Expedition Logbook PoE (2024)

Expedition LogBook Cheat SheetHow to get more Expedition Log BookExpedition Logbook GuideFind bosses in Expedition Logbook
Expedition LogBook Recipe VendorEnter a Logbook subareaBest Expedition Logbook Mods
CraftingLog Book Areas Notable ModsHow to use an Expedition Logbook

Find an Expedition Logbook PoE (1) Expedition Logbook (Search), craft its mods like a map, bring it to Dannig and choose a location for your next Expedition. These Expeditions are much larger than regular ones and harbour many mysteries to explore, if you dare.

Expedition LogBook Cheat Sheet

NameIcon & Symbols
Expedition BossExpedition Logbook PoE (2)
Expedition Cavern Entrance(Underground Area)Expedition Logbook PoE (3)
Expedition Chest1Expedition Logbook PoE (4)
Expedition Chest2Expedition Logbook PoE (5)
Expedition Chest3Expedition Logbook PoE (6)
Expedition DetonatorExpedition Logbook PoE (7)
Expedition DynamiteExpedition Logbook PoE (8)
Expedition EliteMonsterExpedition Logbook PoE (9)
Expedition League Specific MonsterExpedition Logbook PoE (10)
Expedition Regular MonsterExpedition Logbook PoE (11)
Expedition StashExpedition Logbook PoE (12)
Reward Chest AbyssExpedition Logbook PoE (13)
Reward Chest ArmourExpedition Logbook PoE (14)
Reward Chest BlightExpedition Logbook PoE (15)
Reward Chest BreachExpedition Logbook PoE (16)
Reward Chest CurrencyExpedition Logbook PoE (17)
Reward Chest DeliriumExpedition Logbook PoE (18)
Reward Chest DivinationExpedition Logbook PoE (19)
Reward Chest EssenceExpedition Logbook PoE (20)
Reward Chest ExpeditionExpedition Logbook PoE (21)
Reward Chest FossilExpedition Logbook PoE (22)
Reward Chest FragmentExpedition Logbook PoE (23)
Reward Chest GemsExpedition Logbook PoE (24)
Reward Chest GenericExpedition Logbook PoE (25)
Reward Chest HarbingerExpedition Logbook PoE (26)
Reward Chest HeistExpedition Logbook PoE (27)
Reward Chest LabyrinthExpedition Logbook PoE (28)
Reward Chest LegionExpedition Logbook PoE (29)
Reward Chest MapsExpedition Logbook PoE (30)
Reward Chest MetamorphExpedition Logbook PoE (31)
Reward Chest PerandusExpedition Logbook PoE (32)
Reward Chest ProphecyExpedition Logbook PoE (33)
Reward Chest RitualExpedition Logbook PoE (34)
Reward Chest TalismanExpedition Logbook PoE (35)
Reward Chest TrinketsExpedition Logbook PoE (36)
Reward Chest UniqueExpedition Logbook PoE (37)
Reward Chest WeaponsExpedition Logbook PoE (38)

Buy PoE Currency Cheap

Complete Logbooks with at least 10 active Remnants

  1. Ancient Writings(atlas passive): Expeditions in your Maps have +2 Remnants.
  2. Expedition Logbook PoE (39)Expedition Logbook with "Area contains #% increased number of Remnants" mods(search).

PoE Expedition Cheat Sheet

Vendors / CurrencyGwennenTujenRogDannig
Refresh CurrencyExpedition Logbook PoE (40) AstragaliExpedition Logbook PoE (41) Exotic CoinageExpedition Logbook PoE (42) Scrap MetalExpedition Logbook PoE (43) Burial Medallion
Tier 1Expedition Logbook PoE (44) Lesser Broken Circle ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (45) Lesser Black Scythe ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (46) Lesser Order ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (47) Lesser Sun Artifact
Tier 2Expedition Logbook PoE (48) Common Broken Circle ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (49) Common Black Scythe ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (50) Common Order ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (51) Common Sun Artifact
Tier 3Expedition Logbook PoE (52) Greater Broken Circle ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (53) Greater Black Scythe ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (54) Greater Order ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (55) Greater Sun Artifact
Tier 4Expedition Logbook PoE (56) Grand Broken Circle ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (57) Grand Black Scythe ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (58) Grand Order ArtifactExpedition Logbook PoE (59) Grand Sun Artifact
Boss Min Level: 68
Medved, Feller of Heroes
Min Level: 68
Vorana, Last to Fall
Min Level: 75
Precursor Shrine
Uhtred, Covetous Traitor
Min Level: 81
Runic Stronghold
Olroth, Origin of the Fall

Expedition Logbook PoE (60) Expedition Logbook

How to get more Expedition Log Book

  • Excavated Chests
  • Runic Monsters

Increase the drop rate by adding these Remnant Mods:

Level ModGeneratyion Mods
24 Suffix 50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters
24 Unique 50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks found in Excavated Chests

Modifiers from Remnants are applied to Monsters and Chests that are excavated from the explosive that destroys the Remnant and all subsequent Explosives.

3.15.0f Patch Notes: Increased Logbook drop rate from Runic monsters in Expedition by 54%.

Expedition Logbook Guide

During your Expeditions in Path of Exile: Expedition league, you may discover Logbooks. Expedition Logbook PoE (61) Expedition Logbook chronicles the locations that their ancestors visited in their exploration of Wraeclast. It is one of the best places to farm valuable items in the Expedition league.

Find a Logbook, craft its mods like a map, bring it to Dannig and choose a location for your next Expedition. These Expeditions are much larger than regular ones and harbour many mysteries to explore, if you dare.

Logbooks can be crafted and traded with other players.

During your Expeditions, you must be careful to manage your levels of risk and return. Signs located at the Expedition sites clearly mark out the most dangerous areas to excavate. Special monsters and remnants of past Kalguuran settlements are clearly marked and detonating them can make your Expeditions much more challenging.

Expedition Logbook PoE (62)

Find bosses in Expedition Logbook

There are four bosses in the expedition league: (Medved, Feller of Heroes), (Vorana, Last to Fall), (Uhtred, Covetous Traitor), and (Olroth, Origin of the Fall).

Sometimes, you can find one of them in an Expedition Logbook PoE (63) Expedition Logbook. The following is the boss icon in the logbook.

NameIcon & Symbols
Expedition BossExpedition Logbook PoE (64)

Here is an example of the boss icon. You must circle the boss into your explosive range.

Expedition Logbook PoE (65)

Expedition LogBook Recipe Vendor

Expedition LogBook vendor recipe: selling five Expedition LogBook items to any vendor in exchange for a random Expedition LogBook. In theory, the price of an Expedition LogBook is above 10 Chaos Orb. Thus, it is commonly not recommended to use this vendor recipe.

Outcome Vendor Recipe
Expedition Logbook PoE (66) Expedition Logbook
5xExpedition Logbook PoE (67) Expedition Logbook

List of Expedition Boss Location & Drops

Bosses Expedition Logbook PoE (68) Expedition Logbook Bosses Spawn Search NPCFaction NameIconArtifacts Drops
Medved, Feller of Heroes
Min Level: 68

Search Druid of the Broken Circle from Path of Exile Trade website.

  • Stat Filters: Area contains an Expedition Boss (#)
  • Change "Any" to "Medved, Feller of Heroes"
GwennenDruids of the Broken CircleExpedition Logbook PoE (69)Expedition Logbook PoE (70) Lesser Broken Circle Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (71) Common Broken Circle Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (72) Greater Broken Circle Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (73) Grand Broken Circle Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (74) Astragali
Vorana, Last to Fall
Min Level: 68

Search Black Scythe Mercenary from Path of Exile Trade website.

  • Stat Filters: Area contains an Expedition Boss (#)
  • Change "Any" to "Vorana, Last to Fall"
TujenBlack Scythe MercenariesExpedition Logbook PoE (75)Expedition Logbook PoE (76) Lesser Black Scythe Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (77) Common Black Scythe Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (78) Greater Black Scythe Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (79) Grand Black Scythe Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (80) Exotic Coinage
Uhtred, Covetous Traitor
Min Level: 75
Sub area: Precursor Shrine

Search Order of the Chalice from Path of Exile Trade website.

  • Stat Filters: Area contains an Expedition Boss (#)
  • Change "Any" to "Uhtred, Covetous Traitor"
RogOrder of the ChaliceExpedition Logbook PoE (81)Expedition Logbook PoE (82) Lesser Order Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (83) Common Order Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (84) Greater Order Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (85) Grand Order Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (86) Scrap Metal
Olroth, Origin of the Fall
Min Level: 81
Sub area: Runic Stronghold

Search Knights of the Sun from Path of Exile Trade website.

  • Stat Filters: Area contains an Expedition Boss (#)
  • Change "Any" to "Olroth, Origin of the Fall"
DannigKnights of the SunExpedition Logbook PoE (87)Expedition Logbook PoE (88) Lesser Sun Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (89) Common Sun Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (90) Greater Sun Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (91) Grand Sun Artifact
Expedition Logbook PoE (92) Burial Medallion

Search any Expedition boss from Path of Exile Trade website.

  • Stat Filters: Area contains an Expedition Boss (#)

Enter a Logbook subarea

NameIcon & Symbols
Expedition Cavern Entrance(Underground Area)Expedition Logbook PoE (93)

Here is an example of the Cavern Entrance icon. You must circle the Entrance into your explosive range.

Expedition Logbook PoE (94)

Best Expedition Logbook Mods

The best Expedition Logbook mods are: Area contains Medved, Feller of Heroes; Area contains Vorana, Last to Fall; Area contains Uhtred, Covetous Traitor; Area contains Olroth, Origin of the Fall. These mods will make the log book spawn expedition bosses.

The other best mods are Area contains an additional Underground Area, and Excavated Chests have a(5–20)% chance to contain twice as many Items.

Spawn Weight Description Level
default 500 Area contains(10–40)% increased number of Remnants 1
default 500 (10–40)% increased Explosive Radius 1
default 500 (10–40)% increased number of Explosives 1
expedition_faction_druids_of_the_broken_circle 23
default 0
Area contains Medved, Feller of Heroes 68
expedition_faction_black_scythe 23
default 0
Area contains Vorana, Last to Fall 68
expedition_faction_order_of_the_chalice 23
default 0
Area contains Uhtred, Covetous Traitor 75
expedition_faction_knights_of_the_sun 23
default 0
Area contains Olroth, Origin of the Fall 81
default 115 Excavated Chests have a(5–20)% chance to contain twice as many Items 1
default 500 Remnants have(10–40)% chance to have an additional Suffix Modifier 1
default 1000 (20–50)% increased Explosive Placement Range 1
default 1000 Area contains(10–40)% increased number of Monster Markers 1
default 115 Area contains an additional Underground Area 1
default 500 Area contains(10–40)% increased number of Runic Monster Markers 1
default 500 Area contains(8–16)additional Chests Markers 1
default 1000 (10–40)% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters 1

Expediton Log Book Areas & Cavern Entrance

Area Search from Path of Exile Trade Underground Area Dialogue
Battleground Graves Search Spectral Hollow,Forgotten Grotto,Alluring Pool,Chittering Chamber I'm intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I'd call them not quite Eternal since they're all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Karui Wargraves Search Spectral Hollow,Forgotten Grotto,Alluring Pool,Chittering Chamber This expedition might take us through a Karui site. Now those are an honourable people I'd very much like to get to know. I've spent my life in search of renown, so their Way intrigues me. Shall we learn all we can, Exile?
Bluffs Search Sandy Vestige,Mushroom Thicket,Lost Sanctum,Chittering Chamber I'm intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I'd call them not quite Eternal since they're all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Rotting Temple Search Fortified Redoubt,Noxious Gutter,Sandy Vestige,Mushroom Thicket,Lost Sanctum,Chittering Chamber I'm intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I'd call them not quite Eternal since they're all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Shipwreck Reef Search Spectral Hollow,Forgotten Grotto,Alluring Pool The terrain clues from this logbook could potentially take us to a location once inhabited by Sirens. Sounds like a myth to me, but myths usually contain a kernel of truth. Perhaps I'll stuff my ears to avoid their supposedly enchanting songs. We could then investigate and see the truth for ourselves. What do you say, Exile?
Cemetery Search Fortified Redoubt,Heroic Tomb,Lost Sanctum,Chittering Chamber The Oriathans haven't been very friendly to us. This expedition might take us through one of their sites, and I've half a mind to desecrate a bit extra on purpose. Interested in some destruction, Exile?
Sarn Slums Search Noxious Gutter,Sandy Vestige I'm intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I'd call them not quite Eternal since they're all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Dried Riverbed Search Fortified Redoubt,Noxious Gutter,Sandy Vestige,Lost Sanctum I'm intrigued by this Eternal Empire. I'd call them not quite Eternal since they're all dead now, but since so many of them are still walking around as shamblers, perhaps they were aptly named. Care to explore one of their ancient sites, Exile?
Mountainside Search Fortified Redoubt,Heroic Tomb,Forgotten Grotto I don't know much about the Maraketh, but this logbook's landmarks might have us treading on one of their ancient sites. I think we can get away with it if we're quick. It's up to you, Exile.
Forest Ruins Search Heroic Tomb,Mushroom Thicket,Chittering Chamber If I'm translating this logbook correctly, they seem to have met a tribe of... monkeys?... that could communicate with hand signs. They were capable of trade, and even had their own statues of deities unknown. I've been continually astounded by Wraeclast's wonders and dangers, but this one still seems a bit unbelievable to me. Shall we investigate this claim, Exile?
Desert Ruins Search Fortified Redoubt,Sandy Vestige,Heroic Tomb I don't know much about the Maraketh, but this logbook's landmarks might have us treading on one of their ancient sites. I think we can get away with it if we're quick. It's up to you, Exile.
Vaal Temple Search Heroic Tomb,Forgotten Grotto I'm not a treasure-seeker by nature, but this one tempts even me. The logbook describes mountains of gold found in Vaal cities filled with colourfully dressed shamblers. Mountains of gold. Mountains... of gold... Do you think they're still there? Let's find out. Unless you want to travel to other less interesting sites for some reason...
Utzaal Outskirts Search Noxious Gutter,Mushroom Thicket,Lost Sanctum,Chittering Chamber I'm not a treasure-seeker by nature, but this one tempts even me. The logbook describes mountains of gold found in Vaal cities filled with colourfully dressed shamblers. Mountains of gold. Mountains... of gold... Do you think they're still there? Let's find out. Unless you want to travel to other less interesting sites for some reason...
Scrublands Search Forgotten Grotto,Alluring Pool,Chittering Chamber I'm not sure I understand what I'm translating. At least one of the locations mentioned in this logbook belonged to a tribe of 'men of no name' who worshipped the bones of a specific kind of long-dead beast whose description makes no sense to me. Your continent is strange. Interested in exploring that area, Exile?
Volcanic Island Search Spectral Hollow,Forgotten Grotto This expedition might take us through a Karui site. Now those are an honourable people I'd very much like to get to know. I've spent my life in search of renown, so their Way intrigues me. Shall we learn all we can, Exile?


Expedition Logbook PoE (95)


Expedition Logbook PoE (96) Expedition Logbook can be rolled to have a set of explicit mods, like an endgame map. Each location within the logbook has its own implicit mods, as well as a theme that controls what types of remnants can be found there.

As the following example shown, Expedition Logbook PoE (97) Orb of Alchemy upgrades a normal Expedition Logbook PoE (98) Expedition Logbook to a rare Expedition Logbook PoE (99) Expedition Logbook.

Expedition Logbook PoE (100)

Log Book Areas Notable Mods

Logbook Sites Possible Areas Notable Modifiers
Battleground Graves Spectral Hollow
Forgotten Grotto
Alluring Pool
Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Enchanted Item
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Enchanted Item
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Legion Splinters
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Legion Splinters
  • Bluffs Sandy Vestige
    Mushroom Thicket
    Lost Sanctum
    Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Enchanted Item
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Enchanted Item
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Legion Splinters
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Legion Splinters
  • Cemetery Fortified Redoubt
    Heroic Tomb
    Lost Sanctum
    Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Simulacrum Splinters
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Simulacrum Splinters
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Catalyst
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Catalyst
  • Desert Ruins Fortified Redoubt
    Sandy Vestige
    Heroic Tomb
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Divination Card
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Divination Card
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Incubator
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Incubator
  • Dried Riverbed Fortified Redoubt
    Noxious Gutter
    Sandy Vestige
    Lost Sanctum
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Enchanted Item
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Enchanted Item
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Legion Splinters
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Legion Splinters
  • Forest Ruins Heroic Tomb
    Mushroom Thicket
    Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Abyssal Jewel
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Abyssal Jewel
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Sacrifice Fragment
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Sacrifice Fragment
  • Karui Wargraves Spectral Hollow
    Forgotten Grotto
    Alluring Pool
    Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Currency Shards
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Currency Shards
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Fossil
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Fossil
  • Mountainside Fortified Redoubt
    Heroic Tomb
    Forgotten Grotto
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Divination Card
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Divination Card
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Incubator
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Incubator
  • Rotting Temple Fortified Redoubt
    Noxious Gutter
    Sandy Vestige
    Mushroom Thicket
    Lost Sanctum
    Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Enchanted Item
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Enchanted Item
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Legion Splinters
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Legion Splinters
  • Sarn Slums Noxious Gutter
    Sandy Vestige
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Enchanted Item
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Enchanted Item
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Legion Splinters
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Legion Splinters
  • Scrublands Forgotten Grotto
    Alluring Pool
    Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Essence
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Essence
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Unique Item
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Unique Item
  • Shipwreck Reef Spectral Hollow
    Forgotten Grotto
    Alluring Pool
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Breach Splinters
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Breach Splinters
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Scarab
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Scarab
  • Utzaal Outskirts Noxious Gutter
    Mushroom Thicket
    Lost Sanctum
    Chittering Chamber
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Oil
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Oil
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Gem
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Gem
  • Vaal Temple Heroic Tomb
    Forgotten Grotto
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Oil
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Oil
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Gem
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Gem
  • Volcanic Island Spectral Hollow
    Forgotten Grotto
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop additional Currency Shards
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain additional Currency Shards
  • Runic Monsters have20% chance to drop an additional Fossil
  • Excavated Chests have20% chance to contain an additional Fossil
  • How to use an Expedition Logbook

    Talk to Dannig in your hideout and give him a logbook you have found and go on an Expedition to one of the locations it describes. These are all exotic places that no Exiles have ever travelled to before.

    Expedition Logbook PoE (101)

    Just like how a Blighted Map was one giant Blight encounter with no natural monsters, the Expedition you go on from a logbook is one giant Expedition.

    Expeditions from logbooks are not only different because of their large size, but because there are special objects that you can interact with using the explosives. For example, trees that contain monsters or items, passageways that reveal chests or bosses, and so on. Speaking of bosses, there are some formidable ones for you to seek out, and a set of valuable new unique items and base types that can only come from Expedition content.

    While planning your chain of explosives in a Logbook Expedition, you should consider detonating various destructible objects. Such obstacles might be blocking secret passages leading to ancient, terrifying bosses and their valuable treasures.

    Kirac League Mods Available During 3.21.0

    • Expedition (costs 10 Chaos Orbs): Area contains an Expedition Encounter.

    List of Expedition Scarab

    Name Stats
    Expedition Logbook PoE (102) Rusted Expedition Scarab
    • Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
    Expedition Logbook PoE (103) Polished Expedition Scarab
    • Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
    • Area contains 25% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
    • 20% increased number of Explosives
    Expedition Logbook PoE (104) Gilded Expedition Scarab
    • Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
    • Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
    • 20% increased number of Explosives
    Expedition Logbook PoE (105) Winged Expedition Scarab
    • Area contains an additional Expedition Encounter
    • Area contains 50% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
    • 20% increased number of Explosives
    • Remnants in area have an additional Suffix

    Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

    Count Name Category Description
    9 Expedition Chance Normal
    • Your Maps have +4% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
    5 Expedition Artifact Quantity Normal
    • 4% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters
    1 Buried Knowledge Notable
    • 50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
    • Your Maps contain 20% increased number of Runic Monster Markers

    Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

    Count Name Category Description
    1 Hunt for Answers Notable
    • Your Maps have +12% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter

    Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

    Count Name Category Description
    1 Ancient Decay Notable
    • Expedition Monsters in your Maps spawn with an additional 20% of Life missing
    3 Expedition Detonation Chain Speed Normal
    • Expedition Detonation Chains in your Maps travel 5% slower

    Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

    Count Name Category Description
    1 Distinguished Demolitionist Notable
    • 35% increased Explosive Radius in your Maps
    • 20% increased number of Explosives in your Maps
    2 Explosive Placement Distance Normal
    • 20% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
    4 Expedition Vendor Reroll Currency Chance Normal
    • 5% increased Quantity of Vendor Refresh Currencies dropped by Monsters in your Maps
    1 Ancient Writings Notable
    • Remnants in your Maps have 30% chance to have an additional Suffix Modifier
    • Expeditions in your Maps have +2 Remnants
    1 Explosive Placement Distance and Vendor Reroll Currency Chance Normal
    • 10% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
    • 3% increased Quantity of Vendor Refresh Currencies dropped by Monsters in your Maps

    Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

    Count Name Category Description
    1 Lucky Guess Notable
    • Expeditions in your Maps have 90% increased chance to be led by Gwennen
    1 Rather Not Notable
    • Expeditions in your Maps have 90% increased chance to be led by Rog
    1 A Noble Quest Notable
    • Expeditions in your Maps have 65% increased chance to be led by Dannig
    1 Scratchin' up the Ground Notable
    • Expeditions in your Maps have 90% increased chance to be led by Tujen


    • 3.15.2: The Remnant modifier that grants chests more Rarity no longer rolls in Logbook areas. The reason behind this change is that chests in Logbook areas drop extremely few regular items, so this modifier was not very beneficial here.
    • 3.15.2: Reduced the area of which you cannot place explosives around the camp in Logbook areas.
    • 3.15.2: Added a visual indicator to display the area of which you are unable to place explosives in around the camp in Logbook areas.
    • 3.15.1: Fixed a bug where Logbooks with the implicit “Area contains Vorana, Last to Fall” modifier could sometimes fail to spawn Vorana.
    • 3.15.1: Fixed a bug where Expedition Logbook subarea minibosses would be affected by Remnant modifiers that apply to Runic monsters.
    Expedition Logbook PoE (2024)
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    Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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    Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.