The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD 'UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1953 CLASSIFIED WEDNESDAY MORNING RADIO PROGRAMS 3 Sir" WBA 97.1 MC 1030 FM, 01.7 1130 MIC 1'M, ISPR 97.9 1270 MC FM, WTIC 06.5 1080 W.ACE, 730 101 WHYN, 93.1 500 MO KO FM, WIKO, 101.9 1600 MIC WTXL 1490 7.15-de Suze-Weatherbee Melody Express a Doug Rewick Bob Steele -Weatber Ed Welcome Family TAT Show Timekeeper 7.00-News-Carl de Suze News--Melody Exp. Doug Bewick Boi. Steela 2 J.d Carter News -Sports TNT Show -News Timekeeper 7.30-Ken Mayer Melody Express Dour Bewick Bob Steele N. WA- Ed Carter Welcome Family TNT Show Timekeeper 7.43-Carl de Suze Melody Express Bewick Weather Hob Steel Fid Carter News: Iymn INT Show Timekeeper--News 8 m- Su74 Nen a Roundup Martin Agronsky News Ed Carter World TNT Show Timekeeper 8.13- -do Suze-Weatherbee Community News Good Morning World lid Carter Breakfast Hour 'INT Show Timekeeper 830-Ken Mayer -de Suze Shoppers Special Tello--Test Radio Bazaar News--FestIval Breakfast Hour Western Songs Timekeeper 8.43-Carl dA Suza Shoppers Special News Radio Bazaar Music Festival Breakfast Your W'estern Songs Timekeeper--News Forum Shoppers Special Breakfast Club Melody Theater Music Festival News Ring Crosby Coffee Club 9.15-Victor Lindlahr Shoppers Special Breakfast Club Melody Theater Music Festival Helen Hope Bing Crosby Coffee Club 3.00 -Dick 'Tucker Just Between Us Breakfast Club News- Your ('hild Market Rasket Pioneer'a dons Coffee Club 0 45-Dick Tucker News Breakfast Club Victor Lindlahr Market Basket Kitchenaires Coffee Club -News 10.00-Welcome Traveler Arthur Godfrey My True Story Welcome Traveler French-Canadian Schools in Action Athenian Stusic Country 83 10.31-Double 10.15-Welcome or Traveler Nothing Arthur Arthur Godfrey Godfrey Godfrey My Girl Whispering True Story Streets Double Welcome or Traveler French-Canadian French-Canadian World Favorites Noirs Voice Athenian of Italy Music Country Country Store Store 10.15-Double or Nothing Arthur A Marries Double or Nothing French-Canadian Top Tunes News Voice of lialy Country Store 11.00-Strike It Rich Arthur Godfrey News- Strike It Rich Melodies ladies Fair Voice of Italy Country Store 11.15-Strike It Rich Arthur Slam Godfrey Tex Beneke Strike It Rich Polish Poliah Melodies Melodies Ladies Fair Voice of Italy Country Store 11.70-Bob. and Ray Grand Break the Bank Bob and lay Queen for 8 Day Voice of Italy Crosby Sings 11.43-Bob Hone Rosemary Break the Bank Bob Hope Polish Melodies Queen for A Day Voice of Italy Crosby Sings--News WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON RADIO PROGRAMS WE.A 10::0 11.30 A SPR WHO 1080 ICE 730 560 KO W.IKO, 1600 1490 FM.

97.1 JIC M. 91.7 00 1. 91.9 3103 F0, 96.3 MC 1'M 93.1 MC VM, 101.9 MC 12 -Verne Williams Wendy Warren News--Jack Berch News- -Weather Melody Ranch Curt Massey' News Luncheon Music Aunt Jonny Markets -Weather Media Time Melody Ranch Capitol Comment Community News Luncheon Music 12.00-Marjorie Mills Gal Helen Sunday Trent Alan Hoth Marjorie Mills Mills Westover Westover Airlines Waltz Regional Time News P'ioneer Valley Luncheon Music 12.40-- Marjorie Stills Alan Hoth Mariorie Pioneer Valley Music--News 1.00-Bob Risaling Road of Life Ken Carols News Polish Varleties General News Northern Conn. 1490 Club 1.15-Rob Rigaling Ma l'erking Ken Carols Musical Aliller Polish Varieties Food Show Northern Conn. 190 Club 1.30-Cinderella Young Dr.

Afalone Newa-Quiz Musical Miller Hand Hood Show Let's Polka 1190 Club 1 45-Cinderella Guiding Light Jackpot Quiz Musical Miller Top Band Bing Crosby: Let's Club--NewT Two For the Show Airs. Burton News- Doctor's Wife Top Band Record Room Saddle Time 1490 Club 2.15-Doctor's Wife Perry Mason Jackpot Quiz Cinderella Top Band Record9-News Saddie Time 190 ('lub 2.30-DaVe Garroway Nora Drake Rhythun Society Cinderel'A News-'Top Rand Record Room Puns on tl: Air 190 Club, 2.15-it Your Request Brighter Day lihythm, Society News Top Band Record Room Pops on the Air 190 Club--News 3.00-Life Beautiful Hilltop House Dinner la Served Life Beautiful Grab Bag Campo Lady Talk Pops on Air 1 190 Club 3.15-Hoad of Life House Party Dinnar Is Served Road of Lite Grab Record Room Pons on the Air 100 Club 3.30-Pepper Young Party thru Society l'epper Young News-Girab Bag Record Room Pops on the Air 490 Club 3.43-Happiness Matinee Melodies lthythmn Society Happiness Grab Hag Record Room lops On the Air 190 Club--News Wife News Cal 'Tinney Bachatago Wife Grab Bag Record Room lops the Air 1190 Club 4.15-Stella Dallas Charles Antell rorker Dallas Grab Hag Record Room on the Air 1:190 Club Widder Rron Tops in l'ops Platter Date Widder Brown New -Grab Record loon The Beat 490 Club 4.47-Woman in My House Tors in Pops l'latier Date Woman in My House liolland Show a Music The Beat 490 Club 5.00-Plain Bill Tops in Pons kig Jon Sparkey l'lain Bill Grab Bag Music and Songs The Beat Kiddioland 5.13-Farrell Tops in Pops Platter Irate Farrell Rag Music and Songs 'The Heat Kiddieland enzo Jones Tops 101 Pops l'latter Date Lorenzo Jones Sportatime Wild Bill Hickok Sports Roundup Rhythm Ranch 5.45-Ballad Box Curt Massey Platter Date Notes and Quotes Cecil Brown Serenada Rhythm Ranch WEDNESDAY EVENING RADIO PROGRADIS E. M. 1030 WI.IS 1430 1:30 WTIC 1080 WACE 130 WHYN 560 KO WUKO 1600 ITAL 1190 91.1 MC 631, 947 DIG DO. 97.9 MIC FM, 90.3 10.

03.1 MC FM. 101.9 310; 8.00-News-Ken Mayer Vena a leports NewS News Inner Music 6.15-Leo Egan Spild. Newsreel Sports Sports--Weather Minute Melodies Dinner Music 6.30-Geoffrey Harwood Dinner Concert Sammy Cote Glee Club Sports Review Three Sans 6.10-Star Extra Lowell Thomas Satiny Kaye 'Three Stars CotA Glee Club Song Time 7.00-Symphonette Sports News- Headline I Wis Communis Fulton Lewis Jr. Family Rosary 7.15-Symphonette Junior Miss Hubert Kregeloh Was a Communis MusIc in The Air Sports l'age 7.30-World News Jo Stafford lone Ranger World News Gabriel leatter Make Believe 7.45-One Man's Family Edward R. Murrow Lone Hanger One Man's Family News--Titus Moody Ballroom 3.00-Walk a Mile Tour FBI Mystery Theater Walk a Mile Crime Files Mako Bolieve 8.15-Walk 8 Stile Your FBI Mystery Theater Walk Stile Crime Mites 8.30-Great Gildersleeve Dr.

Christian Life Beging at 50 Gildersleete (rime Fighters Believe 8.43 Great Gildersleeve Ir. Christian Life Begins at SU Gildersleeve Crime Fighters Ballroom 9.00-You Ret Your Life Playhouse Mr. President You Ret Your Life Family Theater Concert Hall 9.15-You Ret. Your l'lay house Mr. President You Bet Your Life Family Theater Concert Hall 9.30-The Big Story What's My Line Crossfire 'The Big Story Forum Concert 1all 0.15-The Big Story What's Sly Line Crossfire The Big Story Forum Concert Hall 10.00-December Bride December Bride Tomorrow's News Show Top Tunes Sandman 10.1-December Bride December Bride Dream Harbor Bob Hope Show Top Tunes Sandman 10.30 op.

Martin News- Sec. Benson -Latin Quarter Swayze Danger Slumbertine Sandman 10.47-Rep. Martin SAc. Ranson Latin Quarter Mans. Assigninent Slumbertima Sandman News- Sports News News News Reports Sandman ew England You and the World Sports Roundup World News Wayne Sandman Dance Music OrchestrA Sammy Kaye Dance Rand Sandman 11.30-Sammy Dance Music Orchestra Sammy KAVA Dance Band Sandiran 11.47 -Sammy Theory Repeated May Be Due to tenses automatically for 1 Mo years the first time.

A second conviction for drunk driving means a minimum suspension of 10 years. Facts on Test Prior to all appearance before the director of motor vehicles, those on the verge of suspensions are sent to the clinic for general questioning, A. written examination to determine their attitude toward the law and physical checks that would affect driving. Answers to the general questions are relayed to the safety center at. NYU for study and classification by psychologists.

Here are the facts on this reporter's test. My adjusted vision WAS 20-20. I could distinguish normal ('00- versation at 20 feet (hearing). and showed up hetter than averA in the field of vision tests which measure how far to the sire you can sep A moving object while keeping your straight ahead. My traffic color recognition was normal And didn't get flustered when signals were changed on while "driving" stimulated car.

Varying signals are flashed on 3 screen and a meter registers the reaction. In depth perception--ability tot judge space, distance and the Your Stars What to Expect Today Rut for more 10AN tic herd of such. who think too little. and who talk too much. -Dryden.

Dally Guide -There is a a a a a a holdover of some of the confusion of past few days which may even have shown up in some unusual weather. Foggy and storms at sea 113 prediction for this 3 Par and We have already had more than the normal of sea disastors. Rains and floods, dampness and fog are to he expected. The same befudding and liquidation can he felt in! personal relationships, ton, 50 refuse to gossip or accent ruinors. Some disclosures or undercover work coming to light can add to the picture of confusion in the coming wepk.

Today's disappointments cAn bring A note of depression in the evening. Absent mindness and slips of speech can be noticeable. Those born in the middle nf October need to tread with care not arouse the ire of other people. Those with birthdays during the third week of April should improve personal appearance and shop for luxury items. All should combine beauty with practical consideration.

Happy Birthday, Pisces! Some exciting new experience should have picked up your. past year and the influence can continue into the summer of this year. It could be romance, some unusual new hobby of interest, children or young people in your life, or interesting changes in your relationships with a friend or A stranger entering your life. Mid-summer could he the time of a culmination of events Hold up the spending now and take care in any arrangem-nts yon make this' month regarding insurance, investments or the money of your partner', or your faxes. Wait until after the first of next month to sign agrepments or make financial commitments.

in the latter part of the year you should be able to make ments in your 10110 or make a hone. ficial change to bring you pleasure and comfort at your home base. Six R. I. Drivers Lose Licenses, Registrations Providence.

I. March 3 (P)-The State Motor Vehicle Registry announced today that it has suspended the driver's licenses and registraof six motorists under the state's new financial responsibility law. This IVAS the first action of tho kind the registry has taken. 'The law provides that the operator: ol every motor vehicle involved in 11 accident. of more than minor nature shall A report.

with the registry, which then will evaluate ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found 10 EYEGLASSES in red case, lost Saturday evening Feb. 28 near Union Eastern Avc. or Chestnut Kissex Sis. Igor MAkepy. 116 Kasex Spfld.

FOUND gold band wedding ring, initials F. A. S. to P. 1.

A. 6-8-47. Tel. 7-3022. LOST.

LADIES wrist watch. Memorial Super Mkt. Saturday night. Tel. 7-1115.

JOST natural. mink stole aligator land hag Sat. night at Coliseum. Reward 9-1389. LOST pink black shell rim glasses in brown Vie.

Sears Roebuck Memorial Diner. Tel. 4-9020, lost Saturday at State F- mond Winder please call WILL the party who "'Muffet' blond co*cker Spaniel Call WI 6-109. WILT. the woman seen taking ladies pockethook from telephone booth.

Whelan's Drugstore return only. Keep the money. 'l'el. no questions asked. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 AUSTIN Crosley Tillman A1 G.

Sales Service State Motors 113 Main St. 9-5410. A-1 BUICK Super convt. Call 7-1270. 'AS LITTLE DOWN AS" 1918 PONTIAC 4 dr.

Sedan 200 1:51 2 dr. 19.0 STILE. 4 1 dr. Commander 1950 CHEV. Del.

Cl. Cpe. No Money 1919 CI. Cpe. No Money Down 1019 HUDSON No Money Down 1918 CHEV.

4 Dr. Fleetine No Money Down 1048 CHEV. de. Aero Sed. No Money Down 1917 dr.

Sed No Money Down 1947 4 dr. sed. Money Down 1912 1017 OLDS. BOICK club cpe 4 dr. sed Down Money 1011 PONTIAO sedanette No Money Down 1040 HODSON 4 dr.

std. Money Down MEMORIAL MOTORS 230: MEMORIAL W. SPELD. 2-8131 (Turectly ann. Now Ston Shon) AT PINE POINT MOTOR SALES INC.

AS pAr DRIVING TRIAL WHEN YOU RUT A USED CAR PRICES GREATLY REDUCED STUDE. Dem. (new car guar.) SAVE '52 NASH Rambler Siation Wagon $1705 CHEVROLET Del. 4 dr. Sedan 1795 STUDE 1'A Starlite Hydra 1335 STUDE.

Land Cruiser 4 dr. sed. Auto. Trans. 1793 STUDE Del.

dr. STUDE. 13 Sedan STUDE. Starlite l'oupe FORD Tudor Sedan MEN: Station Wagon 013 STUDE. Door Sedan 713 STUDE.

4 poor Sedan 304 Roadmaster Conv. 89. Club Che. 415 PONTIAC dr Sedan HUDSON 6 Sedan 505 STUDE. 1-Ton Pickup 505 41 FORD V8 Sedan 205 UP TO TEARS PO PAY PINE POINT MOTOR SATES INC.

"Studobaker Dealers Since 1933" 1546 STATE ST. TEL. AT A V. REOPELL, INC. RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED REFORE YOU BUT! 1951 FORD V8 custom conv.

RAH $.805 1931 CHEVROLET Del. dr. 2rd. P.G 1641 1951 CHEVROLET Special 4 dr Sed. 1105 1301 CHEVROLET Suburban 19.30 CHEV.

dr. Power Glide 1343 1950 CHEVROLET Del dr. Sedan Power Gide 1493 1950 dr. Sedan 1345 1930 FORD 2 dr 1919 MERCURY 1 dr. Sed.

1205 1918 CHEV Aero Alotor lob 1050 19 'R CHEVROLET dr sed. 945 1048 FORD V8 Super Del. 4 Dr. SO3 1917 CHEVROLET Del. 4 dr.

sed, RAH 893 1947 FORD Super Del. 2 dr. Sedan 775 KAISER 4 door Sedan 1946 MERCURY 4 door Sedan 095 1946 Fleetline Aero 70: 1910 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan 1916 CHEVROLET 2 dr Sedan 710 1910 4 dr Sedan 693 1942 FORD del. dr.

Sedan 1410 CHEVROLET 4 dr. Sedan 19.7 1940 STUDE Comm. 4 dr Sed. 19.5 1940 OLDSMOBILE 6 4 dr. sedan 1909 DODGE 4 dr.

sedan 143 REOPELD INC. 709 State 9t. Gar Hanco*ck Tel. 7-0251 AT FRANK'S AUTO SALES '52 Cher. 4 dr.

Styling deluxe 31715 Cher. club cue. 1645 Dosoto 4 dr. 1803 Olde. super dr.

RAH 2015 Ford dr. deluxe Cher. convt. Like new. Plym.

(2) 4 dr. It D. Cadillac 4 dr. '50 Buirk 4 dr. super dyna.

1691 50 Chrysler Roval club ope. RH. 1613 '49 Olds. dr. 8.

RAH. '49 Olds. dr. 161. Chev.

2 dr. deluxe, Ford super dr. RAH Mercury 4 dr. RAH. New engine Pontiac dr.

Th Desoto custom dr. Rel 703 '46 Chev. dr 613 Dodge dr. custom R.OH. 70.

'46 Plyin. 4 dr. RAH. 103 '46 Buick RUDer dr. RAN.

793 FRANK'S AUTO SALES, INC. 1408 STATE ST. TEn. OPEN 0-0 AT HAROLD KENT FORD INC. FORDS FORDOR PAtrA clean 1930 RAH Covere 1919 RAH 1947 TI'DOR RAH A buy 710 1916 TUMOR HAH 60.

1938 TUDOR original paint 195 CHEVROLETS 1050 BEL. 411 a 1403 1317 COUPE 1917 AERO sedan RUICK 1012 CONVERTIBLE Club 00: NASHS 1231 RAMBLER Station T'agon 1895 1250 RAMBLER Convertibla 1193 1017 CLUB Coupe 795 OLDSMOBILES 1050 door Sedan 1506 1911 CLUB Coupe 315 MERCURTS 1949 CIT' Coupe 1193 ILAROLD KENT FORD INC. Chicopee's Ford Dealer 874 FRONT ST CHIC. 2182. SPELD.

9-1609 AT THE ORIGINAL LEO'S Don't buy until you see CEO! See LEO first-or see LEO last. LEO will top the best deal you have been BE CONVINCED. CALL, LEO'S 1072 Cadillac 62 1 dr. sedan $3705 Cadillac FIr-twood sedan 62 Coupe 1952 Cadillac 6: 4 dr. 'sedan Cadillac dr.

Sudan 1050 Cadillac Convertible 3160 1940 Cadillac dr. sedan 2103 1:40 Cadillac Convertible 0195 1918 Cadillac Convertible 1005 1017 Cadillac Sedanette 1575 1018 Lincoln Continental Convertible 1953 Buick Riviera Coupa 1951 Buick dr. Sedan 1031 Buick conv. 2195 1919 Buick 4 dr sedan 1295 1960 Buick Sedanette 1605 1930 Buick Super Conv. 1793 19.0 08 dr.

sedan 1695 1050 Oldsmobile SC Club Cne. 1595 1949 Oldsmobile 92 Sedanplia 11.0 1049 De Soto Convertible 1390 1931 Chevrolet club coupe 1395 19,71 Mercury Sport (Coupe 169.5 1909 Diercury 1 dr. cedan 1005 1931 Plymouth Belvedere 1695 1931 Club Coupe 1947 Pontiac dr. sedan 71.1 Pontiac dr. sedan 643 1972 Pontiac Catalina 2695 1951 Chrysler 4 dr.

sedan 1490 1918 Nash dr. sedan 1339 Nash 4 door Sedan 195 1945 Ford Tudor Sedan 70. 1917 Dodze dr. Sedan Dodge 4 dr. Sedan Above cars equipped and fully guaranteed UP TO 30 MONTIIS TO PAT THE ORIGINAL LEO'S 1174 STATE ST.

2-9453 AT MAIN MOTORS. INC. 1953 PLATES AND INSURANCE WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANT CAR 1972 PLYM. dr. 4 Cranbronk) $1729 1950 CHRYS N4 dr.

(Windsor 61 1949 CHEV. club deluse: 1190 1918 OLDS sedanette (hydra 6) 1000 1918 P'LYMOUTH 2d (low mile.) 899 1947 DODGE cl. cP. 4 door. RAH 899 1916 RUICK Sedanette (Super) 813 1941 FORD 2 dr.

(Super' Del.) 4100 1940 CHET jir. 1:611 219 NO MONEY DOWN ON MANY CARS Rank Rates Up to 24 Months 1069-71 3fain St. Open n-9 Tel. 4-3719 AT BRONSON'S CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 19.31 CHEVROLET Conv. 17.000 mi.

$179.7 1931 CHEVROLET Del. dr. T. G. 1695 1950 CHEVROLET dr.

sedan 1295 1948 CHEVROLET Sport Cpe. 805 1939 CHRYSLER Saratoga Sedan 97 1938 DODGE 4 door sedan 73 BRONSON CHEVROLET CO. Chicopee Open eves. 330 or 4788 AT OUR NEW LOCATION '32 AUSTIN 4 dr. 6000 miles demo.

$1443 '51 OLDS dr. sup. '88" hydra. 2095 '51 NASIE Imbir. conv.

11.00) Ini. 195 FORD club com. O.D. 1495 50 FORD dr. custom, 1405 49 DODGE Coronet cl.

Lyro 119.3 '48 PONTIAC Sedanette 6 hydra 1095 18 STUDE. Com. land cruia. f. equip 1005 '17 CHRYSLER 4 dr.

fl. dr. 793 11 CHET Ejeptline 315 Na Money Down on Moat Cars 415 Main St. Tel 2-5410 AUSTIN SALES RE SERVICE STATE MOTORS AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 A PLYMOUTH 1946, Spec. del, 4 dr.

3ed. Good cond. Tel. 3-1162. AT SANFORD'S 1946 CHEVROLET Business Coupe $595 1947 DODGE 4 DooL Sedan 895 1947 CHEVROLET Club Coupe 795 1947 I ONTIAC 4 Door Sedan 893 1948 PACKARD 8 Club Sedan 995 1918 OLDSMOBILE 1 Door Sedan 1040 1948 NASH Door Sedan 910 1918 P'LYMOUTH Club Coupe 805 1949 4 door Sedan 120 1949 MERCURY 4 Door Cedan 1949 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr.

Sed. 1st Series 995 1949 DODGE Coronet conv. Club 1445 1050 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan 1195 1930 HUDSON Pacemaker 6 4 Dr. Sed. 1205 1930 CHEVROLET Club Coupp 1415 1950 FORD custom V8 tudor red 1445 1980 PLYMOUTH Door Sedan 1395 1950 DODGE 4 Door Sedan 1395 1451 PLYMOUTH Cam.

Dr. Sed. MADGE door Sedan 14145 MERCURY 2 door Sedan 1813 PLYMOUTH Cran. Dr. Sed.

1790 STUDEBAKER 2 Door Sedan 1445 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1845 1972 DODGE Diplomat 249.1 CHEV. Del. r. 10,000 1795 b. L.

SANFORD CO. -Dodge Trucks 648 3 STATE ST. TEL. 4-8201 AT 3. J.

JOHNSTON, INC. 1951 DODGE I door sedan $1595 1931 FORD door sedan 19.0 HUDSON' Sedan 1:95 1900 HUDSON Comm. ti dr. sedan 1395 1919 CHEVROLET Spac. Del.

4 dr. sed. 1170 1919 FORD Custoin Tador sedan 1095 HUDSON CominG dr. 1918 CHEVROLET Club Coupe 950 1917 HUDSON door. Very 1916 HUDSON Com.

4 dr. Motor job. 675 STUD Champ. dr. med.

195 1941 P'LYMOUTH dr. sedan 273 JOHNSTON, INC. Hudson 420 St. Janies Ave. Tel.

7-2317 AT RETTFR USED CAR INC. '52 Ford Victoria, Overdrive Mercury Monterey Coupe Hydra, Pontiac dr. Chief Ilydra Chav. Styline Del. dr.

Sed. 1793 Mercury dr. Spd. Mercomatic 2193 Pontiac Catalina lydra 1'lymouth Club ('pe. 1397 Plymouth 4 dr.

Sedan 1393 Chevrolet Bel Air. Power Glide 1845 Olds. Super 68 4 dr. lydra 190. Olds.

Super 88 Hydra. 1997 Word Fordor Fordomatic Dr. 1393 '31 lymouth Club Che. 1097 Olda. P'ontiac 93 2 dr.

Holiday Best Cpe. livara: Model Olds 95 Holiday Sedan. lydra. 1990 De: Soto convertible 1915 Chivaler Windsor Newport Mercury Club Coupe 1093 Or Soto Club Coupe 495 50 Nash 4 dr. Statesman 1:03 Coronet Club Gyro 149.

50 Chev. Styline Dri, dr. Sedan Dodge Coronet 4 dr. Gyro. 1403 Mercury ConY.

1595 Ford Custom Fordor 30 Cadillac 012 1 dr. Sedan 49 Oldsmobile llydra. 1293, 98 dr. lydra. 1395 49 Studebaker Land Cruiser Sed.

1095 49 Chrysler Wind. 4 dr. Sed. 1295 19 Ford Cust. 8 Tudor Overdrive 1445 Olds titi.

dr. Sedan 79T Ford Tudor Sedan Oids 60; Sedanette Hydra. HON Stude. 14-ton pickup 495 4G Mercury 4 dr. sedan 645 MOST HAVE RADIOS HEATERS STATE ST.

TYPOL STATION AT RICHARD'S AUTO SATES INC. The Choicest Selection of Late Biodels At Low Winter Prices -Check Olds. 98 lioliday Sod. Power Steer 2797 1952 Pontiac Catalina 2503 1931 DeSoto Custom Club Coupe 19.30 1931 Chevroiet Bel Air Power Glide 15.0 1851 Ford Custom Club Coupe 1450 1931 Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan 3450 1951 Buick dr. Sedan Dynaflow 1897 1931 Studebaker Champ.

4 dr. Sedan 1051 Dodge Coronet Club Cot. Avro 1797 1 Oldsmobile 98 Holiday Sedan 1197 1051 Chevrolet Del. dr. Power Glide 1795 10 Buick Super Riviera Cp.

Dyna. 1793 14.00 Oldsmobile 98 4 dr. Sedan 1495 1970 old mohile Soda nette 1497 1930 Studebaker Champion Sedan 1007 1950 Old- mobile Super 68 dr. sedan 19199 Oldsmobile 33 A dr Sedan 1949 Quick Super Sodanette Dyna. 393 1949 Ford 1 dr.

Med. 9:5 1949 Buick Adm, 4 dr. Sed. Dyna. 1949 Oldsmobile Buick Super dr.

Sedan 995 Chevrolet Aero Sedan 94.1 1948 Ford Tudor Sedan 815 1018 Packard Conv. 99.7 1948 Olds nobile Sedanette 415 1019 Buick Super Conv. 1093 1017 Olde. Ag dr. Sed.

Hydra. 795 1947 Cadillac Buick Super Sedan 707 1036 Hudson. 2. dr Sedan 485 Mant Other Cars With Big Saving ALL GUARANTEED -ALL WINTERIZED SHE THEM TODAY AT RICHARDS AUTO SALES INC. 1162 State St.

Onen 2 10 0 Tel. 2-5642 A LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY A LOT LESS TO PAT '51 Rambler conv. $144.0 Nach 4 door 1673 Mercury 4 dr. on 1793 Ford door 12:5 Ramblers. Conv.

Station 1793 Packard ultramatic 1493 5,0 Chev. 2 door Nash door 1005 Chrysler 1095 NO MONEY DOWN' Kaiser Sr de. Ch. Packard '47 Buick Chev. panel Nash Packard Ford Chev.

door $1070 CHICOPEF Tour Square Dealer at MacArthur Sq. 4.3 East Sr. (icopee Falla I'hone Chicopee 1110 ATTRACTIVE LOW PRICES! 4 EXECUTIVE CARS AT DOOR--IS 190 TP Ten' Yorker 12,000 miles. radio, beater. plastic covers.

power steering. green ivory. SAVE $1000 '52 DODGE DIPLOMAT A hard ton cont. 6000. radio, heater, Gyromatic.

Black and Ivory. SAVE $700 '31 DODGE- DIPLOMAT 6 hard top 17.000 radio. heater, Eyrematic, Maroon and Beige. SAVE $1100 '51 DODGE 4 DOOR Coronet A Cruisar. xyromatic heater, plastic covers.

15,00 ani, SAVE $1000 '52 CHEV. 4 dr. Styline Deluxe $1793 DODGE Coronet 1 door 1795 '31 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook, 4 door 13,000 mi. 1695 '50 DODGE, new Immac. 1790 OLDS.

dr. 88. hydra. Immac. DODGE Coronet, dr.

SYrO. 1715 TI. 4 door 1373 PLY MOUTH Suburban, all metal station wagon 4-or 1 CHEVROLET, club coupe 1213 DODGE. 149 dr. all equipped .000 mi.

1205 19 PLYMOUTH. club coupe 1113 18 DODGE. door 947 '48 DODGE. 4 dr. TON 097 FORD.

door. clean. PLYMOUTH, Spec. Del. Tar.

TON ANGUISH Austin door 795 693 CHRISLER, 4 door 105 INTERNATIONAL CAR GO. Dodge -Plymouth -Dodge 138 Memorial West SpOld. Tel. 6-1826 ALWAYS A. BARGAIN Our Used Cars Are Priced To Sell 1951 Custom 8 Tudor Sedan 19.1 Ford 6 cyl 4 new paint 1293 1950 Mercury Club Coupe 1445 1951 Plymouth 4 dr.

1305 19,31 Ford 4 dr. 6 cyl. 1097 1950 Ford 2 door 6 ovl. 1007 1030 Ford Convertible 1193 1949 Word Fordor 1049 Plymouth Tudor 1946 Nash Sedan 493 1940 lud-on Sedan 19 Kord Tu lot 643 19 14; Ford 1 door 695 Pontine Club Coupe 20 Others to Choose From TERMS TRADES A. LAMONTAGNE.

FORD AND MERCURY Route 20 Palmer Tel. 87 AT ED'S MOTOR SALES FORD club coupe clean $905 PLY. 2 dr. OlA owner 893 FORD club conv. RAH.

new tou 825 '47 CHEW. club coupe, RAT. clean FORD dr extra clean 305 '4: RITICK sedanette It sedan, very clean CHEW. gond buy CHE dr. extra clean CHEV.

dr. A. good huy 195 HO'S MOTOR SALES 190 River West Springfield Neat to City Servile GAR Station AT MORPHY CORRIGAN 1:30 State St. Tel. 3-4501 1952 Plymouth Relvidere.

REF. 0003 1961 Plymouth Cranbrook 4 dr. 1693 1931 Word custom dr. 1500 1951 Chev. Fleetline 2 dr.

1971 Chev. dr. 1930 Chev. deluxe 4 dr. 1345 Ford custom 2 dr.

IT. 1970 Ford custom conv. 1400 1930 Studebaker 4 dr. Like new. 1195 1019 Ford custom dr.

Orerdrive 1145. AND MANY OTHERS Every Sale A New Friend OPEN 8 A. M. TILL 9 P. M.

BUICK 1049 dr. super sedanette. Good cond. Must sell. $1195.

Tel. WT 6-3557. BITICK 1050 Rev black, undercoating, heater seat covers, hack un lights. signal light miles owner. Can, be seen anytime Tel, after 5 p.

m. BUICK 1049 Roadmaster, dr. Perfort condition. One driver, Private Party. LO 7-3291.

AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 BYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY TIME TESTED If all used were alike you wouldn't have to come here for a gOod one. You're SUre of your purchase. Though the years smart buyers have discovered they get their money's worth! RYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY 04 Sumner Ave. Near Long Hill. Tel.

6-1233 CHEVROLET 1938 2 dr. sed. $100. Tel. 7-4981 or 2-0094.

CHRYSLER 1948 Windsor, fluid drive, dr. sedan, A arrow spot lights, good tires. Immaculate cond. Would consider trade. $990.

Tel. 4-0032 or 9-6360. CHEVROLET 1949 2 dr. sedan, new tires, directional lights, Would consider trade $995. Tel.

2-0082 or 9-6360. CHEV. '19 Styline. Extras $470. See at Hourihan's Gulf, Cor.

Pine Central4.30-9 D. m. CHEVROLET 1951-Deluxe Sedan, radio, heater. Ceiling $1072 our price Call Louis Chevrolet, Thompsonville CHEVROLET 1931 dr. power glide.

Radio heater like new, low mileage, 31550. Call Can 'he seen at 52 Edmund W'ynor Apt. A. CHRYSLEE 1951 Windsor Deluxe, dr. Like One driver.

P'rivate party. LO 7-3291. CHEVROLET dr. new TWO-TEN model. Call Holyoke 3-1428 or ing.

53 Raveny Aldenville. CHEY. 1971-4 dr. del. Many extras.

20.000 mi. Excel. cond. $1795. Spfld.

6-9531. CHEVROLET. 41 dr. sedan. Good cond, excel.

tires. Bob Chenier. Tel. 6-8361. 1940 Club coupe.

Heater, good tires, Tel. Chicopee 1056R. CHEVROLET deluxe, vollow convertible, Power Glide, low mileage, like new. reasonable. 'Tel.

6-1297. 1911 excellent condition, '44 Draper St. CHRYSLER 1946 cond. Call 3 8893 between 5.30 8.30. CHEVROLET 1941.

good tires. Call 2-0315. DESOTO 1910 -Nacellent condition. 1 owner car. Call 6-0751.

DE SOTO 101: 4 dr. sedan, defrostarg, cAr is immaculate, looks like A. or '17. Reas. 32 Denton Circle, 2-9533.

DODGE: 1947 4 dr. sedan, exc. private. Call Longmeadow LO 7-7280. DODGE 1032 COUPE, TEL.

3-8277 DODGE '49 Good condition. Call after 4.30 p. m. DODGE 1949 Coronet, Rel. Excel.

cond. 4 W' tires, must sell, no dealer. FORD 1470 station wagon excel. cond. Call 6-0472.

FINANCE CO. REPOSSESSION CARS SOLD FOR BALANCE DUE 518 Memorial West Spfld. FORD 1051 custom Victoria Pordomatic RAIL clean, good condition. Must sell. 3-9260.

FORD. 1951, Deluxe. 2 dr. Excel, cond. owner in service.

Tel. 6-0106. FORD 1948 4 dr. sedan Overdrive. Best offer.

Call 2-8180 after 6 p. IN, FORD 1031 VS. 2 dr. 18.500 miles. (lean good.

128 Dartmouth Terrace, PVP8. Sat. Sun. FINE USED CARS AT LOWER PRICES HUDSON Hornet hydr. HUDSON Pacemaker door, STUDE.

Champ. club che, FORD club coupe, '49 HUDSON sedan PACKARD sedan A JUDSON LINCOLN HUDSON P'ACKARD Sedan Sedan sedan convertible '47 BUICK sedanette P'ONTIAC sedanetre MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM LOUIS. MOTORS INC. 593 Main At. Tel.

4-8894 Used car lot. 700 Afain St. GETTING COMPANY CAR, compels me to gull mY Dodge with Approx. 44,000 orig. mi.

Call 9-4872 for appt. HUDSON '48 Sedan. Fully equipped. let STIMI takes Tel. 2-4440.

HUDSON 1918 as Coinin. 6, 4 Dr. 0. 'Tel. HUDSON 1099 Commodore 6 sedan, Like brand new throughout.

Sacrifice. or: trade. 2-0043 4-0777. THUDSON 1919 dr. 30,000 oriz.

miles. orig. owner, 470 Chestnut St. Tel. 7-0820.


195 CHRYSLER Sara. CI. 0493 '52 CHRYSLER Conv. 3793 CHRYSLER Conv. 319.


CHRYSLER Conv. 1247 CHRYSLER 2 dr. 1145 CHRYSLER 4 dr. 1:447 DESOTO Club Cpe. DESOTO Chib C'pe.

1045 DODGE 4 dr. DODGE CI. Che. 1295 LINCOLN 4 dr. MERCURY CI.

Cpe. 1095 MORRIS MINOR Con. 98 dr. dr, 795 PACKARD 4 dr. 745 PLYMOUTH Conv.

PLYMOUTH dr. 1795 PLYMOUTH CI. Cr. 1615 PLYMOUTH dr. 1573 PLY MOUTH 4 dr.

'50 PLYMOUTH C1. Cp. 1303 19 PLYMOUTH dr. 10 PLY MOUTH Cp. 1101 PLYMOUTH dr.

PLYMOUTH dr. 18 PONTIAC Sed. sedan roe, PONTIAC Cre. RILEY Conv. 0705 33 TRIUMPH Sedan 1693 Most of these cars are equippad with radioa heaters.

YOUR CAR IS WORTH HEREI RALPH D. JONES MOUTH 721 WORTHINGTON ST. TEL, 8-6301 KELLEHER MIXER FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SATE! ENTIRE STOCK MARKED DOWN! 1953 PLYMOUTH door sedan business coupe 1617 CHEVROLET dr. sedan MOUTH club coupe CHRYSLER 1 door sedan 19.1 CHRYSLER 4 door sedan 1931 CHRYSTER club epe. 1931 PACKARD door sedan 1931 PLYMOUTH club coupe 1951 PLYMOUTH I door sedan 1493 1050 BUICK door sedan 1930 NASH door sedan 10,10 PLYMOUTH club coupe 1930 DESOTO 4 door sedan 1949 CHRYSLER club coupe 1313 1916 DESOTO 4 door sedan 793 CHOICEST SELECTION EVER! OPEN EVENINGS 'rO P.

M. Many of these cars bate radios and heaters and carry A 10 day guaranty, MINER INC. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH 161 ST. TAMES AVE. TEL.

3-3116 LATE 1050 WILLYS atation wagon. Must Sell LINCOLN 1919 1 dr. sedan. Excel. cond.

Call LOOKING FOR A GOOD LOW PRICE CAR. THEN SEE DESANTIS GARAGE Palmer Ware, Tel. 697 3 Chev. 2 door sedan $1193 Huick Fleetline sedan Chev. elul coupe 243 Chev.

couch '41 Ford coach 193 '40 Chev. coach Chev. 195 Others tou numerous to mention. Most these cars equipped with radios and heaters. MERCURY 1949 2 door sedan, blue, overdrive, perfect condition.

Summer Westfield, 1518-W. Can he ScAn after 6 1. in. MERCURY 1050 4 dr. private, very clean.

Barrett Kaiser Sales, liampdon And Center Chicopre. OLDS. 08 1019. Good condition. Call 7-7804.

OLDS. 88. Ilydra. Good cond. All accessories, included.

Put. owned. 81000. Call 7-4873, OLDSMOBILE 1016. new paint, RAH.

$395. 1940 Packard. $195. 06 Calvin St. 3-5072.

PONTIAC "GOODWILL' USED CARS CHRYSLER Sedan 895 '17 PONTIAC Sedan 005 '48 BUICK 4 door sedan 1145 '48 OLDS. 4 door sedan 12 15 '48 BUICK Sedanette, A-1 1175 18 DODGE Sedan 1050 '48 OLDS. 98 sed. 1 dr. Hydra.


6201 PONTIAC 1241 2 Ar. Naw battery, radiator, etc. 213. Tel. 2-0111.

AUTOMOBILES Automohlles for Sale 11 cond. $1300 owner, 73 Sumner Ave. PONTIAC 1009 dr. gedan 6. pert PLYMOUTH 1931 black sedan.

Excellent cond. $1395. Call 2-2079. PLYMOUTH 1041 4 dr. sedan.

excel. cond. 104A. Tel. 7-4534.

STUDE. 1930-Champ. dr. sedan. Excel.

cond. Must sell. Dr. Fried, 6-7018. STUDERAKER 1030 COMMANDER 10.000 MILES.

CALL 4-7368. STUDERANER 1019-Excel. cond. W. WA.

1 ou ner. Tel. A-6400 anytime. STUDE. 1050 1 dr.

zed. with all acressories, Gond as new. $1175. Phone 0-0007. VALUES CREDIT QUICKLY APPROVED '47 FORD V-8 SEDAN $395 'IS PONTIAC 8 SEDAN, EXCEL.


1105 '49 MERCURY SEDAN 1195 '32 BUICK SPEC. DEL. CL. C.PR. 2195 '52 2 DODGE DOWRR'K SEDAN 1995 '53 DESOTO CI.


FOR OVER 82 YEARS OPEN EVES. PACKARD SPRINGFIELD INC. 721 STATE ST. TEL. 1-5681 New Jersey Violations Trenton, N.

March 3 (A) Most drivers think they're re pretty competent behind the wheel. They'll toll you they can stop the car on the proverbial dime. weave through traffic with ease. and never get fazed in an emergency. Several Agench, Help This reporter thought he was a good driver, too until he took A test given hv New Jersey to its chronic traffio law violators and discovered it takes him longer to recover from the glare all oncoming car than its does the average motorist.

and he doesn't react fast enough to A red light. He participated voluntarily in an experiment the state is conducting to test A. theory that there may he something wrong physically or psychologically with traffic law violation repeaters. To 10st this theory, the state recently joined forces with the Automobile Association of New Jersey and the Center of Safety Education at New York Univer3ity in setting up the Now fersey Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Clinic. T'p to Driver Here's how it operates: New Jersey revokes driver licenses At the rate of some 50 week under A.

point system. If A driver sets 12 points (demerits) within three-vear period it's up to the motorist to show the Motor Vehicle, should Department not he why suspended. his liUnder the point systent, you get three points for careless driving. four for spooding. six for rockices driving, "icht for leaving the scone of an accident, 12 if held responsible for involvement A.

fatal accident and 12 for driving (or permitting another to drive) under the influence of alcohol or drugs, It convicted thrice within an porind, you get three additional points. Drunk drivers lose their li- Radio-A. M. WREB. HOLYOKE.

9.30 KO WEDNE DAT 4.00 News 11.10 Tune Shop 6.17 Jamboree 11.30 Franco-Am. 8.30 Farm Direst 11.00 Binz Crosby 6.35 Phil Space 12.13 NEWs 9.00 Air Church 12.30 You Think P.15 Sacred Heart 1.30 To Ro Ann. 9.300 Ruth Jason 2.00 Broadwas 10.00 Listen Ladies 2.50 330 Matinee 10.30 Polish Airs 1,00 You Think 11.00 3, French Television MAHC. New Hater. WEDNE 7.00 Today P.00 Test Pattern P.45 News 10 00 Godfrev 10.15 Ding Dors 10.30 Window Shop.

11.00 Screen 11.30 Strike It Rich 12.30 Comfort 12.15 Lite 12.30 Tomorrow 12.43 Nancy's Klich. 1.30 Garry Moore 1.13 Film Shorta 2.00 Double-Nothing 0.30 Guiding Lizht News 3.10) Biz Payoff Tom Bartlett B7. Boston. 6.50 Tent Pattern 7.00 Today 0.00 Domestic 3.30 How Show 10.00 Ding Dong 10.30 Prologue 11.00 Ask Wash. 11.30 Mrs.

U. S. A. 12.00 Newg 12.15 Biz Brother 12.45 TV Toons 1.01 Holly. Plyhse.

2.30 Menu Maric 3.00 Big Payoft 8.30 Tom Bartlett 1.00 Kate Smith 5.00 Hawkins Falls 5.15 Gabby Hayes 5.30 Howdy Doody AJAR. Providence. N. 6.55 Sign On 7.00 Today 9.00 TSA 9.15 Betty Furness 9.30 TR. 9.43 TB.A 10.00 Godfrev 10.45 Your Trouble 11.00 TB.A 11.13 Riddle Skit4 11.30 Strike It Rich 1: 00 Bride-Groom 12.13 Love of Lite 12.30 Tomorrow Guiding Light 1.00 Shopping 1,30 Garry Moore Double- Nothing 2.30 sugar-Spica 3.00 1.30 Tom Fartlett 1 00 Kate Smith Auto Law Driver Deficiency tiva position of objects on the roadI scored well.

too. Then came the glare reaction test. A bright light was flashed from the left while was looking down to the right. A the blinding light went out, numerals appeared A. screen and I was asked to read' them.

It took Jic 15 seconds recover from the glare. A 'The average recovery time is 12 seconds. My simple eye-foot reaction tine Was also slow. At 40 miles an hour, my car would go 36 feet before I hit the brake. yAp average driver would make it in feet.

The weaknesses reflected in the tests are pointed out to drivers at their revocation hearings. They do not necessarily affect the decision of the hearing officer. Motorists are told about physical deferts they have not been aware of and could compensate for. Leon May Re Limited One practical result of the twoyear study SO far will be the introduction of A bill in the Legislature for more limited driver licenses. Under present law.

some motorists must wear glasses While operating a vehicle. The new bill would limit 9011P licenses Meanwhile, to day with driving 832 only. highway i deaths in the state last year. the clinic is concentrating on finding the cause of accidents--in order to prevent them. the damage and determine the amount of surety the drivers must provide to satisfy any future judge.

monts against them, to A limit of $11.000, The usual insurance coverage is satisfactory. But in the absence of insurance policies. the division of safety responsibility under Joseph P. Byron has been insisting on cash deposits. The six motorists were unable A provide surety and the registry lifted their driving rights.

Reds Increase ECE Participation Geneva. Switzerland, March 3 (AP) -The Communist countries of Europe have slightly increased their participation in the committees of the Economic Commission for Furope, but the bulk of the work is still done by the nations of western Enrope. Executive Secretary Gunnar Myrdal said today. Addressing the opening meeting of the commission's eighth session, Myrdal said A. fundamental change in the attitude of the eastern countries would ha necessary to make the commission really effective, "The commission." JIyrdal said, "stands A3 A.

reserve for the future. It constitutes an organ available for the day when the trend in EastWest relations improves and settlements on smaller and bigger issues again become possible." But he adde that it could not be preserved "merely as an empty structure with the sole purpose and function that it constitutes A. reserve for the future." Unless it is usefully employed by European governments, he said, its maintenance cannot be justified. Twenty-two European countries, including most of the Communist nationg, and the United States were at the mpeting. SI.ES 'NO CONTRIRUTIOX' London, March 3-A foreign Offien spokesman today termed Soviet Foreign Minister.

Androi Vishinsky's attack on United States policies in Asia "regrettable in both tone and content." The spokesman said. the sporch yesterday before the United Nations political committee in New York "made no contribution towards settlement of the Korean problem." WANTS NEW EQUIPMENT Lincoln, R. March 3 (A)-Mrs. Alvin B. Ruffington asked the school committee last night to provide more up-to-date equipment for the Albion Grammar School.

To back up her request, she declared that one map at the school informs the pupils that. A considerable section ot the western Great Plains is Indian territory. Date of the map is 1835, she said. CLASSIFIED ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS Cemetery Lots, Monuments HITECTEST CEEMETE grave lot near Owner. Sumner Ave.

Business Announcements 7 ANY Cesspool or septic tank "cleaned." We 80 anywhere at anytime. Harvey F. La Due. Inc. Tel.

7-2791. ANY CLOGGED sewer or drain pipe electrically razor-cleaned or no charge. Roto Rooter. Ta. 4-3751.

ACCURATE INCOME TAX SERVICE. ATTICS, Callers cleaned. small painung July, also small moving jobs. Tel. 9-9051.

AUTO INSURINCE Your company declined (O insure you or are you having difficulty obtaining insuranca? will gladly insure j'ou, Any Car any risk. Time payments it desired. Open every day, a. to 3 D. IN.

1694 Main Mass. Tel. 3-1209 ACCOUNTANT -INCOME TAX Assistance- -l'aramount Theater Bidx. Room 430-TAl. 4-0703 or ANY ATTIC cellar cleaned or yard.

Rubbish removed. F. M. Fratamico. 7-0542.

ANY CELLARS attics cleaned. Rubbish retnoved. Tel. 4-2411. ALL ATTICS cellars cleaned.

Rubbish removed. Call 3-4351. A Y. 1. VET DuVA paper, metal, iron antiques.

Tel. 4-0901. BULLDOZER and black hoe for hire. Call T-0010 or 7-1140. septic tanks, flushed cleaned, quick odorless, sanitary.

Phone RotoHooter of course. CUSTOM MADE Deerskin Jackpis, made from your raw deer hides. ladies or mens, J. 1. Glove Factory, 1712 Main $:..

at the Arch in Spild. ENCAVATING of Sentic Tanks, Leach olds, water lines. sewers. cellars. Tel.

7-0091. FEDERAL State Income tax prepared. Grimaldi Romano, or FLOORS cleaned, waxed polished. leaTe 1-4034. INCOME TAX Will call at your niPTS, Portland Feeding Hilla.

place 'of, business or home. Al Declan-3411. INCOME TAX PREPARATION Bv Public Acrountant-01 Tears Exp. Paramount Theater Bldg. Room 430 TEL.

4-0692 or 4-3561 LANDSCAPING. Loamn and row mAnure for sale. Ernest 215 Allen St. Tel. OFFICE AND HOME signalling and tor) intercom systems installed Ideal for doctors, etr.

Call SUPER DUI'E: compiete simonizing job 10 yrs. exper. Soventh St. 1-230 SEPTIO TANKS Installed reasonable. Call 3-4310 for estimate.


TREES, PRUNING- A REMOVAL, TEL. TAX RETURNS PREPARED. Individual business. Will call at your home. For app't.


7-4397 TAN RETURNS PREPARED Tat. VET PAYS high prices, rags, papers, scrap, nietals, etc. Tel. WE GUARANTEE to rift your apartment of roaches, anta, etc. Only $3.

Walker's 6-2061. YOCR SOFA and chair resprung or recoverad in your home. Call 2-9706. Personals 9 ACCOUNTANT Federal Taxes State Call 3-6213 for appointment. AIR TRAVEL California each way.

Seattle $00. Miami Chicago, other cities. Daily ached. Air Coach 107 Bridge St. Tel.

2-3700. ALL TYPES of problems Investigated. For app't call 3-7110. Consultation $3. Whitnew Detective Service.

11 Vernon St. EXPERIENCED young wishes to care for children in har home. 128 Marion St. 2d fir. LAKE Congamond South Pond--would like to cara for child in my home days.

Tel. Windsor Locks 2-0445. LEAVING FOR FLORIDA riders about March 15. Call 9-2007. LEAVING FOR West Coast March 4th.


9-3230. MADAME VAUGHIN of Riverside Park 13 in her home. 63 Dickinson for app't. TEDDY BEAR nursery. 94 Silver West Spild.

Lic Tel. 9-0025. board 4 or 5 children days 7 or 8 till 5 p. m. days a work $11 per week.

Good country home in East Longmeadow. Tel. lA 5-2147. WILL CATE FOR elderly person in my home, Call Wfld. WILL, board 2 children In my home.

Call WANTED CHILDREN to care for in my home by week. Mra. R. Child. 473 Dickinson City.

like A woman or AmAll family to live in to he with school children while mother works. Box 31, RED No. 2. Palmer. Mass.

Convalescent Homes 9A AT BAKER'S Convalescent Home. Vacancy now open. Call 3-7162. A semi private vacancy for female patient at Hilltop Convalescent Tome. Tel.

7-4414. IN NURSE'S private home, care given to elderly or invalid ladies. Tel. 4-4002. NURSING CARE E.ven elderly MIAn or woman.

Reasonable Tel 3-0363. REG. NURSE will care for elderly or convalescent pt. in her home. Call 2-4271 Holyoke.

THE ASHPIELD HOUSE Boarding Home for the Aged. Cheerful-Home-like atmosphere for Elderly People. And up per week. 21 hr. sprvice.

Television. Tel. Ashfield or Lost and Found 10 WALLET (hand made) cont. 13. 811 of money panora.

Reward. Please return to Box 1319 Union Office, WILLYS JEEPSTER 1949 A-1 cond. likA new, 5 almost new cushion OD. dir. signals, windshield wAsher etC.

9-0921. WHERE YOUR DOLT.TE GOES FARTIIEE '51 Nash Statesman 3 to choose $1605 Nash Statesman to choose Stude. Com. Like new 1397 '49 Mercury Club Coupe 119.1 Del 4 Door 1795 50 Stude. Champ.

Door': 1300 Rambler conv. 1693 Chav. cl. cpe. beautiful 1193 19 lindge cl.

coe. Coronet Packard. Like new 1203 Rambler Conv. Like new 1307 Nash Cust. Amb, 1905 Nash Amb.

2 Dr. OD 1007 Ford 2 Dr. Custom 1505 Olds. 2 door 48 Chev, 4 dr. '48 Ford Ton Truck '48 Pontiac 4 dr.

'47 Chev. 4 door '18 Chev. 4 dr. '17 Chev. Aero Sedan Ford dr.

16 Plymouth 4 dr. 19 Chev. dr. Ford 2 Dr. '46 Ford dr.

47 Hudson 6 Dr. Cher. Aero Nash Amb. 4 Dr. 14 Nash Amb.

'46 Plymouth Club CounA Several 'Pre -War Care CARS UNDER NO MONEY DOWN WESTFIELD N.ASH. INC. Open Evpa. Tel. Westfield 3381 1071 PONTIAC Chieftain dr.

tone, loaded with everything, 1A shape, low mileage, private owner. SAVA FOlIA money. CAn be SPPI at the EARD R1 tino, cor. Springfield and Hampden Trucks for Sale J1A AT F. L.

SANFORD'S 1918 DODGE cab over engine. Will take 14' to 16' body. Dual tires 8793 F. L. SANFORD CO.

048 STATE ST. TEL. 4-8231 AT A. V. REOPELL, INC.

RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED BEFORE YOU 1941 Chevrolet C. ton 1947 Dodge ton pickup 69.3 1316 Chevrolet ton long W. B. excellent condition 635 1947 Chevrolet ton panel" 893 1948 G. M.

C. ton completely reconditioned. and painted 805 1948 Chevrolet ton panel 895 1949 Chev. ton 160" 205 1949 Chevrolet 14 ton Panel 905 1949 Chevrolet ton pickup 995 1950 Chevrolet ton pickup 1045 1050 Chevrolet ton panel 1095 1951 Chevrolet Suburhan 1345 A. V.


260. BARGAINS AT BYRNES STUDEBAKER '52 Stude. ton dump. Immediate delivery. '52 Stude.

2 ton speed 12 ft. stake demo. Big sacrifice. '30 Ford ton express like new $945 '49 Chev. ton pickup, extra good 125 '49 Ford ton express.

Excellent mechanically 795 47 Ford 1 ton express refinished like NPW 895 IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US STUDEBAKER AGENCY 31 SUMNER. AVE. NEAR LONG HILL TEL. 6-7233 BI BARGAINS IN USED TRUCKS 1950 Ford Big Six, 134" cab 2-ton speed axle. bonster brake $1195 1948 Ford Pickup, now paint 19-47 Studebaker Pickup 1942 International Cah chagala W.

24 ion 1038 Cher -ton Panel 195 1939 International Line Truck 205 TERMS A- TRADES A. MONTAGNE. INC. FORD AND MERCURT Route 30 Palmer Tel. 87 CHET.

1040-Sedan delivery, $745. Chev. 1048 suburban carryall. $645. Bodies, tires, motora in A-1 cond.

Low mi. Put. party. Tel. 4-3153.

Eves. Sun. 2-0801. CHEVROLET 103 ton pick up. Good cond.

Helper springs, low mileage. Tel, 3-7596 after 5.30 p. m. CHEVROLET. 1932.

it. sedan Contact. delivery. Standard Best Photo Service 153 Dwight St. Tel.

CHEVROLET 1947 (2) 14 ton panel trucks. Tel. 4-0879. FORD, 1946, ton rack hody, tires A body in A-1 cond. Can be seen at Vin's Service Station.

487 Columbus Ave. LATE Chevrolet sedan delivery, Good mechanical cond. For quick sale. $700. Tel.

LU 3-5289 after 6 p. In, LATE '47 STUDEBAKER, Pickup with canopy Dir. Lights. 31,000 miles. lonks runs like new, $450.00 or best offer.

LI 3-1436 SAVE BUCKS ON THESE TRUCKS! '50 Dodge panel. low mi. '47 Dodge new paint 695 Chev. ton panel 845 '48 GMC -ton panel clean 695 Stude. 1,2 ton express.

30.5 Chev, panel delivery zond motor nod tires 295 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO. DODGE-PLYMOUTH. DODGE TRUCKS 138 Memorial West Spild. Tel. 6-1625 STUDERAKER 1047 pickup 4-ton in good rond.

$600. Ralph R. Hatch, North Rd Hampden. Channel Sir DAT 4.00 Smith 3.00 Short Drama 5.15 Stars Meet 5.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Judaism 6.15 Variety Club 6.30 Sportscope 6.40 Weather 6.45 World News 7.00 Am. Cavalcade 7.30 Spotlight 7.13 Newsreel 8.00 Godfrey 9.00 Strike It Rich 9.00 Plainclothes.

10.00 Boxing 10.45 Sport Spot 11.00 Comedy Hr. 12.00 News Channel Four 6.00 Wonders 8.1.5 Newg 4.30 Tim Tyler 6.43 Bump Hadley 7.00 Scranhonk Newateller 7.30 Those Two 7.43 Newsreel 9.00 Joan 9.30 Am. Caval ule 9.00 TV Theater 10.00 Your Life 10.30 T'-Men 11.00 11.10 Weather 11.17 Rocky King 11.40 Owl Theater 12 45 Sign off 1.. Channel Tieren 3.00 5.15 Child Hawking Theat. Falle 5.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Bill Hickok How to Play 6.

10 Telenews 6.5.5 Weather 7.00 Sports Page 7.15 7.30 Those Two 7.45 Camel News 8.00 Joan S.30 Godfrey 9.00 Kraft Theat. 10.00 00 Boxing 10.45 Sports Parade 11.00 News 11.05 Tittle Marcie 11.35 Feature Thea. 12.35 Daily Prayer 12. 15 News TRUCKS AT KENT8 50 FORD panel 47 DODGE panel 311 48 FORD ton pickup 6:7 46 CHEVROLET ion 343 47 INTERNATIONAL pickup 447 46 STUDERANER pickup 513 You Can Alwavs Do Business At KUNT FORD INC. 874 FRONT ST.

CINC. 2182. SPELD. WINITE 1052 Musling WC 20 t. tractor.

Fontaine 6th wheel. A-1 cond. 1100 A tires, spare tire mounted also extra rim. spare parts. $5300 for quick sale.

M. Martin. 76 Orchard St. Tel. 9 1739.

ilouse Trailers 110 ALIVAYS A lee. display, 10 makes Soon. Liberty. Pacemaker, Lighthouse, Schult, Roycraft, Nashua ahond Zimmer. RATTER TRAILER SALES 8 SERVICE 119 Rd 3.

miles from Main St. 011 Rt- toward Boston. Tel. AMERICA'S FINEST TRAILERS Spartan. Travelmaster.

General. Datroiter And Alma. All RiZeR BURNETT TRAILER SALES Route 20 Westfield. aam. BARGAINS! In used house trailers.

With or without baths. Priced to move. A Mason Trailer Sales. 1268 Riverdale W. Spild.

Rte. 5 Tel. 2-5282. TRAILER space for rent. White Birch Trailer Park.

Southampton West field. 1184-311. Anto Accessories 1 AUTO PARTS for all maker of cars. Also genuine Pontiac parts. Genden 2387 Main St.

8-5481. REBIULT hydraulic floor Jacka truck Tacks for aale. Block Machine Tool 25 Carew St. Garages 16A WANTED garage or driveway apace. Dunmoreland St.

3-1281 PVPR, Wanted Automobiles 17 ANY MAKE or model. Cash for your car. Forest Park Auto 942 Belmont Ava, CASH for your car 1346 Lo 1953 models wanted Kelleher Miser 464 St, James Ave 0-3116. EA.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.