The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

5 CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, OCTOBER 21, 1956 CLASSIFIED 27A THE WEEK in ELIGION This same concern was giv- pressed recently by the United cam- Lutheran Synod of New na- and New England when it rected its social missions mittee to study how best "educate" thenurch, members corning and to courage them to talk over been: situation appropriate with "members of lead- legislative bodies." re- One of the most agressive Protestant campaigners against at indecent literature is Dr. James pastor of Morningpub- side Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ad- in lie Ga. heads the three (icorgia Literature Commission which last week set a prosedent its three-and-a-half istence by requesting attorneys in three judicial circuits prosecute the distributors of magazines commission branded as obscene. 8 The board's action has created considerable interest. because 14: expected to lead to the first of test case of the commission's censorship powers.

Involved as be the question of freedom of expression for "art and literature' which inevitably arises of connection with such magazines. Supreme Court Four cases concerning censorthe ship of indecent litcrature ba- now before: the United States Supreme Court. They involve publisher in Tennessee and booksellers in California, Michigan and New York. They may result in a far-reaching decision on the power of state and city governments and the Post Office Depariment to limit the sale and 1'0- distribution of publications deemed offensive to public morals. In A number of instances, civic and professional groups have been credited with giving a real impetus to the drive against in objectionable reading matter.

One example is the state-wide campaign launched in August by the Wisconsin Pharmaccutical Association tO clean up drugstore racks. The group mailed kits to drugstores which included window decals and signs pledging "better reading material for our children." Another example was provided bv the Omaha Youth Group which appealed all religious and civic organizations in the city to help wage war o11 lurid comic books and other unwholesome literature. Herter's Statement During the past few months four states Massachusetts. Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Rhode Island have been added to the list of those enacting to ban improper comic books or other indecent literasons ture or under forbid 18. their sale to In recently signing into law a bill outlawing sale or dispor-tribution of indecent comic Gov.

Christian of Mass. hooks otherer publications, wrote: "I would not have signed it if the industry, had taken proper stops itself. But the industry's efforts to keep its house in order so far have been spotty and you can still buy an awful Jot of filth without too much trouble." ups before speaking. Is this correct? MRS. POST: There is nothing wrong in their saying "'Good morning, Mrs.

Jones." QUESTION: When a table is set with two or more forks. does one use the fork nearest the plate first and work out. or is the fork farthest from the plate used first? MRS. POST: The one farthest from the plate 15, used first. QUESTION: I was a widow but have just recently remarried and would like to retain my first husband's name for two reasons.

First. because of my daughter. Second. for business reasons. I an a nurse and my old name means much in our small community.

Would it be proper to use this name as a middle name? AIRS. POST: As a middle name. no. You could very well to use your old name professionally, and your new one socially. QUESTION: Will VOu please tell me the correct thing to do when someone asks you a question and you have food in your mouth? MRS.

POST: You dispose of the food as quickly as you can and then answer -you do not talk with your mouth full. QUESTION: When dining in a restaurant, should the woman or the man follow the headwaiter to the table, and who holds the chair for her, the man or the headwaiter? MRS. POST: She follows hradwaiter who also holds the chair for her. QUESTION: When a widow (mid-40s) is marrying again, is It improper for her mother to send engraved announcements of the wedding. or, at this age, is it more suitable for the bride to send her own? After my husband's death I moved back home with my mother, and I thought that under these circ*mstances it might be all right to use her name.

MRS. POST: While the use of your mother's name would not be a serious error, it is in much better taste for a widow--especially one of mature years-to join with the man in announcing their own marriage. QUESTION: Is it necessary for the bride's family to provide transportation for those wedding guests who have no cars, from the church to the place of the reception? MRS. POST: They are obliged only to provide transportation for those in the wedding party. If they can arrange transportation (for any of the wedding guests, SO much the better, but it is not a requirement.

QUESTION: I have a daughter who is going to be married soon and one of her bridesmaids is planning a shower for her. Will you please tell me if it would be proper for then bridesmaid to the groom's mother for a list of her friends and relatives even though some do not know the bride? MRS. POST: No. It is only the bride's own friends who should be invited to the shower. Should table linen he monogrammed, and if SO, where should the monogram be placed? This and many ideas on the types of linen for various occasions are described in Mrs.

Post's leaflet E-32. "Table Mrs. Post is sorry she cannot answer personal mail. To obtain a copy, send 10 cents in coin to Dept. EP, 0-0 The Springfield Republican, Box 99, Station New York 19, N.

Y. CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements ASPHALT S. cement SIPDS. flagstone work. RE 7-2426.

ASPHALT Driveways. lawns, flagstones, cement. Paul HIS A YD buys rags, paper. RE 3-8276. metals.

F. Haarmann RE 6-0901. ANY CLOGGED Sewer or drain pipe electrically razor-cleaned or r.o charseRoto Rooter Tel. RE 4-3754 ANY attic, cellar, etc. cleaned.

also junk bought. Beyette, 2-2881. LOAM RE RE 3-1981 A-1 CHAIN SAW work, tree cut, lots cleared. ST S-4685. Ni Tractor service plowing harrowing.

1.0am, fill. gravel. traD rock Fred Giordano RE 9-0128. yard cleaning ruhHigh removed. ton dump.

landscaped Fratamico, 107 Tyler RE: 7-0842. ANY ATTIC. cellar. yards cleaned. Rubbish removed.

Free est. Reas. RE U. A-1 loam, collars. yards, garageS cleaned.

Pessolano, RE 6-3742, BE AUTO INSULLYCE MOTORCYCLES -TRUCKS Time Payments, Rapid Service Open every day 0 a. m. to 6 p. 111. M.

NICHOLS Tel. RE 3-1209 Mass. NEW DWIGHT ST. BOOKKEEPING taxes done Reas. rates.

RE 9-8491. BEST LOAM TRAP ROCK- GRAVEL RE 3-1981 RE 0-2342 BULLDOZER work, cellars dug grading. Call ST 8-7011, RE 9-6107. BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Call RE 0-7900 CELLERS. ATTICS, YARDS.

3 cleaned. Call RE 2-4724. 8 a. m. to p.

PROVENCIAL buys rags. iron, brass, paper copper. RE 3-2541. CESSPOOLS, Septic tanks, flusned and cleaned. quick.

odorless. sanit. Phone RE 4-3774. Roto Rooter of course. CUSTOM tractor work.

plowing, harrowing, grading, loam, fill, traprock, gravel, manure, DiDonato, RE 9-4162. DRAFTY DOOR expert weatherstripping. Work guaranteed. JO 6-8628. FLOORS cleaned waxed.

walls wood work washed. JE 3-1497. FLOORS cleaned, waxed polished. Reasonable. RE 4-2054.

LANDSCAPING lawn maintenance. General clean up work. Sam De Marco, RE LANDSCAPING Gardening, Clean work. tree work. Dry wells, F.

D. McCormack. RE 9-4182 RE 9-1080. SUPFR DUPER Seventh comp. St.

RE simonizing 7-2394. $6. 2:1 yrs. exp. 58 TOP PRICES paid for all metals, rags hodsprings.


repairs, Reas. TREE WORK Lots cleared. Lawns installed. Shade trees planted. RE 6-1191 GUARANTEE rid roaches mice, ants $5.

Walker's RE 6-2061. Personals 9 LIMITED number of vacancies in our new kindergarten nursery building. Mrs. Moore, RE 22061. ARTIFICIAL flower materials, BETTY'S FLOWER CRAFT STUDIO.

6 Tohnson St. Christmas corsage materiale. RE 9-44 RE 6-1600. ALL TYPES OF PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS WHITNEY DETECTIVE SERVCE 208 Vernon Spild. 3-1170 Night Li 3-4930 CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION Civil, divorce, criminal, domestic ATWOOD DETECTIVE AGENCY SUITE 521.

1570 MAIN SPFLD. 8-0174 EVES, RE 6-2887 CARS delivered anywhere in U. S. A. Fully insured.

licensed drivers. local agent. N. Y. C.

office. RE DRIVING TO FLORIDA about Nov. 1st. Rn, for 2 pass. Share expenses.

4-5011 after 3.30 p. m. DANCE BAND-Experienced, uniformed, all occasions. Reasonable RE 2-2061 FREE 30 different stamps with our worldwide approvals. Postage paid hoth WAVA, Write now.

P. Roy, 160 NI. Johns. Brooklyn 17. HIGH TYPE woman alone will share her beautiful, country home with another '1 couple.

Westfield Placement Service. Tel. 10 2-3079 RIDES Call parly, Agawam. RE 9-3001. ask for Pet INSURANCE Auto- Fire- Life M.

Chernaik Insurance Agency Main RE 4-7794 ANTHONY'S NURSERY SCHOOL facilities, trained staff ages TRANSPORTATION RE 0-5260 RIDE wanted to Log Angeles by Oct. 25. Help drive. RE 7-5035. care for children anytime in your home or mine.

Transportation furnished. RE 4-6306. WILL CARE for 1 or 2 children in 01V home days. 2-5 years. not school age.

Loving care. RE 4-1782. for child days in my home A care Call RE care for child in my home. 9-3149. Convalescent Ilomes 9A BAKER'S Convalescent Home in City.

vacancy now open. RE 3-7162. NURSE A has private rooms for elderly retired persons. LI 3-1874. Lost and Found 10 FOUND wedding band.

Call RE 9-4348 and identify. Police dog wearing lic. vic. Forest Park. Please call RE 7-5019 Woman's English bicycle.

"Raleigh Sports" black, white chrome. REWARD RE 4-2221. Tel. ST 8-7837. Boxer I pup vic.

the Oct. 17. LADY'S large pin, blue white stones, lost vie. W'orthington Pynchon St. IL 6-5643.

-pure white cat, deaf; Reward. 707 Call L0 7-7697. LOST-6 mos, old tiger. kitten with diamond shape between eV flea 56 collar. answers 10 "Diamond." viciniAmherst St.

116 Amherst St. vic. Springfield Armory. Reward. Call LIGHT brown Irish terrier female lost '35 Col.

Ludlam RE 9-6911. '35 COLLIE puppie female brown white, vie. Boston Rd. Parker St. Reward.

Any Information, please call 3-3249. 50 -TUESDAY. MALE BEAGLE. 321 LIC. 965.

CALL RE 3-1471. black, tan white Beagle wearing round dog collar. Call RE 2-1963 Reward ORANGE BROWN tiger like cat ans. "'Tiny' lost St. Michael's Cemetery.

Reward. Call RE 2-0039 atter 5 p. m. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11. clean 51 Ford customline, dr.

6. standard shift with overdrive. 2 tone green. $1150. Rollins, 722 Boston '32 RE 13 real nice white over blue '16 Buick '51 Century hardtop.

Auto. shift. A like now, only $2750. Rollips. 7.22 Boston RE 9-8050.

AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale AT THOMSFONVILLE FORD OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS Protestant churchmen arc increasing support 10 paigns that seek to rid the tion's newsstands p*rnographic and other types of objectionable literature. C'nited Drive Efforts to cican up the nation's, reading. matter have long pushed by Roman ers in many arcas. Catholic, cent developments show Protestanis joining more and more in united drive to combat the evil. One of these has been the livation of series of articles the South Carolina Methodist vocate warning that the growing sale And distribution of indecent Hierature is "'a sickness for which the Church has the only Another has been the demand by ministerial bodies for action against obscene magazines.

Latest group to voice such demand is the Person County (N. Ministerial Association which called for local and state legislation to stem the flood "lewd and obscene' publications. The clergymen went SO far to request outright suppression such periodicals. the interest of protecting the development sound minds and high morals." The articles in the Methodist publication were written by Rev. Ralph A.

Cannon on the sis of a year-long survey of magazine racks conducted in co-operation with the Board of Social and Economic Relations of the South Carolina Methodist Conference. Denouncing so-called entertainment publications for their "brazon espousal of unrestrained eroticism, Mr. Cannon singled out mance and confession magazines. "expose" periodicals. "nudist journals." figure study magazines and "male Art' periodicals.

Over- All Attitude immorality of such he wrote, "does not lie the fact that there is too unadorned flesh and much indecent language. More important over-all attitude toward sex represented in the magazines that brands them as immoral, from the viewpoint of Christian ethics. Mr. Cannon charged that exploitation of sex pervades, the magazine industry extent that even high quality magazines resort to it in some degree. Almost all the stories in the en1ertainment magazines, he said.

"are tales of seduction. Skill in the art of seduction is proclaimed to he the supreme qualification of the man who is really a man. The language is sensual and The clergyman pointed that he did not examine paper-backs, comic books or movie fan magazines but said these would need to he considered for a complete picture of sex obsession. His articles followed another series in Our Sunday Visitor, national Catholic weekly. which described the dissemination of nographic literature as halfbillion dollar racket" which is "doing immeasurable damage to teen-agers and (ireat Evil is one of the greatest evils in the United States todav." the author wrote.

"The public must realize it exists and fight to put an end to it." GOOD Laste TODAY By Emily Post MRS. POST ANSWERS QUESTION: The other evening I eating it sandwich at the table when a piece of the meat fell out onto the plate. I picked it in my fingers and in Uny mouth. My father who was sitting opposite me criticized for doing this and said it was very bad table manners. Will you please tell me if I was wrong.

and if so. what would have been the proper thing to do? MRS. POST: If you had a fork, it would have been better 10 have used it. If you didn't have one. what you did was quite excusable.

QUESTION: I would like 10 know if it would be proper for married man, 10 give a present young woman who is not married. Here is the situation: One of the young women with whorn I work has gone out of her way on many occasions to do things for me. She is having a birthday soon and I thought it would be nice to give her a birthday present in appreciation of her many kindnesses. Could this possibly he misconstrued? MRS, POST: I don't see how your intention could possibly he misconstrued as long as the prosent is not a personal one. Anything for her personal adornment (such 85 would, of course, be questionable.

QUESTION: My daughter has been going with a young man for the past year and he would like to give her an engagement ring. lowever, my daughter still goes 10 school and I do not think it proper for her to wear an engagement ring to school. I think he should wait until she is graduated before giving her the ring. What is your opinion? MRS. POST: I agree with you.

QUESTION: I have taught my young son and daughter to always greet friends and neighhors when they see them on the street. However. I have just been told children should wait until they are greeted by the grown- FORD Victoria loaded SAVE 1938 FORD Custom 4 dr. SAVE LORD ranch wag. $179.7 1954 FORD dr.

black, Rent 1954 FORD OLDS' 88 Conv. Fully FOM Equipped 149; 03 CHEW. 2 dr. tone green 1952 PLYM 0-Brook O'drive 1950 FORD dr. LORD Conv.

Cream Puff 1949 FORD '2 dr. A8 IS. 170 1949 CADILLAC Conv. clean 69. 1949 PONTIAC Sed.

gray TRUCKS 1953 FORD ton pickup, clean 895 Others to Choose From WOLF FORD SALES 873 Enfield Thompsonville, Conn. Tel. RI Route 5 OPEN EVES. AT BOSTON RD. MOTORS Mere.

Alont. (pe. MOM 1975 Ford Crown Vict. on Ply. 2 dr.

1905 CItY. 4 dr. 149.3 Ford Couv. Clean 1390 Packard PS 1'H. Auto Trans (9; 197 Chev.

Bel Aire Auto. Trans. 10.1 Chev. dr. 100: Buick 4 dr.

1003 Ply. dr. 495 Buick dr. Dyna 8:05 Dodge 2 dr. Gyro Trans.

19,30 Buick dr. Sedanette 4.0 1910 Cadillac -1 dr. Sedan Many More Terms to Suit 9. Boston Id. RE RETTER LIST OF BETTER BUYS NO MONEY DOWN per mo.

'5 CHAV. 1 dr. PLYM. 4 dr. STUDE dr.

O'D FOR door 4 dr. CHRYSLER FORD NISH dr. dr. Hyd. 44 CHEV ar.

BUICK dr. STUDE 1'S CHEV. dr. CHEV. Conv.

FORD Sdn. 30 '50 CADILLAC 4 dr. hyd. 60 DODGE 4 dr. 40 PI.

YM. dr. DESOTO Nin. '49 CHRYSLER 8dn. 15 WEST SPRINGFIELD MOTORS "Across from Union Trust Bank 230 Memorial West Springfleld Open Eves.

RE 6-3269 AT' THE ORIGINAL LEO'S 1956 CADILLAC P.S. $1205 1056 CADILLAC Sed. DeVille PS 4795 Sedan. 193 1973 CADILLAC Eldorado. PS.

PR 4495 151 Coupe. IN 1'B 3190 AC Fleet. 1's PB 23,000 mi. 62 st dan 169.0 CADILLAC dr. CADILLAC 4 PS CADILL.AC dr.

Sed. 1095 1934 OLDS. Conv. PS. PR 1953 DA.

98 4 dr. sedan. PS PB 2405 1956 MERCURY H. Top Che. All pwl.

1039 OLDS. dr. sedan, Pa. PB 1390 1953 CHRYSLER N. Y.

sedan, FS, PB 1103 1975 PACKARD 400 Coupe 2613 MERCURY Hardtop 2100 CHRYSLER 1 PS. PR OLDS. 48 dr. HT. PS.

I'B OLDS. 88 4 dra sedan 1997 OLDS. Sup. 86 PS. 1'R 1695 1934 PACKARD 4 dr.

FS, PB, Auto. 1497 BUICK Special Riv. Coupe BUICK Cent. HT. PS.

PB 1697 1931 HUDSON 4 dr. sedan. Hydra. 49.7 1974 mode! 210, dr. 1197 CHEV.

Bel Air Hardtop 1 P'LYMOUTH 2 dr. 1335 1950 CHEV. Conv. Extra Clean Above Cars Equipped Guaranteed TIlE ORIGINAL LEO'S TEL. HE 1-9 153 or ST 1071 Main St.

Open 9-9. Tel. RE 4-5719 AT BETTER USED CAR ENCHANGE '56 Mercury Hard Top Mercomatic Ford Fairlane Top. Fdmt. Club sedan '54 Chev.

Station Wagon 4 dr. P. 'G. 1497 Ford V8 Conv. Coupe 397 OLDS Hol.

Cpe. P.S.. P.B. RUICK Super. 4 door, P.S.

4197 PACKARD 4 half of new price FORD Fairlane. Fdmt. 1795 Bel Air. VR 169.3 Century, Hardtop, P.S. BUICK Century, Hardtop, P.S.

D5. 88. 4 door DODGE Coronet, 4 door 1197 BUICK Special. 4 door CHEW. Del-Ray, CI.

sedan CHEW Bel Air, Power Glide 1097 CHEV. Air. 4 door 1047 OLDS S88. I.F 1007 OLDS. Super SS.

4 Hydra. 04.3 CHEV. Deluxe. door 697 CHRYSLER Saratoga, P.S. 695 '32 Land Cruiser, 4 O.D.

59.7 OLDS $88. like new 1093 BUICK Super. dr. Dyna. 596 CADILLAC, 4 dr.

sedan 1:93 MERCURY 4 door. 0. D. 59.7 OLDS Super 89. 4 door 695 '51 OLDS 98 (exceptional) OLDS 98.

Hardtop. (special) '50 CADILLAC 62. Sedan 1093 BUICK Club sedan. Spec. OLDS SSS.

P.S.. P.B. OLDS 08. 4 P.S.. P.B.

1395 OLDS Holiday (pe. 1395 TO PONTIAC Chi. 8. Hydra. 447 FORD VS.

Convert CHEV. Bel AM. P.G. 1893 Many. Many More MOST HAVE RADIOS AND HEATERS 1507 STATE ST.

AT RICHARD'S 1954 CADILLAC, P.S., P.B. $3205 1949 CADILLAC 62. Conv. 50 1953 CADILLAC. Club P.S.

2197 1970 CADILLAC El Dorado Spt. Conv. 44:05 1973 CADILLAC '62 4 dr. P. S.

2103 1952 CADILLAC Fleetwood 4 dr. I'S 179. O.DS 98. Hoi. P.S..

P. B. 2693 BUICK Super PS FB 2495 OLDS 69 4 dr. PS 4197 OLDS 888 Conv. PS PB 0493 1903 Olds 96.

Hol. One 1495 1050 BIUCK. Spc. Riv. PS, PR 0005 1954 OLDS 98.

4 dr. sedan 1895 1904 BUICK Del. Sp. 4 P.S. 1795 BUICK Cent.

4 PS 1904 BUICK Sup. Riv. FS 1997 1954 RUICK Cent. Riv. Cre.

1805 BUICK Snec. Riv. Cpr. RUICK PS, PR 2495 1950 BUICK. HM.

Riv. PS. PR 249.0 BUICK, Super. 4 dr. sedan 1195 1954 MERC.

Mont. MOM 1795 1955 PLYMOUTH. Savoy. 2 VS. Sedan 1405 19.10 DODGE Coronet, 4 dr.

930 1970 PACKARD. H- top, PS. PB, ultra, tor-lev. susp. PLYMOUTH PF 1803 1953 MERCURY MOM 1193 1905 FORD Fairlane PS.

PB, FOM. Elec. Wind. 1997 1953 PONTIAC Cat. Cpe.


SPRINGFIELD Tel. RE Open 9-9. Tel. RE 7-8512 1972 DODGE Coronet. dr.

sedan. black. Perfert cond. Can be seen anytime. RE Price $450.

AT THE A. V. REOPELL CO. 1973 Ford Ranch Wagon 81007 1901 Chev. Del.

dr. 577 1032 Plymouth CI. (pe. 397 1954 Ford 4 dr. sed.

1097 1951 Nash Rambler Conv. 497 Pontiac 4 dr. 1953 Buick Spec. 1 dr. Dyna.

1097 1950 Chevrolet 2 dr. 397 Chevrolet dr. 1497 Plymouth 4 dr. OD 1097 Nash Rambler, 1-Top 697 1932 Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan TOT Cadillac conv.

0297 1953 Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan 897 19.4 Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan 1197 1954 Chevrolet 210 2 dr. sedan 1097 50 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM THE A. V.

REOPELL CO. Chevrolet Sales Service Headquarters for Value State St. Open Eves. Tel. RE 7-0251 AT PITONS USED CARS ALLEN ST.

LINCOLN Capri. lardton. 4-way seat. tinted glass, like new. PONTIAC Starchief, convertible, Excellent.

PLYMOUTH Belvedere convertible club. Powerflite. L'R. OLDS. Super 88.

4 dr. $1793 CHEV. Convertible club. Club Che. $395 SHOP AT SAVE ALLEN ST.

AT ATLANTIC STA. AT MURPHY MOTORS 64 Boston Rd. at Gulf Station Ford Fairlane. IT. Top.

Fdmt. 1897 Pontiac Chief Del. 8 ged. Hydra 1:97 Ford V3 Victoria Coupe 109.3 Buick spec. dynaflow Dodge 4 door Sedan 093 Plymouth Suburban 993 Buick Super Conv.

205 Hudson Hornet 4 dr. hydra. Ford dr low mi. 747 Chev. dr.

99.1 Olds. 98 4 dr. lydra. 505 Plymouth Cranbrook 4 dr. Packard Clipper 2 dr.

745 Stude. Champion 4 door 245 ONE OWNER 52 Plymouth Cranbrook club coupe. Low mileage. Almost new tires $550. ST 8-4647 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 MAIN MOTORS NO MONEY DOWN ON MANY CARS BUICK Riv.

cpe. Dyna. $1399 PLYM. dr. hy drive 999 1952 4 dr.

hydra. 5-88 9:9 19.2 FORD Victoria. FOM FORD Club ('ust. 8 799 NASH 4 dr. custom 499 HUDSON 4 dr.

Hor. hydra 790 1951 PLYM. conv. clean 609 1951 BUICK dr. dyna, Sup.

799 1931 OLDS. 4 dr. hydra. 799 PLYM. el.

cpe. ('-brook 099 1950 RUICK 4 dr. Dyna. Sup, 399 1900 Bel Air PA 699 1948 DODGE rah. an 249 AND JEANY MORE ALL A-1 SPECIALS For Bargains at big savings come to LEE MOTOR SALES Cadillac.

4 dr. lyd. new tires $897 Willys Stationwagon O. D. clean 495 Ford dr.

A-1 shape 493 Stude. 4 dr. Champion, clean 193 (Thev. 4 dr. P.

G. ex. clean 495 Fords 3 to choose from 395 Stude. 4 dr. Comm.

V-S, 1 owner 30. '51 Hudson 4 dr. Nice 495 '50 Chev. 2 dr. r'.

Glide, clean 315 '30 Pontiac. A steal at 243 19 Cadillac, 4 dr. Hydr. excel. cond '49 P'lymouth 1 dr.

real nice 445 '48 Ford CI. custom model, sep it 300 '53 Indian Motorcycle, harley control Trade Terms Tel. Re 6-4239 63 Exposition W. Spfid. off Memorial Ave.

1 street past Blue Grotto AT GENDEN INC. DOLLAR for Dollar You Can't Beat GENDEN BROS. USED CARS In Price--Quality--or Time Payments 1936 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop 1935 Pontiac SC Cat. 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air PS PB SAVE 974 Pontiac Starchief 4 dr. Sedan 1974 Pontiac Chiefta'n Club epe.

1954 Pontiac sC Cat. SAVE 1073 Pontiac 4 dr. standard 200 1953 Pontia: 4 dr. Sedan 1390 Ford dr. 9:0 1953 Olds 4 dr.

'88' Standard 1290 107.7 Plymouth 0 dr. 200 1950 Chevrolet 4 dr. 493 1949 Pontiac 4 dr. 390 19-19 Olds dr. 490 1949 Dodge Panel Truck 1919 Lincoln 1 Ar.

Sed. 390 1949 Cadillac Sed. 8:0 1918 Plymouth 190 Every Car Carries a 30 Day Warranty PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $8 PER WEEK 25 OLDER DOWN GENDEN INC. SEE THE NEW 1956 PONTIAC 2387 Main Set. Tel.

RE 6-5481 RE 4-2732 AT WEBSTERS AUTO SALES 2 Years in Automotive Business Chevrolet. 1 door sedan week end special Ford custom dr. cylinder TiC radio heater $1897 1056 Ford convertible power packed. automatic radio heater. tone 11 157 tires.

backup lights etc. 11A 11 1955 Olds Holiday coupe. 1 OWner. new $2095 Sales Worcester St. Indian Orchard.

Mass, LI ALWAYS THE BEST USED CARS AT SANFORD'S Most Are Fully Equipped And Fuily Guaranteed 1934 BUICK 4 dr. Dyna. $1605 100 STUDERAKER 4 dr. sedan 797 1954 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sed.

1197 DODGE 4 dr. sed. 007 PLYMOUTH Convertible 59.1 Club Cue. 49. 1933 FORD Station Wagon 1197 DODGE dr sedan 1951 PLYMOUTH 4 dr.

197 FORD Ciao DODGE dr sedan CHRYSLER 4 dr. sedan 1901 CHEVROLET dr. sedan 1931 DESOTO CI. Cre. 593 1949 CHRYSLER ar.

39.7 1931 DODGE dr. 1949 DOIXTE dr. 29.1 1951 FORD dr. 395 Dodge- Plymouth- Dodge Trucks F. L.

SANFORD CO. 648 State St. Open Eves. RE 4-8272 A 1930 PLYMOUTH door blue sedan. Good condition.


PS PR CADILLAC Conv. 1995 CADILLAC (62) Coupe PS 1493 CADILLAC 4 dr. sedan 1397 CADILLAC 1 dr. 99. RUICK Station Wagon PS FB BUICK Super sed.

ps BUICK Super Riv. dr. 2635 RUICK Century 2 dr. loaded BUICK Century Riv. 1793 BUICK Super Riv.

tiro tone 99., OLDS Super 8 4 dr. PS PB OLDS dr. PS PR CHEV. Station Wagon 897 FORD Conv. Forn.

RAG OPEN 9 TO 9 RE 1-4226 ANTIQUE 1928 Pierce Arrow. Model Q1. dr, pass sedan. paint tires like! new. runs well.

2750. Culver. 18 For-1 est Park Ave. Spild. AT R.

J. JOHNSTON 1932 PLY. CI. Cpe. Very good 19.0 DODGE 1'-5 dr.

tone 169.5 1951 CADILLAC dr. alnew" exceptional 1307 1930 DODGE 4 dr. new tires and job, guaranteed 193 1930 HUDSON Com. 6 4 dr 1 own. 303 1432 OLDS 08, good 995 1919 HUDSON cl.

115 LOW BANK RATES R. J. JOHNSTON INC. 109., State St. Tel.

RE 7-1822 A '56 FORD. Fairlane. 5000 mi. Must sacrifice, 26 Kent off Boston Rd. AT RYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY Byrnes used CATS are better than ATprage.

They are fairly thoroughlv serviced to highest standards by apecially trained mechanics and backed by years of reliable dealing. STUDEBAKER PRESIDENTS- -COMMANDER V8'S CHAMPIONS--ALL MODELS NPECIAL DISCOUNTS EXTRA TRADE-INS ALLOWANCES '56 STUDE. President Classic, 1 dr. PXecutive car. loaded with extras, including power steering.

automatic transmission. radio. heater, spotlite. LAST CALL on to choose from gigantic discounts! '55 STUDE. President.

19 5 pASS, hardtop, auto. Coral White, a thrilling sports model STUDE. CIt. 2 dr. clean 1793 DODGE Coronet.

dr. auto. amall mileage 2193 '35 STUDE. President 1'8. door sedan.

All power equip. Auto. small mileage 2193 'A PONTIAC, Chief. 4 mileage 1197 STUDE. Champion, dr.

1393 PLYMOUTH 2 door. 1095 STUDE. V8, 5 pass. cue. 1193 '53 CHEVROLET, 4 door sedan, Ex830 STUDE.

Champion. dr. 1095 STUDE. Comin. 178.

4 auto. W'IV 1295 '32 CHRYSLER Windsor Deluxe PS, auto. 993 NASH Rambler like new 695 52 STUDE. 18 hardtop conv. auto.

new engine 993 '73 STUDE. V'8. 4 dr. 8.10 STUDE. 1'8.

land cruiser, 4 dr. auto. transmission 995 '51 DODGE Coronet. 3 pass. ope.

RAH. 3 to choose from 49. FORD 18. 49. 3 BUICK NASTI 4 Super door Riv.

Hidip. dyna. 830 '31 STUDE. V8. 5 pass.

auto. transmission. excellent 493 '31 P'LYMOUTH conv. (De. Reit 750 new paint.

new top STUDE. Champ. pass. ere. O.

D. 497 51 HUDSON Hornet. New paint 59.1 STUDE. 2 395 '30 OLDS 98, Small mileage 593 10 STUDE. Land Cruiser, Overdrive 59.

STUDE. 2 dr. 295 '50 STUDE. 5 auto. transmission, 395 50 STUDE.

Comm. conv. overdrive 295 '50 PONTIAC 2 393 NASH new paint 295 50 STUDE. Comm. 5 pass.

ere auto. transmission 450 49 DODGE 250 18 STUDE. Champion Commanders. good low cost transportation 250 '48 PLYMOUTH 4 100 47 OLDS, 4 bydr, 200 Many Other Makeg Models JAMES C. BYRNES STUDERAKER AGENCY Parts--Service Near Longhill Street 84 Sumner Ave.

RE 6-7233 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 AT LOUIS MOTORS. INC. Rambler Sta. OD '55 Ford Custom 6 sed. auto 164.

Rambler Hardtop like new 793 Rambler Conv 1095 53 Ply. sedan 995 Ford Vitoria FOM 1430 Ford Tudor S9.7 Chev. Rel Air like new 1197 Buick sedan Dyna. 995 LOUIS MOTORS ING. DEALER 397 Main St.

Tel. RE 4-8894 AT RALPH D. JONES INC. 1934 Buick Super Hardtop Dyna. 1918 Chevrolet 2 dr.

sedan 19.0 l'ontiac 4 dr. seda.n 1950 Dodge 4 dr. sed. 1972 Pontiac 4 dr. 1951 Chrysler Windsor 4 dr.

sedan 1956 Chevrolet 4 dr. H-Top 1974 Ford dr. 1976 Ford Country Sed. 4 dr. Wag 1976 Ford Ranch Wagon 1953 Plymouth 4 dr.

OD 1919 Stude CI. Cue. 1956 Volkswagen Conv. Volkswagen dr. Sed.

1901 Chev. 2 dr. Del. PG 1974 Ford V8 cust. FOM Olds 88 Super hardton Buick Spec.

2 dr. PS, Dyna. 105t Volkswagen, sun root 1915 Volkswagen Conv. 1973 DeSoto V8 conv. P.S.

Firedome 1050 DeSoto dr. sedan Dodge 4 sedan DeSoto Firedome. Hardtop. PF 1931 Willys Station Wagon Olde. 88.

1 Hardtop 1948 Frazer dr. sedan 1953 Plymouth Cran. 4 dr. sedan 1951 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan Hyd.

1949 Packard 4 dr. sedan 1957 Willys Jeen new MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Authorized Volkswagen Dealer Worthington St. Tel. RE 6-6301 model A10, 1934 new front tires battery, leather upholstery. Excellent condition.

$830. LY BUICK 1970, SPECIAL, 2 DR. CALL LY 2-3574. A BEAUTIFUL 1053 P'ontiac Catalina. hardtop, Sacrifice $1050.

Will trade. Rollins, 722 Boston Rd. BUICK. '4-Super dyna. etc.

$200, 118 Sunridge Dr. RE 9-2472. BUICK Koadmaster conv. Al power features. Priced to sell.

$2300. No trade. no dickering. ST 8-4087. BUICK 1949 4 dr.

Sedan Super RE 7-8204 BUICK '52 Super hardtop, black red. dynaflow. P. tinted glass, 1' tires etc. $950.

Rollins 722 Boston RE 9-8130. BUICK super 19. dr. P'S PR dyna. Save Wholesale price $1197.

Joe Victor, Boston id. No. Will BUICK 1946 jate Super, good motor tires. Safety tubes. Heater.

RE 1-7724. BUICK 100 Century. hardtop Riviera A. T. PS.

PB. W. W. tires. Blue ivory.

3000 miles. List price. $3815. Our price $2050. B.

M. MOTOR SALES 106 White St. Corner Orange. RE 0-0449 BRICK 1953 Super hardtop Riviera, Aut. trans.

PS, PB, W. W. tires. Dove white cadet blue was $2650 now $2250. M.

MOTOR SALES 166 White St. Corner Orange, RE 2-0449 BUICK 1946 Station wagon. Exc. cond. Good wood and paint.

RE 4-1201 CHEVROLET 1974 Bel Air 2 door tires. Raven black sungate ivory was $1393. Now $1250. B. M.

MOTOR SALES 166 White St. Corner Orange, RE 2-0449 BUICK excel. low mileage. Will take car in trade. Pvt.

owner. CAll RE BUICK 19.1 SPECIAL. CALL RI: 4-8738. CHEVROLET. Dr.

Bel Aire, R. H. backup lights. w.w. tires, windshield washer.

vinyl upholstery. tone. ti cyl. standard transmission. Orig.

cost $2800. Will sell $1995. 1.0 -4773. CHEVY. '49.

Excellent running condition. $170 or best offer. RE CHEVROLET 1948 4 DR. SEDAN. RE 6-417 CHRYSLER 1972 Imperial custom dr.

sedan, low mileage. one owner, equipped with full -time power steering, power windows, power brakes. torque fluid drive, PASY eye tinted glass. custom radio R- heater, finished in beautiful tone blue, has had exTra good care, spotlessly clean and perfect, C. K.

BESWICK 835 White St. RE 2-1541 CADILLAC 1934 "Eldorado" Custom Deluxe Convertible Club Coupe. America's most magnificent luxury car. King of Cadillac's royal family of motor cars. Powered by A sensational 30 HP envine.

six way power seat. power brakes and steering. power windows. custom radio. underseat heater, dual range hydramatic drive.

Autronic ere and featuring handcrafted. imported hlack leather interior. Finished in Alpine white with black nylon top And 'CAT of Tomorrow styling." Not in All the world is there Another automobile like it in beauty. in performance. Even in the rompanv of other Cadillacs, it is unmistakably the ear of carS.

$550. CHARLES K. BESWICK 813 White St. RE 2-1541 "Quality Cars Since CHEVROLET. 19.4.

1 door station Wagon. power glide, Beautiful two tone. Save See call anytime. George Wiley L1 3-7061. 119 N.

Main. K. Longmeadow. CHRYSLER. -Windsor Deluxe 4 dr.

Just like new. Save Our price $1290. See or call time. George Wiley LA 7-7061, 179 No. Main.

East Longmeadow. CHEV. 210 hardtop V8. P. G.

Black. 161 River W. Spfld. CHEVROLET. 1973-4 dr.

210 model. 111 perfect condition. Save Our price 3790. Sep or call anytime. George Wiley 7-7061, 179 N.

Main, Longmeadow. DILL 4 door sedan. whitewall undercoat- tires. Pd. undersent beaters.

extra wheels, and safety tubes. good engine. hydramatic. below market price. private party.

1.0 Sunday. CHEVROLETS 1019 thru 1935, all styles models, priced right. See LOUTS CHEVROLET CO. Thompsonville. Conn.

Tei. RI 5-3353 CHRYSLER 1935 NEW TORKER DELUNE NEWPORT two door hardtop of breath -taking beauty. This solid green car with its matching interior is A cAr you will be proud to own--and thrilled to drive. Equipped with Chrysler Firepower V-8 engine with 250 horse power- -Power steering power brakes--Radio rearspeaker--Heater etc. Driven miles by Chrysler executives wife.

This week only 82795, Will finance trade. Call for Mr. Toomey. Tel. RE 2-0002.

TEAGAN MOTORS INC. 501 Memorial Ave, W. Spfid. 1955 Bel Air, Power Glide, 8000 mi. 2 tone turquoise.

like brand new. Priced to sell. Lt 7-7294 CHEVROLET 1935 Bel Aire, 18,000 miles. One owner, Must sell. $1750.

RE 9-6307. CADILLAC 1950 6:2 sedan, beautiful 2 tone excellent immac. cond. Power windows, hydra. etc.

Must be seen to be appreciated. Wholesale price $795. Joe Victor, Boston No. Wilb. CADILLAC dr.

60 Spec. comp. equip. 26.000 orig. mi.

Must be sold immed. $2995 cash. for clean deal. Phone ST 8-7497 or RE 4-0336. CLEARANCE SALE '56 FORD 4 dr county sed $2295 OLDS '88 dr like new 1090 OLD5 88 conv.

Da, ph 14.05 MERC. mom black beauty $100 down 3 FRAISER CADILLAC like vagabound new 493 52.7 SPECIALS '49 CHEW. Conv. 19 CHEW. 176 STUDE.

95-'47 PONT. conv. 05 FORD 1 45. 19 rLY. 93 '49 CHEV.

conv. $137 '49 CHEV 175 STUDF. '47 PONT. '49 FORT 113 PLYMOUTH 25 VICTOR AUTO SALES 2730 Main St. Tel.

RE 2-1270 CHRYSLER N. Y. Clean. $700. Cor.

Jennings Montgomery Chicopee Falls. CHEV. RATT. P.G. W.W.

Low mileage, reasonably priced for quick sale. RE 0-4208. CHRYSLER Crown Imperial limousine. 1950. car like new.

02.000 miles, white sidewall tires, 6 ply automatic drive. $677. RE CADILLAC 1049 convertible, radio. heatwhite walls, new top, good rubber. Body in good condition.

$150. RE 2-2602. CHEV. 4 6 heater. excel.

cond, $1350. 50 High W. Spfld. CHEVROLET 1972. Hardtop sport coupe w.w.

tires, excellent condition. Biue white was 8945 now $197, MOTOR SALES 166 White St. Corner Orange RE 2-0449 DODGE '35 Station Wagon 4 6 pAss. Sierra, 2 tone blue, auto. trans.

Fully equip. far below book price. Will take light CAr in trade. RE 4-8613. RE 7-9439.

DESOTO. Excellent condition. Tel. JE 2-6495. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 DE SOTO '36 practically new.

2 dr. Sportsman hardtop. All power features. WV. pink lavender.

Less than 4000 miles. List Sacrifive At M) No trade, no dickering. RE DODGE 1973 Coronet 4 dr. sedan, blue. IOW mileage.

You'll be proud to own it. down. YOUNG MOTOR CO. INC. 510 Main St.

RE 4-1709 DODGE 1931-Coronet 4 dr. CAr. Best model. Save Our price, 3890. Sep or call anytime.

tiporge Wiley L.1 5-7041, 179 No. Main, East Longmeadow. DONOGHUE'S TENACO SERV. STA. 804 CAREW INR.

LIBERTY Chevrolet dr. immaculate $395 Plymouth clean 595 Stude. 18. Hydra. 493 '50 De Soto C1.

coupe, clean Chevrolet dr. spotless Chevrolet Cl. coupe, sharp Chevrolet 2 dr. immaculate 41 Plymouth 4 dr. low mileage 75 TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR CAR DESOTO SUBURBAN $490 For the person looking for low -cost transportation, this passenger.

3 seater in Chinese Gold. with exterior and interior in excellent condition, trunk rack A. REAL BUY. Don It has four on top. and automatic shift.

15 doors. is designed to sleep two people, and would be excellent for 118P (17 hunting or trips. This is A private sale A. car that has low mileage and has had the best of care. For RE: he 6-3058.

further information, call for. SPECIAL $977 A. REOPELL co. 707 State St. Either my 1951 or 1947 PACKARD SEDAN Always personally driven and cared for.

H. E. CRAFT. RE 2-4707 Or RE FORD 2 dr. Blue 19000 miles good condition, tubeless tires $995 RE 2-6471 FORD conv.

1936 excel. cond. all accessories RE FORD. 4 door sedan. Onu owner Al cond.

reasonable RE 2-8109 FORD 1954 Ranch wagon. auto, mission. R. H. RE 7-0259.

FORD 1976 Country beach Wagon, exuellent for dual purpose. traded on i new Olds. Terms If desired. YOUNG MOTOR CO. INC.

510 Main St. RE 6-1769 FORD 19.75 Crown Victoria. two-tone paint with tires. power brakes steering. only one of its kind in the city.

Come in and lets talk it over. YOUNG MOTOR CO. INC. 510 Main St. RE 6-1749 FOR $470, 1951 Ford business eve.

after D. 32 lillerest Chic. Falls. FORD 1950 Crestliner. All equipped.

Reasonable. Call RE 4-1239 after FORD 1931 cust. 4. door rebuilt engine. Fine second CAT.

RE 4-1712. FORD CUST. 1 DR. 1 one owner beauty driven only 1.3.001 Custom pushbutton radio. mAgiCair heater A- def.

Striking cascade green boitom. Sherwood green top. Just the car you hate been looking "Chev. Sales FORD CONV. Sunliner.

has everything Au eyp catcher, Rea! sharp. LOW Excel. Cond. Need rash. Getting married.

4 steal. Only $1505 RE FORD 1949 V-S door Clean. $187 or best offer. RE 3-8500. FORD, dr, custom.

Almost new. NaVe 4(MI, Our price $890. See 01 call anytime. George Wiley 1.1 0-7061. 174 No.

Main, East Longmeadow. FORD. 1931--4 dr. custom RAH 140 car. Save Our price $490.

See or call anytime. George Wiley LA 5-7061, 179 No. Main. Mast Longmeadow. FORD Station Wagon, 1051.

V8-8 pass. Country Squire. Perfect. Phone Westfield LO FORD 1933 Country Squire 32170 Thunderbird Tel RE RE rate. Free est.

RE 2-4321. FORD 1931 Country Squire Station WAgon. heater Fordamatic trans. Done grav. Excellent on cond.

WAS $795 now $573. MOTOR SALES 166 White St. Cor. Orange RE 2-0149 FORD wagon 4-dr. Country Squire, 8 passenger.

A perfeet car. Used only for pleasure. SATe 831 MI. Spe or call anytime. George Wiley LA 179 No.

Main, Hast Longmeadow. FORD 1956 Fairlane Club Sedan, Fordomatic. Power steering. white walls, tone blue. Must sell.

$2190. Will taka trade. After 6. RE 7-6187. FORD 1949 2 door Tubeless tires.

maLiC aire heater push button TAdio $225. RE FORD 1953 Victoria Fordomatic. will take older car in trade. RE FORD 1976 convertible. Very clean ww tires.

dir. lights. RE 7-4092. FORD door. new tires, excellent condition.

Must sell. Moving to Fla. Reasonable. RE 134 Dayton St. FORD RANCH WAGON 1976.

Directional lights, Belchertown 3296. HUDSON 1930 sedan. tone green. exceptionally cond. 83.0.


$1697 '33 FORD Crestline 8, Victoria DODGE Diplomat Hardtop 7AT DODGE Coronet 4 dr. 397 DODGE Coronet el. epe. 543 OLDEMORILE 4 dr. Hydra, 97 "INTERNATIONAL" DODGE PLYMOUTH 138 MEMORIAL.

AVE. WEST APPLD. Directly Opposite SPArS Open Til 9 D. Tel. RE 6-1825 KAISER 1951.

RH OP 4 door. Excellent huy. $150. LY 4-9386. KAISER TRAVELER 1952 for sale $600.

Call RE 4-6766. Spfld's SELL Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer KELLEHER MINER New Low Prices Ford Customline 2 dr. 493 Chevrolet Bel Air 8 4 dr. 1695 Chevrolet dr. 1493 Ford Fairiane dr.

1897 Buick Super 2 dr. H. T. 2593 DeSoto Firedome V8 1797 Chrysler. NY, 1 dr.

199,7 3 Chrysler NY dr. 1093 Packard 4 dr. 1097 Chevrolet C1. Cne. 49.0 dr.

Buick Roadmaster. dr. 69. Chrysler Newport 3 dr. top DeSato 6 4 dr.

64.1 Chrysler Wind. del, dr 69.1 Dodge Cor. dr. 597 Chrysler Wind. Del.

dr. 60. Chrysler NY dr 695 '50 Buick Spec. dr. 493 '50 Oldsmobile dr.

505 Packard Super 1 dr. 19.3 Chrysler Royal 4 dr. 495 '48 Plymouth 2 dr. 29, Most of These Carg Have Radios Heaters Carry A 30-Day Guarantee MINER. INC.

Dealer St. James Ave. Tel. RE 3-3116 O'EN EVENINGS TO P. M.

LATE CHEVY. 2 tone, door. Clean. Low mileage. Like new, $1095.

Call RE 4-7092. MUST SEU Olds 85. dr. for $950. Call RE MERCURY 1934 Sun Valley hardtop PR.

PS. 4 way seats, all leather. H. Merc-Drive. This car is perfect.

$1493. Call RE 9-9291 after 0. MERCURY. Hardion. A beautiful car.

Save 8500. Our price $990. See call anvtime. George Wiley 1.1 5-7061, 179 No. Main, East Longmeadow.

MERCURY 1949 club coupe sedan, Black. Was $297 now $115. MOTOR SALES 166 White St. cor. Orange RE 2-0119 MERCURY 1949 dr.

Sedan. 3, Race Engine, tone customised. RE 6 P. p. m.

NASH Rambler 1056. cross country 4 dr. Station Wagon, hydra, etc. 4000 miles lonks like brand new. Cost new $3300.

Wholesale price $2197. You must APP this car R- compare prices to fully realize what A terrific deal this in. This car in just like new. Joe Victor, 2030 Boston No. Wilb, AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 MERCURY.

1952-Hardtop-two toneradio heater Mercomatic tubeless tires--Very good condition-LY 2-3587 after 5-two snow tirea included. NASH RAMBLER HARDTOP Noted for its economy and easy parkink. Lustrous black with carnival top. Continental spare, tinted glass, custom radio, weathereya heater. SPECIAL, A.

V. CO, 707 State St. "Chevrolet Sales Service" NASH RAMBLER Station Wagon. Good condition. 138 Stuart St.

NASH 1953 fully equipped. Save Wholesale price $:75. Joe Victor, 2030 Boston No. Wilb. OLDSMOBILE 1973 Super 88 4 dr.

sedan, two tone green white. tires, Traded on a Olds. A deal at YOUNG MOTOR Co. INC. 510 Main St.

RE CIDS. 1930 88 hardtop conv. 2 10N18 power brakes steering. hydronfatic, ww tires. very clean, low mileage, original owner, put.

sale. Tel. IF 9-9645 til 3.30. RE 4-0648 after 6 p. m.

OLDS '56 Starfire. Robin egg blue. S000 miles. original owner, fully equipped. RE 4 to 6 p.

m. OLDS 1049 black. motor Fine car value. $215. RE 9-6307.

011S 1938 1 dr. PA. PB, 28.000 miles Perf. cond. Private RE 7-4115.

OLDSMOBILE 1951 08 4 dr. deluxe Holiday sedan, super deluxe radio. heater hydramatic. Very clean, $350. Call RE 9-0524.

OLDS 1971 08. 4 dr. sedan. Private party. Call LO OLDS 1952 4 dr.

DR Good condition sonable LY 6-4685. PONTIAC StAtion wagon 1973, all step! Save $300. Wholesale Pair $605. Joe Victor, 2030 Boston No. Wilb.

PACKARD 1954 deluxe 4 dr. sedan. low wileage. 1 owner. equipped with ard transmission.

deluxe heater. etc. Finished in Bellevue green, custom interior. spotlessly clean and perfect throughout K. BESWICK White St 1: 4-1541 PACKARD ultra drive.

power brakes. dr. hard ton sedan, 11 D. 8750. RE PONTIAC in good shape.

fully equipped. Need fast sale. RE 0-4071. PAY AS YOU RIDE MASH RAMBLER Nia. spec.

tone paint Rio Red Snowberry White. radio heater. oWner. low mileage '35 NASH RAMBLER Caribbean special toned Snowberry White. Low.

low miles I owner $1693 FORD Gleaming tone blue finish Special tube radio, etc. Special at $1193 4 dr. Bel Air $1095 PONTIAC Catalina $1193 owner 025 NASH RAMBLER station wagon. owner. Sea Mist grey 495 NASH Amb.

4 dr. twin beds. radio heater 893 NASH Statesman. hardtop. 1 OWn er 095 Super dr.

49.5 53 NASH RAMBLER hardtop 805 '51 NASH RAMBLER Conv. 495 BARGAIN BAsem*nT PONTIAC 1 owner 105 OLDS jet hIk. $195 Kaiser Hyd. $293 HENRY economical $203 FORD jet black 1 owner PLYMOUTH dr. CHEVROLET 4 dr NASH 4 dr.

CHEVROLET 193 PLYMOUTH 19 RUICK conv. 197 eXtra. clean DODGE Coroner 195 PACK.ARD Ultramatic 105 MANY. MANY OTHERS Terms 38 low as $10 per mo. SPRINGFIELD NASH LOGATIONS101: Main Cor.

Park St. Tel. RE 9-1941 883 MAIN ST. Tel. RF.

7-5314 PONTIAC 6. 2 door. RAH. excel. cond.

Price right for quick sale. RE 6-1060. PLYMOUTH dr. Good $30. Plymouth '31 Station Wag.

Very clean 8600. RE 3-3361. PLYMOUTH 19.75 Station wagon. Excellent condition. tone trim.

Snow tires. Priced for quick sale. ST 8-4433 SPORTS CAR LOVERS 3 G1 tne healthiest M. in state priced to sell. Potter -Burke Auto Sales.

152 North Main East' Long. meadow. RE 9-8039. SPORTS CARS 193 Jaguar Triumph 140 roadster O. D.

These cars are priced to sell. Austin Healy extra clean. fully equipped, POTTER; Main -HURKE East AUTO SALES Longmeadow RE 9-8039 USED CARS 302 Suffield Agawan. RE 4-1243 Teed PAT'S truck: bought sold. Ford 4 dr.

custom Fordomatic $950 Foni 4 dr. custom Fordomatic $430 1931 Hudson Hornet hdiop. Hudson Hornet 4 dr. hyd. 19.1 I'ly mouth Station Wagon STUDERAKER '48 Starlight coupe.

K. H. C- D. O. IV.

Excellent condition. $125 or best offer. RE THUNDERBIRD. 1967. turqoi.

Forda-matic Original owner. Private. This is the most immaculate 19.5 Bird anywhere. No trades. RE WILLYS 1917 Jeep, 4 wheel drive with cab.

Motor recently overhauled. 6 ply heavy -duty tires. Inquire Bernard's 161 Willimansett South Hadley Falls. on North-South Highway. Next to a Pa's Diner.

$10 DOWN '49 OLDS conv was $395 nOW 32.0. '50 DESOTO Sedan WAS $395 nOn '33 STUDEDAKER sedan WAS $1095 now $793. NUGER 10 BOND ST. 31 Model A Ford convertible. New top.

new battery. Registered running. Telephone for appointment. HolJoke 2-6793. 1076 BUICK Super 3 tone paint, dark blue top.

powder blue middle, dark blue bottom. Pr. Brakes. pr. steering.

Dual W. tires. Must sell. RE 1-5156 from a. 3 p.

m. RE 6-2170 after 7.30 DESOTO 1 door sedan. Black. tires. Priced reas.

Call LY 1933 FORD 4 dr. station wagon. Good cond. RE 3-8312. 31 PLYMOUTH Cranbronk excel.

cond. Fully equipped. Good tires, $775. RE LINCOLN Premier, 4 fully equipped. Sun.

or aft. LA 3-7108. STUDEBAKER Champ. $65. Call RE 2-7874.

1948 JEEP Station Wagon in excellent condition mechanically. has just been painted. Has to he seen to be appreciated. RE 3-4180. Trucks For Sale 114 G.

M. C. '50 ton Rack body. A-1 rond. Low mileage.

Keas. RE ARMY TRUCK body 9 6, good dition, $57. RE AT BYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY STUDE 12 ton pickup climatized $1205 St; STUDE. ton pickup. V8 engine.

Brand now. Save $300 '54 STUDE T. express 81150 STUDE. express new eng. 930 STUDE 3 express 845 INTERNATIONAL ton panel.

Good running 100 Many Other Makes Models JAMES C. RYRNES Parts- Servica 34 Sumner Ate. 6-7233 Near Longhill St. AT THE A. V.

REOPELL CO." 1950 CHEVROLET Delivery $77? Chas. Cab. 807 1950 CHEVROLET '210' Chas Cab 377 1950 CHEVROLET Sed. Delivery 297 TIF A. V.

REOPELI, CO. Chevrolet Sales Service Headquarters for Value TOT State St. Open Eves. Tel. RE 7-0251 CHEV.

oil truck. 330 gals. ready for delivery $150. Victor Oil 2030 Boston No. Wilh.

DODGE. 1947- Ton pickup in good condition. Save $200, Our price Hep or call anytime, George Wiley 1.1 5-7041, 179 N. Main, E. Longmeadow.

DODGE 1972 ton pickup. Good condition. RE 3-0774. INTERNATIONAL ton. RE 2-8200, RE 6-7247.

USED CARS 302 Suffield Agawam, RE 4-1243 Used cars trucks hought sold. 1931 Ford ton pickup $395 19.1 International ton pickup ton rack 1950 Ford ton pickup SPECIAL PRICES on installing oak floors in trailer bodies. Call RE 2-4418 for further information. STUDERAKER 1919 ton pickup. In 100 per cent condition.

Perfect tires. Save $300. Our price 8090. Call time. George Wiley, LA 5-7061, 173 No.

Main East Longmeadow. STUDERAKER ton pickup. 1953, save Wholesale price $475. 4 other pickups to choose front. Joe Victor, 2030 Boston No.

Wilb. 2.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.