The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A A A UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1956 CLASSIFIED 43 Sections of New East-West' Toll Highway The new east- west toll road goes through Western Massachusetts at two levels in some places. Upper- photo shows such a section west of Blandford. The lower picture was taken looking west from the new Westfield River bridge and shows a stretch of the road at a single level with a low steel divider in the middle. Engineers made, use of existing terrain in deciding where the highway could be at the two levels or where it had to be squeezed together. UM Nursing Club Members Named Amherst, Nov.

28 Mary E. MacDonald. faculty adviser to the Nursing Club at the University of Massachusetts, has announced nembers of the club. The Nursing Club is an organization which was founded for. the purpose of imparting useful information to those enrolled in the five year aursing program at the Univerrity.

Officers Karin C. Spiegal, President, Merike Mand, Vice-President, Amherst; lean Ashley, Secretary, Taunton; and Dupuis, Treasurer, Belchertown. Members include: Lois AggerSpringfield; Carol T. Brown, Pelham; Joan A. Capers, ShrewsAnn P.

Blaisdell, Amherst; Ann Allyn, Montgomery; Mary E. Barnes. Northfield; Lois Dickinson, North Amherst; Martha Lepp. Pittsfield; Westfield; Lorraine Bienick, Adams; Elizabeth Burke, Florence; Elsie Rusha, Turners Falls; Elpanor Clark, Falls; Virginia Clements, Springfield; Carolyn Hyde. Pittsfield; Bernadette Klock.

Shrewsbury; Catherine O'Connor, Holyoke; Barbara Pope. Feeding and Anne Wallace, Re-education Seen as Answer Segregation Northampton, Nov. 28-Eugene Robert Sparrow. executive secretary of the Springfield Urban League, said in a talk here Monday evening that the Negro segregation problem is only part of the social upheavel all over the world. "The segregated housing problem" was the topic of discusat this open meeting the Interrace Association at Smith College.

In the problems. which all nations face, the basis of trouble, according to Mr. Sparrow, is a lack of understanding and of other groups. He feels lethargy exists in the field of human relations, while technological developments are stressed more and more. The second aspect of the segregated housing problem, as Mr.

Sparrow' sees it, is the fact that housing in general is A difficult issue today, especially since the second World W'ar and the increased movement to 'the suhurbs. The high costs of living in suburbia haye tended to force more members of family to work, breaking up old family patterns. An added tension is the desire to keep the select areas high valve and prestige, SO any group is especially unwanted. In the "cities there is the problem of the migratory workers are unprepared for city life and without proper orientation and education, fall into patterns of crime and delinquency. Re-education will come about by "rubbing elhows" among N.

roes and whites, stated Mr. S- rrow. TIC is himself attemptjay to help in this process relations and through camp for children in which ho hopes 1: fully integrated racially religiously. ATON EXHIBIT ENGINEERS cutomation exhibit in the in Now York City A popular recruiting 5 for fires looking for 011- arouding to M. Marcus superintendent of schools.

Kucy said he visited the exhibit ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES Personals ALL TYPES OF PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS WINTNEY DETECTIVE SERVICE Suite 208 44 Vernon Spfld. RE: 3-1170 Night LI 3-4930 ARTIFICIAL flower 'material. Betty's Craft Studio cor. Oakland Dickinson St.

RE or RM 6-1600 spaces available now part or full BERKELEY "DAY NURSERY to 5 yrs. Tel. ST 8-6763. BAIL, BONDS-Furnished for all Main St. ST 8-0474 DRIVING to West Coast Dec.

8. Would like passenger to share expenses. Call No thampton JU 4-7457 after 5 p. m. Ask for Mr.

Kraft. DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. Going South? Kent A house by the mcean. By week or month. Tel.

Spfld. RE 3-9328. EXPERIENCED mother will care for child in her home days in Feeding Hilis. ST. 8-4167.

INFORMATION wanted present address Karl 1. And Miriam J. Brook formerlv of 979 Sumner -1933. And 202 Union 1942. RE A-1791, RE 4-4836.

I WILL CARE for babies or children of working Mother in iny home. Have nursing' experience. RE 2-0532. LEAVING for Florida Dee. 8-9.

Would like someone to share expenses. RE MIS. ANTHONY'S NURSERY SCHOOL Ideal facilities. trained staff. A TRANSPORTATION 11 9-5260 ORCHESTRA avail.

for parties weddings, Very reas. 3-3415. ROOM and board by the week for small baby while mother works Hex 472. Union Office. URGUNT anyone who saw arcident corner of Bay Thompson Nov.

19 2.13 p. m. please call RE 8-4953 after p. Reward. WORKING mother needs reliable famIly to board 5 yr.

old boy going to school. neighborhood of Call RE 9 8135 aft. take care of children in my home days. WILL CARE for child in my home, days. 5-7401.

WILL take care of children from. Mon'son and Palmer Areas in my home. Reasonable. Call Monaon 00. 7-9980.

Convalescent Homes 94 AT BAKER'S Convalescent Home in City, vacancy now open. RE 3-7162. PRIVATE rm. in nurse's home "for elderly 'Tel. Li 3-1871.

VACANCY 24 hr nursing care. Warner Nursing Home. Brookfield, Mass. Tel. Volunteer 7-3802.

Lost and Found 10 BLACK white, -part Collie, "Tuffy" missing since Nov. 4. (dog not too well) Reward $100. RE 3-0467. BLACK co*cker female lost vicinity of Harvard Tale St.

License Answers to RE. 9-4974 after 5. RE 3-7803 days. Reward. BEAGLE male, 3 yrs.

"old "lost vic. Columbus. Ave. Reward. RE 9-51187.

LOST. STRAYED or stolen, Please return to Police S.P.C.A. or 72 Buy St. LOST man's gold Elgin pocket watch. Rew.

Vic. Indian Orchard, Li 3-1709. LOST Sat. lady's black wallet containing money, car license valuable papers. Forbes Wallace terprice Store.

Reward. Call RE 8-6891 LOST a DOC Black, small brown neck eyebrows. to "P'atay" No colRE. 8-7927. LOST -hag of men's clothing Thursday A.

M. Winchester Sq. vic. Call RE AUTOMOBILES Automobilas For Sale 11 AT BETTER USED CAR EXCHANGE '56 MERCURY IT. top.

Merco, $24:11 '55 OLDS OLDS. 88 Top PR. 98 H. Top. 4 dr.

P.S. P.R '55 OLDS 98 4-dr. 2495 BUICK Super H. Top. P.S.

PB. 24.13 RUTCE Spec. H. Top. 4-dr.

2391 '55 FORD V-8. Top. Fdmt. 1893 35 CHEY. Rel-Air H.

1293 55 CHEV. 210 4-dr. Sedan 1695 OLDS 88 4-dr. OLDS 8 88, Conv. P.S.

P.R. 1995 BUICK Century H. STop Power 1793 PONTIAC Top Hydra. 1395 BUICE. Spec.

4 dr. S. 1495 BUICK Spec. 4-dr. Stand trans.

CHEV C1. Cpe. Del. Ray 1295 '53 BUICK Super Conv. 1135 53 98 4-dr.

Sedan CHEV Bel- Air Sedan MERCURY Monterey OLDS Conv. 995 '52 OLDS 88 4-dr. 947 '52 4-dr. Sedan 103 CHEV. 2-Dr.

Sedan 605 '52 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Chief. 8 195 '32 FORD V-8 Conv. 595 STUDERAKER L. C.

'51 PLYMOUTH H. Top. Upe. 145 '51 MERCURY 4-Dr. 0.D.

'51 Deluxe 2-Dr. 495 51 OLDS. 88 11. Top 695 50 OLDS 88, 4-Dr. 495 PONTIAC Chief 8 4-Dr.

45 '50 CADILLAC 62 Sedan 1073 '56 CADILLAC Limousine 1230 149 CURTSLER Windsor 4-Dr. :95 48 CADILALC, Sedanette 795 Many, Many More BIOST HAVE RADIOS HEATERS 1367 State Street AT MAIN ING. I NO MONEY DOWN ON MINY CARS 1953 BUICK 4 dr. Riv. Super Dyna.

PS, PB, air conditioning $2499 1933 PLYM. 4 dr. hy drive 899 1952 OLDS dr. Sup 85 909 1952 FORD Victoria, FOM 790 890 1952 FORD Club Custom 8. HUDSON 4 dr.

Hor. hydra 699 1932 PITM. 4 dr. Brook 1951 PLYM. conv.

clean 100 1961 RUICK 4 dr. dyna. Sup. 599 1951 OLDS dr. hydra 199 1918 DODGE dr.

clean 109 dr. (now tires) 29 AND MANY MORE Main St. Open 9-9 RE 4-5719 BARGAIN LiST OF BETTER BUYS 1. 1. NO MONEY DOWN per fiG CHEV.

4 dr. $14 CADILLAC Hardtop. Like New NASTY 4 dr. 40 STUDE. dr.

OD 4.3 NASH dr. Hyd. AMB 35 LINCOLN Hardtop STUDE. V8 BUICK Hardtop FORD dr. Hardtop 30 CHEVROLET Sedan 20 FORD 4 dr.

CHEV. Conv. CADILLAC 4 dr. hyd. 60 30 CHEVROLET Sedan 20 DODGE 4 PI.

4 dr. '49 PONTIAC dr. 15 '49 CHEVROLET 2 door 15 WEST SPRINGFIELD MOTORS "Across from Union Trust Bank" 230 Memorial West Springfield Open Eves. RH 6-3269 A'L BOSTON RD. MOTORS 1956 Lincoln Capri Ope.

LIKE NEW Mere. Mont. Ope. MOM 1493 Chev. 2 dr.

Sta Wag. 1643 4 dr. Auto. 993 1972 Chrysler dr. 89.3 Chevrolet Bel Air Cpe.

1095 Chev. 2 dr. 1093 1931 Ford Victoria 493 1972 Buick Spec. dr. Dyna.

80, 1930 Dodge 2 dr. Gyro Trans. 303 Buick 2 dr. Sedanette 450 1950 Conv. Real Nice CLEAN Many More Terms to Suit 95 Boston Rd.

RE 2-1555 AT BYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY Byrnes used cars ATA hotter than av. XP. They APp fairly priced thoroughlv serviced to highest standards hy trained mechanica and backed by years of reliable dealing. STUDE Pres. Classic 4 pow.

Auto. white walls loaded with extras SAVE '53 FORI Custom 4 dr. sedan, 15.000 milex $1095 '35 STUDE Hard top rad. tachometor, auto. trans power steering.

Very special 2130 '35 STUnT Pres. 4-dr. sed. All power equip Auto. trans.

2395 DODGE 4-dr. auto. 1907 PONTIAC Chief. 1395 PLYMOUTH 2 door sed. 99.

33 NASH CHEV. Del. Rambler, 4 door sta. RH 690 105 '52 CHRYSLER Windsor conv. coupe auto.

power steer, Beautiful truout 905 BUICK Sup. Riv. 10 dyna. 830 'SI DODGE 2 KH, 3 to choose front 490 '51 NASI 4-dre 400 PLYM. If, 'new top, new paint, wAlls 69.

STUDE V8. 2-dr, 41K1 NASH new paint 300 '50 STUDE. Com. Conv. overdrive 300 50 TONTIAC 2 dr.

350 '50 STUDE Cifamp cheater, excellent value special 195 '50 CHEVE. 350 OLDS' 98, 5-dr. Hydramatic STUDE. 2-dr. overdrive 000 19 DODGE 200 '48 CADILLAC RAH, ww 875 Many Other Makes Models JAMES C.

BYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY Near Longhill Street 31 Sumner Ave. RE A real nice 1352 Plymouth sedan in immaculate. condition. REH Mitat to appreciate. Reasonable.

RE 1-0100. Automobiles For Sale AT CARTELLI PONTIAC FREE REPAIRS FOR 1 YEAR On All Guaranteed Used '55 PONTIAC 4 dr. station wagon, DA. hydros '35 FORD Victoria, fordamatic $1638 '55 PONTIAC 4 dr. Starchier, by dros rA $2298 MERCURY dr.

GUEVA. 4 dr. Belair, '54 rah $1788 CHEVY. BUICK. 4 PONTIAC 4 658 RUDSON, hardtop.

hydro, 698 51. DODGE dr. 768 '31 OLDS, 2 dr. 498 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT PONTIAC 740 HIGH HOLYOKE' OPEN EVES. JE 6-6491 AT RALPH: D.

JONES INC. 1934 Buick Super Hardtop Dyna. a 1918 Chevrolet 2 dr. sedan 19.73 4 dr. sedan 1930 Dodge 4 dr, sed.

1952 Pontiac 4 dr. 1930 Stude Cl. epe. 1054 Nash Rambler Orosa: Country. 1974 Nord dr.

1956 Ford Country Sed. 4 dr. Wag. FOM 1936 Nord Ranch Wagon PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sed.

1971 Buick 4 dr. Chevrolet 2 dr. 1905 4 dr. sed. 88 1904 FORD VS cust.

NOM Volkswagen Roof 1939 DeSoto VS conv. I'S Firedome 1947 Forde2 19.6 Plymouth V'8, Seation Wagon, 4 dr. 1949 Mad dr. 1900 DeSoto 4 dr. sedan 3 1953 Dodge dr.

1905 Desoto Firedome, Hardtop 1930 olds. 88. 4 dr. liardtoy 1948 Frater 4 dr. sedan 1950 Nash 'Statesmen 4 dr.

1947 Willy's Station Wagon Willys. Jeep CJ5 w-cab Pontiac dr. sedan Ilyd. 1953 Willys Pickup 4 wheel drive Ford 4 dr, It. H.

1975 Oldsmobile '88' Hardtop Cpe. 1906 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia 1956 Volkswagen 2 dr. sed. 1057 Willys Jeep new MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Authorized Volkswagen Dealer 721 Worthington St. Tel.

RE 6-6301 ALWAYS THE BEST USED CARS AT SANFORDS 1934 Buick 4 Dyna. 1951 Chevrolet 2 dr. 495 1971 Chevrolet dr. 545 1953 Nash Rambler Sta. Wag.

1154 Chevrolet 4 dr. Sed 1964. DeSoto 4 dr. Sed. -1965 1951 Plymouth 4 dr.

495 1934 Dodge dr. V8 1595 1953 Dodge 4 dr. 993 1954 Buick Riv. Dyna. 169, 19.2 Dodge dr.

Sed. 595 1949 Dodge dr. 293 1951 Dodge 4 dr. Sed. 590 1935 Dodge Royal P.

8. 2195 1950 Dodge 2 dr. Sed. 395 1955 Dodge Cor. V8 1995 1933 Ford Club Coupe 693 1971 DeSoto Club Cpe.

693 1958 Dodge Cl. 995 1951 Plymouth- Club 1295 19.1 Buick 4 dr. 693 1952 Chevrolet PG 19,7 1935 Plymouth 4 dr. 1693 Most. Are Fully Equipped And Fully Guaranteed, F.

SANFORD CO. Dodge-Plymouth-Indge Trucks 648 State St. Open Eves. RE 4-8232 AT THE A. V.

RIOTELL CO. 1930 Willys Jeepster, 4 cyl. 377 1979 Buick Dina 1931 Chev. Del. dr.

1973 Chev. 4 dr. Sta. Wag. 1097 1971 Nash Rambler Conv.

497 1954 Ford 4 dr. Country Sed. FOM 2::97 Ford Cust, 8, 2 dr. 895 Olda 4 dr. 1955 Ford Fairlane Town Sed.

1590 1960 Chevrolet 2 dr. 397 Chevrolet dr. 1497 1933 Chevrolet dr. 19.72 Chevrolet 4 dr. ardan Chevrolet 4 dr.

sedan 807 4. 'horr'et 4 dr. godan. 1197 190k Chevrolet 210 dr. sedan 1097 1953 Buick Dyna, Black 1097 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air, V8.

H.T. 1893 MOST 0 THESE CARS HAVE 47 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM THE A. V. REOPELL cO. Chevrolet: Sales Service Headquarters for Value 707 State St.

Open Eves. Tel. RE 7-0251 AT FENTON'S IN WESTFIELD Chev Rel 4 dr. p. g.

Pont. Catalina Chev. 210 18 power. glide. Bel-Air 9 paR.

WAgON reh Chev." 210 2 dr. Ford convt. Cher 210 2 dr Ford m-line 2 dr Chev. Bel- Air hard top g. '52 Catalina 52 Hudson Wasp.

dr. H. Olds 1 dr. 98 Hyd. Merc.

dr. Custom Olds. Super 88 4 dr. Pant. Catalina Hyd.

Cher. convt. power glide Chev fieetline 4 dr And Man; Others to Choose From Trade Terms. Pricedato See Now A PLAYA Corner Main White Westfield. Mass.

Tel LO 2-9069 Open Eve. til 9.00 p. m. AT AMOCO STATION 1107 State Spfld. Clean cars -Low-low prices Nothing Down! Mere.

4 dr MOM, new tires 595 'hO Olds '88' Hol Che Like new 593 Mere Conv. Extra Clean 593 '52 Plymouth Cpe. 1 owner 69:1 Olds. Sis. Hydra.

195 Dodge 4 dr. low miles 893 Nash 4 dr. sed. cheap trans. 296 Plymouth 2 dr.

VS 1397 Buick Riv. 4 dr. sed. dyn. 495 '53 Sture Pickup.

Orig 693 For clean, low priced cars see 118 for the best deals At 1107 State St. Open 9-9 Spild. AT LOUIS MOTORS, INC. Ford Victoria Inaded 15 Rambler Sia. Waz.

On 1897 Ford Custom 6 aed. auto. 1643 Rambler 2 dr. hydra. 1345 Plymouth sedan, 993 Ford Victora.

FOM 150 Ford Tudor, Dodge Hudson 2 dr. Hornet Hollywood. 715 Hydra. LOUIS MOTORS INC. 905 HUDSON-RAMBLER DEALER Main St.

Tel. RE 4-8891 1956 BUICK Super. Rest offer. LAw mileage. Call RE 7-1918 after 4 p.

111. AT THOMPSONVILLE FORD 1956 Victoria loaded $2243 1956 FORD Custom $2093 FORD ranch was. green 1695 HUDSON Custoni Rambler 4 R. H.I Ifydra. 1493 FORD dr.

black 1093 1933 CHEV. Belaire. hardtop 1093 OLD 84 Fully Enuipped 1197 OLDS Super 88. dr hydra 793 PACKARD Del. Ultra 895 TRUCKS 1930 FORD Ton Pickup 295 Others to Choose From WOLF FORD SALES 875 Enfield Thompsonville, Conn.


PACKARD hardtop p. 4-way Tor. level ride '32 RUICK hardtop. D. 8.


1975 CADILLAC Eidorado, PS, PB 4495 1952 CADILLAC '62' sedan 1695 CADILLAC '62' 4 dr. PS 2093 1053 CADILLAC Fleetwnod 2199 1960 CADILLAC 4 dr. Sed. .095 OLDS. 29 Conv.

PE. TB 1003 19.6 MERCURY A. Top Cpe. All pwl. 2595 1958 OLDS '88' Hol.

PS. PR 1976 OLDS. 898 4 dr. PS 2595 1973 OLDS dr. sedan, PS.

PR 1393 1954 OLDS. Hol, PS. PB 1995 1950 CADILLAC Fleetwood 4. dr. 1093 1955 MERCURY Hardtop CHRYSLER 4 PS.

PB 1953 OLDS '88' 4 dr. ITI, PS. PB 2395 1934 PACKARD dr. PS. PB Auto.

1495 Hornet Hrd. V8 1895 P'ACKARD Con. 149, PB 19 CILEV. 2 dr. Sta Wag.

1615 CHEV. Conv. 8. 1893 1935 DODGE Royals Lancer 2095 1973 BUICK Super. 4 dr.

1190 19.0 BUICK Supe. Riv. Cpe. 1'S. L'H 2395 1934 CHIEV model 210, 2 dr.

1195 1953 PONTIAC dr. Hydra. 1895 19.0 CHEV. Conv. Clean Above Cars ped Guaranteed THE ORIGINAL LEO'S TEL.

RE 2-9453 or ST 8-0601 1174 STATE ST. EVENINGS AT R. J. JOHNSTON 1957 Tlymouth Relv. Rig Me vinga 1913 Chevrolet 4 dr.

1 owner. Like new 975 Ford dr. Post, low miles owne, 3 tone blue 1395 1934 Chev. club P. w.

W. 1395 1952 Olds. '28 4 dr. PS. TB.

cln. 893 LOW RANK RATES 1004. Ta. RE JOHNSTON INC. Automobiles For Sale 11.

A powder blue 1955 Packard Panama Clipper, including p. p. 8. Radio heater, W. U.

S. Royal life time. wire wheel Inserts. Plastic seat covere. 19,000 miles.

Private days. RE 2-1790 AVES. owner. Price Phone RE: 6-1541 AT TEAGAN MOTOrS. CHRYSLER.

La RE 2-0022 MERCURY Monterey 2 hard top, low mileage mercomatic excellent $1403.00 ER Windsor 4 dr. one ounce power steer, auto: caption. 2343.00 A '54 low PLYMOUTH mileage C. coupe, very 3197.00 clean, '54 CHEN model 210, 2 tone green. axcellent 5.14 CHRISLER Windsor 4 blark, clean: 1177.00 '53 OLDS models dr.

sedan 1097.00) PLYMCUTH club coune black 525.40 '52 PLYMOUTH c. coupe '50 CHRYSLER Newport 2 dr. new tires '50 DESOTO 4 dr. sedan clean 00. 10 '50 PACKARD 2, dr.

sedan excellent 495.00 '49 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan 93.00 TERM Open Eve. Til 9 THAGAN MOTORS 501 MEMORIAL WEST SPFLD. A BEAUTIFUL 19 Chev.

4 dr. '210; R. H. P. G.

was $1796, NOW $1495. MOTOR SALES 166 WHITE COR. ORANGE RE 2-0149 4 4 A'T RICHARDS 1933 CADILLAC Club Cpe. P. S.

2103 CADILLAC Conv. P. S. 1955 OLDS. '98' Iol.

Cpe. PS, PB 2503 1975 OLDS S88 Iol. sed. PS, PB, Elect 4 way seat 0493 1935 OLDS. S88 Hol.

Cpe. 1935 OLDS. '98' Conv: PS. PR 1953 OLDS. '88' Deluxe 4 dr.

PS 1971 OLDS. 888.4 dr. S. P. B.

1954 OLDS Hol. Cpe. PS, PB OLDS 198' Hol. Ope. 1933 BUICK Cent.

Conv. PS- PB RM. RIV. PS. PR 1971 BUICK Spec.

4 dr. 1693 1951 BUICK Cent. Riv. Cpe. 1893 BUICK Spec.

Riv. Cpe. 1103 1931 RUICK Spec. dr. 1095 MERC.

Mont. MOM 1974 DODGE Coronet. dr. 893 19.75 PACKARD PS. PB, ultra-stor-lev.

STIED. 709., 935 CHRYSLER Wind, Del. PS, PB 1975 PONTIAC '870' 4 dr. 1997 1905 PONTIAC '870' Catalina 2095 1935 DESOTO Firedome H-T. PB, PS 2295 1915 CHEW.

Bel. Air Conv. PG 1995 FORD Cust. 4 dr. sed.

1497 19.7 FORD. Fairline PS, FOM. Elec. Wind. 1903 1954 CHEVROLET Bel.


Open D-9. Tel. PK AT GENDEN INC. DOLLAR for. Dollar You Can't Beat GENDEN BROS.

USED CARS In Price- -Quality-or Time Payments PAYMENTS AS 1.OW AS $5 PER WEEK 20 OLDER DOWN 1936 P'ontiac Dr. Sta. Wag. SAVE 1956 Pontiac Conv. SAVE 19.5 Pontiac SC Cat.

$2195 Mercury 4 dr. Sed. SAVE 19.4 Pontiac Starchief dr. Sedan 1690 1934 Pontiac Chieftain Club cpe. 1691.

1954 Pontiac SC Cat. 1703 1953 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan 1950 Catalina 690 1970 Chermiet 4 dr. 490 1049 Pontiac. dr.a 190 1949 OldR 4 dr.

390 1919 Lincoln dr. 300 Pontiac dr. Deluxe 700 1951 Pontiac dr. 690 1951 Pontiac 2 dre Deluxe 590 1931 Hardton Hydra 590 1930 Oldamobile Sad 490 IMMEDIATE CREDIT' APPROVAL GENDEN INC. SEE THE NEW 1937 2387 Main St.

RE 6-5481. RE 4-2732 USED CAR CLEARANCE AT SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 830 SPRINGFIELD, FEEDING HILLS 1935 CHEV convertible 1953 CHEV Deluxe 2 door $1443 135 CHEV Belair 2 door 1951 CHE Deluxe door 1953 FORI Custom door 59.1 CHEV. Deluxe door 147 CHEW Deluxe door 003 CHEV. station BUICK Spec. hardtop CHEV Deluxe 2 door 19518 MERCURY door 1051 CHEV Deluxe 4 1050 CHEW 4 door 593 We Har, 16 Other Cars From $95 to $193 ALT CARS ARE WINTERIZED.

OPEN EVES. RE. 9-3814 BUICK '54, hardtop, roe. $1497. Fully powered, will trade.

ST 8-4000. BUICK. 1052 auper Riverta very good condition. RE 3-3918 after 5 p. m.

BUICK 13 super lidtop. $993 wholesale price, $1 1. down with FAIR credit. 2115 Main RE 2-0520 ROICK 1936 Century Hardtop, full nower. A in.

mile car. full guarantee, WAS NOW AT MOTOR SALES WHITE COR. ORANGE RE 2-0449 BUICK 30 Sedan Maroon finish. equipped with radio heater. full delux model, traded on A new O' damobile.

At Motor Co. 310 Main St. RE 6-1769 BUICK 1933 Roadmas.or Windowa seat. 2 dr. Riviera hard top, Exvel.

cond. Will con.der trade. Call ST 8-9320. CHEV. door.

heater. Priced Call RE CHIV. 1941 Chev. 4 dr. sedan.

$50, RE 9-8082. CHEVROLETS 1931 thru 1970. all styles models. priced right. See Thompsonville, Conn.

Tel. RI 5-3333 LOUIS CHEVROLET CO. P. K. Stations $1895 NOW CHEV.

1935 Wagon MOTOR. SALES 166 WILTE ('OR. ORANGE RE 2-04491 CHEV. 19.7. 4 dr.

Sed. R. 1., exceptionally was NOW $130.3. 1: MOTOR SALES 1GG 2 COR. ORANGE RE 2-0419 CADILLAC 10.36 Eidorado Custom Convertible, Club Coupe.

driven miles. King Cadillac's Roval family: of motor cars feAturing hand crafted black imported leather Interior, A disappearing 10p "Car of tomorrow Completely luxury nower equipped. Finished in glamourQuA Alpine white that has depth and vitality unknown in other cars. Full chrome. Saber safety wheels.

Even in the distinguished company of other Cadillacs it i3 unmistakably the CAr of cars, Attractively priced At $5300. K. Beswick, White St. Tel. RE 2-1311.

"Quality cars since 1 CHRYSLER 1952. V8 Custom deluxe Imperial 4 door sedan. One owner since new. Driven only 22.000 miles. with full power steering, power brakes, nower windows.

deluxe. radio. full Torque drive, underseat heater and eve tinted glass. Beautiful twotone finish. Powder blue' With- Polar white top.

Clean, spotless, perfect and new car Jooking. $997. CITARLES K. BESWICK' 835 White St. HE 2-1341 'Quality Cars Since 1921.

4 pedAn, cond. $750. Also Cher: 4 dr. sedan $100. Cail after 4 p.

RE 6-4935. CADILLAC. 1941 by dramatic: radio, heater, very good condition, best offer. Call LY 2-3224. CHEVY.

1919 4 door sedan. Good condition $160 RE 2-7066. CHEVROLET 537 2 dr. W. w.

excel. cOnd. RE 7-9021. CHEVROLET 1964, 2. dr.

heater, condition. 'Call RE 2-2626. After 6 p. m. CADILLAC coupe like new.

real car that everyone would likA to own. Come to our showroom and see. this beautiful Cadillac. Young Motor 310 Main St. RE CHEV.

19, $125. 4 DR. ST 8-4000. CHRTELER 1951 power steering, RAH, dr. sedan.

good pond. $195. will take in trade. 8T 8-4988, Automobiles For Sale 11 dr. Power Glide 0 8-4000 CHEVROLET '35 BELAIR $1695 CADILLAC 4 DR.

(62) $995 Ilyd. Will trade ST 8-4000. CHEVROLET 1950 convertible, Hollywood special, new paint, new whites. chrome engine. Caddy ting, continental trunk, radio, heater defroster.

Price $425, Consider trade. RE 6-3828 8-6 p. m. LI 3-2164. DESOTO 1936 4 dr 2 tone Firedome, auto trans.

power steering brakes W. W. like new perf. cond. RE 3-0079 Nights LI 3-0993 DODGE 1953 Custom Royal Lancer.

Many extras. Private. Call 4-3262. FORD '49 2 dr. custom sedan RH.

Excel. cond. inquire 132 Butler St, lat fir. after 6 p. m.

RE FORD station wagon 1948 $150 for best offer. RE 2-2398 after 6 p. m. 1919, '33 Mercury motor, W. Good condition.

Winterized. RE. FORD 1954 ranch wagon, light green cream. Orig. owner.

Will accept old car in trade. $1350. Tel. LO 7-7646. FORD '53 Fairlane Sedan Green, auto-1 matic drive.

radio, heater, white tires, very clean car. Can be purchased for its new car. price traded on a new Oldsmobile. Young Motor 510 Main RE 6-1769 FORD '34 2 dr. Sedan.

Green. Radio, heater. automatic drive. This A good family car. Young Motor 510 Main St.

RE G-1769 FORD 31 Club Coupe R. H. P'riced to sell. MC FORD 4 dr. Exc.

Cond. Priv. party Lu 7-7766. FORDS AT REOPELT'S FORD 4 dr. Country, V8.

FOM. NICE $2077 '36 FORD Custom 8, 2 FOM. Many Extras $1897 FORD. Fairlane Town Sedan, VA RAH. Pur.

wind. $1597 '53 FORD Custom 2 I'W tires. tone $897 '52 FORD Custom 8 4 dr. FOM. tone.

Clean inside out $697 '50 FORD Custom 8. 2 You'll Do Well With Reopell A. V. REOPELL CO. Chevrolet Sales Serviro 707 State St.

RF. 7-0251 FORD Thunderbird Will trade. RE 2-3383. or RE 4-11320. GOOD WILL USED CAR BARGAINS SEE WHY COME IN FOR THE WISEST BUY Ford Fairiano 4 door 1935 Pontiac Star Chief Cust.

Catalina DeSoto Firedome Sedan Pontiar sedan, 4 dr. Pontiac "6" sedan dra 1952 Pontiac sedan Ar. 1950 Dodge sedan, excellent 953 Buick H'top coupe. A-1 Buick sedan dr. Packard sedan 2501 gories 951 Packard Sedan 2401 series De Soto convertible Chrysler stdan.

4 door 3 Nash 4 door sedan 1972 Ford 2 door sedan Olds. door. sedan 1950 Pontiac Catalina Coupe 1050 Cadillac 7 PASS. sedan 10.0 Pontiac 4 door sedan 1950 Chevrolet 4 door sedan Reconditioned and Guaranteed WARRINER PONTIAC CO. 200 St.

RE 2-6201 FORD 54.000 1973 mi Just Squire like wagon. 9 pass. new. $1395. TORE AUTO.

RE 2-1270. FORD. 1930 4 dr. rotor Ni excellent condition. has A new plate, newly painted, clean all Around.

T. 4-9072. HENRY T. 1050 black. Winterized.

Good cond. tel RE 8-1391. HUDSON '48. $30. 4 DR.

ST 8-1009. HUDSON '54 Hornet dr. Hyd. Will trade ST 8-4000. 9.

BETTER VAL'ES 37 TEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE '56, Dodge Lancer H. T. low miles $2697 '53 Ford Curt. 8 cl. sed.

p. fom. 1897 DeSoto V-8 Gl. P. Strz.

P-F 1697 Dodge 4 dr. 1197 '54 Plymouth Savoy CI. Sedan 1097 '53 Ford Crestline Victoria' 997 53 Plymouth Cranbrok: 4 dr 897 '51 Plymouth Club Coupe. excel. 597 30 Dodge 4 di.

547 Nash dr'. 297 19 Mercury Custom 4 dr. o'dr. 197 DODGE PLYMOUTH 138 MEMORIAL WEST SPFLD. Directly Opposite Sears Open till.

9 p. I. Tel. RE 6-1825 JEEP wheel STATION Wagon 19505 drive, hydrau. plow.

Exc. cond. mileage 0830 like -new $18TO. Nick's Nest 139. Northampton KAISER 1 RH OD 4 door $100 cash.

1.Y KAISER 2 dr. Dix. Hyd. Cont. hack.

ST 8-4000. KELLEHER MINER Ch Dealer New Low Prices Ford dr. 10.. Chevrolet 2 dr. 1695 Buick Super 2 dr.

H. T. 2305 Plymouth Cram 4 dr. 89. P'ackard dr.

Chrysler N. Y. dr. Dodge 4 dr. Clrevrolet dr.

Special Chrysler Wind. dr. H. T. Chevrolet Cl Cpe.

Chrysler N. Y. 4 dr. S1. DesSoto 6 4 dr.

646 Chrysler 4 695 Packard dr. 4, 545 Plymouth Club. Cpe 590 '51 ('hevrolet dr. 495 Chrysler Nr dr. 693 Studebaler 2 dr.

295 '50 Buick Spec. 4 dr. Chrysler Windsor dr. 59.3 Chrysler NY 4 dr. 597 '50 Oldsmobile 4 dr.

495 '49) Parkard Super 4 dr. Plymouth dr. 345 DeSoto Custom 4 dr. 093 '48 Dodge 4 dr. 29.7 Most of The 'e Cars Radios Heaters Carry' A 30-Day Guarantee KELLEHER MINER.

INC. 's Dealer 404 St. James Ave. 'Tel. RE 3-3116 OPEN EVENINGS TO 9 P.

M. MERCURY hardtop sport Very clean 11-0-m drive. W'I tires. RE 2-2078 after 3. CUSTOM RAMBLER.

StA. wagon. A-1 cond. Priv. own.

JE 2-2819. '51 Ramb. 91A. Wag. 1 OD.

Will trade. ST 8-1000. OLDS 1951, excellent condtion. R. IT.

RE OLDSMORILE 33 Super Sedan Blue White. full power equipped steering. hraker. radio, heater. automatic drive 011P owner Car traded on a new.

mobile. Young Motor Co. 810 Blain St. PRE 6-1769 OLDS. 107, Holiday Hardtop, R.

11. Hydra, Beautiful tune, W. W. tires. WAR $2293 NOW $-093.

ST MOTO" SALES 166 WILTE' COR. ORANGE RE 2-0119 OLDSMORILE 52 88 Sedan. Green finish, Hydramatic drive, radio heater PXcellent car, This CAr can be purchased for $250 down, balance easy terms traded on A new Oldsmobile at Young Motor Main St. RE 6-1769 OLDS. 118.

$493. Hyd. 4 dr. Will trade. ST 8-4000.

PACKARD 1949 SEDAN. R. IT. $293. IT 3-3027.

PACKARD 1971. 4 dr. deluxe. Series 2101, clean inside out, 4 good W. W.

Tires. R. If: Priced to sell. Owner transferred to Germany. RE 9-0015.

PACKARD Deluxe 4 door sedan, one owner. low mileage, equipped standard drive, custom heaters, Beautiful light green finish. las had exceptionally. good care and shows it. Spotlessly clean perfect and showroom new $1397.

Charles K. Beswick, 833 White St. Tel. RE 2-1541. PLYMOUTH 2 dr.

sedan cond. $105. 874 Dickinson 'St. RE 6-7261. PACKARD Patrican $993.

dr. F.s. Ult. trade. ST 8-4000.

PONTIAC '52 Station Wagon on $795 4 Dr. 3 Will: trade ST 8-40X). PACKARD $050. Small Model Trade ST 8-4000 PACKARD '55, hardtop. $2305.

Model 400. loaded. will trade. ST 8-4000. PLYMOUTH: 1935 ed dr.

sed. RH Excel, cond. Call Chicopee LT. aft. m.

PONTIAC 1947 $90, Can be seen at 765 Laurel Lonzmeadow. Call 10 7-7013 after 5. 1 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 PLYMOUTH 1948 dr. sedans $100, Call RE 3-6123. PLYMOUTIE '51.

2 DR. $295. WILL TRADE ST 8-4000. PONTIAC Catalina power steering brakes. Run 3000 miles.

$2800. Tel. RE 2-2168. PAY AS YOU RIDE '56 FORD V-8 5000 miles completely equipped. Save hundreds.

$1995 '54 NASH RAMBLER station wagon. Black red. One owner. beds, etc. 1093 NASH RAMBLER Sta.

spec. tone paint Rio Red Snowberry White. radio 1 owner, low mileage $1835 NASHI RAMBLER 4 Caribbean Blue, special toned Snowberry Low. low miles 1 owner $1695 '55 FORD Gleaming 2 tone blue finish Special 8 tube radio, etc. Special at $1495 '54 CHIEV.

4 dr. Bel Alr $1095 '34 FORD 1 owner 985 '53 FORD.4 door sedan, gond condition 695 '52 CHEV. 2 dr. $593 NISH station 1 owner. Sea Mist grey 495 '52 NASH Amb.

4 dr. twin beds, radio heater 895 '53 NASIT. Statesman, hardtop, er, hydra. $995 OLD MOBILE Super 86 dr. 595 33 NASH RAMBLER hardtop 895 BARGAIN BAsem*nT OLDS jet bik.

325 HENRY economical 195 '51 PLYMOUTHI 4 dr. 395 CHEY. Hardtop Bel Air 195 NASHI dr. 295 CHEVROLET 145 PLY MOUTH 395 48 CADILLAC 4 door Model 62 395 DODGE A Coronet 398 MANY. MANT OTHERS Terms as low 88 $10 per mo.

SPRINGFIELD NASH LOOATIONSMain Cor. Park St. Tel. RE 9-1941 883 MAIN ST. Tel.

RE 7-3314 TRADE DOWN- WA will pay oft your present balance furnish you with good. reliable transportation. MAIN MOTORS 1069 Main St. RE 4-5719. VOLKSWAGEN 1966 delux 4000 miles Like new.

476 ReIn AvP. '33 atation wagon. $396. RAH, ti OD. Trade.

ST 2-4000, WILT, TRADE 1053 Holiday for A 1956 Cadillac Cre. Devilla. Box 465 1inion Office. Austin Healy, like new 13.000 miles black and ton. LA 5-7256.

FORD CRESTLINE 8. Fully equip, tone (green cream). RE P-9209. 3 1956 NASH Metropolitan Hard top 1500 W'W. mi.

$14.50. Call RE 6-6811 aft. 9. p. 1936 FORD.

STA. WAGON. floor finishing outfit. 12 Sword Ave. TE 0 3 TO die T'rille Trucks For Sale 11A AT A.

V. REOPELL'S 'Chevrolet Ton Panel $1177 Ton Panel $1097 Chevrolet Sed. Delivery Chevrolet Suburban $677 Ford Cab. '49 Chevrolet ton Panel $197 A. V.

REOPELL co. Chevrolet Sales Service 707 State St. RE 7:0251 CHEVROLET 1950 I ton pickup truck, power brakes engine. oversize tires brake lock. RE 4-9616.

auto. fuel reei. oil truck. Printed St. meter 19 dump.

Working everyday. $350. LA FORD RE 1961 panel After truck. IT Call 8-8897. before 3 FORD F8, air brakes, syd.

dymp. Good Take small dump in trade. LA FORD VR 13 ton pick up. mileage 34.0M. $8.50.

MAY be seen anytime. 83 Central Palmer. Tel. 1780, FORD TON HEAVY DUTY CIL. RACK BODY.

Goon CONDITION. if you need a good truck at an: excaptional value sop this one. CARTER ROOFING CO. 31 Park Spfld. FULLY ENCLOSED aluminum Van body only.

6x12 rear And curb doors, Nice and clean. $450. Tel. Hampden JO 6-3741. FOR STERLING model HD 1 compiete roar end.

Excellent condition. $150. Tel. Hamp*rn J0 6-3311. INTERNATIONAL 1947 1 TON PANEL TRUCK.


RE 4-4569. INTERNATIONAL Metro (2) 1 ton each. (4) 14. ton Chev. walk in 1946.

$100 Hathaway Bakeries Linden St. RE 4-4981. 14 TOY Cher. panel truck, beaten Runs good. Pipe rack fitting bins Call RE 1946 INTERNATIONAL ton pickup.

Overload springs, new. paint. $200. Tel T'Ville. RI 5-1480.

1918 FORD ton pickup. Heater, de. froster. Tel. RE 3-4589.

House Trailers 11B ANDY'S DANDYS. we're cleaning houge, that is mobile homes. You can EA TO hundreds, vint our display for a real steal Andy's Trailer Sales. Testover Chicopee Falls, Mass. NEW A USED MORITE HOMES.

8 109 ft. wide. 1. 2 3 hedring from 13 to 31 ft. Ernie's Trailer Sales, Ion.

next 10 State Police. Rte 20. Palmer. Masa. NEW HOMES 10 wide, 1 2 Ru's Trailer Sales, Palmer.

Mass. SO YOU'RE going to try hving in a mobile Home. Fan Ale in at least A minor flurry. wondering it the wise thine to do: whether vou and vOur family will like it. You are no longer A slave to the house which owns you.

Now you can the house! You're the in a house which is everything home should he in tion to heing movable. Visit Better Troller Silos. 119 Boston Road. field. Mass, miles from Main Street on Route 20 toward Boston.

Open saven davs from 9 to 9 p. Sundays too. UNTIL SOLD ft. wide 1937 Model Dreatnhome. $5695.

Traveling Rol-44 lo. fome ft. Howard, 1952. Excellent condition $1097. The above are no trade deals FAY'S TRAILER, SALES FAY'S BRIDGE.

MONSON RD. PALMER. MASS. YOU WILL HAVE A modern, we'l-dasigned. well built.

orated" type of home, of which vou And your wife CA.I he proud. Pay un A visit real soon. BURNETT'S MOMILEHOME S.CLES, Rte. 20.. Westfled.

Open 9-5 every day. Auto Accessories AUTO PARTS, for all makes. Hardly an erphan car for which wa cannot supply parts. Gende. Brok, 4387 Main St.

RE 6-7481. 16A GARAGE WANTED good dry atoraz4 for CAr. 'Tel. RE HEATED' garage space Var rent for cars And trucks with ft doors. RE or: Sumner Ave.

62 60x100. Rent or pall. RE 7-9506, Wanted 17 CASIT ally RONUS Rambler paid for Spfid. clean Nash. cars.

Used Es- A Cars, 1013 Main Coms Park. MAKE US PROVE IT MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR THAN ANY OTHER DEALER Main Motors. 1071 Main RE 4-5710 SELLING YOUR CAR? We pay top dollar for clean late modARTHUR F. CENTER. INC.

Friendly' Ford Canter 500 COLUMROS AVE. WANTED Junk cars wrecks. Best prices. RE 3-0076 day or eve WE BUY quality cars. Ralph D.

Jones 721 Worthington St. RE 43 CHRYSLER Windsor, door sedan. favorable condition. LO 2-9319, BUSINESS SERVICES Building- -Contracting 19 A-1 formica CARPENTER counter kitchen cabinets, sink tops. modeling repairs.

'Reas. RF. ATTIC basem*nt rooms finished. Garage, cinder block buildings norches Terms. Stan Hanks, LA 5-2369.

A BETTER JOB--Lower Winter CARPENTRY MASONRY: ING. New lomes, Garages, Porches, Attics, Playrooms, Any Constr. Qual-: ity By RATISTA, JE 4 ASPHALT driveway, concrete steps, cetla.r RE floors, A-1718 patio walls, Tebaldi: Bros. or. RF.

6-5628. A. Frea pat. CARPENTERS RF: 2-6321. new homes.

Repaire. 3-5683. A-1 jacking, BUILDING, repairing. porchjalouate window and doors a specialty Leonard in perch enclosires. Reas.

Cross. RE 2-4318. 1 Tuesday and found nearly every office on one floor of the build- ling filled with recruiter's from at least 20 major industrial firms. "'The companies apparently figured many engineers would visit the exhibit and must have decided it would give them a good opportunity to sign up some urgently needed engineers," he commented. Fewer Companies To Give Christmas Bonuses This Year New York, Nov.

28 (UP) The number. of firms, giving Christmas bonuses to employees will be smaller this year, but such extra payments still are a popular way to extend holiday, greetings to employees, the National Induisurial Conference Board said A conference board survey of 125 companies, that gave bonuses last that 93 of them, or about .75 per cent, definitely plan to give another this December. Seventeen firms that still were undecided they probably would give bonuses, All but six of, these 110 firms have given bonuses for the, last 10. years or more, the conference board said. Fifteen firms will drop bonuses this year.

They said they have adopted formal profit-sharing plans or have incorporated the bonus into base pay rates. The conference board said more firms were discontinning bonuses this year than last. Larzest knoyn. elephant tusk 235 pounds and was 11 feet long, eight inches thick. Legal Notices BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Application No.

54 Date Nov. 29. 1956 Notice is hereby given, under Chapter 138 of the General Laws, that Bernard Greenberg, Reg. has Roy A. for Sunter liPharmacy, applied a cense to sell alcoholic beverages off the following, kind All Alcoholic as a Druggist under Sec.

30 A. at 676 Dickingon Street in said Springfield, In first floor and cellar for atorage of mid building. RICHARD F. CARROLIA WAYNE HENRY LATHAM GERALD D. FITZGERALD.

Board BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Application No. 114 Date Nov. 29, 1950 Notice is hereby given, under Chapter 138 of the General' that Hollywood Restaurant Grill. d. h.

a. Giro's Restaurant, Alfred J. Angeleri. has applied for license to sell alcoholic beverages of the following kind .17 Alcoholic a Common Victualler at 869-870 Main Street in said Springfield. in first floor and cellar for storage of said building.

RICHARD F. CARROLL WAYNE AENRY LATHAM FITZGERALD Licenaing Board ROARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Application No. Date Nor. 29. 10.16 Notice is hereby given, under Chanter 139 of the General Laws, that with Hotel Herbert W.

Parson. 'Mgr. ha Applied for A license to Roll alcoholic beverages of the following kind .111 coholic ax an Main and 9 eleven Liberty floors Streets and in cellar mAid for Springfield, storage of in building. RICHARD F. CARROLL WAYNE HENRY LATHAM GERALD D.

FITZGERALD Licensing Board LORT PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given the that American applicaheen, made to Bosch. Credit tinien for amount of deposit represented by passbook No. isstied by said bank to Mr. John Garvey. it being claimed that said passbopk, has been lost.

stolen or destroved. Nov. 28. 1936 (Nov. 29-Dec.

3-10) COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN 88 PROBATE COUNT To all persons interested in the estate of FRANK H. PASQUARELLE otberwise FRANK formerly of Springfield. in C'ounty, An absentee. The receiver of thip property of said absentee presented to id Court for allowance her spoond account. If you desire to object thereto.

your attorney should file apl 'A In said Court at Springfie'd before ten o'clock in the forenoon 011 the eighteenth day of December 1936. the return day nf this ritation, Witnoce. THOMAS 14. STAPLETON. Fomire.

First Judge said Court, ants day nt Voramber in year 'of our Lord one thousand nine hundred JOHN .1, Register. 29-Deo. 8-10) 1, L'egal Notices BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Application No. F15 Date Nov. 29.

1956 Notice is hereby given. under Chapter 1:8 of the General Laws, that Silvano and Jane Matteucci: ad. b. a. Silvano's Restaurant hare applied.

for a license to. gall alcoholic beverages of the following kind All Alcoholic as A Common Victualler 680 Worthington Street in said in first: floor for service and for kitchen and atorage of MAid buildin.x. RICHARD 3. CARROT WAYNE HENRY LATH.AM GERALD D. FITZGERALD.

Licensing Board BOARD OF LICENSE 3 COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Application No. Date Nov. 1956 Notice is hereby given, under Chapter 138 of the General Laws, that Independent, BAnAvolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World. Harmony 140, Carl Capers, Mgr. has applied for license following to kind sell All alcoholic Alcoholic beverages as a of Club the at 21 Hampden Street in said Springfield.

in second and third floors for service and storage of said building. RICHARD F. CARROLT, WAYNE HENRY LATHAM GERILD D. FITZGERALD Licensing Board BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Application No. 108 Date Nov.

29, 1970 Notice is hereby given, under Chapter 133 of the General Laws, that Red Lion Cafe, John E. Gorrod, Mer, has applied for a license to Sell alcoholic beverages of the following kind All Alcoholic AS 8. Common Victualler at 312 Locust Street. in said Springfield, in first floor and cellar for storage of said building. RICHARD F.

CARROLI, WAYNE HENRY LATHAM GERALD D. FITZGERALD Licensing Board BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Application No. 49 Date Nov. 28. 1936 Notica is hereby given, under Chapter 138 of the General Jaws, that John M.

Patina, Reg. applied for A license to sell alcoholic beverages of the following kind All Alcoholic AS Druggist under SAc. 30A. at 14 Orange Street in said Springfield, in floor and cellar for storage of said building. RICHARD F.

CARROLL WAYNE HENRY LATH GERALD D. FITZGERALD Licensing Board CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements A-1 CLEAN FILL Sand Gravel MIX by Load or Contract delivered. Ideal for foundations, lots, etc. Also TRAPROCK. 1 DAY Service.

Tel. It 3-0417 or RE 9-2066. ANY attic. yard. garages cleaned.

Pessolano. RE 2-8731. ANT ATIC. cellar, yards cleaned, Hubbigi removed. Free est.

Heaa. rates. RE A YD Vet buys rags, paper. metals F. llaarmann RE G-0901.

A-1 tractor. serv. fill. traprock, gravel dust, Giordano 9-6128. AUTO INSURANCE MOTORCYCLE-TRUCKS Time Payments.

"Rapid Service Open Every Day 9 A. m. to 6 p. m. M.

NICHOLAS RA Maks, NEW DWIGHT ST. ANY attic. rellar etc. cleaned. Also duuk bouzht.

J. Beyetta RE 2-2881. ANY CLOGGED sewer or drain pipe razor-cleaned or charges Roto Rooter Tel. RE: 4.4 A ATTIC Cellar, yard cleaning ruhbish removed. 3 ton dump.

landscaped. 107 "Tyler St. RE 7-0842, ANY attic cellar, yard cleaned. Storm windows. RE 7-7021.

RE 9-4127. A-1 CHAIN SAW work, trees cut, lots cleared. ST 8-4685 or TV 3-8831. BOOKKEEPING Accounting service on weekly or monthly basis. Reasonable.

Call TI 3-1730. chain work. 'Cellars dug, lots cleared. RE 6-2992. CUSTOM tractor work, grading, loa.m fill.

traprock, gravel, manure, AnOW loading. DiDonato, RE CESSPOOLS. Septic tanks, flushed and cleaned, quick. odorless, sanit. Phone RE Roto Rooter of course.

FLOORS cleaned WAX: d. wall wood work washed. JIC FLOORS cleaned. waxed, polished. Reasonable.

RE 4-2004. now? for your Christmas parties, 100 to Rear, By a staff of experienced workers. Athose Caterers. RE 2-3513. LIGHT trucking Interior paipting.

RE 3-9196. LANDSCAPING Gardening Clean up work, tree work. Dry wells, D. McCormack. RE 7-2571, removal.

SUPER DUPER comp. $6. 23 vra. exp. 58 Seventh St, RF: 1-2394.

KNOW REMOVAL Call RE 7-2177 TY INSTALLATION antenna repairs. Beas. W. O' Brien RE 3-0167. TREE WORK CALL RE WE GUARANTEE mice.

ante 85, Walker's RE 4' in 5 4 4 12 A A.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.