware deavormg to brmg about the same splen Albert S Johnson Thomas H Lueders County did showmg for Swarthmore that was George Schobtnger Mrs Elnc S Sproat made Jast year when m the neighborhood Mrs Alexander Allen and Mrs E P of $15000 was raised. Mrs A FranCIS Yerkes Jackson IS chairman of the campaign m Team No-2 Mrs Morns AI Lee tillS section and Ellwood B Chapman IS captam Mrs Earl Weltz Mrs \Valter Rev E Morns Fergusson captam chairman o( the Swarthmore campaign R Shoemaker MISS Ruth Reynolds Mrs Bucher Ayres Chas FIscher Percy E The leaders of the campaign 10 Edward H Cox MISS Mary Bye MISS Gilbert George GIllespie Donald Jones Swarthmore are almmg to duplicate as Eleanor Bye Mrs Otto Kraus Jr Mrs Harry \V Lang Stanley L MacMillan nearly as poSSible the amount subSCribed Allred G WhIte Mrs Robert H Reed Bayard H Mormon Jr Herbert Blast ycar declares lIr Chapman The Mrs Chas R Cluckermg and Mrs Carl Sanford and \Valter L Thorpe factory employees who made such a de Moll Team No 7-Sewell W flodge chaIr splendid showmg last year will not be Team No 3-Mrs J Warren Paxson man, J Paul Brown Hugh F Dt!nworth able to repeat It thiS year so that the con captam Mrs T Harry Brown Mrs T Richard G Halg James H Hornaday tnbutlons of other subscrIbers are needed E Hessenbruch Mrs George McCrack Charles L )'faas DaVid McCahan \Val to offset thiS loss en Mrs Wtlham Hanny Mrs C M C lace 11 McCurdy Arthur S Robmson Last FrIday e"emng 9S Umted Ca LeWIS Mrs DWight Cooley Mrs George Ralph W Tlppmg Alfred H \Vdhams palgn workers attended the Campaign M EWlllg Mrs Florence Preston and anti Thco Saulmer Dmner held at the Strath Haven Inn for Mrs Roy Delaplame B the Delaware County sectIOn of the cam Team No 8-Robert air captam, paJgn Team No 4--Mrs P H Jewett cap John A Brownell Albert T Eavenson The workers were addressed by Judge lam Mrs H T Hanzhk Mrs I L Ralph Horn Wayne H Randall A F W Roger Fronefield who preSIded and Gill Mrs E1hott RIchardson Mrs Jos Robmson Robert E Sharples Dr J R by 1Ir BenJamm H Ludlow who was fue Seal Mrs W N Spankler Mrs W W Khne and Eugene P Balderston prInCIpal speaker John T Emlen Chair Turner Mrs George A Marr Mrs Team No 9-D \V R Morgan cap man of the dmner told the assembled Thomas Simpers, and Mrs George Van tam Mrs Seymour ~ Rutherford Mrs workers that the orgamzatlon IJ1 Dela Alen Thomas Rutherford Mrs Henry Mock ware County IS unusually complete and Team No 5--Mrs Leonard C Ashton Mrs A B ReaVIS and Mrs S H Evan!! effiCient at the present ttme Theodore Wldmg Mrs Thos M Jack Special Committee Mrs W .... am T Last year the Untted CampaJgn gave son Mrs Hervey Schumacher Oscar J Johnson LoUIS W Wheelock Frank S $77975 through the \Vetfare Federatton Gllcrcest James A Cochrane Mrs Sarg Reitzel LoUIS Cote Emmons Thos to the agencies workmg entirety for the ent Walter Dr George P Warren WJl Lueders Mrs Thomas Safford and Isaac Citizens of Delaware County ThiS org ham B Bullock FranCIS V Warren G Darhngton amzatlOn also gave to Delaware Co $30 Wilham H Thatcher Wilbur B Conrow S,,,arthmore College Chest Committee 809 through the Lloyd Committee mak and Dr loUiS N RoblOson I Dr Troyer S Anderson chairman 109 a total of $108 784 In addltlon to I EGlON TO HOLD MARDI GRAS Mf:£llNG On Monday e, enmg the regular month ly meetmg of the Harold Alllsworth Post of the Legion Will be 10 the form of a Mardi Gras celebration On Tuesday evemng the annual card party In conJunc bon With the Awuhary will be held at the Strath Haven Inn • I • ROSE V ALLEY PARENTS ASSOCIATION TO MEET JUNIOR SECTION TO HOLD (;AnD PAurt The JUDlor Section of the Woman s Club Will hold an open card party III the Club Lounge next Tuesday evemng Proceeds will be added to the Phtlan throplC Fund The Committee consists of Mrs H 11 Johnson Chairman MISS Helen Robmson Mrs Harlan Jessup Jr and Mrs W m Sherwood • • Need Baby Coaches The \VcIfare Department of the Com mUlllty Health Society IS ,ery deSirous of 1: he Parents ASSOCiation of The obtauung baby coaches for three of their School III Rose Valley Will hold an 10 I famllles who have recently had new formal supper meetmg at 645 P hi babIes If there arc any mothers 111 on Monday November 21 III Bond Me Swarthmore \\lth coaches that are no monal Hall Swarthmore College TillS longer needed perhaps they would be will be followed by an open meet 109 glad to get 10 touch w th l\fJss Foster by at 8 p m at winch Professor Robert calling 2070 E Spiller will speak UPOIl The New ----..I.~ '. .I --- Road to College ARMISTICE DAY • • PROGRAM AT H S Mary SophIa Calvert Mary S Calvert Widow of Graham Calvert a well known lawyer and con veyancer of Pluladetphla who summer home was establIshed 47 years ago on Morton a\enue III R dley township near Swarthmore died Nov to at the home of a son Dr Phlhp P Cah ert at Cheyney III her 88th year Mrs Calvert mamtam ed the Ridley reSidence until two years ago spcndmg most of her time smc then m Swarthmore \ .. here reSide the famIlies of two other sons Harold who dted In 1931 and Freder c B Calvert Park ave lIue Three grandsons also survive Bar ton and Powell sons of the late Harold Calvert and Frederick son of Fredenck B CalverL A talk by Roland LEaton ,ce presl dent of the School Board \Vas the feat ure of the Armistice Day services at the Swarthmore High school last Fnday Mr Euton expressed Ius regret that war was glOrIfied for the benefit of those who did not take part and stated hiS deSire that the younger generatIOn should know the horror and pam of , .. ar as well as Its glamor He said that the most confirm ed paCifists were those who had fought IJ1 the trenches durmg the World \Var Mayor Frank N SmLth commander of the local American LegIon post also spoke and there were se\ eral readmgs and mnslcal numbers by members of the slndent body ~----~I~~I~----­NO INSTALLMENT TAX PAYMENTS thiS the UDlted Campaign last year also gave to variOUs agenCJes ID Delaware COUI ty wi u we t: WUtlCIIIg 1m lhe r~hef of mdlvlduals regardless of whether they hved ID Delaware County or not the sum of $37824 Addresses were made by represent atnes of four dlstrtcts Mr Elwood B Chapman spoke for 11 r s A FrancIS Jackson of Swarthmore representmg DIS tnct No 5 Mr H BlaIr Cook of Upper Darby spoke representmg Dtstnct No 3 Mrs W m Shewell ElliS representmg Mrs Joseph Hili Brmton of Media spoke representmg Dlstnct No 2 and Mr Don aid R Sidle of Lansdowne spoke repre sentmg Dlstnct No 4 Others at the Speakers Table were Mrs Thos G Cooper of Lansdowne Mr Sherman C Kmgsley Secretary of the Welfare Federation of Philadelphia Mrs T Clawson BeSWick of Upper Darby Pa 1Ir C Carroll LlpPlOcott and Mr Edw D Solenberger of Upper Darby also Reverend John Ellery Tuttle of Swarthmore ------~ ..,. . .- ------ WOMEN VOTERS TO STUDY WAR DEBTS 'I he Swarthmore Lcague of Women Voters will hold Its regular meeting at the \Voman s Club House Tuesday November 22nd at 215 p m Owmg to the fact that the scheduled speaker announced 111 the Club Calen dar could not be present a complete change of program became necessary The League takes great plea:.ure III announclllg that It has secured the servIces of Dr Ewan Clague Research Dlrcctor of the Pluladclphla Commu llltv CounCIl who Will speak on War Debts Dr Clague who was formerly Econollllcs Professor of Northwestern Umvcrslt) IS a well mformed as well as mterestmg and forceful speaker "hlr Terrells was born 111 West Chester and learned hIS trade as a blacksmith there He moved to Media when a young man and hved m that borough for thlr (Cmch"",d cnt "(J//. Tlar •• ) DON'T PITY HELPI Students Seek Village Support of For Hamburg Show As the whole subject of war debts \\ III bear a most Important part 10 The 1I1stallment plan for the payment shapmg America s foreign policy as It of c:.chool taxes III Swarthmore will not wiIl be developed 111 the next few be adopted here It was deCided b} the months thiS becomes a valuable oppor school board last Thursday mght ThiS tUlUty to obtam fundamental IOforma deciSion was reached on the grounds tlOlI upon which to base a broader that the arrangement of lIlstallment pay undcrstandmg of our national and mter ments IS complIcated aId falll rc to pay national pohclcs UNITED CAMPAIGN for $6,000,000 Tl c annual Hamburg Sho\\ to be gl\Ctl tillS )ear 11 Cloth er MemOrIal 011 November 25 Will be rehearsed be gmumg to day Fnday November 18 under the direction of Arthur Holman 33 and Wesley Case 33 cheerleaders the separate acts bemg III charge of Arthur McKeag 34 and Thomas Ca sey 34 assistant cheerleaders Con trary to the custom of former years only a part o[ the proceeds WIll go to the AthletiC ASSOCiation the larger portion bcmg used to start a fund whth will prOVide medical attentIon or Swarthmore men IfiJUred In athletIC contests If the proceeds are as large as anti elpatcd there WIll bc a conSiderable amol it also donated to the S\\arthmore Borough Unemployment Fund Although the exact nature of all the acts IS not yet defiOltely known Kwmk GWImp Omicron Omega a group of Fresh\\omen and the members of a dance orchestra have already slgmfied their mtentlOn of takmg part Tickets wdl go on sale for under graduates on Thursday or Friday of thiS week Whde the whole downstairs IS re served the seats In the first SIX rows are reserved at the higher price and of course are aU chOice seats Ttckets will be on sale at Buchner s Toggery Shop, Park avenue after Monday on t me Ill\ohes heav) penalttes The The 11uslc Sectlo I of the \\ol11al1 s board deCided that Since such a large per Club \\ til furmsh a program of musIc centage of taxes had already been patd and tea Will be served followmg the and In view of the comphcatlons of the lecture lOstallment plan It would be best not to Dr Clague Will speak at 230 p m adopt It precisely Tuesday November 22nd A resolution was passed offiCially set I • • tlOg Dec 1 as the date by whIch all 1932 The Jumor SectIon of the JUnior As s ... hool taxes must be paid 10 order to sembly wtll have their next dam:mg aVOid the customary five percent penalty party Wednesday evening November Dr Arthur Bassett preSident of the 23rd Their chaperones Will be Mr and Board reported that a thm covenng of Airs C F Noyes Mr and Mrs Alden asphalt had been spread upon the play DaVIS Mr and Mrs Herbert Sanford ground at the Rutgers avenue school Mr and Mrs Eugene Ayers Mr and thereby ehmmatmg the rough surface Mrs C E Clewell Mr and Mrs Robert whIch has caused a large number of 10 C Powell and 1Ir and Mrs Howell Juries LeWIS Shay

---------- Page 10 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN ---------=-==----'--'-'--'-- , kllll \1 r III t ~I r.. H Ilph Hhu HI... lIul II IIOU Ilxl ftt I \1 r mel 'Irs I hom '" (. In COOPER FOUNDATION LECTURE NOV. 11 BY PROFESSOR GRIERSON GRIDDERS FACE URSINUS; SOCCER MEN TO OPPOSE LEHIGH HERE SATURDAY 'Ir" \ ... I JJ JIl J)lcklllSOll ul Gardcll 11 II I(rl) 01 \Ihul ~ Comparahve Scores Agamst Swarthmore, But Hope Runs High lIt \ I I fOrlllt'rI\ ot S\\ ITtluHOft' II I III I }o "'pent SI'H'f II Ii 1\" 01 11::.1 \\t:l'k ... the lUll hll' tit t of III r (011"111 :\1]" \lIIt .. 111 1'11111 Itll ,'.' , I I' II '" h.lpll! t \Ir .. Illlkm .. 111 .. d me::htcr \11"s II \HO." I fltt\ 1)ICkl1l ... oll IS I IIH.'lIlhlf of the )1111 I r t I, .... 111 s\\ LfLhm 1ft.' Col1t:g:(' 1\ ts:'\1 1'11101111,1 III \\11 -~ II 00 t 1/0.11 01 I hlllll. III hi Ulil 1111 I I II .. I Edinburgh Professor Will Dis· I<U\I~ \111111 \ cuss Carlyle in the Friends' Meeting House I \\ I It lIltC tll1h r f u t Ih (.Irlh t I \11 110\\ Int l'lri of I If I)dll.' l\l .. U I .. I I I I It I til 11111 .. Lt:lf h 1111 .. 1)1I1(lf1\\ II1It c:ntlrtllllul It ItllldH.OII UII \\Uitll''' !.; Itt IIKI \\IUll till hrllHf \\111 IIhlt t !'ofn II)..: tll\ III hOlllf (I ht. llIutlll..'f :\Ir ... \lUln:\\ \11 II I (,II nil It hllll '" l I 11111 l 1IIIIIgl111 IIltl till 11th r till I.tlrlls l h tillll'r ... If I r 1II1111!-:h ItIl :\llss til Itllgl1 h tll" hilt glllIlS I It 'Ir :\,rlllllll 11l1ll11lufH.ucill'sttr II. HOLDS NUMEROUS DEGREES I r Il tl r ugh III .. t It hdu!t I II t I • .11 ( ,I. II.:"IIJ ! I I J I II I III l II I I I I ., \1 tim Illl II l1l1tci 1I111111! I til 11111tr lilt 1111 \\ III 11 II \1 I 11 ~\\ Irtlllll n :\ , \\ IS till.' glll.' t .f Dr IIld :\Irs \11l1 tht rl'lIl Irl\ Ible IIKf(.' Ie 111 cu I r 1111 J \\ ]111 Hils of \llllief"t l\eIHle I 11 lIlt 11 11 [ dnH silt \\11 Il\ tit II t II I \\(tk: Il1ltilll III tl \\ ullin I \ I r II s t \\ctk uld \1 I I i{(\\(.' hi, Idnrnut to Illr J J 11 III I t 1111 hit SlIrl'll"t l I llli Ir I f"; I I I 11\ I It IJ.:llll 101m Hil Ig III tl h 1111 III \\ Ir",,\ :\ , ,fh:r \1"ltlllf,.! t\t/III 11 • II,..., illlit (jUdll" \ \\llk Illl! lit ... \\!lIIIIl! "Istlf :\lrs 101m \\ \dlIllS II II 11 It r \ I III 11111 1 \\1 dlft ltd H I~ In IrlIlk \]1" \Ilrglnt \Idlul , .. l'lIttrtllnlll~ Il t1 I u 111/ I It II ()xl rl \II I II II \\ f I Itl ! \llf Itdl thl.' 111111 I t I Lr Ihl t:\"'I1I1l~ 11 the huml I t her IllfUlt ( I It I •• 11 Ir ( (.1 th "IJtlrg It I" In I II I II \It lIId ~Ir \\ \\ :\tdllll on Korth I "" 11m Il\ (Ii' .nult-. (l th I tlr~ I t hl tt.:r ru l<i II HII" 2 (ttl\"hlllg I.J ~\\ 11 Illn n \II" LrlCl.' Jet.' 11 hl'f ul \\a ... Jull,..,1 ," II (hI \ \lmlnr :l CI .. I1It1 II tIIuttl I) l \\ I tht \\l'lk end gUt .. t of :\11 Illtxtl _K ( \\hlh llit ( Irlill IL:l 111\111-..)\\1111 .. of PllIlll\()lI I\UIlH.' I II 11 \\ 11\ 1)\ til \\ I1I11g II ! 1111 \ 1II1IIli /)1) Booters To Play Lehigh lit I dllL:h II (I g IlIIl \\111 II ( II (Inl t I urth Illglll III III tr S I II I t hlL:h t Illd It Iht tt I I I tl t 1 IJ.:IH hl\l!lg I, t I\\tl lIIcllll I III ~ IIH \\ Ith III \\ 111 I \Ir \\t1ltI1ll I Irl 1,1 tIl I I 111 1 I (1111 ,..,i1t II nt \ I I I1Ikll11 \1 IIld. II ! 1 I I \\lre the \\I.'ek end guests ,I r I I ~ltl lllrn I Irl\ rl.'t.:wth It 111 Iltlln I.'IIIt rt IlI1t<1 lIIhllr., I Plthf tid 'Ir LEAF RAKES Suplee's Store Swarthmore 105 I rltl 11 I lit I \ 1I11111111r IIlllh I \\01 10(0.; (lJ! 1\111 III II 1111111 \\ d till .... \Il I I I :\Ir {.I.'~r",t I ..... \\ Irlltm It l\tH11l :\11 tilt I,tt "')ltl1t \ltllIl! \ I "ltlH Iht II til Illlt 1 ll\\ul1 r II f' 11\ \\~ kll' \\ \ 1 'It II \\ IIlI tIld \\ I IIm,.,1 "1 III II II III fll I Imp III \ III II Ih. Lilli" JlIIII 1111 I"'JllIl I. " 11\ I II 1 I 1 f \ II 1 I 11 II tilt I tit Sit I r I' til 1 I \lllmr II \\ KIM~II I 8; 0.;0;>0 I''''''h r~ flllll l'flllI rlr"u..,t r~ 111 11.1\1 rrclr('I'II( ( S" Irthruurc I U111t I \ i:lll I tl t duh I II I.' I t II Ir \, l\IIHII \\11111.' \It HII \11 \111111 II \hld 11 :\Ir LIlel:\11 \r I tll\l1 I \Ilil :\11 lIId \lr ... St\1ll mr L.=~~~-~= __= ====~=~_ ___~ ==~I 1\lItl tIl 1(1 :\It ITI 1:\1t h.t1 trt (, I I j ~~~~~~~~~~~~I "" COMMUNITY BU)EHS S E R V ICE, INC. All AssociutiOlt -1111 nUAh "hl4 II I (!'iIIUIISlhh huh\ .. 111.,1", III n· tlu II A' IH 1.,1 IHll« h.l~( s .11 slIh· ... t.lntl •• 1 .Ii",( UUlIt); lilt I ( .u« nn III« lulH I shll) ,Iu,'''i~ I.:.~. nl uti .. I • h.n g( '" I HI fU1111« I Info. 1ll.llmli (.,1) IlIl!oinnollh .. phull( nIl 112 ~ en lI"it tl ... (un' (111("111 (UI1~ lun) h. In". (OlPON {'Oi\DIUNITY nm: EHS SI~RVICE, INC. 102 10 I (011\11.-\\\ I \1 III BUlllll:\(" unl (Ill '''I I Sl\1l1 I Pilil \\)1 I PIli \ t., nil. IU. II: I .11)) IlIft'l( ~t(.1 111 fUllh. t Inf.,. 111.llIul1 ( 11\ s " III I, RESOLUTION \11 1 f I xl. I f th rill I' I h I III I , 111 , \, \\ lIlt \lBfHI ~ c \I Hili III II I I I ... I I 1 \ r~\ IIIH "> SHERIFF'S SALES sil 11 S II \1 Ih S\I I rr on. I II :\1 SIIII\~\1II1 l~ \ " r I I I , " II f II ... 1,., I H I J I I I 11 " SI III It I I SI .. :\ I I' It I 'I III h • lor 1 1:-.::.: m r 1 • 11 ,• , '" SUi J I 1 , 1 I I \ \ " 1'H\l~ \tt 1111\ l< I r I< ,, "" c S I I III I~III l'~ lh II 1 I ~~ 0 t 1 'h I 1111,11 111,1 I fH\ 1:\ \11" \ NOVEMBER 11, 1932 II 1111\ r tI It I II 101 hOIl h'ol 111) I III I I xlt I.. or til ,I '" lilh III 1111111 IIIIlh 11'1\\ rill) ht~t\H "I II II II hi 1111:11 s to ~ \I I Shc!uuurll humh 11\'0111) 11\1 r II lIul ulJ (I tl 10\tllllll,.. IIItl I{ " of I( HI I ,,,,t (r t \\ \I I (lilt hall 11,,1 .. III '( I III I!;I Ix Il rt..,t Stu 0 .. Irl I 'I"IM [(.." 1111111\ r (~llhK II Hutltl 4iUO I h II l'lrlltltd lh lk III I{II til),.. fmtJul It ,.. II I<H\I!'\ \tlorl) ... Nt} tin S ! to 1111 .. I I 1111 1 II II II I I hili H'S til I I lull) "tt ftlill II III I lilt hul f lUIS xII Itlt I 11\ f H tit ( • 1\) II" \lIc fin I;"; \11 \I \ lUI III( II , , PH N) UIH r II I \\11 II 1\1 I 011( h Ilf x It) icc I 11\ or H II I n 51 eu I I -~" (1(1;;1 III h Ii I I ... , I 1 I In 1'11111 r 1111 /I II II 11/. I II II :\1 II IZ \111111) " " , HUl S I I II I I I I I 1 I I , or IOIlIllI III Ill'" tlillCt I. II) S. lum • fll"l III II I 01 \\) II I I 101111 " , 1\\11 I of /Jlhl I f II II It I 1 hili II 11 I S \\ h ,.. h , I I rz \tI II ;..:. fI) 0 S I I lilt r r rl ] I I " Cf ,rll IhtOl!JII! II I r I I I r II Tun I ('1rllli 1.1 Ill' f urlht r 'I 11 TZ \t)n '\ 10ll:\ C \I~ Sin nrr ~!1~c=e Cc::'~ege I.J.bta.r7 ~thmcre» Fa... ~~========~~===--==-,==- Vol. IV, No. 46 S" artlunorc, Pa., Nm ember 18, 1932 I[ I II \NKS(,I\ IN(, sun ICES \ I "' III (Ill IH III 0.; 1. FRANK TERRELLS FATALLY INJURED J he. L III II J It I II 1\ lIIg l hun:h ~ln In:" f r S\\ Irt IIll Jrl.' \\111 It.: hdd Iltxt ! 111m 11 I II nllll .... It 10 1i0 d x.:k It Iht Itul U •• "11 (h .. ·l I:ngllu~( I oj )111(' ~ll'Ih dr-,I I pI l J t1 d url.;h III I Irk IH Wel£are Teams To Raise Hard at Work Swarthillorc's Quota (onIIM.)" JOI MUle 11t.111 IIUl I ''H'nh \(·.II~ \1" It \\111 It 1111111 Itt I I \ til.: ch Ir I t "Mi o.;l~ILI LJ) mON \\ OltKLIt I I rlllk 1 ... lnll ... dud CII,.,llIllr II the s\\ Irthm 1 \. I III t 1111 lin I r thl I) I ... t h\l'llh \(: Ir \\ b fit tlh IIIJurcd III a tltt \It.:th , Ir t l hili t.:h III I tht prllil I \1 Iddrl 01 tilt l n II: \\ 111 I .... lilt It I \ IItt Itt \ IJr 1.1111 Illtn luttll lilt r 'Ith Illl\(lluIUmnl I lit: \llth )(11 t Prl )ntlrt III lIId I rHl I" llllUlhl.' 1111 tl t: \\ til l 1111, lit.' I r 111l: " lit! \ I I rll..'lIt! I 111 HIli .. hotll\. ~.J ~ 1) Irtll! 11th l\ t.:lll1t I 111 IIlk ,..,1\ 1l~ \111111\ l\l.:lIl11,., 11IIllrll"lf\IL.:l ... \\t:r tltl hl'ld II 2 0 d(J{~k \I.' Il.'ld I, iltun III • • ~nl t: • 11 In:ld It SClllll1 t lit xl Ir III IlIl fllll ... rtl h'llll tl Iloflel.. I' ( nlhtll 01 ~un\ood II I\\ulh \ttl;, 1",0 \Ir Il:rrdlsshocl Iml llll:" I I tltl.' h Ir l~ "hair ptt kcl llit II tlC I hrl ]lJlII ,til" til It n 1 ndul 10 II II lib 111 S\\ Irthlll Irl.' ..... lIlll: the 0.; U" 1.;>0 I (} PI \ \ \ 1 I. \;11 0.;1J0 \\ NE 1JI \1iK~(,1\ IN(, J) \\ 1111 It 1111 I \\Irkll lIl. prlllutlll,.. till: \\ tIt In I lIT I IIglI 11\ Ihl l 1Il11111llh IIIlllrtlil.'llllllhp I\lr IltI 11lh ... tru.:t chllrlllllJ \lr lh I III 111 .... \\ Irtlt 1 I.'fkt lltl1rt11ill till ::\Ir Ilh\uvd B II.,U \ll.:xl1ikr \111.'11 "1 I I 1 II \\ I) Ilt!d tIl II ,I r I () I,II I. 1 , I I Il 1111 \ -I \Jr ~I rrl :\ 1 I e (.' lll'11111 \lr:. I Lli \\..,Itl. \Ir h Sl 1l11k I \1 "I\utll 1\1.'\11 I" I (1\\ Ir I II l x:\1t \1 II \ I \l \\ l!tlr ,11 \,1I1.: , ~II rn ~I I \ Mrs A F Jackson, Chairman of the Umted Campaign for Central Delaware County tl r Irllll hltl.' htln lcltptullte hi I hl'd til III thull lillie 1IIU,..,\ 111(1 I \I.' '\It Ott "r III I r \\ IHtl \It I, hut II luul 1.. 1\ tnl rn 11 Ir rt I till I I 111l"i:h 1I11t.: t1 11111,,11.'(1 e ,,]llch h 1.'11 It I III ! \\110.: thl h. l bll'hnn,., IIlI '\Ir Llrl .... I lit! I I! \\ L1tll I II II t lIlt:rc{ht 1111(.' to thl.' I\t;r 10.,;(.' S\\ 11 th J 11)( rl,; III lUll!:\: 7 ",\1.'11 \\ 11 11 man, I I lUI In \\11 111I,.,1t I I hit! trli ( 111 I 1111 11 I. r I Jt 11\\ n II n I 11t~ rolt \\ t ... Ill'\(: f SPld Icullr It tlrc It.' IIll I t t1 lilt hul It" '" JlI t I" 11111 Irt 1Il1 I tll.'\UI Illul I I III \11 tlilt II tht: III 11l It Iht: (,lIel I tltl: It ),1.' II.' IIll It tlrt kut",l.'f It , I l\\ I lint (I all ht: III Hlc It Ills J Ih 10 s ... c 0 clOlk ~I n Ilt.:t: lit: rge I rt.: tu I IIltl th It thc hre trucks \\(.'rc til III Jl(.'rlecl e.. i \lr 1\ \ Iltllpllllll.' (111(1111111 10 It.' 1'1111 t 1lI illnn \\lthont ~nnH\ HOI n I'IUH.B\:\) llllll:\ -l \lr II Il'\\ltl 1 1Il(1lIl'llt~ dl.'ln L utlh hl: \\\ tltl.' NEXl \VED~ESD\\ tIll :\11 II I II1Ilzlk \lr In\l.'r 01 the ITI t tnlt.:k h It.: 1\1.' the st I I Il~tll ).Ir Ill! tt htt.:h lnl 11 ).Ir II II \\hltl hI.' \lll\l,.;cJ It tltl.' hn.: It \\ bl \ Ihl1lk !-:1\IIIg ]11\ Irrllg d lIullSl'il ).Ir \\ :\ "'plllkll'r :\Ir \\ c til I I I, \\ hb J Ih tIl I:C th It till: ptllllJll.'r the most \\nttlll III II t llrt 1)\ thl: )0ung II1In~l'r \Ir (l I I.' \ ,\lllr ,Ir 1Il11)(lrtllltpl.'cl'oIIPlultll 1111.'CllllIlll\ tlttl" tllli 1\ \\1111 tl fllun.:lllulIlb SIIIlIt:1 LIld ).Ir GClr"e\lll O\\ns "l~ 11tIt mto perltln! \\Itlllllt ell' I I till :\ \~1l11 r 2 rei (1llldr 11:, Sitn I \lul 11\ 1111 11111I111l'(l 111 ... Illllcnt (pe r ltl(ll Iitur Ihl II" grill \\111 hlgm LI 2 III Illl1l ~() :l-:\Ir I<:ullmll hhtJII 1111111 th ... Ire \\ I" I.:xtlll,.{lJl"hcd Ilt~ll1 11 III tlil duh hClil alldilhlldorc \\1(1111"" \Ir Iltl \I iu;k IhlTi.' Ire 1'1 hl"I, 11:\\ \titllltlef file \outhlul Itlil 1l1l' \\111 It: lIut 1II 111.'1\(.'\ "'Ch1l1llIChl:r Ost:lr J hg!rtC.'r III till st lit.: \\Ii) kn \\ Illult: I'I 111\ ci tllll III l (I IllnplrllI lll ( •• 1..".,....". t J IIlII.' \ lOl.:hrlll1.' :\Ir~ "'Ir,.., Ih'11l JHllllpcr:-. thlll (ltd 101· Jerrdl I r till hlg tll\ 10111 \\ I.' It \\ Lil(.'r I)r (eur,..,t.: I' \\ IfnTl \\11 I III \\ h kIlO\\lI tl III ... 1II11l\ InuII! III till lin I Pl1l1tJlk I rl1ll'l~ \ \\ Irrell tltt II rt t I Ihl \\t. thin Il:l It IIUlIn,.., III Illck 1111111 hIp Illre I fi I II Ihllt::hcr \\llIur I .. l mu\\ \(llTlg" (lltll'k \\hl Irc ullihe to 1iI{ III 191h III.' \\ I;, llllph \l I II tilt; I lllll ,] Iltll X h.oIJlll!:lOJl \ 1111 I r IIlr( Id I... I irrclIIlII lIId I 111 111\ fl I till r Ildmg tit I1lktul tll,.,lI1l reI Ilr III 11 IUIlI! s \\ert: I Ih ]l(.'c 1'11\tclln "'lih ~lltt/ILll :\ftrlllll IIt\ II tit It \\ 111.'11 I Jll1IlIJler " '" 11Ist 111(;( 111111 Irll1k I ",nmt luzz llh!:llil lilul 1\111 1)\I!\lll Ill' '\1 :\Illurh \ t1tlr "" 1\11111 \\ IIPIll \ltrl I II l!ltl I I "Ull1lt r I" I, I \ \ II \\ 11111111 J l 1111 ~ ~-l, J lft I Ilr t I I un I III \ II \\ltll \11 rl I 11\111 n l\al11t II 11 \\ Ilill 11 h nltll \ I I\Jll 11 I\!\;rt I SII1!h: III I h. 1,I1tH.' II I I tI till' I I Ildtr I 11 1l:11ll:\: <J I) \\ h. :\1 ,..,111 II 11111 \lr St\lllll11 ~ h.llthl.'rI rd :\Ir I h III h.ut11trlo nl ~1l III In :\1, d :\Ir \ I hl:l\1 uti \11 Sill \ 11110, S)lI.'(.' I 11 l ll111l1ttu \Ir \\ 11 1I11 Jill til \\ \\11 tlltl Irml S l'l.'ltzll I JUt.. L It.: I IlIIl1 II lIlt I lit.: lL r \1 r I h III I .. Sill nl III 1 I ILL (, I) Irlm,..,t II S\\ Irtlrlll rl.' l Ik"l l II I ( IlI1JUttt\; I)r I r l:r S \ lIcll' I 11 h ItrllI 111 I Jl NUm 0.;1 CII();>O 1 () I il Irt I the I rt.: I glHIII" l ItIIPI ll.'nt I IIC .... ilulll L ~\\ Ilthlll II.' ~rr lllllll~ \\ I .. 1111.: 111111 LII lllllll 111Il • \ ndt r I I Ug~lI\ I 11\ .. til{ Iktll" till t: \\ c.h II i'll, I tI OLIJ I \1\ LI I' \llJ \ \\h, t I I I1lltlll hllll til thl.' rl.' Jl 1I 11)Jilh tllrl I II gr lId, I \\l1L l\\ I It c In I \1 illig t r ... I. I tlUI I It 11k gl\mg I\ll\ 1lt.:"h,hbL\ll Ittlllll.'d I hn Innl IllIn\ I'llllnllllljll\ thl dl I 111\ SIZt.' II S\\ lltiun rt: I.: 111 "Itlll lit lie ... tl III 111 r II I hr Ii I htlllgn illl1ic1I1t, \ I"U t1IZt: 1'( II 1 errdl 111 tht: I t:1 Ihln II \1I1I! I 1II11l \1 IIlril Il rill 111 IIIllll hltl \Ielllll, 01 Ihl.' IHllllllCI \1111 111h <..; III II \ I rllet: Durnlll Da\ld \\H~ IIntt 111\ IIll "h ~ "h III t Ib: It 11)1 11 :\t:J I II 1I1H l il \\t rtl" \1 thnr hllll ... dt 10 tllll t.:r \\Ith 1Il\ (I til.' ulJu 1 \lltt.:ht:11 l'lll ~ I II lIld Illigh I'l.'rn lilt 111 1 ht ( Id It rl 1 u lIu I r I I II \ ~ <i It ----- On \It nda\ (.'\t:I1I1l,.. thc rt.:,.,llllr III 11th I) IIIl'd11lg ut tht.: II tI )Id \111 \\orth I I I thl.: I t.',.,1 II \\111 II.' III thl.' It till 'I :\Imh Gr I" ukl r lIlt n On I lit: d 1\ l \ 1.'11111,.., Ih IIlIlU II l Ird p Ir\\ III CII1lJUIlt.: tIC II \\ Ilh the \lIxlll In \\ III I I.: hd I It IIIl SIr Ith 1 I 1\1.:11 Iun • I • I lit.' JUIlI II Slt.:ilt 11 C I till.' \\ II 11 l lit! \\111 1 I \11 • ]I\; I C II I I II h 11 tit llllh I IlItl,.,l III:Xt I Ul tin l \ 1.'11111,., I r (ll I \\ III hI Iddul t. thl.' I hllill tl r I Ie J und Jill C 1l1lluttl'C! t:Olbbt I I:\Ii II \\ J hll~UII l h 1I111l~1I \\ h [Ilhlll, 1111.11 \Ir IIIr1m Jt.::.~up Jt 111(1 \Ir .. \\1Il Shu\\ I I • •• Ihllllll1l1tlltl.'d thlllk thlt thl' hll.' 01 a ILII t.:tl 11 1\ ( rtl II 11111\ N( ~tI Bolin (IMIII( i"I \ (IUllh:l:1 I rt.:1lI111 U 11 hI II 11(1111 \ ... I pr ,I I.: I tltl 1111\ tit \ UIl!-:t t I h\; tllr II-h II \\11 till tilt lilt.: (,: I .... III uul I II g •• ,., II I lIul 1 I II III \dudl t nOSE v \LLL \ I' \IU;>Ol S \SSOCI \"1 101i "10 MLL I I tht: Lulll ,. 1 hl I1\tul1 \ 11 0111, I hl"l SUtlr I JlLISlIl "hllllll \lIl I t:\1 til lilt llr lit lIltum t \ II III Ir U I I I IllIt I Ihur Ilh It I 1 lIe\\ lint 11111\\ld l' '1' Ilrrt!1 (11 1 1IIIIIa 11I1lI! lIl'\lllIrI 1111\ 1\ l \ lilt\ \\t!1 h 11111 til Ill]llltllllli Ikknl.'\\ \\lth\\hltC<.l1.' I III ""lilt! \ 1)1\11 \1111 11I11111ClII rlllti 11\1 rill 111I!,!; L1 1-1., I \I Iht 111111\1 u It III tIc (lll.'rillti ht.: klll.'\\ Durn til 1\ \1'1111\ :\ \ullllr 21 III I I I \It Jilt I \\ IIIIHII prl' IIrl l 1111 I II.: IIll 111111 \\ II I II 11111 II tilltilib III nil 111\1 "'llrlll I rt L IItL:l Ihl \\Itil I11llllilll,.,lllll lit 11 \ It tllc llld h \IUll \\11 II Ill! '\Ir h \ I)lll] \\tli I 111\\ I In III Ilt:ll III tlllg ttll h'l Iulul'\\ IiiI.' II I r IIIJ1I1 1I1I lIHIr dlllgsh :\llrlllllil'rlHlII ItHJlIll Itl,lilth Irl r I..larl 1lIUlt tId Ihl.' III "I (111 I tire III I h "I I It I I It 1111 I I s,111 I "Ill \ t II 11P 11 J 1\ :\l \\ IIll' \\ hclt It \\ I needed IIlIi \\ hUI thl.' • I • I, ttl tl l II L:t 11111 It Itl) Iltl1l111d I IlIl tit] II III \11 Slt'iltm 11\\1\ t!ltlllllll thm II hill I thl cltrt\ tl ITl 111 \\ 11 I \If\ <In thl (1IllI) Ul\ II ur 11 uti \\lle ILltl:t 1IJ1 IIId 1II11tdtll)\ ,\11 II.' 1111 SUlld 1\ 1111 111m tht trucl .. \\ l rt.' lUll lit III II Ilt I IlIl Iwl 1111,., 11111 h11ll1 lIlel 1'111 hll \11 1 tIl \\ Ik \11 IU]llb Il.:llptl.'d I hI Il P I rllIlt\ III a\ul tltt: t:tIllJlI1l\ 11IIIltl I I lI,.,h 1m It I ,(11111 I\l 11 Ilrld I ~t:XI \\ 111 11\ 1ll1ll1tl... t the \\ 11lI1Il~ Ciuh III: 11I\ltL III J II lilt.: \rt ..... II 11 It \ I tl I I hI.' \( Idt:lI1\ I I 1Ill' \1 t I \ tht: \lIl1ual \\ \tl.'1 l I II I xluhlll 11 III t(Il}IIIlt\! II \\1111 thl.: \IUl11 t1 ),111 IllIrl !lI \\ J ht e ,.,111 ..., I \ It lit \(a IUII\ It III III tl Ill,., JllIll I Il II IIr::. III :\1 11 hI I till tll t II 111 th III ,\ 1111 1 pro • M.u, \Ial \ I (r III nn L 1\I.'It I \\1.'11 In \\11 I\\\\el 1lI1 llll \1.:\ lIl11r (I I htll kllJhll It 11 l \\ I lId 11 It I -ti' ~I rtoll IHI1I1 111 I, !Ill \ S" Irthnlt Il 1r I ~ \ 10 It tlt~ II I I 11 Ih I hIli]! I L d\lrt It lhl\ll\ 11 hlt :-;:-;th '\ Ir \1 r l h 1I 1 II Itnl lIll l I tht "dll;\ I H\ll H li 11r! t\\ l II Ig 1 11 1m III t I ht I IIIIIl 1Tl II 11 I lI1 I It.:! t " t II t ,I. \ l't III I JOiO ~------...... ------- r lit.: II 11 I I lu 1 \ \IOnS11( L J) \ \ pnO(,n UI \1 II 0.; I \ t Ilk 11\ 1'\ II1HI I I It I \ l I rl dt:nt ul the Sdlt II I Ir I \\ I II I II lilt: II tht: \lllll"ttCt.: 111\ 11\1 It tIL S\\ 1I thlll rl.' 111,.,11 l h I II t I rlt) n \Ir l I hb I \ 1II,.,1l I II I pll I 1 \\ I III I III.: HI til It I t: Ill' t l III 1111 l I Pltlll \\1.'11.' th \\1 1 I I IIghllll tl trmhl 11I1t1 tlll\\ 111\ $2.50 Per Year UNITED CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY HERE \1.4 II II:.! .It ""11.1111 II.I\{ n Illn I 1 HI •• \ ~I.III ... ( Ullllh }}1 1\ • I ., .. 1 « " \ .. " \:\ 1 (l( \1 I L \J)J H II t r I III I , " ] ti't It II" tl I I I III r I t I I I 111111 " S\\ trthm )rt \\ III \\ nk l 11Il! IIgll III clUI lit Ite h I~crt!l:d lire 1t.:h I \\111 Il~ t he \ l r IIr It tilt Cl.n ul l r II r Irc 11(.' <ini I 1..,11 \\\ rl r 1IIIl1llr Itll It tI tt:l It I LIII\ul l 1111 thl l I III I IIgn tlt:Sttth 111\1I1 Inn for the I klt\\ trl l HI t\ I thl' C 1111 I llbll 1 hI.: \\ r1 tr \\ I at! It t I.: I I \ J II Igl \\ 1, tr II 11\1 d I \\1 I I.' Hlu\ IIld \lr IlliJU TIll! I till \\ \\h \\ h the IIIIlU! I Illkn I In I 11I11l11 Cit ur III II I Ihl.' til 1 Il: I It! Ihl' I ul1hlt:d 'Hrkt.'r thll tilt { g 1I1ZIIlUIl III lkll \\ Irl L 1I1 t\ I 111111 uallt l 1Il1'ktc 111<1 Illt.:lCI t It II In t:llt l11llt.: I \l:lr the unltl,I CIIlI{lIl,.,n gl\l: ... 77 c 7., thr 1,.,11 Ih \\ <.'II lit: lu!l.'r ilion Iht.: 1,.,t:1I11t: \\ rklll", cn\lrl.'h II r the lllIZl'1l (t 1)1:1 l\\ Irc (111Ih ! III:. org IIlIZ Itl( Tl al • .., l\l t l)tll\\ Irl.: (I ::-.)/) SIN till 11 h tilt: I I \<1 ( III1lUttl'1.' III tk iii I lot tl )1 "'l( K 'j:'q In 1(1<1111011 to thl thl.' L 11 tql l IIllI H,..,II II t "caf II 0 l\l t \ In 1 .... t lllCII.':> III J)ela\\ ... re {, I IJ I I 1I1 Ink HIll ~ I Jarl \It :. ).Ir~ I tlll_ 1)1 h; III 1.:1 I \\ ldllcr Ihe\ r II It Iltt: "11m rqlf\.' cnt 1 I\\ood U \ ] I l1lt,:b I cpn Olht.:r t tht ""1 t Iktl I I It: \\ \.'TC '\It J I I (. ( 11 II I III d \\111.' ~lr ""hI I IlII l 1,111 S rlill \ 01 Iht: \\111 Il.'ktltlll 1IIIItldlhl:\lr" J lll\\ 11 Ih \\ I k L JlJlI.:I Darh\ I 1 \lr l Larr II Ilppmu It lIul \tr I tI I) S I lit r,., r I I L II ('f J);lfl \ kl\ III I I III J Ilu\ 11Ittk uf ""\\ \I thlll I ---.... ~.--- \\ (nIL:\ \ 0 1 LII~ 1 () I I. \ , , II II "" U\ \\ \11 uun 0.; ..... \\ I1tll I I 11..:11<. 1 \\ 1Il1.'11 \ 11 II I I II ] ~tli r III t:l1Ilg \\ 1111 llull III II t 1m d 1\ \ \ III I I »1\ I )1:'1 l' III ()nl lit llltllllll sthululul 1 I Illr \I I 1111 I II tit Lluh C h.1l till l 1111 II I I j l It I t.: lilt Il tc h Ilg I! 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I' ., ,It\; ... 1I11t: II .-,1 IIIl Il rlulm I) 1,1 1)1 II gu "I \\ I 1 rllllrh \\ I I 1\ III I thl j \ 1111 I I 1 I 1:\ I tl "l:.t fit lut:llt Illtpl lin I 1I1111ll1itl I I tlull 111 11111111111111 lOll 1\\( t lill tn I rl.: tit III I \1 r I t II 11 ... \\ I .n \\ lim til '\It It l: II lIulme III I It II III I hi 11 llit IS \ hilt! "I Jlth 1 I Ittltulul tlll IIltdlll thltl III.' III \t I Itl \Iul I \\l1tl1 I \ lUI Illil Illd ll\l I III Ih H h rOll_ii t I 111I1 t n alld PI \\dl 11 t II t IIII.' Illl It! llhu t U1d I rl'dlTlek "n I I I rt.:clult.:k L (Ihert til Ililt I \ II.., ~ _________ - ... i'\O 1;>00.; 1 \I I.MLN I T \X I' \\ ME1i1 S (Cot fUlllea on rage Three) Students Seek Village Support of I hl 111 I tIltlllllt III III I r tilt.: pi lIil.'lIt I 1 ell( 01 11Xt III "'\\ Illhm rt: \\ ill nut DON'T PITY bt.: adoptl'll hl re It \\ I t!u,;ukd 11\ Ihl.' HELP! UNITED CAMPAIGN for $6,000,000 For Hamburg Show h) I I ani II t I tim d l\ lJI,..,itt I h ;, I I. I II I II III In.! '" \\ g1\ 11 Ihl " 11 t1 \1 III II II :\ \ mil I ':'I \\ III III rl hl Ir t d III glIlnlTlg I ,I., I IHln ~ \llllhel 18 tl. " . tl II 01 \llhlll lit llllHl )l t:hl.'trk HILr ,I tlll\ t th til 1)111 1\ Itnlltr \l,; Ir \ 111\ I Ilrt th prllld ,,\111 gl It) tilt \lhILllt.: \ t ualull Iht larg r 1III1IlHI II•g \I l t1 I I llrt a 1111\(1 ,,1m h \\111 I)fnltll Illlcll{al Illtull)Jl ,or I s" 11 t I IIlI 11 nil 11 11 JUful III athldll \\ l rl'llhut 11 IIIl ,.,1 Ull I 11 1 cl \\ 11 I I • II I t 11 lit: t 1 \\ I n I I I Ir t I \ t1 ~ 11 r Il till 11\ h h l\ I dill Ihl I llgh Ln mll 'lIIl11t lUI II Int Ie Ilul til It ... I1ILI.' 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---------- Page 11 ----------

... • 2 THB SWARTHMORBAN NOVBMBER 1932 ;" 1,1"" III ill"'I'IIIIIII'''I''I''I'IIII'''IIII'III::ij1, Philadelphia, Mr. R. W. Robinson enteriained her bridge club yesterday af- CLUB AT The book is most entertaining and of New York, and Mr. ternoon. TRINITY CHURCH us into touch with unusual people. . :, "'" ,, I,d", "''",I' III"ll,I'IiII ,,illll"l1ll1l1ll1ll' ~-,1I ~1i11 " Mrs. T. M. Simpson, Jr., of Penfield. The Book Review Club will meet next Mrs. Arthur Bye will review an article Dr. and Mrs. Alfred ·H. Williams will Wednesday evening with Mrs. Frank Dr. George A. Hoadley will addre.s "A Dog's Life; in Paris". Members ~re SIJe!ld Thanksgiving with Mrs. Williams' Williams of Amherst avenue. Mrs. J. the first meeting of the Men's Club asked to contribute accounts of amusmg The Auxiliary of the American L.e,g.on I sister in Indian ~iver, Virginia. Warren Paxson witl give the review. the Parish House 0'1 Trinity Church experiences. is holding a benefit card party this after- Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates enter- Mrs. Robert A. Sheppard of Dart- Monday evening, November 21st at 1t4;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;:4;;;;t noon at the home of Mrs. Frank N. tained at a' supper party last Sunday eve- mouth avenue will entertain her bri.dg.,lo'clock. His subject will be "Swarth- Smith on Kenyon avenue. Ding. club next Tuesday evening. more-Past and Present", and he wHi Mr. R. C. Comley and Mr. W. H. Mrs. Edwin A Yarnall, Mrs. David Miss Anna Layton Grier of Milford, an. illustrated talk on the develop- Ward were on a hunting trip ncar Atlen- Prince, and Mrs. J. Passmore Del., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Marvel ment of the Boro during the past forty town last week. aUelllled the Executive Board Wilson of Strath Haven avenue. The Committee in charge inclUdes The chaperones for the the Pennsylvania League of B. Brewster, S. Frank Butler TODAY (FRIDAY) AND SATURDAY and senior dancing classes Voters yesterday morning. Dayton Gibson entertained at a dancing Ri,:h.,rd Campion. evening will be: Mr. and Mrs. Harold The Circle of the Ladies' Aid Society last Saturday evening at his home A brief business meeting will be held Griffin, Mr. and ::Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. the Swarthmore Methodist Church wiJI on avenue. His guestsf[,w~e~~r~e~:1 preceding Dr. Hoadley's address and af- Frances Lumsden, Mr. and Mrs. Roland give an entertainment at the church this Ruth Lewis, Jane Lumsden, terwards refreshments will be served. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Price, Mr. and evening. Mrs. William Earle is Smith of Moylan, Peggy Ford, Mrs. Abram Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. Por- chairman of tite Circle. Mrs. lillen Mercer, Ruth Shoemaker, ter Wray, and Mr. and Mrs. William Kaufman will.give a number of POinnsyl-1 Calder, George and Henry Wdlburn, \Vitham. vania Dutch readings. George Blessing, Russell Kent, Arnold Mrs. WilHam \Vernlouth has returned The American Legion and the Viehofer, Herbert Michener, and John from Washington, D. C. where she iean Legion Auxiliary will hold a Howard Chaffee. several weeks with Mr. \Vermouth wl.os,el party next Tuesday evening, Mrs. Minerva Berry of Harrisburg is work was transferred last 22nd, at the Strath Haven Inn. the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Snyder the Philadelphia office of the Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Wiltiams of Ogden of Rutgers avenue. Steel Company to the Washington office. avenue are spending this week-end in Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Comley c:ntertained Mr. W. H. Ward spent Thursday lantk City where Dr. Williams will . at dinner last Swulay evening. New York where he attended a meeting a talk before the annual meeting Miss Shirley Claire Wood entertained • I • Forlnightly The Fortnightly will meet on Monday, Nov. 21st at the home of Mrs. Avery, 310 Elm avenue, near N. Chester road at 2 :30 "Ith PHILLIPS HOLMES CHARLES RUGGLES DOROTHY JORDAN JOHNNY MACK BROWN Continuous Showin« Saturday From 1:30 to 11 P. ·M. "StartlDl' With the Feature Picture The book to be reviewed is IIPeking Picnic" by Ann Bridge (a pen name), Mrs. Piper is the reviewer. "Peking Picnic" won the Atlantic Monthly's $10,-11---------------. of the American Chemical Institute. Utilities of New Jersey. the Girl Scout Patrol of which she is a 000 prize-rather a tidy sum for these .MONDAY AND TUESDAY Miss Edith \VoodndI -has issued inv~ta- Mrs. Thomas R. Wilson of Milford, member last Monday afternoon. Her ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tions for a dancing party to be given at Del., is visiting her son, Mr. Marvel WiI- guests were Elizabeth Whitaker, Mar- ~ her home next Friday evening. . son of Strath Haven avenue. jorie Dinsmore, Ann Lingle, and Ruth ClJIVE BROOK Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Simpson will cn- Mrs. Thomas Kellcr and son are the Lipman. tertain at a family dinner 011 Thanksgiv- guests of her father· Mr. Charles Emery Mr. and Mrs. John R. Helms, Mr. and iug Day. Their guests will be Mrs. T. of Maple avenue. Mrs. William Hanney, Mrs. C. F. Wi- M. Simpson and Miss H. T. Simpson of ,Mrs. Roy Delaplaine of Cornell avenue ko«, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fischer at- HATS Draped Remodeled Dressmaking Alterations 510 SWARTHMORE AVE. Phone 312-J UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING is entertaining the Story Hour Commit- tended the annual Italjan church dinner in tec at a luncheon today at her home. Chester on Wednesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Burton Jones will come Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miller of Bath, N. from lthaca, N. Y., next week to be the Y., formerly of Swarthmore arrived guests of Dr. Jones' parents Dr. and Mn. Wednesday to spend several days Arthur Jones of Dickinson avenue for relatives and friends in Swarthmore Thanksgiving and to attend the football vicinity. game between Cornell and the University Mrs. David AlJen Simpson of Dart-of Pennsylvania. mouth avenue entertained her bridge club The Junior Class Prom will be held on Tuesday evening. Friday evening at the Rutgers Avenue Mrs. Andrew Burns Chalmers who has School. Robert Wilson is the general been 'visiting her daughter, Mrs. Howard chairman. The other chairmen arc Kirk of Lafayette avenue left last Satur­Henry Wellburn: Music; Mar~ Ellen day to visit her son in New York City, Mercer, Decoratlons; Ruth LeWIS, Re- enfoute to her home in Framingham freshments; George Stauffer, Advertis- Mass. ' ; and. William Craemer. The chap-- Mrs. A. E. Thomas and Miss G. E. . . will be the ~embers of the Sen- Thomas of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. lOr ~Igh School Faculty, Mrs. George A. Howard of Hyattsville will spend the Feakms,. ¥r. and Mrs. Calder, Mr. and Thanksgiving week-cnd with Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Craemer, and Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. B. Reavis of University Place. E. Leroy Mercer. .. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave Mrs .. Mary LeVIS of Prlllceton of Vassar avenue are motoring to State Here's value for you! LADIES' PAJAMAS Corduroy ....... $2.95 Si!ks .... from $2.95 up Wool Robes .. $2.50 up Negligees .. . $2~95 up Silk Undies. . $1.50 up McCallum Hosiery .. 79c In dtifl'on and service HaIikies in Linen from 15c up Large seleetioD to moose from BUCHNER'S Toggf'ry Shop WEDNESDAY ONLY Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furuiture Interior Decorating In All Its Brauches . FULLER BRUSHES RCoiclhleagred twodhaoy retcoe nbtlryin gu ndbearcwk entht eainr ospo- nIJ~=============~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eration for appendicitis in the B"lIefOll.\e I Contlnnous Showin~ From 1:30 to 11 P. M. make excellent Christmas Gifts J. J. Schaeffer Swarth. 1441 227 Ballymore Rd. Springfield Phone Sw.607-R Drive to the Harvard THANKSGIVING DINNER will be served from 1:00 o'clock until 7:30 o'clock Please make your reservations early Whole Roast Turkeys for Family Parties FLOWERS to Enhance Your Thanksgiving Table To make your Thanksgiving table more cheerful and your Thanksgiving more enjoyable, let us send you some flowers. Just phone us and we will de­liver the flowers to you. Prices are today remarkably low. The Marot Flower Shop 315 Dickinson Ave. Swarthmore 554 .. .- Hospital. Miss Helen Craft spent last week"en,d 1 with her sister, Mrs. R. C. Disque of Strath Haven avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brill,. of Sugar­town, announce the birth of a daugh­ter, Betsy Shugar, on October 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Alger, of the Vanity Box, motored to Harrisburg on Monday and attended the convention the Pennsylvania Hairdressers" As-sociation. Mrs. Clifford Raswciller, of Haver­furd Place, entertained at tea 1'Ionday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Wayland Eisbrec. Mrs. Paul Sharpless, of Cornell ave­nue, entertained at bridge Thursday afternooll. Mr. and hirs. F. Don Price, of avenue, entertained at a theatre " .. tv I last Saturday evening. Mr. John Marshall, of Lincoln ave­nue, spent 1tonday in New York. Miss Lillian Kiesan and Miss Eliza­beth Hunter are spending this week­end of Bellefonte as the guests of Miss Hunter's parents. APPLES WINESAPS-Good, gen­eral purpose apple - de­fective or undersized fruit 50 cents a bushel de­livered. ROME BEAUTIES hand-pulled, excellent eating apple; stores sat. isfactorily-6S cents a bushel delivered. SWEET CIDER-pressed every three days - 25 cents a gallon in your jug. • 301 LAFAYETTE AVE. Swarthmore 284.J FIREWOOD Delivered. in Basem*nt $12.00 per Cord Colafemina Vineyard PbUDe: Media 646 R 1 Thanksgiving at the Ingleneuk The Friendly Tea Room will serve an old fashioned Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, Nov. Uth, from 1 until 7:30 o'clock One Dollar [t will be just the kind of a dinner, abund­ant, delicious satisfying that you have always vaguely associated in your mind with a hospitable wind-swept farm, the smell of wood fires, the spicy, enticing fragrance of a big New England kitchen. M{ .. lature Thm.ksglvlng Dinners for the w". small persoru. Private rooms for large family parties. TEL. 69 TURKEYS-DUCKS CHICKENS-GIDNEAS SPECIAl. Roasting, Stewing and Frying Chickens ............. 27c lb. Young Turkeys ........ 35e lb. Yoong Docks ......... 25. Ih. Goineas ........... 11.25 pro All Fowl Dressed OD Order FRESH EGGS Medium. _ 1 8"" 50c Free DeUyery These prices subject to ehan,e only if market goes down JONES FARM BALTIMORE PIKE AND LEAMY AVENuE Swarthmore 1831 SPRINGFIELD • \ NOVBMBER 18, 1932 MOLARSKY BROTHERS PRESENT MARIONETrE SHOW SATURDAY NIGHT Molarsky's Marionettes, at present ap­I, earing in the Philadelphia district will give a performance of their current pre­sentation Tile Puppet Gaieties in Clothier Memorial, this Saturday at 8 P. M. The entire proceeds will go to the college chest fund. • I • Presbylerian Noles The series of mission study classes 011 China for young people and adults held last week on Tuesday, Wednes­day and Thursday aftcl'lloons and eve­nings were largely attended and most interesting. The Sunday School is sharing in the message of good will from this country to China and is making mauy interest­ing things for the portfolio which the school will send to the young people of that land. The coming Sunday evening, the sec­ond forum for the new students of the college will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Bassett, North Chester Road. ·Tea will be served promptly at six o'clock. The general topic, The re­lation of Jesus Christ to the life of youth1 will be discussed by the leader, Mr. Kindig, of the young people's de­partment of the Slate Sabbath School Association, and will be followed by discussion. I I Frank Terrells Dies fCondn.wl fro", PQ{/, Oft,) teen years while employed by the Penn­sylvania R. R. In 1905 he established his blacksmith business in Swarthmore in the rear of his present home next door to what was then the borough livery stable. In 1909 he moved to Swarthmore with his family and ever since has lived in the house he occupied at the time of his death. Aside from his spirit of helpfulness as a member of the Fire company, the loca­tion of his home just across the street from the station aided him in playing an active part in the work. The chief tele­phone operator of the borough always called the Terrells home at the same time she called the first station, and the power house of the college. In the house was a direct connection with the siren on top of borough hall and usually the first public CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT-On the HUI. Attractive third .floor apartment. two large rooms with and kitchenette. Garage It desired. Call Swarthmore 5O-J. FOR RENT-Apartment--l rooms and bath. AU convcnicuccs. $55 per mo. 201 EJm avenue. Phone Sw. 1499. LOST LOST-Ovul g-old locket with Caued uaguerr:c· olYlle. Somewhere west oC Chester road or 111 Collegc woods Coli Sw. 1706. LOST-Gold ear-ring with opal drop at the Playera' Club. Friday night, Nov. 11. Phone Bw. 1822. FOUND FOUND-Fountain pen, Tuesday, Nov. 8, on Dartmouth ave. Owner may have by Ident1fymg same. ehBS. A. Smith. PERSONAL FORlIlER EMPLOYER recommends an excep· tionBlly good and reliable cuok at miuimum W31r(t. rhone Sw. 174. IM,UEDlATE POSSESSION Modern 4 Bedroom, 2 car g;lrage 860, reduced from lao. 6 room und garage ISS. 6 room 850. 5 room Apartment 855. WM. S. BITTLE Notary Public Real E.rale Swa. 111-1 "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' • I have about $10,000 to loan on good local first mortgages. E. e. WALTON • ,til 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 h. RENT 2nd floor apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Hardwood floors. Hot water heat. Janitor servIce. $45 per month. Two large garages. Hea.ted, light md water. Station Squnre. Detached stucco house. 6 roan: and. hath. Front and side porc . Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Detached house furnished. 6 rooms and. bath. 1 car garage. Good loea· t1on. $'15 per month. First floor apartment-6 rooms and bath. First class in every respect. Large rooms, hardwood floors, etc. Garage. eRAS. A. SMITH 'Phone Swarthmore 705 nIB ·SWAR'DfMOREAN alarm of fire was at the hand of some I and Mrs. John Marshall Mr and Mrs member of the Terrells family. Ellwood Garrett 'ir an'd 'f' H . Th . fll' M T' ,A. ars. atry e evemng 0 OwlU~ r. errells Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robinson, • leader in the church movement for intcr- Churches," and he let the movement at national peace. He founded the group the conference which was being held in death, ~embers ~f the Fire company met Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thatcher, Mr. known as "The World Alliance for In- Con!tance, Germany at the outbreak of and decldrd to v~ew the body at Norwood and Mrs. Joseph Willits, and Dr. and Wednesday evemng. T~e entrance to the Mrs. E. Leroy Mercer. 7;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ fire house was draped 11~ black and the Miss Ann Orr and Miss Eleanor \Ver- Ii flag at Boro.ugh Ha!1 placed at half-mast. mouth are expected home from Buck­T~ e foltowtng achve members of the nell on \Vcdncsday to spend the Thanks­Fire. company served as palll~earers at the giving holidays with their arents. ternational Friendship through the the War. services yesterday: Ed. Whitaker, Char~ . P les Kimmell, A. Leonard, John Conway, IIIrs. Edw~1I A. Yarnell spent Wed- The SYCAMORES PARK AND MICH[GAN AVENUES Harry McHale, and Roy \Vitmer. In. nesday at Girard ~ollegc as a guest of terment took place at Cumberland Ceme- Dr. D. M. lIIelehoJr. tery, west of Lima. The Five Hundred Club will meet to-will be open The deceased is sun'ivcd by his widow morrow evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ellen Terrells, two daughters, Mary or Edward M. Boyd of Park avenue. THANKSGIVING DAY for DINNER BY RESERVATION New York city and Elizabeth of Oxford, Dr. Richard H. Shryock and Mrs. Pa., and two SOilS, Frank, Jr., and James Shryock of Durham, N. C., and their of Swarthmore. ~ltildrcn ~aIlace and Barbara, are spend- Home-grown mushrooms on sale at all times. • • Ing the wmter at the Inn. Dr. Shryock is NASON OPENS SERIES OF a professor at Duke University who is en- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turkey Dinner every Sunday. PHILOSOPHY ADDRESSES joying his sabbatical year. The children IN TALK ON "CONSCIENCE" arc attending the Swarthmore public John W. Nason, instructor in the De­partment of Philosophy, introduced the year's series of philosophy lectures on "Factors in the Good Life" in an address on "Conscience" before a considerable gathering in the Meetill& House on Sun­day cvening. He announced the other lectures in the series: on November 20, Dr. Brand B1anshard will speak on "In­telligence", on November 27 Dean Fran­ces llianshard on "The Sense of Beauty", and on December 4 Dr. Jesse H. Holmes on "Social -Du-ty"_, _. _t--- Home and School Meeting The Swarthmore Home and School Association met last Tuesday evening at the High School; Dr. Frank E. Wil­liams, the president, presided. The High School chorus led by Miss Van de Bogart gave three musical selec­tions, one of which was featured by the solo part sung by· Fred Hazeltine. Mrs. Francis W. Pennell of Moylan gave a short talk on the value of good books in the schools and the importance of developing permanelit and satisfactory habits of reading in our schools. She also exhibited a most fascinating collection of story and picture books. :Mr. George Shobinger, chairman of the Committee on Membership, spoke of the plans of his committee for the coming year. Mrs. David C. PrInce, Program Chairman, told of an interesting experi­ence which she had had recently when she followed !he traveling library on its visits to the rural schools ill Dauphin County. •• I News Notes The sympathy of the community is ex­tended to Ferris W. Mitchell of Stratll H a v e n avenue whose father, W. F. Mitchell resident of Chester for many years, died "It the Crozer Hospital, Nov. 8. Mr. and :Mrs. Samuel Felix, of Lans­downe, Pa., formerly of Swarthmore, ,,,ill entertain their bridge club Satur­day evening. Their guests will be 11 r. Thanksgiving Dinner at :!Ir~iu 3Juu Bring the family Quality Food and Service choose from a 'Varied Menu $1.00 and $1.25 children half price Note: Reserve your places, if you can, in advance, (Phone, Medin 1280) but come any time if you can't, and we will find a place for you -Dinner Service from Noon 'till 9 p. m. .tilta lnn "The Pattons" Baltimore Pike at providence Ave. schools. Miss Elsie H. Lawrence, welfare work­er in this section of the state is living at the Inn. RUMMAGE SALE I I Peace Worker 10 Speak This evening at 8 o'clock, Dr. F. Sieg­mund Schultze will speak at the Friends' Meeting House on the ColIege campus. Dr. Schultze has long been a recognized WOMEN OF TRINITY CHURCH NOVEMBER 17, 18, 19 PARISH HOUSE NO. CHESTER RD. • Early • In December will present of such in the importance that no person interested purchase of a low-priced automobile can afford to disregard 'It • • • America naturally expccts big things of Chev­rolet. For it is Chcnolet that first brought beauty and comfort to the low-pricc field • • . pioneered the si~-cylindcr engine; • • . buih the most economical cars, and the most depend­able. Allf/" it is Clleorolet (clIO hal led the '!l'orJd ill sales for 4 of the pmt 6 ),ears.* So cach year at this time Amcrica looks to the leadcr to learn what's new in the W:l)' of low-priced transpor­tation. And again America's confidence is fully j usti­lied. The 1/e<:o Chetlrale/, /0 appear next mOlltlt, advallceJ stalldardJ ill every phase of molorillg. Again Chevrolet has broken boldly with the past wherc\"cr change means improvemcnt in style, comfort, smoothncss, performance, safety, economy, and dependability. CheHo]ct engineers havc packed this latest of a long line of successful cars with thrill after thrill and ad\'ancement after ad\'ancemcnt. Fisher body craftsmen have taken adnllltagc of an e,'cn longer wheelbase to contribute coach­work which is unique in the low-price field­including dynamic new styling, and an inven­tion which you wiJI immediately recognize as one of [he most fundamental comfort impro,'e­ments of all timc. And thc cxperience gained in the production of more than 8,000,000 cars, together with the Ill:lrked ad"ant;tges that nat­urally aCCfllC to thc lcadcr in sales, has made it possible to build the new Chevrolet at a price which takes account of today's incomes. So keep an open mind on the question of an .;lutamobile purchase until you see Chevrolet's Great American Value for 1933.AIIJ walch for if lIe:rl mOJ/th! It will prove to you, beyond a doubt, that this is the time to buy a car, and this is the car /Q 011)'. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. Dif1jsil'JIJ of General M olorI * 1932 losi/;oll haled 011 la/esl auailahle regiI/ratioll figure; "TI-IE LEADER CAN ACCOMPLISI-I WI-IAT OTI-IERS DARE NOT TRY" WENTZEL MOTORS 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 596 SWARTHMORE. PA. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 TAILORS AND FURRIERS HARRIS & CO. Cleaners and Dyers No. 11 PARK AVENUE

---------- Page 12 ----------

• .. THE SWARTHMOllBi\N THE SWA RTHMOREAN MI·S 5 N ancy Br ady 0 f the """-4t he dral 8. hpIreIrTeb·.e..ll. ..t.o -.. pai.D..1. ..... .c.1 om..e r ."0.1.h Ul&DDdd·I Pahlloloed EYe.,. FridaT .a' Swarthmore. P .. school at Washington, D. C. visited her .f I. TTlor. 'hea", br oaId 1_ aorth ell'hty·four ~. weet fon,.-ftYe and. Ib:­parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Brady at the &enthl perdJ,N t.o • point. • comer of laoc1t of ROBERT E. SJIAIlPLES B4lk>r ..... PubUtMr Inn 0 er the past week-end Charlee W. Burnie,.; tbeme bT aamo el a1 V nortb len deI't'eee eut th1rt7-DlD8' and Ibr:­BSTATE NOTICB Phono Swarthmore 900 En:orod ... Second CI ... maller, January :H, 1929, at the Poot 016~ at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. BBTATB OP JAMBS 8. RBB:Jm'·TNO, de .. ceased. late of Swarthmore. Delaware County. pennsJ'lvanla. Lettem 'testamentary on the above Ea .. tate bave been granted to the undersJiPled.. who requests all· persoDll . baYing claims or demands agaJnat the BBtate of the decedent to make .known the same. and all per80DB lndebted. to the decedent to make payment tenlhs perches to .. point 10 tho bed of Yale avenue and thence BOuth Ileveni7-four ~ forlY-Jl1"8 minute. eut tbir17-e1 .. ht and Udrt.7- two one-bundredlha perches to the place 01 beainruill'. Contallnnl' DiDe acret. one .rood, and thl..-ty-flve and. aln7.fonr ODe·hundredthe perches of land. more OJ' leu. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932 MUSIC DIRECfOR AT WINDSOR CASTLE HERE without delay, to EMILY H. PRICB. 410 Yale Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. SHERIFFS !lA' ES Dr. E. H. Fellows, editor and arranger of The English Madrigal School, and formerly director of music at Windsor Castle, will talk on the English Madrigal at the College Vespers Sunday evening, November ZO. He will sing some of the Lutenists' songs which he has recovered from lost Elizabethan "music, playing his own accompaniments on his lute. The 'Swarthmore Chorus, under the direction of Alfred J. Swan, will sing a few mad­rigals as illustrations of points in Canon Fellowes' lecture. Also all that certain tract or pIece of land lIl'uato partly In the Townablp ot 8Pline­Held and partly in the Townmtp 01 BJ.dle7. in said Count7 of Dela.ware. and boUDded and deacribed as folloWII: to wi,: Be&tnnlnl' at a point in the road leadJDI" from LeJperrille to Swarthmore, a corner of Jaoda 01 Charles W. Burnle7: extendiD&" thenQa bJ' sald laDda nortb thirteen and one·quaner deBreea eut one bundred nerchea and t'lt'o-(entbll 01 a perch ------------------1 to a point a corner of other latlda 01 the aaid John J. T71er; thence b7 the lIame BOuth elghty-toar and ODe-quarter d.epeea east. one hundred and 'wo and fOlU'-tenthe perches to a point a comer of lands ot Jobn B. CamP­bell: thence bT the last menUoned lands eouth Ove degreell west AIty-nIne and e1ght:r-four one-hundredths perches to a point In !l!cbigan avenue: tbence b7 same south l1lty.aI.x depeee west one hundred. and eIeven and fOUJ'-tenths percllQ to a Rone in. 'he l'O&4 ll'Om LeIper­vllle to 8warihmore and then('e bT aame nortb thlrtY'leven and one-hall derreea west for17- three and Avo-tentha per'(!hes to the plaoo of bepnning. ContaloJng slx&,.-ell'bt acres and nlnet)'-eiJrh, perches of lane). SberUr Sates of Real. Estale At the Sheriff'a Oftlce • I • BROADCAST TO AID WELFARE CAMPAIGN The Junior Theatre of the Air, under the direction of Harry G. Forster and J uHe V. Chapman, has been asked to pre­sent a Radio play next Sunday evening, to aid in the United Campaign. Court House. Xedlr.. Pennaylvanla SalurdtIT. December 3, 1932 9 :30 o'clock A, H. Eastern Standard Time Fieri Facias No. 816 September Tenn, 1932 All tbat certain lot or piece of ground wItb the me8Buill"e or ~nemenl. thereon erected. situlite In the TownsbJp of Upper Darby, County of Delaware and Btato of PellDQ'lvania. and described as follows. to wit: BeI1nn1DJr at a point formIng the Interaeet.lon 01 the south­erly side of West Chester pike (100 feet wide) and the easterly Bide of Kent. road (40 teet wide): thence extending along the said south­erly side of West Chester pike (.100 feet wide) north BO degrees 59 mInutes eut 32.08 feet to a point; thenoo elttending BOulh 8 depeea G9 minutes east. 18.13 feet crnlBlng t.he bead of a cennin 2 feet 6 inches wide alley' and Pai'Uy along the westerly side of the herein. after described driveway. to a polnt on the northerl, side of the hereinafter delc:ribed 10 feet wide driveway: tbence ex:&eDdlDl' along the said northerl,. Bide of the aforesaid 10 feet wide driveway soutb B1 degrees 1 minute ExceptiOI'" therefrom and thereout a lot or piece of Jand beginning on the eaatCl'b side of Cornell avenue at the diataoC8 of flft;r.two and fifteen obe-hundredtba fee' aouth­wardly from SlraUol"d.. avenue: eztendlD&' tbence eastwardl7 .". Go line parallel with Stratford avenue one hundred and lIttty.three and eJgbt one·hundredtha feet: tbence BOuth­wardl7 at right aIll"les to the aaid Stralford avenue 'wo hundred and el(fh' foot; the:noo we!twardl7 paraJlel with Stratford avenue one hundred. and :flltJ' feet to Cornell avenue and thence b;r the same nonh five degrees twenty-flve m1nutes east thlrt7·two and fort7. eight one-hundredths feet and thence IIUll b7 same nortb one degree, elgbt minutes east one hundred and Bevt'nty·six and tbree hundredtha teet to the plaoo of beginning. The play is a story of "The Forgotten Family", and will be part of a program including music and a short address to be given over station WIP-WFAN, in Philadelphia, between 9:45 and 10:30 p. m. on the 20th. west 32,13 teet to a point on the ea8terlJ' Also lot or piece of land e1tuate at the side ot Kent road..(40 feet wide); thence ex- southeasterly corner 01 S1raUord avenue and tending along 'he aald easterly IIIde of Ken1. Cornell avenue. Con1aining- in front meuured ;§!Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnmlllllllmllllnnmlllll1ll1l1l11l11l1~ road nonb 8 de.,... 69 minute ...... 78.13 'hen", ,.u'bwardly alo".. Ib, ,aid Cornell .ve- == a feet to tbe Ont mentioned point and place nue Olly·two and lourteen one·hundredths teet a h h ;;;; - C UTe News ot beginnIng. Subject. to certain conditions and and extending- in depth eaatwa.rdly on t.he 51 .restrictions. northerly line thereol ODe hundred. and sb::ty· - seven and two one·hundredths leel and on I Together with thc free and ~mmon UIIe. the sou1.herly line thereof one hundred and ; right. liberty and prtviJep of the hereinatter Blxty.tbree and thIrteen one-bundredths feet 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 de_be<! 10' or pie", .f ground. Intended '0 ~d contal"'".. on .h .... or .b .... of 1J1 ..... Wo be laid oul. and opened as a dr1 veway and teet. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF PlUBNDS passageway at all Umes hereafter forever, In "May I Uve out the truths which thou hast taught me through every thought and word and deed:' - Irene Mott. SUNDAY common with the owneJ"S, tenantll and occu· piers. of tbe lots 01 ground bounding tbereon and entitled to the UBe thereof and described as foUows. to wit: All tbat certain lot or piece at ground. situate in tbe TownsbJp of Upper Darby, Delaware Count.y. PennQ"lvanla, 9:45' A. Y.-FIrat Day School In HoWIe. 9:45 A. Yo-Morning Forum in Meeting House. Subject on Nov. 20th: Whittier and be:tnniIll' at a point on the easterly Bide at Kent road (40 feet wide) at the disJa,nce ot 70.13 feet southwardly from the eouth­erJ.. v side ot Wee:t Cheller pike (l00 feet wide), thence extending" north 81 de,rrees 1 mlnu&e east 32,13 teet to a point; tbeoce extendiDl" nortb 8 degrees 69 minutes was, 10.0i feet to a point on the Bout.herIy Bide 01 a cerlaln 2 feet 5 Inebes wide alley: thence extending along the sald 2 feet 50 inches wide alley "What .ls Success?" to be led by D. CUrry Armstrong. 11:00 A. Y.-Meeting tor worship in the meeting HoUse. Jolw. and Mary Hughes wllI attend meeting on Nov. 20. WEDNESDAY north 81 degI'Cea 1 minute east 28.21 feet to a point; thence extending south B degrees 69 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-Bewlng and Qullt- minute. east 26,05 leet to a polnc.: tbence t ID Whlttl B extending south 81 degrees 1 minute weat ng er ouse. Box luncheon. 60.36 feet to & point on Lhe eaa.terIT aide All are cordlall Invited to J ID ID th of Kent road (40 fee"t wide) thence exte~ y services. 0 ese along the saId easterly side 01 Kent road nor1.h THE SWARTHMORE PRlisBYTERIAN CJroBCH Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, D.O., Lltt.D .• Pastor SUNDAY 11:00-MORNING WOHBmp SERVICE FOR THANKSGIVING PASTOR PREACHES A NATION GIVING THANKS 4 :45-0ROAN WORSHIP 5:00-VESPERB A THANKSGIVING SERVICE PASTOR SPEAKS THE THANKPUL SPIRIT A PERSONAL MESSAGE 7:00-YOUNG PEOPLE THURSDAY UNION SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING AT METHODIST CHURCH A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL WHO WILL COME TO OUR SERVICES SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CRUBCB LLOYD P. STEVENS. MINISTER THE ANNUAL UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICE WILL BE HELD IN THIS CHORCH NEXT THtmBDAY MORNING AT TEN O'CLOCK SERVICES, SUNDAY THE 20TH ll:OO-WORSHIP AND SERUON 7 :45--WORSHIP AND SERUON A WELCOME TO THESE SERVICES AWAITs YOU TRINITY CHURCH Protestant EpisCOPal Chester Roar! and College Avenue OPPOSlte the College Campus Rector Rev. J . .larden Guenther, B, T. !L 8:00 a_ m.-Holy Communlon. 9:45 a. m.-5unday SchOOl. 10:00 a. m.-BIble Class. 11:00 a. m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wlll preach. THANKSGIVING DAY 8:00 a, m.-Holy Communion. 10:00 a. m.-Union Service at the Method1St Church. PIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SOIENTIST. OF SWARTIDIORB Park Avenue Below Harvard Servtces; 11:00 A. 1I.--8unday School. 11:00 A. 1l.-8unday Le8son-Bennon. WednesdaY' eVening meeting each week. S p. m. BeaclIng room open claUy. ezcep~ Sundal'B and hoUda1B, 1 to of in the after­nool1, Church edUlce. All are cordially invited to attend tile aervtoee and use the B-adlDg Room. Thanksgiving nay Servlce--ll A. 1(. 8 degrees 50 minutes west 10 feet "to the first menUoned poin, and place of beginning. ImproVements consist of two·mory brick buLlding. 16x16 feel. Store front. Basem*nt garage. One story brick buildins", 12%15 feet. Store tront. Sold as tbe property of Walter R. C8lT. CondltJona--$1.600.00 cash or oertiOed check on day of eaJe; balance in ten dlto,fs. Further conditions announced at sale. H. J. MAKlVER, Attorney. Levari Faclaa No. 1888 June Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece ot ground witb Ihe buUdlngs and improvementa thereon erected. Situate in the Township 01 Upper Darb7. County of Delaware and State of Penn· sylvania, and desCS'l.bed accordin(f to & survey and plsn thereot mado by Damon and Foster, civil engineers, on tb..., fiftb day of April. A. D. 1927. and revised Aprll 14th. 1927, as follows. to wit: Be&1uning at a point on the westerly aide of Hampden rond (forty feel wide) formerly rolled Glendale road at the distance ot one hundred. and forly·tour and tour one·bundredtba feet. measured north eleven degrees. fifty·one m,lnutea and twenl7- one aeeonda west trom the nDrtberly aide of Marshall road (flfty foot wide). thence ex­tending along the westerly side of said Hamp­den road north eleven degrees. fifty·one min­utes, twenty·one seconds west sttteen feet to a point. 'hence extending south Beventy.aeven degrees, forty,one mlnutea. tbJrly-si% seconds weat and extending through the middle line ot a party waIl one hundred and ten and "twenty-nine one·hunrlredtha feet to a point in the centre nne of a ten feet wJde alley (which alley Is tully deS<!l'ibed. 10 a certain agreement between Frank B. Rhodes and John H. :Mc­Clatchy et al. da.ted. April 26th, 1927. and reoord'!d in Deed Book No, 741, pap 613, etc.). thence extending- along said ()Cntre 11ne ot said alley sou"th three degrees twenty min. utes, IIlly·seven seconds west sixteen feet and siny-tVio one-hundredths feet to a point. thence cnendinlr nonh seventy-seven degrees. forty. one minutes. tbirty·six 8:!C'Onda east and PasB­ing throUgh the middle line of a parly wall one hundred. and tourteen and one. hundredths feet to the first mentioned point and place of bea1Dnln&'. Improvementa coDsi81. of .h.o.u..s.e.,. 16%27 teet: porcb ; two-stOry brick front; basem*nt Sold as the property of Patrick D. non and Anna M. Shannon. his wife. gagors and real owncrs. Shan­mort · Condition!t-$260.00 cash or certified check on dar of sale: balance in len days. Further conditiollB annoWlced. at sale. JOHN E. !,fcllqNOUGH JOSEPH .I. DUDLEY, 'Attorneya. Fieri Facias No. 896 SePtember Term, 1032 AU tha1. certain tracJ. or piece of land mtuale in the Towllllhip of SPringfield. in the eaId Connty of Delaware aDd bounded ADd de.cribed as followa. to wit: Beginning at a Point in the bed of Yale avenue in line of the eaelel"i¥ lllde at Brigbton avenue. exlen.ded· atendIDc 'hence aloOC" &!Ie e&aterlJ" lllde of BrightoD avenlle. IKIlIth two ~ thlJ1:r.four Also lot or piece of land sltuate at the nortbwesterly corner of Rutlrel'll avenUG and Stratford avenue, eztendlng tb'3nce wellLwardQr by the sald Stratford avenue one huodred. and siltty teet; thence northwardbr at right angles one hundred and eigh"t7 and one one-hundredtha feet: tbence eas1.wardly parallel with Yale avenue one hundred and attty and nine one­hundredths feet to the Wesiel'ly side of But­gers avenue Bnd thence BOuthwanllJ" bJ" same one bundred and aevenly·four and aIxt7.m:x: one-hundredths feet to the place of bel'lnning-. Also lot or plece 01 land Ii&uate on tbe southe!'ly aide of Yale avenue between Cornell avenue and Rutgel'll avebue. Containing in tront measured thence along Yale avenue three hundred and forty·five feet, more or lellS, and extending In depth one hundred and Af,", feet. Also lot or piece of land •• Unate at the southeasterly comer of Yale avenue and But­gers avenue. ertendlng thence e&llt.ward.17 along saJd Yale avenue two hundred and etcht feet to Brighton avenue: thence aoutbeaatwardI7 by same two hundred and twelve and forty­aeven one-hundredtha feet, more or less. to lands 01 John J_ Tyler: thence westwardly by same one hundred and 'hirteen teet, l.bree inches. more or less; thence nOrlhwatd17 by snme Ofly·six feet, more Or Jeu; tbence west­wardly by S8me one hundred and fln,. feet more or leea. to tho easterly at1e of Rutgel'll avenue and thence northwardlY by same one hundred and fifty teet to the place ot begin' ning. Also 101. or piera of land beginning at. anoint In the middle ot Westdale avenue and on the en.sterly side of Cornell avenue. extending th('nce northwardly by Cornell avenue two hundred and sixty feet: "thence eastwardly at right an!;'les to Cornell a.venue one hundred and stxly-seven feet; thence southwardly two hundred and alxty feet to the middle of West­dale avenue and thence by the same one hundred and teet to the plaoo of beginning, Also lot or piece 01 land sltuate on the weslerly side of Rutgers avenue at tbe distance of two hundred and flny feet 8Outhwes1.wardl7 from Stratford avenue: extending thence BOuth. wardly by Rutgers avenue Ot17 feet: thence westwardly a1 right. anglea to Rutgers avenue one hundred and tort.)'-Itbree foot: thenoo northwardly parallel with Rutgers avenue forty feet: then(!e westwardly at rig-ht anB"lea seven teet; thence northwardly parallel with Ruigers avenue ten foot and thence eastwardly at rilfbt angles to Rutgers avenue ona hun­dred and fifty fecit to tbe place of beginning. Also lot or piece 01 land situate at the southeaslerly corner of Cornell avenue and Strath Haven avenue. Containing In tront measured thence southwardly along tbe said ComeU avenue two hundred feet and extending in depth of that width eastwardly along the soutberly aide of Strath Raven avenue one hundred and fifty feet. Also lot or piece of land beginning at a point al the intersection of lbe easterly line ot Cornell avenue and the northeasterly line ot LelperviUe road; extending thence b7 the easterl;r line ot Cornell avenue, north five degrees. twenty-five minutes east six hundred and tbil'ty-al%: and foUl' one-hundredlhs leet to an iron bar in said line; thence south eighty~ iour degNes. minutes east l.bree hundred feet to an iron bar in the weaterly line of Rutgel'6 avenue; thence south ·five de­Gl" OO8. twenty-five minutes weI"t eight hundred and elghty·tour and thirty.tour one-hundredths foot to the northerly Une of LetpervJ.lle road: thence by the same north forty-fOUr degrees. flfty-elght. minutes west three hundred and eighty·nine and thirly·scven one·hundredths feet to thc place of beginning, Containing Ave and lwo hundred and thlrty· one.thous­aodths acres of land, more or less. Also lot or piece 01 land llituate ou the we8&erIy aide of Bu~ avenue '" the dis­tanee of fifty feet 6Outhw&rdly from WeaJI,. dale &venue; (!C)ntainlog in front measured thence southwardly along tbe aald Rutaera avenue one hundred BDd. Jl.f&y leet: exteDdiDB" in depth westwardly between paraUel liDe6 at right BD&""les one hundred and AftJ' feet. Also lot or plem of land aituate at. the eoutheasterly comei' of Cornell avenue aDd Westdale avenue. Containing in front. me&ll­ured 'hence 8Outbwann,. along the aaJd Cor­nell a.venue one hundred and fllly feel aDd ezlending in depth of that; width eastwardq' alone the said Westdale avenue One hundred aDd ftIt7 feet. NOVEMBER 18, 1932 Oounw of DeJa_ AD4 Blate Of l'eIm. AIIo lot or _ of JazuI llwato ., Ibe ayl.aaIa. beIDa Lot No. 58 OIl Ibe ....­nortbeuterl, comer of 00m.eU ava_ UlCl plan of property beloq1Da to the _tate 8trath Haven avenue: containing In front of SJ'IYeflter Garrett. de. e lied.. .. reoorded m ... _ tbonco _wardIy a1..,. tbo In tbo OIIleo tor the ieoonIlaii Of _ In eald Comell avenue ODe hundred. and ftfty and. for the County of Delaware lD Deed feet 1IDd. e:ltenc11.D8 In. depth of Ulat WIdth Book No. U3. ~e tSH. .... tw&rd1,. aloDa: the ea1d 8tratll &ftn avenue one hundred. IIDd Iltty feet. . AIIo lot or pl_ Of land .,wato at tile nortbeaaterly comer 01 au: avenue and 8vath HaVlIn avenue. Con 'nl lD front mMIlured. thence northwardly alf?ll8 the ea1d Butsera avenue one bund.recl. feet and. eKtend.J.nC in depth eastwardly 6l9D& the sal4 Btratb Haven .... enue one hunclreil and 1Ifty teet. IIetlIDnbur at • polDt on tbo aorthwoot­Mly sid.e 01 PrID~ avenue at tile c1lI­t& nce of tour hundred twen.t)'-cme 8I1d one-te. nth ·teet northeastwardly from. tile nortb.­- westerly· corner of College· aud. PriI10et0n aVeDuee contatning In front or breadth on til. _w .. terly .,de of IIIId -co_ avenue eeveDty-llve teet and ate:a.~ Of that In length or depth Dort;!lWeet­erlJ" betweeD parallel linea at I'I8ht analell to tbe aaid PrInceton avenue one twenty feet. Also lot or pleee of land attuate on the soutberly llide of Weatdale avenue at the dJatance of three hundred. feet eaatwardly from Drew avenue; extendlngthen.ceeouth- Under· and subJect· to certaln reetr1ctlona wanuy by a line paraUel with Drew avenue 88 of record. two bunclred. feet: thence westwarcUy at right angles to Drew avenue twenty teet: Improvements constat 01 two and one­thence IIOUtlJward.lY parallel with Drew ave- b&U story atucoo houae, 2'lz42 teet. Two­Due two hundred. and forty-n1o.e an.d eight)' atory rear addition, 18:121 feet. Oarace. one-hundredths feet; thence' westwardJ.,. 21120 feet. EnClosed. porch. along the southerl,. aide of 8tratb. Haven Sold M the property of Vincent CianCI avenue one hundred. and. tb1rty feet; thence and Alice Nue Olanel mortgagon, C. aay­southwardly parallel with Drew avenue two croft Patterson. real owner with notice to hundred and suty and seventy-three one- terre tenants. if any. bouf ndMreledhtJhgsa nte etonu teh;e tnho*rnthcwe esntOerJl'yth esuidt.e. ., ~~~! ~ certUled wardly by sam. three hundred and elahW-1 ~ !laY ten daJII- on. and BOven-tenths feet to Ian"" of John ~(:~ndt sale. S. Campbell and thence norUlwardJ.y by •• ~. M same four hundred and thirty-five and. thIrty ... ix one-hundredths teet to the southerly side of' Westdale avenue and. thence westwardly by same ruty .. two and nlDety-elght one-hunclred.ths feet to the LevarI Paelaa place of beglllDlng. No. 247 Also all that certaIn lot or piece of land beginning at a POint at the Intemectlon of the middle Une of Rutgers. avenue (tlfty feet wide) and the middle line of West­dale avenue (flIty feet Wide): eztending thence along the middle of Rutgers avenue four hundred and ruty feet to a point at the intersection of the said DUddle Une of Rutgers avenue and the middle llne of Stmth Haven avenue (AIt,­feet wide): thence e&IItwardly along the mld.dle of Btrath Haven avenUe eight hun ... dred and ftfty feet to a point at the Inter­sect10n of the :l&ld ·middle line of ~Btrath H8.ven avenue and the middle Ilne 01 an unnamed and unopened ruty feet wide street: thence· northwardly along the mid­dle of said unopened streEt parallel with the said Rutgen avenue four hundred. and. I1fty feet to a POint at the Intersection of the said. middle line of Westdale avenue and thence We8twardl, by the middle line of said. Westdale avenue eight hundred and fHw foot to tho place .t bBgbmlng. No Improvement&-Vacant ground. Bold aa the property of Daniel A. lJough­eny. Con:UtIona--t1,500.00 casb or certl1led Check on da, ot sale; balance 1D ten days. Further condltIOJis announced at sale. EMIL H. MOLTBAN' and HAROLD D. OBBENWELL. Attorneys. Levarl·Faclas No. 767 MarCh .Term. 1932 AU that eertatn lot or piece of srowld situate In the Borough of Swarthmore, September Tenn. 1932 All that certalD lot OJ' piece of land 'WIth the messuage thereon erected, situate on the southeasterly side of Brown street. north th.lrty .. SlI degrees twentr-n1De miD­utes east, etshty--elght- and th1tteen hun­dredths feet from the southeasterly corner 01 Brown and Johnaon streets. 1n the· ott}' of Chester. in the County of Delaware and State of Penns,.lvanla. being No. 110'1 Brown street. bounded and ctesc:r1bed. ac­cording to a plan of Sun VJ.lIage. dulY re .. corded In the omce for recorcUng of deeds in and for said County of Delaware, 1D Case No, 2. page 17. Conta1nJng in front measured thence north th1rty'-six degrees twenty .. n1De miD­utes east. twenty .. elght and eight-hun .. dredtha feet, and extending In d.epth be­tween parallel lines bearlng ·south flfty­three degrees thlrty .. one mJnuteB east. :Ilfty and sixty-two hundredths feet to the mid .. dle at a -party·wall (the southwesterly lJne thereot passing along the mlddlft of the party wall separating 88ld messuage lrom. the messuage adJo1ning on· the southwest). Improvements consist of two-s"t0r7 frame and stucco bouse. 16Jt32 feet; one story frame addition. u6 feet. Sold as the property of ~I Young and Ellzabeth ·YounK. 'h1s ·wUe. 'mortKagora·and real owners, with notice to terre tenants. 11 any. Conditions $250.00 or cert1flecl check on cla,. of sale: balance In ten days. Pur .. ther conditions announced at sale. GEARY & RANKIN'..- ,A ttoro. ... " JOHN J.- OAili. Sherlfr. '. BUYERS SERVICE, INC. ow. An Association - through which . responsible individuals may make their general I.'urtihases at sub­stantial discpunts. There are no membership dues, fees, or other charges. For further information eaII personally, phone RlT 4223 or use the convenient cou. pon below. COUPON COMMUNITY BUYERS SERVICE, INC. 402-403 COMMONWEALTH BUIWING 1201 CHESTNUT STREET PHlLADELPmA Gentlemen: I am interested in further information. Name ........................................................................................................ . StreeL .................................................................................................... . City ............................................................................................... , .............. . YOUR CHRISTMAS CLUBCRECKS will be mailed December first if you are fortunate enough to be one of our Club members. TO-MORROW November nineteenth will be the Isst day for making your final payments. New Club opens next week. ., ~R" __ Swarthmore National Bank and Trost Company I NOVEMBER 18,1932 FAMILY FINANCE DISCUSSED AT CLUB eJrbt. e.ecoDdt eat. from the .outheuterlT eIde of Po"eO annue (ftft,.-one feet. wide): tbeace utendJ..- BOuth fort,.-tb.ree depee. Uo.1rQr-a1a minute. thirC,..two aero ..... eet P81fioc partlT "Make the mos t f breakf ... h Ihro1ll'h the ParIT .all of the dwell1n.&' ereded 0 ast IS t e ad.. on lbJa lot and the 10' adJolDlq to the nortb. vice of Mrs. E. O. Lange chairman of we.I one hundred. feet to .. POint: thence ex. , leIldlDc" .auth for1,.-.!:.:: detreeI I.ent)'.three the Home Department of the Woman's minutes "f1nt,.-e1Jrht. .ecobda eul -t.en'T-eUI: CI b · k· th feet to .. point: thence extendf.nJ' north fortT-U , m .pea mg at e Clubhouse on three tlepeea thir"'.aix mlDute. 1h1J1J'-t'lt'o Tuesday. The subject of Ute afternoon IeCOnda eset alonJr the centel' IbM of a certain W~ "..,.r, ~ml'1 y R. e I'a Ii? JlS h·I p and r~a mi·1 Y aeYen fflE't wide driYewll7 one hundred fee, to a point in the said aout.hweatwardJT lide of FlI1ance, -MUSIC belDg a part of the 8edpwood road: thence alone the .I&ZIle north home life,. Mrs. Wendell H. Walker at fonT·m cIea"mefI t.enQ-·three mInutes Iwenlr- • ..' eil"bt aeconda wee' twent,.·tlx feet to the pom' the PlCUlO accompanied her Sister, Mrs. J, aud p1~ of bertnnllll". (Betnl" No. 220 Gordon MWlct who played two vioHn Sedpwood road). solos. :Mrs. Walker played a beautiful TOJ;ether with the free rleht. nee. Uben,. Belhoven number. Miss Sophia W. BU.. aDd priviJen of tbe aforesaid aeven feet wide yen then spoke on the .general subject of drlvewfll' at all times hereafter forever in common with Ihe OWDel'l, tenantll and .occuPI. family finance, with a recommendation en of the premJ.eea adjolninl' "to tHe aouth. for life insurance and especially annuities. east. A lovely copper vase was in use for the Under and aubJect to oortaln coooUlona and first time, on the speakers table, a gift reltrleUOD8. from the Garden Section, who also gave a copper bowl for the tea table and two ivy stands {or the new lounge. • • Mr. and Mrs. T. Ross Fink were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Scheible), ai the Strath Haven Inn over the past week-end. Mr. Fink is teaching English in the High school at Seaford, Del. SHERIFFS SALES Under and subject to the pa,men\ of a certain monl"atro debt or principal IIUID. of $i.OUO. together with interest due aDd to be. oome due. Under lind !ubJec1. to tho rJ,hl1l and priv­Ileges of the Sprin&1leld SteaDl Comp&llT as in Deed Book No. ,page Improvements of two and oue·half story frame bouse. IBxaO feet: pareb. fronl: ODQ·!tOf"7 trame addlUon, 6z:4 feet: frame garage. Ix1B. SOld as \he property of Alber, E. Pritch­ani and Francea M. PrilchanJ., hIs wife. CondlUoIlll--S250.00 cash or certUled check on day of we: baJance in ten da,y •• Further conditiohll announced. at we. HAROLD L. ERVIN, AUorne.v. THE SWARTllMOllBAN utea . -. I6YC!nteen aod tb..1rl7'DlDe one--hund. redtha feet to a polnl, aud thenae nortb UaiJ1T. one decreet thlrlT-eeYeD. mlnu," •• teo aDd ulne one·huodredUla feM io • polnl. Ihence borth 1ixt7·foUJ' depeea fttiT-el.-b1. mloulCa eat. Part.,. PUllDI' tbrolllb tbe of &ha parllUOD ...... of the I'-an el'eCted OD theM! Pt'I!mtaee and the Pnh ereetetJ On the prem_ Ieee adjoiniDl" &0 the bOl'lbW'!lt and plU1i7 pBllaiq- throuch the (!enter of • oor1ain e-lkht feet wide drive • .,. le.adiDC" north-eAblwardl,. tnto RialOJ' BUn road. ODe hundred lhirty and Ihln,.·three one·hundred.tha feet to a point on. the atoreaald 8OuthweeterJ7 aide of R~ Sun road, and thence alOIll' the lame soulheae\. wardl7 on the BI'C oi a dre1e cutTllIg- to tbe rlJ;ht wflh a radh18 of eJ.-ht oundrecl DlDOb'­alx and th1rt7· one-bUDdredths feet the arc diSlan<le of "thit17-t'lt'O 8Qd ft117'0 one. hundredt~ feet to the Jl.nt mentioned poin' and place of becinnlDl'. Under and .ubJect to ~ain bulldlD.l" n. Itrlcllone:. Togetber witb the free and common uae. right. liberty and prlvilen of • <:erIaI.n e1 .. bt feet wide drlvewB7, in COmDlon with tbe ownera, tenants and. Occupier. of the premo lees Immediately adjoining to tho northweel as and for a pa&88l'ewar and drivew&)'" at all IImee hereafter tOl'8JW. Reaervilll' thereout unto the wd Frank B. Shriver, hill heirs and uall'DII. ownert, tenants and occupiers of the premlees immediatel, ad. adJoinlne to the northwest, the free and un­InterrUPted uae. riJht, llberty and PrlriJel'8 of the above mentioned elgbt fORt wIde drive­W8J' aa and tor a paaaagewa,- and drivew.,. at all timel herealter torever. Improvementl conallt. of two and one-baJl atol7 atone m.d Ituooo hOUle, 18x30 feet. Porch front. OOO'Btol7 .tucco addiUon. IsO foot. Stueco .. arap. hIS foot. Sold as the Propert7 of .E11zabeth E. Don­aldson. Cooditlone-S250,OQ cuh or cert1f1ed cheek. on day of sale: balance in ten d8J'8. Further conditions announced at lIale. Sberiff Sales of Beal Estate At the Sherl1f's Office Court. Ronee, Media. PennQ'lvaola Saturdv, November 26, 1932 9:30 o'clock" A. M. Fieri FaeJaa No. 363 HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. Esstern Standard Time Pieri Faclu No_ 713 September Term, 1932 AIl that certain lot or piece of ITOUnd with tbe buildings and improvements thereon erect­ed, situate 1n "the Townshlp of 8prindeld, Delaware County. PellllllJ'lVllnia, bounded and deaaibed accordin8' to a certain 'pJan and sur ... "VeT thereon made by Damon and Foster, C. E .• U.,p.!r Darb,.. PenIl8Ylvania. dated Febru&rJ' 23, 1921 and revised Aprll 28. 1927. as fol­Iowa, to wit.: Be.tnnlnl" at a poInt on. the lIOuthwester!7: side 01 Sedgewood road (for&y feet wide) at tbe distance 01 two hundred fort,.-eight and sixty-three one-bundredi.hs feet measured. aouth forW·a1x degrees twenty-three minules twenl)"- IOOOMll£1 F. Brings Water to VOU! WATER •• , aparlding water, pure and delicious, comes mshiug !lDd gushing out of your. faucet ••• the inatant you lum. it on. It comea &om "On. the hill .. aad far away"-through milea and miles of pipe lines that climb to the heights and deocend to the "\'alley8& There are big pipes and little pipes. Some pipe. are thirty inches in diameter at the pumping elations. Others are .. II!Imall as six inches in diameter for use in residential districts. Altogether, there are more than a thoU&llDd miles of these pipes laid in the ground, . Piping, pumping, inapeclion and care •.• twenty-Cour hours a d~y are only a few of the many reasons why the water that you drink i! truly "CERTIFIED WATER from Pedigreed Streams" , PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY"' .THfJllGBT lor Pare .. t • ••• Gf slckdlJiJ 01 nigkll OOatan emerfjeNCIJ to face wltlwuta TELEPHONE in lJour Iwmel September Term. 1932 . All that wrtain lot or pIece of ll'Ouod with tbe improvements thereon erected. lIiluate In the Township of Springfleld,. County of Dela. ware and State of PeDllllYlvania, bounded and desc..1bed aeoordlng to a certain plan and survey thereof made by Damon and :roBter. C. E. Upper Darby. Pa., Febru817 23rd, 1921, and revIsed Aprll 28th. 1927. &II follows, to wit: Bl'cinniog al a point on the aouthwe2terly e111e of Sedgewood road (forb' feet wide) at. the dlltauC8 of one hundred ninet7-1ix. feet and sixty·tbree one-hundredtha of a foot meas­ured aouth fort,-six degrees t wenty·three min· twenty-eight seconds east from the soutb­eaeter'y aide 01 Powell avenue (flfty-onc feet wide): thenre extending south tol17-lhree de· grees thirt,·slx minutes thirty.two seconds weal. partly throurh the party wall of the dwelling. erected on the berein deecr1bed. lot and tho 101 adjoining to the northwest. uno hundred leet to a poin"t: 'hence ezt.enJinl' BOulb fol1.y-six degrees twenl,.-thJ"ee minutes twenty-eight seconds eas' twenlJ'·a1.:I: teet to a point; thence extending north forty-tbrua de­~ th1rt7·s!.x: minues thlr&y·lwO aeconds east. putlJ" passing throUgh tbe party wall of ,wo certain garages about &0 be erected on lhe herein descrIbed 101. and the lot adjoining to the lIoutheast and along ",be center line of a certain Beven feet wide drivew87. one hun· dred feet to a point In the aaid BOuthwestel'ly side of SecJgewood road; thenco along- the same nonh fort.y-ab:: degrees twen\7-{hree miDutes twenty-elghl &econda west. twenty-alI feet to the point and place of becinDlng. BeIng No. 218 Sedtewood road. .... sUbJeCt· \ocerTain-eoiiditiom resUictions and reservations. Together wUh lhe tree light •. use. llOOrty and privUege of the aforeaald seven teet wide drlvew&¥" at all Urnes hereatter lorever. in common with "be owners. tenants and occu· piers ot 'he premiaea adjoinLng to the south· east. Improvements conalat of two and oDe·half­stol' 7 stucco house, 18x36 feet: porch frOnt: one-story stucco addition. 6x6 feel: concrete block garage. 9dS toot. Sold 88 the propert.7 of Vil'ginia A. Brande. CondiUon&--$250.00 cash 01' certified check on day ot sale; balance in ten days. Further condltlona announced at sale. HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. Fieri Facias No. 618 September Term, 1932 All that certain 101 or piece of cround with the bulldln&'B and improvements erected ,thereon situate In the Township ot Havertord. Coun.,. of Delaware and State ot Pennsylvania, dealg· nated and known as Lot No. 88 on a certain Bune," and plan thereof made for Mr, Frank R. Shriver by Alva L. Borers. B. L. S .. Ard­more. Penna., on. April 30, 1928, and bounded. and deacribeJ. according to ~ certain renDed plan thereot made June 14, 1927. M follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on tbe soutbwester17 aide of RiBing Sun rolld (forty· fee"t wide) at tbe distance of fort,. feel mea8~ north­westwardly along tbe said slde of Riaing Sun road trom its intersection with &he north­wea~ IY side of Malvern road (forty-five feel wide) thence extendlll8" south aix1y-eil'ht de· gI"eeS three minutes wee"t Ioartb" passing throUgh the center of the party wall between these premises IlDd the premises adjoining to the loutheaat. ono hundred. eleven and elgb1. one· hundredtbs leet to a point', thence nonh twenty.four degrees two minutC.l!l west elghteeu and JltlY-one oDe-hWldredtbs feet ·to a point. thence 8Out6 eixly-five degrees fitly-eigM min' LESS THAN A DIME A DAY You can have a telephone in your home for less than 10 cents a day! For the Monthly Rates call or inquire at-the BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any Bell employee THE BEl L TELEPHONE COMP~NY OF PENNSYLVANIA Fieri Pacla! No. 388 September Term. 1932 All those two certain lola or pieces of ground wUh the bulldinp and improvements thereon erected situate at Manoa in the Town­ahip of Havertonl. CoonlY at Delaware and State of PennQ"lvanla, deallPl8ted and known 811 Lota 90 and 91 on a cer1.aln plan 01 Iota called "Kanoa" of the Manoa Development Company recorded In tbe Oftlce for the Re­cording of DeedB. etc .• In and for the COUDly of Dela.ware at Media, Peona., in Plan J'Ile No.2, page 4, and more particularly described lUI tollowa. to wit: SUu~o on the nonheBllterly side of Shel· bourne road (torty feet wide) at the dllllance of three hundred eJghty·three and eJl"hf.7 one­bnndredtbs feet measured north twentT-one de~1!I fony minutes weal along the Bald side of Shelbouroe road from itll interaecli.on with tho nOrthwesierly side of Msnoa. road (111&y feet wide). Containing in front or breadth nol1.hweslwardly along the .aid aide of Sbel­boUrne road fony feet (each lot being twenl7 feet. wIde) and extending of tbat width in length or depth northeastwardly between par­allel lines al rlgh, angles to llaid 8helboume road one hundred twentJ'-flve feet. Under snd subject to covenants and reo strietiob8 of record. Improvements conslal of t "0 and one-half story stone and stucco house, 21x83 leet. P.o.rc.h tront. Stucco gtU'BP, 9xl.8 feet. . . . Sold as the property 01 Gladyll H. Rutter. Conditiona---$260.00 caah or certlfled check on d87 of sale; balance In ten cbQ's. Further conditions announcecl at sale. HAROLD L. ~RVIN. Attorney. FierI Faclaa No. 802 September Tenn, 1932 All those certain two Iota or pieces of iand. designated as Nos. 87 and 68 on the recorded plan of Madison Heights, altuate in the Baid Madison Heights. Ln the Burou&'h of Clifton Heights. aforesaid, and described as tollows: Situate at tho southeasterly cornor of Davis and WIlton avenues, in the aaid ltIadiJon HeIghts. and containing in fronl or breadth on the said Davis aY8UUe, 11fty feet (eaeh lot being twenty-flve foot in fron'): and 8JI;­tending- of ·tha, wldtb in length or depth 1 80utheas"twardly along the easterly side of Wilton avenue, one hundred and three and tbfr"ty-one one-bundredths feet. Under and subject to certain building rea­trictione and conditions 'herein full7 ae1. forth and recited . Improvements consist of ODO and one-hall story stone and stucco house, 27x33 feet. Purch froni. Sold as the property of Roben J. ·GearY and Mildred Geary. his wife. Condltlon&--$260.00 caah or certilled check on day of lIale: balance in ten days. Further conditions announced at sale. HAROLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. Fieri Facias No. 2048 June Term. 1932 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the bUildings and improvements thereon erected situate at Yeadon. In the Township ot Darby. DeJaware CounlY. Pennsylvania. bOWlded and described according to a survey thereof made in 1887, by Enon M. HBlTia, Jr., aurveyor, as follows: BeginrUng at a point tn 'he south­easterly Bide ot Cedar avenue at the distance of eigbty feet northeast lrom the northeast~ criy side of Yeadou avenue. CODtaining in front or breadth on said Cedar avenue. e1l'hty teet. snd extending in leng"th or depth southeast of that width between parallel linea at right angles to aaid Cedar avenue two hundred feet. Improvements consist 01 two and one-hall story frams and brick house. 27x30 feet: enclosed front and side porclle8; 0ne-1Il017 frame addition, 16ri4 feet: ODe-stol'7 frame addilJon, 8rlO leet; two·8\oI'7 frame garage. 24rl8 feel. Sold as the properly of Roland R. Stein· metz. Conditions--S250.00 cash or cerUflcd. check 011 day of sale; balance in tell days. Further condition!! &Qbounced a' sale. HOWARD 11. LUTZ. Attorney. Fieri Faclll8 No. 801 SePlember Term. 1932 All that certalu 101. 01'" pieoo of ground with -the buildlnp and improvementa thereon erected: situste on tho nonhwesterly corner of Kedron avenue and Fifth avenue, in the Townshlp of Ridley. Delaware CounU'". PennL, ~ence northwest alODB" KedtOn avenue sixty­two feet. sis: and flve-elghth incllea to landa 01 Jacob E. Mann, thence by saple aouthweel one hundred twenty-four feet one and l1ve· eighth mcbee &OJ • five foot aDe:r. thenae by same southeaa1. alxt7·two feet IIiX Inches to the nor1.hweaterlJ' aide 01 Fifth aftDue BlId' 5 &heoce bJ' aame northeae:t ODe hundred towenty. alJt feet alx and 1Ie .... en-ell'bth inchee 10 lbe bei'tMiDl'. DeiI1&' lotll 23. at and 26, SeeUon "D" .ollom Manor. Robert P. Green, C. E., daced Decem.b8r SO. 1930, as folio •• : Under and subject to .. flrtJ& morlJ'BJ'e or prindpal IIWD of thlrtT-t'WO htmdred dollal'll. ne.inning at a poin' on the northeuterlT 8100 of Swarthmore avenuE'. at. the dlIlaace of el .. hlr·ftve and nineteen hundredtb •. leet nortb aixty·niue cSe(l'eetl. fcn-lJ"·ell'ht mlna&etl we.t frum the northerlJ" romn of laid Swar­thmore avenue and Villa Nova ayenue: G· tcndinc- then~ north aixt,.·nlno de.-reee, fort,.­elg ... t mlnut(>ll west. !!event, feet to a Ilone: thence north fort,.·lIiz derrees, fortI' mlnutN eul. one hundred e",ht7·two and tlye bund­redths feet to a point: thence alonl' Lot No. 3 south fort7-elrbt cIeI"1'eN. ell'hteen minulel eas"t, aixty·eIl'bt teet to a point: and thtnae aoutb fortJ'-flll"hl dtc"reetI, twenb' .minDte8, weill one hnndred OftTc and IleYflntr-eiJht hundredtha teet to flnt mentioned point and place of bednnlD.l". Toldbel' with the riJ;ht and uee of aald alleT in common witb ,he OWhel'l 01 oLher IUldi abulUDJ' thet'eOo. Improyements ~nll1st of one and one.half atOI'J' atone and frame bunl'aJow. 24z38 feet. Bn('loaed front EMarch. lI'rll.lDe I'U&I8, Uiz21 feel. Bold .. the propert,. of Frederick Lohbrandt. and Loui .. Lobbrandt, hia wife. Condlllonll-$2liO.OO cuh or certified cb~k on d.,. of sale: balanCB In ten d.,.,. Purlhor condJUonl announced. at sale. Under and IUbJed to t'ertaln oondltiou aod feBtriCUOns sa now appear of reeord. HOWARD X. LUTZ. AUorne7. FIeri Facias No. 810 September Term, 1932 Improvement! conalst ot Iwo aDd one-balf story frame bOUR, 24r.!1 feet. Encloaed front porch. One-Btory Irame addition. 5l:15 feet. Frame 'farDge. 18I8 feet. Frame !bed, 6Ox12 fcet. Frame shed. 0x24 teet. AU tbat certain lot or piece of lP'Oubd. ,ituale in the Townlhip of Ridley. Conn"L7 of Delawaftl and Slate of PenI1.l!l71vanla.· eom. po8ed of greater part. of Lots No. 1 and a lJtnall tri9nguJar pan of Lot NO.2. Tract No. I, as ,hOWD on plan of lands of Rutledge Land Company as recorded 1n the oMce for tbe recording ot deede in and lor the .aid County 01 Delaware in Deed Book W. No.4. pap 699. and de!lCribed aceordilll' to plan by Sold lUI the propert,. of Georp H. Turner and Leila B. Tumer, his wUe. ConditiODA--'250.00 cam or certlfted ~heek on day ot sale; balance In ten dlQ's. Further conditiona announced at Ale. HOWARD M_ LUTZ, AUorne~. JOHN J. CAIN. SherUl'. Want Delieious Food! "The Inn" is famous for its hospitality. old· fashioned courtesy and delicious food. Come ol!1: today ••• you are welcome to our table. StratLHaven SwarthlDore. PeDDa. Tune in "Fame and Fortune" WCAU SUNDAY, 8 P. M. "Famous Reading Anthracite Program Egg Stove Cash Prices plus Penna_ State Tax 1% :$1l.50 .$1l.75 Buckwht>.Bt .. Nut Pea . . $7.50 .$1l.50 $9.75 .Reading Super-clean Hard Coal Delivered Anywhere in Philadelphia & Suburbs Recommended and Sold By Mason ·Heflin COAL co. Phone Swarthmore 345 Today A Milestone Alw-ays Helps Naw that the Election is over let', get on with our knitting I For many months, reaching a crescendo in the past few days, we have heard much-TALK. That is behind us now. The result is known. Winner and loser alike may reioice in one fact: We are free now to go forward with action to improve conditions, to recognize the be"er~ent which already nos been effected and to build upon It steadily and purposefully. Politics has its time and place. It has hod bolh recently, almost to the exclusion of more import?nt concerns .. Now it is time for working and plannmg and building. And there is plenty of room. A mi/e,tone is helpful. Let', move on to the next one I PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A Pion .. r In Voluntaril, Estoblilhin" Low Rat .. for AI' Eledric s.rrice

---------- Page 13 ----------

6 THE SWAR'IHMOREAN . NOVEMBER 18, 1932 COOPERATIVE STORE TO BE ESTABLISHED BY WELFARE WORKERS Nolhillg will be left ulldone by Ihe \Vel fare workers and the Employment Relief organization of the borough to raise additional funds and provide addi­tional necessities for families in Central Delaware County during the coming win­ter. tion in communities where these fund:; arc distributed, to have the recipients work out the amount of their food orders at JOe an hour. This plan is in operation here, a number of men being given work each day by the borough secretary. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE Notice is hereby id\·t'll that the (Ol!owhlg Ordinance Ims Ixoen introduced Intu Cuuneil lind wUl be (!omlldered tor 1J000ge at. a. mooting to SECTION 3. Excell' 88 herein modi8ecI and I Baltimore I-Jke between Cedar Laue and 'be aDl('ndl-d. the provi8ioILs of tbe said Zoning Ealllerl)" boulIIJ~ry of tbe Borougb 01 8wartb. Onlimlll~ 0; 1028. as well as the 8ubtleQuent more. amendments therelo. shaU. in all otht'r res., Dy onlt'r ot Boroul'lI Council. IK'(:18. UPllly to and be bindillg upon ~aid I ALBERT N. GARRETT. JR" ~rlY abultillg 011 the South(.'rly 8ide o( Borougb 8ecret8l')', Ninety quarts of milk a day are also being given out in Central Delaware County by the Welfare Organization in Borough hall. This item is paid for out of Ihe Governor's $100,000 milk lund. be held Thursday evening. Dt!oomber 1&, 1932. in Couudl Cbamlx'r. Borough Hall. at 7:4G 1·. M. Any IN!I'8OII11 who are interellted In the 8amo may aJ)JJear at that time and they wilJ be heard by Council. ~ce No~,---- BACHMAN'S QlJALITY MARKET YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa.183 Thi. week Mrs. William· T. Johnson, chairman of the Employment Relief com­mittee, announced that a Cooperative Store will be opened at once in the build­ing formerly occupied by the Engle Bakery al 12 Park avellue. All kinds ql used furniture, clothing, kitchen utensils, etc., will be solicited and placed in this buiiding for resale. The Central Delaware County head­quarters also has been given $4,000 out of Ihe R. F. C. lunds loaned 10 Ihis slale by the Federal Government. Red Cross flour is also being given out from oorough hal1. These orders arc being filled by John Detlefsen and Lawrence who are both doing volunteer work. Volunteer social workers in borough hall the J1ast week have included Mrs. Miichael Kovalenko and Mrs. Dalterlh­waite. Mrs, Johnson hopes that the Quality of the merchandise will result in its resale to many residents DC this community. The store will not oilly aid people who have limited funds with which to buy neces­sities but the proceeds will be used by the Employment Relief organization for aid­ing needy people, Volunteers are wanted to clerk in the store. The following women ha\'e been work~ iug as volunteer writers of weekly food orders: Mrs. Thomas Safford; Mrs, C. M. C. Lewis, Mrs. Eva S. Paul, Miss Sullivan, Mrs. Walter James, Mrs. Wil­liam R. Landis, and Mrs. Julia Kent. •• II The RelieC organization is also begin­ning a campaign to secure used toys to be repaired by members of the Junior sec­tion of the Woman's Club and by the Boy Scouts (or distribution at Christmas time. The \Velfare Federation is now distrib­uting food orders each week to about 300 families. These orders arc paid for by the funds (rom the Talbot Act passed in the special session of the State Legis­lature this year. Governor Pinchot en· courages non-profit making organiza- Swarthmore Market 411 Dartmouth Avenue Phone Sw. 47 or 48 Fresh Killed TURKEYS for Thanksgiving M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ava. CLIFTON lmIGHTS Madison 110 Now iI the time to put manure on your garden or lawn ELEGANT MANURE Fireplace and Rubbish Removed Kindling Wood Double Team DANIEL MENEFEE Call Sw. 1380 20 Morton Ave. • Morton Mrs. Hill to Speak Mrs. John E. Hill, of Philadelphia, re­centi}' elected President of the Vl'Qll1all'S Auxiliary of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, wHi address the regular meeting of the Junior \Voman's Auxiliary of Trinity Church, on Monday evening, November 21st, at 8;00 o'clock. The meeting will be held at the Rectory and will be in charge of ,Mrs. J. Burris \Vest, President. The Woman's Auxiliary is the official organization of the wOmen of the Epis­copal Church, with branches in every Parish. ] ts work and gifts make possibie the carrying on of the missionary work of the Church in each Diocese and thruout the world. • I • Trap Fox ~Iorgan Smith and Warren Bernard oC Swarthmore caught a large red fox in a trap in Springfield Township last Satur­day. The fox was still alive when they visitc..'ti the trap and the pelt is in ex­ceJlent condition. The boys expe~t to sell their catch to some local wild life en­thusiast. • I • 1\1 rs. Robert Glclln entertained re­ccntly at a fruit shower in honor of Miss ArJeen Sny(ler whose marriage to James \Vright \Vyehe of New Iberia, La., will take place on November 26th at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. 5000 KOOK-KEES-Oclober (This is an adv. for KOOK-KEES, made in Swarthmore.) Thanks to our customers, October was Ihe biggesl monlh in KOOK-KEES his­tory. Our motto is uDollblc it!". In ad­dition to the origillal Molasses KOOK. KEES, there are now three new KOOK­KEES- BIIUcrscotcil, Raisiu and Da/c­alld- Nfl/. Remember, KOOK-KEES are not only good as a sweet, they are good for yo,,; they supply Iron, Calcium and 10dinc to the diet. Children like them, KOOK-KEES, 2 doz. for 25 cents, may be bought at Martel's or at KOOK­KEES kitchen. For special Thanksgiv­ing orders address helen dryden KOOK-KEES kitchen no. 101 princeton avenue A Show That is Really New and Different- The 1932 HAMBURG SHOW Clothier Memorial Friday ,November 25,1932 8:15 P. M. RESERVED SEATS $1.00 & 7Sc BALCONY SOc TAX INCLUDED Tickets on Sale at Buehner's Toggery Shop 8 Park Ave. For Reservations 'Phone Swarthmore 200 between 7 and 9 P. M. AN ORDINANCE further amendiDg' the Bor­ough of Swartbmore Zoning OrdinanCt) 01 19~B, approved AUgUst 8, 1028. by reducing- tho amount o( set-back or re­quired distance bctwe('n bidhlln&,s and street lines in tbat Ilart of the residential dietrict which abuts the new southerly Unu o( Baltimore Pike. between Cedar Lane and Ihe easterly nouJldnry 01 the Bot-oUgh. WHEREAS. Ihe Dot-ough o( Swarthmore Zoning Ordillanoo of 1928 aud ita amend­ments requires all buildings in the residential dh;trlct to sct back at le3s1 twem)'·fh·c (25) fLOCI from all), ami all slreet Jlncs; alld WHEREAS. IIll1Umoro Pike has reecntly been legally widened bet ween Cedar Lalle and the ('osterly boundary of the Doroug-h of Swartbmore. lind various property owners of the Horou~h of SWarthmore whose property abuts the said Baltimore Pike have agreed to dL'<I11.1He to the Borough the neccssary 1aud to (Jcrmlt of tlUl'h wid~IIIIl" without cxpense III the lIorough of Swarthmore; aud WHEH.EAS. Borough Council has been re· (lues led by said »ro)('rly owners to modily Ihe cxi""Ung zouing' ortlinance 80 as to permit future buildings etectl"d 011 the lots abutting the new so nth side of Baltimore Pil{e a8 abe\'e limited. to be erected at a leas dilltance tban t ..... enty·five (25) Ieet trom the 8aid nowl)' ordained ~outhern line or said highway. nud the norou::h Couucil believes it to be in the Iluhlle ~lltel'('8t thai such requellt should be granted: These Prices are Effective Friday and Satnrday. Also All of Next Wcek CHUCK ROAST, best you can get, lb. _ _I"'" RUMP {STEAKS} ROUND ROASTS real steer beef. .2<k . _ ... 3...., . .. 17c SIRLOIN STEAK, lb •....... _ . _ ... FRESH GROUND BEEF, lb .. Spring Shou]dcl'8 Lamb, lb. 13e Vogl'. All Smoked Skinned Ham ... _ .... _ ...... _ . 13c Whole or shank half Vogl's Delicious Scrapple 2 lb.. . .. _ .... _ ..... _ . 15c Lean Sliced Bacon, ¥z lb. pkg., ge Gold Medal Flour 12 lb. bag .......... _ .. 35e AJI IOc Spices, Bee Brand 2 for .. _. _ ... " ........ 15. Keeb]er's Saltines, 2 pka:"., 23c Tarta~ Minced Meal 2 lb. jar, ........... __ .35e Maxwell House Coffee lb. box ... _ ....... _ ... 33c Fancy Mixed Nut8 and Walnuts, Jb •. ,"'" ,-. , ,Ige Torian lUee, lb. pkg •..... 7 ~e l"conut'Britt]e, Highest . qualily, lb. . ....... 17e Fresh Crispy Potato Chips ~ lb •... _ ........... _.9c Bog Sweet Cranberry Sauce NOW, THEREFORE, Be It. Ordained by athned Ciot unicsi l ho*rfe btyh e eBnaocrOteUdg ha nodf Sorwdaariuthemd orbey, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tho authority o( the 83me, after a public hearing" held in accordance with law: 2 cans, .. , , .,., .. ,. ' .. 25e Pumpkin, 2 big ans , , . , .. 19c Campbell's Tomato Soup .. , 6c Morlon's Iodized Salt ..... 7*c SECTION I, Thai tbe Dorough ul Swarth­more zoning Ordinance of 1928 No. 2(10, ap­pro\' cd A uguet 8, 1928. as amended by Ordi­lJan(; c No. :$02 appro\'ed January 31. 1029, be (urther amended 80 far 8S s81d ordinnnoo R)lplics to such "roperty in Ihe residential dlostrict as abuts "11011 the southerly line o( Baltimore Pike as lollows: PYREX Ovenware for Thanksgiving SECTION 2. All buiidings hereinafter erect­clf all any of the lots abutting' upon Balti­more Pike bc-tween Cedar Lane and the easter­ly boundary of the Dorough, shall be at least t wCllly (20) teet distant Irom the lIew south­erly line of ttald Baltimore Pike. which di8- lance Ilhall be meallured from such soulherly linc to tbe neare8t part or Ilrojection 01 said I building. The southerly line referred to ill the rc\'iSl'il souther))' line as established by Bor­ough Council in accepting- tbe dedication ot an additional strill o( ground by owners of prollCrty 011 the southerly, 81de of ·Baltlmore new low prices just announced reduced as much as 50% Pike between Cedar Lane and 'he cOIIterly boundary of tbe Dorough. which dedicated lauds abuts the official southerly Jine of Bal­timore Pike as established b)" the State High­way Dellartment of Penn8ylvania by plans 81l11rO\'cd October 5, 1932 and ratified by reo solution of Borough Council approved Ol'lober 20. 1U32. SUPLEE'S STORE Swarthmore 105 , S ott e oe own a Follow the Crowd to our Showroom A SHORT time ago, the new Plymouth Six was only a rumor. Today it's getting more "talk' than any other car in town. It's a huge suc~ess. And no wonded It not onlv ho.. that "large car look" .. " nut only a great new six cylinder engine . _ . not only has Hydraulic Brakes ... not only has Safety- Steel bodies .•. hut is the only car in the low-priced field with the greatest en­gineering advance of the times-FLOAT­ING POWER! Folks are buying this new Plymouth Six! With all those fascinating new features .•. and the fascinating new price-tl-~­just can't Jielp it! HANNUM (# WAITE So. Chester Rd. and Yale Ave. SWARTHMORE 1250 ," ~hmore Oollege L~ , PI. VoL IV, No. 47 Swarthmore, Pa., November 25, 1932 $2.50 Per Year mGH SCHOOL HONOR HOLL Is a Vanishing Party the Solution of Your Problem? New Dean of Men at College 'BOROUGH COUNCIL Named by Board of Managers STUDIES '33 BUDGET Announee First List of Students With Higheet Scholastic Rating MANY ON MERIT ROLL Have you ever attended a T!le appointment of Dr. Harold E. B.I V~nishing Party? Speight as Dean of Men was approved ].I rs. George Zimmer, of Og- at a recent meeting of the executive den avenuc, is to have one on committee oC the Board, of Managers. Dec. 7 for the benefit of the Dr, Speight is now head District Girl Scout House located of the Department of Biography at Dartmouth College and will assume his at Drexel Manor. position as Dean of Men at Swarth. Will Set Tax Rate at Beginning of Year; Will Conlinue Economy Plan NO TAX CHANGE LIKELY The Honor Roll for the first term of Twelve girls are invited to the more next July. He will succeed Dean the Junior and Senior High School was party and each contributes fifty Alan C, Valentine who resigned last What with budgets, appropriations, and announced this week. Not a single stu- cents towards the project. At a IJune to become '\Iast~r of Picrson Col- tax rates, comprising the theme song of dent was listed on the distinguished honor latcr date ten of the twelve girls lege at Yale University. During the the American people this year, Swarth- roI I w hI·C h reqU•ir es A'1 0 every su bJ' ect. each gives a parly at which tcn I present year Professor Everelt L. HUI'! more B orongh Co unci'1 a dd Si.t s contn'b u- T o b e I·IS led on II Ie H onor R 0II, t h e stu- persons arc present. At a later is Acting Dean of Men. tl.O n to t h c score, dent must receive four academic A's and dat;;.': eight of the girls at each of A native of England, Dr. Speight is This year council waited until Jan. 1 110 C's. The Merit Roll tneans that the the parties each gives a parly at- a graduate of tJle Unh'ersity of Aber- to begin discussing the 1932 budget and s I u d en t recel.v e d f our aca dem'lc B's or tended by eigl'l g,'rls', Il,en s,'x g,'rls dDe ell, Scotland. He holds thc degree of ta x raI e . TII e questI. on was no t d eel' de d , octor of Divinity from Tufts Collcgc 'I 'I I better and no D s. at each party give parties for six, and is an honorary member of Phi Beta 1mb the last week in ., arch am as a rc- Seventh grade: Honor Roll, Frederick and then four, and finally two Kappa. From 1912 when he was or- suit the economies adopted were not put Hawkes. Merit Roll, Herbert Gross, girls from each pc:rty give par- dained to the Unitarian ministry Ulltit H. E. B. Speight into effect until one-quarter of the year Harry McMillan, Frederick Patterson, tics, and then the party vanishes. 1927, Professor Speight was a minister was gone. John Richards, Robert \Vhite, Florence in various Unitarian churches. He has position of Director of the Buckingham Members of council this year are de- Cleaves, John Craemer For your' week-end diversion I diSI I C 'd 'I F t Betty Cresson, la c larges in Victoria, British Col- c 100 s, ambrJ ge, 1\ ass. or two termined to start working on the 1933 Ruth Detlefsen, Eui-ice Eaton, Rosemain figure out how many thousand umbia; Berke1ey, California; in King's he sen'ed ~s chairman of a N~w budget early enough that any economies Craighton. Harriett ·Wickham, Louise dollars:M rs, Zimmer~s vanishing Chapel in Boston; and he was a chap- Ellglatl~l Comnnttee concerned With lor new expenditures may be put into op- Kealley, 'fargaret Shoemaker, Sylv,"a party should final1y"realize if fol- lain in the United States Army in the promoting close c<,;>ntacts betwc.:.en eration at the very beginning of the year. .. I j I '1 I . \Vorld War. undergraduates and 1I1structors which . ... . . Swann and Elizabeth Thorn. o\\'er 0 1 S proper cone US1On. For a short time before he entered gave him excellent experience with stu- . With thiS 10 ml~d tentatn'e appropna- Eighth grade: Honor Roll, Mary Eliza· the ministry, Dr. Speight held a posi- dent problems. h.ons for the various de~artments. were beth Noyes. Merit RoU, Edward Han- tion as Assistant Professor of Logic Dr. Speight is also known as an dlscusse.d last Thursday tUght and It ap-num, Malcolm Main, C1ara Jean Alston COLLEGE GIVES 13000 and Metaphysics at the University of author and editor. He has written a pears likely that the tax rate for next and Shirley Shaw. TO UNITED CAMPAIGN Aberdecn, \Vhen he joined the Society book on the Life and Writing~ of John year will be the same as this year-gen- Ninth grade: Merit Roll, Rebecca Rob- of Friends in 1927. he returned to teach- Bunyan; he has edited, since 1930, a erat borough tax 9 milts, sinking fund tax inson, Ralph Rltoads, Margaretta Noyes, The United Campaign for Swarthmore ing, going to Dartmouth as Professor series of biographies entitled UCreath'e 2~ mills. William Ruthcrford, Pet r a Lingle, m.Jved steadily forward during Ihe past of P~HoSOphY'dTwo years later he wasI Lives." J?r, Sp~ight has .~lso .he.ld the lit. As was pointed out by Harry :\Iiller? appomted hea of the Department 0 cr~ry. edltorshll> of. the . C~nstlan Lead- chairman of the Finance Committee Georgene 9riffith, Mary \Villiams and week with all ten teams of the borough Biography founded by Ambrose \V. er sll1~e 1927. HI!" prinCipal forms of which is responsible for the budget bor- Myra Williams. engaged in thoroughly canvassing the en- Vernon. Since 1924, Professor Speight recreation, accordmg to Who's Who, . b'. : Tenth grade: Merit Roll, Delia Mar- tire village. The goal for Swarthmore has been a trustee of Bradford Junior are riding, skiing. and mountain climb- ough expenses met y th~ 1!lIle.mlll ge?- shall, Betty Passmore, Paul Paulson, this year is $15,000, and Ellwood B. College, while at one time he held the ing. eral tax were cut to the InOlt last year 111 P ru d ence P erry, D on P I-per, 1.0Ul'S H aII, Chapman, local chairman reporls that the otirodne rf rtoom m tahkee IpIo smsiilbll et aax towfo 1m93il1l. reduc- Helen Jones, Seymour RUlherlord, Stew- workers will not let down unlil Ihal COUNTY WOMEN MEN WORK FOR While il is Irue Ihal from presenl in-art Thorn, Francis Voslers, Gary While, amounl is reached. VOTERS TO MEET STATE FOOD ORDERS dications Ihere wiII be a balance in the Jack Wickham, Robert Byerly and Betty From the College comes the splendid borough treasury of dose to $2,000 at the Cleaves. news that with the close of the College EI h d H II W'I' Chest drive last Saturday,$3,OOO had been The Delaware County League of \-Vo- ]n accordance with the recommenda- end of this year, this was conncil's aim at event gra e; ODor Ro, I ham men Voters wilt hold its regular monthly tion of Governor Pinchot that men given the beginning of the year. It is contend- Craemer; bolerit Roll, Betty Calder, contributed. Thi~ is practically the same meeting at the Headquarters at the :Media fQod orders out of the State Funds I cd that if a similar sum can be saved out Helen Craemer, Elizabeth Fink, and Gun-I amo~nt as was gIVen last year. Clubhr.use, Friday, December 2nd. I provided by the Talbot bilt be made of the budget next year. The repaving ther Reuning. EI!!hty per cent. of the student body A E' f N h CI d f ~ h Twelfth grade: Merit Roll, Elizabeth contnbut~, .five llercent less tha:- last fter the Board meeting at to work out the amount of their orders, 0 J. ort lester ~oa r,?m ~wart more liain· Elizabeth Stavers Ruth Trostel year, but It IS hoped that by the ttme all 10 :30 p. m. there wdl be. a luncheon and a liumber of unemployed men are do- avenue to the Baltimore pike, ca.n be d,?ne Kathe, rine Armstrong A,n n Bonsan, and' ht e p led ge card sah ve beeh rie udrne bolh dp r.ogram, undIe rW t he ausVpi ces of th1e Me-j ing work around the borough under out of cubror ent _funds without 1I1creasII1g l' thO t d th ttl '11 be la League 0 omen oters a~ p.~. the. direction of the borough secretary, taxes or rrowmg l1l:lI1cy . . Gf;;9rg.e.JL~sing.._ - ...... " ... _-- -~.., "~-" ..... IS ,jl~.r~~~ ~g~J}n_ . ~- ~.-,9il_ .S~~_:WI. "". Tht!"aftcrnoon' ~ssion'lI_t 2!30 \Vat be'lll Alb-crt Nr. Gar.e!t, 1r" -, _. ~ " .. l.ast ·year-the- salaTlc:;"of a nurnbep"oi--.- • I • _. considerably larger. I ' MONTHLY MEETING OF A record was set by the women, Ilinety- cha.rge of ~Irs. J. r:rentlce Murphy, State The Jaw provides that these men calli' borough employees w~rc, cut from ten to TRINITY MEN'S CLUB six percent of who!" made donations, Cht!d Welfare Chalrma~ of the Pennsyl- be given any kind of work which is twenty percent and It Is felt t.hat no which totaled one-third of the whole sum. vaIlla League. 1ntereshng speakers have connected' with the borough public ~~therl'cut: should. ~e madel thts learj This is an average of nearly $4.00 for been secured for the luncheon and for the I 1 fil k- . e po Ice orce wille I was a so re t1ce( About fifty men of Swarthmore at- afternoon meeting. s~ 100 s, or non-pro ma tug orgaUlza- to make possible the present nine mill tax tended the meeting of thc Men's Club of each woman in college. Ruth Kewley, • I • hons. Fo~ several weeks, they have is thought to be at a mimimllm now and the Trinity Church held in the Parish '33, :was chairman of the ca!'1paign in SPECIAL MEETING been rakmg leaves, c1e!~.l1l11g pp the will not be changed, Expenditures of the Honse on Monday evening. Dr. George Plarrhlsh and Worll~b' ISelventy-slx per cen: OF CONGREGATION borough dump, etc. Tlus. weeK: some various departments will be curtailed to A. Hoadley spoke on "Swarthmore- 0 t e men con n u e< ~~ average 0 have been employed helpmg the bor- the limit again next year as they have Past and Present," and showed views of $1:~tO e~chd ~h~y ~e~e ~ogc~~d ~y.~/cm- Next \Vednesday evening, Nov. 30, at ough employees clean out sewers stop- been this year if a tax increase is to l)c the borough and the collcge campus many mt ee ea e< y 0 er ~11~~t 'f . h 8 o'clock a special meeting of the Con- ped UI' by the heavy rains of last weck, avoided. years ago. No figurles are as yet avad"b eDromTISe gregation of the Swarthmore Presby- while another group has leveled off and The two-and-a-half mill sinking fund H ·IS Ph otograph of Park avenue, W Il en Afacudlty' w)oh w erf e caIn vasshe . y r. f . Ih . terian church will. be held at the Il. lllProved t le uinpadve se·ctIO n 0 I L a f ay- It ax WI'1 1 necessart·1 y Il ave to b e contl-nu ed t h e I"It t Ie par k ncar t h e present •m tersec~ d 0- erson, - It de b acuM ty cP aIir'm ka n 'I0 r hye church All' the members are. asked to et I e avenue t•r om Pn'n ce I on avenue to I. 1933' d I kid . · .. n\'e, assls e y r. a In In or er to a e care 0 re uClOg hon of Harvard avenue was still TIC ~\ 11 p. Ii d Th' h b h d d li b d III ex- M r attend in ordcr that they may C01l- arvar avenue. 15 group as cen t e un erpass an ot er on s. istence, was especially interesting as well ~ a 111. • I • sider a report which covers a survey '[Under the dirc:.ction of Lawrence Jewett, The half-mill library ta~ was app~oved as his views of the railroad, the Ben- GERMAN ACTOR TO of the v"rious activities oC the church who has volunteercd his services, Most at the recent general electIOn and Will of jamin West House, the trees on the Col- GIVE DRAMATIC RECITAL and eOllt~ins recommendations for en_IOf the men receive weekly Cood orders course stand as at present. . lege campus and snow scenes of the win- I d k' h C tu lof $4 00 which represents almost a The scheduled sale by the shenff of tcr of ]898. ' Max lfontor, well-known German act- arTghei,S wreopr orJtO IIl ase bUe enr e.c ompI c I e d b y day an·d·a hall 01 "'w' ork for Ihe borough• Rth et I~rge piece of phro p1e rtky ad'j oining 1t1h e T~e Men's ~Iub has been creat~d to or, now of New York City, will render a a committee of laymen appointed last I,. S 11 ~~r\ av;nuet sc ~o, 't"o\\n 'b~s th l~ prOVIde entertamment and fellowshIp at program of dramatic impersonations in- . . , h d' , t yn lea e rac, rna es I pOSSI e a I thl . f f th . April to mveshgate t e con thons ou - EMERGENCY MEETING whoever takes over the land may be able regu arf Smon IhY meetmgs dlor anYf °h he eluding selections from German dramas III lint.d in the annllal report of the chair- OF COUNTY WOMEN to payoff the $8 000 lien which the bor-men 0 war more regar ess 0 cure the original. The recital will be given in I C '1 f CI . - Ed ' a ffil l' a I'I ons. A regu Ia r .DIg hi 0 f' Whittier-House, Swarthmore College on tmioann. 0 the ounci 0 lrtsttan' uca- I.o ugh holds against th.e prop•erty f or s•t reet each month will be selected. The com- Friday, Dec .. 2nd at 8 p. m. The program A \'ery impo(tant meeting of the c1ub_llmprovement~, I.f tlll~ $8,000 IS paid. to mittee in charge of Monday night's pro~ will include: The members are asked to take such women of Delaware County has been the borough It Witl brmg up the questIOn gram consisted of Sergeant B. Brewster, Selections from Goethe's "Faust", "Iph- action on this fmal report Wednesday called for Thursday, Dec. 1 at 10 a. m. to of whe.ther the mone}: SI;~~~1 be used f~r S. Frank Butler, and Richard Campion. igenia" and from Arthur Schnitzler's night as may be deemed advisable. discuss a very important emergency stre~~ llmpro~eme~lts !n or to rna e Refreshments were served following Dr. works, 'and poems by Goethe, Heine and NEXT TUESDAOyl :S PROGRMI which. has arisen. The meetin~ has bee.n POSSt} e a re uchon III taxes. Hoadley's address. 1 Fontane. All programs will be rendered called by :Mrs. Elmer E. Mehck, preSl- • I • · S_ S. PreSion, Sr. was elected Presi- ill Germall_ AT WO~IAN'S CLUB denl ~f Ihe Del~ware CO~nlY Fe~eration TAX PENALTIES IN dent of Ihe club. The olher officers in- Mr. Monlor will read al Ihe College a,!d wol! be held 111 Ihe Phdadelphla Elec- EFFECT DECEMBER l. elude: Vice-presidents, S, B. Brewster, S. under the allspices of the German Club The Literature Section will have trlc BuIldmg at Lansdowne. . Frank Butler and A. H Mitchell; Sec- of Swarthmore College. charge of the program at the \Voman's The Press school to have been held 111 0 I) I I I f 5" '11 .. . . C I H retary, Ernest Wernher, ASSistant Secre- • II lub next Tues(ay. . J esse H . CI lester ,all tha t d ay W!'1 1 •u. c- II eI d at I 4alls- n ecem )er a ty 0 /0 WI 1 _ 'd S I I T tary Richard Campion' Treasurer Garden Chairmen Meet 'Holmes chairman, Will mtroduce Dr. downe IIlstead followmg the emergency he "dded to all unpal CI00 ax~s \Va;ne H. Randall; E;ecutive Commit~ I Robert 'C. Brooks, Professor of Politic~l meeting. and a penalty of 6%. per annum WIll tee, John Armstrong, Sr., Carl Cleaves, Last Friday a meeting of all chairm~nl Science at Swarthmore College, who ,,:d.~ • 1 • I be charged on all unpaid Borough taxes, Guenther H. Froebel, A. M. Myers, A, R. of "Gardens and Conservation COIll~lt- talk about "What to Read About R:ussla. I added monthly on the .first day of each o Redgrave and C. W. Worst. [tees" of the Delaware County FederatIOn which will be preceded by the readmg of Pollee Car Damaged ! month. and all Januar) first a. 50/0 pen- • , • h Id in :Mcdia to view wreaths made a short Russian play, A social hour wiU 1_ fi d _ I alty Will be added on all unpaid County COOPERATIVE STORE I was e.. h - f h I follo\". Swarlhmore's po ,ce car gure III all ,-xes 1 0f materials to save t e cuttmg 0 a y- ,y •• I L. .' LOCATION CHANGED tht: wreath made by The Garden sect~on 6' aCCident last Thursday mght when the \iVhere a ta~payer fil~ds it impossible of the \Voman's Club won the blue nl>- Busy Days For Legton I front fender and wheel struck a pole of t? pay the cnh~c tax bll1, any onc. por- The Cooperative Store to be sponsored bon the highest honor. Mrs. A. R. Red- ,ith e P. R_ T. co. trolley linc on Yale ave~ hOIl may be paid or a payment w1l1 be by the Emergency Relief B~reau of gra~e chairman, Mrs. C. D. Mitchell and A ~ood time wa:::. prOVided by. the nue just in front of Rumsey's Garage, accepted Oil account and applied on the S · Ih '11 b pe"ed shortly at Mrs. George Zimmer made the wreath I Mardi Gras program of the American At the time of the accident the car was several taxes and a penalty be charged D\a\ialery 'sm oGraer agWeI , loccated at thoe intersec-.whIch .conSist ed of sprays 0I, B ox H ed ge L egl-on I.I I t he'lr . roOlll~. a t B orou g h hHiratl t being dri\'en by O'f tjcer Tom Bateman onI) • ,on the ab ainced u e .." \'\'' h'tl e ~ hI'S tion of Lafayette and Dartmouth avenues, I and Ewe and sprays of bernes fro?I the 011 Monday Illght \\hen ab~ut t ,y who was intently observing a car without ct~tatls extra work, c\'erythmg posslb.le The change DC location from the store B.arberrr bushes .. Mrs. Redgrav,e gl\'es a me.1l turned out to take pa~t m the hl-! lights parked in thc vicinity of the gar- wIll. he done to h.e!p our peopl~ aVOid formerly occupied by Englc's Bakery was I btt ~f .tune!y a~vlce to those \'tho grO\~ I I<:rI,ty.. . ~ age., The pOle. is a source of dan-, paymg any. additional penaltIes ~n Ilecessitated hy the rental of that place to' gladloh wlllch IS to spray the hulhs 110\\ I 1 ucsday IIlght till' I.eglllll n~clllbers II ger III that section oC \ ale avenue and has I taxes, :\1 rs. ray lor. the collector, Wtlt another business concen!. with flake c.ampi.l0r to offset the pest ~f [gave their annual card p~rty III COll- nearly been the cause of several accidents. I be glad to conh r with and .-dvise any- Mrs. William T. Johnsol1, who is in thripps, WhlCh mCested the bulbs tlus, junction with the Auxiliary at the, T~ere is no curb along the street at th,is one. charge of the store, asks for contribu- summer. I Strath Haven Inn... pomt and the pole stands unprotected 111 • I • tions of clothing furniture etc and also W d Of Tho k Next Monday evellll1g, ~ov. 28. the the open area formed by the street and The \Velfare Headquarters in Borough seeks volunteers , to work ,in. ,th e store., oro aDS monthly men, s b.nd ge tournament WI'. 11th e pavl"llg f fh 111 ron~ 0 t. e ga~a~e. Hall was crowded to overHowing this Contributions of salable articles mav be I Ell T II d lam,'I)" wish be held at the Strath Haven Inn. ThiS As a result of thiS aCCIdent tt IS thought week with canoed goods and packages of hr-ought to the store or to Borough H• all, M- rs , Ien' erre sf 'a n d . S ~'arth- tournament is open to all the men 0 f th at counCI'1 WI'1 1 appeaI to t h e T ransl'1 f ood contn.b uted in t h e annual Tha nks_ Artic. le'S wd- l be called for .m ,II lstances to thank t lhe lr. many neDI Sif llk'i.n.d ness Swarthmore and I• t I•S ' not necessary company to ha ve Ih e poI e remove d or pro. gl. v.m g ff' f h 1 0 ermg 0 t e sc 1001 students. when p~ople. have no way of deh.v erm. g more Cor t eJr ma.n y ach s. Ot b l_ to attend e. very sess-ion U- 1 ord er to I ec I·I on a ff ord e{ I m. som~ way. The f a cl TII e arI "I C Ie s co II ec I ed ;;-.1 t h e d't ffe rent Ih em.. .. and .s -vmpathy durmg t elr recen e compete f or t h e pri.z .e s. that it is a black iron pole of. small cir- school buildings for distribution on Wed- · , • • ,reavement. I • climference makes It aU the more dIfficult nesday among needy families included 630 ; Miss Mary E. Ewing? a Presbyterian l .,. p .' I tt 'n d a group Bob Perry entertained at supper be~ to see at night, especially when one is cans of food, 77 packages, 29 jars of jelly ~lissiol1ary from ~exico City, visited II ~,~tlS~ ~al!cYd nce ell ere:1 ~efore the fore the dancing party last Saturday turning from Rutgers avenue west into or jam, sweet potatoes, pickles, cran. :Miss Jean Doctor at the Strath Haven of her ".{nen 5 at sUPP, Yale' avenue. berries, oranges, cabbages, coffee, etc. Inn on Tue.sday. ' dancing class last Saturday. I evclllng.

---------- Page 14 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN 1-------------------------'1----------- NOVEMBER 18, 1932 HEARING I - - ---- (:('(H'''II,\'I,/\,E sTunE linn 111 lHIIIIIIUlUtl..: ... \\hu(.: th(.:~<.: fund!» NOTICE OF PUBLIC 'I u liE E~TAIIUSIIE() .lIl (II:-.tnllllild. tIl 111\l tIlt. HtIJlIlII1!» AMENDMENT TO ZONINC ...... ( 11f'~ I'" h"'111 1Il",[,lu.[ 1I1,llulllllllel' eltl II 1 •• 1 lit 1" 1\ I ,''",, tlr Ih, "1111 ZIJIIIII~ II I t 11\ I (11.11111111 r 1'11'\ I~ \\111 h th, ioU"'" '1111 III HI. I, I'd" 1~1\\jjll ( ... 11/ 1.1111 mltl til 111,1 II \ "I Ih. Bllol1~11 III S\\ 11th \\ I ," nut till .lIl1nl11lt 01 tilllr 11\ WEl-l'mE WOnKElts 1(lod Unl4.:f" Ulllldlllllt .. III",t" ~hdl III ,11 lilli" Ie .. t\ ..,.1 "f 1", III_II f, llll II ORDINANCE I' ,.. '11,h I.. IIld I~ 1>111,11,,_ tlj"U 1111 It {Ill .111 huur I Ill ... pili, h III 0IU:fIIIUIl ,II'I.I!I ,loull11, .. II 111' ""'(lIII<lh "hi 01 \11 ~ltl :\ '.\HIUI". lie. Illfl .1 1I11111hu III 1I1t11 IlllIl,.!; /!l\t.:11 \\ork :-;"1. '''' I" I h\ 1\ .. III II rlu [1111"\\111 I H'I"u~h "I'lflll) Oldlllllill h ,.10" II 111'1 wlt'Hd 1111" C HIli II lilt! Ir"-----------------------------------------. tlt.:h dl\ 11\ tht hOftlugh ....\ \\111 I~ • >11"1110 lId 1", I I~ I I II I 1II\'IItI~ ICiI :--':0111111,.... \\111 lit: Illt Hildum.' II, tht \\lllll( \\llltl.l-. .Iml tht.: I mplU\lIItllt (Hilt. I 111,.:.1111/11101. oj tht , oloush tl~ rll ..... Illdrlll1l.11 11IIIIb IUd Pll\Hll .uhiI- 11'111 II IIlH~ 'Ia:-. Illr f 11I11l1l:. III (llltr.ll I ttl 1\\ ,lrl l(){1111 \ dl1rm,; tIll. ~U]IJlllg \\ 111- tcr ~lIHh (jlllrt~ 01 1I!l1l~.1 dn .ur dJ.,U I II hi 1I1111,,!1\ t\ 11111 11'~lIIhtt I. I'll' I t L'. I III III ("111"11 (1I11111! 1I"uLl h 11,11 It" 1'1 1llll,.., gl\lll (11 111 III fl l 1\\.tr<':II' \1 \111 IICI"'.II, .. \\Ii n. 1111 .... 11 1111 the "-'lInt\ ))\ tIll \\I.'II.In.: ()Ir-!.I1I1ZllItJII 1111""111 It. II 11'1" II .111.1 "111( Inel lhl\ \\111 BACHMAN'S QUALITY l\fAUKET 1111:-' \\ld~ :\11" \\ 11111111 lolm"ull {il.llrtl)III \11 Ihl Implll\l!Jlllt 1\(1 t.:1 CUI 11- mllh.t II1!1UIIIIlUI 111 It I lo I]H:r ItlH ""II II. \\111 IH.: "(,LlILd It UIIH III tht hUlld 11 I,.! IlIrll1llh Oll1l1l1l1i 1\ Ihl I I I,... Ie. I.,h.ln It 12 (llll. I\Ulttl \ill,lIId., 01 u'\. I IlInntllll tl',IIIIII..! kltdllli ullil 11 .. I l h \\ 111 It.: "'( hutt 1 .11111 pllu.d III th, ... h1l1111111_ ,., 1( .. L1t \1, .. 11111 ... 1111 h,lpl'" thlt Ihl qUill!, 01 tht I III I I Ii ll1lh"l \\ 111 It nit ]11 11 ... n ... Ill. t. 111111\ It.:'''l(luil ... III thl-- lO1l1111l1l111\ I III ~I ~rl \\111114,1 01lh lid l'tlph \\110 111\l ltllJl\ld 11111d~ \\1Ih \dl1lh II ],11\ IIU.l'" ... lllt ... 11111 Illl Illoltul~ \\dl hl l1~ltlll\ tiJ~ Iwpll\t1llllt l\dlll tlr ..... 1111/.11111\ 101 lid 111 ..... lIlul\ ]lU pll \ I IUllllll ~ ,f..: \\ IlItltl ttl tllrl.: III Illl ,toIl lIlt luhu 01,." 11llZ lilt II I" lI..,o Ill_III 11111,..: Il.l1l1pll,..,1I t I ~~ltl1~ lI~l(j lll\~ to ht 1:111/11..,11 hili Ihl" 111111 ,... plllilor out I I .. uti II (0101<11 (II thl.: (.O\llllor" :;; I O(l.OOD milk f tlud I Ordanance No.,--- Illl lllltrtl 1)(I",.lH (ctunh IIl.1(11 \:\ 1'1t1'1~\:,\(" Illith r 11111111,11 Ih, Uttr (jl11l1l1<.; ,I"", h", hUll g1\lll ::;-100(1 Ollt 01 <HI It ul So" Illhlll))' ZUlli II (hc)1II11I I thl.: I..: 1 l luwl ... lo.U1l.'d to 1111" "tll<.: 11\ I "r 1'1 S IIIIIOH!I \u_IH ~ J'I':-' h) I [I! 111_ Iltl IIIt'HIlI 01 "I htlll III II llil I ulll II\rnllllllH I 'IHII •• I .11 .. 1 III I I .. till' II hlulllm.. nlll h( d t. I • ,~... I I. 11 f I... .11"" I'l I II ~ ~l\ III 1)1It .... ,I 1111. ~ 111 I II ,I I' II I , I II" I .. 1,1 III I II I II II <11111'1 "III.1t 111\11" 1111 II \\ IHllllllh Irllli I 1'lll~111 I ht: ... ..:Ilnh.I'"III.: 114.:111,.., 1111 III /.1/1111111 III, hlllUIl l.dlr hilt! I', IlIhn IJllltl!»lll .111t1 I l\\IUI(.:1.' I lie 11,1 ,It .1 ... 1,1\ 1101111,[111 01 Ihl \\11 I III 11I1!1I ("J1I1~ \"IUllhl.'l \\ Irk [ II Oil h VoJllIltrrr ~ot.:111 \\(llkll" III II'InIllLh \\IIIUI-\ .... Ih IlH.ull 0' S\II1III1I1C111 " Z 11111 011111 III ~ "I 1'1"'; III I 11... 111111(11 ,til IJIl 1/1 ... 1 \\uk Itl\l IHliudul \Ir" II II'''''' 11111( .. II IlIlIhltl_ .. III III "~HIIIIIII \llIdlld kll' dlllku .md ~\Ir" I)tll...:rth ell III t I" 11,,1, II I , .. I hI 1111 I", I '.) I \\ Ilh I< ~\:;II::I\': 1~,ld~I,III~t:IIIII:;I:~ I .. :~I 1t'1I111 Ih<.: 111110\\111", \\Ollllll hl\t' hUll \\Ofk- 1"'11 I 111\ 111\['11 II I .\\ ell (filII 1111 111<1 Ill,... I' \Oll1l1tlU \\III<.:r" 01 \\u:l.:h [und til '''1111 h"III1<1uI of III 1",oll_1t n[1 IS\\ 1111111111 11111 \ lllUll'" PIOJIII\ 0\\1\(11'- of elilll" \11'" Ihlll1ll:-.Stll'lld )'11" llih 1l'11I1 ul'hlttlllllJlJl ,,1111101111\ \1 l Il\\I'" \Ir, I \.1 ~ 1'1111 \II .... ""II .. III 0.1101 Bdlllll I III III\( I_Ie HI II .... 11111\111 \11'" \\ tihr IllIll" \11" \\11- I,d.h., '0 lite I II Oil_it 111 II ~""'III 11111 1<> I III1It 01 II II 1\111 11111 \\lIh III IXI"II'" 1111111,1111(11" 111(1 \It, luilll'lIlt 11.111 l'I<l1l II "I S\\IIII1I11 .... 1111 I ----4-+_--- \'IIl-IO \S 1'1'11 II COUll II hi hl.n /I I ~Ir·-. 1Ii11 In SI .. ·.,k IlPlIIui 1\ 1I1llllhll" 01 Illl IlIIlI'l ('{ \1 ... IlJhll I Iidl of 1'llIl.uhlpllll n. tWit. I tlil \\ 11I1.l1l" lit!! mel 1\ Ih..: /'1 \ l..:lIt" lhllt.:d J'Il~Hllllt III till \\Ollllll" "'1.:1 lit ... I. r dl~l1lhlltllll 11 l IJlI,,11II I' tHlil \u:'\lhu\ tI[ till 1)lol.:t"l' (II l'llllb\h.1I111 I III \\lllirt IlIILTlll'll I ... 11 \\ (11 ... IJJI, \\111 Idtlr, ... " thl Il~tlill lI11dlll ... 01 tht Itl -.1 I I., "lui \>" 1""1 i 1\1111-. 10 111111111 I ,II ':\1 .. 1111 ~UlIII! ,,01111111 I "" 1,101)(111111 1111111 hllllll1l_ I c1 e[ <> .. 1111 1.1'" lloultlli I ,11, III ~\ .1I1h "I I o[ !I,IItIlI' II III, I" .h '\1 111II11e [ H It 1<1 I I II I I, ell 111 I 111111 1\\ It, 11\( , .1 lIil hllm Ilh "'11'11111\1\1 11111111.1 0111[11111 1111 IIf 11,[ hI 11\11\ III III 1" .,,_11 ("1111 II I .. II \1" II I. I~ III Illi 11I11 I lite I I Ihll ~(( II II'IUI-.I ... 110111 [ lu I J lilt [ I YALE &. KENYON A YES. Swa. Ul3 '1II('sI' P .. it·.'N HI'.- Efft'('liH" le~I'icldv .nul Salnl'41.1~. ,\I", \11 .. I N.'xl ",,,,,'k Llltl( K nO,\ST. I ... ~I Hm "U" gr'l, III, IHli\1I' {STEAKS} HOIiNn ROASTS ,·.· •• 1 ,II'.'.· 1""'1 smumll STEAK, III, I'IiESIf (,IWIINn HEEF. Ih. Sprlll;! ShulIl"l r~ 1.11111 •• Il.. I'~( 'H::I'~ \11 !'oi .. wk~ d Sklllllt'll 1I.lln I;~. \\ h"r., Hr ",h.!IIk h.llf ''':,.::1'" H. h. IUU" S( r.ll'IlI" 2 II,... 15. I ('.111 Sill t tI n.1I un~ I.! Ih. I,k~., 9. fJulil lUf fl •• 1 I JUlir 12 Ih. h.11{ \11 I O. ~Pll ~ s. B.·.· Br.lluJ 2 ful' Kt t·hl, r· ... S •• hIlH "'~ 2 Ilk~ ... , J .lrl.11I :\hUt t 41 \1.'.111 2 Ih., lilt 2 -It \I.IX\\( II IIflu"(' ( ofl.,., Ih. IIUX I .1I1f \ UI:',,' II ~III" .11,11 \\ .tlllul ... II,. •. 1Il H",. II.. Ilk~ . P., 111,,1 Jerl"l •• 111;.::111 .. 1 fIU.III". Ih. II (· .. h (rl"lt\ I'ul.llt) ( IlIp", I I Ih. Bn:.:: S"lt'l (r.lnIH rr\ S.IIH. 2 ~ .111" 1·llIlIl'klll. 2 1.1;': ~ .In .. t lIupln-II· ... J UlIl.lit. SUUII \Im lUll' .. IHfhz~·d S.lh 11" 19t 7 1 .!f J 7t 9(' 19c (I(' 7 y",. ulm!.! II lid eltiu, lllh \\HJ..1I1 Ihol1t ,00 /11111"1 \\ClI1II1I~ \l1xlllll \ 1\ illlllt\ 11I1IIhl~ llilt OIc1ll" 1ft Illtilol h\~(llIlIdl (II \Iol\dl\ 1.'\I.'III1lg NUHllIhn Ihl Ill1ld .. trl111 tlil Idlltl \It pl ...... UIIll121 ... t 11:-; CIO Odlllk Iltl IIl1.:lttll~ "," till "']ll.'ll II l 'I 11 III till St Itl I t:,..,h II t htld It tlll hu.:l()n liltl \\111 III.: 111 1111l11.' til,.. Hlr (.f\lIIlJl 1'1111.:11 t ..:11 IlllU_t III \Ir" I I:mn., \\l"'1 Jlll"'1(iUit l IIUT.q .... l" II II II III ollt III d III!.! on ... tIHZ I 1 hr \ \ UIIl Ill" \11 X 111.11 \ IS Ihl olllu.1 :\0\\ 1111 BII OBI It \I 011[1111 Ii III III (111111'11 ,r tltt I 11I1I_h ,I II I 11 ,-. hI I, 1.\ 'II It II I III I s'1\ \ II1II1I1 11,I1 10lIen II ;~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ III wlll"I"\ "f III( .. till 1ft', I 1'111111. II ------ ) .. 'III II" III I ,otllll I \\lth [1\\ I :===:::;:.:;::::::::::::;:::==:::::~==~ "I \.., 11111 It 1011 0 I I ht \\ ( III] III () I 1 III I Ill'" : --.~. -- ~-- --...- t"l'li llltlftli \\I\I! hr.lI11hl" 111 Utl\ S th M k "111,,11 1\-.\\111, \IId~lrhllllk,,:p"'lhk war more ar et th ... t Jrl\JIl,.! 11'11 Ihl 1111 "1111111\ \lurk (II 411 Dartmouth Avenue Phone Sw. 47 or 48 Fresh Killed thl lhtlllh III t IlII lJ!tlu"l .IIH1 tll!lIlut tlu.: 1\ urld ., I • \1 If,.., III SlIIlIlI .11](1 \\ IIlll1 I:lflllid 0\ "\\ IftlullHr( l.H1\..,ht I III gl nd II :\ 111 I Illp 111 Spllll .... IHld 111\\11,,111]1 IcI ... 1 Sllur tll\ I hl lux \\ '" ,,1111 tin..: "'lllI thl\ Sl~ 110;": I Iliit II" ltolotl_1I .r S\\Illli I II ZIIiI Oldlllllllefl'l"';:\o 1"1 I 'ul ,I \(1 \1 I " 1'1:-'; I .. 1111 lid. I 1\ 01 h 11111' );1 IU IP}>I \,,1 111111111 " J'I" 1111 tlu I WI< II ,." ... f II I" .. II I til 11111 111. I 111111, .. I" "Ii h 1101'111\ III Ih I llelllill h Ill.' I" ,"UI .. til III .hl '-'o\llhlill 1111 o[ 1. 1111 II I II, t loll III "I, 110;": , \II Iollll"ll ... III 11111111 If I " ," UII "r Ihl 1.1", Ihulllli 111011 I elll II .. I'll l\IHIl ( clu I 1111 willu 1 I hi III I "Itlltl U \ "r 1111 I IOU 11 ... It III I, 11 /J 1,,1 l\\ 111\ III r'lt ill"" till II III III II \\ I1lIlh 'J 1\ 1111 01 ... lit! 1,1111111 I I II \dll h ,II" I I til I 1IIII It III 1"lIIell hOlll ~u<h .. , ulit(11I 1111 I. Ih. lit 11,"111111 'I Ilol IloU uf "'111 I lUI hll /111 .... uliLl I 1\ Ill! " f' II( I ( I 1-.. lilt "I I" " .. , II III I II 11111 I t .. ( tl [I II el t>\ 11 II I ' I 11 (toUI ,11 III ""11.1111_ till d .It II 011 of PYREX Ovenware for ~llll11~S~i~i11~ new low prices just announced reduced as much as 50% TURKEYS \1'llui llil 11.11' lllllllll.:llll(lltloll 11111 thlC III It I.., 111 I III ],H\ .. l:>':Pllt lu ",ollll II (II \\ lid illl.' III 1[,1111111111 ",lllI ... t _HUIII/ 1\ 0\\1111 .. "r I" I 11\ 011 llle ,ull" 11\ "I r If I IIllm<> .. I l\: It I 1<1\\ III t<1111 I III lit I Ihl ' .... !tlll for Thanksgiving M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West BaltImore Ave. CLIFTON Hli:IGHTS Madison 110 "..:II 1 IItlll\ II th, IUlUtl 11 "h, II dllli I1II1 IllIe1 .. ,III'" 1111 "UIIIII 11111111\ 11111 ,I H.I I tlllll l Itdl til I I • {II 'III! II ILl ........ 111011 [HII It\ III "I III III~h I' III I II IUH III III 1', IIU"\ h 1111 I I I I I III'" II I ! 0\ II Cl '01 I I , 1 'I I til I I 111 fll Ii It\ It ellliioll of I~II()II II (,ulltll 1>1'IOllci OlltJb~1 II PH' \11, l~oh(lt (.llll11 ll1tlrlllllui Il-lll1th II I 111111 ... hOllll III hI 11111 01 \11 \t1l111 ~!t\dll \\1111'l 11111111)..!l ttl J IlIll" \\lI,...,ht \\Hill 01 :\l\\ IlItlli 'II I \\lfl I d~l plitt 011 :\11\ l 111 III I 20lh II till S\\.trtllll1ll1l Pll ... I"llrllllllllllch :'lUI/II h.()()k kl I S-()itolJll 1 hh I' 111 Hh [HI k()()k kl I :'I, Hlldl III S\\ tflhll1 III.' ) fIDout SUPLEE'S STORE Swarthmore 105 e , S , .... ')n h Ilu: Iltne tu I'ut III Inllre on l ullr 1.! Ird~ n ur 1\11 n I I I l.AN 1 ~l \;\URL 1111111" tIl 11111 llhtlllllll ... ()ltlll11r" I" Ihl II1~~l ... 1 mOlllh III h.()()I, 1,1 I SIll" I, 1\ (hll IIllltte h I ),Iul,ft 1/' In .111 dlllOIl tu Ill(': (lll/llllt! \lol"''''l'' kOOk I,ll s Ihul .Ift 1111\\ thlll Ill" 1,001, "-I I S-hulll} It 11/1 It Na/\II/ .lIld j}afl­IJIl' \ III 1~11111111111l h.OOI, 1,1 J s .Ill 11 II tJllh !!UI d h .1 ,,\\ I.:l t thl \ III ,...,1 HI I, \ 1/ Ihl \ "t1pph II >II t. IIl1l1111 .md I, dlll t to tl1\': did llllltlftli 11!.:1.' thl.'lIl I,()()" "I I s 2 d Z Ie I 2::; lUII~ 1111\ h~ lultl,.,ltt It \1 II [1I" III II ),()()" W oe own a Ilrqlluo.;c IIlll Klndhn,! \\ u~,d Huh"!',,, Hl m",. tI l),luhl<: I l nn 1,1 I S Idlllll.'l1 I (II ... ]ll U II J i1lllb~1\ 111,., {,Itltl" .1(1<hl"" D \NIEI ~IENEI EI hlltl1 ch\dlll "()(lI, 1,1 I s klllhlll 110 101 IU lIlt.:d(J!1 l\tlltlr ~o ;o..lurton \u C III Su 1 lS(I ~t"rt"n A Show That • IS Really New and Different- The 1932 HAMBURG SHOW Clothier Memorial Follow the Crmvd to our Shozvroom Friday, November 25, 1932 8:15 P. M. RESERVED SEATS $1.00 & 75c BALCONY 50c TAX INCLUDED Tickets on Sale at Buchner's Toggery Shop 8 Park Ave. For Reservations 'Phone Swarthmore 200 between 7 and 9 P. M. A SHORT time ago, the new PI} mouth SIX wa:; anI) .l rumor I aoay It'" gcttHH! more "talk" than ;Ill) other car In tn'vll It's .l hllgl <;'l((~~S And llG \\ mdl.,\ 'large ca .. look· !t I1pt onl\' h.I': th 1l III t onlv.l glc~t n p ,,\' not o.lh h:1s nor only Safety- SIX c,11I1cic "1l.!l!1l' HydraulIc Br,lk~s Steel bodIes but is the only car in the low-priced !1c1d wtth the g. catest en gmeermg ad v ,lI1ce of the t.mcs--FLOA T ING POWER' Fr)l1,!') arc IItHP1 T thl0.3 new PI, mouth SIX I \Ytth aJl thos" t.aS(;Hl.ltmg llew fe.ltun.;S and tilt: t.l::.Cl11<ltlllg lu.;W prtce--t ..... -· Ju::.t (.an)t help It: HANNUM & WAITE SO. Chester Rd. and Yale Ave. SWARTHMORE 1250 emu-thmore College LJ.bra.ry ~tlllllo're. Fa. ==~============--~~~~==~=~-- Vol. IV, No, 47 S I H;I~G~H~--S;C~H;.O~O~L~=~~~=r~::.::.:::::::::.::=:::::::::~'~'~ ~rt~ :c;ea(·,(nNO\oefmbMcr e2nS ' la'>t 32Collo,(TO 11'1 d \ unh;hill~ 1'.11'1\ IIIl" ..... ~ "- HONOR HOLL SOliliioll uf '0';.° N l b B 1 f $2.50 Pcr Year BOROUGH COUNCIL STUDIES '33 BUDGET AnnoUIU'." Ii'irsl List of ~lud.·J1tM \\ ith Highc.1 ~.'hol.,.tic Uuting 1\1 \N \ ON 1\IEIUT nOLL I h..: IlolIOf Hull lor thl IJr ... t b.'rl1l II till.' JUllIor .1Ild S":lll1lr 111gh Sll]()(11 \\ 1"1 .1l11H11111l4.:d till" \Hlk :'\ut I "1II,..:ll "In dult \\.1" h"t4.:d 011 tl1l <ll"III1I,:U...,hl.1 hOIl f rllll \\11Il1l nq11lrl.'''' \ 1I1 lIln .. uhJul I (I hl II"'k(1 011 lille III'IHI! Roll the ... 111 dlllt Illll.,t ft:t;lIH lour Il<ulltllil \" tlill lit) l· ... Illl :\hllt I":()II 1I\~lIh thlt Ih Silldrllt rt:lll\ul lotH Il.lIltUlIl I: ~ 01 III ttl I lIul 110 I I " ~l It 11th gr.ull lIonor ".ul1 I ulu II k 11.1\\ kt.. \1 u It I~ol1. lit rill' It LIII' Il.lrn \Il \1111 Ill. 1 ndllltk 1'.lttl'l~ 11 John 1~llh Inl" I-!olll.'rt \\ lutl Iloruin lll' 1\ 4.:... lohn (I lllllL r Ildll (f( ~ .. Ol1 I":uth i)dll.'l "..:11 I 1II1cL Iltill. i{()"1I111111 CI 1I:-:11toll 1I.lffll.:tt \\ 1l kh.t1l1 lotlhl h.r.ltll\. :\I.lfglrd SIJ(llClIltktf S\hll S" 11111 .llId I hz Ihtlh 1 hom I Igllth g-f HII..' 111/11(11 1\.(111 '-'In IIIZI' hcth No)<.:s \1 4.:fl 1 Roll, Jd" lid 11.111 IIUI11 '-l.lllollll \1.1111. <"1.lfl Il.!11 \1 ... 1011 <md Shlrlc) ~h.m :\lIItli gf.ull.' \ll.'nt I...!oll Ihhl'Cl: I UulJ 111'-1111 J-!.a1ph I":hllul" :\1.11,..,lrl'ttl ~11\t~ \\ JIlt 1111 H.ulht:llofd P ttl.1 Lmgl( (~lllrgl'lIl Lnlluh ' \\ 1IIIIIlIS IIId )1, r.1 \\ 1111 111)-. l4.:lIth gl.nll '-Ilrtt U.,II 1)l.'lla \1.lf o,;h III Iktll 1'.1""1II01t. I'ml Pau]..,oll l'rtldl'lI(": Pt.:fl \ ))011 l'lpl.'f 1011,.., 11111 Ihl4.:11 J01lCS. SI.'\lllllllf HlIthlrfonl, ~Il\\­.1ft 11'orll IrUlll ... \.,,..,tll ... ( .. In \\llIll J.I( k \\ H !.:Il.t111 1-!llhll t Ih HI\ .11111 Blth llt.I\l .. I In{llth gl.ldl t f.lI.: Illtr \It rtl IllI":11 l r I( Ilil.:f, I till f I~l 1111111)... Iiollnr Unll, \\ ,1111111 l~oll I dh (.lldlr hZ.lhL 111 I lIIk .lIul (.tllI I \\t1tth )...fllit: \Ilt It Holl I hl.lhdh :111111 I hz.thllh SI.l\L·r... Ruth I rn"td k ttllllll1t' \1111"lnlll,.., \1111 1:011'" til 11111 (,I Ir!!( BII., ... IIl! --------4'HO •• ._----___ MONTIIU :m.:ETIN(; OF TnINITY MEN'S CLLlB \hnut 1I1t\ Il1tll 01 :-;" Irthlllon .It tlll{kd tl14.: IIlllllllg 01 tht \lll1" <.lull III thl I fllllh lllullh held III tIlt 1'.lrhh 1lou"l.'oll \1011111\ (\(111111-, I)r ('l.'lIf~l \ 1141 HUt' "p"kt (Ill s\\ lfllll 'I)n~ I' hi md I'n "lilt. .ll\( 1 ... he)\\ul \ Il\\' 01 thr IlIlfOU,.. d l .lIul th..: ud 1..:,..,1.' (Ulllm.., III 1Il\ 't.:.lfs IgII III'" photohl I]lh II I> Irl, I\lllt]( \\htll tht IIl1ll )llrk Illir tht. pn l'llt 1I\ttr~u,;. 111111 01 1111 \.Ini .tHI111( \\ I~ ... tlll 111 lX Isllllll.' \\ h <.:"JlH 1.111\ Il1h:fl~tll1g h "til .h hi" \ll\\" 01 the 1 .111n Id. th\.' J:lII J 1111111 \\ 4.:"t 1I0lhl.' the 11 t:l (III Iht.: l, I Itgt l.ullln .... tIId "'lIn\\ "l:lm., III till' \\ 1lJ tu 01 txt)}; I hl '-Irn:-. (luh h.l!"> linll cnalul I, pnn HIt lutl ft.llllI1lt lit .lI1cl Illhl\\ .,hl]l II IlAnllr lI'ollthh IlIl1.'tlll,... .. I f 111\ 01 till IIllll ot S" .. rtlullon: n_,g Inill~'" oI dmrdl llilllltH)J1., \ ng:ulal lI11ttlllg- llI..,hl III t.:.tI.:h month \\111 ht' "clll:1l1 Ill(' lrllll Illlttll 111 t h.lfge 01 \1. II1d 1\ lII!..hl" pro· !o:f.1111 nHlsl ... tui ()I Sl.'rglllH I~ I~fl\\..,tlr S II tnk BuIJlr .\lIcl HH.:hlfCl lllllJllOll Ulln ... hllllllh \\lfl "ll '\ul IllIo\\lII~ I)T 110 Hilt \" 1(1<11 r~" S S Il n "ttl1l Sr ,\,\.1-.. llt{t..:(i l'll'l (kilt III thl' duh Ihe othtf oJh(\f ... III lludl \ ICl:-I)J("I<llllb. 0 I~ 1;fJ,,:\, .. tll ~ 11.lllk Ililln .lI1cl \ II \htdllll, Sll ntlH I rllt ... 1 \\<CI IIhl I , \"'htmt :-illlt.: til \ 1~ll h lnl l ltll]lltlll, If..: t ... 11 r ~ r \\ nIH II l-!lIl<l11l 1',X<cUltIH lll1l1l111t tll 1'11111 \llll"tfOI1,., Sr llf! lit IH" (.lIl11Ihu II Ilot.:hd \ \1 \"el" \ I~ () l'lCl~f.l\l mci l \\ \\ or,,1 COOPhHATI\ E s'I'OIIE I,OC \ nON (IIANGEI) l11l lOClIltfltnl :-itull toht "'1)(m~Dlld If\ tIll Il11ll~lIlt' I.{dlc..l Blllllll 01 ~'".l1tlllll'lrl \\11\ III 111HI1l,f ,hlnth I[ I)nlt\, (.l1l~1 l'llltl,l II Illl IIIllr"ll II III "' I IIIHltl l1ul I) I1tll nih IHllltl' Ill( (hlll~l 111'111111111111 Ihl t fl 101111 11\ H{UPI11 h\ I II 1, l'tI'l\ \\1 11I'l '1\11,1 \ tiLL I It 11'11 1]11 1111 Ihl r I l1"lIh ~ .. l .Ill I 1 11 \lr" \\ .1111111 11)1111'" 11 \\11 I I'" 111 Prnhl"m? ame( y oaf( 0 Managers II 1\ l \tltI t \t f \ I1I ... ltlllg P Ir" ~ IUlIHlul \Ir~ ('lClf). .! l ZlIlIlllll till! IJu l\lll11l I .. II) It II( Illl III lit ht (11\\ 01 011 I 1I Ir I III I)htfl,l (,If I II Ihlxll \1 Slout 1101l"l 1m lIed III I 'I I\\llll ~lrI., .lIt 1I1\ltl.:d to Ihl ]ilfh ;}IHI lldlhllhnhutt" Illt\ ({Ilt, tOil lnl~ thl ]lfUJld \t Illlr dllt hll ,II tilt I\\\h( gnl ... l.tlll ,..,lIl'" I IMr\\ It "l!lch !til 1"1"'" .. Ir~ Jlll'lul \t.l I hr d II llJ.!hl I I tltt g rI ... 11 t It II II Ihl "lItl\~ tllb ~I\l' I plrh It Ill1dui h, ll!..hl \..,111", thlll .. IX "':lrI ... It t Idl plrt\ "':1\\ Pillll~ lor ... I\: 11111 Ih, Il IOllr till! !t11.11I) 1\\0 ... 1I1~ II '111 l H 11 i' 11, g-II( P If lit 1Iid Ihtu thl 1'11\\ \ 1111~IH!» 1'1 \e'ur \\Illllld t1nlr"JOIl 11-111 t Pili II"" 111.111\ thou~ Iud 101111-.. \11 .... ZttllllHI" \.lIlhllll1g Illr" ... h. 11111 1111 tlh n Ihzl It tol ItI\\\d ttl II" prCllltr (lllltill"'IOIl ( OI.LH;I, 1.1\ E,; X:lOOO TO tlNITED CA;\II'AIGN I ht lilltul l !lUll IIgn IOf S\\ ,lrthnllJrl 1I1t1\ul ,It.: ulih 1!lf \ tid tlttrlll,.., thl p ...... 1 \\Uk \'Ith .111 hI! tlllll'" .11 tll( hllnll1,..,h l'1I~ 19u1 111 th Iwu .... hh t.: m\ t ...... lIIg the rn tlfe \ III I!.., lilt AI 111 I(IT S\\ tfthmt II..: 1111 .. \l Ir h ~I ; tJllt) lilt! I lI"o. d B lh Ipm 111 IOll1 lh linn 111 rtpolb tlil \\Ofkl'f \\ III 110t Il'l tl 1\\ 11 mitt! th It U1j(It1llt I" n IlIIl(1 I rum tht lolh,..,l Ullm" Iht ~JlllI1(I](1 Ill\\" thlt \\Itli thl lll'l 01 till l()l1l~t (hl'st dn\..: II .. t S Itllnll\ ~) 011 1 h ul hU':11 t.:Olltnbtltlll I hi" ]-.. pr Illll tlh thl.: .,.lIl1l .11111 11111.1" "h ~1\(11 I I~t \1 Ir ] I!..hll l)lI ttllt III lhl 'twitnt hll(\I Ill. l]lplllJlIlt 01 1)1 lltrulil I "'Jltl,...111 h Ih II \1~1l \\ I .Ippr I\ld .It I flnllt 1I1l~ I~ 01 11\ l:\l\1I11\l lOllll11l1tlt III lIlt I:olrl \111I1_ll IJr "'lIt Ig I'" 11,.\\ lIt 1<1 I I [Il( III I' Irtn 01 I I .... 1 Iph\ It l'lrtlll IIlh l .11. \lltl \\111 I ~111l I hi pI 111111 Ih .! \111 11;-'11 11th Illoll IltXI 1111\ III "III 'Wlltd Itt III \Itl l \Ihul l \\hn rl 1_11Ic1 11~1 Imll III Ill •• Ill< III Ilr 11'111" 11 l ,I Il_ l II \ tll \ IIl\lf"lt\ !luling Iht ]>Il IIlI\l11 11 l .... rl,llttll 1111111 h \,tlllglltl11 \Illi \ 11111\1 II ngillHI III ..... I'llglll]-. I ,...lltllll1t"1 111 llllllr,ll\ \1'11 dllll ..... u.lluI1 1 lit h,lel"tl. t!1_fll ,I 1)1 11.1 .1111\1111\ 111111 Inll l ,Il~~t Ilitli 1111'1 In 1I1\111hlr, 1 PIll I'lll h. II]> I I I, III I'lL! "Il( 11 h..: \\ '" ~Ir rllllUI til 11 t 1111 In 111 III 111~ln 1I11ltl 1)2, I'll l\ ..... llI ... l11 \\ I .. 11111111'ltl H E B Speight 111 'lIl(1U~ l Ilnlll ci1uni]( ... II..: hi'" 1""111' I "I l)l1UI I I Illl 11Il1.:111 .... hllll "III l 11 II,...t I \ It I .. fli I nlhh l ,1 ..... l Ii .. I, l 11111111,] .... t \II I Ir 1\\ tllllltll I:tlll\ lillllrtlli 1111'11!1!" \llr .. 1t1 11\\" I t!rllr1l1ll1ll 1).;\1\ lhll'llll1 I .Il tll,1 h. \\ I Ililil) 111..,11111 l IIltllJ\!tl I IIlllllt 1 \\llh 11111 III 1111 t Illcl .... t Itt ~ \1111\ III 1111 I r, I \, 1111:...: ti'l I 111 Ill, In 1\\\ II \\llrI«1 \\ Ir IIlld~r~lldllL1 lilt! lIt.. Ilhl r' \\11 II I'ur ! ,,1t1~r1 IlIlll IltIClr'~ lie ":lIt\lll1 1-:.1\( hllll IXlll1tllltXPlfllll(1 \\llh ... tu IlIl 1111111 ... 11\ III .... plldlt 'Itl,1 t 1', .. 1 011111 ]lltlld(lll t\011 I' \ ~I I lilt 1', 11\ III I "..!:Il III "'lll .... 111 h tI ' 11 '\\11 I, III IIItI \llll1l1.1 1l 111111 llll\lr,lI\ III 111111 I Ill.] l,ht"l III Il" \\flt\(ll I \IHnIllll \\11111 hl JIl1!ld thl ..... o~lll\ IHIPkllllllll lilt 11\11 \\'IIII1~~11 'Ihtl lit I rlllld., 111 I').!i h..: rdurllul til Il.lch 1'1111\ 111 hl 11 I" ldl td "Ill III) ~ 11I~ g(lltl~ to Illrtl11t1l1th '" I'ft>ll'''Of ~lrll' til 1'IIJ,.:rlphll" llllllittl l n 111\1 01 Phlllhtlplll 1\\" \ l Ir" Illl r III \\ I" I I 1\ l Ilr ..... Ill1!lIt h I 1i.1 III 1 I till ht .IPPlIllllld Ill!!1 ,II thl Ih]llfllllllli III (rln .tllI r Illp III till l hfl,lllll Illd Bugflpl" !t'lIld~ I I" \mlll(hl \\ tr ... 1\H\ 111.!i III PI!lltlptlII1111" (\ \lfllPII ~lIHl 1')24 I'nlh", Ir ;-iplIL!ht run.llt I Ute rdllll: t \\11".., \\hl' h •• " hllll I lilt tll III I fult"nl 111l1lllr III ndlllL: ... kll11L!: Ill,] lilt lI11tl111 chl11h lolh ~t \\ 11IIl II nIH tlllle lit hdd th..: III!,! UHINT\ '.x O~lb'i \ oTEn,; TO MEET Ihl.' IJlIl\\lrl l"l1l1l\ Il.I\..,lll 01 \\0 1114.:11 \ tlhr ... \\111 h 11111" ft~lIllf III llthl\ \lIU tllIg It Ihl lit 1(1((11 Irlll ... It Ihl \ILCIt I lluhlllltl"t I ndl\ I)lttlllillr 2t1l1 \tt..:r till I :>':llutl\( l'IIIIt! l11ut1l1_ .It 'lEN \\ OnK I'On ~TATE FUOn OIWEII,; \1(111 01 (J \l'fIlUr I'lIIllllll Ihll 1Il111 ,...I\tll 11 I d urtll r" (llli (t thl "'l.lh l'und~ PI 1\ lilt I In thl I I1h'l Ill]] bl III (Il Ctllltn!llItl.'(1 lI\l !Itntnt 11.''''' thlll 1.I"t to ", rt lui thl IUlt 11111 .tI thtlr I nhr" It If hllt It b hllilld 1)\ tht t11lll' 111 10 HI Jl til tlll.:rt: \\1'1 I'l I Il1l1dll' 11 Ilid I Ilnl~1 1111 lllld\.'r tm m"llIll" lit tlH': ).Ie t 111l1nhl r til 11I1llllpl,l\t(1 U1lJl tlfe do BIL! \ {Ilk Ire>lIud tIll" II tI)..;il UIHI~1 Illl t\lItllll'll III Ihl.' hi rl'l\gh "llfltln. lhl plle!!-\l e lie! ... h l\l II<:t1l It.iulnul loll II I «h I I llLllt ,I \\ II1ll1 \ .. Il f ... 11 I P 111 till" lllllllltl!!": .lIuI Illl tlltd "1II11 \\1 Il ., COli HIl r.llth II1,..,lI lilt Ilkllll' j ~I .... 1 I \,", hI \ fllllrd \\ h .. {t It\ th..: \\ Il11ll1 BUht\ ,1I.I1_l III :\11 l'lllltlll \Iurpln Stltl I l ht!(t \\ til Irt: llllllllllll .1 t!ll I', Itll"'~ I 'IX l>Lfltl1t 01 "hulIl III ull (lIllltl 111, "IIICht()ttluIIIIH thlflol tht: \lhull tIIll \.Ill!t Itl~l1t IlItlfl~llI1,... "11li1ll .. 111\1 \lillil :\ (.llldt Ir I III 11\\ h~ 1.!1\11I C' l1Ull tt d pI '\HIt .. 111 It II t l 11Itll till 111\ klllli I ",rl \\lIuh I .. "Itl! 1111 \)(,rtl11gh IH1bhc hllll -..llllrul Ie I Ihl IUlHlltll1 111<1 1.1 I Ill: Ilu~ I ... 11\ IH r I,.\l 01 Ill.: Irh :;-.l 00 1111 "'111 I ,I ... I r 11 II prctllt 1II11"11~ urg 1!lIZ L II I I I I Illl rllll In l11lt.tlllg lldl \\0111111 III llllgl ~utl ,\..:\\l\ .1' III" I r "'l\lId \\t 1.: ... l11l\ 111\1 n \\1'" lhllf1lll11 II tIll lllUI'tlglI 111 !"iJlECIAt. MEETIi\:(.. /I(tl1 I ti,lllg h 1\1" lIt !illig 11\1 Ih ... i'lrlhh IIld\\lIrth Sl\(nl\ ~IXI"fllI11 (Ui'(.ON(atEf;\IJ()N II I III L: II dU111\ ltl Ill,... "uk "(1111\ III Ihl 111111 (1llllnhutul 111 IHrl,.,l 01 hl\l "ttl1 tluplct\ld hll\Jlug" th..: huf ::-;1"'0 l.ll.:h lilt \ \\ III ... "ilUlltl 11\ I n 111 I I I mllhthlldl,II)\I~,hlrtlllll,.,111 l) :\lXI\\tchll,dl\l\llllll-: \:.\ ,0 It lll1.!llIllP"'II"tlll1 'III .\\lr" ... ltp I I I I l ltdupl)\lll1Illl\\II1I1".!II,t\\llk ~ th!.!ult ... 1ft I'" \It II IIllhll IfllllI thl :-; .Il til ~ I ... ptlll 1I11111l1L! ,t I h III I I I 1 \\ld~ 11I •• lh 1 1 gn'llplil I,\llllltlit IIId lltlllh "hO\Hrt l 111\1..,,,[(1 "\ I)r I ..... grq.';:III(l11 II tIl ..... \\111111 lit rl')\ I I II I I II I II 111l11111\ul Illl tll11> 1\1 dull II I 1 I 111\ \ndcr~on. the III nih III UfllIlIl III thl Ilil III l 111ft I \\ I It Il ( I II drl\l 1. ..... I ... t..:1I 11\ )'If 1·.ltne!.: \11111'11\ thllrtll \11 thl II\lll1I1 1l .. Irl I"I' ,l( I t II l tt( 1\ l IlIll II Hili 1'11111 \I II 1\ 1 Iltll It \1 tim .lltt 11<1 111 "ft I \ r I I III I I 1111\ llll1 1111\.1111 I\llllll 1111"gllllllh"IHlll III "ullr I rtJ II \\Imh 11'\ f' I ,Unl\ 111lcltrlhl dlnctlollotll\\ItIlLlJl\\ltt ( .. EHMAN \CTOU TO ctt thl \ 1111, nlnlta'" I thl Ihurdl "II" iL,,, \ollll111lrul lib 't:nllO \I(I~t GIVE nIlAl\IATI(. RF~'(' ll"!,L lilt! ullIlll1 .... Ill,lIIl1lllHI 1101'" [I 'III I I lIl IIllll IlCll\l \\ltkh Itlud Ufdtf., \IIX \lolltor \\lll kll(J\\11 Clfm.11l I(t Uf 11 \\ (II ~l" \ork llt\ "lIlltllChr.1 Ilr ..... rI111 III dllllllill 11II]1t:r..,llIIltlltl .... III 11I1d111,., "'lllllltlih Irlnn (.l'fll1lil dr.lIlll'" III lhl nn~mt! Iht: Inllil \\111 hl ,..:l\lll11l \\IUHIlr II(lU"l S\\ Ifthmllil lolll,.,1.' till I.trg"ld \\(lrk III lht lulurt <! ::;401 \\Illth rtJln lilt-. Ibn""t I Ihb ftPllIt lIb het.:11 LUlllphllc! In t1t\ .1lIe! I hd[ o[ \\t>fk II r 111, hllrollgh I Clllllllllttll e I II\lIIll1 p(I(ll11lltl I bl \l'nl t(l lIl\l~l\I It thl.' Illtil1H lb lIlll hilld III till 1I11l! d nl"ll 01 til..: til Ilr 111111 01 till lllll I IllII II htlltl I dt,I..: l I 11)Jl I nd 1\ Ilu 2nd .It ~ P 111 I hl pI Igi 1m I hl llll IIlhl I It .bk 111 III hi I kl .,uch t \\~dllt"dl\ \\111 tlltludl SlllltiUlh Iflllll (.olth~" 1lI'1 111h It tlOIl 011 tilt.., l11g-ht .1., 1111\ I dllllh 1 .H"I ,hll • I I E'IEIU,E;\\C\ MEETI;\\(. OF OWN'I\ \\ (nlh'i \ \ll\ 111111\l1t.lllt 1ll11:1111,.., I lIlt tlull \\llIltll III IllII\\lrt: l'l1nt\ hh l. t ll l 111((1 lor 111111 "d l\ I)ll 1 \1 10 I III 10 ,h"'lU"" .1 'In II11jHll1111t tm..:r~l'IIl;-, "III '"'i,-, T~lx 1(~lh' .11 n~'l!il1l1ing ul '\ ".II·~ \\ ill { uHlinll(' 1.(·uIIUI1I\ Plwi 'iO 1\:\ UKEL\ 11'11 I I I till" I I" rlh l I'lpll"l1 _ ,Ilt I Il1lt ~'1I I I lilt \l1ltlll III I t 'I II 1111 \I I ..... " Irth III rt I I .11,..:11 l 1111" 1 I IIllthl~I"t 1111 \( 11 ( 11111 d \\ Ilh 111111 1111 111_ II ,11,11 ... II -. t It I' ,2 III l11cl lell. rllt lit Ilh 11' 1 \\ I'll t dl'llul 11111 III 1\ I \\1(\ III \111I1I 11111 I In lilt I I U I llIH I I \lit I I I , \lilt 1111 • t tIt I III_Ill \Itllllr \111111 '1 l III I Ilr lUll II lil \ l \ I t dl lrllll1 ~ I 1 II til 11),:; hwl,.,d l Irh I II I \I' r11ll~ lllUII,."h lit It \11\ I l '11 .111 l Il \\ I "1'll1 blurt: .. til 1\ 1. ! III IlIt up II III 11 II tilt \11\ htl_11l111.,! .J lilt \l' Ir \\ 1111 1111 III 11111>1\ 1\1 1 Ill\l qlpf }In I \l lh Ilr thl 'If)OIl-- (ll 1~lll1tllt' \\(fl til til ull",t 111111' \ , 11<1 It 1]1 Jlllr., hi..:" tit It thl IX I III I< III xl \llf \\ill Il tilt llIll 11l\~ 'llr ,...lll lrLllu.rlll1-h tlX II lIull 1111111";: I111HI tl:>': 2' 111l1l~ \" "1-. Imll! 0111 Illrn \lllll r dllll mill III thl I III lilt ~ l, 1111lUttt..: \11m 11 .., n IIlll,dlh I r tlil 111(I_d )" r­IIu .... h (~'tll ~ IlIlt 11\ Ihl 11Illl 11111\ !.!ll1 tfd 11'\ \\(fl 'lit In tht !tUlIt Ibt \t 1\ III Idtr t, I11ll.:l P '''''llll I '\\ I 111111 ruitll II III I r IIll til..: II 111111 t IX I PJ:n \\lllll 11]-. trUl 111\t Ir'11l Jlrt"lllt 11l (ill It I 111... thlrt \\111 I I I 1 tllllU III thl 11 rc lI~il II l I .. un I [ l't t( ..... 2110() It th..: lilt! II till 'l II thh" Il11lll ... 11111 it thl Illt,1I111111-. II tht \l II It h {ontl.'llIi­ul 111 It 11 I -.ullllir '11111 l III 1, ,nul (lilt III Ill< 1J\1 I,...ll IIl:-.:t \ t Ir 1 lit ft]l 1\ FlI,.., ,,1 :'\"rlh l IIl ... tll I' ul II II "'\\ IIt11l1111..: l\Ullll 1'1 till I' dll1ll Irl 11111 (itl hl dIlle.: 1111\ llllrllli 111111, \\1\11 lit II1tlt 1~1Il,.!; I I Xt ' r I. II I \\ 111_ 111 III \ I, I 11_11 11l1PII\ll' 'HIl 111 III 111 I,ll t I 1\\lllh Jllltt11l 1111 I Ill! 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Ihe.: "::::-;IIII() hlll "llll11 Ihl h r "u~1I 11 It!" ,~ IlIhl till pn]l fll. I I ,11t..:t 1I1II'r H1111111 .. Illh, ..... "IIHlI]-, ptHl to Iht 11111 l1-h II \\111 111111- 1111 III Qlll..,lllIlI 1 I \\hllhtl lIlt 1\11111\ ~II lilt! Il lI~ul 1, r I (1111 ~lId lrolll \rthur Sdllutl.lcr:. \;ork~. and pvcms b) Goethl Ilcl11l and I tllll Illl \llll1o,...,rllll'" \\Illitl l{ll{llrld ~~---.'" .... --. NEXT TLlIl,;1l \ \'S l'ItcH,1{ \;\1 \ I "'0'1 \['1''; t:Ll n \\ll1lh hi .. 1I1~lll Ih..: llIU11l1- II", ltllll 11 1'1'1 i I t, '" 111 (.um III \1 I )'IOIhOf" III Il Id III1t1lr Ihl III IlIu ... I)t thl nt S\\ II thllll rt,; l nll":~l • I • It the.: lOl1l~t (,ll 111 III llnlt (uU'(I('11 f.hnirnH'1l :l1(O(ot 1'1 I ruin I 1l1lttlll- .. I 111 Ih,lrllllll lIt ( •• Ircllll 11111 l,llbtl\ Ittclll l.11l111111 Ilt" 01 till IllIl\\ II..: l 111111\ Ildtl It I III "h htld]ll \Iuhl I I 'Il\\ \\Illlh 111ull IIlllllllflli... 'I\l tll\ lllttlll,..: II iloh til .. \\ fl II h III Itll It\ I hl (. II dl 11 ~l d 11111 01 till \\ 0111111" l luh \\111 Ihl ltlm lilt lion Iht III...!hl,t hon II \1 r' \ I~ kul ,.,fll": lhl'flllill :\II" l I) \lltdHII.Illd '-Irs GI.'Of~e ZlIl1t1llr 111\1 1t: 'hl \\Illth \\hllll IlIlh~ .. h 101 "111 "" (II I' X lIuLl Illd I\\t 11111 j,ll\" Illlllll If 111 tIll !lld"ll\ 1111 ht, '-II'" I~t 1-1 lIt ~I\l' \ 1 I • I l11ntl\ I hltt t I the \\)~" II ~I\,h 11 \\111\11 I 'III Ih. ul \\11 I Illkl l 1111)1111 I I II I t I I 1 he 1.lllrlt1l l h Irg4.: CIt tilt II lluh IIlxt Ilh ~, I 1111 lOll Itt 1 l \Ir~ J lollue". cli III III I 111t I-!"hll t l BfC) Ik .... llll1(4.: .It ~\\ lllll t Ilk .Ihout \\ 11 II \\llIlh "III hI.' pIn 'f< I~( oil .1 \ I ,hort 1~1I''''111l pi! tll1l '" ---~ I llI1~ ". \llnh (.1 h P" gl II I l ~]('II III 1111 11 rc 11 I 11 "\llld 1\ Ill_dlt Ill. II lurlllll 11111 • 1 ," III 11\ II-I II Ii " \ I'" 1\ I I I t It ~ " I 1111 • P II I 'u I Jl I \\111 11.1\( \\ 'I II " 11 hlC\ I )1 t I 'uhtlL.t1 ,,110 "ill l.llll.:d h\ \If' J lilllr I \hlllk \In'l <i1l1t {JI till l)lll".lfl l IlIll\ Il It I 1\111 mel \\dllll hllc11l1 Ihl 1'1111 IIldplll I I \ll till 1:1I11<hll,., It llIlell\\lll lilll'n, 'lh, II III\lhllnhlld111 l hi III 011 Ih II d 1\ \\ 111 } l ltdd II I 111 tI, \\Ill 111 .. ll I I 11111\\ ll_ thl I lIll r,-,t III \ \Ill l t Ill ... 1 \:\ 1'1:'i \1.1 IE" 1'\ U'FEI 'I nE( MlnEH I (II III ulllll\ 1 j I llllh\ l:'If ,,111 " cl I I I til 11Il! ·d "'I h, , 1 I:>':l ., 1Illll1dl\ 1 , 1111111111 \\ III ht dl ll,...1 cl <111 Idt l d 1111 lIthil 11\ 11111> lid I. r, ngh Itxl" 11\ tnl hI 1 d l\ til lll11 ..... 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I I II \\llh'lit 1i .... !11 ... ]I If I til 111 Ihl \ 1111111\ 'I Ih, t1 I ( I III P' ell. c1 111 I 1m _I I I I' II' II 'l j l II I II I II I Ihllhlllllllllttll. \dt!t 1\111 , 1 1\ ,II t ht 11 tl tlH ehl< \\'llIh.: tin:, 1111111 I xli I". 11, 'I Ihllll I el' ... lhlt \\Lll lit \ n. ,1 I. 1 1'1 h I\old 111... 11\ II I 11 till !1 \ 11 1 1 1 \\ III I I \\ III \ thn))]1 \\hllh Itllt'ltd Iht hnll, t'll" " lht:rt.: I" 110 t.:Illh "Ie 111 thl ~Irllt It tll1' <II lhlf_1 III tilt ... hlll .l-.J,; .... jlf lllltnhll .. mllllllr tllllh 111 cltlthlll!! Itllll1l'Ul til 111,1 tI II ,...(\\ Ihlll (111111 JlIlh I Hill \\HIt Ill, :::;tl.tth 1l;}'1.'1l 11111 :\ext ),101111.1\ c\ 1lll)l1thl) Illll1 ~ hnd~ h..: Illld It thl "'Ir II II1g '. " till \\ 111 I h'", Jl lilt 1I1t1 tht pit,. 1111 ... 1ll1)11 'III l 11 d III t the lll'llllltlllll11ul11l Ihl ,Il.t Illd I Il, \\Ihlllll,ld lllllli 111111 1.I,..:h 'llk ... \OIUlllllh II \\nlh: III Ihl ,1 III llllllf1hllIJnI1 .. 01 "lllhl" .lIlhll' 1lI1\ III "f .. n~ht to till "'lorl or t I g, ftll1.!h II til \rtllll'" \\111 hl lal1t11 tor 111 IIHanu' \\hlll Ill' ]lll 11.l\l 11'1 '\.\." c1,1nlfll thllll :111"" \lln \11-."1(1111\ Inl11l '-" ... " h III I Joi.:lor Inn 1111 IUl"d 1\ 1 \\IIl~ I Pn,h'illlllI :\Il=".tt) lit' \1"lt((1 It till ~Iflth IInlll 10 til Ink III (I I I. I 1I~ 11 III nil... Ilid I l1111h \\ 1 ... 11 IlllH 111111\ 1l1l11lb J1l ~\\ 11 tll til. If mlll\ Ht, pi kttuitlt" lIIel "\ 1111'1111\ dunn!.! thltr rtt~1lt lit· Il.t\.lI1lI1t ----.......... ~ \11 ).; Illl \ !'lIlt lilt fl.llll 1d I J.:'ftllip I htl IflllUi "Upptf Illicll tilt diIHIIll: til" 1,,,1 ..... 1t1llt!1\ to\l11 lI11lllt 111\(11 lUll tllllf111111l1l1 I" "jllil ttl ..... ".11111111')1..: Ilul II I'" til thl 1ll( 11 01 II t Illll'" f\ t I Ittlllli t \ I I \ "\('11 III Clltilr t<) tlllll'lil Ie->r Ii-i --- Ih .. h l't:fn I.)ft thl d 11lll1l~ P Ifh \\lIII1!o: It 'Upplf hl -..; Ihl1d l\ thl J1l\1!I...! 111 If lilt III tIll !.!111 .... l 11111 \\1 .. II "Ill t \lln'\\lI1~ till" \ I rt lilt I I till" Hlll1tlli III 111<1\1,..:11 \\1(1.: \\ III l U1llld _ .1 \01 [ Pllkl\..,l" ul '1111 tlll11lil "ill IPlltt! 10 Ihl Irul'll I~ed lCllttllltltulm thl annual Thanks­CIIUlptn\ tlhl\..:Ii1l{llkltlllll\ul'fpro .... 1\111..!'ltlr11l_ 11111 11"1 ,tllltI11" 1{(IHIlI t!lcllitti 111 IIllI \\ 1\ 1111 l\(t Ihl Ifllth" I tl'tdtcl II till dll[t lnt tll It It h 1 hllti, Inlll ]lllll 01 111111 III "'liul II iH1llchnl!" I(If (h .. tn!mtll 1.11 \\ cd­Itllllllrll1t< c IIllht"'lt til tll<.: 1Il1il t!lllll1l 1t II('C\I\ llIl ll_l1tll\ I till III 111 11111,) (,")1) tl'll It III ht t'llllilh "!llll '\1t: I (til ... 1\ 11>1111 'ip! .. 1 I-t 2111:1r ... el J~lly tl1ll1111~ Ir'111 Hlli-(I" I\lllll\..: \\l,,1 ml,· 'If} IIll \\..:d 11111111 I lllkh~ \ f 11- '\ III I\lllll..: befne" Ofdnf,e" I..:ahha!..c .. c .ltl'l II\.:

---------- Page 15 ----------

l TIlE SWARTHMOREAN his sister, Miss Ruth Kistler. his holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Airs. William Earle Kistler of Park avenue. Coll"8e Veepel'8 William Roessler, and their three chit- Mr. and Airs. Dean Parker. will en- The College Vespers 011 Sunday ev­drcJI, all of Shamokin. Pa., and Dr. tertain at a Depression party next clling at 6:30 o'clock in Clothier Mem~ Mr. Byers Roxby, who attends \Ves- Kistler's brother and his wife, Dr. and Tuesday evening at their home on orial (November 27), will include an • I'd' h' Tt k Mrs. John Kistler of Pittsburg. Dr. Princeton avenue. address by President Aydelotte and an Icyan Col cgc, IS spen 1I1g IS 1an s- Arnold Kistler and 1t.Irs. Kistler and Mrs. D. B. Hand and daughter Syl- organ recital by Prof. L. R. Sher~. Thc agnivdi nMg rhs.o lJidoahyns Bwyitchr s hRiso xpbayr,c notfs , CDorr-. I wo c I1 1' Id ren 0 fAdr more were a Isov'i a 0 ([th,'ca, N. "Ya re the guests of I.tter WI'III' "..c lude selcctions from Men-nell avenue. their guests for Thanksgiving dinncr Mrs. Hand"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. detssohn, Widor, Bach and Guilmant. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelottc and last evening. \Varrcn Foote of Ogdcn avenue for I I • Dr, and Mrs, Brand Blanshard, toge- Mrs, E. B. Milchell of West Phila- the Thanksgiving holidays, Junior Club Benefit ther with other members of the ad- delphia will be the guest of her 5011- D~. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates and . __, _ __ .. t ti n staff wcre the b>'Ucsts of in-law and daughter, .Mr. and Mrs. family of Haverford place spcnt The Jumor SectIOn of the Swarthmore ~~::~/:t 0 Thanksgiving dinner and a' \Viltiam Vlachos for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving with Mrs. Bates' parents, Woman's ~Iub .held a Benefit Card party J,arty gi, ven ( or tl IC s t u de llt s t tile aMiss Janc .LUlllsden" of KCIl'VOl l ave- Colond and Mrs.. Roesslcr of Bridge- hT uesday I1Ight JJl the Lounge of the club- Collcge yesterday. lIue entertained at a supper party Sat- port, Conl1. louse. . . . . urday evening after the dancing class Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wickham and The JUlllors w.II1 ~elp. decorate and re- MISS EUlllce Uebele of Bakcrsfield, . ..... . pal'r toys (or dIstrIbutIon at Cllrl'sllnas .,. . III honor of MISS Elizabeth Schoblllger fallllly of North Chester road arc . . CahiorlUa who IS a student at Columbia • • . ,. . T . . time among needy clllldrcn of the county Ul1'1 \'erSI' tY' th'IS 't 'II' e d till'S to celebrate MISS ScholJluger S bJrth- SI)cndlng the hanksglvmg week end T t b I (t I th W 'CI b' Will cr, WI sp II d 'I M W' kl' '\u oys are a e e a coman s u-wcek- cud with her cousin, Mrs. Alfred a;l' d 'I H 'I C ' d d I 'fi'·ltld1.l '{rs . Ie lam s parents 111 ., est- house or the Swarl"morcan office, Mrs, Ga ry \VI u' te 0 1 C 0 II ege avcnue. .i.\ lr..j an "rs. ..\1".\h. ' ClPst Ia'n Nau gY 1 - Ie , .. l ass. R a IJ J I1 S•H a yes "IS 11hl C a rge 0 f t I1'1 5 Com- , , 'I ter II ary went to ." Ite allls, J.. 'J mitt Mr. and .Mrs. DaVid Hughes! .1.\ r. to spend the 'J'hallksgiving holidays Girl Scouts ee. I I • and Mrs, Arth~r Hughes and c1l1ldrel1, with Mrs, Crist's siSler, H. S. ELEVEN LOSES '~h~ll11a . and N,:>rma.n, SPCl~t Thanks- 1\1 rs. \ViUiam Earle Kistler and Mrs. Swarthmore CoJlege has contributed TO HAVERFORD H S gn'lI1g With relatives m Re.aumg, P~nna. Samuel Hanna attcnded the Rccipro- several fine trees and pieces of shrubbery • • . Dr. and .Mrs. }. R., Klmc of ~{,lVcr- city 'rca gh'cn by thc Morton-Rutledge to the Girl Scouts of Swarthmore for \'ICW road spent last Thursday III AI- '\foman's Club at the Rutledge Fire beautification of the surroundings of The Swarthmore High school eleven lenton-H, Pa.. House on Tuesday afternoon. their cabin on Cresson lanc. The site is was defeated by Haverford High school I'Ij rs. F ran k ll\. S unt l1 , 0 (Ke nyon now greatly improved, a new gate having last Friday, 18 to O. Haverford scored a avenue, entertained at a bene lit bridge !1rs. \ViIliam H. West, of Princeton been given and hung by Elliott Richard- touchdown in each quarter except the last Friday afternoon for the American avenue, who has been very ill for sey- son. Meetings are being held regularly third. Wednesday afternoon, as The Legion Auxih.a ry. erat weeks is recovering and has gone ill the cabin by all the troops of the bor- St('Orlhmoretm J. (wTehn t kto p" ress tDhi s wethek Mrs. james H. Hornaday of Dickill~ to Atlantic City to spend thc week. ough. The room is warmea b a large on aecoun 0 an .sglvmg ~y, e SOil avcnue entertained at a lleigh1Jor~ Mr. and Mrs. S. ''''. johnson entcr- wood stove and the new firepla:e. Floor lo~al team was Jlrep~nl1g for their game hood tea last Friday ill honor of l'.irs, tailled at a family party on Thanks- coverings, however, arc greatly needed. I tl~l La~:downe which was played yes-john L. Cornog, who has movcd to giving. 'fhcir guests wcre their sons • , , er ay a emoon. e I • Swarthmore recently from Gcrman- ,",'arren Johnson of Statc CoUegc and Cubs to Meet tOWIl. Howard Johnson of New York, Mr. Mrs. Henry Hanzlik entertained her and Mrs. joseph johnson, Sr'J Mr. and card club last Thursday evening at Mrs. joseph Johnson, Jr. and son Jo~ her hOlllC, 315 Cornell avcnuc. scph III, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Lav- John GHbcrt of Milwaukce, \Viscon- crty, Misses Astrid and Ruth Johnson sin, who is a student at Harvard Un i- of Brooklyn. Ycrsity, is spending the 'fhallksgivillg Mrs. Brand Blanshard of \\'hittier holidays with Gary White of College place entertained at tea 011 Monday avcnue. afternoon in honor of Mrs. Perry AIr, and Mrs. Joseph Fawcett of Bal- Ncillc, who has conte to Swarthmore timore, Md., are spending this week- CoJlege reccntly to aid in the direction cud with their sons, J ohl1 Fawcett of of the social activitics of the College Chester road and Abram Fawcett of and to act as head of \Vorth Dormi- College avcnuc. Airs. Vida Johnson avcllue will entertain bridge club next Friday cembcr 2nd. . tory. of Dickinson Rolling Green Golf Club held its an­her contract uual mceting and dinner at the club­afternoon, Dc- house Monday evening. Charles D. Brower, son oi )'1r. and Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower Jr., who is a student at Princeton University, lias been grantcd a scholarship at that institution for next year. Dr. and Mrs. \Villiam Earle Kistlcr of Park avenue arc entertaining at a house party from 'Vednesday to Sun­day of this week. Their guests are Dr. Kistler's mother, )'lrs, John Kistler, and A void Eyestrain I I I I I Miss Margaret Paxson left last Sun­day for Kentucky to continue in relief work under the American Friends' Scr­vice Committec. The Governors of Kentucky and \Vest Virgini<.. requested that the Socicty of Fricnds administer the relief work again this winter as they did 12.5t year through the Ameri­can F'r,ieu:ds' Service Committee. Dr. and Mrs. Johll Ellery Tuttle and ::\1 iss AI argaret Tuttle were dinner gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Har­vey of Moylan 011 Thanksgiving day. Miss Harriet Kistler, who is a senior at Conllccticut College, arrived on Tucsda,r to spend thc Thanksgiving UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches A public meeting of all the Cubs of! Swarthmore is scheduled for next Friday I evening, Dec. 2 in the High school audi­torium. Sevcn dens or a total of eight cubs are expected to takc part. The program will consist largely of movies showing the "wrk that the Cubs have been doing this fall. The Boy Scouts of Swarthmore are busy this week collecting old shoes and clothing for the Welfare Federation in Borough Hall, ~~---..~.-------- Study Electric Wires Mcmbers of Borough Council ar~ meet­ing again with representatives of the Philade1phia Electric Company '11 an ef­fort to work out some plan for carrying wires on polcs along Elm avenue witho'Jt necessitating the wholesale trimming of trees. Two general plans are being con­sidrrcd: one, placing thc wires under­ground which would be 'JUlte expensivc; and two, running thc wircs through the Irees on a vertical line instead of hor­izontally as at present, --~--- Hockey Coach Honored Miss Virginia AlIcn, hockey' coach and director of athletics for girls at the High school, was honored this week by being chosen as a member of the All-Philadel­phia Hockey team and of the Southeast­ern Rescne team. She has also been given National .. A~ rating as a referee by the National Field Hockey Association which gives her authority to referee the leading hockey games of the country. I • Trinity Church On Sunday morning at eight o'clock there will be the Annual Corporate Com­union for the men of the Parish. Fol­lowing the Service a breakfast will be served by a Committee in charge of Mrs. Harry Clay-" ..,:B::ar:.:r.:., . ... .._ __ WOMEN VOTERS HEAR WAR DEBTS DISCUSSED The monthly meeting of the League of \Vomcll Voten resulted in a very inter­esting discussion of the War debts (IUes­tion led by Dr. Ewan Clague, research di­rector of the Philadelphia Community Council of Sodal Agencies. Mrs. ]. Pass­more Cheyney acted as chairman and tea was served in the Loungc following the program, The speaker expressed his disapproval of all tariff restrictions and stated that WARNER BROS. WASHINGTON CHESTER, PA. Saturday, Monday, HAROLD LLOYD in "Movie Crazy", Friday Two girls changed him from a human checkbook to a human being! NOVEMBER lS, 1932 only a resumption of international trade would' end the present depression. He opposed cancellation or repudiation of war dcbfs but beHeved that the best in­tcrests of this country and the entire world would be served by revision to such an extent that it would almost amount to cancellation. • • News Notes Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wipperman of Elizabeth, N. J. are spcnding Thanks­giving with Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bry~ ant. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Yocum of Walnut Lane, Swarthmorc, announce the m .. rriage of their daughter, Elsie Cloud Yocum to Mr. A. Hammond Smith of Oak Lanc, Philadelphia, all November the Twenty-fourth, 1932. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will rcside in Germantown. Thc Fricndly Circle held a tca last Thursday afternoon at the horne of Miss Mae LYlld 011 Princeton avenuc. Mrs, William lIf, Harvey 01 Columbia avenue has as her guests her mother Mrs. \ViIlizm R. McCabe and her sister, Miss Maude McCabe of Selbyville, Del. h-f;:s. Clifford Rassweiler of Haver­ford place entertained her bridge club last Friday cvening. TODAY (FRIDAY) and SATURDAY Continuous Sat. From 1 TJllll P. M. with LEE TRACY and MARY BRIAN Extra Added Weslern Feature Saturday Matinee Only! Hoot Gibson in "HARD HOMBRE" MONDAY and TUESDAY "BIRD OF PARADISE" Dolores Del Rio--loel l\lcCreo WEDNESDAY ONLY CHARLES FARRELL in "WILD GIRL" with Joan Bennell Swarth. 1441 Queen E.ther Circle THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY Joseph E. Quinby Ernest G. Snodgrass, A(oIsistant DIAMOND COAL DIAMOND co*kE MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON The Qucen Esther Circle of the Methodist Church held their Novemuer meeting £t the home of Alma Trce­thick. Several reports were givcn of the Rally at the Deaconess' Home in Phil- DIAMOND FUEL OIL Eyestrain leads to serious com­plications with the eyes. Funeral I Bell Pbone 4- 1)irectors' l;ad:e:l:p:hl:'a:,::::::::::::::::::::::~; MEDIA, PA. Check NOW wilh Ihe righ t glasses. Reasonable Prices Dr. David Lincoff Eye Sight Specialist 115 S, Olive St. Media, Pa. Phone Media 785 Established Chelter office 15 years 411 Croze,- Building SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHAl.LES Phone, Sw. 1225 .Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge ;;; All Linea of = INSURANCE INCLuDING LIFE = PETER E. TOLD Call Swarthmore 1833 ;=;; OLD BANK BLDG. LOWER PRICES SHOES NEWEST STYLES For Children BUSTER BROWN and THOROGOOD I For Women and Girls ENNA JETTICK at $4.40 and $5.00 FORTUNE SHOES at . FOR MEN! $3.50 I FRIENDLY $5.00 . . , , , . . .. FIVE SHOES at REBER'S SHOE SHOP MONROE ST. BELOW STATE OPEN EVERY EVENING MEDIA OH, MRS. GRAYl Your home looks just lovely, slich good taste, how did you do it? Well, I had everything repaired and over· hauled. repaintcd and papered, all work done personally by WM. KIMMEL & SON Practical Mechanics 414 Haverford Place, Swarthmore MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. PHONE MEDIA 174 HSERVING SWARTHMORE SUCCESSFULLY SINCE 1900" FINISHED LAUNDRY SERVICE Diamond Fuel Oil measures up in every way to the re­quirements which are set lor the highest quality oils avail­able. It is relined Irom the very best 01 crude oils .to meet the specifications set down by the American Oil Burner Association and the United States Department 01 Commerce. Our policy pi constant check and analysis alter the oil reaches our storage lacilities is our assur­ance to you that Diamond Fuel Oil will continue to maintain its same bigh quality and unilormity.t .11 times. Diamond delivery service is unique in its thoroughness, depend.bility, and completeness. Also remember that there is a Diamond Fuel Oil exactly suited to every type 01 burner. ORDER YOUR DIAMOND FUEL TODAY fyom DIAMOND ICE &- FUEL COMPANY 2nd {', TILGHMAN STS. -4th {', PENN STS. PI-IONE CI-IESTER 2-4612 NOVEMBER 25, 1932 THE SWAR'DIMORBAN mE SWARTHMOREAN PabUohecl E~ery Friday at SWarthmo .... P •• ROBERT E. SHARPLES EdI.or and Publl.her SHERIFFS SALES ISwarthrnore, a «:traer ot lands of Charles W. - - ________________ Durnley; extend!ol' thence by said landa nortb thirteen and one..quarter del1'OOa e.... one hundred perehe. and two·1entluJ ot a perch to a point a corner of other land. of the .ald Juhn J. T7ler; thc!'lJOO by the nme south IJIK'btY~four and one-quarter degrees eaet one hundred nnd two and fuur-tentbs perches to a POln& a corner of lands of John 9. Camp. bell: thence by tbe last mentioned lands south Ih'e degrees west. UHy·nlne and ell'bt7.four one.hundredths perehl'8 to a point in MlcllJ.gan Il"'enue; tbence by llame south Ilny.8lx decrees west aile hundred Bnd cloven and four.tenth.l Sherin Salee at Real E.tale Phone Swarthmore 900 Entered as Second Cl8.88 matter, January M. 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. At the Sherin', omce Court ]lOURe. Media. Penn.lylvanla Saturday, December 3. 1032 0:30 o'clock A. lI~ Ea.tern Standard Time FRIDA Y, NOVEMBER 25, 1932 Fieri Factaa BeptembcT TeTm, 1932 No. 870 perehe.l to a IIlone jn the road from Leiper. "ille to Swarthmore and thence by lIame north thlrtY·8e\·en and one-hall degreeS 'West forty. three and fhe·tt'nths perches to tbe place All thai cenaln lot or pieoo of gTound of ix>glllning, Containing slxty·elght acres and with the ml'hU3gc or tenement thereon erected. ninetY·eicht perchee of land, Correspondence Idtuate In tho Townsbip or Upper Darby, County of Delaware and Siale of Pennsylvania, ExrepHnlf therefrom and thereout a certain and described 8S follows. to wit: Be!'lnulng at Ilot or pieco of land beglontnl;' all the euler1y • II. point forming the inlcracction of the south- .Ide o[ Cornell avenUe at tho dletnnoo of In the passmg on of Frank TerreHs crly side of West Chester pike (l00 feet wide) ort)··two anti Of teen one-hundrecUbs feet soulh. Swarthmore has lost one of its most and the easterly Iide of Kent road (40 feet I wardl)' frobl Strallord avenue: extending b I d d ' I d' , A wide); tbence extending nlUJlK' the saId l!Iouth. tlll'nco ea8twardly by a. 1Ino uaraIlo} with C ovc an hme- lonore ctl1zens. erly Illde of West Chester pike hoo fl'Ot. wide) Stratford avellue Olte hundred and !;1X.t .three man of unquestioned integrity, a kind north S? dog-rees 60 minutes east 32,08 feet and eight one·hundredths feet; thence Yecuth­and thoughtful husband a loving father to a IIOlllt; thence extending south 8 degree.l wardly at right angles to tbe said StraUont , ' • 69 minutes east 78.13 feet crossing the head :"'eDue 1. ..... 0 hundred and eh;bt feet: thence and a most actIVe and useful neighbor. of 8 certain 2 feet 5 inches wide aile, and westwanJly parallel with Strattord a\'enue One who not only possesscd thc knowl- IJllrtiy n1on~ the ..... elterly e.lde of the berein· one hundred and IlIty feet to Cornell avenue ., after described, drivc ..... 3J,·. to II point On tbe and thcllce by tbe lIamc north 'h'e degree. edge but who was always most wslhng northerly side of the hereinafter described 10 tweull··five minutes eut thirty.t ..... o and forty. to utilizc it to thc best of his ability feet ..... ide drive"'ay: thell(.l1 extending along eight one·hundtedths feet and thenee eUll by , I I ' th I I I the said norlherly side of tbe afores31d 10 teeL same nortb one degree. eight mlnutee ClUlt one In Ie pmg 0 ers w lell Ie p was ..... Ide dtlw:way south 81 degn'cs I minute hundred and 8C'·cntY'six and three hundredths ncedcd. west 32.13 teet to D IlOint 011 the easterly fL"Ct to the plare of bel:innlng. His great intercst in the Swarthmore e:l,de of Kent road (4~ feet wide); thenoo ex· " tending along the Said easterly lIido of Kent Also lot or piece of land sItuato at th~ Flre Co., of which he was one of the road north 8 del,'Tees 69 minutes wcst 7S.13 "llullwasterly ('orner of StraUortI D,'enue and oldest and most active memuers, and feet I? the first. mentioned lIoiot and place Cornell a\'Cllue. ContaI!ling In Cront measured I ' !Ii' I k II t' 'II I oj h«:lrllluing. SUbject to certain comlitlOlls and Ithenl'c southwardl,., along the said Cornell ave. 115 C clcn wor at a IruCS WI ong rC8trll'lions. nue fifty.two and lourteen Ollf'l.bundredths feet be rcmembered and appreciated by all and extending III depth east ..... an.ll1' on tbo> Together with the free and commun use. lh I Ii th si who were fortun~tc cnough to have rigbl. Ilbe'IY ."d .-I,'II"g" of lb. berelnnfler lIor ('1' l' ne rreof one hundred and [-,yo known and bcen assOC• iated W'ith. him , dC8(Tilx>d lot or piec• e o..f. '"g round. intended to 6thCeV en8 0aunthde rltyw oI Inoon et·hheurnedorte dothnes fheuent draendd Donnd and in this capacity he will be scriously be laid out and opened 8.8 a driveway and slxty·three ~nd thlrtccn one.hundredths feet. • d p3ssagewny at all times hereaUer forever, in and contalmng- on the rear thereof flfty.two J1l1SS(, • (;~mmoll with the ow~rs, tenants aud OC<lU· feet. Ha\'ing known him for the many lIlere of the lot8 of gronnd boundIng thereon and entitled to the U80 tbereuf aud deIKribed years he has lived in Swarthmorc I as 101l0W8, to wit: All tbat certain lot or feel justified in saying he was one of piece of ground. sltuale in lho To ..... nship of t he "'hitest and most honoroble men I UI)per Darby. Delaware County. PennBYI\'anio. and Ix>gitming at a. point on the easterly side have ever known and I feel most keenly of Kent road (40 feet wide) at tbe distance I I 'I . of 70.13 feet suuth ..... ardly lrom the soutb­tIe oss of thiS 0 d truc and tned friend, erly side of Wcst Chester "Ike (l00 feet wide), CHA~LES PARKER. thenl"f.! exlcndlllj;' north 81 degrees 1 minute , I. cast 32.1:1 feet to a lIoint: thente extending north 8 dCln'Ces 60 millutes wcst 10.04 feet Literature Seclion tu a point UII thc southerly sIde of a certain 1 2 leeL 5 ill<:hes wide aUcy; thenoo extending alollg' the 8aid 2 feet 5 inches wide alley The Litcrature Section will hold their north 81 ccgrce8 I minute east 2B.21 leet to a regu Iar meetm, g at ten • I k Th 1)01nt; thclI(;o extending south 8 degrees 69 0 C oc urs- minutes east 26.0& feet to a pollit. thence day morning at which time all mcm- exteuding' soutb 81 tie:recs 1 mllll;t8 west hers of the \Vomal1s~ Club are wclcome 60,35 feet to a poInt 011 the easlerly s.ide . . . of Kent road (-10 feet wide) thence extendmg MJSS ~IRrtha HaViland 2nd Mrs, J. Ber- along Ihe said easterJy side 01 Kent r(lad north nard '''ahon will have charge of the 8 degrees 50 minutes west 10 feet to the first program wi'th t he siu l')C Ct "Fr om P er- menllflllL'd Iloint and place of begluninG. sonal Experience", The books to be considered are ].fahatma Gandi's Auto~ biography, Axel Munthc's "Story of San Michele" and Sicgfried S2.ss00n's '·Munoirs of an Infantry Officer." i!l1I1I1II1I1II1I1II1II1II1I1I1II11II1I1I1II1II1I1I1II1II1II1II11II1II1II1I i ~ Ch1frcl!N~lI£§-- F.i'1I1I1I1II1II1II1I1I1II11II1II1I1II1I1II1I1I1II1II1I1I1II11I1II1IJ 11111111 iii TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. JarClen Guenther, S. T. M. 8:00 a.m.-CORPORATE COMMUNION FOR MEN. 9 :45 a. m.-Sunday School. 10:00 R. m.-Blble 11:00 a. m.-Holy CommUnion and Sermon THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS "The Increasing revelation of the wonder of Ufe Is itself the htghest gift." -Joel Blair. 1D1llron:ments consist of tWO·lltOry brick bulldUlg, 15x75 feet. Store front. Dn~meDt j;'arnge. One story brick building-. 12xl6 feet. Store frout. Sold 8S the Ilropert,.' of Walter R, Carr. CundlUons-Sl,500.00 (nsh or certified che<'k all day of sale; balance ill ten days. Further (ondltions announced at ssle. n. J, lIAKIYER. Attorney. , , Levari Facias No, 1888 June Tcrm. 1932 All that certain lot or lliece of ground with the buUdinS's and imllro\'emcnts thcn;lon erected. SJtuate in the Township of Upper Darby, County of Delaware and State of Penn· SYlvania, and dC:lcribed al'cordlllg to a survey and plsll thereoi made by Damon and Foster, «:1\'11 engin~rd. on the fiUh dU)o of April. A. D. 1027, and revised April 14th. 1927. as follows. to wit: Beginning at. a Ilolnt on the westerly side of Hampden road (forty fcet. wide) formerly cnlled Glendale road at the dIstance of ono hundred and forty·lour and four oue·huudredths leet measured north eleven degrees. fifty,olle minutes and twenty­one seccnds WC!lt from the northerly side of Marshall road (11Uy feet widel. thence ex· tending alonG 1I1e westerly side 01 said Hamp· den road north eleven degrees. fifty·one min­utes. twenty-one seconds west sixteen feet to 8 IlOint. thence extending 80Ulh BCventy·suven SUNDAY degrees. minutes, thirty·six. seco~ds 9:45 A. M.-Flrst Day SchOol In Whittier west and extending through the middle Imc House. of a party wall aile hundred and ten and 9:45 A, M.-Mornlng Forum In Meeting twcnty·nine one·hulldredths leet to a point in House. Subject on Nov. 27th: the {l'ntre line of a tCll ft.'Ot. ..... ide alley (which "The Seattle Unemployed alley Is fully deserlbed in a ce-rtam agreement Citizens' League: how their ootwel::n Frank B. Rhodes and John H. Me­plan of barter .fits Friends' Clat~hy et aI. dated April 25th, 1927, and work In the coal fields," to be re{orded in Deed Book No, 741, pa&'C 013. led by Mary Kelsey. etc.). thence exlendlng' along said centre 11:00 A, M.-M'eetlng for worship In the or snid alley louth three degrees twenty mlD. meeting house. utes. fifty·seven seconds wes, Sixteen feet and slxty·two onc·hundredtha feet. to a. point. thente WEDNESDAY exlending north seventy-seven degrees. forty. 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 p, M.-Bewlng and Qullt- one minutes thirty-six. lieconds enat and pnas· Ing In Whittier Hause. Box luncheon. ing through' the mIddle line of a party wall one bundred and fourteen and sixty·five cne· All are cordially Invited to Join In these hundredths feet to the first mentioned point _______ ..:'::e::.rv:,:I::ce8.:::, _______ 1 and Jlln.ce of THE SWARTHMORE PRESBnERIAN CHURCH Rev, John Ellery TllttIe, D.D., Litt,D., Pastor SUNDAY Iml)rOVements consist 01 house, IOx27 feet; porch g-orage. two·story brick froDt: basemeDt Sold (l.8 the property of Patrick D. non and Anna M. Shannon. his wIre. gagors and real owners, Shan­mort- Also lot or Ilieee of land I1tuate at the northweeterly corner oi Rutgers nvenue and Stratford a\·enUe. ex.tcnding thenee westwardly hy the said Stratford a\'cnuc one hundred and sixty feet; thence northwardly at rigbt angles Olll;'! hundred. and eighty and one one.hundredths feet; then{e east ..... ardly parallel with Yalo a\'cllue one hundred and slxly and nine one. hundt'Nlths iect to the westerly side of Rut. gel'S 3l'enue and thence southwardly by same aile bundred and seventy·four and lixty.six. Ollc·hullliredths feet 10 the place of beginning. Also lut or l11eoo of land situate on the southerly sid(' of. Yale avenUe between Cornen a\'cnue and Rutgers a\·enue. Conlaining- In frunt measured Ihence along- Yale 3\'enue three hundred and farly-the feet. more or le58, and extending in dcpth one hundred and fifty feet. A'so lot or lIiece of land. situatc at the southeasterly ('ornrr or Yale mrcllUc nnd Rut· gera a\'cnue. extending thence eastwardly along said Ya.le a\'enue two hundred and elgbt feet 10 Brighton B,'cnue; thence southeastWArdly by Mame two hundred amI twelve and forty. SJl'en one·huQdrl'dth!l feel, mar!! Or IC!!8, to lands of John J. Tyler: thenco westwardly by some one hundred and thirteen leet. three Inches. more or It's!!; thence northwardJy by same fifty-six f('ct, more or lefl;s; thence west· wardly by !'amc one hundred and fllty feH marc or lec:s. to the easterly sIde of Rutgers avenue Dnd thenre northwardly by same one hundred ,!lId fifty feet to the place of begin· nil1{r. • AI!<o Tnt or plc<'C of lan,1 beginning lit a poInt In the middle of 'Veat<lale avenue ana on the easterly !'hle of Cornell avenue, extending tht'l1ce northwardly by Cornell avenue two hUlldrl"d and sixty feet: thefl(!O eastwardly Dt rll!'ht an~l('s to Cornell a'\'enue one hundred nntI sixlY'8even feet: theneo sout_wardly two hundred and sixty feet to the middle of Weat· dale a\'cuue and thence hy the same one Imndl'('d nml sIxtY·Sl'!\·en feet to the place of beginning'. AI~o lot or piecr. of land situnle on the westl'r'y side of Rutgers aw!nue at the distance of two hllndrNI And fifty feet I'outhwestwardly 11'0111 Stratford aVl'ntte; ('xtendin:;- thence south. wardly by RutJ:'ers a\'enlle Ilfly feet: thence westwardly at right ang-Iee to Rutgers a'\'enue olle hundred and forty-three fect: thence northwardly uarallel with Rutgers avenue forly feet: theuco westwardly at right angles seVl'n feet; thence northwardly par.aJlel with Rutgers avcnue ten led and thence eastwardly at right angles 10 Rutgcrs avenue one hun· dred uml flUy feet to the place of beginnIng. Also lot or pIece of land situate at southeasterly curner or Cornell avenue Strath Haven aVf!nue. Containing in mcasurec:l thence soulhwardly along the Cornell avenue two hundred feet nnd extending In depth of that Width eastwardly along the southerly side of Slratb Hann avenue one hundred nnd fifty .f eet, Also lot or piece of land beginning at a. point at the interseC'tion of Ihe cnsterl1' line of Cornell avenue and the northeasterly line of Leiperville road; exleneIn; thence by tbe easterly line ot Cornell a.vcnue, north five degrees. twenty· minutes cast six hundred and tbirty·sIx and feur one·~undredth9 feet to an iron bar in Une: thenoo south eighty four degrees. thirty"llve min~tcs east three hundred feet to an iron bar lD the 'lVesterly line of Rutgers avenue; thence south five de­grees. twenty·llve minutes west eigbt bundred and eighty-tour and thirty-four olle·hundredths fcct to the nonherly line oi Lelperville road; thence by the same north forty·four degrees. .fifty-eight minutes west three hundred and eighty·nine and thirty·seven onc·hundredtbs two hundred teet; thence weetwarclly at right angles to Drew avenue twenty feet; thence southwardly parallel with Drew aye­nue two hundred. and forty-nine and elsbty one-hundredths feet; thence westWardly along the 80utherly sIde of Strath Haven avenue one hundred and thirty feet; thence 80uthwardly parallel wltb Drew avenue two bundred and slxt.y and seventy-three one­hundredths teet to tbe northwesterly aide ot Michigan avenue; thence northeast­wardly by BalDe three hundred and. elghty­one and seven-tenths feet to land.8 of Jobn S. Campbell and thence by same tour hundred 8.nd thirtY-fiVe and thlrty-el.x: one~hundredths feet to the soUtherly side of Westdale avenue and thcnce westwardly by same firty~two and nlnety·elght one-hundredths feet to tbe place at beginning. 3 tenth teet northeastwardly from the north­weeterly COrDer of College and. PrInceton avenues COu.talnlDg In fron' or brsdtb on the northwesterly side of said PrInceton avenue &eventy-.8ve feet and. estendtns of that width In length or depth northweat­erly between paraflel lInes at rIght &DIles to the said Princeton avenue ODe hundred. twenty teet. Under and subject to certaIn restrIctions 88 of record . lmprovementa constat of t.wo and one­half story stucco house. 21x.42 teet. Two­story rear addition, 1h2'l feet. Garage. 21x.20 teet. Enclosed porch. Sold as the property of Vincent Clanci and Alice Hue Clanct mortgagors, C. Ray­croft Pattereon. real owner wltb notice to terre tenants. if any. Conditlons-$I.OOO.OO casb or certttled. check: on day of sale; balance In ten days. Furtber conditions announced at sale. SAMUEL .-\. MONTGOMERY. Attorney. Also all that certain lot or pJece of land beginning at a point at the lntel"8ectlon of the midd.le line of !tutgers avenue (BUy feet wide» antt the middle lIne of West­dale avenue (8fty feet wide); extendIng thence southwardly along the middle of Rutgers avenue four hundred and fifty feet to B point at the intersection of the said middle line of Rutgers avenue Bnd the Levari Facias middle line of Strath Haven avenue (flfty feet wide); thence east.wardly along the middle of Strath Haven avenue eight hun­No. 247 SePtember Term. 1932 dred and fifty feet to a point at the Inter- All that certain lot or piece of land with section of the said middle Hne of Stroth the messuage thereon erected, situate on Haven avenue and the middle line of an the southeasterly side of Brown street. unnamed and unopened flfty feet wide north th1rty~slX degrees twenty~nlDe mln­street; thence northwardly along the mld- utes east, eIghty-eight and. thirteen bun­dle ot said unopened street parallel with dredths feet from the soutbeasterly corner the said Rutgers avenue four hundred and or Brown and Johnson streets. In the City fitty feet to a POint at the IntersectiOn of ot Chester, In the County ot Delaware and the said middle Une of Westdale avenue State of Pennsyl\'onla. being No. 1107 and thence westwardly by the middle line I Brown street. bounded and described ac­Of saId Westdale avenue eight hundred and cording to a plan of SUD Vlllage, duly re­fifty feet to the place of beginnIng. corded In the omce for recording of deeds In and for said County of Delaware, In Case No Improvements-Vacant ground. No, 2, page 17. Sold as the property of Daniel A. Oougb- Contalnlng In tront measured tbence erty. north thIrty-six: degrees twenty-nine min­Condlt1ons-$ I.500.00 cash or certUled. check on day of sale; balance in ten days. Furtber conditlODS announced at sale. EMIL H. MOLTHAN and HAROLD D. GREENWELL, Attorneys. Levari Facias No. '167 March Term, 1932 All that certain lot or piece ot ground situate In the Borough ot Swarthmore, County of Delaware and State of Penn~ sylvania, being Lot No. 56 on tbe revised. plan of property belonging to the estate of Sylvester Garrett. deceased. as recorded In the offlce for lhe recording of deeds in and for the County of Delaware In Deed Book No. 413, page 624. Beginning at a poInt on the northwest­erly side ot Princeton avenue at the dls­tnnce at four hundred twenty-one and one-utes east, twenty-eight and eight-hun­dredths feet. and extending in depth be­tween parallel linea bearIng south flfty­three degrees thirty-one minutes east, rut,­and sixty-two hundredths feet to the mid­dle of a party wall (the southwesterly line t.hereof passing along the middle at the party wall separatlng said messuage from the messuage adjoining on the southwest). Improvements co1l$lst ot two-story frame and stucco house, 16x32 teet; one story frame addition, 4x6 teet, SOld as the property of Earl young and Elizabeth Young, his wIfe, mortgagol'8 and real owners, with notice to terre tenants, It any. Codltl0n.&-$250.00 cash or certlfled check on Clay of sale; balance In ten days. Fur­ther conditions announced at sale. GEARY & RANKIN. Attorneys. JOHN J. CAIN, Sher11f. Buck up your furnace with Van AIen co*kE BUCK Kopper •• proce •• ed co*ke that'. rarin' to go •••• D. & H. Imekwheat that slmller. "steady, steady" •• •• that'. the combinalion that wins the heat bailIe on the fusion ticket. Uelivers the maximum heat for the cost, with just enough care, night and morning, to keep the furnac.,. "roken. Try ~ ton of co*ke and buck ( mixed Van Alen style). It makes your ),ealer a h.,. furnace. $884 Per TON Includes Tax V AN ALEN BROTHERS COAL Phone - Ridley Park 412 Want Delieious Food? "The Inn" is famous for Its hospitality, old­fashioned courtesy and delicious food. Come out today ... you are welcome to our table. 11 :OO--MORNING WORBHll" PASTOR PREACHES 4:45-0RGAN WORSHIP 5 :OO-VESPERS PASTOR SPEAKS 7:00-YOUNG PEOPLE Conditiom~$250.00 etlsh or certified cbeck on day of sale; balance in ten days. Further (onditlons announced at sale. JOHN E. McDONOUGH • feet to tbo place ot beginning'. Containfng five S L H and Iwo hundred an,1 IblM"five on.,\bou" frat aven andths acres of land, more or less. Also Jot or piece of land situate on t~c westerly .aIde of Rutgers avenue at the dis- . JOSEPH J. DUDLEY, Attorneys. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL WHO __ ..:W::'=L=L:...:C:O::ME=:...:T::O:...:O:.UR=.::..:S::ER=VI.:.:.CES==-__ Fieri Facias No, 896 SWUTHMORE September Term, 1932 METaODIST EPISCOPAL CllURcm All that certain tracl or piece of land situate LLOYD p, STEVENS, MINISTER in the Township of Sprincfield, in the ~aId County of Delaware and hounded and descnbed SERVICEf3, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH as 101l0W8 to wit: Beginning at 8 poiot 10 ll:00-WORSHIP AND SERMON Ihe bed of' Yale avenue In line of the easte1'1y ADORNING TIlE DOCTRINE" side at Brlghlon a.venue. ex.tended: e::a:t~ndln8' thence along- the easlcrly side of Bnghton 7:45--WORSHIP AND SERM:ON :wcnue, south two degTees. thirty·four minutes "THE SHELTERED LIFE" east thirty·three and seventy-two one-bund· rcdths perches to a point a corner of lands A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU of John J. Tyler. tbenoo by said lands north eIghty·four degrees, west forty·five and six­FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. tentbs peJ'('hes to a point a corner of landa of OF SWARTHMORE Charles W. Burnley; thence by same et. al north ten degrees east thiny·nine and SIX· Park AVf'nue Below Harvard tenths perches to a point In the bed of Yale avenue and tbence south Sevenly·tour del!'f'Ct'8. Services: forty-five minutes east tbirlY-eigbt and thirty­two one·hundredths perches to the place of 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. begInning. Containing nine acres. one rood 11:00 A. M.--&unday Lesson-Sermon. and thirty.five and sixty.four one·hundredtbs Wednesday evenIng meettng each week. perches of land. more or less. 8 p. m. Beading room open dally. except Sundays and hol1days, 1 to 4 In the after- Also all that certain ttact or piece. at noon, Church edifice_ land situate partly In the Townebip of 9prUl~. field and partly In the Townsbip of Ridley. 10 AU are cordially invited to attend the said County of Delaware, and bounded IUld servtces and use the Reading Room. described. as followa; to wit: Beginning at a Thanksgiving Day Servlce-U A. M. point in the road leading from LelpervUle to tan(e of fifty leet southwardly fro~ West- Swart' •• ore, Penna. dale avenue; containing In front measured __ ~!!!... ___________ ~ _______________ _"~ _ thence southwardly along the said Rutget'S avenue one hUndred and fifty feet.: extending In depth westwardly between parallel lines at right angles one bundttd and fifty feet. Also lot or pIece of land situate at tbe southeasterly comer of Comell avenue and Westdale avenue. Containing- in front. mens· ul"t'd thence southwardly along the lund Cor· nell avenue one hundred and fifty leet and extcnding in deptb of that wldth eastwardly along the said Westdale a,\"Cllue one hundred and Hfty feel. Also lot or pIece of land situate at the northeasterly COrner of cornell avenue and Strath Haven fl\>'enue; containing In front measured. thence northwardlY along the said Cornell avenue one hundred and fltty feet and extending in depth of that wldth eastwardly along the said. Str&tb Haven avenue one hundred and fltty feet. Also lot or piece of land situate at the northeasterly comer of Rutgers avenue and Strath Haven avellue. COntaining In front measured thence northwardly along the said Rutgers avenue one hundred feet and extending In depth eastwardly along the said Strath Haven avenue one hunClred and fifty feet. Also Jot or piece of land southerly side of Westdale distance of three hundred from. Drew avenue; extending wareny by a line parallel with on the at ~h~ ! Decide now how much money you will need 1 t December 1933. Then plan to have that ! ! amount by making small weekly de- ! posits in our 1933 Christmas Club. .-.-....-.- .-- Swarthmore National Bank 1 and Trust Company l Ir~_~ ___ ~ ________ __.._. _. ........... _~.--..-... __ __

---------- Page 16 ----------

i. .~ I ~. I i ! j I II ; THE SWARTHM,OREAN FREE EYE TREATMENT o'clock Thanksgiving afternoon at the and Annual Water Color exhibition at FOR POOR CmLDREN Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The the Academy of Finc Arts on Wednes­Reverend John Ellery Tuttle, pastor of day. Swarthmore was well represented. Dr. David Lincoff, the well-known the ehurc~, performed the ceremony. Mrs. Carl DeMoll had. two mini~tures optometrist and eye-sight specialist, in The bride was attended. by Mrs. Os- and was on the Hangmg Committee; t response 0 the urge 0 f hI·S many pa- I mOM Brof whn , Jr., ofd Bba ltimMo' re, VM· d.,. ,a s Harry Johnson , who is an officer in tl· en t s I.I I thOI S sec tI'O n 0 f D e Ia ware matron 0 G onor, an y f ISS Irgllua the Miniature group" was represented C I d b h ffi . Krebs of ermantown, a ormer room- and Miss Lee Murphy of 313 Dickinson 1.1o udn' ty, laS opene a ranc 0 ce 111 mate at S nu. t h C II 'd f h 0 ege, as mal .0 onor. street had two pictures in thc Water e la. Thc groom was attended by Ius brother C I E h'b' "F' h Y d" d Dr. Lincolf has practiced in Chester J I L h f B If I N Y T 0 or x I It, rClg t ar an for some fiftecn years and has at- bosethP 1 c rmtahn °b 'd u Aa °th' • L • wo "\vater Tower." Miss. Murphy, who is , ro ers 0 eriC, r ur awrence, h d I f D d 'M J tracted general attention for his skilled Jr., and Frank Lawrence were the ushers. t e aug Iter 0 r. an rs. ohn treatment of eye defects. His main of- Mr. Benjamin L. Kneedler, church organ- Murp~y, belongs t? t.he younger school fices are in the Crozer Building in that ist, played the wedding march. An in- of pall1ters and thiS IS her second year city and his new Media location is at formal reception at the home of the of acc.eptance at the Academy. Thosc 115 South Olive Street. bride's parents followed the ceremony. attendmg wcre Mrs. Carl DeMoll, Mrs. One of the principal public services The bride was attired in her mother's Stanley MacMillan, Mrs. Louis Cole rendered by Dr. Lincolf was his lead- wedding dress of white satin and she Emmons, Mrs. Ed. Adams, Mrs. Wil­ership in establishing free examinations wore her great grandmother's wedding liam Hanny, Mrs. Lyle A. Whitsit, of the eyes in Chesler for those unable veil of rose point lace. Mrs. J. E. Underwood and Mrs. Ralph to pay for service. Dr. Lillcoff on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Lehman will reside in Rhoads. days has fixed hours during which he Freeville, N. Y., where Mr. Lehman is on will make free examinations of the the faculty of the George Junior Public eyes of local school children. And for SchooL needy cases whom Welfare or Church organizations shall certify to being un­able to pay, Dr. Lincoff will provide glasses free. Office hours ill Media are day and evening and tIle doctor is assisted in his work by a trained attendant. ••• Lehman·Lawrence ••• Wyche-Snyder ESTATE OF JOHN WALTER LEDOUX. De­ceased. Late of No. 503 Walnut Lane, Bor­ougb ot Swartbmore, Delaware County. Pennsylvania. • Letters Testamentary on tbe above Es­tate bavlng been granted to tbe under­signed all persons Indebted to tbe sald Es­tate are requested to t!lake payment. and those having claims to present the same, without delay. at the omcc of U-25-6t GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Broad and Chestnut Streets Phlladelpbla A. A. JACKSON President REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY BIDS . ' ... .. NOVEMBER2S, 1932 ment8 requll'f'-II all bulldln.r8 In the realdenUal district to set back at leut twenty·dve (26) feet from OII¥ and all 8treet 11 nell : and wHEr,EAS. Baltimore Pike haa recently boon legally wldcned between Cedar Lano and the caslerly boundary of the Borou.h of Swartbmore. and varloWl proJ)ertT ownen o. tho Borough of Swarthmore whor* proper&)' abuts the Bald Baltimore Pike have acreed to dl'dlcale to the Borough the neceasary lIwd to permlL of sllch widening without expense to the Borough of Swarthmore: and WHEREAS. Dorough Council has been reo quested by laid property owners to modlf7 tho exlatlng zoning ordinance so a8 to permit future bUildings erected on the lot8 abutting the new lIouth Bide of Baltimore Pike aa above limited. to be erected at a leIIS distance than twenty-five (26) feet from tho said new17 ordained southern lIno of 8ald highway. aud the Borough Council believe8 it to be In the public Interellt that BUch request should be granted: NOW. THEREFORE. Be It Ordained b7 the Councll of the Borough .of Swarthmore. and It 18 hereby enacted and ordained by . - . , . revised BOutherly line all established b7 Bor· ou.rh Council In accepting the dedication of an additional IItrip of ground by o.wners of Jlroperty on the southerly side of Baltimore Pike between Cedar Lane and the euter17 boundary of the Boruu.h. whloh dedicated landa abuts the omcial southerly line of Bal· tlmore Pike as eatabllabed by the State High. WII)" Department of Pennsylvania by plana all proved October 6. 1932 and ratified by reo IIOluUou of Borough Council approved October 20. 1032. SECTION 3. Except 88 herein modl1led and amended. the provisions of the said ZoDing Ordlnlln<.'e of 1028. as well as the 8ubeeQueot amendment8 thereto •. shall. In all other reI' pect8. apply to and be binding upon 8ald property abutting on the Southerly Bide of Baltimore Pike. between Cedar Lane and the Easterly boundary of the Borough of Swarth­more. By order of Borough Council. ALBERT N. GARRETl" JR •• Borough Secretary. the authorlly of the lame. after a public ••••••••••••••••• hearing held In accordance with law: SECTION 1. That tho Borough of Swarth­more zoning Ordinance of 1928 No. 299. ap· llroved August 8. 1928. a8 amended by Ordl­mmce No. 302 approved January 31. 1929. be further amended 80 far aa sail) ordinance aPlllles to such property In tbo residential district as abuts upon the southerly line of BlIlthnore Pike as follOWS: SECTION 2. All buildings hereinafter erect­ed 011 allY of the lots abutting upon Balti· more l'ike between Cedar J.ane and the e88ter' Iy boundary of the Borough. 8hall be at lea8t twenty (20) feet distant from the new south­erly line of sold Baltimore Pike. which dis­tan( e shall be measured from such southerly line to the neareat Ilart or projection of said building'. The southerly 11110 referred to is the E WIRING L REPAIRS E WASHERS RADIO CLEANERS The marriage of lliss Arleen Snyder, daughter of Mrs. J. E. Snyder of Rut­gers avenue, to James \Vright \Vyche of New Iberia, Louisiana, will take place Saturday afternoon at four· o'clock at lhe Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Re\'erend John Ellery Tuttle, pastor of the church, will officiate, assisted by The The marriage of Miss Elizabeth S. Rel'erend E. A. Conover of Bernard­Lawrence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ville, N. J., a friend of the groom's £am­thur Lawrence of 511 Han'ard avenue, iIy. It being shown to the satisfaction of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Council that a new car for tbe use oJ the FIRE WOOD I Tel. 1896 FIXTURES and William Hugh Campbell Lehman, The bride will be attended by her son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Lehman cousin Mrs. Frances Enterline of Harris­of Buffalo, N. Y., took place at six' burg. Mr. Medford McDougall of Louis- CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT-On the Hill. Attractive tbird lloor apartment. two large rooms with batb and l:itchenette. Garage if desired. Call Swarthmore 5O-J. FOR RENT-Apartment-4 rooms and bath. All convenIences. ,55 per mo. 201 Elm avenue. Phone Sw. 1439. PERSONAL PERSONAL-Comperent woman With secre­tarial experience wlsbes copying, dicta­tion and typing or work In any academiC or business capacity. MIDDLE-AGED MAN wlsbes to sbare small apartment In the Swartbmore Apartment House. Call at omce III the Apartment House. UNUSUAL RENT VALUES 4 bedrooms, garage--$60 5 bedrooms, sleeping poreh--$60 3 bedrooms. large lawn--$55 3 bedrooms, garage--$45 2 bedrooms. modern--$40 WM. S. BITTLE . Notary Public Swa .• ll1-J Real Estate "111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' I have about $10,000 to loan on good local first mort~age8. E. C. WALTON iana will act as best man. After a short wedding tri» the couple will reside on Radbord road, Stratford Hills, Upper Darby. Mr. Wyche is a marine engineer connected with the Westingpouse Com­pany. ••• Mis8 Je8sie Bender 1H iss J essie Bender, for many years a resident of Swarthmore, more re­cently of Bay Shore, Long Island, N. Y., died at the latter place last Thurs­day and was interred in East Lawn Cemetery, Ridley Township on Satur­day. Funeral services were held in the Trinity Episcopal Church by Rev. J. J arden Guenther, rector. Miss Bender was an active member in the Trinity church for many years. In the pioneer days of the community she was one of Swarthmore's business I women, conducting a store on Chester road known as "The Utility Shop", for several years. She was a woman of fine qualifications and much esteemed by all who knew her. Mrs. Mamie Prescott JOIl1S with her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Way, in an expression of appreciation and thanks to their many friends for many testi­monials of love and sympathy dUring their recent bereavement. • •• Attend Annual Exhibit Members of the Woman's Club at­.1111111111 11111111 11111111111111 III III 111111 111111 1I1111""'llIIlIIlIlIlIh. tended the Annual Miniature Exhibition RENT 2nd lloor apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Hardwood floors. Hot warer heat. Janitor service. $45 per montb. Two large garages. Heated, llgbt tnd water. Station Square. Detached stueco house, 6 rooms and bath. Front and slde porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Detacbed house furnished. 6 rooms and batb. 1 car garage. Good loca­tion. $75 per month. First floor apartment-6 rooms and batb. First class In every respect. Large rooms. hardwood floors. etc. Garage. eRAS. A. SlUITH 'Phone Swarthmore 705 "WOBD to Workingmen Ot'ken there Is work to 6e done, tke man with a TELEPHONB M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME 33 West Baltimore Ave. CLIFTON H~IGHTS Madison 110 Now is the time to put manure on your garden or lawn ELEGANT MANURE Fireplace and Rubbish Removed Kindling Wood Double Team DANIEL MENEFEE Call Sw. 1380 20 Morton Ave. Morton LESS THAN A DIME A DAY You can have a- telephone in your home for less than 10 cents a day! Par the Monthly Rates call or inquire at the BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any Bell employee THE· BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Police Department Is required Immediately It Is bereby declared tbat an emErgency ex­Ists requiring a sbortenlng of tbe twenty­one days Interval for publlcatlon of .adver­tlsem*nt for Bids. Now Therefor£. be It resolved tbat sealed bids be received by B:>rougb Council on Monday evening. December 5. 1932, at 7:45 P. M. for tbe following. Delivered in Buement $12.00 per Cord Colafemina Vineyard Phone: Media 646 R I AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE I Swarthmore Electric Shop C ... 1 Dutmoutla Aye. Swarthmore, r •. 1. For purchase by the BoroUgh of one four passenger car suitable In power. aC-1 celeratlon and speed to meet tbe requlre- -----------------...:.----------------- melumdi~ng~ sp~ar~e wtir~e a.nrd u<.:a~rrleer qto ~co~st ~no~t I• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 more than $750. 2. For the sale by the Borough of one I 1931 Model A Ford Touring car. This car may be Inspected at tbe garage of Clifford M. Rumsey. Rutgers and Yale Aves .• Swartbmore. Pa. . A certified check drawn to the order of the Borough of Swartbmore for the full amount of Bid No. 2 must accompany the same. Tune in WeAU "Fame and Fortune" SUNDA Y, 8 P. M. , Borough CounCil expressly reserves the right to reject any and all bids. "Famous Reading Anthracite Program ALBERT N. GARRETT. Jr. Borougb Secretary NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE NoliC(' is hereby given that the following OrdillBII{c hns been Introduood iato Council amI will be considered for passage at a meeting to be held Thursday evening, December 15. 1032. in Council Chamber. Borough Hall. at 7:45 P. AI. Any persons Who are Interested in the some 0111)" appear at that time and they will be heard by Council. Ordinance No•. ---- AN ORDINANCE furthel' Hillending the Bor­ough of Swarthmore Zoning Ordlnan<.'e of 1f128. approved AUgU8~ 8. 102S. by reducing tbo amount of set-back or re­( III ired . distance betwccn buildings and str~t line8 in thnt part of the residential district which abuts the new southerly line of Baltimore Pike. between Cedar Lane and the easterly boundary 01 the Borough. Egg Stove Cash Prices plus Penna. Siale Tax 1% .$11.50 . $11.75 Buckwheat. Nut Pea .. $7.50 . $11.50 $9.75 Readi·ng Super.clean Hard Coal Delivered Anywhere in Philadelphia & Suburbs Recommended anel Solei By Mason Heflin COAL co. Phone Swarthmore 345 TOday WHEREAS. the Borough of Swarthmore ~~~ ONhanre ~ 1008 and ~ am~.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J SPEEDS tLe DAY'S WORK • • • INSTANT HOT WATER An uncertain supply of Hot Water wastes your time. AN AUTOMATIC GAS or ELECTRIC WATER HEATER in your home will give you continu .. ous hot water service, day or night, at very low cost. Low down pay .. ments and convenient terms. Prices to suit all pocketbooks. See Us, or Your Dealer PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Our Suburban. Stores Tillftein on WCAU.Plal,.Jelplal. Electric: B~_J_et. e ..... y MO'-My anJ FriJay.,Tl4S P.II.

The Swarthmorean, 1932-11 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.