Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

2 3 4-D-Martinsville Bulletin, Sunday, June 25, 2000 SCOREBOARD BASEBALL 9 Appalachian Does not am lode gamest Ew L. Pet. GB Prevail Vito 1-tm 010. Planneid Hurtingtou Indians L' inceton West Division 4 Wh. 1c 0100 an 411 -A.

it. 1: Or 1 :4 A Games 3-k: Burinuton 2 John on at 4 hanu-port 7 le Blueneld 0 Princeton 5 Saturday frames he at A at Um :1 al thata Juhn-on City Tula-i; Sunday is hame J- AI at Bluenold at 1:: at John on City al Martinavillo al PriDe -18 Martinsville .1 Bluefield. .....0 HI.I AFIELD MARTINS ILLE ab bi ab bbi Da. 4 Franco 26 4 0 1. 45 13 41 0 3h 0 l'eror 2 00 1.

1 Hmiton th3 1.0. 3L 4 A 01 Acesedo If 3 0 2 1 Mar 300 0 Avala dh 3 0 0 1', ra2 io 4 0 3 0 1 3 0 01 0 Compton rt 2 4 1. th 3 0 01 0 100 0 Barrett pi 0 T. 0 it 0 0 0 0000 0000 31 0 4 0 Totals 26 1 5 Bluefield tHO 600 000 0 Martinssille uno 100 WIV. 14 Farron.

D1t Franco. iT bP Astros 1. LOB Metros 4 28 German L. 38 1 SI Ridley. St IP 11 RER BR SO BlueBeld 11.0 01 2 2 Ten 0 0 Martinesille barrel 4.10 ti 2 0 8 Valles S.

1 3 2 0 0 2 Valles. by Barrett. Ridley: by Farren. Compton. Umpires -Home.

Prince: Baser Thomp 58 1 -1'7 American Hast Division (B Toronto New York 3. Boston 529 112 Calumerv 417 912 Tompa 24 448 10 Central Division ('bicaco .635 Pot. GB (leveland 33 535 712 Kansas City 37 446 11 Minnesota 43 418 16 troll 36 41 16 West Division Pet. GB 589 seattle 12 Anaheim 4 12 I. 445 Friday's Games Toronto 5.

Boston 4 7. Cleveland 6 Bay 7. Texas 4 Chias White Sux 1. Yankees 3 Waheun 8. Minnesota Seattle 8.

Baltimore 3 Oakland 10. Kansas City A Saturday's Games Law frames Not Included Y. 12. Chicago bite Sox 8 (leveland A Detroit 1. 1st game Detroit at Cleveland ent 2nd game Toronto 6.

Buston 4 Kansas City 8. Oakland 3 Scuttle 2. Baltimore 1 Tampa las al Texas in Winnesol, at Anaheim in: Sunday's frames LAtroit Weaver 4 at leveland Brower p.m Buston Martinez 9 3 at Toronto CarpenIt 1 p.m 73 at Chicago Winte Sox Stratka 2:05 pm kansas Suppan 25, at MulDer 4 21. 416 Balumore on 441 at Seattle Abbott 4 21, 435 Sis sold Redoun 4 al Anaheun 2 2. 8.05 Tanupa Ray 44 al Teras 6 5.805 p.m.

Monday's frames Vinnesota at Anaheim. 4:05 p.m. Detroit at cleveland. 70 p.m. unly cames schedule Royals 8 Athletics 3 KISSES CITY (MAKE 1AD ah bbi ab bi Damon if 401 0 Long ef 5 2 0 Rhoulet 2h, 5 0 1 Velante 2b 4 0 2 cf 5 1 0 Jatimb 1b 0 3 rI 5 tirieve It 5 00 1b 4 1 1 1 Statrerf 2 0 0 Runda di 3 1 2 () JeGmb dh 4 tat dh 321 3 Chavez 3b 3 01 Zaun 41 2 0 To rada 55 4 Orda: as 31 2 3 3 00 0 Totals 38 813 8 Totals 34 3 9 3 Kansas City 000 033 011 Oakland 010 010 100 3 Me Tejada 112.

-Kansas C. 2 Kansas 7. Oakland 11 28-Reboulet Randa (120, Ordar (1), Velarde iambi 38-4 Beltran 4. SR-Damon 121. ke-Louiet (1.

Zoun 2 5: 09-Ordaz St Ordaz. IP ER RB 50 Kansas (its inhert 4 4 3 A mico 2 2 44 2 1.3 2 W.7 1 223 0 1 Oakland redia 51-3 8 6 6 3 liones 3 4 1) T.J Mather 123 1 W'- Reichort Balk- Damien I'mpires-Home. basis; Fir-4 Gurrinne. Second. Theker.

Thud. Emmel. I 20. 43.012 Mariners .2 Orioles 1 MORE SEATTLE. ab hbi ab bi 31.

2b 4 I Bordick 4- 3 0 0 Javier: 1 I 0 surholl if 4 3 belle dh dh 0 0 1 ri Merud 10 2 Mpkn 3b 4 Puhner rf 3 000 Wt lark 11: 3 11 meron cf 4 Jhn-nt Ibanez It 2 0 Matos cf 3 0 0 JOIner 3 0 Da Roll 30 201 Totais 2 I Totals 2 4 Raltimon- 100 000 000 Seattle 209 000 00x 2 F. DaPoil LP Seattle 1 LOB--Balt more 5. Seattle 5. 28-Belle 19. Javter 9.

2i 4120, onine l1. -Bordick. SF ARodriguez IF ER BB MO Baltimore Rapp 4 3 co Mills 0) 2 Seattle Halama W.7-3 A Sasak: $.13 0 Home, Eddings: First. Reliford. Second.

Carlson: Third. De Muth. .47.145. Blue Jays 6 Red Sox 4 BOSTON TORONTO ab bi ab bi 1b 5000 Stewart If 3100 0 0 0 00 firve 2b 1 0 ASGzlz sS 2 3 2 2 'Errtt cf 3 1 2 1 Wdwrd ss I 00 0 Gropr 55 4 1 2 2 Mndesi rf 4 010 Dubach dh 4 0 (Diedo 1b 4 1 2 3 Vantek 4 0 1 1 Filmer dh 4 1 11 bLew of 0 0 0 TBtsta 3b 000 PAre If 2 0 0 0 JoCruz cf Htthere ph 1 0 ACstllo Alandr 3b 4 1 1 0 Bush 2b 3000 Totals 35 4 7 4 Totals 33 6 Boston 011 000 029 Toronto 292 010 01x Marciaparra 8. Batista 1101 10B-Boston 6.

Toronto 5. arriaparra 7. ASGonzalez (7. (Delgado 35 Fullmer 13. IP HER BB SO beston Rose L.3-5 2 2-3 0 P.chardo 31-3 Pack rmier 2 0 Toronto Halladay 6 3 quantrill Koch S.17 0 2 Hallada; pitched to 2 batters in the 8th.

HEP -by Rose ASGonzalez). mpires Home. Hudson: First. Cederstrum. Second.

Welle. Tim. Third, Scott Yankees 12 White Sox 8 NEW YORK CHICAGO ab bi ab bi Kaolch 2b 31 1 0 Drbam 2b 4 1 0 1 Blinger 3b 200 0 55 2 1 2 Jeter 4 5 2 3 I Thmas dh 0 0 O'Neill if 3 2 1 2 Modaz rf 3 FJose 10 0 0 Knerko 1b Be Wims ef 5 3 4 0 Snglton cf T.M rinz lb 1 2 2 Abbott cf 2 Posada 4 2 2 I ('NLee ti 5 2 2 0 Sh5per If 4 0 2 4 Perry 3b 5 1 3 2 Ledee dh 30 0 0 MLsn 1000 Brosius ch I 0 0 Grffnnu ph zeno 3b 5 1 1 0 Norton ph 0 Frosce 0 Totals 40121611 Totals 813 New Yurt 211 042 002 12 Chicago 001 602 131 6 5. DP York 2 Chicago 2 LOB New York 1 10 2B-Jeter 2 13 2 Pinada 13 Sh5pencer 110. AValenun 19 Abbott 8.

Perry 2 101. HR 15 SF -O Neill. Thomas IP LA BB M) New bork Mendoza W.73 3 7 3. Rivera 5.11 2 (J Erdus 3 c1 Nelson Stanton 02320 2 Chicago KWell. 1.46 413 Berne 23 I Ponta 0 Shive 2 2 Wun ch Mendora pitched to 2 in the 6th.

Stanton pitched 1 2 batt in the sin. Bourne pitched to 3 batters in the Stowe pitched to 4 batters in the 9th HBP- bi Stowe WP- MRisera 2. KWell: -Home. Timmons. First Craft.

second Me lelland: Third t'urzi T-358. A 44.3211 Indians .8 Tigers 1 DETROIT CLEVELAND ab bi ab bi Polonia dh 4 0 2 0 Lotton cf 5 0 0 000 0 Fick 2000 4 33 0 Higgnsn If 30 0 0 RAlmr 26 4 JOnzlez 4 0 0 0 Thome 1b 3 2 3 Palmer 3b 4 000 Fomn 36 3 1 Tulark lb 0 0 Justice rf 3 0 Easter 26 211 1 Sexson Ir 4 JEeren cf 30 1 0 Amvan ch 3 DC 3 E.A 4 Totals 29 1 4 1 Totals 33 810 Detroit Que 010 000 ('leveland 110 412 00x 8 OP -Detroit 1. Cleveland 2 5. Cleveland 7. 28- Polonia 5).

Thome 114 Sexson 11 3B-Thome 01 HR-Eadley 13), Bran, an 8:. IP RER BB SO Detroit SSparke 523 8 11 Patterson 113 3 MulAnderson 0 ('leveland Colon W.74 613 4 3 10 Sweier 223 1 2 HBP--by SSparks (Branvan! Umpires -hom*o Morrison; First. McKcan; Second. Fichter, Third. Katzenmeier A (42.H85 National East Division Pet.

GB Atlanta 45 AX New York 557 Montreal 1 Florida 443 Philadelphia 31 41 431 13 Central Division Pet. G8 St Louis 43 35 7 Pittsburgh 31 431 11 Milwaukee 31 .419 Chicago 411 13 Houston 356 17 West Division Los Angeles 535 San Francisco 36 514 San Diego 444 10 Arizona 42 583 Colorado 38 559 Prt. (iB Friday's Games Florida 6, Chirago Cubs I V.1. Mets 12. Pittsburgh 2 Manta 3.

Milwaukee 2 Philadelphia 13. Montreal 6 San Diego 10, Cincinnati 7, 10 innings San Francisco 10. Houston 3 Anzona 2. Colorado 0 St Louis 9. Los Angeles A.

12 innings Saturday's Games late Games Not Included San Francisco 13, Houston 4 St. Louis 6. Los Angeles 1 Milwaukee 2, Atlanta! Florida 7. Chicago Cubs 4 Philadelphia 8. Montreal Cincinnati l1.

San Diego 5 Pittsburgh at Y. Mets al; Colorado al Ariona DI Sunday's Games Chicago Cubs (Quevedo 0 3. at Florida (Dempster 84. 105 p.m. Pittsburgh Benson 4.

at A. Y. Mets (Hampton 1 10 p.m Milwaukee (Woodard 1 6) at Atlanta Mill A 56, 1 11) pm. San Diego Spencer 22 at C'incinnali Fer. nandez 20), 1 15 p.m.

Philadelphia Byrd 1 5, at Montreal (John son 2.2). 135 m. Lay Angeles Brown 6-2: at St Louis Ankiel 6 30 2 10 San Francisco Ortiz 3 7) at Houston Holt 37,305 pm Colorado Astacio 64) at Arizona Stottle. myre 8-5. 845 Monday's Games Florida at Y.

Mets. 7 10 p.m St Louts al C'incinnati. 7.35 p.m. San Francisco at Colorado. 9:05 p.m.

finuston at Arizona. 10-05 San Diego at Los Angeles. p.mi Only games scheduled Reds 11 SAN DIE.GO CINCINNATI Padres 5 ab bi ab bi Owens 50 3 1 Reese 2b 2 4 nicken If 20 0 astro 20 3 0 A Marta If 20 1 0 Larkinss 5 4 5 4 Sprgue 1b 5 0 0 0 Gri Jref 4 1 Nevin 3h 1 0 Rehette ri 5 BBoone 2h 5 1 2 11 I Yong If 5 RMs a cf 52 2 2 Casey 1h 4 0 1 5 0 1 0 A Roone 3h 5 0 2 Nicholson 4:42 3 2 Ciment 10 0 0 Villone 3100 CHrndr ph 1 0 1 1 Kolb 0 00 0 Klesko ph 10 0 0 000 00 De Han ph 1000 Totals 41 511 5 Totals 401115 9 San Diego 010 120 601 5 Cincinnati 150 102 20x 11 471. LOB- Diego 13. Cincinnati 8.

2B-owens (10. 38-DYoung 18. Nicholson 11, Larkin 2 IP ER BB 40 San Diego Clement L.6-7 5 9 5 Kolb 3 Almanzar 19 3 7 2 Villone W.74 5 8 0) Dessens S.1 4 6 3 Villone pitched to I batter in the WP- Vilione PR Umpires -Home. Rippley: First. Tschida.

Second. Mer wether. Third. Gibson T-301 52.953 Mets .10 Pirates .8 PITTSBURGH NEW YORK ab bi ab bbi Birrs 26 40 1 0 Morass 5 1 0 Kendall 5 1 1 0 DeBell of 3 3 3 Walrf 5 1 2 2 Alfonzo 2b 4 2 2 2 Giles cf 422 1 Piazza 5 1 1 2 Yong 1b 5 2 3 I Vintura 3b 4 3 2 2 Wen If 5 1 2 2 Zeile 1b 40 I 2 Sojo 3b 3 1 1 0 Payton cf 5 02 0 A.Nunez s5 4 0 1 1 Agbyni If 3000 Silva 20 1 1 If 0 Meares ph 0 1 0 Reed 00 0 Peters 00 0 Tyner ph 0 MW'kns 10 0 0 Mhmes 000 0 Loiselle 0 LHarrs ph 0 0 ('ock 0000 MFrnc ph 1000 JFrnco 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 Benitez 0 0 0 Totals 39 $15 8 Totals 3:1012 9 Pittsburgh 211 020 200 8 New York 012 001 33x 10 E-WMorms 11. A.Nunez (2.

DP-New York 1 LOB- Pittsburgh 7. New York 9. 28-Aven 2 Sojoi101, DeBell (17) Alfon70 2 123: Piazza Zelle 3 HR-Vander Wal (91, Giles (201. KYoung Ventura 2 (18 5B Giles (5), Young CS Aven (2). Payton 4).

SW Morns. IP ER BB SO Pittsburgb Silva In 6 3 3 Peters Wilkins Loiselle L.0-3 2 3 5 4 2 New York Reed ca 0 Mahomes ca 3 2 2 2 Cook 2 2 0 2 Franco W3-3 11-3 Benitez SJ7 20 0 00 0 Peters pitched to 3 batters in the 6th. wwilkins pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. -Home. Wegner: First.

Lamplugh: Second, Hirschbeck, Third. Reynolds. Phillies 8 Expos 1 PHILA MONTREAL ab bbl ab bi Sefcik cf 522 1 ef 4000 Mrodni 26 42 1 1 (abra 3 0 0 Abreu If 4 1 2 RBWte If 3110 Roten 3b 4 1 1 2 Breron cf 0000 Burrell 1b 4 1 2 1 VGrero rf 3 0 1 1 Gant If 4 0 0 0 Seignol if 0 0090 Prince 50 1 0 Vida 2h 4 0 2 0 Riaford 4 1 0 1b 1 11 Wolf 2 0 1 0 Barrett 3b 3 Duces ph 0000 0 Lira Brock 0 ph RWard 0 15 Parano Forter Ritto Blum 3b Totals 36 811 6 Totals 33 1 Philadetphia 210 600 8 Montreal INTO E. 8'. Barrett UPPhiladelphia 1.

Montreal LOB-. Philadelphia 8. Montreal 8 28-Abrou 2 19. RBWhite Vidr3 125. 3.

Relaford 4 IP 11 RIK RB 4) Philadelphia Wolf W74 3 BWard Montreal P'avano L.84 3. 3 3 3 Forster 14 2 Rieby 13 lira 113 3 mpires -Home First. Klomm: xcond. Miller, Turd Meale T-254 .1 40,50 Marlins 7 Cubs 4 CHIC.A FLORID.A E. 2b 1.0 2b 4 ab hbi ab hbi Gert 5 0 01 0 3 4 0 1 1 Flind if 3 Grace It 3 11 0 of 2 Buford cf 3 0 2 0 1b 3 2 2 BBrwn If 0 0 AFox 30 3 0 00 0 Mth jr if 0 strune 000 0 Reed 1 0 Millar ph 0000 Votes 3h Altn-ca 0000 Tapani 0 AGn717 5.

4 00 4 tHill ph 0 0 Bako 0 Harrell 0 0 1 4 MSmith ph 000 0 Hrodia 0 0 0 Komnd Valera 0 0 11 2 0 0 0 Dru-br Her2 30 Totals 34 412 4 Totals 31 9 Chicago 001 210 Florida MID 010 15t 2. Florida 2. LOB -Chicago H. Florida 3 2 141. Bora 14 38-- A 41.

HR-1'Wilson 2 16. DLLee 2 Young 254 32. 4 Ruford (2), Lu astillo 4131 14) 5- Tapani SF -SSusa. IP F.R BB SO Chicago Tapani 7 3 2 2 9 Worrell Heredia 1.3 2 2 0 Aguilera 1-3 12 2 0 Florida ('Snuth 7 3 3 3 3 Darensboure 2 turf Strong W.1 1-3 Alfonseca $.22 0 Heredia pitched to 2 batters in the Rth. Home, Diaz: Fir-t.

Cooper and. Van Vleet: Third. T-249 Brewers 2 Braves 1 Biliard 26 411 0 21 4 0 MILWAU KEE. a ab bi ab bi Grasom ef 4 0 0 AJones el Jenkins If 3 0 Clones 3b 0 Burnitz rf 4 1 2 Grrga 1b 3 0 0 Haves 3b 4 BJorin ri 3 0 Huston lh 4 0 0) 0 R5ndrWokmn 0 0 0 Heise 55 2 0 JHrod2 401 Joyner ph 0 0 Blanco 3 0 1 1 Lunar JAW rht 2 0 1 0 Bomlla ph L.L sis 0 0 3 0 JLopez ph Tolals 32 2 6 2 Totals 29 1 5 Milwaukee 100 100 000 2 Adanta 100 000 000 DP-Milwaukee 2. LOP- Milwaukee 5.

Atlanta 8 Cones (20) 49- Cones (2), 3 right. IP ER BB NO Milwaukee J. Wright W.4-1 8 8 5 7 Wickman S.10 2 Atlanta GMaddux 1.92 9 6 2 1 5 HBP-by J. Wright by 1W right WI' J. Wright Ralk-GMaddur Shulock.

First. Roe: Sec ond. Runge. Brian, Third. Rapuano.

T-228 Giants 13 Astros 4 SAN HOUSTON ab bi ab bi Benard cf 8 1 2 1 Spiers 2b 3 Mueller 36 8 1 3 1 GBarkr cf 5 Bands If 3 0 0 0 Bewell lb 3 Embro 0 00 Brkmn rf 4 5 Fultz 0000 You If 5 2 Kent 2h 614 M1-key 4 0 2 0 Snow 1b 5 2 2 Lugo 55 5 0 2 0 Burk: rf 3 3 2 2 Truly 3b 0. 2 CHurry cf 3000 Runld- 0 0 11 0 HI. Mt7 45 5 2 3 3 0 0 000 Mrbelli 6 3 5 3 Mieske ph 0 Nathan 20 0 1 A 'bra 0 1 Jhastne 0 0 0 0 DWard ph Crespo If 2 0 1 0 VIde 10 00 1 0 0 0 Bogar (t 0 Totals 4713213 Totals 38 412 San Francisco 017 201 011 13 Houston INN) 130 000 DU'-San Frinrico I. lints ton 1 L.OR- San Francisco 15. Houston 12.

28-Kent (221, REMartinez Shrabell: 3 tH), Truby (21. 38- Burks (2) HR -Snow 11, Burk; 19. Mirabell: 6: S-Sathan. SFNathan. IP ER BR SO San Francisco Nathan W.4 I 6 9 5 Johnstone 2 E.mbroo 2 ultz 0 2 Houston Reynold- Lti-4 3-3 10 8 3 3 M.Maddua 11-3 3 2 Jost 'abrera Mi Valdes 6 Stuar-Mi 0 Bogar 2 Valdes pitched to 3 batters in the 8th U'mpires-Itome, Froommine.

First. Win: tor Serond. Welke. Bull. Third d'ulbreth.

T-343 Cardinals 6 Dodgers ANGELES ST. LOUIS ab hbi at I hbi Sninglo el 4 0 0 0 Kntert so 4 01 Grdaln 2h 30 02 0 Drew If 4 1 1 Shield Ir 3 0 0 0 F.dmnd af 3 2 Green rf 4 0 0 4 M4iwr lb 3 2 2. Karros lb 30 01 0 rf Beltre 3b 3 1 1 0 Vero 0 00 0 Induca 3 9 1 0 Pquette 26 C'ura 45 4 0 1 0 31, 0 Hrshsr 0 0 00 0 0 31 pr ('Pere? 200 0 APEAdams 0 0 0 M.lam- Msaoka 0 0 0 THard ph 00 Hinds ph 0 0 5tchsel Levit? ph 100 0 Mth 0 0 Herzes 0 0 1 It Mrrero Kale 0000 Onston 31. Planco 2b 0 000 Totals 30 1 6 0 Totals 31 6 9 6 L.os Angeles 000 010 000 St Louis 200 02 021 6 DP--Los Angeles St. Lout- 3 L.OR Los Angeles 7.

51 Louis 5 28-Boltre Perez J. APRene- (1 Lankturd 3. 31; Cora 1: HR 5. IP "I KER BB SO Los Angeles Herbiser L.14 I 13 3 (Perez Adams 2-2- Masanka Herges 2 St. Louis Kale 2 APBenes W.10 MJames Stechschulte M.Matthews 1 04 Veres 2 0 0 WP-APBenes 2.

Home. Clark. First. Bucknor. Second.

Reed: Third. Wendelstedt. Hu. 49.676i Leaders AMERICA. LEAGUE BATTING Garciaparra, Boston.

.392: Erstad. Anaheim. IRodriguez. Texas, 386: EStartinez. Seattle.

363. CDelgado. Toronto. 350. ARodriguez.

Seattle. 353. MJSweeney, Kansas City, 352. RUNS- Seattle. 13: CDelgado.

Toronto. 62. Toronto. 59: JaGiambi, Oakland, 57. Durham, Chicago.

57: Glaus. Anaheim. 56: Damon. City. 55.

RBI-Martinez, Seattle. 77. JaGiambi, Oakland. 73. ALJSweeney.

Kansas City, 71: A Rodriguez. Seattle. 09. ('Delgado. Toronto.

69. CEverett. Boston. 68: BeWilliams. New York.

68 HITS -Erstad. Anaheim, 115: IRo driquez. Texas. 101. MUSweeney.

Kansas City, 100, CDelgado, Toronto, 97; ARodriguez, Seattle. 96. Law too. Minnesota, 92; BeWilliams. New York 88; Belle, Baltimore.

86. DOUBLES Olerud. Seattle. 28: Lawton, Minnesota, 24; Dye. Kansas City, 23; DeShields, Baltimore.

22; Glaus, Anaheim. 21; MJSweeney. Kansas City, 21: IRodriguez. Texas, 21; Segui. Texas.

21 TRIPLES- (Guzman. Minnesota. 12: Durham. Chicago. 6.

1 Kenaedy. Anaheim. Ixon. Boston. 5: 7 are ted with 4.

HOME RUNS (Delgado. Toronto, 26, CErerett, Boston. IRodriguez, Texas, 23, Glaus, Anaheim. 22. JaGiambi.

Oakland, 21; Martinez. Seattle. 21: ARodriguez. Seatle. 20: Thome.

Cleveland, 20); Vaughn, Anaheim. 20: Justice, Cleve land. 20. SPORTS ON TV. AUTO RACING: noon.

NASCAR Grand National: Lysol 200 (ESPN, cable). BASEBALL: 1 p.m.. Chicago Cubs at Florida Marlins (WGN. cable). BASEBALL: 1:05 p.m..

Milwaukee Brewers at Atlanta Braves (TBS, cable). GOLF: 1:30 p.m.. Crown Royal Championship (HTS. cable). SENIOR PGA GOLF: 2:30 p.m..

Cadillac NFL Classic (ESPN. cable). PGA GOLF: 3 p.m.. St. Jude Classic (Channel 13).

LPGA p.m., McDonald's Championship (Channels 2 and 7). AUTO RACING: 4 p.m.. NASCAR Winston Cup: Save 350K (ESPN, cable). SOCCER: 4 p.m., Gold Cup, Costa Rica vs. United States (ESPN2.

cable). BASEBALL: 4:30 p.m., Baltimore Orioles at Seattle Mariners (HTS. cable). BASEBALL: 8 p.m.. Colorado Rockies at Arizona Diamondbacks (ESPN, cable).

STOLEN BASES- Damon. Kansas City, 21. Toronto, 20. Do Shields. Baltimore.

20: Nomar. Cleveland. 17. Lawton. Minnesota.

13 Cairo, Tampa Bay. 14. Jeter. New York. 14.

Seattle. 14 PITCHING 19 Decisions Toronto. 12 2. 857, 3.55: Baldwin. c'hicago.

10-2. 833. Eldred. Chiago. 9.2.

818. 3.84. Hudson. Oakland. 82 800.

4.24: Bur Cleveland, 82. .800. 523. Parque, 7-2, 578. 4 PMartinez, Bo-ton, 9 3.

.71. 1.18 Boston. 130, CFinles. Cleveland. 99.

Nome. 93. Colon. Cleveland, so. DWell Toronto.

89: Burta. Cleveland. 88: Baltimore. Pr. 11 E5 Detroit.

20. Pereiral. Anaheim. I8, Motteland. Texas.

18. Koch. Torunta. 17; bLowe. Boston.

17. 1-ring hausen. Oakland, 17, MRnera, New York. 17 NATIONAL LEAGUE: Colorado, .382. Vidro.

Montreal. 368; L.Castillo. Florida. 347, V'Guerrero. Montreal.

362; Piazza. Now York. 362 I.n€ Anueles, .357: Kant, San v. 344 RUNS- Helton, Colorado, TO. Edmonds, Si Bonds.

San Francisco. 64. Brewell. Houston. 63 Sheffield.

Angeles, 59. 1.05 Angeles. 58: Alfonzo. New York. 57.

RBI--Kent. San Francisco. 71. SSosa, Chicago. H5: Shettield.

Los Angeles. 65. Helton, Colorado, 84: Montre al. Giles. Pitt-burch.

63; Karros. Los Angeles, 61 HITS-Vidro. Montreal. 9T; Montreal. 96.

Kent San Francisco, 93. Hel ton. Colorado. 42. E0 Young.

Chicago, 92. Atlanta. 91. Owens, San Diego. 90.

DOUBLES -Green, 1.03 Angeles, 25: Chicago, 25, Vidro, Montreal, 24. Colorado. 24; KBWhite. Montreal. 22; Kent.

San Francisco. 22. Zelle. New York. 22.

Montreal. 7. Womack, Arizona, 7. Goodwin, Colorado. 7, A Perez.

Colorado, A.Martin, San Diego. 5. Shumpert. Colorado, 5. 8 are tied with 4.

HOME San Francisco, 27: McGwire. St. Louis, 27. Sheffield. Los 25.

Grilley Cincinnati, 22. Hetton, Colorado. 21. Edmonds, St. Louis, 21.

Piazza, Now York. 21. Karros. Los Angeles. 21.

STOLEN BASES- Goodwin, Colorado. 33: Lastillo. Florida. 31. E0Young.

ChicagO. 24; Atlanta. 19. Reese, Cincinnati. 18: Owens.

San Diego, 18; Cedeno, Houston. 17. PITCHING 9 Decisions-RDJohnson, Arizona. 1 47: Graves, Cincinnati. 91, 186.

Gaddux, Atlanta. 91, 900. Melter Now York, 8-1, 889. 3.08. BJ Anderson.

Arizona. 72, .778. 4.70, Stephenson. St Louis, 93. .750, 3 88, l'avano.

Montreal. 83..727.307. STRIKEOUTS-RIVohnson. Arizona. 158.

Astacio, Colorado, 99, (Maddux. Atlanta, 97; ArBones. St. Louis, 94. Dempster.

Florida, 93. Kite. SL. Louts, 93, Person, Philadelphia. 90) SAVES- Florida.

21; Hoff: man. San Diego, 18. New York. 16. Aguilera.

Chicago. 15. Veres, St. Louis. 13: Jimenez, Colorado, 12, Rocker, Atlanta.

12. Shaw. Los Angeles. 12. Baseball Today Sunday.

June 25 Boston at Toronto 1105 p.m. EDT The for first in the AL. East continues as the Blue days try to muscle their way past lied Sox ace Pedro Martinez Chris ('arpenter takes the mound for Toronto STARS Friday Bret Boone. Padres. hit three home runs along with six RBIs in San Diceo's 10 7.

10 vectory over Cincinnati Marvin Benard. Chants, had four hits including a two-run homer help San Francisco past Houston 10 3 Mike L.icberthal and Mickey Morandini. Phillies, were a combined 6 for-8 scoring five times and driving in five runs In Philadelphia's 134 win over Montreal. Mark StrAw ire. Cardinals, homered and drove in three runs in 96 win over Los Angeles.

Jason Giambi. Athletics, went 3-for 3 to help Oakland defeat Kansas City 106. SPECIAL MOMENTS Philadelphia's David who had never pitched abore Double A. won in his major trague debut Friday defeating Montreal 13 6... Tosas' Luis Alrea became the first Ranger to Jut an' inside the park humor at The Ballpark In Arlington in a 1- 1 loss Tampa Bay STREAKS Toronto's Carlos Delgado extended his hitting streak to 17 games in the Blue Jars 54 win mer Boston on Friday.

Ballimare's lJ surhoff trad an RBI single in the eighth inning of the Orioles 83 loge 10 Seattle to extend his streak to 11 Haines SHELLED h's Bronson Arroyo allowed 10 runs on nine hit- -in 323 imminson Friday ay the Pirate fell to the Now York Mets Jaime Navarro allowed five runs and nine hit- iti 2 23 in a 74 tu Detroit Kansas City's ('had Durbin allowed run- and seven hits in two during 3 106 lo- to land SURPASSED St. Louis Mark Mutinire passed Mike Schmidt with hi- 549th homer Ir. a 9-6 win over Los Angelo. on Friday night SO CONF Philadelphia Mike Liberthal and Morandini each fell a hit short of the in the Phillies 134 win over Montrial on Friday 1 triple and a home run respectisel; kept the two from accom: plishing the feat SCORING IN BUSCHES Mike three run homer trig. gored a nine run third inning that earned the York Met.

to a 12.2 win over Pitts Burch on Friday It was only the fifth time leant histor that the Mots scored as mins 22 run- 111 an INnIng. the club record by one SOAKING OU'T In just 35 at Enron Field. more home run- wore hit than all of last season at the Astrodome Four homers were bit in The Galant 10-3 win Houston on Fridas raising the total to 120. two more than last year at the Astrodome SUCCESINE SHOTS Texas' Royce and Luis Alicea hit back-l0-back homers in the Rangers 74 loss to Tampa Bay on Friday Anaheim's Glaus and Bungle Molina hit succes swe shots in the seventh inning of the Angels 8-3 win over Minnesota STREAKING Tampa Bay's Bobby Smith, who had three hits and IS 13-for-33 in eight games since being recalled from Triple- A Durham. hit a two-run homer in the eighth inning of the Devil Rays 7.4 win over Texas.

Oakland's 10-6 win over Kansas was the Athletics' ninth victory in a row. STRONG IN DEFEAT Cincinnati's Ken Griffey went 3-for-4 with four RBIs as the Reds fell to San Diego 10-7 Friday in 10 Milwaukee's Jason Bere gave up two runs and three hits in six innings as the Brewers lost to Atlanta 3-2. SLIPPED Vex York's 4-3 loss to the Chicago White Sox on Friday dropped the Yankees into third place for the first time since April 16 of last season SWINGS Atlanta's John Rocker. who allowed live runs, four walks and one hit in one third of an inning against the Chicago Cubs on Wednesday bounced back on Friday, allowing one walk and striking out three in the Braves' 3-2 win over Milwaukee. SNAPPED Chicago's Magglio Ordonez had his career- high 14 hitting streak snapped in the White Sox's 4-3 win over the New Yurk Yankees on Friday.

SLUMPING Cincinnati ba; lost 13 of 16 following a 10 7 10- inning lues to San Diego on Friday. The Padres have played a leading role in the Reds' month of misery, beating them four times in the last eight days. Houston Jose Lima lost bis 11th straight decision following a 10-3 loss to San Francisco. Kopecky, Trencin. Slovakia 39 New Jersey from NY Islanders, Teemu Laine, RW.

Jokerit Finland 40 Calgary. Kurtis Foster. D. Peterborough. OHL 41.

San Jose from Chicado. Tero Maat ta. D. Jokertt. Finland 42.

Atlanta from Vancouver. Libor stroul. D. Plymouth. OHL 43.

Washington Anaheim, Matt Petunger. LW. Calgary, HI. 44. Anaheim from Montreal, Ilja galov, G.

Togliatti. Russia 15. Ottawa. Mathieu (hournard. D.

Shawinigan, 46. Calgary from Colorado Jarret Stoll. C. Kootenay. WHL 47.

Colorado from Carolina Jared Aulin, C. Kamloops. WHI. 48. Buffalo.

Gerard Dwaire. D. Seaule, WHL. 49. Chicago from San Jose.

Jonas Nordqvist. Leksand. Sweden 50 Chicago, Sergei Soin, (. Kry lja sove tov. Russia 51.

Toronto from Edmonton. Kris Vernarsky. C. Plymouth. OHI.

52. Pittsburgh. Shane Endicott (., Seat the. WHL. 53 Phoenix.

Alexander Tatamnov, HW, Yaroslavl, Russia 54 Los Angeles. Andreas Lilja. D. Maim00. 55.

Ottawa, Antoine Vermette. C. Victonaville, HI, 56. New Jersey. Aleksander Suglobov.

Yaroslavl 57 New Jersey from Matt De Marchi. D. U'niversits of Minnesota WCHA. 58. Florida: Vladimir Novokuznetsk.

Russia, 59 Boston 'from Ivan Huml. I.W. Langley. B4'HL. 60 Dallas, Dan Ellis, G.

Omaha. I SHL. 61. Washington, Washington. Jakub ('ut ta.

D. Swift Current WHl. 62. New Jersey, Paul Martin. Elk er High School.

GSHSM. 63 Colorado Carolina through Philadelphia: Argus Savels, D. Owen Sound. OHL. 64.

NY Rangers from Detroit, Filip Novak. D. Regina. WHI. 65.

St. Louis. David Morisset. RW. Seat tle.

WHI Third Round 66 Boston. Tuukka Makela. I.W. IFK Finland. 67.

New Jersey from Vancouver through Atlanta), Max Birbraer, L.W, New Market, OPJHL 68. Dallas (from Minnesotas Joel Lundquist. C. Frolunda, Sweden. 69.

Columbus. Ben Knopp. RW. Monse Jaw. WHL Toronto (from Tampa Bay 4 Mikael Tellqvist, G.

Djurgardens, Vancouver from creasier landers, Thatcher Bell. Rimouski. VMJHL. 72. Nashville, Mattia- Nilsson.

D. MoNo. Sweden. 73. Boston.

Serger Zinovcv. RW. Novokuznetsk. Russia. 74 Chicago (from San Jose through Tampa Bay through NY Rangerst.

Razor Radulov, L.W, Yaroslavl, Russia. 75. St. Louis from C'algary), Justin Papineau, C. Belleville, OlL 76.

New Jersey from Chicago), Michael Rupp. LW. Eric, OHl. 77. Florida (from Vancouver Robert Fried, RW.

Deerfield, U'SHSE. 78. Montreal (from Anaheim), Jozel Balej. RW. Portland.

79. Montreal, Tyler Hanchuck, D). Brampton, OHI. 80. Carolina, Ryan Unnersity of North Dakota, WCA 81.

Tampa Bay from Buffalo, Alexandre Kharitonov. RW. Dynamo. Russia 82 Florida (from San Jose). Sean Ol'onnor, RW.

Moose Jaw. 83 Edmonton. Alexander I 1). Samara. Russia.

84. Pittsburgh, Peter Hamerlik, di, Skaltca, Slovakia. 85 Phoenix, Ramvi Abid. LW. Halifax, QMJHL.

86. Los Angeles, Yanick Lehous. C. Baie Comeau. VMJIL.

87. (Mawa. Jan Bohac. C. Slavia Praha, Czech Republic.

88, Colorado, Kurt Sauer, Spokane, WHI. 89. Nashville (from Flonda) Libur Pivko, LW. Haviros, Croch Republic. 90.

Toronto, Jean Francois Racine. G. Drummond ille, QMIHL. 91. Dallas.

Alexes Tereschenko, Dynamo. Russia. 92. C'olorado from Washington), Sergei Klazmine, I.W, Tver. Russia.

93. Vancouver (from Now Jersey), Tim Branham, D), Barrie, 94. Philadelphia, Alexander Drozdetsky. F. St.

Petersburg. Russia 95. NY Rangers from Detroits, Dominic Moore. ('. Han ard, ECAC.

96. St. Louis. Antoine Bergeron. D.

Val D'or. QMJHIA GOLF 18 Lynwood Ladies Invitational Joan Price Bing St Jude Classic Following are the pairings for Sunday's final round of golf at the 17th annual Lynwood Ladies Invitational Tee time is 9 a.m. Hole la Dot Bolling. Fran Hensley, Jessica Witcher, Debbie Young Hole 1h Patty Phoebus. Pat Caldwell.

Julia Phillips Hole 2 Janet Cochrane, Marin Bussey, Millie Witt, Dee Eanes Hole 3 Marianne Hedgpetti. (mega Dean, Norma Lemon, Judy Knight Hole 4 Kim Rhodes. Karen Gibson. Adri enne Sheets. Marcia Micer Hole 5 Phyllis Parrent.

Connie Wann Petey Brown, Ellen Mason Hole 6 Donna Norman. Sondra Wade, Carol Wiles, Ethel Noell Hole 7. Denise Harris. June Reed. Dori Hudson.

Evalyn Dorn Hole 8 Gail Whiteseil, Pat George, Alderson. Belly Deal Hole 9 Martha Peverall. Shelby Sher wood. Betty Putman. Penny Doss Hole 10 Lisa West.

Sally Nicely. Lucy Robbins, Debbie Cather Hole 11 Jennifer Collins, Ruby Wright. Joanne Burnett. Nancy Hughes Hole 12 Doris Gregory Virginia Horsley. Barber, Melawhorn.

Fave Alvis Hole 13 Bernice Dabney, Altce t'allison Christine Remines, Lisa Dixon Hole 14 Marge Lafser. Kristie Boyd. Lin da Adams. Brenda Turner Hole 15. Pat Allen.

Dolly Moore, Ann Hale, Pat Stone Hole 16 Madge Clark, Laura Johnson. Martha "Mott" Martin Hole 17 Christine Bondurant. Meta Stroupe, Helen Hale Hole 18 Nancy Beck. Bennie Suemore. MEMPHIS, Tenn Scores Saturday after HE the third round of the $3 million FedEx St.

Jude Classic. played un the par-71 at Southwind Bob May 6646-69 201 Notah BegayIll R6-89 202 Steve Pate 61-65-70 202 Chris DiMarco 66-68-69 203 Joe Ogilvie R5-68-70 203 Craig Parry 70-63-419 204 Russ Cochran 676871 204 Glen Hnatiuk 68-72-65 Bill Glasson 69-71-65 205 Joel Edwards 70-6947 205 Jay Haas 70-49-67 Loren Roberts Scott Hoch 66-71-89 206 Robert Damron 71-64-71 206 Paul Azinger 71-71-65 207 Glen Day 71 70-66 201 Len Mattiace 68 72-67 201 Pete Jordan 71 67-69 Ben Bates 71-66-70 20G Bob Friend 70-61-70 207 Tom Byrum 68-69 70 200 Robin Freeman 69 66-72 207 David Howser 72-70-46 208 Rory Sabbauni 72-69 61 208 Steve Flesch 73-67 48 208 Tom Scherrer 69-71-68 208 Rick Fehr 71-69-88 208 Joe Durant 208 Brian Gay 72-68 68 208 Rich Beem 68-69 71 208 Kirk Triplett 72-70-67 209 Steve Elkington 72-70-67 200 Bob Estes 72-69-68 209 Michael Bradley 71-70-68 209 John Huston 71-70-68 209. Jay Delsing 14-6768 209 Donnie Hammond 71 68-70 209 Stewart (ink 71-87-71 209 Michael ClarklI 69-88-72 209 Bart Bryant 71-66-72 29 David Toms 65-64-75 209 Jonathan Kaye 73-68-69 210 Frank Nubilo 68-70-72 210 Doug Barron 70 68-72 210 David Peoples 65-70-75 210 Doug Dunakey 70-65-75 210 Jason Caron R9 73-69 211 Barry Cheesman 89-73-49 211 Ted Tryba 70-71-70 211 Mike Sposa 73-68-70 211 Jean Van De Velde 71-70-70 211 Bobby Cochran 211 Gabriel Hjertstedt 71-64-71 211 Charles Raulerson 71-68-72 211 Chris Riley 70-69-72 211 D.A. Weibring 70-69-72 211 Andy Bean 70-89-72 211 Nick Price 71-46-74 211 Jason Buha 60-73-70 212 Perry Moss 73-69-70 212 Billy Mayfair 64 73-70 212 Craig Barlow 14-68 70 212 Juhn Cook 72-70-70 212 Larry. Rinker 72 69-71 212 Casey Martin R9-71-72 212 Mike Standly R9-70-73 212 Carl Paulson 67-71-74 212 Bob Gilder 71-67-74 212 Jay Williamson 74 48 71 213 Paul Goydos 71-71-71 213 Shaun Micheel 213 Kevin Sutherland 213 Pat Nanne Jr.

74-67-73 214 Jerry Kelly 71-88-75 --214 David MorlandIV 64-68-77 214 Steve Hart 71-71-73 215 Dave Stockton 70-72-73 215 Brent Winston 72-70-73 215 Craig Perks 71-80-75 215 Paul Stankowski 72-70-74 -216 Mark Wiebe 73-68-75 216 Tim Herron 70-71-75 216 PH. Horganlil 68-70-78 218 Cameron Beckman 70-72-76 218 Curtis Strange 221 LPGA Championship Cadillac-NFL Seniors WILMINGTON. Del. Scores Saturday after the third round of the $1.4 million McDonald's LPGA Championship. played on the 6.408-yard.

par-71 DuPont Country Club course Juli Inkster aH Wendy Ward 69-AH-68 206 Jan Stephenson 70-69-69 218 Nancy Scranton 29 Jane Crafter 72 89-09 210 Michele Redman 70-70-70 210 Pat Bradley 68-76-67 211 Se RiPak 211 Karrie Webb 72-70-49 211 Wendy 60-71-71 211 Laura Davies 70-66-75 211 Cindy Flom TI 71:70 212 Pal Hurst 71-70 71 212. Mazzie Will 74-7267 213 Betsy King H8-78-67 213 Sherri Steinhauer 70-75-R8 113 Dottie Pepper 213 Annika Sorenstam 70-73-70 213 Mi HyunKim 70-73-70 213 Jane Geddes 66-7473 -213 Stefania Croce 724, 74 213 Meg Mallon 214 Heather Bowie 14 50-70 214 Karon Weiss 7371-70 -214 Barb Mucha 72-72 70 214 Beth Daniel 72 72:70 114 Akko f*ckushima 71:72 71 214 Sophie Gustafson 76 70-49 215 Amy Fruhwirth 14 11.30 216 Barb Whitehead 73 72 70 215 Alison Nicholas 72 72 71 215 Leta landley 71 73 71 215 Ann Mills 74 AY 72 215 Val Skinner 74 73 49 216 Emilee Klein 74 71-TI 216 Janice Moodie 72 73 71 216 l'amela Kerrigan 71:7471 21t Dawn toe Jones 71-73 72 216 Jean Bartholomen 11-71 74 216 Kim Saki 7749 TI 217 Jenny Lidhack 217 ('arm kuch 74 70 73 217 Kell. Kobbing 72 73 03 217 Cindy 73-7471 218 1J Fathorno 78 71 218 Danielle Ammaccapane 75.71 72 218 Juli McGill 72 74-72 218 Vicki Rosie Moira Jennifer Jones Dunn Rosales Ackerman 71-73 75-64 70-78-72 74 74 --218 --218 218 218 Cindy Figg4'urrier 70 73-75 218 Gloria Park 68-75 75 218 Kathryn Marshall 219 ('atrin 73 73-73 219 Debbi Koyama 73 73-73 219 Julie Piers 72 74 73 219 Laura Philo 72.74-73 219 Marisa Baena 71 75-73 219 Patty Sheehan 119 Nancy Lopez 74-73-73 120 Kris Techetter 73-74-73 220 Joanne Morley 73-73-74 220 Alicia Dibos 72-74-74 Yu 70 75-75 220 Bunch 72-72-76 220 Mary BethZimmerman 73- 221 Leslie Spalding 7471:76 221 Tracy Hanson 68-72-81 221 Kate Golden 73 74 75 Carmen Hajjar 71 75-76 222 Shani Waugh 73 74-78 225 Dina Ammaccapane 71-7579 225 CLIFTON. NJ Scores Saturday after the second round of the $1.1 million (adit lac NFL. Golf Classic on the par 72, 6,816 yard Upper Montclair Country Club course: Allen Doyle 64-64 1333 Lee 1 Trevino 16-67 133 Gary McCord 67 61 Hubert Green 136 Walt Morgan 6T 138 Mike Met 'ullough, 133 Walter Hall 69-69 138 Bruce Fleisher 68-70 138 Leonard Thompenn 67-71 138 Rob Murphy 70 139 Mike Malone 3282 70 139 Dave Stockton 72 139 Dave Fichelberger 13-4T 140 Hugh 7070 140 Bob Lendzinn 70 70 140 Jim Thorpe Ay.

71 140 Jin Colbert 68 72 diary Player 74-47 Bill Brask 73-68 Isao Aoki 71-70 141 David Lundstrom 71-70 Bruce Summerhays 67 14 J.C. Snead 61:74 141 Vicente Fernandez 73-69 12 Christy O'Connor 72-70 142 Tom Watson 72.70 142 Bob Charles 70-72 John Schroeder 70-72 Andy North 69-73 Chuck Moran 73-70 Harold Henning 71-72 Bob Dickson 69 74 John Mahaffes 75-89 John Morgan 73-71 Chi ChiRodrigue2 72 72 Dana Quigley 72-72 144 Greg Edwards 70-74 Jim Halterieve H9 75 Dick Lot 145 Brian Barnes 1471 145 Graham Marsh 73:72 145 Barn Jaeckel 73 72 145 Hik Massengalo 145 Jux: Inman 72 73 145 F.d Dougherty 774y 148 Steve Veriato -69 Tom Warg 76-70 Larry Ziegler 75-71 146 Howard Twitty 75 71 Tom Shaw 74 72 146 Jesse Patino 7.3 13 145 Calvin P'ecte 72 74 146 Bob Wynn 71 75 George Burns 147 Kikuo Arai 74 147 Jay 72 75 147 Walter Zembricki 76-72 Roy Vucinich 76-72 148 Babe Hiskey 73-75 148 Tom McGinnis 71:77 Butch Baird 77-72 Lon Hinkle 74-75 149 Frank Conner 72-77 149 Evan Williams 76 74 150) Rex C'aldwell 70-80 150 Let Elder 77-74 151 Jim Albus 76-75 151 Dean Overturf 76:75 151 Jerry McGee 75-76 151 Dwight Nevil 75-78 151 Tommy Aaron 75-76 151 Doug 76-76 152 Dale Pecjak 78-75 Orville Moody 78-75 153 Bob Ralston 801-74 154 Jerry Heard 81:74 155 Amold Palmer 76-81 157 Tad Boyce 162 RACING Bully Hill 150 WATKINS GLEN. NY AP, Results Saturday from the NASCAR Crartsman Truck Series Bully Hill Vineyards 150 at Watkins Glen International with starting position in parentheses. make of truck. laps completed.

reason out any: and money won: 1.11 Greg Biffle. Ford. 62, $44,590 2. 17 Kurt Busch. Ford.

62. 3. (261 Ron Fellows. Chevrolet, 62. $19,525.

4. (4) Mike Wallace. Ford, 62. $13.143. 5 (3) Jack Sprague.

Chevrolet, 62, $13.575. 6 115) Andy Houston. Chevrolet, 62. $11,595. 7.

18: Dennis Setzer. Dodge. 62. $10.795. 8 6 Carlos Contreras, Dodge.

62, $8,395 9.1100 Rick Crawford. Ford, 62. $10,905. 10. Randy Tolsma, Dodge, 62, $11.245.

11. 02 Terry Cook. Chevrolet 62, $9,085. 12. (18) Steve Grissom.

Dodge. 62. 13. (9, Bryan Reffner. Chevrolet, 62.

$9,595. 14. Jimmy Hensley. Chevrolet, 62, $9.545. 15.

(5: Joe Ruttman. Dodge, 62, $9.845 16. 121 Andy Santerre. Ford. $8.595.

17. :191 Marty Houston. Chevrolet, 02. $9,345. 18.

Charles Morgan Jr. Ford. 62. $8.345. 19.

(20) Tom Carey. Laxige, 61. $8.270. 20. :24, Randy MacDonald.

Chevrolet 61. $9.370 21. 29 Randy Renfrow, $0.045. 22. (33) Rick Ware.

C'hevrolet, 23. Lance Noriek. Chevrolet $8.945 24. (25) Scott Rieus, Lodge. 60, $7.805.

25. (32) Tom Boston. Ford, 37, $7,845. 28. 111: Rub Morgan.

Ford. 55. $8.745. 27. (34 Wayne Edwards, Chevrolet, 55.

$7.645. 2R Jeff Beck. Ford. 53, accident. $7.545.

2y. (27 Steve Prescott. Chevrok4, 52. $7.445 30. Brad Bennett, ('hevrolet, 34 driveline.

$1.345. dent, 31. 32. (22) $7,245 I J.D. Gibbs, Chevrolet 24.

acciRick Carelli. Ford. 13, accident, $8.145. 33. 130, B.A Wilson.

Chevrolet, 4. engines. $8.045. 34. 0311 Ryan McGlynn, Chevrolet.

1. brakes. $6.945. Time of race 1 hour, 48 minutes. 55 sec unds Average 85.244 mph Margin of victory 1.448 seconde Caution flags 5 for 10 laps Lead changes: 9 among 7 drivers Lap leaders.

Biffle 1 16, Beck 17. Biffle 18-20. Busch 21-27, Cook 2-20. Sprague 30 33. Bite 34-30, Houston 37 48.

Billie 49 62. Point standings 1. Biffle 2.077. 2 Sprague 2.003. 3.

Wallace 4. A. Hous ton 1.948: 5 Busch 1.842: 6. Setzer 1.768; 7. Tolsma 1.730.

8. Grissom 1.721, 9 Reffner 1.708. 10 Crawford Save Mart 350 lama tied the Astros' record for conseculive losses. STRING OF SHOTS Oakland'; Rand; Velarde. Jason Giambi and Ben Grieve hit consecutive homers in the second inning of the 10-6 win over Kansas City It was the seventh time in Oakland history the A's have hit back-to-back-to-back homers.

and the second time this season. Oakland has hit back to-back homers nine times this season. seven times against the Royals. STRONG STARTS New York Mets Bobby J. Jones allowed one run and five hits ever eight innings in a 12-2 win ower Pittsburgh on Friday.

San Francisco's Livan Hernandez pitched eight innings allowing two runs and nine hit in the Giants 10-3 win over Houston. Arizona's Brian Anderson pitched eight shutout innings allowing two hits in a 20 win over Colorado. STATS New York's Mike Piazza has seven home runs in his last 12 games. Detroit has 17 homers in their last seven games and 21 in nine. SPEAKING "See, that's why I don't like to do interviews.

because of questions like that. Next question." John Rocker when a reporter asked if the Braves or the commissioner's office wanted him to take a low profile approach in New York. SEASONS June 25 1934 Pitcher John Broaca tied a major league record by striking out in five consecutive at-bats but pitched the Yankees to an 11-2 victory over the Chicago While Sox. Lou Gehrig had better luck al the plate, hitting for the cycle. 1937 Augie Galan of Chicago became the first National Leaguer to hit home runs from both sides of the plate in a game as the Cubs beat the Brooklyn Dodgers 11- 2.

Chicago's Hank Sauer hit two home runs and two doubles to pace the t'ubs to an 11-8 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies. 1981 Baltimore and California used a major league record 16 pitchers, eight by each side. as the Orioles edged the Angels 9-8 on Ron Hansen's 14th-inning homer 1948 Bobby Bonds. in his first major league game with the San Francisco Giants. hit a grand slam off Los Angeles' John Purdin.

1998 Sammy Sosa broke the major leaguc record for homers in a month. hitting his 19th of June leading off the sev-. enth inning of the Cubs' 64 loss to Detroit. Sosa passed the mark set by Detroit's Rudy York in August 1937. 1999 Jose Jimenez, a suffering through one of the worst.

seasons of any N1. pitcher threw St. first no-hitter in 16 years, Randy Johnson in a 10 victory over Arizona Today's birthdays: Carlos Delgado, 28: Michael Tucker, 29; Aaron Sele, Mike Stanley, 37. BASKETBALL WNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE Pet GB Orlando 5 583 Cleveland 6 5 .545. Washington 6 5 .545 Detroit 5 6 1 Now York 5 6 455 1 Miami 4 333 3 Indiana 3 .300 3 Charlotte 2 10 167 5 WESTERN CONFERENCE I.

Pet GB Houston 10 2 .843 Los Angeles 8 2 Phoenix 8 3 721 Minnesota 8 667 Sacramento .636 2 l'tah Portland t- 3 222 6 Seattle 2 .182 712 Saturday's Games Late Game Not Included Minnesota Cleveland 57. OT Phoenix 67. Miami 44 Orlando 69, Charlotte 68 Washington 76. Detroit 70 Indiana at Houston n) Sunday's Games Los Angeles at New York, 4 p.m. Phoenix at (lescland, 7 p.m Detroit at Charlotte, 7.30 p.m.

Portland at Sacramento, 9 pm. Monday's Games Los Angeles al Washington. 7 p.m. Houston at (orlando. 7.30 p.m.

Sacrmento al U'tah. 9 p.m. HOCKEY Entry Draft CALGARY. Alberta Selections Saturday from the 2000 NHL entry draft with position. 1949 240 team and leagueFirst Round 1 NY.

Islanders, Rick DiPietro. G. Boston University. Hockey East. 2 Atlanta.

Dany Heatley, LW. U'niversity of Wisconsin, WHA 3 Minnesota. Marian Gaborik. LW. Trencin.

Slovakia. 4 Columbus. Rostislas Klesla, Brampton. OiL. 5 NY Islanders from Tampa Bay, Raffi Torre-, LW.

Brampton, OHL. 6 Nashville. Scott Hartnell. RW. Prince Albert.

7. Boston, Lars Jonsson. Leksand. Sweden 8 Tampa Bay from N.Y. Rangers, Nikita Alexes.

RW. Erie. OHL. 9 Calgary, Brent Krahn, G. Calgary.

WHI. 10. Chicago, Mikhail Yakubov. C. Togliatta, Russia.

11. Chicago from Vancouver. Pavel Vorobies. RW. Yaroslavl.

Russia. 12. Anaheim. Alexer Smirnov. LW.

namo. Russia. 13. Montreal, Ron Hainsey. D.

Massachusetts-Lowell. H.E 14. Colorado (from Carolina, Vaclav Nedorost, (, Budejovice. Czech Republic. 15.

Buffalo, Artem Kriukov, F. Yaroslav, Russia. 16 Montreal (from San Jose) Marcel Hossa. (', Portland. WHL.

17. Edmonton, Alexei Mikhnov, LW, Yaroslavl. Russia. 18. Pittsburgh, Brooks Orpik, D.

Boston College, H.E 19. Phoenix. Krystofer Kolanos. C. Boston College, H.E.

20. Los Angeles. Alexander Frolov, LW. Yaroslavl, Russia. 21 Ottawa.

Anton Volchenkov, D. CSKA. Russia 22. New Jersey (from Colorado). David Hale.

Sioux City. U'SHL. 23 Vancouver (from Florida, Nathan Smith, C. Swift Current. WHL.

24. Toronto, Brad Boyes, C. Erie. OHL. 25.

Dallas. Sieve Ott. C. Windsor, OHL. 26.

Washington. Brian Sutherby. C. Moose Jaw, WILL. 27.

Boston from New Jersey, Martin Samuelsson, D. MoDo. Sweden. 28. Philadelphia (from Tampa Bay through Philadelphia Justin Williams, RW.

Plymouth, OiL. 29. Detroit. Niklas Kronvall, D. Djurgarden.

Sweden 30 St. Louis. Jeff Taffe. (. Minnesota, WCILA.

Second Round 31 Atlanta. Ilja Nikulin. D. Tver. Rus.

sia. 32. Carolina from Colorado through Columbus, Tomas Kurka, LW. Plymouth, OHL. 33.

Minnesota, Nick Schultz, Prince Albert, WHL 34. Tampa Bay. Rustan Zainullin, RW. Ak Bars Kazan, Russia. 35.

Edmonton (from NY Islanders, Rrad Winchester, LW. University of Wis consin, WHA 36. Nashville. Daniel Widing. RW.

Leksand. Sweden. 37. Boston, Andy Halbert. C.

University of Michigan, CCHA. 38. Detroit (from NY Rangers), Tomas SONOSIA. ('alit The lineup for Sunday's NASCAR Winston Cup Senes Save 350 after Saturday's final qualifying session at Sears Point Raceway. with qualifying position.

car number, dnver. car make and speed in mph: 1 2. Rusty Wallace. Ford. 99.309 mph.

2 144. Kyle Petty. Pontiac. 98 639 3 18: Bobby Labonte. Pontiac, 9R.62 4 120 Tony Stew art.

Pontiac. 98.544 5 :24. Jeff Gordon. C'hevrolet. 96.535 8 40.

Sterling Marlin. 86 445 6 Mark Martin Ford. 38.466 194. Bill Ford. 98 397 9 32 Scott Pruett.

Ford. 98.323 10. '28 Ricky Rudd. Furd, 98 235 11: 13. Robby Gordon.

Ford. 98 148 12. 26, Jimmy Spencer. Ford. 98 092 13 131 Mike Skinner.

Chevrolet. 98.03 14 4. Bobby Hamilton. Chevrolet, 47 971 15 1 Steve Park. C'hevrolet.

97 968 16 43 John Andretti. Pontiac, HT 833 17 551 Kenny Wallace. Chevrolet. 91.79 18 88. Dale Jarrett.

Ford. 90 772 19 133 Joe Nemechek. Chevrolet. 97.761 20 25 Jerry Nadeau. Pontiac, 96 73 21 Ken Schrader, Chevrolet.

97.709 22 Brett Bodine. Ford. 91 675 23 23 Born- Said. Ford. 4: 554; 24 16 Lepage, Ford 9T 355 25 5 Terri Chosrolet, 96 234 175; Wally ballenbach, C'hevrolet, 97 754 M.

4. Mike Bliss. Pontiac. 4T.687 28. Michael Waltrip.

Chevrolet, 97 AR 29 3r Dale Earnhardt. Chevrolet, 334 30 99 JoT Burton, Ford. 96 242 31. 483 Dale Jr. the riel 9G 161 32 21, Flholl Sadler.

Ford. 137 33. H. Darrell Waitrip Ford. 96 34.

90 Brian Simo. Ford, $6.926 35. r10 Johnny Benson. Ford. 893 34.

19. Stacy Compton. Ford. 9.79, Ward Burton, Pontiac al 38 170 Matt Ford provisional 34. (12; Jeremy Mayfield.

Ford. provtsioual 4) Chad Little. Ford. provisional 41. (77 Robert Presley.

Ford. provi sionat 42.:42 Kenny Irwin, Ford. provisional 43 143 Dave Blancy. Pontiac. provision al CART-Portland 200 Reynard.

no time. SOCCER MLS PORTLAND. Or Starting lineup Saturday for Joe's X0 FedEx ('hampionship Series race at Portland International Raceway, with car number in parentheses, driver, type of car, lime in seconds and speed in miles per hour: 1. Helio Castroneves. Honda Reynard.

57.738. 122.768 2. (2) Gil de Ferran, Honda Reynard. 57 820. 122 504 3 :20.

Roberto Moreno. Ford Reynard, 57.977,122.262 4. (27) Dario Franchill, Honda Reynard. 58 059. 112 040 5.

tHy Kenny Brack. Ford Reynard. 6. 411 Christian Fittipaldi.

Ford Lola, 58 115. 121 972. 7. 1961 Oriol Servia. Toyota Reynard, 58 163, Juan Montova.

Toyota Lola, 58.296, 121 593 9. 9T, Cristiano da Malta. Toyota Rey. nard, 58.480. 121 196, 10.

1401 Adman Fernandez. Ford Reynard. 58.540. 121006. 11.

(6; Michael Ford Lola, 58619. 120 086. 12. (32! C'arpentier. Ford Key-.

nard, 58.859. 120 0841. 13. (7) Max l'apts. Ford Reynard.

58.884. 120.420. 14. Jimmy Vasser, Toyota Lola, 59.214, 119708: 15. 33 Alex Tagliani, Ford Reynard.

59.269, 119 547. 14. 4180 Mark Mercedes Rey-: nard. 59 352. 119 4:0 17.

Paul Tracy. Honda 59.382. 18. (34) Tors Marques, Ford Swin. 59.472.

114 19. Michel Jourdain Mercedes Lola. 59 372. 118.969 ZU 551 Bryan Herta, Mercedes Rey nard. 50.624.

118.885. 21 151 Shinji Nakano, Honda Reynard, 59 748. 118.842. 22. 25; Lutz Garcia Mercedes Rey.

nard. 00.014. 118.112 23. 410; Noberto Fontana, Toyota Reynard, R0.061, 118.020. 24 1191 Takuya Kurosawa, Ford Lola.

H2 380. 11364 25 1171 Mauricio Gugelmin. Mercedes Eastern Division Pls GF GA New England 26 NYAJ 25 26 Miami 6 8 22 DC. 4 10 4 16 36 Central Division Pts GF Chicago Tampa Bas 9 8 Columbus 22 30 Dallas 6 9 3 21 28 34 Western Division GF G.A Kansas City 10 34 12 Los Angeles 16 Colorado 22 23 37 San Just 5 22 27 NOTE Three points tor a win and one point for a Saturday's Games Late Games Not Included Yew York New Jersey 3, Colorado, 1 EX' U'nited 2. Dallas 0) Tampa Bay 3, Miami 2 Columbus 3.

New England 1 Los Angeles at Kansas City, Chicago at San Jose. Wednesday. June 28 San Jose at New York New Jersey. 730 Los Angeles at OX, U'nited, 1230 m. Tampa Bay al Columbus.

7.30 pm Dallas at Colorado, 9 Saturday, July 1 Colorado at U'rted. 3 p.m New York-New Jersey at Tampa Bay 7 San Jose at Columbus. 1:30 p.m. Kansas City al New England.

7.30 p.m Los Angeles at Dallas. 8:30 p.m. TENNIS Wimbledon WIMBLEDON. England The sobedule of matches Monday on the showcourts and others involving seeded players at the $12.6 million Wimbledon tennis championships at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club Play begins on Centre Court, Court 1 and Court at 9 am. EDT: all ether courts at 7 a.m.

Centre Court Pete Sampras d1, States, vs. Jin Vanek. Czech Republic Sandnne Testud 110,, France, vs. Anna Kournikova, Russia Jan-Michael Gambill. United States, vs.

Lleston Hewitt (71. Australia Court 1 Martina Hingis Switzerland, vs. Angeles Montolio. Spain Vincent Spadea. U'nited States.

vs. Greg Rusedski Britain Magnus Norman (31, Sweden. vs. Mark Woudforde, Australia Court 2 Richard Krajicek Netherlands. Albert Costa, Spain Kreta Hrdlickova, Czech Republic, vs Venus Williams (5), U'nited States Andrei Medvedev.

Ukraine, vs. Jonas Bjorkman. Sweden Conchita Martinez 14). Spain. vs.

Anne Kremer, Luxembourg TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL American League CLEVELAND INDIANS-Designated RHP Jaime Navarro fur assignment. Pur chased the contract of LIIP Andrew borraine from Bullalo of the International Leazue DETROIT TIGERS Activated RIP Mark Johnson from the disabled list Optioned 2B Jose Macias to Toledo of the International League. Toronto Blue Jays Recalled RHP Roy Halladay to Syracuse of the International League. and demoted RHP Darwin CubilInn. National League ST LOUIS CARDINALS -Purchaser the contract of IN Eduardo Perez iron Memphis of the Pacific Coast League Opuoned OF Larry Sutton to Memphis..

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.