The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

22 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1951 CLASSIFIED Legal Notices Legal Notices To HAMPDEN all persons PROBATE in tie COURT On and alter this date. not bel EARTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PUNTING NOTICE interested re for atiy. bills contracien bu HORG MORGAS OF Otherwise a 0: One other than 113 f. MARS M.

HOPE TRIO of Springfield, in Late; Nov. 19 State St. Counts. A '1 incompetent person. Nov.

Court by ME A petition bag loon presented to re tor of the property of said ward. COMMONWEALTH CF praying 1 pa be Allan Art to resign his 4 RER PRORATE trust A said To AND RECEIT EK If desire tr object thereto you GENERAL of Mid to your attorney frie A and to all other persons mielestpearance in NA 1d at Spring tie! led in the estate of HOMER V. 1 RO-1. inte ten n'clork in the forenoon an 11, of pand, in the State of de. twenty-first day of comber.

1954 the return day at citation petition hR3 been presented to Witness. 'THOMAS H. by VALETON 100 1 Esquire. First of said court. this FROST.

ol this ill de. eighth: day of November in of Appointed in dri State 2 our LA one Allie hundred fornia. drily qualified and AC for fifty four, to sel! at private in accordance JOHN Register. trie offer named 11 said petition. or 19.

upon maY de adjudged the entire interest of said- in COMMONWEALTH OF MASSA'HEATTS tain real desertbed in 5a 1 petition HAMPDES COURT: and for permusaion 10 take the tel proceeds To 1 LINA 100HMASA of such sale out of 11:18 Commonwealth unknown. After deducing the thereof and A petition has ed to said A the and satisfaction of All Court by claims Gelid Palate in this Com of 'Springfia'd ty be Accounted for in the F'ourt that you in 11 RAId appointed. and that ha 1.9 111 ADAr? front: 011 for If to oh thereto Voli or 1ti-fi liable cause. and Your attorney should file tie Court till nt a desertion: lip in said At Apr.ngfield before written living 1:0 that tell o'rlock 111 the forenoon on the "tenth ,50. apart to froti: object 3 the: to de: of December 1344.

the return day of desire your attorney in Ahould fie A 11 A H. STAPLETON, EAOF a 42 1 Court at fore ten 111 First Judge of Court. the ent dAY of locembar 1954. the dav November 4 the Sear of tut: day nf this citation. Lord one thousand nine fiftyST tour.

11 F. First JOHN J. iONS. Register. day nf November 1 I our Lord one hundred COMMONWEALTH or MASSACHUSETTA fifty- four.

JOHN J. Register. 'To all PROBATE COURTIANY De: Interested in the trust under the will of GEORGE W. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETT8 late 4 in said County, HAMPDEN 94 PROBATE deceased fur the benefit of 1 To All interes ed and others under the fourth to under the 3 MANY J. Cause of Sid will.

late of 'The trustee of said estate haa pre. lo; Pita benefit canted to Court for Allowance JONATHAN And others un- Afcount. der third of 1 1 VOl to object thereto 3ou or 1 Na id Your Attorney should file written 'ed I RAId Court for allowance hie said Court deld De ten o' it. the forenoon on the I you ra to t. 1 mi or day of 1901, the 10- VAN' atio: Dey A dev of Den! nra SAId AT old THOMAS 11 STAPLETON.

rp o'clock in the Cot Or, P. First Judge of said Court. ch. turd day of 051. the ra- dat uf in the pear ol turt dav of this citation.

Lord one thousand nine hundred THOMAS TI STAPLETON fifty -four. Judge of Th: JOHN J. LYONS. Register. dav nf November 1n tie SPAr Nov.

16-: 291 4:: 1 Lord Ofte thousand hundred! fifty four. COMMON WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 10HN J. LIONS, Register PROBATE COURT 4 Nov 15. To all persons interes'ed in trust LOST BOOK The will of HARRIET Notice Perchy -iven RI late Springfield in heon made to a sAid de benefit 4 amount Workers SORTIE DIVISION OF deposit TeN! br pass. EA SPRINGFIELD otherA Anna No.

Shea, it issued beln." bar claimed sari a' sad 1.. NOR has been lOAT. or de- 111. 10-TO the clause of Said under ASSOCIATION and Nov N. 1054 The will.

D. 1: 221 to trust said of Court said for PS allowance "Nov. COMMONWEALTH OF RAMPLIN 5 PROBATE vOL RT 11 3 desire object you or To all persons Interested 'riel. your should file 8 written ap unrier the WINFORD 111 ('ourt At Springfield: late of 1 38.0 before I o'clock In forenoon on deceased. for tie seventh day of.

December 1904, trie RITE CAL N. LOR. now I dal of this citation. STUMP O. and there.

under the THOMAS 11. STAPLETON. DA! of said First Judco nf said Court. this cat: to 1'ourt allowance 1s! our Lord one thousand nine hundred 71ie I said ninth day November in the of twenty -siath account. -four.

you desire to Cis. Theret. or JOHN LYON3. Roxister. Tour attorney file A A 13 cearance in said Court At e'd toro ten o'clork In GA COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1013 day nt So Ti: 5.1 PROBATE COURT rat :1 '1 day o' this To interested in the trust THOMAS to Juder the will e.

Pirat Judge of sAid 4: late tot Ludlow in said County. fourth dav of November in the of: deceased. for the benefit al FO.1.4 our Lord one thousand nine rundred fifty- And EDWARD PEPLY and four. under the clarise of said JOHN J. I.TONS.

Resister. will (Nov. The trustee of SAId has preCOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS red 1 39:0 Court for a 'lorance its HAMPDEN 54 PROBATE COURT account. in all 4002 interested 10't desire to object hereto you Or PALL BANGER late of in Attorney should file written ap. 1 Cony.

deceased pearance 11t said Court at A petition hAR hepn presanted to ten o'clock in the forenoon on the Court for probate of certain Ins rument dAN Decenther 1954. the repurport ne be thr A- de run day of citation. ROd hi FORD BAR THOMAS fT STAPLETON, ER of Brookline, in County 013 Empire. First Judge nt said t'ourt, this folk and praying that he be A 11 dav November 10 the of thereof without giving a Surety Lord one thousand nine hundred hord. fifty- four.

1 dear to to oh: the: -to. 3.1 JOHN J. LYONS. Register. attorney A (Nov.

A in aa id Court at Spr: 1 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ten in thA Pj: HAMPDEN 48 PROBATE COURT xil dav of November 1904, ret ira To al! persons interested 111 trust dare this THOMAS citation. M. F. 4 R. estate AWAY urder late the of will Springfield in FREDERICA aid First Judge of t'ouri.

deceased. tor trie benefit of of November in the sear 1 Lord A PRINCE and others under or: thousand nine hundred sacond paragraph of will. JOHN J. LYONS, Register. The traja' of sald estate has DreNov.

sented to for Allowance COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETT twenty -third and twenty- -fourth and fina! HAMPUEN 8.9 PROBATE Go agrounts. To All percuns intarested in In estate you desire to object thereto you or FLORA GRANGER late Spr: natie.d attorney sbould file A written In ('ounty. deceased. he fore ten In o'clock said Court At Springfield A has been presented in in the forenoon on the Court for of A certain of dav this of citation December the return CAR by 1n TRO1 r. MURRAY of da.

Witness purporting be the la will THOMAS H. STAPLETON. And praying A sad Judge or said thiS; pointed theren! A dav Norember in tie year on :18 bond. Lord thou -and nine hundred If $0'1 desire to object theret. OF fifty- four.

JOHN your attorney should a 14 At I Nov. J. LYONS. Regiater, said Court Spring! Erie ten o'clock in the OF ANTI- dAy of November 1434. the ELAMPDEN I'ROBATH COURT das of this citation.

1. creditors and to A'! other I iness. THOMAS H. STAPLETON. Fie inter 7t the estate of WIT LARD First Judge of SMITH late 0f in fro, dav of it.

1 O. a L01d one thousand FinA hundred A Delition been presen'ad to 3a id DV AAME IRFAE widow JOHN 1. TONS. Register MA: praying that An alNOT. 9-1.

jon be granted to her out of 9: COMMONWEALTH MA If you desire to obtart the -eta HAMPIEN P'ROBATE you or allorney should file A under persons it the ONI pearance in sAil Court the will of MARKIS W. B.I- before ten in tho forenoon Springfield on A F.R lat- Springfield sati County, tie Third de DA CON for the GRACE L. da1 this Decomper 1074. the redav Bf citation. of id 1 ill.

and others under tile 0: A 11 THOMAS 11. STAPLETON. 'Tre of 7A day nf said t'ourt. this Judge if to 33 Court for all A it; In the pear of nin' Alre tR Our Lord one thousand nine hundred Art ount. fifty-foir.

3 ON dest: a to therein JOHN I.VONS. 3 Altorney should ie 14 A Register. De- :11 said Court Springfield hefore ten luck Alt 0': T. PARSROOR d33 of November return: orphy given that appilcation de: hA been Tr: de 10 the Security Banking OT THOMAS H. STAPLETON, for the amount of deposit represented First judge of this Thrif: Bonk No.

3156. issued hv said da: A Notember in Of our Lord Thank to Laura Ann or Nicho' a Guzzio. one thousand me hundred fifty four. being that MAid passbook, haR LYONS. An lost.

stolen or ed Nov. Nov. 2. 1934 CANOS OF COMMONWEALTH Nov. 10 OF Fo all inter--ted in I HAM 49 PROBATE COURT I under the will of MARL ALMI3- To al! persona interested in the trust CU ARE of Longmeadon Under the w111 or 11.

dove. for the benefit Af late of an fountv. HA. IT. CLANK and under RI raceaved, (I.

of deG. min .1 Cianse of said wili. STAIN A MIRIA.M 1 ot said esinte hate pre- CANET And others, under thip 10 Court allowance the.r fourth clause of said will. account. The said catata a present if 10 1 desire 1.0 ohient thereto 1 ed 10 said Court for allowapce 103 ('ourt at it botore 1 de4: re ah, ipot thereto Sour attorney should appear.

mirin account YO: OT o'clock in the forenoon on attorney should file A written appeardAP of Lovember 1034 the return Play en fi Court at Springfield before thia citation. At in the forenoon 011 the thirtieth 1 THOMAS H. STAPLETON. Es dAY of Not ember the return day of FirE1 Judge of nf Noventber in 1': Star of fur Lord: Witness THOMAS I STAPLETON. K.a en thousand nine hundred fifty -four.

fth ire. First Judke 3 Court. Th a JOHN J. aster. dAt nt November in ear of COMMONWEACDIOP Nov.

JOHN LIONS. Register. ord one thousand nine hundred HAMP'DES PROBATE COURT AH us interested 1:1 OF 'SETTS MILDRED BOONS MACAULEY HAMPDEA 4 PROBATE COURT of Springfield in said Counts. deceased. 'To 31 :1 under interpated in tea trust The administratrix of BA 4914'0 has wil! of MARINE to SAid Court for anon ance her TON Inte of i'.

slid et account. WARD 0. for EIt if do tr object the: 0 VOl f1 "LARK tHE and budor Poll' attorney should ip 7 1 an certion of C1: -6 3 of sAid in said Court at Formefield he: 'Trip said estate liate NITeten o'clock in the on fill rented to Court for allow a their of triG APPO third this pitatio: VOl das. re 1.0 ohieet thereto or I THOMAS 11. Vour attorney should file 3 written A da gill re.

of Fast November Judge in of the Court. Lord First 101 in 'he forenoon on 111 said Court A he tire thirtieth one thousand nine hundred dAY nf November 1971, the return day I. sister. of citation Nov. 12-10-22, Witness, THOMAS Judre H.

re. First c'ourt. COMMONWEAL OF MASSACHUSETTS Fifth day November in the year Af our PROBATE COURT in Lord one thousand nine hundred To (OR. M. DIVA ER, of JOHN Register.

the State of Jen 10 A Nor. 10-13 Court-1 petition K. has been OF MASSACHUSETTS tor ot the: twill of PRIEST PRORATE COURT EDIT 1. late To 1181 HORG.AN Springfield. in said Count, deceased.

MARV HONG of or MARY in WIN- that the ew FRID Spinafiold. LINER bank account numbered 141820, County of Hampden. and her heirs anding it! t. Ar presumptive and 10. the 01 (ORA M.

DWIER. in the Massachusetts Department Mental Foringfield tor mess. liealth. determined; And that NAN GORA 31.1 A petition beer presented 1 98 OW VER be ordered to PAL AVer to said Court allegine that 1 VARY RI HORGAN Petitioner All 411113 of money found to. ho Ate Alr owing to l.itm.

with inter st or MARY WINFRED has bethereon from the tittie of withdrawal of incapacitated by reason of mental from wait Bank do said (ORA weakness -10 rare properly for her PopM. All as more fuily Rot forth and praying that. in maid petition, and 0 and HORGAN pt Manchester. in the State of further orders and de reps 08 equity may Connecricut. or some other suitable per require.

8011. be appointed conservator of her If you desire to ob.out thereto you or pronerty. your attorney should file A written appear- 1 desire 10 object thereto or ance in Court at Springfield. before! 3 attorney said should Court file 2 Springfield written he- 30- ten o'clo: in the on the pearance in At dav of November, 1954, the return day of fore ten o'clock in the forenoon 1064 on the thug citation, and A130 fliP ausner or twenty- -first dav of December, other legal pleading within return dav of this citation: dava thereafter. Witness.

THOMAS 1. STAPLETON. Witness, THOMAS H. STAPLETON, Es- Esquire. First Judge of Aid Court this Firs: Judge pt said Court.

this eighth dav Af November. in the of fourth dA! of November. in the vear of our 011 Lord one thousand nine hundred Lord one thousand nine hundred tour. JOHN J. LYONS, Reglater.

JOHN LIONS, Register. (Nov. 19.22-29) (Nov. 10-22-29) Legal Notices COMMON OF THE OF BANKS 11: a Springfield Five Gents Savings Bank of 1 inK petitioned the Commissioner of Banks for authority to establish a branch fice at the southeast corner of ti: ittersection of Witbrahan Road and ParkStreet, Springfield. in the County of pallic hearing will hip An all parties interested therein in Room 109.

House, Bostott, on Thursday, Docember 1074. 11: A. M1. CIA1 THY DONOVAN Commissioner of Hanks I Nov. CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements 1.11 cellar, yard cleaning.

removed, 3 ton dump lands 1. M. 107 Tyler YD VET buys paper. brass, copper lead. or cesspool or septic tank cleaned.

We anywhere RI ah3 HARVEY E. LADLE INC. A-1 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Traprock tar. Hot ton rollere. Call engineer 3-0417 or A-1 chain sal work, Trees cut.

lots cleared by Job. 4-1073. Chic. 1351M. CLOGGED sewer or drain pipe electrically razor-cleaned or 110 Charge.

Roto Rooter. 'Tel. A CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, only. Tel. 2-1717, ACCOUNTING SERVICES- Bookkeeping, Audita, wkly inthly.

basis, -1 rubbish removed. Anting cellars cleaned. Ole Namara, 7 A FREE: Estimate on tree work. Cutting 00 trimming, planting lots cleared. for public liability, property Fir workman's compensation.

Pioneer Valley Tree Service. 2-2661. INSURANCE MOTORCYCLES -TRUCKS Time Payments. Rapid Service Open every day 8. to 8 D.

m. M. NICHOLS Tel. 3-1209. NEW DWIGHT ST.

BULLDOZER FOR HIRE CAll 2-1008, septic tanks. flushed cleaned. Quick. odorless, sanitary. l'hon.

Roto Rooter of EXPERIENCED dran-ry man will install all to pea traverse and curtain rods. 8 ITURE Refinishing. Expert work. Free estimate. Work 4-0205.

FLOORS cleaned. waked polished. Reasonanle. 'Tel. 1-2054, GIORDANO BROS.

Tractor service. dens ACTA plowed. LoAM, full tap TOCK graVel manure. 7-7724 or 9 OU are Interested in SAVINg DiONeY on A nAY guaranteed roof job, call A. Tardy W16-4021 after 5 p.

m. 30 Years tAp. SUPER DUPER complete simonizing job St; exp. 58 Moventh St. SNOW PLOWING walks.

E. Tel. 4182. REPAIRING TV installation. Tel.

Hackett installation antenna repair, ReasonAble W. O'Brien Tel. 3-0447. VETERAN would like small moving jobs. rubbish removing.

pic. Tel. WANTED- Progressive Tidilo player for conibo work. 'Tel. WANTED GARAGE- Main and Jefferson Ave.

Call 4-2471. YOUR SOFA chairs resprung in your home, Tel. 9 8025. OR 5 PIECE or nostra for al occasions. Billy Vincent Personals ARE YOU IN DEBT: Bring your billa! one convenient payment, Var a loan company.

Tel. 7-1148. Family- Am. 44. Vernon.

ALL TYPES OF PRIV. INVESTIGATIONS Any completely confidential. THE WHITNEY SERVICE: Suite 44 Vernon Springtiod, Maas. Licensed Bonded For and conMiltat.on Tel. Nights 1-903 DANCE BAND Pleasant listening daneing.

Ali occasions. Low ralA, inquire 4 a. In. to Willamensett and vicinity. WANTED from 6 Corner: about Please call DRIVING TO St.

Petersburg, Dec. 3, Would one paSsenger to help drive. Ref. LI 3-3656. FOR RENT OR SALE--Latest style for wedding all formal nccasions.

4-1047 for appointnunt. nursery school. 329 Longmeadow Tel. L0 MRS. ANTHONY'S NURSERY SCHOOL Tel.

MADAM VAUGHN reader adviser. All welcome. 147 Euclid A. RELIABLE woman Wants for child: en in her pome dAS Brkwd. Sec.

4-7760 NURSERY Silver West Solid. License. 9-0025. WILL CARE tor child for working mothPr. Excellent care.

Liberty Hahts. 7-7920 WANTED TO CARE in my home. baby. day and night. Mon.

thru. Fri. Tel. 9.7501. Convalescent Homes 9.1 AT RAKER'S Convalescent in ty.

Vacancy nov open. Call 3-7162. R. N. will accommodate 2 elderly people in home.

So. Hadley Center location. Hospital equip. May he OAA or Welfare or private. Call 3-3414 Holyoke.

WALNUT GROVE nursing home. VAcancy in pYt, rm. Reg. nurse Attendance. Tray service.

Tel. J0 9671. Lost and Found 10 BROWN co*cker spaniel 10 VIS. old, nie' lost, reward. Holyoke 2-6319.

GREEN Parakeet lost vio. Meadow Main, Agawam. Child heartbroken. 4-5412. LOST -Jade pearl ring in possibly wam or West Spfid.

Reward. Call LOST -WALLET RED of unworking lady Nov. 18. Vic. of STonican's.

REWARD. Lilly Clark. 26 Miatoon St. TIDE GOLD Farman hracelet watch last Sumner Allen bus line. Nov.

16. Reward 3-1566. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles tor Sale 11 AT EATING Sedan, 2 dr. sup. Del.

JEEP wheel drive WILLYS Station Wagon 393 AT EATON'S White St Tel. 6 AGA WAN A Better Deal--from a Belter Dealer We don't Brag--We don't Roa 4t hen you buy our cars you get the most. 119:4 HUDSON Hornet Ar. Hydra. IN SALES HUDSON SERVICE MERCURY Monterey.

RAH $1205 HUDSON Super D. Twin-1 Power 1932 ON Super Wasp du. HT'DSON Super Wasp dr. 1640 1951 HUDSON Hornet. 4 door sedan, Midra.

1205 193 Super. 1103 1951 HUDSON P'areinaker, 4 dr. 990 1019 DODGE dr. sedan, 19-19 CHEVROLET Sedan DEPALMA MOTOR SALES TI GARDEN FEEDING HILLS Tel. Spfid.

Ar 3. AT THOMPSONVILLE FORD Ford club cpe. All outta: 314 30 ford wont. 0. Ford dr.

F. 0. Pwr. 412. 1845 4 dr.

l'ord 4 dr. RATE 17. 873 Ford 1 dr (Nica) Dodge 1 dr. Coronat 1010 Ford Fordor 9 1261 1019 T'ard 303 1017 dr. 207 WOLF FORD SALES Rou'e 3 Enfield Lin Thompsonville.

Conn. Tel. Riservipw Open Every Night To 0 P. n. AT A.

V. REOPELL. INO. 1034 Chevrolet Fiel Air 2 dr. P.

4 1905 210 dr R611 G. 1495 1953 Chevrolet Rel Alr 2 dr 1305 Chevrolet 210 4 dr sedan Power Gide Power Stee 1695 1952 Chevrolet Dei 4 dr. P. G. 12145 1.04 dr.

sedan: de Chevrolet 4 dr. Red TOO SO 1951 Dodge Meadow Brook 4 dr. 1045 1960 Inuson ti 4 dr. Sedan 417 1913 Ford 1'8 2 dr. Sedan 805 rolet Del 4 du sed RAH 7145 1018 Chev.

Aero Motor iob 595 1047 Chev. dr Motor overhaul 493 A. V. REOPELL. INC.

England'4 Pioneer Chevrolet Dealer 100 STATE ST. TEL. 7-0251 A REAL BARGAIN: 105! Jeep Etation Tacon. wheel drive. with hydraulic 8'10 plow trailer Excellent condition.

Priced at only $1375. Toi. WI 6-30A AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for at 11 AT MAIN MOTORS. INC. NO MONEY DOWN ON MANY CARS 1930 P'LATES INSURAN'E INCLUDED 041S.

dr. (Sup. 851 dr. rAh 1 dr re (Styling Ox.) 1:31 WALES WAg. od (clean) 933 Rel Air rah tax.

clean) 879 FI. YM. dr. r8h tApe. KLICK 4 de.

reli tit 1948 4 (new paint) 400 1945 Srdet 00 -10. :1:1 948 FORD 2 dr. (real buy 393 1017 CORV. new KY 14 ti: ea rAh 107. Alain St.

Open 9-9 Tel. 4-07191 Easy Terms 10 24 AT MURPHY CORRIGAN, INC. FOR A BETTER DEAL '52 Chevroiet Del. club 1005 Plymouth. 4 dr.

sedan Stude. (namp Chub Che 0.D. Studo, 1'8 cluo: cDe. 745 Stude. ton pickup Goo riles 911 88 dr.

Sod. Hydra, 893 Pontiac Club Coupe. 795 0 Buick Special 2 dr. Dyna. 30 98 ged, lydra.

893 Mercury club 49 Cadillac Mod 4 dr, 1:15 ('hey APrO Sedan 405 4 6 Coupe Cybnder 493 395 l'hotrole: 1 dr. Sedan 093 61 BOSTON AT RICHARDS AUTO SALES Check This list of Choice Cars To 1 'an AlwAYS Do Riginass Here Cadillac Fleetwood Sed. I'. Co tillac Lpe De lle 18.31 Ca 42 dr. Sedan 2160 lac Hard top elec Buick Super Riviera 1650 Bu Super Riviera Sedan 3 Oldsmobile 98 dr.

Sedan Chevrolet convertible 1450 Buick Super Conv. Sharp 1902 Ford Gust. 8 4 dr. Fordomatio 1240 da Super AS dr. Ned.

1443 1931 Buick Super 4 dr. Ned Dyna. 141 unv 1196 1951 Ford Victoria coupe Fordm'tic 907 Chevrolet 3 dr. Aedan 905 00 Holiday Medan 1243 Cher rolet P. l'ontiao Catalina Jiydra.

Olds 4 dr. sedan 850 1049 Lincoin sport coupe 0. D. 403 1949 Huirk Super Sedanette 643 1949 Knick Ndu. sedan 6.1 Buick P.din.

4 dr sedan 1947 Buick Super di sedan 250 1918 Packard medanette Plus Many Many Mora To Choose From All Reduced -All Choice At 1362-1149 State St. Tel. 2-5642 or 7-S512 RICHARDS AUTO SALES INC. A GOOD WAT TO SAVE! BUY AN ECONOMICAL CAR Kaiser Del. RAH.

00. Pert. cond. $875 Frazer OT. Very clean 705 Henry 7 Excallent trans.

Henry Henry J. Drive to miles choose for pennies 393 503 Grosiev Reli. Good cond. 143 Chrysler 'T C. 1'1.

D. RAH 795 DARKER MOTOR SALES CENTER 143 P'arbe- Indian Orchard LI 3-141 A RETTER CAR AT A LOWER PRICE. No Money Down FORD Sedan $1605 953 STUDE. Spt. Cot.

139. dr. sedan 11 to FORD 4 dr. RAH On $30 Rio. 14.30 STUDEBAKER Convertible 40 1934 P'1.

Y. 4 dr. sAd per inonti 1050 dr. 51 per month 1950 OLDS. dr.

441 per month AC 4 dr. sedan 1948 CHAV. CADILLAC Conv. CHEV. Arro Sedan PLY MOUTH.

4 dr. 1943 MERCURY dr aed. 41 1347 HUI Sedan 1336 MERCURY Club Coupe WENT SPRINGFIELD MOTOR SALES W. Splid Tol. 6-3249 ALL A1 CARS AT LEE MOTOR SALES No erhead Sates You toy 1053 Podze Coronet 8.

hardtop cort. aromatic, like club Coupe, A stra! 1930 Buick dr. new clutch 550 Nash dr. An Super 194 Chevrolet dr. deluxe.

1919 l'entiac ti, dr. A headiy 400 Hudson dr. 101 Super 1948 Dodge dr. custom l'ontiar dr. hydra.

350 1048 Chevrolet 4 new 497 Cherrolet VP. 1947 Nash dr. Ambassador. A 143 Ruick dr. Supor.

new tires 143 11941 c'hevrolet NeW tires 75 131: rebuilt motor Trade Terns ti3 EXPOSITION WEST Neat Street to Blue Gro'to Open 9 RETTER USED CAR EXCHANGE Ino Cadillac Coupe SAUN '61 Cad'llac dr. SAVE 83 Honday Coupe SANK (Vida 4 di. Sedan SAVE Plymouth 4 dr. sedan '54 Buick Century 4 dr. F.

F3. Dyne. 2495 Merrury Hardtop '54 4 dr. ved. Ford Custom 4 dr.

bed. 1497 olds 48 Conv. Coupe piec. wind. P.

S. Buick Super Riviera eve. Dyna. 1003 Pontiac Conv. Hydra.

1797 Hel Air 1493 Raivaleta Coupa 1494 Pontiac Chat 4 de Hydra. 1303 Cadillac Coupe De Vile I'wr. Sir. 401d4 As 4 dr. Sedan 1193 Chevrolet Tel.

dr. sedan sniperial sedan Hunk Special del. Dyna. 1097 41.04 Holiday Sedan 1:297 O'ds Conv. 943 Buick Sterial 2 dr.

Dyna. 707 '30 Wacon 993 50 4 dr. Sedan 805 Vida 98 4 dr. Sed. Tike new 693 '40 Pontiar Dol.

dr. sed. dr. Lika np tor 1395 Cadillac Sedanette 993 MOST NAVE RADIOS HEATERS 1573 St At Tydot Station AT THE ORIGINAL LEO'9 P54 CADILLAC Coupe Le Ville P. 8 Por or -Power Seat 1954 'ADILLAC 60 Special Sedan Par.

r. Brakes. SPat SATE 11031 P. 5. B.

139.1 1953 coupe. Tor. SIPe r. CADMIAG Cpe. Air.

cond. 3740 1953 4 dr. P. S. 1252 CADILLAC Coupe 62 sedan.

P. CADILLAC Coupa DeVilia 1950 1 Convertible 10951. 1940 CADILLAC 4 dr. sedan 1305 1948 CADILLAC dr. sedan 205 CADILLAC passenger TAT BIUCK Sup Hir.

Cpe. P3PR BUICK dr. sedan 1205 RUCK Super Sedan 1505 1043 RUICK 4 dr sedan 393 BU'ICK Convertible BUICK Sedanette Dina. BUICK door sedan 003 OLDEMORILE 6.8 dr. sedan 603 SS dr.

Sedan 1934 FORD Suniner Victoria 2193 1933 FORD door sedan FORD Cust. med. Fodomatic 1493 NASH dr. APdan PONTIAC dr. sedan 195: MERCURY 4 dr sedan 1301 CHRYSLER 4 d.

sed. r. 18911 1953 DODGE Coronet dr. sed 1195 P1 dr. Ultra, Like new 797 LINCOLN Capri 4 dr.

sedan 0:93 DESOTO 18 convertih'e 179.3 1952 HUDSON Hornet god Hydra 1435 Above Cars Manipped Guaranteed THE ORIGINAL 1171 Stata 5t Onen Ever Tel. 2-9453 BUICK Riviera. 2 dr. Clean. Fully equip.

Black white. Sale or trade Tel Chic 1315 exp Chic 687W. AT PINE POINT MOTOR SALES INC. Stude. Champ 2 dr.

By. Like new 1643 Stale, V5 dr. pedan O. D. Dodge dr sedan 085 Rui-t Super R'viera sedan 1.50.1 Super S8 dr.

sedan 1043 Stude VS Starlite Che. 1: d. Stude. Champ 4 dr. sed.

305 49 Wide. 16 4 dr. medan. Hydra. 395 83 DOWN $5 DOWN '48 O'ds.

4. Frater 4 dr. Ruink dr, Studs dr. Stude. dr.

'46 B'idson 4 dr. dr. '46 4 dr. :46 Mercury '46 Plymouth NEWT 1035 ETUDERAKER. NOW ON FINE POINT MOTOR SALES INC.

Dear era Since 1306 STATE. ST TEL. 7-4335 AT CHEVROLET HOLIDAY BARGAINS 1963 Oldanoble Supar 0 sedan $2130 Studebaber 4 dr. sedan 695 1930 Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan 697 10.0 Chevrolet 2 dr.

sedan 693 1060 Studebaker Club (pe. hyd. 603 1019 Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan 1019 Chevrolet dr, sedan 305 1018 Chevrolet convertible 395 1918 Plymouth 4 dr, sedan 417 1918 Che rolet 2 dr. sedan 1917 Ford dr.

sedan 1947 Ford dr. sedan 45 1947 Lodge dr. sedan 1916 Ford 2 dr. sedat 1016 Chevrolet dir. sedan 193 REEUROPT CHEVROLET INC.

15 Mt. Chicopee Tel. 550 or 2188 :943 Hudson Comm 4 dr sedan 475 A wonderful Greenbrier Green with BUICK RIVIERA SEDAN heater dynallow and white walls that knock your out. also 30.000 miie LIFELONG GUARANTY. SPRINGFIELD LINCOLN MERCURY SALES CO.

583 STATE ST. TEL. 8-1871 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 1 NICE, rich tanking 1011 Ora in top condition. Reasonable, Tel. CLEAN '48 Packard medan.

Small low mileage. Reasonable. 62691. AT RALPH D. JONES INC.

1046 Austin 1 dr. a Sedan 103 Chevrolet 4 dr sedan 1019 61 Station Mason rolet I Coupe the Del. dr. Sedan Cadillac 02 dr. Sedan Chrysler 4 dr.

Sedan TO Chrysler Saratoga 1400 C'hesaler Wandsor Medan 903 Trodsa 18 Diplomat 1960 Dodge 4 dr. Sedan De Ho'n dr Aidan Ford Convertible 1034 Ford 4 dr. Sedan 25 1:30 Mercury club coupe 2 dir 375 1917 Packard dr. sedan 11953 Plymoutn club 4 dr. Plymouth dr.

Hatra good. 1930 Pontiac A 4 dr. Sedan 1919 Pontiac 2 dr. Sedan. 1017 Pontiac Convertible 873 Many Store To Choose From RALPH D.

JONES INC. Since 1926 Authorized Volkavagon Dealer 121. Worthington St. Tel. 6-6301 BUICK sedan spectal.

R. H1. excel. cond. Tel.

4-9043 or 50 St. Jame Rivd. BUICK 1922-Super. 4 dr. sedan.

New tires, private owner. $1050. Tel. 6-0314. BUICK Super Riviera A-1 cond.

Price Call 3-5100. BUICK 1919 Super, 4 dr. gadan. Carol. cond.

owner hag 2 rare, wants to sell vlie. 8650. Tel. 1-2203. BUICK 1919 Super convt.

New to3 Excel. cond. Call 3-1538 or alter 6 p. m. BUICK 1033 Special Riviera, 2 tole green.

F. walls Vary low mileage. $1295. 6-2615. BUICK 10 19 cont, power windows Call 2-3001.

BUICK 1050 SPECIAL, WILT GIVE YOU MILES TO THE GALLON. VICTOR AUTO. 2-1270. BUICK 1949 SI'T'ER Original owner. 51 000 miles, $475.

Can he 381 Westfield W. at Iglo, Ice Cr: am, BUICK Air dir. 1214., gond best offer, 113 Sunridge. Tel. 9-2472.

CHEVROLETS 4 from $095 to $1105. 30 more late cars trucks 10 choose from LOU18 CHEVROLET. Tel. Riverview 5-3353. ask for Schorr.

CHRYSLER, 1004 dr. sedan, Alan many other Gleam1ng A.n extra clean. Like new in erv respect. Mornanically perfect. price.

Weekdays until 6 D. m. Te'. CADILLAC 1931-- Mod. dr.

sedan. The cleanest PAr in town, Privately owned. $2050. Tel. 4-2203.

CHEV. 1911-Club coupe. LA5-2093. Good cond. TOT.

good tires. CHRYSLER '18 New Yorker. Excellent cond. Call after 5 p. 10.

Tel. Chicopee 2313R. CHRYSIER 1946 club coupe clean, Tel. LI 3-4940. 1941.

beautiful cond. Most see to appreciate. Tel. 2-3109. CAR BUYS YOU CAN'T MISS NOW AND SAVE AT SARKS Commas Ave.

near John St CHEVROLET DE. 1051 Rel Alr. Hard 100 conv. Pouer glide. Gond cond.

Entering service must sell. Price $750. Tel. 7 Ville before 1 p. 11.

CHEVROLET 1842 BEL AIR Hardtop Ope. This exceptional two-tone, blue with gray top has tadio, heater And Power Glide, also LIFELONG GUARANTY. For only $1095. Springfield Lincoin Mercury Sales Co. STATE ST.

TEL. 6-1971 CHEVROLET 1934 CARRTALL STATION WAGON This dual purpose car ja brand nAw A fth only 400 miles. Combine work and in A for only $1003 with a 30, 04-mile LIFELONG GUARANTY. Lincoln Mercury Sales Co, 383 STATE ST. TEl.

5-1871 BYRNEN Studehaker Agemy 34 Sumner Near Tel. 6. 7233 CADILLAC 47 Fleetwood, motor cont. overhauled. Very A paint, overbauled hy dramatic, teed.

RAC. 68645. 11 Ridgewood Ava. off NorthampfAn Holyoke. tel.

sedan 1949. car like ne $1177. Tel. or.50 St. James Bivd.

CHEVROLET 1984-1300 miles, $1719. Tel. Holyoke DODGE 49 Coronet SPA. one owner. good cond Best offer PR.

dat. Sun. 4-9006. DODGE 1.0 good condition. Tel.

4-166 or Windsor North DODGE 1040 Burns Shell Station, 0047 Main st. Tel. DODGE Coronet 4 dr. sedan private ner. 1 driver.

Call 3-0134 or DODGE $39 CALL DON'T BE SISLED! Buy your UNed CAr here. Don't GAMBLE Byrnes I Care backed by A reputation of lof fair dealing -besides price, you are 84- surer of quality! Judge for yourself. Stude. Champ. Starlite coupe.

Auto. trans. Many extras. $1950 Buick Roadmaster. Riviera, ROM, dina.

PS 01. Stude Champ. dr, ('her. Rel Air, hd. top.

2 dr Stude 1,. C. overdrive. Stude t'hamp, 4 dr. 903 Stude.

(. Auto. 1130 Dodge, 643 Firetline. Studa Cha overdrita 2 dr. Spec.

Dix. Stude. Starlito ere. 430 Stude, Land Cruiser, 695 4P Stude. Rewal, 4 895 40 Ford 1 Spec.

180, 4 AN dr ellent Roll 593 42 Stude. 5 49 Kateer Vagabond Suburban 49. Stude. 'hamp, dr. 470 Ruick Sup.

conv. 495 Stude, 00DY. '48 4 REH Ford 1'-8. 4 RA Packard dr, Hudson. 4 dr.

sedan 330 Chevrolet Aero sedan. RAH Frazer, 4 dr. 250 Stude. dr. 050 I Dida Sedanette, Hdr.

050 '48 Chrysler, 050 DODGE shape, hardly used. Tel. DODGE dr. after ardan. Very 7-4601 good cond.

$003. Call D. mO. FORD 1916 CLUE COUPE. EXCEL.

COND. RAH. $200. TEL 4-0013. FORD excel.

cond. Private. ly owned. Tel. FORD Runs paint tire new.

Focony Station, 1483. Riverdale W. 8. FORD 1953 CUSTOM T'8 A beautiful tudor sedan a fin tone finish, radio and beater. aiso 30,000 mile LIFELONG GUARANTY.


w. tires, new top, Tol. Huntington 2878. FORD 1941 Cony. maroon.

new battery. carb. fuel pump Ignition. $100. Viay he at Victoria Tire, Co.

a. m. to n1. See Mr. Nelson.

FORD Model A coupe, marifold top. nAw lacquer paint, Perfect body. A-1 cord. Tel. T-0640.

FORD 1262 CUSTOM DELUXE VA Here 13 a beautiful Forest Green ear a with radio, heater. Fordomatic and hite alla. with LIFELONG GUARANTY. Springfield L.incoln Mercury Sales Co. 83 STATE TEL.

6-1871 HUDSON 43 commodore, new tires, new battery. good cord. very gOOd buy private 832. 1 Ridgewood Ave. Holyoke.

Tel. JEEP STATION WAGON 1031. 4 whi. dr. plow.

elec. lift, heater, 1 owner, Low mi. Call 4-0911 aft. 6 p. KELLERER MIXER INC UTH Dealer 1053 CHRYSLER 3 dr.

Aedan CHRYSLER Sarinza C. 1932 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1605 1951 PLYMOUTH dr. sedan 1931 CHRYSLER Newport 1031 1451 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTII 4 2 dr. door sedan Sedan 1203 PLY Belvedere ope. 1013 1900 CHRYSLER 4 dr.

Sedan 1045 1949 CHRYSLER dr. sedan 797 1949 DE SOTO 1 dr. Sedan 715 DODGE dr. sedan Sinst of These Cars 'Have Radios Heaters Carry 2 30 Day Guaranty KELLEHER MINER. INC: 1 Dealer $64 St.

Janies Ava. Tel. OPEN AVENINGS TO 2 P. M. AUTOMOBILES Antomobiles for Sale 11 HUDSON coupe in good cond.

Call 4-126. 1930 A buy At $708. Victor Auto HENRY 1951 Excellent mechanical cond. Jel. 37912.

LOOKS PLUS 19.1 Buick super hard toy cont. Tip. Top Stunt sacrifice, $1100 or thereabouts; Holyoke 6.288. 1948 Conv. Ex ellent condition.

A H. Tel. 9-0401. MERCURY 1953 MONTEREY 4 DR. SED.

I A show room condition car. blue finish with radio, heater white wall tires also 30,100 mile LIFELONG MURING LINCOLN MERCURY SALES CO. 583 STATE S'T. THI. 6-1811 SASH Rambler conv.

coupe, low mineAKA Call 1 0-7317. 1050 Rambler Conv. 1974 engine: setup. milea on 49 OLDS. 1074, Holiday deluxe coupe, bite all' extras.

'Tel. ONLY ONE LEFT: Fort 1934, custom line. 4 dr. Fordamatic. RH Easy glass, undercoated, oil tilwhite tires.

Vert special low price. Will State St. 4 OLDS. 33 super 88 4 dr. Sedan.

tons Touer steering, power brakes white aidewalla. A-1 cond. Put. Tel. 1-7529, OLDSMOBILE 1052 Sedan model 98.

tinted xiass. Electronic eye, 4'. TA'. 'This ig low mileage cAr in excellent dition. $16-5.

Wico Electric Co. Tel. 1-0224. 1918-2 2 dr, sedan. H.

Now Beat offer. Tel. alter 5.300 P. 11. OLDSMOBILE 1949 SEDAN An exceptionally clean 4 door sedan with radio, heater and hydramatio.

this out with LIFELONG GUARANTY. Lincoln Mercury Sale: Co. 353 STATE ST. TEL. 6.1871 PONTIAC 1950 CONVERTIBLE COUPE This beautiful, Matador Red car is A real honpy winter and summer with radio, heater.

hydramatio And 30. mile LIFFLONG GUARANTY. Springfield Lincoln Mercury Sales Co. 383 STATE ST. TEL.

6-1971 1949--2 dr. Hydra, Winterized, 68 Parkside St. 3-0061. PONTIAC 1953 Catalina fully equipped. W.

sidewalls, 12.501 miles. OWner. $2195, Tel. Holyoke after 6 D. Mr.

Call 3- day or night. PONTIAC ONES 4 dr. sedan, Good cond tion. PONTIAC 1949 Chieftain Sedan, well cared, for. Privately owned 1.07-5280 PONTIAC GOOD WILL USED CARS 033 PONTIAC Custom Catalina Coure, One owner, 20.000 miles.

2 tone Laurel green and Milano Ivory, 0 The most distinctive car on the rOA4 fully equipped including Power Steering, '51 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan. Kou'pped with Power Glide, radio all heater. Light grey finish. Immaculate exterior. You own this one once you drive it.

PLYMOUTH Concord 2 doo- Sedan. One onner. 13.000 radio And heater. Finished In A beautiful shade of xiey. STUDERAKER Commander Vo 4 dr.

sedan. Equipped with overdrive, heater. directional signals. One owner, 31.00 miles. '51 PONTIAC Chieftain deluxe door sedan, An ideal family CAr.

34.000 original miles. Black fully Aquinned. including U. Roy Afas tor hitA sida WAll WE Also have a large Assortinent At mak pe and mode's traded in on naw General Motors masterpiecethe all New 1973 PONTIAC. you can't come In to our showroom -just CAT.I, 2-6201 And of our galeamen wil' bring the of your choice to you: home.

EAST GMAC TERMS PONTIAC 360 Main Street Open Evenings PERSONALLY ENDORSED USED CARS 51 Hudson Hornet sedan $1293 Plymouth 2 door sedan 815 51 Pontiac 8 dr. RATI Hydra 1 50. DeSoto Club Coune 890 50 Ford 8 tudor 651 49 Chevrolet 2 door sudan 64., '49 Tludson (several to choose from) 46 Ford tudor 323 Many Other Fine Cars to Chonae From LOUIS MOTORS, INC. Main St. Open Ever Tel.


105 47 OLDSMORIE 2 dr. Excel cond. 195 4 dr. SATA 47 a RUICK 2 dr. Compare thia 30h TO I dr.

Rig buy at 3405 PONTIAC convertible 443 PLYMOUTH op4. Better hurry 495 CHEVROLET 2 dr. Nara 405 40 CHEY. 4 dr. Very ciean 843 49 PACKARD 2 dr.

See this st 525 '30 FORD A Jake new 505 51 CHEV. 2 dr. 6 pas, RAH 706 FORD dr. Big bargain "AS '31 CHEV. 3 a Relor market 9 $5 30 OHEY.


WEST SPRINGFIELD 1054 CHET. Rel Air dr. brand new. Call RI 3-5562. 1018 FORD Model T.

Center post 101 window. 3 dr. completely reatored. New motor overhauled. rare antique.



AT A V. REOPELL INC. EXCEPTIONAL CHEVROLET USED TRUCK VALUES 1053 Chev. 1. ton pickup 9000 miles 1095 c.

net rolet ton 114.4 1931 Chevrolet Sedar De ivery 803 New England's Pioneer Deal 1949 Chev. Sed Del. Motor Overhaul a 597 A. V. RHOPELL INC.

STATE ST. TEL. 7-0231 CHEV. ton pickup. Perfect Rudolph larnois.

100 Norris St. Feeding Holla. Mass. HE ROLET 1048 Pickup, All equipped like new. 8275, Victor Auto, 2-1210.

AUTOMOBILES Trucks for Sale AT CHEVROLET 1841 1016 Chevrolet Chevront sedan delivery delivers $190 1. Chevrolet 4 toti I 01. 1010 Chev. ton panel Bargain 003 11 Ford ton pickup 1050 Chevrolet ton 00. CHEVROLET INC.

11 P41 Tel. 300 ora 278.9 4 -1 TRUCKS AT FORD CENTER I 1033 FORD 4 PICKUP 12-ft. STAKE blue $1207. 1 FORD 12-ft STAKE, green FORD PICKUP, deluxe 6031 1051 CHEVROLET, 12-it. VAN Ail.

I. 1930 FORD 8 MUD. FORD PICKCI STUDERAKER VAN 1949 FORD PANEL 497. 1047 FORD VANETTE 1918 New EH 9 'Mi MACK 20 18 ft, tires, PLATFORM 705. spare heater.

BEST TR BEST ARTHUR F. CENTER. INC. 540 Columbus Ate Phone 3-1115 OPEN EVERY EVENING BARGAINS AT BYRNK3 '32 STUDE. ton mekup 14, ton nirkup 695 STUDEKAKER 2-ton Chassis Cab win 2-speed rear axle FORD 1 ton pinkup, Tiki new FORD 1on Pickup 14 ton l'ickup 595 49 DODGE 14 ton Panel 47 sean del.

350 MANY OTHERS ALL PRICES BYRNES STUD BAKER AGENCY 34. Sumner Ave. near Longhill St. CHAT. 1 toil panel, 48-late 53 motor good Sacrifice 11 Ridgewood Holyoke.

Tel. INTERNATIONAL top, closed in body, a buy at $100 Victor Auto 2-1270 INTERNATIONAL, 147 Metro 4 Ton s'ep'111, Good running order, American (ea 43.1 Eastern Ava. 7-4831, INTERNATIONAL halt ton panel RI $125. 942 Belmont AVe. SEDAN DELIVERY $250.

Chevrolet 1947 10 7-5191 Chicopee 8340. TIVO 1930 Chevrolet 14 ton panel trunks. $300 each. Minintenance records avail. call Holyoke 4-1217.

150 GALLON OIL TRUCK 2 compartments Sofid. Coal Co. A0 Jannon St. House Trailers 11B A BETTER MOBILE HOME, nt plan and the largest display and used in New England at Better aller Sales Service. 119 Boston Rd 3 intles from Main on Route 20 toward Boston.

Tel. 6-1177. 1051 Liberty 30 ft. bedrm. Going overReaR.

Can ba bought reasonably. Ray's Traitor Sales. Thorndyke St. Palmer. AIRSTREAM- -Worid'a finest travel roach also SupreniA ft.

Victors and other modals. HAy's Trailer Sales, Thorndike Palmer. Mass. REAL BARGAIN 30 ft. alt aluminum.

Like new. 1-3 less than cost. On bast lot. in nicest park, Hollywood. Florida.

Just walk into nice home. 9-3247. MOBILE HOME OF DISTINCTION to fit vour income. ABC Alma, General Travel Master, Stewart. All sizes; new and used.

BURNETT TRAILER SALES Just over the W. Spfid. line Rte. 20 Westfield, Mass. SPACE t.

trie new Mountainylow Trailer Coutt. Miller Ludlow. 1U 3-0204. SEIIAL NOV. CLEARANCE SALE LOW IM PAYMENT House trailers, All s'zeg 14 it.

to 48 St. Alen IMA RI good clean used trailers. TRAILER SALES. BOSTON RD Rite. C'1, Nex: to State N.

Wilnra12 milea north of Spfld. TRAILER- PONTIAO2 ft. AT Poly. Burnet's Trailer UTILITY trailer, brand new, home-made. 3-8208.

Motorcycles and Bicycles 13 CASH- -For your motorcycle. motor scooter or motor bike. Call Holyoke 2-0616. Auto Accessories 11 PAITS for all makes cars. Also genuine Pontiac parta.

Genden Inc: Main St. 4-1481. (20) 600.16 R. F. Goodrich tubeless tires.

Nearly new. $10 each. Tel. Garages 16.1 GARAGES tor rent cor. Liberty Carew: Ste.

Call 4 0624. GARAGE for rent Forest Pk. Ave. near Sumner Phone 2-1715. GARAGE 13 ft.

overhead door. ideal 1 for any business, 518 Siemorial A VT. A West Springfield. PARKING SPACE for rent on Aahmun St. butw.

Central Adams. $3 IMO. Inquire at 8.3 Central bt. 4-: Wanted--Automobiles 17 ANY MANE or model. Cash for your Forest lark Auto 912 Belmont Ate.

MAIN MOTORS INC. 1071 Main St. Open Tel. 4-5719 TOU PRICES for clean. late, models.

Pire Point Motors. 1 Stale WE BUY quality cars! Ralph D. Jones, Worthington. Tel. BUSINESS SERVICES Building -Contracting 19 ARSOLUTELY the best At the lowest.

Homes, porches, garages, kitchen models. for colotex callings. Call 0 A free estimalea. A-1 CARPENTER. home kit.

Cabinets repairs, Reasonahle. ALL kinda of Mason work. Plastering, NAW old. Reas. prices.

ALL TYPES carpentry work. roofine. chimneys, remodeling repairing. A 1 MASONRY, plastering, blocks, colored stucco repaira Tel. 3-6829.

AT. HOUSES jacked. floors leveled. chimney foundation work. Reas 2-8704 ALT, TYPES OF CARPENTRY.

CHIC. OP DE 181. 206T31 AFT. 3 carpentry home repairs, ceilings, porches etc. Call 4-2150.

A-1 gen. repairing, parch in specialty. hom*od. Colotex ranting. Men insured.

Z. l'ay. I. Cross. ASPHALT driveways, concrete steps, walks.

patio collar fioo: a. Tabaldt Bros a 1.0 7-7086. 9-1718. CARPENTER. first class, with power avah.

now for small jobs. 6-4460. CARPENTER with power tools. Repairing. roofing.

himney work, PATe troughs cleaned Free 3 CRAWFORD overnead garage doors And installed. Garages remodeled. Call W. R. Roberts, LA 5-201 CHIMNEYS new brick.

$5.3 Fully Insured. Chic. 1825 Or 2167M after 3 m. DAY CONSTRUCTION NT. PIERRE A- COOK TEL.


NO JOR TOO 1GE. SMALL Tel. 4-7504. GARAGES built. Lowest prices, PANT 17 yrs.

exper. Call 7-8318. 3-3430. HOME repairing, mod. bookensea coffee tables made to order, 3-2375 INSTALLATION of new chimney 9.

Tel. PLASTERING -NEW WORK ONLY REASONABLE PRICES. TEL. 9-4189 GARAGES storage buildings, pic. or cinder block.

Including permita, floors. etc Free catimate. 3-4617. ROOFING: 61 troughs. and repairs, free Phone 2-874 or Heating and Plumbing FUEl.

WASTE cost Inoney, specially it you have bad heating Free Call 4-0659. MASTER PLUMBER for new F. Knaplk, 1:23 a Riverdaje West repairs or remodeling. Call Elw: 4-2'41 or 3-5079 for free estimate 21 AI hr. LIC.

service. electrician. 9-4841 or Wiring, repairs, 24 A A-1 LIe. ELECTRICIAN. WIRING.

KEPAIRS. 24 HR. SERVICE 2-1941. 3. jabs repairs.

Phone 2-7204 before 8.30 or after p. Repairing 22 TYPES electric appliances repaired. 24 hr. service. 9-5841, AT, MAKES SEWING MACHINES Repaired in your home.

6 6-2644. A-1 KITCHEN range oil burner pol burner. cloan repaired. Guar. A better washing repair service, a.

types. rates. 6-9773. EXPERT TV service on all TV hour service. Bonded technicians.



3.6273. VACUUM CLEANERS makes repaired rebuilt. We call for de deliver 9-211, Forbes R- Wallace WIT REPAIR housennid itema ances. The Fix It Shop. 2-3391.

BUSINESS SERVICES Piano Tuners 1. BABY Eland Or regular upright Dialo tor 00. Repair fief. Mr. Rosinson.

Tel. or A FACTORY piano builder will tune your piano for $1. repair SHI1 C. Nubluek or or Chicopee 195. with G.ob; Piano Co.

L. A1. at Music ('o. of Srfid. will go put of torn, EXPERT TONING.

Comet Grand $1. to years experience. HepAirs guaranteed. ('all 41. J.

Painting -Papering 23 A BETTER CLASS of painting. Reasonably pried. Workmanship guar. t'elotex advice given. 8 4404.

PAINTING Paperhanging repairs. Satisfaction r. Expert men. Puny Insured Free GUARANTEED job painting. na per hanging.

floors sanded refinianed. J. J. Regan. 9-4794 or BEST PAPERING PAINTING A.

Doersam, 80 St. Sis: Free Estimates CETOTEX, 'Also CEILINGS interior put up painting 8. Free very Pat. CELOTEX colings specialty. Remod.

14 repairs from attic 10 basem*nt. Expert workmanship. Cote Bros. 8-5100 EXPERT painting repairing, interior exterior. Best materials' prices.

8 0745. HOUSE PAINTING exterior. papering a specially. 45 exp. 6-2511.

exterior, Good paint. Applied by a good painter. Always produces good job. 23 6. PAINTING LAneral repairing at 11.

best. Reas Call Fred luot. Li 3-3039. PAINTIAG papering. Very I Walter Wojrik.

Tel. Work guaranteed. Free est. Tel. 4-0455.

RELIABLE pain'er interior A exterior. PADERHANGING painting. Your problem is my job. Tel. 4-3188.

PLASTERING. painting. paperhanging, city or country. Tel. 2-2634.

WALLPAPER 3. room complete rials And lator, all for $15.05. CeL Bob 0212. Moving- -Trucking -Storage 25 TEI. 2-3214 Millinery--Dressmaking 23 A bedspreads.

made Tel. slipcovers, draperies, DRESSMAKING alterations. Expert. Reasonable. Tel.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 33 A COMPLETENT housekeeper. Lite In. only. 3 adulta 1 young school are chuld. Salary $35.

Box 250, Union Office. A wkly for trips local to N. long E. States distance N. moving Y.


Tel. 6-2011. WALSH--Moving local western Mags. Prompt service. 9-5868.

ALT moving are not the PR LAD Dinan, the mover. Weekly traps Boston and vicini' y. 0-161. LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOTTO STORAGE -PACKING -CRATING ANDERSON BENSON 270 LIBERTY ST. Tel.


CALL. HOUR TRUCK DAY LEASING OR LEASE SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT A NEW OPPORTUNITY For a woman or man experienced in and supervieing for Spring. field and vivinity, Party experience Company executive will arrange confidential interview. Write today, ing qualifications and phone nuinher. MAHTIN HARRIS.

1035 Wiibraham Road, Springfield, MagE. INTERESTING---Permanent opportunitv to eas ima responaibility. ha capable 3 day wk. OUR advantages, telephone tor appoin'ment. Merriamn Co.

4-5460. A limited. number of Azcellent opportunities tor STENOGRAPHERA 4. MACHINE TRANSCRIBERS Just quality in aveed and a accurate. Salary commensurate A1th a Single women preferred Full- work only.

Call Mr. Lovelace from 8.30 to At 2-3131. or etonines and weeKends at 9-1217. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL infe Insurance Company 1200 State Street, Springfield 1200 State Street, Springfield ARC EMPLOYMENT, 258 WAITRESSES, SHORT ORDER COOK APPLY 9 11 DON'T PHONE A NIGHT WAITRESS wanted full 4.0597. AT ONOE Part mA afternoons or evenings for a ho DATA time for who cannot work All day hAI AUSA children.

No ence a ol car A supervisory position alan Te: Splid. htwn 10 8. m. -12 ARE YOU INTERESTED 1 making displaying ft A priv. home" 1 1'AN drive car.

I'hona for interALI, KINDS OF OFFICE Rook keeper Minnographor, downtown 40. Clerk To piste dou 5 dav 3 up. to Maraser Downtown Ins. Downto. n.

$10.45. VALLEY PLACEMENT SET: IOC State 9-1 2-4 30 'Tai. 1342 A LADY to do King Cleaners. 100 Broadway. No phone calla 61 PART time Bank Gonral Mg.

Corn 30 St. MARKER PERSONNEL, SERVICE 7-0661 GRAN- it or Liberal Arts pre'. Master a. Tenching $3110. CLEAN TYPIST Ar a Accurate Jea.

with tro matic cures, expediting. Mica place. nin SWITCHROARD OPERATOR Tyring plus. CLERK typist pleas Ant perannality. able take interruptions.

Interesting. $35. GENERAL COMPIOMETER OFFRATOR Tiring Inking fix. $10 319. Goon TYPIST Billing OPIATe Freidan CAl.

154 permanality. Single adri. STENO. know. hA $45 Another with Nd.

English bekernd Interesting. Collage helpful. $13 PRIVATE To Murat like figure. Collage SAY, STENO Sone for Dept. STENO ninet public And alla; phone.

Ira. 9-5. $10. JR STENO- A good At 00. no change for advancement.

$43. SECRETARY frt HolyokA Must he A top 1AMA Able A A sand spot for right girl BARKER SERVICE 1-2667 Johnson's Bonkstore Bide Stenographer $70. LABORATORY worker r. Chemistry Bark 80. IRAPHER College Graduata 45.

MEDICAL SECRETARY Shorthand 540; SECRETARY Insurance Office CLERK good at figures 43. TYPIST Downtown 42. SECRETARY Legal office Open ENER office some shorthand $0. operator good typist CLERK Insurance office 36. STENOGRAPHER Loan office.

10. NATION TIDE 2. 1144 STATE ST. flours 9.11.30 1-4 D. m.

COOK GENERALS, cook-down alaire workATA maids, Barton Emp. Barrington. COMPTOMETER OPERATORS Comptomarer Co. needa 25 to 30 PTparienred operators for temporary a.nd Facelient salaries. Register immediately, tree placement.

143 State At Tel 4-3013. Carable girl or aromA wanted fro peroffice work. Must ho rood at timiras. appli-'Samuel Black Co. 31 Winter St.

In. 1 8.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.