Editorial: The history, and hypocrisy, of the upside-down American flag (2024)

Remember when then-Vice President Mike Pence staged a walkout of a football game because players took a knee during the national anthem to protest racism, saying he would not “dignify” disrespect to the flag? Or when President Trump said anyone kneeling in protest should be fired or maybe even deported?

Those bursts of performative outrage were typical of the Trump years, when some of the world’s most powerful politicians professed to take personal offense as others exercised their constitutional right to peaceful protest when they didn’t agree with the message.

But now that Trump supporters are using the inverted flag in protest, the indignation from Republican leaders is nowhere in sight.



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Friday is Flag Day, when the nation commemorates the United States’ adoption of the Stars and Stripes as its official flag 247 years ago.

It’s a good occasion to remember that although what one considers disrespectful to the American flag depends on personal and political views, we all have the constitutionally protected freedom to use the flag any way we choose.

Although the U.S. Flag Code has a lengthy section on respect for the flag that says it should never be displayed upside down, “except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property,” it’s unenforceable. The code also says the flag should never have “any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature,” but that doesn’t prevent anyone from displaying U.S. flags emblazoned with political images, names, or slogans such as “Make America Great Again,” and “Let’s Go Brandon.”


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Using the American flag for protest has deep roots. It was trampled and burned by Southerners to protest Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War era. It was displayed upside down by antislavery activists in the 1800s, by Vietnam War protesters in the 1960s and during the 2020 racial equity protests sparked by the police murder of George Floyd.

But more recently, the far right has embraced the inverted flag as symbol of election denial and fealty to Trump — a fact that gained new prominence after revelations that it flew outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.’s home in the weeks after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.


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Alito blamed his wife, Martha-Ann, saying it was hung as part of a dispute with their neighbors, who had put up an anti-Trump yard sign. At the time, Trump supporters had begun using the inverted flag to signal their support for the “Stop the Steal” effort. Capitol rioters carried it during the Jan. 6 insurrection as they tried to overturn the 2020 election results, and Trump supporters continue to wave upside-down flags, including to protest his felony conviction in the New York hush money trial last month.


After Trump was found guilty of 34 counts, GOP leaders such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump and Donald Trump Jr. shared images of upside-down flags online. It flew outside the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington. And others warned on social media of a coming “civil war” or posted “RIP America.”


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Old Glory is a charged symbol and Americans’ relationship with it changes dynamically with the times and political winds, from its triumphant raising over the remains of Ft. Sumter in 1865 to the aggressively patriotic burst of American flags that emerged after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

We live in an ostensibly free country, and anyone, even a Supreme Court justice (or his wife), has the right to fly the Star-Spangled Banner upside down or even burn it if they choose to. Both of those rights were upheld as protected symbolic speech by the Supreme Court.

But it is sheer hypocrisy to denounce others engaging with the flag in protest only to do the same thing and call it patriotism.

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Editorial: The history, and hypocrisy, of the upside-down American flag (2024)


Editorial: The history, and hypocrisy, of the upside-down American flag? ›

It was trampled and burned by Southerners to protest Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War era. It was displayed upside down by antislavery activists in the 1800s, by Vietnam War protesters in the 1960s and during the 2020 racial equity protests sparked by the police murder of George Floyd.

What does the upside down black and white American flag mean? ›

The upside-down American flag, originally an apolitical symbol used by sailors to signal that their ship was in trouble, has since been adopted by both the political left and right in protest.

Is a backwards flag disrespectful? ›

While some may mistakenly think that a backwards or reverse flag is a show of disrespect, it is actually a sign of respect to display it this way on a military uniform. There are rules and codes regarding how the American flag can be worn and displayed.

What does the black flag mean in politics? ›

The black flag has been associated with anarchism since the 1880s, when several anarchist organizations and journals adopted the name Black Flag. Howard J. Ehrlich writes in Reinventing Anarchy, Again: The black flag is the negation of all flags.

What is the true story of Flag Day? ›

On June 14, 1889, Professor George Bolch, principal of a free kindergarten in New York City, had his school hold patriotic ceremonies to observe the anniversary of the Flag Day resolution, attracting attention from the State Department of Education, which arranged to have the day observed in all public schools ...

Why do we fly the flag on June 14? ›

Flag Day celebrates the history of the U.S. flag annually on June 14. It's observed then because on June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes for the American flag, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

What does the U.S. flag symbolize? ›

The flag of the United States is a symbol of freedom before which Americans recite the pledge of allegiance. The flag's 13 red and white stripes represent the 13 original colonies. Its 50 white stars on a blue background represent the 50 states.

What is the black and white flag mean? ›

The black and white American flag originated during the American Civil War between 1861 and 1865. It was created as an opposing symbol to the white flag, which symbolizes surrender. Confederate army soldiers flew the black flag to demonstrate they would not give in or surrender to the enemy.

What is the black and white cross flag? ›

The Cornish Flag, the Flag Of St Piran (white cross on a black background) represents white tin flowing from the black rock, or good overcoming evil. St Piran is believed to have lived for 200 years. He was fond of a drink and met his end falling down a well.

What does the black and white American flag with blue mean? ›

This flag is a sign for promoting compassion and support for our nation's police officers. The phrase “The Thin Blue Line” is synonymous with “Police” and “Law Enforcement” and can be used interchangeably. It is the “Line” in “Line of Duty.” In visual terms, it is found in one of two variations.

What is the black and white flag in racing? ›

A diagonally divided black-and-white flag is displayed with a car number to indicate a warning for unsportsmanlike conduct. This flag can be displayed if a car tries to intentionally drive another car off the course, or if a driver gets out of their car and initiates an altercation with another driver.

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