Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (2024)


PantheonBuild Guide by Lindroganti

Updated on December 31, 2023





Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (1)Build Guide By Lindroganti 25 0Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (2) 54,121 ViewsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (3) 0 Comments

25 0Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (4) 54,121 ViewsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (5) 0 CommentsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (6)Pantheon Build Guide By Lindroganti Updated on December 31, 2023

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Recommended Items

EclipseBootsRavenous HydraBlack CleaverBlade of the Ruined KingDeath's Dance

Runes: Tougher Matchups/Mages (Standard)


Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (21)


Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (22)

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (23)

Press the Attack

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Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (25)

Legend: Alacrity

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Coup de Grace


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Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (28)

Biscuit Delivery

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (29)

Cosmic Insight

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (30)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (31)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (32)


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist



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Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (35)



Starting Items (Please Read Notes For All Items!)

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (36)

Old ReliableMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (37)

Corrupting Potion

I Know My MatchupMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (39)

Long SwordRefillable PotionDoran's ShieldDoran's Blade

BootsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (44)

Plated SteelcapsMercury's TreadsIonian Boots of LucidityBoots of Swiftness

My Personal BuildMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (49)

EclipseBootsRavenous HydraBlack CleaverBlade of the Ruined KingDeath's Dance


Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (56)

Standard CoreMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (57)

EclipseBlack Cleaver

Tank Buster CoreMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (60)

Divine SundererBlack CleaverBlade of the Ruined King

Situational Items

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (64)

RavenousMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (65)

Ravenous Hydra

SpeedtheonMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (67)

Youmuu's Ghostblade

Don't BladeMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (69)

Duskblade of Draktharr

BorkMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (71)

Blade of the Ruined King

AH ItemsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (73)

Serylda's GrudgeDeath's DanceSpear of ShojinChempunk Chainsword

Need Some DefensesMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (78)

Death's DanceMaw of MalmortiusGuardian Angel

Anti HealMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (82)

Executioner's CallingChempunk ChainswordMortal Reminder

Lethality ItemsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (86)

Axiom ArcEdge of NightProwler's ClawSerpent's FangUmbral GlaiveThe Collector

Ability Order W Max 2nd (Standard)


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Mortal Will (PASSIVE)

Pantheon Passive Ability

Comet Spear (Q)


Shield Vault (W)


Aegis Assault (E)


Grand Starfall (R)


Threats & Synergies

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (99)ThreatsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (100)Synergies


Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (101)Show All


Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (102)Extreme ThreatsMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (103)

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (104)Ideal SynergiesMidtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (105)

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (106)


Can and will outscale you. Gets practically free poke and is strangely tanky. You NEED to kill him, but it is extremely hard to do solo. This is made even worse since you probably want to go Dshield to survive his poke. Honestly ban this guy or hope your jungler helps. Too much work to beat a guy who will just scale up anyways. If you do want to try and beat him, you need to play aggressive once you hit lvl 2-3. He has long range, but his cds are decently long. He will always put down his stun trap when you go on him, to stun you back and escape, you might want to e right after stunning depending on what abilities he has up. You need to chunk him enough to the point where he is in flash-ignite kill range. Only then will you be able to play.

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (107)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (108)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (109)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (110)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (111)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (112)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (113)

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Pantheon works great with anyone that draws attention from him or can engage for him. Pantheon is pretty squishy, but can dish out a lot of damage. With a strong frontline, Pantheon can carry.Not all synergies will be listed here, but essentially if the enemy's focus is on someone else, rather than you, you're golden.

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Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (117)Synergies


Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (118)


Pantheon works great with anyone that draws attention from him or can engage for him. Pantheon is pretty squishy, but can dish out a lot of damage. With a strong frontline, Pantheon can carry.Not all synergies will be listed here, but essentially if the enemy's focus is on someone else, rather than you, you're golden.

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Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (121)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (122)

Pantheon counters well

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3 CR

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3.4 CR

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3.6 CR

Pantheon gets countered

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6.2 CR

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6.2 CR

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6.2 CR

More Pantheon Counters

Champion Build Guide

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups)

By Lindroganti

Why Midtheon?

Pantheon mid is a great choice for someone who wants a strong early kill potential, and great roaming abilities. Your Empowered W makes trading extremely easy in midlane, and your E keeps you safe. With some fancy footwork, you can be a menace in the midlane, because the only thing that holds Panth back is how easy he is to cc.

Who am I?

I'm Lindroganti, a current plat player and a Pantheon Enthusiast. This champion busted me out of silver straight to gold with a 12 game win streak and then took me to plat. I love how simple the champ is, but how high the skill ceiling can be. Especially since, with our roaming ult, we can impact the game with great ease. I may not be the greatest Panth player, but I can promise to help make your experience with Pantheon mid as smooth as possible.

Guide Explanation

This guide is mainly matchups so far, as I believe that is what most people need. Eventually I might make a full guide, but there are plenty of guides that explain Pantheon's mechanics well. I will mainly only explain the things I do differently, and that I believe work. Make sure to read the notes on items, runes, and spells. Those notes explain a lot of the things I do, and how and when you should do them.

Explaining Swifties

You may have gotten confused to see Boots of Swiftness in the boots section. Allow me to explain. The main counter to Pantheon is cc, however the duration is not the issue. It's the fact that it stops your engage with W or causes you to get poked. Therefore tenacity won't really help as much. That's why I think swifties are a good pick. You can't be cc'd or poked if they can't hit you. I believe swifties are a high skill item you should take, as it gives you the potential to dodge and mitigate a whole lot more damage than any other boots choice if played well. It also helps to run down fleeing foes, and to get into range of enemies that try to space you out. Not to mention getting you to lane and helping you roam faster, as well as being cheap.

Why I Like Alacrity Over Tenacity

I think alacrity can be considered in situations where the main issue of the cc is not the duration, but the fact that it stops your engage at all. A matchup like Syndra isn’t hard because you get cc’d forever, but that you get pushed in the first place. At that point I like having alacrity to gain passive stacks faster, and have a little stronger all ins. In no way am I dissing tenacity, but I feel like I can get more consistently out of alacrity. The goal is to not get cc’d at all, as it pretty much stops you in your tracks regardless, and thrive in the situations where you aren’t being cc’d, rather than mitigate the effects by a small margin.

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Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (131)Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (132)

Pantheon counters well

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3 CR

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3.4 CR

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3.6 CR

Pantheon gets countered

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6.2 CR

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6.2 CR

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6.2 CR

More Pantheon Counters

Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (139)

LindrogantiPantheon Guide


Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups)

Why Midtheon?

Who am I?

Guide Explanation

Explaining Swifties

Why I Like Alacrity Over Tenacity

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Midtheon: Pantheon Mid Guide (In Depth Matchups) (2024)
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